ali vidim nisi gledao One Piece?
Ma odgledao sam pun kufer toga samo što mi One Piece, DBZ, Naruto, Gintama, Inuyasha i takve stvari sa "pecto" epizoda nisu na listi jer nemam vremena nit volje prolazit kroz to opet Bilo mi je fora ko klincu sjedit po godinu-dvije svaku večer uz TV i pratit ih, ali mi je muka sad prolazit kroz tih inicijalnih stotinjak epizoda. Ovo dolazi od osobe koja nije još pogledala Breaking Bad, Suits ili bilo koju drugu TV seriju koja se stalno kurva po listama jer jednostavno ne vidim smisao sjedit po desetak sezona ispred TV-a. Previše mi vremena oduzme i osjecam se kao da dangubim. Imam frenda kojemu je to rutina sa ženom, predvečer sjednu pa pogledaju epizodu neceg novog i tako već zadnjih nekoliko godina, to mi je kul, ali odgovara njegovom workflowu, nažalost ne mome
Gleda li ko od vas anime? HotTip Blue Lock je novi izuzetno dobar anime, sto bi rekli next big thing. Ako ste gledali koje druge volio bih znati posto sam ja cijelog zivota u tome i znao bih sta preporuciti.
Nisam baš fan sportskih varijacija ala taj Blue Lock, Hajime no Ippo, Tsubasa i slični. Kužim da su dobri, ali isto tako je A Space Odyssey odličan film, ali meni nije nešt jer ne volim Sci-Fi Odraso sam na Berserku, Evangelionu, Cowboy Bebopu, Samurai Champolu, Full Metal Alchemistu, Claymore, Escaflowne i tak tima, uz pokoji Death Note ili Afro Samurai, pa više gravitiram prema tom stilu, no materijal poput toga je sve teže i teže za pronać. Tako da ako i sjednem nešto pogledat, najčešće izvućem iz guzice neki stariji anime iz te generacije kojeg nisam još pogledao, tipa Last Exile iz 2003 mi je bio odličan, Baccano! je isto neki mindfuck. Jedini neki "noviji" koji mi se bio svidio, pri tome mislim na kreacije nakon 2010, je bio Rage of Bahamut, kao i Attack on Titan. Ali dosta toga ignoriram, tipa pogledam prve dvije epizode i shvatim da se sve vrti oko fanservisiranja, cica i lošeg CGI-a, pa sam pogasim.
Most of the trusted casinos are also not accepting gamblers from Netherlands.
You're either misinformed or only see the active brands here on bitcointalk as "trusted". Almost every big brand has a dedicated Dutch project. There's a total of 13 operators licensed by the KSA to freely work and offer online gambling in Netherlands. Belgium’s Casino de Spa was added just a year ago, not including Toto Online, Arcade Group, Holland Casino, NSUS Malta with GGPoker, Rocket Casino, Pikakasino, Bingoal, Betent and even Bet365 are on that list.
Thank you for your review, I've noted everything and will check our e-mail servers and what happened here Just one note for this part: - Customer support prompts for KYC without reason
However, if you want to play live Roulette you're forced to add additional KYC information (see screenshot). This is not a KYC process, a KYC process is when documents are requested (Passport, ID, Proof of funds etc) to verify your identity. What the CS agent requested there is that you fill out your profile, which isn't mandatory, it's just their go2 question when new accounts have issues. Same for the Game Provider under Roulette. That's not KYC. Please refer to this post for more info:
Sad tek vidim koliko si skupio Merita. Svaka čast. Vidiš da se isplati biti aktivan i pisati dobre postove Sad te samo Activity koči u napredovanju. Ma to sve zbog dkbit98-a, frajer me zbombardirao s meritima Mislim da mi je skoro jedna trecina od njega isključivo, tak da mu dugujem pivu na sljedećem meetupu Za activity se ne brinem pretjerano though, imam još cijelu godinu ispred sebe.
What is a trustworthy casino for residents of the Netherlands? Online gambling became illegal since about 2021, and is only legal at 'regulated' casinos that take 33% tax from your winnings above 450 euro.
I came across many sites, for instance They allow VPN, but users from the Netherlands are not accepted, this means you need to enter a false identity. Is there any casino out there that is trustworthy for residents of the Netherlands? One that will not ask for your identity or block your account when you win a big amount?. I know there are casinos out there that requires no KYC, but will they still be trustworthy if you win a large amount over $10k?
Thanks in advance for any help.
The casinos i'm looking for are those that have Netent and Play n Go slots.
If you're planning to actively play, don't go to sites that are not regulated by the Kansspelautoriteit or you're just asking for trouble. If you're not a VIP level gambler you will get KYC'ed and you will run in to issues, and the TOS is against you in every case. If you're looking for a regulated online casino, then I would recommend Kansino, a PlayNorth brand operating under the MGA, Estonian and KSA license: they have all the licenses, you'll also find Evolution on there, who are the owners of Netent. Yes, you will pay the tax, but it's worth it. They are a huge corporation and you'll have zero trouble. Another option for you would be to get documents from another country, since you're Dutch/EU, you could easily find a remote job in Malta and get their identity documents here within just a few months, and with a Maltese Identity Card you can play on almost all of the MGA licensed casinos. That way you could still work from your home country, but use a Maltese VPN to play on any MGA licensed brand. If they "catch you" playing through a Maltese VPN through the Netherlands, you just provide them the Maltese documents and explain that you're travelling, and all good. Other than that, you can try playing with any Curacao licensed operator, but in most cases they will not have Netent and Play n' Go, and you will need to know someone there to ask for a zero KYC policy in case you're VIP level. But, if I would be you, and if I'm serious about professional gambling, I would rather stick to the legal solution.
Prvo da zahvalim svima na meritima, ljudi puno hvala !
Ništa, nemoj bit pizda i sad vrati uslugu drugoj ekipi, vidim da sve zadržavaš na profilu ko da su bitcoini, a ne meriti
Yep everything is all fixed now!
Would be good to update your first post and just mention that it was resolved.
They advertise themselves as a ''no KYC'' casino. So I filled in all the details (name, address, etc.) when I signed up but didn't send any KYC right away as there is not even a place on the website to send KYC documents. I had to withdraw after winning a few hundreds simply because I was getting manually rejected on every single bet I was trying to place, even bets below 10$.
They then triggered this "investigation'' when I tried to withdraw and about 2 weeks in they asked for KYC (after I made this thread here).
Public exposure helps a lot in prioritizing your case, so you did good there. The money is on your account now and everything is cool?
Vidjet ćemo da li će se ova kampanja nastaviti u budućnosti.
Si se čuo možda s njime i saznao što se dogodilo? Jel moguće da nisu mogli hendlat influx negativnih komentara?
Ako ćeš ić opet radit neke kombinacije pogledaj si +, pošto su unutar EU imaš reverse charge na PDV, a porez državi plaćaš tek kada withdrawaš lovu, ne onako godišnje kao što imamo mi. Knjigovodstvo je odlično riješeno također
Na kraju, cijeli je posao propao zbog loših programera pa se nadam da će SirJohnVonSlotty biti bolje sreće sa svojim developerima Imao sam ti svoj share sličnih problema i propalih projekata tako da te u potpunosti kužim Tajna ti je sljedeća: #1. Pronađi reputabilnu firmu koja iza sebe već ima dvadesetak projekata, idealno podružnicu neke veće agencije koja raspolaže sa teamom. Ne želiš raditi s individualcima jer je to previše vezano uz njihov ego i privatni život. #2. Ti se osobno educiraj oko projekta i što ti sve treba, neke firme imaju "scope of work" sesiju gdje se sjedne s tobom i prođe što ti sve treba u detalje i zajedno se napravi projektni plan i roadmap #3. Postavi timeline s targetima i, najbitnije, penalima. Za penale u ugovorima sam se prvi put susreo u hotelskoj industriji. Kada je kolega bio gradio hotel je građevincima postavio penale ako prođu datum otvorenja koji je bio postavljen, jer sa svakim pređenim datumom on, realno, "gubi" jer nije otvoren. I taj gubitak onda ide na građevince. Funkcionira super. #4. Zadnje i valjda najbitnije, ako nemaš dobre investitore za ovakav gore setup, onda radije ni ne krenut uopće u to. Previše puta sam jedno te istu stvar platio dva, tri ili više puta jer sam htio uštedit, umjesto da sam odmah platio 4x cijenu i dobio iz prve što mi je trebalo. To mi se znalo sa člancima dosta često događat, ono, umjesto da odmah platiš nekog 500 EUR za članak koji ti treba, nađeš prvog debila kod kojeg ostaviš 150 eur, onda on ne napravi kak treba pa ideš po drugog, pa onda ni to ne valja pa ideš po trećeg, samo da na kraju onda to sve sam krpaš i radiš. Užas. Skupo je bit jeftin.
The problem on this kind of terms was sometimes casino is using it to get more time to find a violation on the account in case they see that the account keeps winning. Like what happened to his case which casino just process his withdrawal because there’s nothing to find on his case rather than his betting history that keeps on winning.
Does casino typically flag a user account if they saw them that always win and bet on sports that is not popular?
I'm not entirely sure this is what happened here. From what I can tell, the user didn't had their details filled in and probably triggered a KYC matrix during its first withdrawal. If you register just with a nickname on a regulated casino you'll always be triggered on the first withdrawal. We don't know the full story here. Look what they wrote: Hello again, As I got informed Jackbit team has requested verification and after that you will get your funds right away Thank you
So I'm 100% sure that we don't know exactly what happened, OP could maybe point out the exact process which happened, but from what I can tell (and I'm purely guessing here) is that he registered, didn't fill out his details properly, deposited $500 which was the first flag, won, and then immediately cashed out. Since this is a common abuser scheme he got flagged, and maybe he got flagged with 100 other users, so the ticket was pending. Once he reported it here, the ticket got bumped. He then filled out his details and withdrew his winnings. This is my guess because it happens more than you think, but I would be happy if OP tells the full story. Does casino typically flag a user account if they saw them that always win and bet on sports that is not popular?
From my own experience I can tell you that no one wants to build their reputation on broken deals, a licensed and regulated casino pays out the winnings regularly if they are within the payout limits. If it's above the payout limit (e.g. $30.000 or something, depending on their TOS) then they pay it out on a monthly basis. The thing is, payouts don't happen that often (the house mostly wins) but when they do, it's in an operators best interest to pay it out. If you don't do it, 1 year from now you can close down the business since you'll be losing the license, the game providers and payment providers. One user before me mentioned how he reported them to AskGamblers, and this is what happens often. If you create issues for the users, they complain to your business partners, and if the business partners see that you're a scam, no one will want to offer their services to you, so basically you can lock up the operation. Because of that, it's in everyone's best interest to pay out the winnings *if* everything is legal and within the TOS. But that aside, I do encourage everyone to report scammy operator behavior, and I do agree that six months is too much for the investigation. Usually this can be done within 60 days without any issues if there's enough man power in the team, but if it's a new casino with just a handful of people, then it might take a month longer, but six is too much.
Diese ganze AI Sache ist ziemlich beängstigend für Kasinobetreiber wie mich. Ich schaue mir den gesamten Gambling bereich an und habe ein bisschen Angst davor, eine Signature kampagne zu starten, weil ich jede Menge Kommentare von schlechter Qualität erwarte. Schau dir einfach diesen Thread an, er ist voller automatisch generierter Spam, der innerhalb weniger Wochen aufgetaucht ist: das ist nur einer von 100 Beispielen, und ich denke, dass die einzige Lösung darin besteht, die in das Forum zu implementieren und neben jeden post eine Live-Punktzahl anzuzeigen, die den Prozentsatz der in diesem bestimmten Beitrag verwendeten AI Content Inhalte anzeigt.
I would like to step in a bit.
I never played on and do not represent them, but what I do know is that they have full right to flag your account and investigate the situation for as long as it takes them to get to a conclusion.
Yes, usually that conclusion can be made within 30 days if you're a regular case (e.g. you triggered the abuser matrix, the KYC matrix or just raised a few red flags in general), but in case it's an acute situation, where a political person or money laundering is involved, then it can take longer than 30 days, depending on the amount of ping pongs and legal teams involved. This is why they most probably set 6 months in their terms of use. That's not an industry standard practice, but they have the full right to form it that way.
I'm not saying that they couldn't have handled the situation better, I'm just trying to shed some light on the situation since I'm also within the industry. At the end of the day I'm happy for you that you got the money withdrawn.
Sorry to hear that you guys missed the review campaign! Be sure to check out Cro2 and follow their projects, we'll have a few more interesting things coming up soon And yes, the no-deposit bonus still works. I will be updating the main thread soon as well!
Jel prati tko situaciju? S moje strane sam krenuo prije koji mjesec testirati ChatGPT i to jako opako radi Nakon toga Jespera i ostale servise, i za sada mogu reć da je još uvijek sistem malo tulav, ali radi se na tome da postane sve bolji i bolji. Ono čemu se najviše veselim je implementaciji u tražilice i voice search, ako niste pratili, pogledajte dobar rezime za tražilice ovdje:čekujem da će porn industrija prva omastiti brk konkretno na ovome #1. Youtube je bio govno dok nije skopirao sistem od PornHuba za pregledavanje i serviranje videja #2. Webshopovi su imali užasan payment experience sve dok pornjava nije unaprijedila sistem Sad čekam da krenu iskakati AI Dating igre i tko zna kakve vragolije
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Ne ne, samo volim upoznavati ekipu iz industrije i saznat te sitnice koje su iza biznis modela, recimo bilo mi je užasno fun vidjet kako live casino sekcije funkcioniraju. Vidiš mogao bi opet otić tamo i pokazat vam kak to izgleda behind the scenes Basically 30+ cura na jedno 400 kvadrata, raspoređene po stolovima s kamerama ispred njih. Neke imaju mikrofone i interakcije s userima, druge nemaju. Ako napraviš nešto drugačije i zabavnije, pretpostavljam da to možeš i preprodavati u nekoj kasnijoj varijanti - samim time, vjerujem da može biti profitabilno na više razina.
A što se biznis modela iza developanja svojih igara tiče, mogu dat neku analogiju oko nogometa; ako si vlasnik nogometnog teama, dobivaš zaradu samo od tog nogometnog teama. No ako si vlasnik stadiona, onda si ti vlasnik playgrounda i ekipa dolazi tebi, samim time imaš više prostora za zaradom i puno više opcija jer si playground. Ako ti, recimo, nudiš customer support uslugu svim kasinoima na svijetu, uopće ne spadaš pod nikakva licenciranja, nikakve pizdarije, nikakve probleme s legal teamom etc etc. Samo trebaš neke ISO certifikate i dobre ljude (što nije tak jednostavno al ae, primjer samo). Isto tako ako si game provider, ti samo trebaš jednom naštelati sve te igre da prate zakone i regulacije, nakon toga samo dogovaraš s ostalim operaterima da ti prenesu igru. Sure, imaš ljudstvo oko kojeg se treba brinut i regularni updejtovi, ali lova je puno sigurnija i jednostavnija kao game provider nego kao operater. Znači, na kraju dana, umjesto da imaš jedan kasino sa 10.000 playera, bolje ti je imat jedan set igara koje zatim postavljaš na 1000 kasina, jer će zarada biti eksponencijalno veća jer radiš business to business po postotcima. Nisam još točno shvatio na koji način game provideri okreću lovu, ali znam da dobivaju mjesečni fee od operatera koji je fiksan, i onda postotak od GGR-a (gross game revenue). No kak god okreneš su se u mojoj glavi kotačići krenuli vrtit pa sam išao istražit industriju detaljnije A što se Coinslotty projekta tiče, u ovom trenu je preriskantno postavljati vlastite igre, jer nas Curacao koči pri tome, a nekad u bližoj budućnosti želimo bit pod MGA licencom, tako da je najbolje isključivo pod game providerima raditi jer su oni ziherica. Tako da sve stoji što si rekao
Upravo sam izašao iz friškog sastanka s developerskom kućom pa htio pošerati info oko razvoja vlastite online slot mašine. Znači oduvijek sam pretpostavio da se development slot igara ne može mjeriti sa developmentom konkretnih AAA naslova za plejku i ostale platforme, ali nisam baš pretpostavio da je tak jeftino Ima caveata naravno. Dakle, developeri slot mašina se kreću negdje između $25 i $40 po satu, ajmo primjera radi zaokružiti na $35 da bude lakše za računati. Nakon toga imamo izradu roadmapa i što bi slot mašina trebala imati, ajmo reć da ih možete podijeliti na tri levela (makar to sve mora ić granularno, ovo je samo primjer). #1. Nešto simple tipa Mental, gdje bi vam trebalo oko 1250 radnih sati, odnosno neka grupa procijena od $40k #2. Nešto medium komplicirano tipa Book of Dead, s oko 1500 radnih sati, cca $52,5k #3. Nešto s više opcija i gamificationa tipa Fruit Blast, s eventualno 1750 radnih sati, oko $61k Ako te gore iznose usporedite s jednim Final Fantasijem ili God of Warom već znate da taj iznos ne pokrije niti knjigovodstvo za takav neki AAA projekt, a kamoli cijelu igru No ako gledaš s tehničke strane što se događa, skužiš da je development zapravo najmanji problem, najveći su licenciranje svih aseta te zatim promocija slota da se ekipa zapravo zahakla za njega. Budem se opet s likom našao za dva tjedna pa ako nekoga zanima nešto nek javi pa pitam.
Da sam znao ovo prosle godine kad sam bio na turneji po Hrvatskoj 10dana ehh... Sad Crna Gora je malo dalje pa je teze doci ali ne znaci da se nece desiti uskoro. Takodje ako vas put dovede u CG javite se slobodno imate bujruma sto bi rekli. Ja ti se volim vozikat tako da s moje strane nije problem Sad sljedeći put kad dolazim ne mogu baš tak daleko jer ću imat tri mjeseca staro štene sa sobom, ali svakako nešt organiziramo krajem godine