waiting for the dip, 300+ in 2 weeks x)
Hi aus welcher gegend kommst du? Wenn du aus der nähe von köln kommst könnten wir uns f2f treffen PLZ 893xx Das scheint uiemlich weit zu sein :/ Was für trade möglichkeiten bietest du noch an?
hey how much for ark survival evolved.
My offer is $21.2 Hi sorry, for late replying, but because of the summersale and arc survival evolved i would like to buy 2x ARK: Survival Evolved for steam europe (gift if possible). Please verify via Pm, thanks in advance!
Hi aus welcher gegend kommst du? Wenn du aus der nähe von köln kommst könnten wir uns f2f treffen
Absolutely right. There are natural ways which can replace chemotherapy. I have heard that in Kerala, India, there are few people who completely cure the cancer using natural ointments and medicines. And their success results are over 90%. I don't understand this. You say there are few people who completely cure the cancer using natural ointments and medicines and that their success results are over 90%. So are you saying that the nature medicines are working or not? I think the natural medicines seem to work as I know an Indian who eradicated cancer with ointments and natural indigridents. I think its for real. I know a couple Indians who removed cancer with simple medicines and natural stuff. Tell them to make it public - they will earn trillions of dollars. (Trillions is no joke) Fucking idiots. ( this is no joke either )
maybe an emotional fat kid threatened to sue reddit? wonder if they're going to start a crack down on all the racist subreddits? https://www.reddit.com/r/CoonTown/couple of thread titles: Niggers can't read, Nigger Fairy Tales, My Local NAACP President is a FAKE NIGRESS wont hold my breath I think the best way to deal with hate is to respond even more nicely. They will start loving you, it's all about patience and generosity. Stop being delusional. Reality doesnt work like this. I think the main point is people organise themself to even harass people offline. Also if you agree that offline harassment is illegal then it would just be logical that the same counts for doing it online.
God that's so sad. This is the second disturbing cop footage in two days. I don't understand the mind set of such people, no offence to them. I mean what could possibly going through their minds? I'm curious.
God bless the USA. The greatest nation on earth.
Chemio is not what it was a decade ago, do some research. Procedures are becoming less and less invasive, targeting with more precision the interested cells, in a 5 year time we will probably get to a point when chemio almost won't affect the patient at all. And in any case it's still something that is done when there are no other choices. If the problem is already too spreaded, it's obvious tho that it will still be pretty heavy on the subject, but still... it feels like you guys think we still are in the 90s, and the best part is that you suggest medieval "solutions".
The truth is actually we already have that technology. There exist ( i think ) 5 special hospitals which only cure cancer in europe. They have a device which can send the radiation used in chemo with a target precision of some cells. The only disadvantage is that one treatment cost around a million euro or more ( i read that article 2010 i think).
Just to make sure because im intending to buy a gta 5 key, but can you proof that you are wakka? Signing from an earlier used btc adress or something? Because forum was hacked and accounts have been compromised. :/
You can contact me on steam Id wakka621 And my btc address not change in my profile Bitcoin address: 1DRiKfSZR7aP2tV5tTuKWNPQAdnW2g7KLo Sounds good please prepare 1x gta5 steam key for me. Would be nice if you can pm me price and btc adress
China owns a massive amount of American public debt. Maybe enough to bankrupt the US. American strategy could be to create the circumstances where Washington can grab those assets back or default.
what is happening with debt between two war parties? (serious question) winner gets everything i guess? im to lazy to look in the history someone please educate me
Btw. if it should come to a showdown my bets are on US+NATO+ASEAN+Japan+South Korea+Israel vs Russia+China+Iran+North Korea
ASEAN, Japan, South Korea and China are likely to remain neutral in case of the WW3. China want to grow at the expense of both the Russians and the Americans. If the Americans destroy the Russians, it will indirectly benefit the Chinese. They will have millions of sq.kms of mineral and resource rich Siberian land for themselves. I dont see china staying neutral because china is the direct economic opponent of the us. And in the end money will govern the world. The US know that and will probaly fight china sooner or later. Dont think the US would like to see china get endless resouces through siberia. china has a rather aggresive foreign policy in SEA, so alot if ASEAN Member states are very careful about china. South korea and japan have pretty much the same stance.
There wont be any active war between US and Russia, because it would be just M.A.D.The US and Russia are the only nations that have a nuclear triad - that means they have sea (submarines and other ships with rocket silos), land (silos and land based vehicles with a rocket launching system) and air (strategic bombers) based launching systems for nuclear weapons. It is not possible for either of them to destroy the following nuclear counter attack with a massive scale nuclear first strike. Even nowadays 26 years after the cold war the US and Russia have active nuclear forces, which are always on alert and ready for a nuclear strike. Btw. if it should come to a showdown my bets are on US+NATO+ASEAN+Japan+South Korea+Israel vs Russia+China+Iran+North Korea ; India vs Pakistan solo match ; South America and Africa will probaly just watch; not sure where to put turkey and the saudis. *edit i'm pretty sure there exist a counterpart for this in the US: Dead Handwould be pretty funny if the devices would fail
To be honest the scams nowadays are so dumb if you fall for something like this you deserve to lose your money... *for the newbs: If you want to make 100 btc volume has to be 1000 btc
singularity will come.
the only thing that can stop it is mass extiction or something around that line (asteroids aka global killer etc. pp.)
I am sure all of Africa and south Asia just died of laughter (unless hunger or asteroid struck them first). Fifty posts, some really smart people, good topic and all you guys can come up with is Deus ex machina. You should do better. Much, much better. Read OP again. Understand it. Google singularity. Understand it. Because your post shows that you dont know what OP and i am talking about. Well if just half of africa and asia died from laughing now you would have solved a great problem of society. Please stop farming posts for your sig campaign with nonsense.
Ich hab meine 2 BTC hier erhalten und es war einfacher als ich dachte denn in Kenia hatte ich das nötige Geld bereits in einer Mobile Wallet und musste nur einen kleinen Teil via Worldremit und Kreditkarte für diesen Trade auffüllen. Das hat ungemein Gebühren gespart. mezzomix, dann ist Bitcoin als Zahlungsmittel also ungeeignet bzw. wird sich nicht durchsetzen solange Zentralbanken definieren, welches Geld das bessere ist? Oder ist es nicht vielmehr so, dass die Leute den Kursen vom letzten Jahr nachtrauern und aktuell einfach abwarten und hoffen? Beides widerspricht irgendwie der Grundidee von Bitcoin. Danach soll die Gemeinschaft der Anwender das Vertrauen herstellen und der Bitcoin soll eben nicht nur Tauschobjekt sein sondern Zahlungsmittel. Oder hab ich das falsch verstanden? Ich jedenfalls habe die zwei Coins beschafft um damit etwas zu kaufen. In diesem Sinne: Keep 'em rolling! Wie auch immer, ich komme schon noch dahinter! Viele Grüße, Peter /offtopic Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum erfolgreichen Erwerb von zwei BTC in Afrika Ich stimme dir vollkommen zu, dass es für die Bitcoin Ökonomie viel vorteilhafter wäre, wenn Menschen wirklich BTC als Währung zum handeln und kaufen benutzen würden. Aktiv Bitcoin als Währung zu benutzen würde den Preis und Wert auch viel mehr steigern als nur zu halten, was im Endeffekt nur Spekulation ist. Ganz interessant: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ideal_money
ARK: Survival Evolved it is the first step on the way to the "Mind Upload Device".
@OP germany is a souvereign nation for sure, everything else is just misinformation. And if You really want to know how wonderfull East Germany was speak to Germans that actually lived there, that where trying to escape to the West.
-snip- And what that supposed to prove economy wise? almost in every democratic country you have a change of political attitudes, yesterday it was Merkel's party, today Die Linke party, tomorrow right sector. But fact is: East side of Germany is behind West side because of bad management in GDR. -snip- this is only party true. with the unification of germany all state property of the DDR went to the BRD. depending on day and type of assesment method the DDR had around 600 billion to 1.100 billion DM worth of state property (alot of private owned industry - it was communism) which have been privatized by an escrow agency of the BRD. in the end 2,5 million people lost their jobs and the escrow agency created a deficit of around 200 billion DM. german article from *"Die Zeit": http://www.zeit.de/wirtschaft/2014-10/treuhandanstalt-privatisierung-ostdeutsche-wirtschaft/seite-2*another from "Die Süddeutsche Zeitung": http://www.sueddeutsche.de/politik/ddr-treuhand-anstalt-ausverkauf-der-republik-1.137266
The use of barrel bombs is just barbaric and inhuman. there is a reason while modern splitter bombs are ostracized.
when were beheadings considered humane ? A few dozen years ago we would've never had this conversation : humane killing vs inhumane killing ...it was just winners and losers...there isn't anything humane in wars, so I don't see any point in discussing killing methods... Isis is a bigger threat than Assad for all of us so I for one don't give a damn how they get killed...Assad is a much better pet than Isis in my opinion, one that can be controlled...they could skin them/Isis alive for all I care fighting terror with even greater terror. right, that is what stalin said.
Hellfire missiles and white phosphorous munitions are much more humane. Why can't those barbarians be more like US??
the use of incendiary weapons (like white phosphorus) against civilians or civilian areas is banned since around 1977. it is just that some nations like the US and Israel didnt sign the treaty. the greatest nation on earth
The use of barrel bombs is just barbaric and inhuman. there is a reason while modern splitter bombs are ostracized.