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4381  Other / Politics & Society / Slow T-mobile and maybe others on: September 23, 2022, 07:02:45 PM
T-mobile broadband Internet has been slow lately. There are questions on the Net asking why. I think it is recent solar flares that have knocked a whole bunch of Elon Musk's satellites out. T-mobile and others are hooked up to Musk's satellites. So, broadband isn't working so well.

This probably happened about two weeks ago. Speed is coming back up, but it isn't full, yet.

Search on "solar flares" - Check this article

4382  Other / Politics & Society / Re: 2017, Ukraine, do not miss the chance! on: September 23, 2022, 06:54:59 PM

As the US and Nato step ups their attacks against Russia (the Donbas area) Russia is forced into protecting itself. Read the rest of the story here...


You are right as always, Russia will soon have to defend itself, will Russia withstand the big question?

US money is backed by fraud and misinformation. Russian money is backed by gold.

When the people find out that they are being screwed royally by the US money system, whose side will they be on then?

"You can fool all of the people some of the time, and you can fool some of the people all of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time."

If Russia is serious about beating the US and Europe, all they have to do is see to it that all kinds of people around the world understand this >>> And I apologize if you don't understand it. It takes a bit for people of civil law countries (like yours) to understand common law.

Once people understand, they won't want to do business with the US any longer... or Europe, because the Euro is predicated on the same kinds of lies by bankers.

4383  Other / Politics & Society / This is the way a "bank loan" REALLY works. on: September 23, 2022, 06:44:16 PM
Note that this isn't mine. To find it or other like it, search on "Tom Schauf, bank freedom."


This is the way a "bank loan" really works.

For those of you who have mortgages or other bank loans.... did you know you financed that loan by giving them the whole amount up front? Bet you didn't... but this is how it works, and if you don't believe it, do your research.

According to Supreme Court Ruling 1148 of 1978 (Ruling by Chief Justice Bora Laskin):
"The promise to pay IS the money"...... when you promise, you pay!  And that is CANADIAN LAW... what is below is US law... and it is exactly the same!

Here's how the Banksters use their puppets, the Politicians.

THE government is to invest £500bn of your money in British banks so they can lend it back to you with interest.

The historic move is being hailed as a lifeline for the financial system as long as nobody asks too many questions.

Julian Cook, chief economist at Corbett and Barker, said: "The government will give your money to the banks so the banks can start lending you that money, probably at around 7% APR."

He added: "In case you hadn't already worked it out - the entire global financial system is predicated on the assumption that you're an idiot.

Interviews with bankers about a foreclosure.

The  banker was placed on the witness stand and sworn in. The plaintiff's (borrower's) attorney asked the banker the routine questions concerning the banker's education and background.

The attorney asked the banker, "What is court exhibit A?"

The banker responded by saying, "This is a promissory note."

The attorney then asked, "Is there an agreement between Mr. Smith (borrower) and the defendant?"

The banker said, "Yes."

The attorney asked, "Do you believe the agreement includes a lender and a borrower?"

The banker responded by saying, "Yes, I am the lender and Mr. Smith is the borrower."

The attorney asked, "What do you believe the agreement is?"

The banker quickly responded, saying, " We have the borrower sign the note and we give the borrower a check."

The attorney asked, "Does this agreement show the words borrower, lender, loan, interest, credit, or money within the agreement?"

The banker responded by saying, "Sure it does."

The attorney asked, `"According to your knowledge, who was to loan what to whom according to the written agreement?"

The banker responded by saying, "The lender loaned the borrower a $50,000 check. The borrower got the money and the house and has not repaid the money."

The attorney noted that the banker never said that the bank received the promissory note as a loan from the borrower to the bank. He asked, "Do you believe an ordinary person can use ordinary terms and understand this written agreement?"

The banker said, "Yes."

The attorney asked, "Do you believe you or your company legally own the promissory note and have the right to enforce payment from the borrower?"

The banker said, "Absolutely we own it and legally have the right to collect the money."

The attorney asked, "Does the $50,000 note have actual cash value of $50,000? Actual cash value means the promissory note can be sold for $50,000 cash in the ordinary course of business."

The banker said, "Yes."

The attorney asked, "According to your understanding of the alleged agreement, how much actual cash value must the bank loan to the borrower in order for the bank to legally fulfill the agreement and legally own the promissory note?"

The banker said, "$50,000."

The attorney asked, "According to your belief, if the borrower signs the promissory note and the bank refuses to loan the borrower $50,000 actual cash value, would the bank or borrower own the promissory note?"

The banker said, "The borrower would own it if the bank did not loan the money. The bank gave the borrower a check and that is how the borrower financed the purchase of the house."

The attorney asked, "Do you believe that the borrower agreed to provide the bank with $50,000 of actual cash value which was used to fund the $50,000 bank loan check back to the same borrower, and then agreed to pay the bank back $50,000 plus interest?"

The banker said, "No. If the borrower provided the $50,000 to fund the check, there was no money loaned by the bank so the bank could not charge interest on money it never loaned."

The attorney asked, "If this happened, in your opinion would the bank legally own the promissory note and be able to force Mr. Smith to pay the bank interest and principal payments?"

The banker said, "I am not a lawyer so I cannot answer legal questions."

The attorney asked, " Is it bank policy that when a borrower receives a $50,000 bank loan, the bank receives $50,000 actual cash value from the borrower, that this gives value to a $50,000 bank loan check, and this check is returned to the borrower as a bank loan which the borrower must repay?"

The banker said, "I do not know the bookkeeping entries."  

The attorney said, "I am asking you if this is the policy."

The banker responded, "I do not recall."

The attorney again asked, "Do you believe the agreement
between Mr. Smith and the bank is that Mr. Smith provides the bank with actual cash value of $50,000 which is used to fund a $50,000 bank loan check back to himself which he is then required to repay plus interest back to the same bank?"

The banker said, " I am not a lawyer."

The attorney said, "Did you not say earlier that an ordinary person can use ordinary terms and understand this written agreement?"

The banker said, "Yes."

The attorney handed the bank loan agreement marked "Exhibit B" to the banker. He said, "Is there anything in this agreement showing the borrower had knowledge or showing where the borrower gave the bank authorization or permission for the bank to receive $50,000 actual cash value from him and to use this to fund the $50,000 bank loan check which obligates him to give the bank back $50,000 plus interest?"

The banker said, "No."

The lawyer asked, "If the borrower provided the bank with actual cash value of $50,000 which the bank used to fund the $50,000 check and returned the check back to the alleged borrower as a bank loan check, in your opinion, did the bank loan $50,000 to the borrower?"

The banker said, "No."

The attorney asked, "If a bank customer provides actual cash value of $50,000 to the bank and the bank returns $50,000 actual cash value back to the same customer, is this a swap or exchange of $50,000 for $50,000."

The banker replied, "Yes."

The attorney asked, "Did the agreement call for an exchange of $50,000 swapped for $50,000, or did it call for a $50,000 loan?"

The banker said, "A $50,000 loan."

The attorney asked, "Is the bank to follow the Federal Reserve Bank policies and procedures when banks grant loans."

The banker said, "Yes."

The attorney asked, "What are the standard bank bookkeeping entries for granting loans according to the Federal Reserve Bank policies and procedures?"

The attorney handed the banker FED publication Modern Money Mechanics, marked "Exhibit C".

The banker said, "The promissory note is recorded as a bank asset and a new matching deposit (liability) is created. Then we issue a check from the new deposit back to the borrower."

The attorney asked, "Is this not a swap or exchange of $50,000 for $50,000?"

The banker said, "This is the standard way to do it."

The attorney said, "Answer the question. Is it a swap or exchange of $50,000 actual cash value for $50,000 actual cash value? If the note funded the check, must they not both have equal value?"

The banker then pleaded the Fifth Amendment.

The attorney asked, "If the bank's deposits (liabilities) increase, do the bank's assets increase by an asset that has actual cash value?"

The banker said, "Yes."

The attorney asked, "Is there any exception?"

The banker said, "Not that I know of."

The attorney asked, "If the bank records a new deposit and records an asset on the bank's books having actual cash value, would the actual cash value always come from a customer of the bank or an investor or a lender to the bank?"

The banker thought for a moment and said, "Yes."

The attorney asked, "Is it the bank policy to record the promissory note as a bank asset offset by a new liability?"

The banker said, "Yes."

The attorney said, "Does the promissory note have actual cash value equal to the amount of the bank loan check?"

The banker said "Yes."

The attorney asked, "Does this bookkeeping entry prove that the borrower provided actual cash value to fund the bank loan check?"

The banker said, "Yes, the bank president told us to do it this way."

The attorney asked, "How much actual cash value did the bank loan to obtain the promissory note?"

The banker said, "Nothing."

The attorney asked, "How much actual cash value did the bank receive from the borrower?"

The banker said, "$50,000."

The attorney said, "Is it true you received $50,000 actual cash value from the borrower, plus monthly payments and then you foreclosed and never invested one cent of legal tender or other depositors' money to obtain the promissory note in the first place? Is it true that the borrower financed the whole transaction?"

The banker said, "Yes."

The attorney asked, "Are you telling me the borrower agreed to give the bank $50,000 actual cash value for free and that the banker returned the actual cash value back to the same person as a bank loan?"

The banker said, "I was not there when the borrower agreed to the loan."

The attorney asked, "Do the standard FED publications show the bank receives actual cash value from the borrower for free and that the bank returns it back to the borrower as a bank loan?"

The banker said, "Yes."

The attorney said, "Do you believe the bank does this without the borrower's knowledge or written permission or authorization?"  

The banker said, "No."

The attorney asked, "To the best of your knowledge, is there written permission or authorization for the bank to transfer $50,000 of actual cash value from
the borrower to the bank and for the bank to keep it for free?

The banker said, "No."

Does this allow the bank to use this $50,000 actual cash value to fund the $50,000 bank loan check back to the same borrower, forcing the borrower to pay the bank $50,000 plus interest? "

The banker said, "Yes."

The attorney said, "If the bank transferred $50,000 actual cash value from the borrower to the bank, in this part of the transaction, did the bank loan anything of value to the borrower?"

The banker said, "No." He knew that one must first deposit something having actual cash value (cash, check, or promissory note) to fund a check.

The attorney asked, "Is it the bank policy to first transfer the actual cash value from the alleged borrower to the lender for the amount of the alleged loan?"

The banker said, "Yes."

The attorney asked, "Does the bank pay IRS tax on the actual cash value transferred from the alleged borrower to the bank?"

The banker answered, "No, because the actual cash value transferred shows up like a loan from the borrower to the bank, or a deposit which is the same thing, so it is not taxable."

The attorney asked, "If a loan is forgiven, is it taxable?"

The banker agreed by saying, "Yes."

The attorney asked, "Is it the bank policy to not return the actual cash value that they received from the alleged borrower unless it is returned as a loan from the bank to the alleged borrower?"

"Yes", the banker replied.  

The attorney said, "You never pay taxes on the actual cash value you receive from the alleged borrower and keep as the bank's property?"

"No. No tax is paid.", said the crying banker.

The attorney asked, "When the lender receives the actual cash value from the alleged borrower, does the bank claim that it then owns it and that it is the property of the lender, without the bank loaning or risking one cent of legal tender or other depositors' money?"

The banker said, "Yes."

The attorney asked, "Are you telling me the bank policy is that the bank owns the promissory note (actual cash value) without loaning one cent of other depositors' money or legal tender, that the alleged borrower is the one who provided the funds deposited to fund the bank loan check, and that the bank gets funds from the alleged borrower for free? Is the money then returned back to the same person as a loan which the alleged borrower repays when the bank never gave up any money to obtain the promissory note? Am I hearing this right? I give you the equivalent of $50,000, you return the funds back to me, and I have to repay you $50,000 plus interest? Do you think I am stupid?"

In a shaking voice the banker cried, saying, "All the banks are doing this. Congress allows this."

The attorney quickly responded, "Does Congress allow the banks to breach written agreements, use false and misleading advertising, act without written permission, authorization, and without the alleged borrower's knowledge to transfer actual cash value from the alleged borrower to the bank and then return it back as a loan?"

The banker said, "But the borrower got a check and the house."

The attorney said, "Is it true that the actual cash value that was used to fund the bank loan check came directly from the borrower and that the bank received the funds from the alleged borrower for free?"

"It is true", said the banker.

The attorney asked, "Is it the bank's policy to transfer actual cash value from the alleged borrower to the bank and then to keep the funds as the bank's property, which they loan out as bank loans?"

The banker, showing tears of regret that he had been caught, confessed, "Yes."

The attorney asked, "Was it the bank's intent to receive actual cash value from the borrower and return the value of the funds back to the borrower as a loan?"

The banker said, "Yes." He knew he had to say yes because of the bank policy.

The attorney asked, "Do you believe that it was the borrower's intent to fund his own bank loan check?"

The banker answered, "I was not there at the time and I cannot know what went through the borrower's mind."

The attorney asked, "If a lender loaned a borrower $10,000 and the borrower refused to repay the money, do you believe the lender is damaged?"

The banker thought. If he said no, it would imply that the borrower does not have to repay. If he said yes, it would imply that the borrower is damaged for the loan to the bank of which the bank never repaid. The banker answered, "If a loan is not repaid, the lender is damaged."

The attorney asked, "Is it the bank policy to take actual cash value from the borrower, use it to fund the bank loan check, and never return the actual cash value to the borrower?"

The banker said, "The bank returns the funds."

The attorney asked, "Was the actual cash value the bank received from the alleged borrower returned as a return of the money the bank took or was it returned as a bank loan to the borrower?"

The banker said, "As a loan."

The attorney asked, "How did the bank get the borrower's money for free?"

The banker said, "That is how it works."


4384  Other / Politics & Society / Re: It's time to expel Russia from the UN on: September 23, 2022, 06:37:51 PM
^^^ Look, until you understand what is going on in the world, you will always have trouble realizing which part of Russia or the Ukraine is really the bad part. This might help you a little. Note that it's about land and money... gold. You can't get much nutrition out of fake fiat fungibles, and the paper it is printed on.

Take a look at history:

Wall Street Funded the Bolshevik Revolution - Professor Antony Sutton

4385  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: September 23, 2022, 05:08:54 PM

You make a one of your rare good points here!

I cannot see this going over very well, though it may be able to be swept under the carpet.  Or maybe it is ZioNazis that they managed to do some sort deep psychological work on.  We'll see.

It's worth note also that I said near the beginning of this thing that the 'de-nazification' of Ukraine as claimed by Putin seemed fake and gay and was probably mostly hot-air that the real deep-state powers in Russian cared little about.  Neo-Nazoid freaks are potentially useful tools, and I expect (higher functioning thinkers in) Russia to use them as well when it makes sense to do so.

Like the sanctions only helped Russia, it will be interesting to see how these 'Neo-Nazoid freaks' are going to be used to move Russia forward.

Putin was involved in attempting to change Russian history in the history books, so that it would look like Tartaria never really existed. It only served to make curious people look into it more. And now we know that the whole of NE Europe and Western Asia was once the largest nation in the world.

Putin could hide it somewhat, but these people are coming back together again. It will be like the Soviet Union all over again. The only question is, will Russia be able to remain the leading country in the area? The Neo-Nazoid freaks will probably be used to help Putin make Russia greater than ever.

One could argue that they already are (using Neo-Naziod freaks) via Wagner, and I don't doubt that there is a contingent in that org, but what gives these guys their power is ideological drive and that doesn't seem to be a big part of any PMC's that I can think of.

I could see a situation where Putin's guys do use ideological psychopaths the drive out the Soros/CIA 'NGO' slimeballs and deprive them of local useful idiot class fodder.  That would generally include the greenies (aka, watermelons), sex perverts, etc.  Depends on how bad and how persistent the problem gets.  As a matter of fact I think that under Surkov they already toyed with that strategy to some degree.

Thank you.

Part of the strength is the pay method. Will Russian gold or gold-backed Rubles energize their soldiers more than the USD fiat paper will energize Ukraine soldiers? That's what it is all about at the base of things... gold real money (Russia) against fiat debt money (Ukrain/Soros/CIA/NATO/Europe).

Sure, the US wants Siberia and whatever else they can get. Maybe land is worth more than gold. If they can steal and control the Russian lands, is it worth it if they crash the USD useless fiat in the process?

4386  Other / Politics & Society / Re: It's time to expel Russia from the UN on: September 23, 2022, 04:43:38 PM
Any honest country wouldn't be part of the UN. What's the matter with Russia that they are hanging in there so long? A little leverage, maybe. But is it worth it? The UN, one of the most corrupt, useless organizations in the world... designed to fool people of participating countries into the idea that there is good in working evil together.

Therefore, Russia is doing evil. I have long said that Russia is the Empire of Evil.

All the nations do evil. But Russia is way more on the side of good than most of the UN nations.

The UN is debt-money backed. Russia is real money backed... gold and silver.

Gold and silver money is what has been going on for thousands of years. It's real and good and honest money.

Debt money has only been going on (in a big way) since the formation of the Federal Reserve Bank (a private company). It's success lies in the fact that it lies about the way it controls, uses and makes (prints) money. It will fail, and fall with a great crash.

But Russia, with its foundational money that is gold backed, will rise above all.

4387  Other / Off-topic / Re: How do you save your money? on: September 23, 2022, 04:36:19 PM
Notice how Bitcoin has gone down a lot. Ethereum has gone down, too. But Bitcoin-Cash seems to be holding its own.

4388  Other / Off-topic / Re: What Do you do in your free time? on: September 23, 2022, 04:29:47 PM
No free time. I'm a slave to my passions.     Cool
4389  Other / Off-topic / Re: Machine Learning on: September 23, 2022, 04:17:33 PM
I don't trust Wikipedia anymore.

Wikipedia is often good for ideas. Then check them out elsewhere, to see if they are right this time. Note that they are right in lots of stuff that is common knowledge. They have to be, or people would stop using them. Personally, I won't donate to them.

4390  Other / Off-topic / Re: Places to travel! Any recommendation~? on: September 23, 2022, 04:14:23 PM
I always recommend the swiss alps  Grin

Schilthorn - Piz Gloria - 007 -

4391  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Teach Children Financial Education on: September 23, 2022, 02:37:42 PM
Remember that good finances and wealth only last for a short time for you. They last only as long as you live. There are things to teach your children along with financial education. In the US:
1. Most of the common money comes about by corruption; so be careful how you get rich;
2. Good morals and honest living is worth more than financial education; friends and family make for strong help financially and in many ways;
3. Focus on the Bible and God for help that can't be gained from any financial training.

4392  Other / Politics & Society / Re: U.S. life expectancy drops sharply, the second consecutive decline on: September 23, 2022, 02:30:29 PM
Haven't thought ODing is a big contributor to death in the US. I believe it's safe to assume that it has only increased during the lockdowns and would continue to rise with the current state of the economy. I suppose the years of bad nutrition is also catching up to Americans.

I think we've reached the point in society where the oversight of companies is so compromised that they're literally being allowed to sell us toxic poison under the guise of food.  The problem with microplastics in our processed food has gotten so out of control that...
Exactly, a lot of nutrients supposed to obtained naturally are now manufactured and produced by mixture of chemicals. I don't know if to blame science or that these nutrients are now becoming more difficult and almost impossible to get. Packaged foods have also been praised as better food option to natural organic meals, we now have less vegetables and fruits in our diets.

Healthy food tend to be more expensive than the less healthy ones so it seem to me that vitamin/mineral supplements are pretty much necessary these days. Especially with the changes in agriculture, even fresh produce today seem to have less flavor and nutrients. Personally we only keep processed food for emergencies and still try to cook at home.

Note that science doesn't want to look at spiritual things very much... the metaphysical. Yet such is the most important part of each person.

Everything works together. As long as people listen to science, and continue to ignore the metaphysical part that is involved, good nutrition and supplements will only work a little.

Sing to your garden plants songs of joy. Sing to God songs of joy. Sing joyfully to increase your spirit.

4393  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: September 23, 2022, 02:25:58 PM

You make a one of your rare good points here!

I cannot see this going over very well, though it may be able to be swept under the carpet.  Or maybe it is ZioNazis that they managed to do some sort deep psychological work on.  We'll see.

It's worth note also that I said near the beginning of this thing that the 'de-nazification' of Ukraine as claimed by Putin seemed fake and gay and was probably mostly hot-air that the real deep-state powers in Russian cared little about.  Neo-Nazoid freaks are potentially useful tools, and I expect (higher functioning thinkers in) Russia to use them as well when it makes sense to do so.

Like the sanctions only helped Russia, it will be interesting to see how these 'Neo-Nazoid freaks' are going to be used to move Russia forward.

Putin was involved in attempting to change Russian history in the history books, so that it would look like Tartaria never really existed. It only served to make curious people look into it more. And now we know that the whole of NE Europe and Western Asia was once the largest nation in the world.

Putin could hide it somewhat, but these people are coming back together again. It will be like the Soviet Union all over again. The only question is, will Russia be able to remain the leading country in the area? The Neo-Nazoid freaks will probably be used to help Putin make Russia greater than ever.

4394  Other / Politics & Society / Re: It's time to expel Russia from the UN on: September 23, 2022, 02:12:04 PM
Any honest country wouldn't be part of the UN. What's the matter with Russia that they are hanging in there so long? A little leverage, maybe. But is it worth it? The UN, one of the most corrupt, useless organizations in the world... designed to fool people of participating countries into the idea that there is good in working evil together.

4395  Other / Politics & Society / Re: 2017, Ukraine, do not miss the chance! on: September 23, 2022, 02:08:55 PM
With every day of the war, Ukraine's chances of defeating the Russian invaders are increasing.

Lol. Everyday Russian forces are winning enough so that they don't have to use a lot of force any longer. They can save, at least, some of the people from Zelensky.


 You are right, they win every day! As Putin says, everything is going according to a predetermined plan. We went to Kyiv and .... . We went to Kharkov and .... . The plan was not for three days, not .... . Mobilization was also part of a pre-planned plan. Now, according to the plan, another 300,000 Russians are needed for cannon fodder. Putin's strategy is brilliant!

As the US and Nato step ups their attacks against Russia (the Donbas area) Russia is forced into protecting itself. Read the rest of the story here...

4396  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: September 22, 2022, 09:44:56 PM
Now that there is a bit of peace in the Donbas region, looks like some of these Ukraine areas are going to hold referendums regarding joining Russia formally. After all, these areas if not most of Ukraine wanted to join back in 2014... had even set a government in place to do the job. But the US did a coup and messed it all up for the Ukrainian people.

Maybe Putin will respond shortly to this referendum desire of the Ukraine people.

Breakaway Ukraine Republics To Hold Referenda On Joining Russia, Putin Speech Expected

Russian president Vladimir Putin is expected to make a major speech in hours regarding the special military operation in Ukraine as several breakaway republics in Ukraine will soon hold referenda on joining Russia. Is major escalation coming? Also today: Is Heritage Foundation turning conservative on foreign policy?

Breakaway Ukraine Republics To Hold Referenda On Joining Russia, Putin Speech Expected

4397  Other / Off-topic / Re: Here is what to do if you're beginning to turn into "zombie" on: September 22, 2022, 05:52:21 PM
I think the zombie thing is largely about what is going on in the minds/spirits of humans, and possibly other earth's creatures. Consider the fact that human body is just a house/vessel for his spirit(the real human) to live in and operate on earth, which evil spirit also use as home to live & operate in when the real owner of the house/vessel is asleep or dead. Evil spirits are controlled by satan who uses them to operate/move the human bodies like zombies.
It's important to note that Zombie & Vampire are similar. Both need blood to survive... And according to the Word of GOD "There is Life in the Blood"

The infected humans would either drink actual blood to feel alive or suck life out of people through their words/deeds.  There is a reason why a lot of people feel better when other humans are hurt by their hurtful Words.

Way back in the beginning of the Bible, Adam and Eve sinned by eating the fruit. Then they realized they were naked, and sewed fig leaves together to cover themselves. They hid from the Lord as He walked in the Garden in the cool of the day.

Personally, I think that Adam and Eve change physically as well as spiritually. After all, a husband and wife are almost required to be naked in front of each other, just so they can help the other through friendly, bodily examination. So, what's with A & E? They changed physically.

As their offspring, we're all zombies through them.

4398  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping: an increasingly unequal relationship on: September 22, 2022, 05:41:24 PM
Xi is simply waiting for Russia to finish business in the Ukraine. Once that's done, then they will have time to figure out how to make a profit for the Ukrainian people by helping them trade with China.

Well, just like I stated earlier, there are no pals in business. To me it will be safe to leave their relationship at world leaders level and Xi looks to me like a slow, cunning person. Some would say the reason he is looking to not be in support of Putin's invasion to Ukraine is his conscience is setting in but I doubt else he won't be looking to do same with Taiwan.
 The Chinese sure has a motive for slowly drawing back support for Putin and you clearly have a point @BADecker

Xi and conscience don’t belong together. We are talking about an oppressive dictator who’s human rights violations are a million miles long.  He’s also the biggest reason N Korea is able to continue the most oppressive rule on the planet. If you are supporting one of the most oppressive dictators in human history, knowing full well in doing so means the torture of countless human lives, you’ve got no conscience. It’s all about money and playing whatever side means more money and power for himself.

Yep! It's all about money. Watch the big guys kill each other off over it. Everybody knows you can trust Putin, But does Putin know that he can trust Xi? Lol.

4399  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Political campaign contribution rules, how’s your country handle them? on: September 22, 2022, 05:37:10 PM
As long as things like Bitcoin exist, there will be easy ways to transfer funds with few people being able to track it.

Consider. Who has enough ability to track money transfers worldwide? And how expensive is it to get a tracking group together to do the tracking? And how many hidden transfers are done while they are working on finding the people who did the first one.

Governments like Bitcoin. Makes it easy to hide money transfers from the little people, and from their own investigation agencies.


Im sure you know bitcoin is traceable. Bitcoin then has to be converted to fiat, so this will all be traceable. Im pretty sure they are required to show all finance paper trails, and if they spend millions out of nowhere with no paper trail, then how can they justify that. With strict oversight this would be impossible to do. (Im referring to just high level politicians)

So, they know who Satoshi is, then?     Cool
4400  Other / Politics & Society / Re: 2017, Ukraine, do not miss the chance! on: September 22, 2022, 05:31:48 PM
With every day of the war, Ukraine's chances of defeating the Russian invaders are increasing.

Lol. Everyday Russian forces are winning enough so that they don't have to use a lot of force any longer. They can save, at least, some of the people from Zelensky.

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