Thanks Ed. Hope it is not a tldr for everyone, I guess I should read it twice and see how should I deal with my Teamviewer. Since I still wanna connect to home in my school comp.
Good luck on everyone's computer and coins.
How to double your BTC in a week? NOT
I got several hundred percent profit in a few hours. Then I withdrew everything. So the statement used to be true. +1
001sonkit,真的很感谢你各种不厌其烦的为大家解答问题。 不知道CL上你买的CD是怎么样的。我刚试了一下买了点 “53.83783199 BTC - 23.500% APR. Starts 2013-09-10, ends 2013-10-10 (54.76259765)” 前面这个是本金是吧,买了30天的,说是年化为23.5%,但去算一下,好像只有20%多点,这样和不买CD直接放着收0.056%也差不了多少吧
前面的数字是会跳的,后面那个是期末是得的钱 你开始时是丢多少进去的?(应该有一栏是CD Deposit.你的金额应该是53.8 ) 54.76259765/53.8=1.01789215 (1.789%利润) 1.0178^12=23.5% 年化 左边那一栏 Debit (-) CD Deposit 金额 时间 哦,原来是这样的啊。前面一栏比我原来多了一点点,我以为是当天的已经存在的时间补给我的一点点利息。 Type From/to Amount Time Debit (-) Purchase CD 53.82075306 2013-09-10 13:03:16 53.86426831 BTC - 23.500% APR. Starts 2013-09-10, ends 2013-10-10 (54.76259765) 那么底数用53.82075306算 如果是23.5%的话,应该是---------- 53.82075306*0.235/365*30+53.82075306=那应该是54.86030459 可实际是 (54.76259765-53.82075306)/30*365/53.82075306=这样算的话实际上只有21.29% 这样子也没有达到所说的23.5% 可不要忘記利息是複數不是乘數哦.利息是利疊利 54.76259765/53.82075306=1.0175 1.0174996^(365/30)= 1.23499919
mprep, come back and help guide people, seems a bit messy for now Received My payment thanks ... another month of partnership. thanks ...
Any help needed or not yet paid after a week due. would be the best way to communicate with TF.
ScammerZhouTong v2. With a more stupid mindset!
001sonkit,真的很感谢你各种不厌其烦的为大家解答问题。 不知道CL上你买的CD是怎么样的。我刚试了一下买了点 “53.83783199 BTC - 23.500% APR. Starts 2013-09-10, ends 2013-10-10 (54.76259765)” 前面这个是本金是吧,买了30天的,说是年化为23.5%,但去算一下,好像只有20%多点,这样和不买CD直接放着收0.056%也差不了多少吧
前面的数字是会跳的,后面那个是期末是得的钱 你开始时是丢多少进去的?(应该有一栏是CD Deposit.你的金额应该是53.8 ) 54.76259765/53.8=1.01789215 (1.789%利润) 1.0178^12=23.5% 年化 左边那一栏 Debit (-) CD Deposit 金额 时间
Biz suggestion, add a tracker like my sig for more transparency
@whisk Not much, maintain the bots, added fishingbot if you havent heard of. Giving out masstip from time to time.... Thats all i guess, I have academic to take care of.
Reply in PM - let's not spam up bitcointalk++. In case you haven't heard, I'm [still] banned from that site. Bring your bots onto whiskchat (link in sig) and let's say hai. (oh, don't bring moobot. I added an easter egg that occurs if you type !moo, because I added inline spotify etc, so moobot's kinda obsolete ;P)
On topic: Make a password-gen site, so people don't spam you. You quoted it so I have deleted just dont trouble mods around here On topic: bunch of newbies would perhaps join and for some guys would probably massregister and rig the +1 system EDIT: Bitcoininfo nice idea to filter out stuff. I actually did a php code some time ago to fetch user data (for my evilness previously, if you have know what I did, you know it. Else I'll just keep it) out of BitcoinTalk。 Itcould be automated with 1: Push button post count and activity check (trust rating too) 2: post in a account verify thread (like BTCJAM's one) 3: Push the button again and get the ID's PW
Where's my daily dose of hope? Still have multiple winning blockchain bets that have not paid out. They are aware of it, and have not paid. Kinda sucks to lose even when you win.
Here you go
Covering up skills like Labcoin and lying skills of BFL is crucial for covering up lies and delays with extra lies and keep the business smooth as Butter and being hoared up to 4x what it actually worth
Where's my daily dose of hope? Still have multiple winning blockchain bets that have not paid out. They are aware of it, and have not paid. Kinda sucks to lose even when you win.
... Thanks for coming back to give me my weekly dose of hope.
TF is kinda like a one-man-band. Whilst managing list of things, CoinLenders Inputs RippleScam CoinChat make sure every single server runs nice plus constantly developing stuff to benefit the Bitcoin Community. Those would be his day job and makes him kinda busy. Give him some space outta the business and I am sure he will get us settled asap when he got his tasks done. quited this one because of the lack of communication with owner
This clap is for the effort paid to Bitcoin by TF (hope you wont freak out when you see it :P)
001sonkit, coinlenders 安全吗?
本人25%的資金是在CL, CL是由BTalk的TradeFortress管理,就他處事的手法我對他信任的程度頗大。安全這家每個人衡量的都不同,但直到現在我也沒有任何在CL的負面經歷。如果你想對他有深入的認識我建議你看看他在Talk上的回覆和他管理CL,,CoinChat,RippleScam的手法經驗 所以投資Just-Dice會比較穩嗎?? 最近BTC-Dice盈亏的确起伏超大
恩恩,BD莊少,很多比特界的人都很容易就能賭1%(最大賭注),相對JD 500BTC最大賭注,較少人能這樣賭所以浮動幅度較少
Still waiting patiently.....
谢谢回复。meelook,001sonkit。 我想把币存到coinlenders去,可是又需要流动性,半懂不懂的看到他们的方案买定期的30天90天等等,有利息,但是单单把币存在里面有没有每天结算的利息收取呢?
只要多於1BTC就有利息了,22%。定期利息高1-3%視乎長短數量。你要以註冊CL同樣的帳戶註冊Inputs,提現好像是綁定電郵地址的 利息每日下午1點清算(大概是因為美國時間+下令時間吧),提現由CL->>錢包地址 我兩分鐘內能辦好 太感谢了,这样的话真是好方便,昨天在bitfunder上刚买了点这种类型的债卷,但不是很完美,主要是流动性的问题。 如果coinlender可以不用买cd也有利息的话,还是放在这边的好,这样随时有用币就可以随时提出来了,不像bitfunder里还要卖股,然后再提现。 如果你不介意一點浮動性的投資而又是流動性高的,Just-Dice會是一個好選擇,BTC-Dice也行,不過浮動性更大
Oh Thanks. Sorry for that missing guy. (seems you are a bit raged.) Anyway I am looking fwd sorry for troubling you
4 shares opened up in Miner #2
I assume you get enough fund and catch on the nice Bitcoin Price, nice strategy. 4 shares with guaranteed filled, nice. Extra thing to trouble you Address: 1CasperDEhyGD81WNPo9qkaFnWxUSWmrqk Message: Please switch this address fund to pay to 1MiningaRyyYRDFGXzwQanfpwd9N5HtnAg, I need to have better accounting for this investment. ThanksSignature: HD36yIvqlvLlklXOOCU0wG6SBrY52rgHfWwwYV7JMFGq+NiBDRPLToLwGG4TQGdNjBILsefxeFUnNNRAMVsHaKI=
Yay! My second +1! Thank you anonymous +1er!
I think the server is down. I do not see any ratings, just empty brackets
Working fine here Did I mention that the first one to put me a -1 will be banned? No wonder there aren't griefing haters waiting for more awesomeness, wonder what would this do if it is done officially