I like the performance and enthusiasm of the team, I hope their efforts will provide maximum results, enthusiasm in promotion and developing this project. I will always support you.
Do job seekers have to pay for posting their resume or for anything else? And when you are planning to launch the mass product?
Thanks for the question. I am Ilia, CEO of Empleos. The platform is absolutely free for job seekers. In the future they will have an option to promote their resumes using earned PLEO. We have the following milestones for the product development: Sep 2018 - alpha version Nov 2018 - beta version Dec 2018 - phase 1 product launch Thanks for your answer, Ilia. Will there be any opportunities to test the platform? I think you have a project that is very feasible to support and have a good project, I hope you and others can succeed in this project with ease, enthusiasm and success.
How is your project developing? I think this unique project is quite fun and interesting, hopefully many other investors and bounty hanter will be interested.
Graphene adalah material dengan bentuk karbon yang terdiri dari satu lapisan atom karbon yang tersusun dalam sebuah kisi heksagonal dan merupakan nanomaterial dua dimensi pertama yang diproduksi oleh para peneliti.
Para ilmuwan berteori tentang graphene selama bertahun-tahun tetapi pada tahun 2004, mereka akhirnya mengisolasi selembar atom tunggal graphene dari grafit (bahan baku) dan kemudian memenangkan Hadiah Nobel dalam fisika pada tahun 2010. Graphene adalah bahan tertipis dan terkuat yang pernah diketahui sekarang, hanya satu atom tebal (satu juta kali lebih tipis dari rambut) dan 150 kali lebih kuat dari berat baja. Itu bisa dilipat sesuai keinginan dan dapat diperluas hingga lebih dari 20%.
Ini membuat listrik lebih dari 200 kali lebih efisien daripada silikon dan seluruhnya terbuat dari karbon, yang merupakan unsur keempat yang paling berlimpah di alam semesta!
di lihat dari pengertian saja Graphene sepertinya penemuan baru yang sangat revolusioner dibanyak hal dan bidang, saya rasa penemuan semacam ini perlu diapresiasi. karena project semacam ini adalah penentu masa depan kita kelak. saya sangat tertarik mempelajari lebih jauh tentang project ini.
total supply untuk project ini memang sangat minim, hal itu suatu sudah menjadi kelebihan ataupun keunggulan. namun pemberian airdrop yang sangat mungil membuat saya tidak begitu tertarik untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut.
the concept is pretty good and the idea idea can be said to be creative, but why isn't the announcement on the thread seem interesting? so that I just read the important points regardless of the others. my advice is to immediately update your thread with interesting language and appearance.
Will chain support immediately update its main website? because I see no sucure and certificate of the website. this is a suspicion for me to know more about the project about this project. Is this project a real or only prospective scam project.
this project is very interesting because the idea is simple but seems to be able to change the world depends on its application. but unfortunately the information written in this thread is very low quality so I can't learn more.
yes I agree with you. This project is very interesting and the information is also simple. But I want to ask kapa end of ico? Are you asking ico? and who are "kapa" you talking about and asking? why is this project not updating information? I really want to learn more. I will continue to wait for it to continue.
is this one of the projects that is in the name of religion and world peace again? how do you explain your project to atheists? Will this later become a social project that pours money from there?
pornography business in my opinion is always beneficial amidst the growth of projects with other concepts also developing. but in this project we can relax a little and enjoy the scenery. I have also monitored the allocation bounty equivalent to 300 ETH according to the ICO rate.
ide ide baru jarang saya temui pada konsep project ini namun meskipun demikian project ini memiliki keapan ataupun kematangan untuk mengeksekusi dengan baik project dengan konsep dan ide ide yang sama. sehingga hal tersebut memberikan nilai positif pada project FanChain ini.
konsep yang sangat menarik apalagi untuk orang - orang yang notabene sudah menyukai musik sejak kecil, project ini akan membantu dalam mempermudahkan urusan tersebut. tentu hal ini patut diapresiasi, sukses terus untuk project ini.
saya sangat tertarik dengan project ini karena solusi yang ditawarkan sangat efektif, apalagi disusun dengan struktural konsep yang sangat baik serta pastinya team dan developers yang solid hingga dapat membuat project LIPCHAIN yang menurut saya sangat bagus secara keseluruhan.
This project is quite busy to discuss, especially in my country section, Indonesia. I think this project has a very productive team in the mining stage, I am very interested in all things from this project. I will support this project, thank you.
Sidera is a new platform that makes me interested enough to learn more. I really like the concept and the idea, hopefully this project will run smoothly and successfully.
this project is very interesting because the idea is simple but seems to be able to change the world depends on its application. but unfortunately the information written in this thread is very low quality so I can't learn more.
this is a project with new exchange theme, I was very interested when first seen this information. I am sure this project will be easy to develop especially if it is assisted by investors. thank you
I rarely see ico with payments from lots of tokens and coins. this has become the excellence of this project in marketing token that he sells. I will learn more about this project and certainly keep abreast of its development.
I feel this project is very enthusiastic and guaranteed, judging by the ever-increasing development and the never-ending performance of the team, hopefully give us maximum results quickly and smoothly.
I really agree with your opinion because I also feel the same with what you feel. this project will be able to compete with other projects, because the idea and concept is very good and realistic for this era.
judging from the concept of this project, it is very promising, I think. if we examine the name of "Social Chain", will this project focus on social media platform or how? I think the name is taken from the nature of humans who need each other or are bound.