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5541  Economy / Exchanges / Re: List of banks working welll with exchanges to make withdrawal on: May 17, 2020, 05:45:14 AM
Kraken does not send to Revolut, you won't be able to add Revolut IBAN

I'm pretty sure it was listed on the 'not working' part already.

OP, I think it will be more compelling if you can add some screenshot (with all personal details blocked out of course) or any other details when you do the test transaction. Just a suggestion, there's no need to do this if you don't like the idea.
5542  Economy / Exchanges / Re: CMC updates exchange metrics, Binance now ranks first on: May 17, 2020, 05:14:53 AM
Well, this was to be expected. Though I think the updated metrics are not really good either. Maybe unique visitors would count but hey that's still easy to fake out. Setting up a botnet to visit the website multiple times in a day is one of the ways you can get around it.

But anyway, you should expect at least things like this to happen when one of the exchanges owned one of the largest exchanges information sites out there. The explanation is, of course, a lip service like any other marketing activity.
5543  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: What was the maximum fee required for being confirmed within next block on: May 17, 2020, 05:06:46 AM
The idiotic wallet fee guessing is one reason i don't bother with it and go with fixed fees. When things get really get rough, what your wallet "guesstimates" its needed for a "confirmation within a block" to the moment you actually broadcast, conditions could change fast enough that you may have to wait some hours the same as if you used a lower fee anyway.

I guess that's just how market/network works in general. Too many possibilities and users that might change the condition in the next minute or there might be none of the new transactions at all. Not to mention most of them would want their transactions to get confirmed as soon as possible.

I still believe that fee estimation helps though, instead of blindly guessing maybe this fee is enough without any basis at all.
5544  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Re: unconfirmed transaction on: May 17, 2020, 04:58:05 AM
You might want to change your wallet so you can do RBF. Sacrifice some convenience for more control over your transactions. Electrum is a popular choice and I believe you can do some extensive research on this topic on your own.
5545  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: Tolong bantuan untuk cara banding red trust. on: May 17, 2020, 04:48:05 AM
Kalau sebelumnya agan pernah membuat sign message (dengan bitcoin address) dengan akun tersebut, itu bisa dijadikan salah satu alat bukti kepemilikan akun dari tuduhan pembelian akun tersebut.

Kayaknya kasusnya si OP ini dapet merit dari akun yang diduga dihack atau jual merit, jadinya bukan masalah apakah si OP jual merit dari akun tersebut atau tidak. Sehingga ane rasa sign message ga akan bisa membantu.
5546  Local / Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia) / Re: [Share & Diskusi] China Ingin mengintegrasikan 5G dan Blockchain on: May 17, 2020, 04:32:51 AM
Kalau yang saya pahami, tentu bukan integrasi internet dan blockchain, internet skalanya lebih besar. Sesuai judul, yaitu integrasi 5G dan blockchain, inipun tentu bukan dalam artian semua advantage yang ada diblockchain akan dimanfaat untuk mensupport 5G, saya yakin yang difokuskan hanya bagian potensialnya saja.

Ucapan ane tentang internet & blockchain itu cuma analogi gan, bukan berarti ane beranggapan demikian. Kalimat setelahnya juga menjelaskan hal itu, yang prinsipnya adalah jargon-jargon "integrasi X dengan blockchain" hanya term marketing saja.

Eniwei, dari beberapa post yang ada ane rasa semuanya punya keraguan yang sama dan beranggapan kalau yang mau dilakukan ini adalah pembuatan database terpusat untuk meningkatkan keamanan jaringan 5G saja. Tanpa blockchain pun, hanya dengan hardware yang lebih baik dan cache server lebih banyak, sepertinya tujuannya bisa tercapai dan "blockchain" di sini hanya dipakai untuk marketing saja.
5547  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: Mengapa KYC Sangat Berbahaya dan Tidak Berguna (by 1miau) on: May 17, 2020, 04:26:39 AM

Catatan tambahan: biasanya tiap exchange punya clause "kalau kami mendeteksi ada aktivitas yang aneh di akun pengguna, maka kami bisa meminta pengguna untuk melakukan KYC". "Aneh" di sini bisa sangat subjektif dan tidak menutup kemungkinan sering salah sasaran, jadi tetep hati-hati sekalipun exchangenya bilang ga ada KYC bila WD ga nyampe 2 BTC/hari.

Ada banyak kasus "KYC paksa" yang bisa dibaca di sub reputasi/scam accusations/exchanges kalau mau riset lebih dalam.
5548  Local / Marketplace (Bahasa Indonesia) / Re: Pintu, Aplikasi Cryptocurrency Berbasis Mobile-Apps (Instan Deposit & WD 24 Jam) on: May 17, 2020, 04:05:31 AM
Thread diskusi dari artikel blog juga tidak perlu dibuat. Kalau memang ingin membuat thread diskusi cari topik yang benar-benar untuk diskusi, tanpa ada shill ke link website/blog/apps dst. Tambahin aja link" terkait ke bagian signature dan itu juga udah jadi bentuk marketing yang lebih baik.

Btw, ane udah install apsnya. Untuk KYCnya ga bisa upload foto/file yang udah diambil sebelumnya ya? Apa ini ada aturan dari bappeti atau badan terkait? Jujur hal kayak gitu bikin agak males buat lanjutin KYC.
5549  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: Mengapa KYC Sangat Berbahaya dan Tidak Berguna (by 1miau) on: May 16, 2020, 12:45:23 PM
Ini thread bukan tempat untuk bertanya hal seperti itu. Silakan tanyakan ulang di thread Q & A yang di-pin.
5550  Local / Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia) / Re: [Share & Diskusi] China Ingin mengintegrasikan 5G dan Blockchain on: May 16, 2020, 12:28:15 PM
Klo menurut saya integrasi blockchain dengan jaringan 5G lebih kearah tekhnologi Blockchain diimplementasikan kedalam tekhnologi 5G. Jadi proses interaksi data dari berbagai pengguna jaringan 5G bakal dikemas dengan platform Blockchain, sehingga diharapkan mekanisme pengiriman dan penerimaan data tersebut memiliki tingkat keamanan yang lebih bagus karena adanya peran dari tekhnologi blockchain ini. [IMO]

Kalau arahnya memang ke sana, mungkin yang ane ragukan adalah masalah skalabilitasnya. Kalau ingin cepat maka tentu tidak mungkin menggunakan konsensus PoW dan kemungkinan besar menggunakan cache server. PoS atau dPoS mungkin bisa aja kepake tapi jadinya malah wagu. Kalau tujuannya sekedar lebih aman, maka ane rasa enkripsi https dan sejenisnya harusnya sih lebih dari cukup. Tapi kalau mau dipaksakan jadi blockchain ya sah-sah aja sih, tinggal gimana mereka mengakali agar interaksinya tetap cepat. Dan kalau ujungnya menggunakan central server plus cache server, ya sama aja jadinya database biasa sih. CMIIW.
5551  Local / Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia) / Re: Cerita Sedih Menjadi Bounty Hunter on: May 16, 2020, 05:54:09 AM
Sepertinya thread accusations yang dibuat udah dibaca banyak orang dan beberapa member mulai memberikan support. Dan seperti biasanya, selalu ada akun-akun baru yang tujuannya hanya untuk ngebela proyek yang sedang dilawan. Kemungkinan besar itu tim dari proyek itu sendiri.

Saran ane jangan diladeni kalau argumentasinya mulai melebar ke arah personal attack atau strawman, fokus aja ke masalah 'kontrak' yang agan punya dengan timnya di awal gimana dan jadinya bagaimana.
5552  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: Tabtrader app is scam on: May 16, 2020, 05:07:15 AM
This case sounds like an API abuse. To be honest it's quite difficult to prove whether the leak happens through Tabtrader or some other way and like TryNinja said, if Tabtrader is faulty then there should be more cases like yours.

I used them in the past and I don't face this problem. I don't defend them but maybe you should check again whether your API got leaked or not, and then remove all existing APIs from your exchange. Check whether your phone is infected with malware or not, check your e-mail, etc.

An analogy for this case is someone lost his funds after importing their seed through Electrum, while in fact their seed was exposed in the process due to malware or leaked through another way.
5553  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: Streamex Scam on: May 16, 2020, 04:47:02 AM
Take a screenshot from your phone/computer (if you don't know it search on Google how to do it), upload it to some image hosting website like Imgur, copy the image link here and you're done.

You can't accuse people without any proof.
5554  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: About adshares and ads coin on: May 16, 2020, 04:39:22 AM
I'd suggest you move to another publisher that pays directly in bitcoin or other liquid coins/tokens, so you won't' face this kind of difficulty. Even if you were able to sell these coins, if their liquidity is so low then your earning might be smaller than you might think.

There are some discussions around here and most of them suggest Cointraffic or Coinzilla. You might want to check them out. Don't forget DYOR.

5555  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Hashrate is dropping on: May 16, 2020, 04:31:13 AM
I am also beginning to worry as i see so many unconfirmed transactions. Also if this continue for long, will it have a bad effect on bitcoin and people will start to leave bitcoin and use other altcoins for example ethereum to avoid the high fee and confirmations time ?

There's no need to worry as the difficulty will get adjusted roughly every 2 weeks. It is not as bad as 2018 where people are rushing every time to make txs.

It will depend on what people actually wanted. If they need crypto to pay for something fast (but not that secure), using alts might be an option. But if they want to use bitcoin then they won't move from it. Bitcoin is really secured compared to other networks where 1 confirmation is enough for most merchants to accept your transaction, while on other chains you might need several confirmations.
5556  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: What was the maximum fee required for being confirmed within next block on: May 16, 2020, 04:17:38 AM
According to this, it was around January 2018[1]. I think that's understandable considering how hectic that month was, after the crazy run everyone starts making transactions and want a fast confirmation so they don't miss the opportunity to sell/buy some sats. Another stats history show more or less the same thing[2]

5557  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: Help me revolutionise the cryptocurrency industry! on: May 16, 2020, 04:03:40 AM
What you're offering is essentially being a middleman in a process that's already complex, prone to scam, and risky. I doubt anyone would give you money just because you're a unique guy if they don't have anything that can confirm they'll get their money back or at least you wouldn't run away.

If you want to be a pool (which is not the first one) start by registering your business and publish details about yourself. You might ask why you need to do this but I believe most 'investors' right now understand that handling money (it's not a donation if they want to get interest) to an anonymous person is as good as burning their money right away. Having an account on a forum doesn't really help you, as it's really easy for you to run away with their funds.

Note: you don't really need to post multiple times in a row. It broke forum rules too.
5558  Local / Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia) / Re: [Share & Diskusi] China Ingin mengintegrasikan 5G dan Blockchain on: May 16, 2020, 03:58:01 AM
Ane masih belum kegambar sebenarnya bentuk integrasinya kayak gimana. Ini kayak integrasi 'internet dengan blockchain', padahal mungkin yang dimaksud layanan-layanan yang memanfaatkan internet. Susah juga kegambar gimana ceritanya blockchain bisa bikin 5G atau jaringannya jadi lebih cepet. Plus, apa benar ini blockchain atau sekedar database yang dihost oleh beberapa komputer aja.

Untuk sementara ane menganggap ini cuma jargon marketing aja.

5559  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: ELECTRUM - BITCOIN WALLET on: May 16, 2020, 03:44:58 AM
Oh, berarti update-update di atas itu yang paling baru dan bisa membuat Electrumnya berjalan setelah diinstall ya? Oke-oke.

Mungkin bisa dicoba PCnya juga gan dengan update yang sama, sebagai eksperimen apa benar update" itu yang membuat Electrumnya bisa berjalan atau jangan-jangan ada hal lain yang agan lakukan yang malah membuatnya berhasil tapi tidak disadari.
5560  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: ELECTRUM - BITCOIN WALLET on: May 15, 2020, 04:05:16 AM
Mau saya copy langsung tidak bisa om tapi saya instal electrum itu pas tanggal 13 Mei 2020 berikut list beberapa update sebelum tanggal itu

Maaf nih mau memperjelas. Setelah install update tanggal 13 Mei itu berarti Electrum udah bisa jalan? Atau masih belum bisa? Karena dari cerita sebelumnya yang ane tangkep adalah agan nginstall Electrum, gagal dijalanin, terus update Windowsnya dan baru bisa. Kalau tanggal 13 Mei itu pertama kali agan nginstall Electrum, berarti ada update yang lebih baru yang membuat Electrum bisa berjalan dong seharusnya?
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