Menurut versi saya ada beberapa cara yang dapat membantu individu meningkatkan pendapatan ekonomi bagi masyarakat di Indonesia: ~cut~
Cara meningkatkan pendapatan adalah dengan memiliki pekerjaan sampingan, investasi, atau lembur. Menurut ane kebanyakan dari kita tahu cara meningkatkan pendapatan tetapi masih banyak yang tidak tahu jalan menuju ke arah sana. Hari ini jika kita mau melihat internet dalam sudut pandang yang lain (menurut ane, kebanyakan melihat internet hanya untuk hiburan, seperti yutuban dan sosmedan) maka kita akan menemukan jalan untuk bisa mendapatkan uang tambahan di internet. Tinggal sesuaikan dengan pasion kita saja, bisa jubel online, freelance, atau morum disini. Menurut saya, Secara umum setidaknya pemerintah dapat melakukan beberapa hal dalam meningkatkan perekonomian, antara lain :
1. Tingkatkan stimulus untuk sektor manufaktur baik itu potongan pajak bagi badan usaha dengan kriteria tertentu. 2. Berikan insentif bagi mereka yang berorientasi ekspor atau penghasil devisa. 3. Lindungi produk dalam negeri dari gempuran produk impor dengan berbagai kebijakan yang mendukung. Misalnya pengenaan bea cukai atau para pelaku impor diwajibkan hal tertentu yang barang impor tersebut sebenarnya sudah diproduksi dalam negeri. 4. Beri insentif lebih kepada pemodal asing dengan syarat hasil bisnisnya di Indonesia diinvestasikan kembali di Indonesia. tidak dibawa ke negaranya. 5. Jaga Rupiah dalam rentang ekuilibriumnya. 6. Jaga daya beli masyarakat. Karena kita adalah negara berkembang dan konsumsi masyarakat di dominasi oleh masyarakat kelas menengah ke bawah maka perlu ada kebijakan yang mendorong masyarakat kelas menengah ke bawah untuk lebih membelanjakan uangnya.
Itulah beberapa pendapat saya tentang cara pemerintah dalam meningkatkan perekonomian agar masyarakat sejahtera dan negara kita bisa berubah dari status negara berkembang menjadi negara maju.
Owh,,, jadi begini ya cara pemerintah. Ane bukan orang pemerintahan jadi ga bisa memikirkan kebijakan serumit ini. tetapi ane pikir 6 hal di atas hal yang sangat sulit dilakukan siapapun presidennya karena geosospol dan politik luar negeri juga pasti memoengaruhi kebijakan. Seperti jika mobil SMK beroperasi mungkin toyota dan kerabatnya akan mengintervensi melalui pemerintahan negara mereka. maybe soalnya ane ga pernah makan bangku sekolahan
Selamat kepada agan @Uruhara yang telah mancapai kenaikan peringkat baru hari ini, saya melihat ada kekurangan Activity yang belum berubah akun rank nya untuk semua member yang masih berjuang untuk mencapai rank barunya masing masing tetap semangat, tidak ada yang tidak mungkin selama kita berjuang. Usaha yang keras hasil tidak pernah hianati
Terima kasih banyak Om Gaza13 atas ucapan selamatnya . Om Gaza13 juga semoga cepat naik peringkat. Tidak terasa memang kalau memang kita menikmati sebuah proses. Dan sebenarnya saya bahkan tidak akan bisa sampai pada tahap sekarang tanpa kalian semua. Jadi saya juga mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua Om-om dan mba-mba disini. Doa terbaik saya untuk kalian semua. Tapi sepertinya aktivitas saya belum cukup dan harus menunggu sekitar 2 bulan lagi sampai bisa menikmati Rank Hero terpampang di profil saya. Semangat semuanya ! Wah mantep gan, sudah masuk di zona nyaman. Ane selalu salut kalo ada yang bisa lebih banyak merit dari pada aktifitasnya. Tinggal nunggu 2 bulanan lagi ya gan, soalnya untuk hero keknya butuh aktifitas 480. Congrats gan, pasti udah ga sabar nunggu aktifitas tercukupi
I have paid my loan + a small tip for my lateness. I sent payment details via PM. Please confirm
Gan, saat ini biaya transaksi sedang mahal. Apakah biaya ini juga berlaku bagi lightning? Bagaimana cara mengetahui biaya transaksi menggunakan lightning dan apakah bisa jika ane punya bitcoin segwit di electrum tetapi ane pengin ngirim menggunakan jaringan lightning? Mohon informasinya gan. Trims sebelumnya
Prediction 1: $44,321.77 bech32 address: bc1q269p5yuekmv9fkdhhhtlg828dn9eeguu422nx8
Menurut saudaraku Bagaimana cara efektif kampanye supaya memperoleh suara masyarakat Indonesia?
Kok judulnya partai pemenang pemuli tetapi di isi postingannya tidak menanyakan tentang partai pemenang. Ane jawab saja ya gan dan sudah mengisi poll juga. Kalau partai mungkin masih dominan PDIP sebagai pemenang tetapi suaranya akan turun lumayan banyak. Tetapi ga jaminan juga si mengingat koalisi saat ini cukup unik dan jauh berbeda dari koalisi sebelum sebelumnya Kalau cara efektif untuk memperoleh suara jelas dengan metodel amplop, ini yang sejauh ini masih efektif baik secara teori dan juga historis, meskipun cara ini sebenarnya dilarang tetapi semua orang tahu hal ini. Lucu memang
Benar. Indonesia juga pasti dilema dan was was terkait hal ini, sebenarnya tugas utama Pemerintah Indonesia adalah melindungi dan mensejahterakan rakyat indonesia. Lihat saja UEA, arab saudi yang secara terang-terangan menerima israel.. saya yakin ini ada sesuatu yang lain, dan kapasitas saya belum sampai pada hal itu.
Secara terbuka saya tetap bela palestina dengan cara saya sendiri.
UEA sudah sangat dekat dengan amerika sehingga mereka mau mengakui negara israel secara de facto. Sejauh ini sepertinya indonesia masih belum mengakui pemerintahan israel secara de facto dan mendukung palestina secara moral dan bantuan lain seperti bantuan militer
You're making an argument with a user that isn't even on DT currently so most will not even see the feedback. Sometimes I think you like the drama? Thick skin man, thick skin. Sometimes it's better to let it go.
I just realized that Timelord2067 is no longer DT. Maybe the best way is to ignore this problem and be thick-skinned, as long as Timelord2067 is not part of DT then everything will be fine. But I'm curious how Timelord2067 will explain this I don't think @royse777 has to worry about his reputation because all the members know how he runs campaigns and manages money. If the trust system is used to avoid fraud, the campaign managers here distribute large amounts of money every week and everything is distributed well. So in my opinion it is real proof of royse777's reputation that he is one of the trusted members on this forum I don't know what the reason is for Timelord2067 to write a red tag with an old thread reference. Moreover, that's just an assumption, unless Timelord2067 was cheated in his trade with royse777. I don't think the tag is relevant, especially since Royse has borrowed up to 8k and everything seems fine, I want to hear Timelord2067's explanation of why he had to write the red tag. Or was this tag given because he don't like royse777? Ah... if that's what Timelord2067 mean, then I can't comment anymore To every action there is always a reaction that stir up that action so I won't just conclude without Timelord giving his reason but from what Royse posted here it's assume that they had a deal which I think didn't go well as said but I am not sure maybe it's a hidden beef between them so I believe after now they will settle. There is a popular saying that says " whenever two elephant fights the grass bears consequences" so I won't intrude much in this matter as they knows themselves more than you. Yes, let's just wait for an explanation from Timelord2067
Foreign reserves are the foreign currencies reserved by the government of a nation. If the reserve is decreasing, the central bank increase the price of their local currency leading to inflation. A positivity in the value of the foreign reserves indicates good economy.
I just want to ask a question. Assuming people are buying the foreign currencies and hold it in their domiciliary account and not used in another country for buying of goods to be imported, is the foreign reserves decreasing like that? I mean if the foreign currencies is bought by the citizens of a country and hold in their bank account, and not used to buy from another country.
Foreign exchange reserves are assets owned by state authorities to stabilize the regional economy and the money exchange rate. There are many types of foreign exchange reserves, they can be gold, securities, foreign currency, and etc. Countries can obtain foreign exchange reserves by purchasing gold bullion or through import and export trade activities If someone has the currency of a foreign country and saves it, it does not mean that the country loses foreign exchange but instead increases the exchange rate because of the large demand. For example, many dollars are saved as foreign exchange, so even though USD is printed many times, the exchange rate remains high because market demand for dollars is always high. America is also the country that holds the largest gold reserves
Hello, I'm not sure where to post this. I made a transaction earlier and it's still not confirmed or showing to be in receiving on my wallet. I tried the viabtc txn accelerator but it says that my txn is unconfirmed.
Here's the txn hash: fc44e0c9b509126cf26c27869284e8f939a508d780cd9be5ec3d7b448869ccec
Sorry, I'm not very familiar with how btc txn works.
It looks like you need to wait because you are using low transaction fees. If you want to prioritize your transactions, you can add transaction fees by using the RBF feature in the Electrum wallet. In my opinion, it's not difficult and you can look for a thread that explains how to increase transaction fees using the RBF feature edit : But it seems like the wallet has a lot of transaction history, I'm not sure you're not familiar with bitcoin
The person did not offer money. They just asked for some free merit.
So a how to report this?
Am I required to report it?
Of course you know better what to do, but if I may give an opinion, it's better for you to tell him that asking for merit is prohibited, or just ignore him. But if he asks multiple times, maybe you can create a thread on the reputation board
I don't know what the reason is for Timelord2067 to write a red tag with an old thread reference. Moreover, that's just an assumption, unless Timelord2067 was cheated in his trade with royse777. I don't think the tag is relevant, especially since Royse has borrowed up to 8k and everything seems fine, I want to hear Timelord2067's explanation of why he had to write the red tag. Or was this tag given because he don't like royse777? Ah... if that's what Timelord2067 mean, then I can't comment anymore
So the business starts to work, and the only question I have here is that if it works by doing it honestly, why are you going to rip people off, but it could be like a backup plan for when the chips are down. You stop withdrawals, you stop responding, you disappear with the money.
If I look at a scam scheme, in my opinion there are 3 things that could possibly happen. 1. They planned to cheat from the start 2. His business was not going well so he abandoned his business because it went bankrupt 3. The business is too difficult and they don't want to continue. The brand chose to abandon the business and walk away with the customer's money
Imagine that for only Rp.5000 or $0.30 you can enjoy rice with side dishes to relieve your hunger.
Don't forget, "Nasi Padang" which costs only $0.6, is a food that unites the nation because we can enjoy delicious beef "rendang" Nasi Padang is almost available throughout Indonesia, regardless of city. Where I live, Nasi Padang is considered a luxury food, for Nasi Padang with chicken side dishes the price is $1.5 per pack, if with rendang the price is around $2. If you go to Lombok, Indonesia where the Moto GP event is always held here, please try Nasi Kaput. Nasi Kaput is very famous here with prices around $0.3 or Nasi Balap Puyung with side dishes of spicy chicken, soybeans and rice for only $0.6. Expensive guys, at my place nasi Padang is sold per pack, chicken packages, rendang packages, catfish packages are sold for $0.6 or $0.8 The situation in my country has become very bad to the extent that the cost of food is no longer affordable with low amount of money. For example a bag of rice was 8000# at a certain time and now a bag of rice is now 55000# the difference in price is just to massive in just a few years.
Is the increase in rice prices in line with the increase in monthly salaries or minimum wages in your country? I think this is a significant price increase, from 8000 to 55000, can it be converted to USD?
Minimum wage as at 1st September 2023 was increased officially from $41.10 to $80.95 on paper, but some people are still receiving the old rates of $41.10 and some even less than that because some employers do not care about minimum wage.
Is this the minimum wage limit set by your country? I think it's very small, I come from a third world country and the minimum wage limit in my country is determined based on the province of my country, the amount varies depending on the provisions but from what I know the minimum is around $150. Although in practice not everyone gets the minimum wage, especially those who work in the small private sector. The minimum wage only applies to large companies and people who work in the government sector. May I know which country are you from? I want to know about the cost of living and average income in each country. Can I ask that here?
The cost of living for most people may vary and depends on how much income they get from work because usually the cost of living will be balanced with our respective incomes. You are free to ask anything, but are there any conclusions that we can discuss here to provide a solution to the problem? No, I am not looking for a solution to this problem because I am not capable of solving such a complex problem. Note: I don't need the tables issued by the government because they are usually different from the reality on the ground
I also want to know why you intend to know this price and whether it is related to the increase in the price of goods which continues to increase in the increasingly difficult economic situation in society. Yes, I have a prediction that the world will experience a food crisis in the next few years. I speculate that this will start in Europe. Maybe I will ask the same thing in the next few years to ask the same thing and how prices have changed or are still stable I would say on average a breakfast costs around $5-7, lunch around $8-10 and dinner around $15 or so. Now this differs greatly depending on where at in the country you plan on getting the meal from. A dinner downtown chicago will cost a heck of a lot more than one in say Carbondale Illinois, a small little college town.
Wow, the price is very expensive. Is a $5-$7 meal the standard meal most Americans eat? Imagine that for only Rp.5000 or $0.30 you can enjoy rice with side dishes to relieve your hunger.
Don't forget, "Nasi Padang" which costs only $0.6, is a food that unites the nation because we can enjoy delicious beef "rendang"
ane ga paham kenapa situ make warna-warna gitu, jujur itu ga enak dilihat dan dibaca gan
Biasa gan trik lama. It seems that you did not understand. He was just pointing out that using different colored fonts can come across as disrespectful to others here. Try to picture what this place would look like if we all started writing in rainbow text and stuff. It would be a hot mess! There are basic rules we all follow on forums like this to keep things orderly. So maybe think about how your writing makes things look to other people here. Im sure you did not mean anything bad by it but it helps to be mindful. No hard feelings, just something to consider going forward. P.S. I apologize for the English language. I was just browsing your post history when I came across this so I thought it would be good to explain. LOL.... You are such a stalker. Yeah, btw using fonts with colors that are too flashy is not easy to read. We all know that using regular fonts with normal colors will also be read because what is most important is not the color of the writing but the content and main idea of the writing.
LOL.... Kamu benar-benar penguntit. Iya, btw menggunakan font dengan warna yang terlalu mencolok kurang enak dibaca. Kita semua tahu bahwa menggunakan font biasa dengan warna normal juga akan terbaca karena yang terpenting bukan warna tulisannya melainkan isi dan gagasan pokok tulisannya.
namun sebelum saya membuat akun saya sering sekali ikut teman-teman (PRO) saya bergabung membahas forum diskusi secara live, dan banyak pemula seperti saya gabung disana, bertempat di rumah(reunian) sambil ngopbar kadang pula diwarkop terdekat, kadang pula di sebuah kafe megah & indah, dan masih banyak tempat yang kami kunjungi.
Jadi sebelum gabung disini agan udah sering diskusi tentang forum bitcoin? emang yang diskusikan apa gan ketika agan sendiri belum bergabung do forum pada saat itu? Apa agan sering baca thread di forum tanpa login? Sudah lama Teman saya mengajarkan saya diskusi di situs, kata temenku diskusi diforum ini bisa menggunakan laptop, hp dan sejenisnya, yang penting pada intinya postingan mesti bermanfaat & berkualitas. kebetulan saya hanya mengandalkan hp saja.
Pakai apa aja boleh gan yang penting bisa buat nulis, mau pake leptop, hape, leptop pinjem, hape orang lewat, semuanya boleh Catatan: Jika anda pemula dan ingin mencoba posting di global, harap berhati-hati ketika Translate bahasa (Indonesia=Inggris), jika, perpindahan kalimat terdapat pengungkapan kalimat-kalimat yang dianggap sulit oleh penyedia Translate. Biasanya ketika di cek/upload hasil Translate, kemungkinan besar akan terdeteksi "Konten (misal: 70%) Berasal dari AI". Seperti kasus saya baru-baru ini.
Kalau menggunakan translator harusnya engga identik dengan tulisan model AI. Apa agan pernah dituduh menggunakan AI? Tapi itu gan, ane ga paham kenapa situ make warna-warna gitu, jujur itu ga enak dilihat dan dibaca gan
Before joining this forum i was thinking that Bitcoin is only limited to trading and investment but this forum has actually exposed my mind that Bitcoin is broad and covers a wider scope unlike my initial perception.
It's great that you quickly found out the other side of bitcoin, can you explain it? I'm still confused about bitcoin. As far as I know bitcoin is a currency, digital asset, trading and investment. But I hope I can learn more about Bitcoin, and most importantly I hope I can hold a lot of Bitcoin for a long time because I believe it could change my life in the future.
I want to know about the cost of living and average income in each country. Can I ask that here?
For comparison, may I ask how much a standard meal in your country costs for one meal? what is the standard food menu? What is the average monthly and annual income in your country? Please those who answer can use calculations in USD
Note: I don't need the tables issued by the government because they are usually different from the reality on the ground
I don't know what good this survey will bring to you, but I would like to say that even if I live in my country's city, let's say any small city, it does not mean the rates in a country are the same everywhere. The rates at my place cannot be the same as they might be in another city. But to give you a hard guess, for simple food in my city, which is roti and salad, we have to pay at least 150 to 200 pkr per meal (in dollars, it becomes $0.52 to $0.7). These are very high due to inflation, but if we go somewhere else, like a big city, the rates can exceed $1. Maybe it's not that important, but for me it's important because I can find out prices in other countries based on each person's experience where they live. That's interesting and a note for me. I have a prediction that in the next few years there will probably be a food shortage, and if I were still here I would be asking the same thing in the next few years. I want to know about the cost of living and average income in each country. Can I ask that here?
For comparison, may I ask how much a standard meal in your country costs for one meal? what is the standard food menu? What is the average monthly and annual income in your country? Please those who answer can use calculations in USD
Note: I don't need the tables issued by the government because they are usually different from the reality on the ground
If you have heard about Indonesia then I come from that country, Indonesia? It sounds foreign to my ears, maybe I need to open a map to find out where the country is. LOL
I'm trying to be frank! The restaurant that I often buy breakfast and lunch boxes from, the same usual menu, taste the same, I'm glad they taste look and smell exactly the same so I can be sure what I buy and eat is not some frankenstein products, straight to the point, the price is now 80% increased during 2020 to 2023, I remember it was $5 just before pandemic, but it is now $9 for a pax, shocking isn't it? It is probably the most steep price hike within a few years.
Wow, this is a huge increase. In my country everything returned to normal after the pandemic was over. What causes prices not to fall after the pandemic is over? are you from Europe? ~cut~
Monthly income in your country is very high, but the cost of living is also very expensive. ~cut~
Can you predict why prices will rise and not return to normal after the pandemic is over? Does your country mostly import food commodities?