I havenīt heard about these platforms.
Same with me, I just know it and I'm surprised that OP said those are top 3 crypto marketplace. So doubtful for me, it seems the writer only used Alexa traffic ranking to determine them. Or actually the writer only intended to promote that marketplace. There is a lot of mass media paid to promote crypto projects, so it is quite difficult to trust on that news.
Unfortunatly, while you are hodling, you dont have any profits. To get them you should find right date for selling.
That's why sometimes we need other ways to get profits. I mean not only holding, but we can also try trading to earn regular profits. Holding is mostly intended for a long term investment. It should take for months/years. Surely, we won't hold forever, there is a time to trade assets.
Not really sure when talking about a specific time of pump and dump because they can happen anytime. Sometimes we have both pump and dump in a month, but at the other time we may find out no pump exactly. January is like the time for every investor to prepare their strategy and plan for their assets for 1 year ahead. In this case, the biggest possibility is for a dump.
1. Saya tidak pernah membuat thread serupa di board luar, saya hanya membuat thread dengan topik ini di board SFI saja. 2. Saya pastikan tidak pernah copy-paste thread orang lain, jikapun sama hanya sumbernya saja yang sama. 3. Seluruh konten OP di atas, saya kombinasikan berdasarkan sumber artikel yang tercantum di atas + pejelasan/penjabaran dari saya. Tidak ada unsur yang diambil dari thread orang lain. 4. Jika menemukan thread dengan topik serupa, harap beritahu saya linknya. Agar nanti saya tambahkan di OP dengan keterangan link terkait.
*Terima kasih banyak atas perhatiannya. Harap ini untuk diingat semuanya.
Kendati banyak yang tidak puas dengan progress kenaikan harga BTC di tahun 2019, namun tau kah kalian bahwa Bitcoin lah yang menjadi komoditas terbaik nomor 1 di tahun lalu. Dari 10 komoditas dengan performa terbaik di dunia termasuk emas dan minyak gas, ternyata Bitcoin yang paling top performanya. Apa artinya? Dari survey yang ada, terbukti bahwa berinvestasi di Bitcoin jauh lebih menjanjikan keuntungan dibanding dengan komoditas lainnya. List komoditas dengan performa terbaik 20191. Bitcoin: +100% 2. Palladium: +57% 3. Gasoline: +34% 4. Coffee: +30% 5. Lumber: +27% 6. Platinum: +19% 7. Gold: +18% 8. Silver: +15% 9. Sugar: +13% 10. Wheat: +11% Hasil ini mematahkan anggapan bahwa emas adalah komoditas terbaik untuk mendapatkan keuntungan. Mungkin dari sisi stabilitas dan keamanan, emas masih lebih baik dari Bitcoin. Namun dari akumulasi total keuntungan, ternyata Bitcoin masih jauh lebih baik daripada emas. Menurut saya sih, semua investasi punya resiko, tidak ada yang jaminan 100%. Meskipun resiko investasi Bitcoin terbilang tinggi, tapi terlihat sangat menjanjikan. DWYOR Informasi dari : https://beincrypto.com/bitcoin-btc-tops-all-other-commodities-in-returns-for-2019/
An existing token or coin?
I prefer to invest in top coins. But not all top coins, I'm not interested in stable coins so those coins are excluded. For now, I am interested to buy more only for Bitcoin and Ethereum because I see those have a reason to increase this year. While others, I think it is better to see their progress this month firstly before considering to buy. An upcoming ICO or IEO?
Actually, I am not sure to invest in both ICO and IEO. Invest in ICO is surely too risky, most of ICO projects only presented scams and unworthy coins/tokens in the market. While IEO was decreasing in popularity, many investors realized that IEO didn't meet expectation anymore. It seems we need some changes in both ICO and IEO system.
I haven't an interesting story about my Bitcoin experience in 2019 as everything looked rather too ordinary. I had a little amount of Bitcoin and kept holding it till the end of 2020 or a year after halving. I was not really sure to buy much because not all people looked confidence in the effects of that halving. So, I was trying to buy some but not too significant adding to my asset.
Filter exchanger sudah dimulai, yg masih cilik sepertinya pilihannya cuma merger atau gulung tikar.
Ada sisi bagusnya juga gan kalo ada filter seperti ini. Jadi nanti yang tersisa adalah exchanger yang benar-benar punya kapabilitas dan kredibilitas. Terlalu banyak exchanger juga tidak ada untungnya kalo umurnya cuman beberapa bulan saja. Seperti KoinX contohnya. Ujung-ujungnya bikin repot narik aset dari situ. Kalau gak salah nanti binance mau kerja sama dgn bank lokal untuk menyediakan penarikan rupiah. Atau itu cuma rumor? Makin rame aja persaingannya.
Info dari mana gan? Saya malah baru dengar dari agan ini kalo ada rencana seperti itu dari Binance. Masalah persaingan, menurut saya malah bagus karena bisa mendorong exchanger-exchanger lokal untuk lebih meningkatkan standarnya. Bakalan menarik pastinya kalo indodax punya kompetitor yang berimbang. Tentu tim indodax akan lebih berinovasi dan meningkatkan kualitasnya demi menjaga kepercayaan kostumer nya.
-snip- tapi kalau modal udah setipis dompet ini, susah memulai lagi dari awal, in aja mau trading maju mundur, terpaksa ngampaign dulu. hasil campaign buat trading. -snip-
Yang lebih bikin dilema kalo koin-koin lainnya pun senasib. Dalam artian juga merugi seperti TEN nya OP di atas. Jangankan untuk menutupi kerugian TEN tersebut, bisa jadi koin lainnya malah lebih parah nasibnya. Contoh kalo beli koin ICO, malah banyak yang harganya kayak kacang goreng setelah listing di exchange. Untuk campaign, gak bisa juga dibilang bisa menjadi alternatif nyari modal lagi karena banyakan gak ada hasilnya. Waktu habis, tenaga sudah terkuras, malah gak dapat apa-apa. Kurang efektif kalo mau nyari modal lewat campaign. Mau berapa lama nunggu sampai bisa terkumpul dana yang cukup. -snip- Keadaan pump harga sesaat pra-listing dan pasca-listing jika dapat dimaksimalkan oleh trader mungkin akan sangat menguntungkan, tetapi tetap harus memperhatikan resiko yang akan terjadi.
Kemungkinan pump itu biasanya ada untuk setiap koin. Tapi kadang harga pump itu kayak semacam pancingan saja (manipulasi). Kayak mereka cuman kerjasama dengan sebuah exchanger untuk menaikkan harga dan membuat seakan-akan ada yang naruh order (order beli/jual). Padahal pada saat itu orang-orang belum bisa melakukan penjualan karena alasan tertentu. Kesimpulannya, walaupun mau memanfaatkan moment pump, lihat-lihat dulu koin itu listing di exchanger mana. Kalo listingnya kayak di indodax, saya pikir oke saja. Tapi mending dihindari klo listing di exchanger abal-abal.
Yes. 2019 has been over already and we are on the first day of a new year, 2020. To be honest, I have a big expectation this year, especially for my rank achievement and my crypto assets. 2017 & 2018 were the worse years ever, I have nothing to say for those two years. While, in 2019, I have a little improvement in my Merit progress, plus I can join yahoo62278's signature campaign (bustadice) for the first time. Now, I am starting to improve both my account rank and my crypto assets. Well, let me tell you some of my goals in 2020 below. MY 2020 GOALS- Have more Bitcoin and Ethereum for my main crypto assets.
- Plan to learn how to be a weekly trader.
- Try to master techniques in predicting crypto prices.
- Give more contributions to forum.
- Collect 100 Merits and reach Full Member rank. Then, continue to move towards Sr. Member rank.
It's January 01, 2020. 2019 has been over already and we are in a new year, 2020. I'm really curious about something to happen this year. Since we've predicted some big things coming this year, I hope they will bring back crypto euphoria as in 2017. At least, the upcoming BTC halving really gives new hope to all crypto users. Or something new will come unexpectedly to reawaken the losing spirit. Hopefully, God grants it. =Welcome 2020= I wish bitcointalk will be better this year and can survive lasting. Good luck for us! *Picture source
-snip- Mari kita lihat tahun 2011, 2015 dan 2019 adalah 1 tahun sebelum halving untuk membandingkan harga di tahun halving 2012, 2016 dan anliasa 2020. kalau dilihat di tahun 2011 harga akan naik 10 x lipat di tahun 2012 dan 2 x lipat di tahun 2016. kalau di tahun 2020 >>...? [brp x lipatkah naiknya]
dan mari kita lihat juga harga setelah halving 2013, 2017 dan analisa 2021. kalau dilihat harga harga naik 100 x lipat dari tahun 2012 dan harga di 2017 anda tau sendiri naiknya brp kali lipat. kalau di tahun 2021 nanti harga bitcoin naik berapa kali lipat ya?.. -snip-
Saya pernah berkomentar di thread global tentang prediksi harga setelah halving yang ke 3: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5211195.msg53394605#msg53394605. Dari situ saya mempelajari 2 sumber tentang halving dan prediksi harga Bitcoin setelahnya. Saya simpulkan tidak ada nilai pasti harga BTC berapa setelah halving, hanya kisaran saja. Kalo berdasarkan skema chart di atas, seharusnya harga BTC mampu menembus $100k setelah halving (2020-2021). Namun tidak ada jaminan akan berapa nilai maksimumnya, sebab harga Bitcoin sepenuhnya ditentukan oleh trend market. Oleh karena itu para expert pun punya prediksi yang berbeda-beda tentang itu. Contoh untuk prediksi harga di tahun 2020, ada beberapa pandangan: Tom Lee ($91,000), IHODL ($100,000), Josh Rager ($150,000), BeinCrypto ($144,000), dll. Sumber: *https://hackernoon.com/will-bitcoin-skyrocket-after-the-2020-halving-like-in-2016-b61c6568debb *https://www.cryptocointrade.com/fundamental-analysis/top-5-bitcoin-price-prediction-charts-for-bitcoin-halving-2020/
I prefer to choose BTC since I probably have higher gaps between the buying price and selling price. Even if it means there is a chance to earn big profits or big losing. USDT price tends to always stable, while BTC price can go up or down suddenly. In my opinion, USDT is the right coin to keep our money, while BTC is the right coin to trade or invest our capital.
I think it's because no new promising projects that interest people anymore,
It may be one of the reasons. However, actually, there are many projects that offer promising concepts, with real case products. However, once more,, they are born in the bear market, they follow the market condition, and they always have its challenges in choosing the exchange, in maintaining the community, and other factors. we can't expect good projects every time, sometimes things will surely get dried
Yeah, probably true. Now, to determine "a good project" is very difficult. They may have good concepts, but, the projects can not survive in this bear market. Many factors influence. IEO is still a good way of raising fund,
Compared to the other crowdfunding, it may be still worthy. However, I only see from the data above that the popularity and condition of IEO are decreasing.
Can I ask in every post for getting some merits from people at the end of the post line?
You need to read forum rules: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=703657.0. You will see there that each member is not allowed to begging. 7. No begging.
I made a post today and two replies but no one get me the only one merit.
Don't worry about merit if you have good posts. Merit sources will find out your posts if they deserve for merits. Or people who have sMerit will appreciate your posts once they think your posts are informative, helpful, and quality. You just need to make posts more and continuously. Regarding your previous posts, if you got no single merit from them, it means those are not meritable.
Very nice odds, all serious predictions from experienced traders predict a price between 6.5k to 8.5k.
I have no intention to bet on price prediction but what those experienced traders predict seems will come true. The current price was about $7,2xx and it moved down slowly. I am pretty sure that the price won't move very significant today. So, it is likely you have a good chance to win. However, don't claim to win too early, just wait till the end of the day. From: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/bitcoin/The chart showed the price moved slowly between $7,3xx - $7,2xx on December 31. (from 00.00 to 18.00)