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Updated Thanks! I am not very active lately(mostly reading) but I log in to send merits and post some crap and 2 days ago I didn't have any to send (merit I mean, not crap) I had several bookmarked posts but it sucks when merit source is not able to send merits and has to wait... I will also send PM to another merit source in our local board to see how is he doing with merits and perhaps invite him to this topic. oK, you can add me to this list as well In fact, I have a very limited number of merits available and I try to be as frugal as possible, so they don’t go too fast for me I mostly share merits in the Croatian section, where local members can report their quality posts and ask merits, and I also share merits in the English part of the forum, if something remains
OK, back to work Hvala na kvalitetnoj prijavi, dobio si merit! Tko je slijedeći?
I think it’d be ridiculous to shorten the CL 1/4 & semi finals to only one leg, I know it’s important to finish the competition but come on, surely it’s got to be 2 legged as usual.
I honestly think that the UEFA leadership is in a panic and that they will do anything just to end all the competitions somehow. It’s all really a matter of money and how much UEFA would lose earnings from TV rights and other marketing rights if the competitions don’t end. I believe that they would even be ready to organize everything on an isolated island, just to end everything and not lose their earnings No one asks about the health and safety of the players anyway.
The NBA seems to be back in July? All NBA clubs expect to receive instructions by June 1 from NBA headquarters on calling and training players. Group training for all players should be allowed. The league leadership is still considering continuing the competition at 2 locations, Disney World in Orlando and Las Vegas. The article from ESPN was transmitted by the Croatian online portal Index:
LOL pises ko da ti je zagarantirano da ce te uzeti. Prijavi se pa APP, sanse su ionako male, a i uvijek mozes odbiti
Pa ako nemas pozitivan feeling da ce te prihvatiti automatski su ti manje sanse :-) Prijavio sam se za CM, da se prijavim jos i za Best, ono, neznam kako to gleda manager Hh kad broji postove Naravno, sanse za CM su mi trenutno nikakve, ali sam tu isao na APP jbg Tu razmišljamo vrlo slično. Mislim da manageri ne vole skakanje između kampanja i kada sam u kampanji ako nije stvarno neka velika razlika u lovi ili pak ne postoji bojazan da će kampanja završiti vrlo brzo ne prijavljujem se na druge. Nekako mislim da i manageri toleriraju CM ako imaju barem nešto razumijevanja dok trčanje za par dolara razlike nisam siguran. Ja sam isto mislio da su mi šanse za CM jako male pa evo uspjelo. Ti se više do kraja života ne moraš prijavljivati u kampanje I ja isto uvijek čekam da mi završi trenutna kampanja prije prijave u novu, osim kada sam jedno vrijeme bio u Bitvestu, koji je stvarno potplaćen. I manageri sigurno ne vole one koji stalno ''pretrčavaju'' iz kampanje u kampanju već preferiraju ''odane i sigurne'' članove jer onda ne moraju stalno tražiti nove članove za kapanju.
Nešto slično su mnogi ljudi pokušavali prije desetak godina, kada je bio IPO za tzv. ''narodne'' dionice tj dionice T coma i Ine. Država ih je nudila svima s popustom pa je to izgledalo kao sigurna zarada za sve. Ljudi su masovno dizali nenamjenske kredite u bankama a red za registraciju za kupnju dionica je bio kilometarski, kao da se nešto dijeli Na kraju, jedino oni koji su odmah išli prodavati te dionice bili su u plusu a ostali nisu zaradili ni da pokriju rate kredita. Nedavno sam čuo priči o jednoj obitelji u Nizozemskoj, koja je prodala kuću, uložila sav novac u bitcoine a oni žive u kamp prikolici, putuju svijetom i čekaju da bitcoin naraste Ovo su ekstremi i moj ti je savjet da se kloniš takvih riskantnih pothvata, jer su prerizični. Radije izdvoji onoliko koliko možeš, i pomalo kupuj, trejdaj, ili zarađuj ako znaš programirati, raditi logoe, prevoditi...
The big deal between Juventus and Barcelona seems to have failed, according to the original article in Le Parisien. Pjanic wants to leave the club because Sarri no longer wants him and Barcelona was the first choice. Everything allegedly failed because Arthur Melo refused to participate in that Exchange. Paris SG reportedly took the opportunity and had already contacted Pjanic. What awaits us next in this saga? Source (from translated article in the Croatian online portal): will eventually go Pjanic? Very difficult question right now.
Since democrats elected Biden there already no any another result than Trump victory. I will bet a little, but it's not interesting anyway. Another 4 years with Trump is coming I am not so sure that Trump will win. Without the corona crisis, I would say that it was an easy win for Trump, but right now? But it is too bad that Biden is not a super candidate for the Democrats, if they would have someone such as Obama... I think that is very difficult to predict Presidential election this year. Who know what can happen until November? If many people dies from corona virus than I'm sure Trump will loose elections. But, right now Trump is all the time on TV news and in newspapers and if he solve corona crisis I think that Biden have no chance against him in November. People like winers 😁 Agreed! Last time also he was always on the TV for something or the other. A lot of negative publicity helped him in winning the elections. I believe that the same is happening again and if he is able to solve this crisis then he might win once again. Any publicity is good publicity 😀 Ask Biden, he can't go around now and give public spechees and can use only social media. Trump know it very well and using media events very well, promoting his ideas.
Those two have a history between them, but Djokovic doesn't want to ride those news, and even in one of his interviews, pre-Covid 19, he thinks that Nick is a nice guy. So I doubt that Djokovic will official response to the latest tirade of Nick in this pandemic. Maybe Nick is just bored during his lock down or he really just making fun when he says that. That is very typical of him anyway, it's like he always wanted to get some attention. And to be fair, it was only Djokovic that he publicly critize, even Nadal and Federer has their fair share of attacks from Nick as well. I agree with you. Nick is like "big child " with great potential but it seems he will never reach top in the tennis because of his character. It's sad to see something like this, lost chance for great tennis career.
Bravo Trofo, iskrene čestitke. Nadam se da sad ovo nije kraj ove kampanje već novi početak 😁😁 Nadam se da će i ostali prijavljeni iz našeg dijela foruma dobiti priliku da sudjeluju u ovoj kampanji i malo poprave svoj kućni budget. Iz nekih postova shvatio sam da je nekim članovima postalo financijski jako teško zbog korona krize pa im držim fige da uspiju u idućem krugu primanja novih članova.
Since democrats elected Biden there already no any another result than Trump victory. I will bet a little, but it's not interesting anyway. Another 4 years with Trump is coming I am not so sure that Trump will win. Without the corona crisis, I would say that it was an easy win for Trump, but right now? But it is too bad that Biden is not a super candidate for the Democrats, if they would have someone such as Obama... I think that is very difficult to predict Presidential election this year. Who know what can happen until November? If many people dies from corona virus than I'm sure Trump will loose elections. But, right now Trump is all the time on TV news and in newspapers and if he solve corona crisis I think that Biden have no chance against him in November. People like winers 😁
Sve što ste do sada nabrojali stoji ali ima još jedna važna stvar. Novac izdaje država, kartice izdaju banke a prosječnom korisniku to su "institucije od povjerenja " što god mi mislili o tome. Tko izdaje bitcoin? Tko garantira za bitcoin? Tko je pravno odgovoran ako dođe do prevare? U slučaju kartica jednostavno nazovu banku i blokiraju je. Sve su to stvari koje odvracaju tzv. "Prosječne korisnike " od bitcoina.
Ma tu se od kad postoji CMC radi o tome da biras kojoj manipulaciji ces vjerojavati i koliko ces manipulaciji vjerovati. Odavno tu nema tocne informacije, da se krene rovati po exchangovima i pustit van prave informacije, bez botova i ostalih manipulacija sve bi izgledalo puno jadnije.
To svakako, mulja se na apsolutno svim razinama, od onih najvecih pa sve do najnizih u hranidbenom lancu, i sve su brojke frizirane. Ali nije to nista specificno za kripto, ima svakakvih muljaza i na tradicionalnim burzama. Dobar nedavni primjer su dionice Krasa. Naime, prosle godine su braca Pivac preuzela kontrolni paket, a rukovodeca ekipa je prodala dionice prije nego sto je vijest pustena. Oni su prodali po cijeni od 1000+ kn a mali dionicari po cca 800. Nakon toga naravno potop, cijena je roknula. Znaci klasican slucaj insider tradinga. Hanfa je kao nesto istrazivala, ali koliko znam na kraju je bilo pojeo vuk magare. Kripto je manje reguliran , pa je veci kaos i to je to. Slazem se jedino da je Binance kako god okrenes broj 1 manje vise.
Da, kako god da postavis listu, Binance bi trebao biti na prvom mjestu, tako da je ova trenutna realnija od prijasnje. Da, svugdje gdje je novac i moc u igri su manipulacije, na svim razinama, svatko tko toga nije svjestan je naivan jos uvijek. U nekim "ozbiljnim " državama kao što je npr. Amerika za tzv. "Trgovanje povlaštenim informacijama " ide se u zatvor i to na više godina. Kod nas je već uspjeh ako bilo tko uopće reagira a ako i dođe do nekog sudskog procesa, to u prosjeku traje 20 godina i pola sudionika ne doživi kraj 😀 Zbog takvih stvari Hrvatska nikada neće biti zanimljiva normalnim, velikim ulagačima i poslovnim ljudima već samo onima koji love "u mutnom ".😁
Messi: ''I've been lucky enough to play in the Champions League every season and I know you can't win it playing like we were playing." The players of Barcelona don't seem to accept the ideas of their new coach and don't trust him.
Strange but the article I read had a very different spin to it. Remember we are reading translated versions so I would not really trust any of these sources. The one I understood was: Messi didn't think Barca could win champions league if they keep playing it the way they have been playing. So they need to change and change fast (I thought he was referring to even the way of last season). Ok, I don’t understand spanish language and can't read original statement from Messi so maybe you are right. But, from some other articles I know that Messi and other players didn't want new coach and it obvious that Messi isn't happy. I don't think that current coach will stay long in the club.
Interesting article in Marca, ''Setien still hasn't convinced Barcelona squad''. It seems that the Barcelona players have not yet accepted the new coach and his training methods. Messi is unhappy and doesn't believe that Barcelona can win the Champions League this year. Messi: ''I've been lucky enough to play in the Champions League every season and I know you can't win it playing like we were playing."The players of Barcelona don't seem to accept the ideas of their new coach and don't trust him. Source: stepped to their downward period since the day Pep left the club. Despite of a few seasons with good forms and won some titles, La Liga, Champions League, their general form is falling. Messi has still played very well and he has still been one of the greatest football players at the moment. But Messi has been older and older and it is far away from the period he can bring all the team to titles. Maybe about 5 seasons from the period. If Barcelona can not find a good coach and has good transfer next one or two seasons, they will officially fall into a very bad period, like what Real Madrid has before the Special One came. A lot of strange things have happened in Barcelona lately. Management has publicly, through a marketing agency, attacked its own players on social media, several board members were forced to resign and leave, the attempt to bring Neymar completely failed last summer, they fired their favorite coach and brought in an inexperienced one etc. Too many problems even for such a big club like Barcelona. No wonder Messi is not happy and complains.
Interesting article in Marca, ''Setien still hasn't convinced Barcelona squad''. It seems that the Barcelona players have not yet accepted the new coach and his training methods. Messi is unhappy and doesn't believe that Barcelona can win the Champions League this year. Messi: ''I've been lucky enough to play in the Champions League every season and I know you can't win it playing like we were playing."The players of Barcelona don't seem to accept the ideas of their new coach and don't trust him. Source: