In my view, when Bakkt CEO is a US senator already, it should have two possibilities. 1. She can be a good negotiator for crypto/Bitcoin adoption, or 2. She will be sued to fight Bitcoin/crypto as she is a part of the trump government.
Let's see what will happen. I think we don't need to expect too much.
Crypto is suitable to be adopted in the gaming sector. Those gamers play almost every minute, every day. Developers can make crypto coins as the supporting feature in their games. We have already seen many examples on gambling or betting. Gamblers take advantage by using crypto coins. So, it should work as well for players.
I think it is no problem if you have an idea to convert some BTC to Gold. It means you want to divesify your assets, and make sure not to expect everything in a single investment only. It is normal and it is your own assets, so everything depends on you. But I must critize for people that stated Bitcoin investment has no good future. They are not sure about it but why they are here! lol
Bitcoin will be getting a LOT of bad news, this is just the beginning !!!
Don't judge without strong evidences. You seems like spreading FUDs if you comment like this. If you know much about the future Bitcoin, let us know what you already learned. -snip- Just look price collapses as we are seeing now, -snip-
It already happended many times. The big declines in price mustn't the evidence of bad Bitcoin future. How long have you worked in crypto space? -snip- I wonder how long it takes for people here to realize things are not going to work out like they think...
So, what is your suggestion exatcly? Leave/quit from Bitcoin/crypto investment now?
Maafken anak muda yang lancang ini Pak. Sungkem suhu.. Saya tidak bermaksud apa2, cuman ikut menyampaikan pendapat saja. Dan kebetulan post suhu yang saya komen.. -snip- Ane tunggu kontribusi bermanfaat nak @Rengga Jati di bitcointalk sesuai dengan komentar agan sebelumnya. Masih mudah bagus itu kalau punya idealisme. -snip-
Oke pak, saya nyoba buat kembali ke jalan yang benar. History saya sudah rapikan, tinggal merapikan cara pikir saya sendiri dan nyoba usaha. -snip- Jangan seperti ane yang cuma bisa omong doang, maklum sudah tua.
Ini sindiran terdalam yang pernah saya terima, Pak. Mohon maaf lahir batin pak kalo saya sudah berbuat kesalahan yang bikin suhu jengkel. Saya menyadari yang omdo itu saya, suhu. Sekali lagi maaf.. -snip- Dan om diatas sudah mulai membuka lembaran baru, wipe post yang ndak penting :v
Iya benar sekali suhu. Niatnya mau membuka lembaran baru. Siapa tau saya bisa move on. Walaupun kadang masih suka ragu2 saya.
The CEO of Coinfloor says that Bitcoin is the only one crypto proven. Well, this may not be strange to say this. For, many altcoins fall and cannot maintain their price, moreover when BTC is down or even up. However, what I'm still confused about is why they also delisted two biggest altcoins (ETH and BCH). In my opinion, those two altcoins are proven and promising enough for their holders.
-snip- Kalau ada kebijakan dari forum mengenai dihapusnya section bounty misalkan, secara gak langsung hal itu juga berdampak kepada keberlangsungan si membernya. Apakah akan pensi atau terus disini.
Benar kalo dikaji dari sisi dampaknya. Tapi kalo kita lihat dari tujuan pembuatan thread yang dicantumkan OP di atas, sedikit melebar sih. [menurut saya] Saya cuman mengaitkan dengan tujuan thread aja sih, kalo menurut OP nya ndak masalah ya oke aja. hehe -snip- Tidak harus gan, jika saya mau maka saya bisa merubah sedikit judulnya sehingga pembahasannya bisa masuk. Lihat diatas Boleh juga kalo judul dan tujuannya disesuaikan. Tapi sepertinya belum ada perubahan di thread utama gan? Atau yang agan maksud ini hanyalah pilihan alternatif selain buat thread baru ya. - Terlalu takut dengan member yang namanya Joniboini, Husna QA, abhiseshakana, roycilik + mu_enrico dll yang biasa mengkritisi post tidak berguna dan low quality post.
Ternyata ada juga ya yang seperti itu. Padahal kan klo dikritisi, itu untuk perbaikan dan kemajuan diri sendiri. Selain itu, kalo tau low quality post bakal dikritisi, ya berusha buat post yang bagus. Idealnya sih pada sebuah post itu yang penting tidak ada unsur-unsur ini : out of topic (oot), useless (tidak ada gunanya), spread hatred (menyebar kebencian), nyebar spam/scam, atau memajang gambar tidak senonoh. Dan baiknya ada unsur-unsur ini : useful (ada gunanya), menggunakan tata bahasa yang benar, ditulis dengan tanda baca yang pas, on topic (nyambung dengan yang dibahas), uniqe (tidak sama dengan post orang lain), no copy-paste/plagiarism, dan mudah dimengerti orang lain (tidak berbelit-belit). Saya kira orang gak bakal nyinyir kalo post yang dibuat sudah memenuhi kriteria di atas. Jika pun masih banyak yang nyinyir, tanggapi aja dengan slow. haha
Its depend on rank, only Hero and Legendary ranks signature code is same. So for other rank you can't wear signature if it's for higher ranks from your current rank.
Perfectly true. Lower ranks cannot wear the signature codes for higher rank, except Hero and Legend. It will be a problem if lower ranks are accepted for that spot. when I had joined Bitsler, there was only open Legendary spot. So unfortunately my ranks were Hero. But after sometimes manager announced if there is no quality Legendary member then he might pick Hero member as well (obviously pay rate different). So I applied there and get accepted.
However, this seems to rarely happen. Nowadays, we have many active Hero and Legendary ranks who have already joined signature campaigns regularly. Anyway, that was a good decision by the BM, you were lucky to be accepted there, sir. And if you have the same case later, your experience may be one of the considerations. I see you got accepted, i hope you are happy now Good luck Sure. It's an honor for me. Thanks bro
Accepted, we are full again now Thank you so much, sir. I'm so glad that I can participate in bustadice signature campaign. It's an honor for me.
It seems like the OP has understood enough about that question.
Yes. Now, it is clear enough. I have read all replies and try to understand. But will the manager also consider accepting lower ranking members who are good postmakers if there is a higher ranking slot that is empty?
It doesn't make sense, buddy. Lower ranks cannot fulfill the requirement of the ranks that are needed. For example, a campaign needs 5x Full members, 5x Sr members, and 5x Hero/Legend members. The bounty manager mustn't consider member ranks or Junior members since it is clearly seen full members above. And I believe that will be no member or junior ranks to apply there.
Since it's a high payment campaign that's why even higher rank users applying there and it's not against forum rules or campaign rules.
True. Money is like sugar, normal people must be interested. As long as they have the possibility to join, they won't miss a chance to apply. I also face same issue on my campaign, but I pick quality poster even this is appropriate or higher rank. I won't accept Legendary as a member pay rate if the poster isn't a good poster.
A wise decision. I like how you decide the solution, and I am pretty sure that yahoo62278 also does the same thing. So don't worry about who are applying there. Managers will not give them priority just for their rank if they are spammer.
Okay, manager. Now, I understand what will be the priority. I'm so glad to see your comment on my thread. Thank you so much.
Yes, that is normal and every campaign managers have their own decisions and perspective way in selecting participants. -snip-
Understood. Yes, they have their own rules and they must know what is better for their campaigns. I can understand that way, thanks for reminding me.
My point is, you could have just asked why higher rank members are applying in bustadice thread since it is the campaign in question like what other members did (see the example in my first comment).
Not really sure that's why I asked the question to others. I think there is no problem with asking a question to others, right? For me, to make sure the answer is better than guessing. Thanks for your attention, bro. Have a nice day!
While it may seem unfair to some, you have to understand those that are paying for campaigns- they simply want max exposure for their money, and some high rank member with more visible signature and better status on the forum might bring them that.
Yeah, I know about it. Bounty managers will consider the reputation and the quality of their posts. And those who have better are many from higher ranks. there are currently 3 BTC signature campaigns that are accepting Member rank(+ Bustadice), you might wanna think about applying to those in case your Bustadice application doesn't go though.
Thank you so much bro for that information. Sure, I will take a look at them immediately. Next time you have a question like this about certain campaigns, you should just ask on their main thread and not create a separate topic unless that thread has been locked.
Separated topic? Bustadice is just an example. My question above is not only addressed to that campaign. Please read carefully what I wrote above! May be you don't care much about the culture here?
Don'care? If I don't care, I won't make this thread. And just forgot everything. it depends on the manager who he will accept or deny.
Yeah, I agree that everything will depend on the bounty managers whether to accept or deny.
I just saw an open member slot on this bounty paid in BTC : As I am a member rank, I tried to apply there. But I was surprised that not only Full Member and Senior Member, Hero and Legendary members also applied for that Member slot. Guys, do you think something like this normal? For me, it doesn't really make sense. The ideal condition must be: a member slot is for member ranks. Member ranks above (Full-Legendary) must realize that the slot is not for them.
-snip- Agree? Disagree?
I don't want to state agree or disagree, bro. I'm just worried if those 10 reasons will be nothing once big countries like USA, Russia, or China suddenly decides to ban all activities related to Bitcoin and other crypto coins/tokens. 3. Acceptance (Bitcoin is only 10 years old!)
Anyway, it is not only but already 10 years old. 10 years is not a short time, it is a long time already.
Ah sorry, actually I've already tried to search about it by putting key words "Satoshi section" but unfortunately didn't find it out. Don't be sorry for suggesting but try to search first if the same topic has been asked before.
It's not important if you are newbie, jr member or Legendary, all members are the same and have full rights to suggest new idea in this forum. Regarding a special section dedicated to Satoshi, it's interesting idea but I don't think we really need it.
Okay. Understood, mate. I will lock this thread. Thanks all.
Sorry if you guys don't like my idea, please no offense. This is just a little idea from a lower rank member. Thanks
I saw people made some threads about Satoshi on Bitcoin Discussion: I think it should not happen if we have a special section dedicated to Satoshi. So, all the information and questions related to him must be addressed in that section. So guys, is it possible if we have a special section dedicated to Satoshi? And all the threads about Satoshi on the Bitcoin section can be relocated.