Well said mate, all tips and advice you have been mentioned are really helpful to them but the problem is how to execute to themselves.
Yes, to execute them must depend on the gambler. Few gamblers may think they are common suggestions and not really necessary things. For typical gamblers like this, we cannot help much. But at least, we have already reminded them of those suggestions. Let me add something that based on my opinion. - Don't gamble if you are depressed, stress or something has negative emotion in your self.
- Always think gambling is a form of entertainment, not a way of making money
- Always set a time limit of how long your session in gambling
- Decide to stop when you are in a win-win situation, the more time you gamble, a big chance to lose.
Thank you so much for these additional suggestions. I will put them directly on the OP. I'm waiting for your other feedback on my other threads. Very nice to see your contribution to support the topic.
When you get a big win, you could think "hey, I could make money with this". And when you start thinking like that, it's game over for fun.
Not all people do that bad result, many gamblers already know the risks & advantages of gambling from the beginning. So, they won't change their mind even they get big rewards/prizes. In my opinion, only a gambler who has less experience or a new gambler possibly changes their perception suddenly after earning money. Common gamblers must know that they won't earning money regularly, and it will be a disaster if you expect to earn money every day.
Tebakan ane sih arahnya bakal ke rank exchange yang bakal berpengaruh, minimal rank-rank exchange dodol akan dikurangi dan posisi Binance akan muncul di top terus dengan alasan "fake volume/wash trading dihapuskan".
Masuk akal banget kalau rank exchange Binance akan digaransi di posisi top. Kayak yang dibilang suhu, masa iya $400 juta gak ngaruh apa2, minimal lah rank Binance di CMC aman. Untuk rank2 exchange lain mungkin masih bisa lah tetap obyektif penilainnya. Kalau CMC ekstrim banget berubahnya, malah bisa2 orang beralih ke coingecko (seperti yang dibilang @Ifra24). Alasannya bisa jadi karena dianggap CMC penilainnya tidak obyektif dan akurasinya rendah. tapi sepertinya CMC masih jadi target utama buat pihak awam untuk sumber data (walau datanya udah banyak dibahas mencla-mencle).
Sejauh ini sih iya, suhu. Tapi belum tau ke depannya. Kalau CMC salah menerapkan kebijakan, bisa juga orang2 pindah haluan. Apalagi jika sudah mulai ada indikasi problem di data yang diinfokan oleh CMC. Saya rasa sih mungkin bakal ditambahkan fitur mini exchange di website itu. Memudahkan orang untuk melakukan jual-beli crypto secara simpel.
Mini exchange seperti apa gan? Mungkin bisa kasih contohnya ke saya, cz saya rada kurang paham itu bakal seperti apa beroperasinya besok kalau misalnya memang bakal ada. mungkin hanya dikasih semacam banner "beli crypto di Binance" atau apapun yang berkatan sama Binance.
Kalau banner atau iklan jenis lain yang mempromosikan Binance ya mungkin saja. Wajar juga kan, Binance sudah ngasih dana besar ke CMC. Jadi kalau ada iklan Binance di CMC, itu sangat wajar. Kalau instant exchange bisa aja sih, kayak simplex ya mungkin? Cuma feenya ga masuk ke dompetnya Binance, kecuali Binance punya deal sama payment processor yang dimaksud sih.
Entah mini exchange atau instant exchange, saya ngerasa itu kemungkinannya kecil. Kalau CMC mau, ya sudah dari dulu mereka lakuin. Misalkan Binance mau kayak semacam buka cabang di CMC, saya pikir kurang pas tempatnya. Sebab alih2 malah bikin rusak reputasi CMC sebagai platform yang independen.
YOSHIE, DroomieChikito, dan BITCOIN4X, selamat guys. Moga makin berjaya. kenapa orang-orang seperti abhiseshakana, mu_enrico, joniboini, husna QA, Masulum, kok ndak mau bikin semacem celebrate di global board ya, padahal story mereka bisa di bilang mantep :v
Saya juga membuat thread sejenis di board global. Tapi saya tekankan bahwa thread tersebut semasekali bukan untuk celebrate, tapi sebagai history perjalanan ketika memulai fase baru di forum ini. Saya mencoba membuka lembaran baru untuk memperbaiki diri di tahun 2019, makannya judulnya di mulai dari tahun 2019 - ...... . Pesan yang ada di dalam thread itu juga lebih diarahkan untuk memotivasi low-rank atau yang senansib seperti saya dulu, juga ucapan terima kasih untuk para kontributor yang mendukung saya. Jadi jelas bukan untuk menunjukkan prestasi postingan saya. Begitu kira2, suhu. Maafken kalau pembuatan thread semacam itu kurang baik. Untuk para suhu2 seperti suhu sendiri, abhiseshakana, mu_enrico, joniboini, husna QA, Masulum, atau lainnya, mungkin tidak perlu dengan membuat thread. Dari sepak terjang dan aktivitas nya sehari-hari saja sudah lebih dari cukup membuat semua member termotivasi. Bagi saya pribadi, para suhu2 semua merupakan sumber motivasi saya. *Maaf kalau sedikit melebar atau OOT.
Yes there are good things like entertainment for yourself or easing the stress inside you thats why you do look for something which would make you enjoy but of course losing money is part and this isnt fun and its a stressing thing instead.
Become stress is likely to happen for a person expecting too much for winning. While for a person just enjoy gambling for entertainment, I believe he can minimize the stress once losing because he has no serious goal to win. One thing to remind that you must limit the amount of money to gamble. If you only spend a little money, you easily forget it. But if you spend a lot of money, you may have difficulties to admit it.
I bet if you have had a bad experience with Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. I understand this because not everyone can handle this problem well. Well, apart from that, do you think investing is something that "there shouldn't be new investors"? Because you say that without new investors, Bitcoin is nothing. Then, what about other investments? They also certainly get new investors every day, both in the field of property or other stocks. So from here, why should be debated whether Bitcoin is the real or fake investment? It's clear from the meaning of "investment" itself. Except that you are investing in the shit product or coins that make no profits and then make you lost your money forever, that is the fake investment I think. But here, for me personally, Bitcoin is a worthy investment. That is my opinion.
Currently, USDT daily trading volume is over the Bitcoin trading volume and fourth highest market cap according to Coinmarketcap.
Buddy, it should be better if you showed the picture. So, people won't think it is your opinion but the fact. Note: the picture was taken from CMC at Tue, 07 Apr 2020 22:23:00 UTCWhat is your opinion about the USDT coin?
There is no problem to hold USDT coin, it is a trusted coin. The current fact is clear proof to show us that people trust in USDT. Also, It is in fourth place in CMC list, no doubt it has great performance lately. Although, it is likely the impact of people's fears of the world economic recession. But we must know that USDT is not the best choice for an investment purpose. It has low volatility, less chance for a big profit. When you put money on USDT, it's more like saving than investing.
Firstly, I want to say that I'm not the people who hate threads related to Corona pandemic. As long as the threads have the reasons to be created and the writers (OP) follow the forum rules, why not have them. But yes, shitty corona threads must be unacceptable. Regarding this thread, I can understand why OP tried to give the suggestion to the forum. However, theymos already showed forum attention to the pandemic through the April fools recently. If the purpose is to remind all the members of this forum, I think it is more than enough. For more instruction, I guess all people should know where they must go/visit, it is who.int. ( COVID-19)
Dari beberapa opini di atas, saya coba sedikit merangkum. 1. Independensinya akan tetap dikedepankan walaupun tidak menutup kemungkinan ada pengaruh dari pihak Binance. Kenapa tetap di jaga independensinya, karena akan berkaitan dengan popularitas CMC dan trust dari orang-orang. 2. Terkait tujuan Binance, belum sepenuhnya dapat ditebak karena masih terlalu dini. 3. Ini adalah langkah bisnis, jadi pasti goalnya untuk keuntungan. Terlebih lagi Binance sudah mengeluarkan $400 juta, gak mungkin hanya untuk tujuan "transparansi".
*Ini rangkuman sementara, akan saya update lagi jika sekiranya ada yang perlu diupdate. *Terima kasih suhu-suhu sudah sudah mau mampir di thread ini dan memberikan opininya.
I think what you are talking about is specific to the bounty program. So, you need to revise your title "inSure Bounty is paused". Anyway, you are totally wrong by writing "the project stopped". The team never stated, "stopped the project" in the announcement. Please read again carefully, they said paused the bounty but keep developing the project. I don't know why you are misunderstanding what they announced, I think you need to visit the bounty page now: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5228627.0.
they can set their own rules and they do not obey anyone, but they require to pass the KYC. What for?
Yes, it isn't fair that the members need to pass KYC while the exchange itself is suspected to not obey any rules. In this case, I think it is better to avoid joining the exchange. It seems the best solution. But for the exchange which is clearly located in a well-known region having legal rules, it can be understandable if we pass KYC there. So, the point is on the status of the exchange itself. If it is trusted, requiring KYC is acceptable (more secure, even if no guarantee for our data). DWYOR
McAfee is a liar and a typical person who speaks recklessly. And he seems just stated it to attract people. We can't trust a person like him, personally I am lazy to read his statements. How can someone who used to be like a fanatic bitcoin enthusiast, become a Bitcoin hater this year. I really hate a typical person like this.
Ada informasi menarik yang dalam beberapa hari ini cukup ramai diperbincangkan, yaitu Binance mengakuisisi Coinmarketcap. Jumlah dana yang dikeluarkan oleh Binance untuk akuisisi CMC ini pun cukup besar, diperkirakan sekitar 6,5 triliun rupiah (US$400 juta). Ini menjadi salah satu rekor terbesar dana yang dikeluarkan untuk sebuah proses akuisisi dalam dunia crypto. Zhao, CEO (Binance) mengatakan bahwa akuisisi tersebut memungkinkan mereka membangun kekuatan antar keduanya dan selanjutnya bisa tumbuh serta menanamkan transparansi di dunia industri. Namun di sisi lain, beberapa pengamat kemudian mengkhawatirkan reputasi CMC ke depannya terkait dengan independensinya. Sebenarnya, baik pihak dari Binance maupun CMC pun sebenarnya sudah menekankan bahwa adanya akuisisi tersebut tidak akan merubah independensi CMC dari kepentingan eksternal. Kedua belah pihak memang bekerja bersama-sama, namun tetap independen dalam memperluas dan mengembangkan pengadopsian aset crypto secara global. Nah, dengan diakuisisinya Coinmarketcap ini, sekarang timbul beberapa pertanyaan: 1. Apakah kita bisa percaya bahwa Coinmarketcap masih akan bersifat independen seperti yang dikatakan oleh kedua belah pihak? 2. Apa yang sebenarnya direncanakan oleh Binance dengan akuisisi ini? Apakah hanya seperti yang dikatakan oleh CEO Binance tersebut? 3. Apakah langkah ini akan menguntungkan kedua pihak (Binance & Coinmarketcap)? Atau berpotensi sebaliknya? *Mari kita diskusikan hal ini dengan opini masing2. Boleh memberikan masukan atau sekedar menambahkan sesuatu terkait keterangan di atas. Sumber berita:- https://blockchainmedia.id/sah-coinmarketcap-pastikan-diakusisi-binance/- https://www.inforexnews.com/berita/cryptocurrency/binance-mengumumkan-akuisisi-coinmarketcap
I think there's no need for further discussion. As you said you already see what other people suggested and advice to those who have various problems in doing gambling on other threads.
Recheck above! I said "some threads", not all threads as it is a bit impossible. That's why I still need any feedback to complete or add another one (if any). Also, I think to discuss the suggestion to gamblers is a good thing, why stop it? At least, remind all gamblers about it. Those listed suggestions are basic things to follow and actually, should be an automatic approach by each of a gambler.
That's a basic thing but not easy to do, right? As it is a basic thing, it means an important thing. Some people may forget or others may don't know as they are newbies. So, in my opinion, we need to remind all gamblers about it. But if you think some people have already mastered it and have no single problem, just skip reading.
I doubt parents who's on the right thinking will allow their child to play on an environment such as that.
You are right. Good parents mustn't allow children at 5 years to play gambling. Whatever the reasons, it is not a suitable place for them. Then if they play it regularly, it will be their habits. And surely it is not good habits for children at 5 years. that's really an absurd decision for it might get abused by the others as well.
Well, to be honest, I agree with you. The decision seems very unusual and never applied in my country exactly. That's why I said "it is a careless decision", it can be abused by irresponsible parties. Hemm.. I think we will see that this regulation to be revised very soon.
After reading replies from some threads on this gambling discussion board, I see that many people have already delivered suggestions related to various problems of gamblers. Now, it depends on us to follow or ignore the suggestions. Or we can take a look at the suggestions that are suitable for our problems. Here are below: 1. You shouldn't spend much money because it will harm the family. (Limit your funds) 2. You must have good self-control, it is one of the keys to be successful in gambling. 3. You mustn't get loans, you will be trapped in debt at the end. 4. After you can win in a gambling game, you are better to stop ( break for a while). Don't be greedy to push your luck! 5. Don't expect much to win in gambling, most of them are luck-based. Think rationally! 6. Don't spend all your time gambling, have enough time for family, friends, and society. 7. Etc Additional suggestions from sheenshane. Let me add something that based on my opinion. - Don't gamble if you are depressed, stress or something has negative emotion in your self.
- Always think gambling is a form of entertainment, not a way of making money
- Always set a time limit of how long your session in gambling
- Decide to stop when you are in a win-win situation, the more time you gamble, a big chance to lose.
What do you think, guys? Are all the suggestions worthed to follow by all gamblers? Let's discuss it, you can give any feedback or opinions. Please let me know if there are other good suggestions! I will add them to OP if I think it is a nice one. I really hope this will be helpful for us.
According to the list, the hacking cases are increasing from 2011 to current years. We can see above, in 2019, there are 13 hacking cases. It has been more than doubled from the previous year (6 cases). It shows that the number of cases is increasing rapidly lately. This is a warning for all exchanges to improve their security. The number of cases in each year based on the list: 1. 2011 = 2 cases 2. 2012 = 2 cases 3. 2013 = 2 cases 4. 2014 = 5 cases 5. 2015 = 4 cases 6. 2016 = 3 cases 7. 2017 = 3 cases 8. 2018 = 6 cases 9. 2019 = 13 cases10. 2020 = 1 cases ( the temporary number of cases so far) *One of the factors why the number of hacking cases can increase significantly in 2019, is about the number of exchanges. The security level on each exchange should be different, so it is potentially to attack by hackers. 10. 2020 = 1*
Thanks, bro. It's updated already.
So far, I didn't track my gambling activities but just limit how much funds to use monthly. I think it is not really needed to do (tracking) because playing gambling isn't something to expect much about the results (prizes/earning money). I mostly played gambling for fun or just try attempts without any serious goals. So, I don't think I need spreadsheets or notebooks to track it. In addition, you mustn't think it is an investment since you won't get regular income from gambling. No one can win regularly and at every attempt, also you can't predict when you get the prizes. It is strong reason to not consider gambling as an investment.
Pinjaman online. -snip-
Siap, paham suhu. Kalau Ane sih anti KYC kalau memang tidak terlalu penting, tidak perlu KYC.
Kalau tetap melakukan KYC, walaupun jarang, berarti agan tidak termasuk golongan anti-kYC. Saya juga bukan tipikal benar2 anti-KYC, tapi sama seperti agan kalau tidak penting ya ngapain KYC. Memang ada hal yang tidak bisa dihindari untuk KYC, seperti join di exchanger, katakanlah exchanger indodax sebagai contohnya. Kalau yang demikian, saya rasa tidak masalah selama exchanger nya itu punya reputasi bagus dan jelas legalitasnya seperti indodax. saya ikut lumayan banyak bounty dan kebanyakan mereka mensyaratkan KYC untuk menerima rewards
Memang kebanyakan bounty mengharuskan persertanya untuk KYC ketika melakukan claim reward. Kalau dari sisi kepentingan proyek, itu wajar saja sebenarnya sebab berkaitan dengan beberapa alasan. Contoh alasannya : (1.) Untuk menghidari peserta yang melakukan kecurangan (misalnya: 1 peserta menggunakan lebih dari 1 akun). (2.) Melakukan cross-check kelengkapan data penerima reward. (3.) Sebagai bahan untuk catatan mereka terkait program bounty yang mereka sudah jalankan. Tapi kalau dikaji dari sisi peserta bounty, KYC memang tidak ada gunanya dan malah riskan untuk disalahgunakan.
tolonglah member2/ para moderator forum indo, janganlah terlalu ketat dalam menilai suatu postingan.
Terlalu ketat gimana, gan? Saya rasa apa yang dilakukan moderator dan suhu2 di sini sesuai standar yang ada, di board luar pun (global & local board lain) aturannya sama saja. Kalau mereka tidak melakukannya dengan standar tersebut berarti malah moderator tidak melakukan tugas dengan benar, dan suhu2 (senior/mastah) tersebut tidak menunjukkan contoh yang baik. Saya sarankan sebelum berkomentar, lihat dulu suatu masalah dari berbagai sisi, bukan hanya dari sudut pandang agan saja. * [RULES] Peraturan Sub-Forum Indonesia dan FAQ: ini aturan standar, tidak ada hal yang berlebihan di situ. Rata2 point di situ sepertinya mengadopsi apa yang ada di aturan global. *Peraturan global: Unofficial list of (official) Bitcointalk.org rules, guidelines, FAQ postingan member tidak berlu banyak OOT sedikit bolehlah, disini yang saya lihat zuper serius buat postingannya
Bagaimanapun OOT itu melanggar aturan, gan. Yang namanya melanggar aturan, ya wajib ditindak. Kalau itu dibiarkan saja, lama2 semua point yang ada di peraturan juga akan dilanggar. Nah, buat apa kita punya aturan kalau tidak dijalankan. janganlah samakan kualitas postingan kami dengan member yang udah senior pandai merangkai kata
Agan salah kaprah, itu bukan maksudnya menyamakan kualitas postingan dengan yang sudah senior tapi postingan dari siapapun (newbie-legend) punya syarat & ketentuan yang sama. Jadi postingan siapapun yang melanggar aturan, konsekuensinya akan ditindak sesuai aturan (dihapus/direport/dsbb).