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4361  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Is government responsible for solving unemployment ? on: August 16, 2018, 10:25:28 PM
This question has been in my mind for awhile and here is my view.

Yes unemployment can only be solved by the state. The state has all of the finances and materials to create many many many businesses that can create enough job opportunities for the majority can be empowered and later on employ others through their businesses.
How to solve unemployment.
-limit the imports
-make the foreign products expensive.If foreign milk is 1 dollar and american dollar is also 1 dollar make the foreign one 2 dollars by law and the state will win the 1 dollar from it.
That will make the foreign products more expensive and people will avoid them buying more products of his/her country.That will give more money to the state (or induviduals) so more factories will be created,more people will work,more products will be created,the state will have more exports so more money that will help it create more factories giving even more jobs.
Whats your thought?

solving unemployment is easy.

problem is what will be the result and how will the population feel and think about it?

4362  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Venezuela, a fable about socialism. Part 1/2 on: August 16, 2018, 09:49:38 PM
Many times, we believe that our reality is common to everyone, that our situations can be particular, but within a generalized environment, sometimes when we talk with one or other people, we propose solutions from our perspective, and often in this same forum, we attack or we sympathize with the positions of one or the other, but always starting from our reality.

That is why I allow myself to explain how is an average day of a person in Venezuela, with the addition of being a citizen "positive crypto" I just took this term out of the sleeve, it is simply a person who believes in the project of the cryptocurrency, understands its global value, and is willing to participate in it.

Dawn not so early, because the water faults, made you stay up late collecting water to take a bath in the morning.

Check your Rig of mining through the phone, fast, because the largest data plan is 1.5 Gb per month, noting that for some reason your WIFI service of 1 or 2 MB contracted for any reason does not work.

Your RiG stopped at 3am, because there is no internet, you restart it, counting that during the day, while you are not, the internet flies.

Sales either in your car or with the meter, which is FREE, but being free, I leave the image to give you an idea.

In any case, luckily it is Free, because there is no cash to pay the ticket, the cash for its lack, it became a good, so you can sell one million in cash in two million by bank transfer.

You arrive at your place of work, where, thank goodness, there is a 4MB internet contract for being corporate, and you can fairly navigate. well, almost, because it has constant drops.

Try to access local bitcoin to sell the mined so far (yes, I know that I speak of an RIG above, and it has nothing to do with Bitcoin, but take everything as a fable), it happens that your buyer no longer exists, and has days it does not appear.

You read a story on Instagram (the most reliable network, since there is no official information) where they say that many people were imprisoned in an operation called "paper hands" for buying and selling dollars and bitcoins (generic for cryptocurrencies).

you decide to sell the dollars directly to a third person person, and start the search for this person, at this time they offer you 3,200,000 bs per dollar, it seems unfair and you let it go.

prepare your material, since you are going to give a small talk to a group about cryptocurrencies, this time, you take your car, but first you have to load fuel, which is worth very little, for less than 1 cent of dollar you fill the tank, but the The row that you have to buy is so big, that you leave it and decide to continue like this.

You arrive at your link of the talk, it turns out that it was suspended because there is no electricity since early in the morning.

you go for a coffee and something to eat, but that costs about 5,000,000 Bs (a minimum monthly salary) remember that you must sell a few dollars, because you will not be able to eat well if you do not have bolivares.

You go to a store to talk to the owner to explain the advantages of receiving cryptocurrencies in a hyperinflationary economy, and all goes well until he asks you: Is it legal? There the world falls, you do not know what to say, the answer is yes, but if a policeman arrives no matter what the law says, he will want part of what you have collected, so this merchant decides not to expose himself and decides do not participate.

They call you to buy you the dollars, this time they offer you 3,500,000 Bs. It seems better and fair price (although you do not know that it rose to 3,800,000 Bs, that's why they offer it to you) and you decide to sell 10 dollars.

and you receive something like this:

you go through the bakery where you took the coffee, and you realize that what you ate today, tomorrow will cost 20% more, that is about 6,000,000 Bs. Better to set aside the money now, or eat at home.

actually this isn't socialism its also capitalism, the capital is your beloved bolivares, your capital is your central bank in venezuela. socialism is a concept of human behavior. if venezuelans dont want to work their infrastracture and destroy it through bitcoin mining they are absolutely the opposite of being socialist to each other.

you venezuelans forget that the capitalism of the united states i regionalistic, corporate and tied to its banking cartel, it is based on an army that threathens oil producing countries. not everyone can be the winner of capitalism only view. just look at crypto its also capitalism and its allbout who defines the current world currency

maduro is your capitalist he is the one that holds the pedro your national currency. the problem is with his behavior he has defined rich and poor declaring himself and his army protectors rich or even more billionaires of venezuela
4363  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Italians and their Bridges another good reason to drop the Euro on: August 16, 2018, 07:39:57 PM

since 2015 every year there is a bridge collapsing its now already 4 times in a row, while in germany there was no bridge collapse since more than 20 years.

the italians now want to abuse the euro to basically force rest of europe to develop their broken infrastructure. instead of using a local currency.
4364  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Italians and their Bridges another good reason to drop the Euro on: August 16, 2018, 05:49:33 PM
Wow, somehow I missed the previous ones. In the article it says that 10 bridges collapsed in Italy in the past 5 years! You think you'd start to wonder. That doesn't sound normal. You say that the bridge was high end and was well maintained. Well, in the article you shared it says that that's what the private company said that was in charge of maintenance. This is what another person had to say:
In 2012, Giovanni Calvini, then the head of the Genoa branch of the Italian employers organization Confindustria, when seeking his organization's backing for new roads, warned in an interview with Genoa's Il Secolo XIX newspaper, "This junta mustn't think that the realization of public works isn't their problem. Because look, when in 10 years' time the Morandi Bridge collapses, and we all get stuck in traffic jams for hours, we will remember the names of the people who said 'No.'''
It looks like there really were warning signs that something should be done. Now dozens of people are dead. I couldn't really understand from the article, does the EU control all the road budgets? Like countries pay taxes to the EU and the EU chooses how to spread it around?

for the sake of common good invaded the italian bitcoinforum community with a topic "so much shame" in italian, to attack the italian bitcoin sectists about their crazy country and their crazy construction sides.

from my personal experience as engineering studend i heard that italy had a lot of construction sides where organised crime sold construction steel and resold it.

making italy an independent country with own currency that they can print as much as they desire would clearly solve lots of european problems italy can then print italian liras to pay their refugees with "human rights" and "no nazi money" to fix their infrastructure.

this whole case is now multiple times as embarassing as when i first time heard about that.

4365  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Still dont have a good answer for Plan after the US dollar on: August 16, 2018, 05:33:53 PM
US economy is very strong that’s why US dollar becoming more stable in the world economy. On the other hand bitcoin is a digital crypto currency. Some countries are holds gold in their central bank but i believe one day bank will reserve bitcoin also.   

thats not true actually the us economy is in truth weak, the usa has a vast foreign trade deficit
4366  Other / Meta / Re: Is Bitcoin Talk's love affair with shitcoins over? on: August 16, 2018, 05:26:00 PM
when us dollar disappears things will change quite a lot.

there is no guarantee that old bitcoin will survive. and people will continue thinking its "valuable"
4367  Local / Off-Topic (Deutsch) / Re: zusammenbruch des euro, um wieviele male wird deutschland reicher? on: August 16, 2018, 01:13:12 PM
Ein euro zusammenbruch würde ein industrialisiertes deutschland in einem dienstleistungseuropa hinterlassen,

deutschland würde dadurch gewaltig viel reicher werden und das deutsche bankenkartel würde massiv vom ausland imitiert oder bedrängt werden.

seht ihr das ähnlich?

warum haben alle so viel angst vorm euro zusammenbruch? er macht doch deutschland nur ärmer.

ich schätze eine verdreifachung des bip. weil frankreich und italien kaum in der lage sind wirtschaftlich die führung zu halten.

die usa und china werden von cryptounternehmertum zerfleddert werden


Die Eurozone hat ein gesamtes GDP von über 11 billionen €, Nr. 3 in der Weltrangliste (wenn man die gesamte EU außen vornimmt) - ein Zusammenbruch würde eine weltweite Wirtschaftskrise auslösen, welches Deutschland als Exportnation doppelt treffen würde:

1. Durch eine Weltwirtschaftskrise würde die Nachfragen nach allen möglich Gütern zurückgehen.

2. Durch den Zusammenbruch des Euros, würde Deutschland die DMark wieder einführen, welcher viel höher bewertet sein würde als der Euro.

Beides wäre schlecht bis katastrophal für Deutschland, da wir größtenteils vom Export leben.

die eurozone wird wirtschaftlich nicht zusammenbrechen,

es geht um die ausnutzung des euros bei den banknkartellen.

die wirtschaft bleibt weiter da aber, der euro wird nicht mehr ausnutzbar sein.

für niemand wird das ende des euros so befreiend sein wie für die deutschen.

4368  Local / Off-Topic (Deutsch) / Re: zusammenbruch des euro, um wieviele male wird deutschland reicher? on: August 16, 2018, 01:11:36 PM
ich sag dir was der anlass sein wird,

revolutionen und aufstände in südeuropa, griechenland spanien italien, das ist doch schon alles am laufen, mit der griechenland krise der italien krise der massiven verschuldung der jugendarbeitslosigkeit

und masslose eurodruckerei dort,

die deutschen werden dann freiwillig aus dem euro rausgehen wollen, in kryptos sind sie sich nicht einig.

das ist meine vermutung, die lega nord will dort schon ihren eigenen 5 euro schein rausbringen.

ihr müsst mal diese frequenz beobachten, in anderen euroländern sind die politspitzen nicht so perfektionistisch und vorsichtig mit der geldmenge ausweiten wie hier.

wie würde den ihr den euro auffassen wen zipras, ein paar milliarden euro drucken lässt und dan jedem griechen 10.000 euro gibt? dan zieht italien (lega nord) und spanien mit.

bin gespannt wie das sich anfühlen wird für die deutschen wenn aus südeuropa durch gelddruckerei, versucht wird die "bekloppten" nordeuropäer zu versklaven.


GENAU wie ich hier im forum for mehr als 3 wochen angekündigt habe. (siehe zitat)

jetzt ist in europa das volk die region am erfolgreichsten welche das bankenkartel hat welches am meisten herumjammert.

und da weis ich schon ganz genau welches am wenigsten und welches am meisten erfolgreich sein wird

deutschland am wenigsten

italien am meisten.

die italiener werden jetzt herumjammern und versuchen die komplette europäische bauindustrie auf ihre länder zu fixieren.

sobald dann die spanier griechen beobachtet haben das das bei den dummen deutschen und nordeuropäern funktioniert

ziehen die mit und machen den italienern nach.

das ist sklaverei mithilfe des bankenkartells.

der deutsche politiker der die deutschen autobahnbrücken anprangert versteht das problem sicherlich er ist tatsächlich ein held, weil er merkt das nun herumjammern in der eu zum infrastruktur erfolg führt.

4369  Economy / Economics / Re: Venezuela Wants to Launch a Central Bank for Cryptocurrencies on: August 16, 2018, 03:07:20 AM
After the blockchain-based Crypto Petro Dollar, the Venezuelan government probably has a new idea to get foreign currency into the country. It wants to set up and build up a central bank for cryptocurrencies. Another crazy idea or does the idea have potential?

For more details read this article on CCN.

i dont think cryptocurrencies should have a physical central bank, lots of abuse and centralisation can happen there.

in the end they want to obtain the power to legalise illegalise currencies, like the federal reserve in the usa does.

4370  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Populism why do so MPs say it like it's a bad word .. on: August 16, 2018, 03:01:52 AM
populism..     This is your choice to live   how would you like to live    now lets look at what populism is and why do politicians hate the people ..

The word populism  is the people telling politicians how we should live   and this is why they hate populism..
Now they think that we shouldn't have "populism" because  THEY want us to live the way they thinks we should   in other words they get voted in then we do as they say..
Now they always think they deserve a better life than we do even though we pay them out OUR taxes to work for us Roll Eyes..

BUT no they want to tell us what to do   their way of thinking   no you voted me in and now I tell you how you should live..
SO what would you rather live under POPULISM or vote a leader then you be his bitch dog ?..

Now if you not noticed we have had those rules were we votes someone in as leader then they made themselves rich while everyone else got poor OR worked for nothing just to get by while they get fat and so do their children..

Now to tony blair  just go and die in your big house you stole of the people of the world  YOU rat  you even look like one  Wink..

Tony blair populism  is taking over Cheesy   and you wonder why?  because your terrible at doing your jobs   see your suppose to work for us not yourselves ..
So now we must take over and make sure you do a proper job  BECAUSE way more smarter people than you shower of shit..

populism  is here to stay  YOU will be paid to do a good job if not get out you bum..
you knock on peoples doors for a vote   as a snooty ugly little worms begging for our votes   then you get in power and thinks you own our asses REMEMEBR you was a ugly snooty little worm  knocking on our doors   please sir can i have your vote you little BUMS  NOW FUCK OFF..TWATS.. Cheesy Cheesy


populism has negative and postive outcomes. i wouldnt glorify it.
4371  Local / Trading und Spekulation / Re: Kopfsache! on: August 16, 2018, 02:29:05 AM

ich wollte mal generell in die Runde fragen wie ihr kopftechnisch / psyologisch mit fallenden Kursen bei investieren Projekten umgeht.
Man muss dazu sagen, dass ich erst, bedingt durch das mediale Interesse Dez.2017, seit Jan.2018 intensiv im Thema Krypto stecke. Finanziell und von meiner Überzeugung. Prinzipell sehe ich die hohe Abhänigkeit vom BTC und das Korrekturen statt gefunden haben. Auch ist der Betrachtungszeitraum Jan.18 bis Aug.18 sehr klein und ich hab nur Ressourcen genommen die ich nicht brauche bzw. deren Verlust ich verkraften kann.
All dies zusammen und mein wirklich tiefer Glaube in die "Technologie" Blockchain, nicht nur einzelner Projekte, lässt mich eigentlich ruhig schlafen,
ABER  Smiley wenn man zwangsläufig in meinem Invest- / Betrachtungszeitraum meist auf rote Kursveränderung schaut, denkt man doch etwas mehr darüber nach.

Wie reagiert ihr so? Eure Tipps oder Sichtweisen würden mich interessieren. Lasst mich von euren langfristigen Erfahrungswerten profitieren.


die kurse sind am ende das ergebnis einer fixierung aus z.b. euro oder dollar weil viele menschen ihre gewinne oder ziele in euro oder dollar gewinnen berechnen

mein weg:

ich denke nicht in usdollar oder eurogewinnen sondern in langfristigen politisch wirtschaftlichen machtkonstellationen.
4372  Other / Off-topic / Re: Need a legendary member account on: August 16, 2018, 02:26:42 AM
How much time will it take to be a legendary member ?
How to know if someone is Selling/giving his legendary member account ?

i think you should rather invest your time into a redit account thant a bitcoin talk account
4373  Other / Politics & Society / Italians and their Bridges another good reason to drop the damn Euro on: August 16, 2018, 02:22:32 AM
you heard of the collapse of the genua bridge with 40 people dead in italy?

i first heard it was just an ordinary bridge,

then i heard about people dead.

in the end it turned out the have been a high end bridge, that had good maintenance funding and top class personel, and was one of italies biggest bridges

and it still collapsed

now itallians are getting angry, and rest of europe has to pay the price

and want to print euros not liras to find someone to fix their bridge problems.

this would then have consequences for the rest of europe, since they dont want to apply on budgeting rules.

i hope we find a way in europe to get rid of the euro somehow.

4374  Local / Off-Topic (Italiano) / Re: italian bridge collapses.... on: August 16, 2018, 12:51:41 AM
Che bel ritratto! Lombroso non avrebbe saputo fare di meglio Grin

Arthur Heidt
Schenkendorfstr. 21
39108 Magdeburg
Tel: 0176 / 96497547

chissà se sono ancora validi questi contatti... magari qualcuno vorrà ringraziarlo personalmente per la solidarietà espressa verso le vittime del crollo Roll Eyes

fix your national bridge and infrastructure problems and dont annoy me with your hateful spam. you retard this is something for the mod to shut down

this bridge collapse is now 9 times as embarassing, as when i first heard about it and started this thread.

1. first i read it was an ordinary insignificant bridge, (started the topic)

2. then i read cars where on it

3. then i read people died.

4. then i read it was a mayor large bridge. (one of the largest)

5. then i read the bridge had best available materials used.

6. then i read bridge had always all time best possible funding

7. then i read top class expert maintaining and overviewing it.

8. people claimed that the bridge was not stable since years but no one listend.

9. professor recommended tearing the bridge down and rebuild it in 2016 and no one listened.

and it still came to the collapse with 40 people dead.

i seriously hope the euro will soon be given up. and you can fix your bridge probelms with as many liras as you want.

4375  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: Looking - ICO mailing list on: August 16, 2018, 12:36:56 AM

I'm developing a crypto related project.

In order to launch properly, I'd like to inform people about what I'm building thanks to their emails.

Would anybody be willing to "sell" their mailing list?

You can send me a message here or telegram @ludopierce


So you are looking to spam people who didn't ask for your info?  What is your project name, so I can blacklist it early?

you should add ubix into that list they use ai robots to reccomend their coin, approaching people as fake persons with pms in telegram etc.
4376  Local / Off-Topic (Deutsch) / Re: zusammenbruch des euro, um wieviele male wird deutschland reicher? on: August 15, 2018, 11:19:30 PM
Weist du wer eine Revolution macht?

Nur der welcher nix zu verlieren hat. Solange du Besitz hast, Vermögenswerte, sei es Elektronik, Möbel, Immobilien, Fahrzeuge wirst du nichts machen das deinen Wohlstand in Gefahr bringt. Aktuell sind vieleicht 2-3% der Bevölkerung so unterdurchschnittlich begütert, das die Gefahr besteht, das die Randalieren. Aber 3% der Menschen? Und denk auch dran, die haben Familie die mit in Gefahr gerät. Also wirst du alle Ausschliessen können, die Kinder haben. Erst wenn die erwachsen sind, könnte es sein, das die Eltern dann doch mal an Randale denken...aber meinst du wirklich das man mit 50 noch eine gewaltsame Revolution anführt? Mit Waffe in der Hand und alles kurz und Klein schlagend?

Was bleibt also an Revolutzern über? Die jungen Menschen, bevor sie Familie gründen aber nachdem sie 18 geworden sind. Und die Randalieren ja alle schon. Schau dich um, überall Krawall. Mehr wird es nicht. Wozu auch, wir haben vieleicht nicht alles als wir wollen, aber viel zu viel zu verlieren, um es zu riskieren. Das du eine arme Sau bist, die gerade mal von der Illussion leben kann, mal irgendwann reich zu sein, führt nunmal nicht dazu, das sich etwas ändert...ausser du änderst dich.

Den Aktuell kann man mal wieder sagen (und in den letzten 10 Jahren ist das nun schon das Zweite mal), das alle die arbeiten wollen auch Arbeit bekommen. Sicherlich nicht ihren Traumjob, aber die wenigsten haben den. Ich kenne aber viele Menschen, die haben erstmal 2-3 oder mehr Jahre irgendeinen Hilfsarbeiterjob gemacht, bis sie einen "Traumjob" bekommen haben. oder andersrum, ich kenne keinen, der aus der Langzeitarbeitslosigkeit einen Traumjob angeboten bekommt. Daher sollte den jenigen die an Revolution denken mal klar werden, das sie damit nicht ihren Traumjob bekommen, sondern sie immer der Arsch bleiben werden. Weil ein Arsch ist man, das wird nicht zugewiesen. Das bestimmt man völlig alleine. Und keine Macht der Welt kann das ändern ausser man selbst.

revolutionen kommen auch von oben und ohne gewalt. bitcoin und cryptowährungen kammen auch nicht von verzweifelten.

arbeit ist nicht umbedingt etwas tolles, meinst du es fühlt sich für die ganzen eingewanderten hier in deutschland toll an von der zentralbank und deren besitzbürgertum als geldverdienendes vieh ausgenutzt zu werden? während die letzteren passive einkommensquelllen besitzen müssen die anderen alle ihre zeit verkaufen! es ist eigentlich eine heimliche umgehung von sklaverei.

das ganze kann man nicht schönmalen und legitimieren geschweigen den langfristig am leben erhalten, indem man sich in der eu integriert und auf international tut, das bankenkartel das die reichen immer reicher macht ist immer noch da, desweiteren der süden der eu ist absoluter schrott, und frankreich bröckelt auch ganz gewaltig.

wenn man denen den euro wegnimmt oder deutschland aus dem euro autretet und sich deren bankenkartellen zu unterwerfen und sich von denen ausnutzen zu lassen. dann werden die sich so dermassen wie nazis verhalten müssen (und zwar um die soziale ordnung aufrechtzuerhalten) das sie sich jahrzehnte lang schämen werden die deutschen je als nazis beschimpft zu haben.

deutsche firmen müssen nicht immer nur für die nationale währung arbeiten die können auch gold, land rohstoffe etc. verlangen. das war jahrhundertel lang normal so.

also einfach auf gott vertrauen und diese ganze vereinigungs und unionssachen, sowie parlamentssachen abwerfen und ihr werdet wunder erleben, die südeuropäer werden alle freundlicher werden. auch die mafia wird in italien zurückgehen. statt den deutschen welche die anderen in der eu ständig belehren mustsen. müssen dann diese sich dann auf nazionalsozialimus konzentrieren um die eigene ordnung aufrecht zu erhalten, die deutschen müssen nicht immer als deren lehrmeister für soziales verhalten auftreten.

und deutschland viel freier und reicher.

es wird genauso sein wie mit den europäischen kolonien meint ihr es wäre beser gewessen wenn man in den letzten 50 jahren den afrikanern lehren hätte müssen ihr land aufzubauen anstatt das diese es einfach selbt tun, und dadurch statt europäern, die afrikanischen machthaber den ganzen stress haben?

4377  Local / Deutsch (German) / Re: [Diagramm] 📈 Nutzung der digitalen Währung Bitcoin in Österreich im Jahr 2018 on: August 15, 2018, 11:08:49 PM
Laut Statista nutzen nur 9% Österreicher Bitcoin (und noch 3% haben früher genutzt, jetzt nicht mehr):
Welcher Gruppe gehört ihr? Und wofür nutzt ihr Bitcoin?

P.S. Schreibt eures Land im Kommentar dazu.

soso bitcoin nuztung geht also zurück...
4378  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: I have a team of experienced blockchain Devs between projects on: August 15, 2018, 09:53:57 PM
Hi all,

I am new to bitcointalk. I have a team of blockchain/smart contract Devs and we are currently between projects. We have just completed 3 sizeable enterprise blockchain projects and are looking to engage with high potential ICOs.

Would be interested to hear opinions on up and coming ICOs in search of a team.


i could use additional support for the development of c-pro

pm me

4379  Other / Meta / Re: New Forum Category for Cybersecurity? on: August 15, 2018, 09:33:22 PM
Yes it's a good idea! Everyone could talk about scams encountered, suspicious ICOS, security problems like password, platform hacks ...
Finally the subject is large but particularly interesting!

there is already one for scamicos, its called,

i need one for technical/software and app questions

doesn soeone know such a comunity its not necessarily to build one here
4380  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: Invest Sites (That Pay Out?) on: August 15, 2018, 08:58:29 PM
Any one know of any (Honest) sites I can earn interest on BTC ?
I Found and the admin is cool and I've been paid out past my investment so far but i'd like to get into some others , is also descent payout in the lending platform but does any one know of any others that I could use BTC or even LTC at ?

there is no guarantee that any of those sites will be stable interest delivering investment banks however from a socioeconomic and demographic understanding the gulf states might be stable states with stable interest rate delivering banks in the future 20-40 years, they call those however different as interest taking is banned in islam for good reasons
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