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5481  Bitcoin / Press / Re: [2014-07-03] CD: Overstock Dangles Rewards For Bitcoin-Friendly Vendors on: July 04, 2014, 05:26:50 PM
Realistically, we're lucky to have such an ardent supporter at the helm of such a large and known company. Whether it's O offering discounts to facilitate the vendor circles to hold it or Coinbase offering other merchants to offer discounts for taking Bitcoin from customers, these are what we need to happen to have a prayer at mainstream adoption. I often take Bitcoin for granted but then I sit back and think about how far away the vast majority of people are in their vision or thinking patterns and that's why they needed to be prodded or taken by the hand and steered in a direction best suited for their long term security.
5482  Bitcoin / Press / Re: [2014-07-04] How launched 4000 Bitcoin ATMs in Ukraine on: July 04, 2014, 05:18:22 PM
Sounds kinda too good to be true. Has anyone that keeps tabs on coinleak been noticing an influx of buying out of Ukraine? If true, this goes to show that when the state fails then the free market takes over and saves people.
5483  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin Or Gold? on: July 04, 2014, 05:34:13 AM
Stop! Are you kidding? Over the metals, you always buy Bitcoin. Nothing more, nothing less. Don't get sucked into
Bull (capital S) w/ a hit if ya know what I mean.

And yeah, I have both.
5484  Other / Politics & Society / Re: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants on: July 04, 2014, 03:50:59 AM
Since Wilikon has his own thing going on here regarding the immigration crisis, I'll place my related posts here.

I couldn't upload the google map but if you check the link you can see if there's an incoming load in an area near you.
Since the border surge gained coverage from the mainstream media last month, the Obama Administration has tried to relocate tens of thousands of newly-arrived illegal aliens to communities across the country.

NumbersUSA is daily updating this interactive map to show which communities are under threat of the federal government moving large numbers of illegal aliens there from the border.

NumbersUSA is providing its members actions they can take to help stop the government's dispersal of illegal aliens in a way that usually means they never go back home. Because people living in communities across the Americas rarely see one of their neighbors ever returned after illegally entering the United States, most of the population in those countries believe crossing the border illegally will bring great rewards.
Good website to keep tabs on if this is on your radar.
5485  Other / Politics & Society / Re: CNN national poll: Rand Paul 13%, Bush 13%, Ryan 12%, Huckabee 10%, Christie 9% on: July 04, 2014, 03:42:23 AM
More Republicans Line Up With Rand Paul’s Foreign Policy Views
Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul might be onto something.

For all the hand-wringing about whether his foreign-policy views could disqualify him from winning the Republican presidential nomination, recent polls suggest his skepticism about foreign entanglements might not be quite so out of step with GOP voters.

As troubles mount overseas, the Republicans’ once-steadfast support for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan has crumbled since President Barack Obama was sworn in for a second term, according to the results of a June Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll and a related Journal/NBC/Annenberg Survey.

In the latest Journal poll of 1,000 adults, conducted June 11-15, 58% of the Republican respondents said the war in Afghanistan wasn’t worth it, compared with the 37% who said it was. That’s an abrupt shift from January 2013, when just 37% of Republicans said the war wasn’t worth it. The Annenberg survey conducted days later found similar erosion in views about Iraq.
5486  Other / Politics & Society / Re: 5 Things the Media Isn't Telling You About Ukraine on: July 03, 2014, 06:06:25 PM

Fact #2: Billions Spent Stirring Up Trouble

The US has spent $5 billion since the 1990s on “democratization” programs in Ukraine. (What would the US reaction be if Russia spent $5 billion promoting communism in Mexico?)

In addition to overt US government programs from the US State Department, USAID, the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs, the International Republican Institute, nominally nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) like Freedom House, George Soros’ Open Society Institute, and the National Endowment for Democracy have all been heavily involved in “promoting democracy” in Ukraine for many years.

I figure the US reaction might be the same wild reaction if the US found Russian spies living in the United States working for the SVR.

Oh come on, the same hands reaching into US pockets are reaching into soviet pockets.  Both hands belong to the same person.  Whether you want to believe it's illuminati or whatever they're called, the wealthy oligarchs are not far removed from either country.
I wasn't offering this post as an opinion piece but just something for those more enlightened than I to pick at and correct if needed. There did seem to be at least some semblance of effort to unmyth the media's lies and I wouldn't be surprised if your final statement is indeed the case.
5487  Other / Politics & Society / Re: The OTHER SC Ruling...Union Slap Down on: July 03, 2014, 06:02:30 PM
Yeah, I was really pleased to see this one along w/ the rest. The union mentality and the forced paid membership is what we need a lot less of in ole USA. The unions served their purposes in the early and mid parts of last century but they've become too powerful and entrenched and contributed to the bankruptcy of GM. Furthermore, they now serve as money laundering operations to the democratic party. Many of these state and local public union pension funds are deeply underwater so Obama (in certain cases) just takes federal bailout funds and distributes them back to his union buddies who take a cut off the top and return the favor. Meanwhile, it's whatever is left of the productivity class here that is footing the bill, of course there's Fed monetization going on as well.
5488  Other / Politics & Society / Re: New-York Unlicensed Bus Network on: July 03, 2014, 02:58:41 AM
Knowing how the taxis operate over there, it'll be interesting to see how long this is allowed to last.
5489  Other / Politics & Society / 5 Things the Media Isn't Telling You About Ukraine on: July 03, 2014, 02:43:18 AM
The Intro and the Bottom Line is interesting to read also...
Fact #1: Yanukovych Was Legitimately Elected

Ousted Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych was elected in 2010 in an election that was deemed “transparent and honest” by hundreds of international election observers. That of course is not my personal endorsement of the man or of democracy (I am a fan of neither). In fact, I’m sympathetic to H.L. Mencken’s view that “Democracy, too, is a religion. It is the worship of jackals by jackasses.” But that’s a story for another day.

Bottom line, regardless of whether one loves him or hates him, one cannot deny that Yanukovych was elected fair and square.

Fact #2: Billions Spent Stirring Up Trouble

The US has spent $5 billion since the 1990s on “democratization” programs in Ukraine. (What would the US reaction be if Russia spent $5 billion promoting communism in Mexico?)

In addition to overt US government programs from the US State Department, USAID, the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs, the International Republican Institute, nominally nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) like Freedom House, George Soros’ Open Society Institute, and the National Endowment for Democracy have all been heavily involved in “promoting democracy” in Ukraine for many years.

Fact #3: Yanukovych’s Ouster Had No Basis in Law

When Yanukovych was overthrown in February, it was done in a fashion that didn’t really comply with Ukrainian law. In effect, what happened was an illegal overthrow of a legitimately elected government. There’s a word for this—coup. And I bet it would have been labeled as such by the US media had it happened to a pro-US leader instead of a pro-Russian leader.

So what was the real objective of all those sneaky NGOs and the billions of dollars in covert and overt aid if its ultimate effect was to overthrow a legitimately elected government? Sounds like the exact opposite of their stated goal of “promoting democracy,” if you ask me.

Fact #4: The Sniper Killings, a Known Unknown

The real push for the immediate overthrow of Yanukovych came after the mysterious deaths of 75 or so people in the streets of Kiev by unknown snipers in late February 2014. The protesters blamed the government. However, later a leaked phone call between the Estonian foreign minister and Catherine Ashton (the EU foreign policy chief) showed that both the police and protestors were shot by the same people, leading these two EU officials (who are very anti-Russian, by the way) to think that this incident was some sort of false flag provocation.

The Estonian foreign minister said, “So there is now stronger and stronger understanding that behind the snipers, it was not Yanukovych, but it was somebody from the new coalition.”

The fact is, to this day we really don’t know who was behind the sniper attacks. But this deep uncertainty didn’t prevent the incident from being used as a casus belli to remove the Yanukovych government.

Fact #5: Neo-Nazi Shock Troops

The two most prominent neo-Nazi groups in Ukraine are the Right Sector and Svoboda, which hold positions in the new government. While they aren’t the main political force, their power shouldn’t be underestimated. Just because the new Ukrainian government has a bunch of outwardly facing, pro-EU, empty-suit bureaucrats, that isn’t necessarily reflective of who has the real power on the streets. Right Sector and Svoboda were the real armed muscle on the ground—like the shock troops of the opposition—during the unrest that overthrew Yanukovych. Absent their help, it’s questionable whether the uprising would have succeeded.
5490  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Ohio 2014 Governor's Debate - Hilarity ensues! on: July 03, 2014, 01:56:47 AM
LOl, it's Idaho and yeah it's really rural and unique up there. This was a GOP Gubernatorial debate between 4 Republicans and likely had some unique action taking place. Glad to see they had all the candidates instead of locking the "fringe" candidates out.
5491  Other / Politics & Society / MS US Senate Primary Voting Fraud On Full Display on: July 03, 2014, 01:16:22 AM
McDaniel already found 3300+ out of 6700 crossover votes needed

McDaniel was supported by the Tea Parties and the Liberty Movement (Ron and Rand) up against an insider establishment neocon sitting US Senator in the recent Mississippi US Senate Primary. The big money from the chamber of commerce republicans poured in from DC and elsewhere and some of it was used to get african american democrats to vote in the GOP primary, many of which had already voted in their own democratic primary earlier in the month. It's illegal to do both. Cochran's staffers were paying a pastor to dole out $15 to each person that voted afterwards.

State Sen. Chris McDaniel’s campaign told Breitbart News that the conservative firebrand is already halfway to finding enough allegedly ineligible votes counted to launch a legitimate challenge to the results of last Tuesday’s GOP primary runoff against incumbent Sen. Thad Cochran (R-MS).

With more than half of the state’s counties—and many of the state’s African American-majority counties, where many of the ineligible crossover votes are suspected to have occurred—still uncounted, McDaniel’s team told Breitbart News he has at least 3,300 ineligible votes counted. That 3,300 is, according to the McDaniel campaign, just from looking at voters who voted in the June 3 Democratic primary, then crossed over—allegedly illegally—to vote in the June 24 GOP primary runoff.

“Our volunteers on the ground have found over 3,300 irregular votes after examining fewer than half of Mississippi's counties, and that total does not include the Delta counties or even the more than 18,000 absentee ballots, which are sure to include many more irregularities, since that was the prime focus of Cochran's Get Out the Democrat Vote strategy,” McDaniel spokesman Noel Fritsch told Breitbart News.]State Sen. Chris McDaniel’s campaign told Breitbart News that the conservative firebrand is already halfway to finding enough allegedly ineligible votes counted to launch a legitimate challenge to the results of last Tuesday’s GOP primary runoff against incumbent Sen. Thad Cochran (R-MS).

With more than half of the state’s counties—and many of the state’s African American-majority counties, where many of the ineligible crossover votes are suspected to have occurred—still uncounted, McDaniel’s team told Breitbart News he has at least 3,300 ineligible votes counted. That 3,300 is, according to the McDaniel campaign, just from looking at voters who voted in the June 3 Democratic primary, then crossed over—allegedly illegally—to vote in the June 24 GOP primary runoff.

“Our volunteers on the ground have found over 3,300 irregular votes after examining fewer than half of Mississippi's counties, and that total does not include the Delta counties or even the more than 18,000 absentee ballots, which are sure to include many more irregularities, since that was the prime focus of Cochran's Get Out the Democrat Vote strategy,” McDaniel spokesman Noel Fritsch told Breitbart News. about the vote buying

Hopefully, this gets exposed and overturned cause it will likely torpedo this brand of republicans for good leading into the midterms and the next Presidential elections either way.
5492  Other / Politics & Society / Seven Reasons Police Brutality Is Systematic, Not Anecdotal (US) on: July 03, 2014, 12:49:59 AM

Darrin Manning’s unprovoked “stop and frisk” encounter with the Philadelphia police left him hospitalized with a ruptured testicle. Neykeyia Parker was violently dragged out of her car and aggressively arrested in front of her young child for “trespassing” at her own apartment complex in Houston. A Georgia toddler was burned when police threw a flash grenade into his playpen during a raid, and the manager of a Chicago tanning salon was confronted by a raiding police officer bellowing that he would kill her and her family, captured on the salon’s surveillance. An elderly man in Ohio was left in need of facial reconstructive surgery after police entered his home without a warrant to sort out a dispute about a trailer.

These stories are a small selection of recent police brutality reports, as police misconduct has become a fixture of the news cycle.

But the plural of anecdote is not data, and the media is inevitably drawn toward tales of conflict. Despite the increasing frequency with which we hear of misbehaving cops, many Americans maintain a default respect for the man in uniform. As an NYPD assistant chief put it, “We don’t want a few bad apples or a few rogue cops damaging” the police’s good name.

This is an attractive proposal, certainly, but unfortunately it doesn’t hold up to scrutiny. Here are seven reasons why police misconduct is a systematic problem, not “a few bad apples”:

1. Many departments don’t provide adequate training in nonviolent solutions.

This is particularly obvious when it comes to dealing with family pets. “Police kill family dog” is practically its own subgenre of police brutality reports, and most of these cases—like the story of the Minnesota children who were made to sit, handcuffed, next to their dead and bleeding pet—are all too preventable. Some police departments have begun to train their officers to deal more appropriately with pets, but Thomas Aveni of the Police Policy Studies Council, a police consulting firm, says it’s still extremely rare. In the absence of this training, police are less likely to view violence as a last resort.

2. Standards for what constitutes brutality vary widely.

“Excess is in the eyes of the beholder,” explains William Terrill, a former police officer and professor of criminal justice at Michigan State. “To one officer ‘objectively reasonable’ means that if you don’t give me your license, I get to use soft hands, and in another town the same resistance means I can pull you through the car window, [or] I can tase you.” The special deference police are widely given in American culture feeds this inconsistency of standards, producing something of a legal Wild West. While national legislation would likely only complicate matters further, local or state-wide ballot propositions should allow the public—not the police—to define reasonable use of force.

3. Consequences for misconduct are minimal.

In central New Jersey, for instance, 99 percent of police brutality complaints are never investigated. Nor can that be explained away as stereotypical New Jersey corruption. Only one out of every three accused cops are convicted nationwide, while the conviction rate for civilians is literally double that. In Chicago, the numbers are even more skewed: There were 10,000 abuse complaints filed against the Chicago PD between 2002 and 2004, and just 19 of them ”resulted in meaningful disciplinary action.” On a national level, upwards of 95 percent of police misconduct cases referred for federal prosecution are declined by prosecutors because, as reported in USA Today, juries “are conditioned to believe cops, and victims’ credibility is often challenged.” Failure to remedy this police/civilian double standard cultivates an abuse-friendly legal environment.

4. Settlements are shifted to taxpayers.

Those officers who are found guilty of brutality typically find the settlement to their victims paid from city coffers. Research from Human Rights Watch reveals that in some places, taxpayers “are paying three times for officers who repeatedly commit abuses: once to cover their salaries while they commit abuses; next to pay settlements or civil jury awards against officers; and a third time through payments into police ‘defense’ funds provided by the cities.” In larger cities, these settlements easily cost the public tens of millions of dollars annually while removing a substantial incentive against police misconduct.

5. Minorities are unfairly targeted.

“Simply put,” says University of Florida law professor Katheryn K. Russell, “the public face of a police brutality victim is a young man who is Black or Latino.” In this case, research suggests perception matches reality. To give a particularly striking example, one Florida city’s “stop and frisk” policy has been explicitly aimed at all black men. Since 2008, this has led to 99,980 stops which did not produce an arrest in a city with a population of just 110,000. One man alone was stopped 258 times at his job in four years, and arrested for trespassing while working on 62 occasions. Failure to address this issue communicates to police that minorities are a safe target for abuse.

6. Police are increasingly militarized.

During President Obama’s gun control push, he argued that “weapons of war have no place on our streets;” but as Radley Balko has amply documented in his 2013 book, Rise of the Warrior Cop, local police are often equipped with weapons powerful enough to conquer a small country. Police use of highly armed SWAT teams has risen by 1,500 percent in the last two decades, and many police departments have cultivated an “us vs. them” mentality toward the public they ostensibly serve. Although possession of these weapons does not cause misconduct, as the old saying goes, when you have a hammer everything begins to look like a nail.

7. Police themselves say misconduct is remarkably widespread.

Here’s the real clincher. A Department of Justice study revealed that a whopping 84 percent of police officers report that they’ve seen colleagues use excessive force on civilians, and 61 percent admit they don’t always report “even serious criminal violations that involve abuse of authority by fellow officers.”

This self-reporting moves us well beyond anecdote into the realm of data: Police brutality is a pervasive problem, exacerbated by systemic failures to curb it. That’s not to say that every officer is ill-intentioned or abusive, but it is to suggest that the common assumption that police are generally using their authority in a trustworthy manner merits serious reconsideration. As John Adams wrote to Jefferson, “Power always thinks it has a great soul,” and it cannot be trusted if left unchecked.

The good news is that the first step toward preventing police brutality is well-documented and fairly simple: Keep police constantly on camera. A 2012 study in Rialto, Calif. found that when officers were required to wear cameras recording all their interactions with citizens, “public complaints against officers plunged 88% compared with the previous 12 months. Officers’ use of force fell by 60%.” The simple knowledge that they were being watched dramatically altered police behavior.

Coupled with additional reforms, like making officers pay their own settlements and providing better training for dealing with pets, camera use could produce a significant decrease in police misconduct. It is not unrealistic to think that police brutality reports could be made far more unusual—but only once we acknowledge that it’s not just a few bad apples.
5493  Other / Politics & Society / Sen. Rand Paul op-ed: USA Beacon For Illegal Immigration on: July 03, 2014, 12:00:07 AM

2 Jul 2014, 4:48 AM PDT

I voted no on the Gang of Eight’s recent immigration reform bill for one reason—it did not include border security first.

Any immigration reform plan that does not include border security is not real reform, precisely because any plan that does not increase security insures that we will revisit this problem again in the future.

Right now we have a situation where people are rushing to our southern border because our current policy makes us a beacon for illegal immigration. Our hearts go out to these people, many of whom just want what’s best for themselves and their families.

President Obama now threatens to enact immigration reform by executive fiat. He says he's got his phone and his pen and he will use them. If he takes his royal pen in hand and beckons the world to come across our borders without adequate border security, it will be a disaster for the country, and it will be the death knell for any meaningful bipartisan immigration reform.

Thanks to our current system, we have no way to properly accommodate people who want to come to this country to work. This is a failure of Washington, not the average American and certainly not would-be immigrants.

Our problem now is that we have 12 million illegal immigrants in this country. If steps are not taken to secure our border, 12 million more will come illegally. This is unacceptable. Any plan that encourages more illegal immigration is no plan at all.
5494  Other / Politics & Society / Re: HHS Bars Congressman from Seeing Illegal Immigrant Children on: July 02, 2014, 11:58:16 PM
You have to wonder exactly what the angle is here. Is it just people pouring in in hopes of amnesty or something more nefarious?
Obama, many on the left and the chamber of commerce republicans want amnesty so there's a concerted effort to flood the borders so Obama can "use his pen'' and sign executive orders to pass so-called immigration reform w/o border security.
5495  Other / Politics & Society / Pollster John Zogby: 'Is it all over for Obama?' on: July 02, 2014, 10:39:18 PM
President Obama's approval numbers are in the cellar, a new Quinnipiac University survey just dubbed him the worst president in six decades, so maybe it's no surprise that analyst and pollster John Zogby is asking: “Is it all over for him?”

Armed with new numbers that are depressing to an already deflated White House, Zogby on Wednesday found that most don't believe that Obama can lead the country and he compared the president to Bill Clinton following the Democrat's sweeping 1994 Congressional loss and when former White House Correspondent Brit Hume asked if Clinton was even relevant.

“Mr. Obama finds himself in the uncomfortable position where every age group, independents, and whites all agree that the public has given up on his ability to accomplish anything before the end of his term,” said Zogby in releasing his latest numbers.

Just like Bush tarnished the Republican brand during his tenure, so too has Obama done that to Team D. Should be an upcoming blood bath in the midterm elections. Us Crypto/Liberty people need to make sure our brand is fully represented in the GOP w/ Rand Paul. As our funds grow, they won't be able to ignore our lot.
5496  Other / Politics & Society / HHS Bars Congressman from Seeing Illegal Immigrant Children on: July 02, 2014, 10:13:57 PM
To those that don't know, there is an ongoing influx of immigrants being shipped into this country and the border patrol is being made to be the escorts into the country from way south. There's even reports of actual human trafficking being done in a lucrative fashion by the drug cartels in Mexico.

Art IV, Sec IV of the US Constitution:
The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened)

A Health and Human Services official refused to allow a member of Congress to enter a facility in his district where some of the unaccompanied immigrant children are being housed.

Representative Jim Bridenstine (R., Okla.) was told he could schedule an appointment for July 21. “​What are they trying to hide?” Bridenstine said after the incident. “​Do they not want the children to speak with Members of Congress? As a Navy pilot, I have been involved in operations countering illicit human trafficking. I would like to know to whom these children are being released.”

There are 1,200 immigrant children at the base. Bridenstine’s office explained that HHS releases the children to a “sponsor” in the United States. The congressman said that a security guard at the Fort Sill, Okla., facility refused to let him enter the barracks without HHS approval even though he is a member of Congress.

“There is no excuse for denying a Federal Representative from Oklahoma access to a federal facility in Oklahoma where unaccompanied children are being held,” Bridenstine said in the press release. ”Any Member of Congress should have the legal authority to visit a federal youth detention facility without waiting three weeks.”
Bridenstine is one of the best libertarian leaning Congressman on the Hill and might be doing a Senate run some time into the future.
5497  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: July 02, 2014, 09:48:50 PM
That's fine I'm watching it now.

He has confirmed he is not going to release the amount bid. Says he is not concerned about price fluctuations as he is not a trader and he is in it for the long term investment. Wants to put the coins to good use and allow the coins to proliferate.

Good man, I'm seeing eye to eye with that philosophy. This guy could be a trillionaire at some point. Shocked
5498  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Expedia Exec Says Bitcoin Spending Has Exceeded Estimates on: July 02, 2014, 09:25:30 PM
Well, it only makes sense for such a business to take the currency of those who are the up and comers in all walks of every society, specifically here. Grin
5499  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: First Xapo Debit Cards to be mailed this month! on: July 02, 2014, 09:06:17 PM
Nice, another boost for main street to get the ball rolling on wider usage and adoption. Good way to get the plastic using folks acclimated to evolving technology.
5500  Bitcoin / Press / Re: [2014-07-02] Russia Softens Stance on Bitcoin on: July 02, 2014, 08:45:13 PM
Good to have an official edict on this from Moscow to end all the uncertainty in the market about a possible Russian addition to the market. Considering the gamesmanship that's been going on lately, it would be ridiculously cool to not only have Russians in on the market but to potentially have them trading w/ other countries in Bitcoin at some point.
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