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61  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Europe, you reap what you sow... on: February 13, 2016, 01:05:04 PM
Just to point out: most "invasions" do not immediately (or even eventually) mean that the invaders become the majority in the invaded land. It just means they become the occupying force -- the ones who make the rules under which society lives.

In today's Europe, Europeans are very proud to assert they have no death penalty. The truth is there is a death penalty for something as simple as drawing Mohammed. Europeans are just continuing to delude themselves about who makes and enforces the law.

But regarding the population statistics, someone should go to a few train stations in a few German cities and secretly record video of who walks by for an hour or so. Then everyone could simply count to get an estimate. I'm not there, but I expect anyone who claims the percent is either <= 5% or >= 50% will be wrong. I'll put my guess down as, oh, 15%. That might seem high, but there's clear evidence that the German government is purposefully hiding information about their policy. There's roughly 80 million people in Germany, so bringing in 10 million Muslims would increase the Muslim population by 10%. 1 million is the figure Germany admits, and we know the German government (and media) is willing to lie about it.

Anyone in Germany willing to do such an experiment? I'm not a lawyer, so it may be illegal to secretly video record people in a train station in Germany. Try to keep it secret.
62  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Mass Invader Sex Attacks in Stuttgart, Hamburg on: February 13, 2016, 12:57:17 PM
Is unfair everything that is going on. But all refugees are not bad.
They are fleeing from their country because they have nothing.

Strange that they insist on fleeing to non-Muslim countries, when there are so many Muslim countries in the world. It's almost like "fleeing" isn't the real reason. I guess that the vast majority of "refugees" are young males should also be a clue.

63  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Facebook, Twitter, Google To Censor Immigration Discussion in Germany on: February 13, 2016, 12:55:42 PM
Regarding the percentage of Muslims in France, it's worth pointing out that France purposefully does not collect these kinds of statistics. There's no way to really know the percentages. I looked up the estimates in the online "CIA Factbook" 7 or 8 years ago, and not since then. In any case, it's clear that any such estimates would be out of date given the current crisis.
64  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Facebook, Twitter, Google To Censor Immigration Discussion in Germany on: February 11, 2016, 07:13:02 PM
Stop them before become majority in all European countries..Than they'll try to use european laws to create their state and independence

Too late for that. Western Europe is already lost. Most of the Western European nations will become Muslim majority in a few decades time (perhaps with the exception of Italy). Eastern Europe is the only hope (Poland, Belarus, Slovakia, Hungary.etc). Even if there is zero immigration from now onward, the already existing Muslim population will start multiplying at a rapid pace to drown the natives in the Western European nations.

France is one of the highest Muslim countries in Europe with 8% of Muslims... It was 7.5% in 2009, WHAT AN INVASION!!!

Can we really say Europe is lost and Muslim will become the majority in a few decades? xD

France has had one of the highest Muslim populations for a while, as you noted. I seriously doubt the percentage is only 8% now. It'll be some time before we have accurate post-invasion figures.

But France needs Muslim immigrants. They shoot the cartoonists/Jews/concert-attendees that the French won't shoot. It would be a great loss to the multicultural fabric of France if such shootings went unshot.
65  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do islam hates people? on: February 11, 2016, 06:53:13 PM

You guys just need to be more tolerant of goat-fuckers who marry kids.
66  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Europe, you reap what you sow... on: February 11, 2016, 06:30:39 PM

Muslim students at a German university have seized control of a “silent room” designed as a space for all pupils, transforming it into a makeshift mosque and erecting a wall to segregate genders. There are also feet washing facilities and signs instructing women to wear the veil and to not wear perfume.

Squatting is illegal in Germany. They may get prison time.


Well it's always complicated. Think about how the school can do? It means the school has to bring them to court, sue them, then the prosecution will go on for 1 or 2 years, while the association defend them getting the school a shitty reputation without really earning anything :/
If you take them to court, yes.  The easiest thing to do is simply call the police for disturbing public order and safety.

Right, police intervention should clean this mess easily.

The police would probably do what they did in Cologne. Shrug and say, "there's nothing we can do."

It's going be to interesting to watch Germany undergo the transformation from a Muslim country in denial that it's a Muslim country, to a Muslim country that knows its a Muslim country.
67  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Facebook, Twitter, Google To Censor Immigration Discussion in Germany on: February 11, 2016, 06:23:06 PM
Do you believe in reptilian Jews? Flat Earth?

No and No. Conspiracy theories are fun to entertain, but if you check my history you'll find I'm usually arguing against them (if I engage at all). Look at the "Who did 9/11?" thread. I also did a fun "Who did 7/7?" spoof.

There, I answered your questions. Here's one for you:

Do you believe there is credible evidence that Facebook, Twitter and Google are censoring the current immigration discussion in Germany?

(I'm not asking if that's a good or bad thing from your point of view. I'm asking if it's reasonable to believe it's happening.)

Well, you got two questions, so I'll try my luck at a second:

Over the last ten years, have there been more hate crimes committed by Muslims against Jews in Europe, or by Jews against Muslims in Europe?
68  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Facebook, Twitter, Google To Censor Immigration Discussion in Germany on: February 11, 2016, 06:17:12 PM
Your ability to twist my words are astonishing.

I have nothing against jews - i could be one you know?

We could both be Jews. Or neither of us could be Jews. I asked if it would bother you because you accused me of being a "wannabe racist jew[sic]." I'm not sure why you would make such an accusation unless you thought being Jewish (or "wanting to be" Jewish) is something negative. When I accused you of being a Nazi, it was certainly because I think being a Nazi is negative. And again, the reason I accuse you of being a Nazi is because you're knowingly supporting a policy that will result in many dead Jews.

Do you notice something? Im calling you a racist jew, but the only thing that bothers you is that im calling you a jew?

I've given no indication that I'm bothered by being called a Jew. I usually don't acknowledge whether or not I'm a Jew. If it would bother someone if I were I Jew, I'd prefer that person be bothered. I responded to the "racist" charge earlier. No need to repeat myself.

What i hate, which i already stated, is extremism and you my dear display a lot of it.

If you actually opposed extremism, you would be opposing bringing a million people from an extreme, militant Jew-hating religion into Germany. Instead you're opposing those who oppose it. It's not hard to deduce from that where you really stand.

I'm definitely an extremist when it comes to opposing Jew-haters. Some people lament the Dresden bombings. As I've said before, my only problem with the Dresden bombings is not enough Nazis burned to death. I'd also like to see Nuremberg style trials for the people who implemented the current bring-as-many-Jew-hating-Muslims-into-Europe-as-possible policy.

I have real life examples for muslims and jews living peacefully with each other in germany in contrast to you who is only using polemics to agitate the mass, while accusing me of being a neo-nazi (whose goal is to exterminate the european jews and all other subhumans by letting millions of extremist muslims in - yeah i know it seems you have paronoid delusions.)

Your anecdotal experiences are completely consistent with something I said earlier: most Muslims (like most Christians and most Jews) know very little about their religion. I'm sure Nazis and Jews could get along fine if the Nazis were incredibly ill-informed about their ideology.

There are explicit references to the extermination of the Jews in Islamic teaching. It would be conspiratorial to deny that fact. The best an apologist for Islam could do is acknowledge it and then explicitly try to reinterpret the relevant passages. The usual apologist for Islam has a simpler response: "Shut up racist!" Or, to stick with the topic of the thread, "Hallo, Herr Zuckerberg. Hier ist Frau Merkel. Wir mussen das Racist silencen! Silence macht frei!"

Jews were hated and persecuted over the last two millenias, maybe even the most hated and persecuted - so it is pretty ironic that a jew has such a way of thinking.

Thanks for capitalizing Jew once, if only because it was at the beginning of a sentence. Most I-have-nothing-against-Jews Jew-haters can't bring themselves to capitalize the word at all.

But I'm confused by the content. What Jew has what way of thinking?

If you read my post carefully you woulda have noticed that i usually dont capitalize at all except at the start of a sentence - it is just my writing style.

Let me paraphase the question:
Why would someone who knows that jews were victims of racism and genocide over the last two millenia agitate people to be racist and exert violence to certain religious or ethnic groups?

I don't agitate for people to be racist. Racism is a consequence of classifying people based on genetics. Islam (like Christianity) is independent of genetics. Islam is a system of beliefs. It is of course acceptable to hate people based on their ideas. It's a crazy idea to treat all ideas as equal. Judaism can confuse the issue because there are religious Jews and ethnic Jews. People can, of course, oppose the ideas contained in Judaism. The Nazis hated them as an ethnic group.

Nazism is also a collection of ideas. It would be racist to hate the Nazis because they were German. It's fine to hate the Nazis because they are Nazis. Likewise, if a group in the Middle East had very similar ideas to the Nazis, it's fine to hate and violently oppose them. In fact, it's racist if someone would oppose German Nazis but would not oppose Arab Nazis (e.g., Hamas).
69  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Facebook, Twitter, Google To Censor Immigration Discussion in Germany on: February 09, 2016, 05:47:07 PM
Yes, actually we don't know number of them..two years before 2 million refugees crossed syria turkish border and every day came more and more..could be true that they are now in Europe..we don't know we just see streets full of them and their veiled woman

Some group (independent of governments and media) should do an independent survey of the percentage of Muslims in Germany and other European countries. Who knows how many lies are being told?
70  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Facebook, Twitter, Google To Censor Immigration Discussion in Germany on: February 09, 2016, 05:33:07 PM
A fairly obvious thought occurred to me. We know that media in Germany is being censored. Why isn't anyone seriously questioning how many refugees rapefugees invaders have been imported? I've heard figures like "1 million" for the past year. How do we know it isn't actually 10 million? If the German government asked the media to report lower numbers, it's obvious they would comply.
71  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Europe, you reap what you sow... on: February 09, 2016, 05:29:11 PM
Yeah sure, let's totally forget the influence and the responsability of the USA.

Not like this fucking warmonger country just decided to protect Saudi for their oil while totally not giving a fuck about the fact they're also giving  this money to ISIS and Daesh! It's all Europe fault!

Yeah sure, let's forget the influence and the responsibility of a 7th century delusional murdering war-mongering culture-destroying pedophile. It's all the USA's fault!
72  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Facebook, Twitter, Google To Censor Immigration Discussion in Germany on: February 07, 2016, 04:49:52 PM
*der ewige jude

Obviously I'm not German. Thanks for correcting my German version of "the eternal Jew."

Your ability to twist my words are astonishing.

I have nothing against jews - i could be one you know?

We could both be Jews. Or neither of us could be Jews. I asked if it would bother you because you accused me of being a "wannabe racist jew[sic]." I'm not sure why you would make such an accusation unless you thought being Jewish (or "wanting to be" Jewish) is something negative. When I accused you of being a Nazi, it was certainly because I think being a Nazi is negative. And again, the reason I accuse you of being a Nazi is because you're knowingly supporting a policy that will result in many dead Jews.

What i hate, which i already stated, is extremism and you my dear display a lot of it.

If you actually opposed extremism, you would be opposing bringing a million people from an extreme, militant Jew-hating religion into Germany. Instead you're opposing those who oppose it. It's not hard to deduce from that where you really stand.

I'm definitely an extremist when it comes to opposing Jew-haters. Some people lament the Dresden bombings. As I've said before, my only problem with the Dresden bombings is not enough Nazis burned to death. I'd also like to see Nuremberg style trials for the people who implemented the current bring-as-many-Jew-hating-Muslims-into-Europe-as-possible policy.

Jews were hated and persecuted over the last two millenias, maybe even the most hated and persecuted - so it is pretty ironic that a jew has such a way of thinking.

Thanks for capitalizing Jew once, if only because it was at the beginning of a sentence. Most I-have-nothing-against-Jews Jew-haters can't bring themselves to capitalize the word at all.

But I'm confused by the content. What Jew has what way of thinking?
73  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Facebook, Twitter, Google To Censor Immigration Discussion in Germany on: February 07, 2016, 04:06:33 PM
Why do you think that every single muslim wants to kill jews?

I don't believe this, and it's a bizarre thing for you to infer from what I've written. I do believe that Islam has included Jew-hatred since the time of its founding. I believe this because, unlike most people, I bothered to learn about Islam, including its founding, its teachings and its history. Due to Islamic theology, Muslims are much more likely to attack/kill Jews than non-Muslims are to attack Jews. Fortunately, most Muslims -- like most Christians and most Jews -- don't know much about their religion, so they're relatively harmless. Muslims are only a problem when they learn about their religion and start to take it seriously, and are high enough of a percentage of the population to enforce their views on the rest of the population.

I just checked your post history - nevermind i just got baited by a wannabe racist jew lmao

Eh, "racist" is a word that's lost all meaning now, since it's applied when it clearly isn't appropriate. I wouldn't mind if I were a Jew though, so calling me a "wannabe jew [sic]" isn't such an insult. Some of the most intelligent and accomplished people in the world have been Jews. Would it bother you if I were a Jew? What does that tell you about yourself?

Lemme ask you are a hardline zionist who supports building more towns in the west bank?

If you're honestly interested in my views on Israel, look up my posts on this thread:

I see no reason to rehash them here, especially since I don't think you actually care. You're bringing up Israel because you, like most Germans, think the root of the current trouble with Islamic extremism is Israel's fault. It's certainly not the first time Germans believed that the root of all the world's problems are die ewige Jude.
74  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Facebook, Twitter, Google To Censor Immigration Discussion in Germany on: February 07, 2016, 03:39:58 PM
but to be precise i was obviously talking about ww2

So, just to be clear: the lesson Germany learned from WW2 was to import a million people from a militant Jew-hating religion/culture, and to silence those who criticize it. Perfect.

well whatever, you read what you want to read

I can understand why a true but uncomfortable statement would make you inclined to hide behind a dismissive meme.

There have been numerous attacks on Jews by Muslims in Europe over the past decade. From the torture and murder of Ilan Halimi, to the school shooting in France, to the attack on the Jewish supermarket following the Charlie Hebdo attack. Here's a good article on the phenomenon from the left-wing magazine The Atlantic (though the website seems to be down at the moment):

Europeans know this, and know the cause of it. European leaders are inviting in more Muslims -- people with the same attitude towards Jews -- with eyes open. They know the policy will lead to more dead Jews, and more Jews escaping Europe to friendlier lands.

The fact that you know this, and yet you defend the policy, implies you accept its consequences: dead Jews.

I know you're German (in addition to other hints, you wrote "covering" for "cowering"). It must be tough to hear. Germans wonder how their grandparents and great-grandparents could've possibly supported the Nazis -- with their obviously insane and dangerous beliefs. Today's Germans only need look in the mirror. They are doing the same thing, with the minor change that they are outsourcing the Jew-killing.

I know you think you're anti-Nazi. But look in the mirror quietly for a few moments and look at the consequences of the policies you support. You are a Nazi.

The meme was just the perfect answer to your accusations.
I will give you a quote to think about - you might probaly know it:

Quote from: Elie Wiesel
The guilty ones are guilty.
Their childrens are just childrens.

The only way this quote would be relevant is if I were accusing you of being a Nazi since you are descended from Nazis. I'm accusing you of being a Nazi because you are knowingly supporting policies that will result in many dead Jews. You are not a child. You are guilty.
75  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Facebook, Twitter, Google To Censor Immigration Discussion in Germany on: February 07, 2016, 11:52:49 AM
but to be precise i was obviously talking about ww2

So, just to be clear: the lesson Germany learned from WW2 was to import a million people from a militant Jew-hating religion/culture, and to silence those who criticize it. Perfect.

well whatever, you read what you want to read

I can understand why a true but uncomfortable statement would make you inclined to hide behind a dismissive meme.

There have been numerous attacks on Jews by Muslims in Europe over the past decade. From the torture and murder of Ilan Halimi, to the school shooting in France, to the attack on the Jewish supermarket following the Charlie Hebdo attack. Here's a good article on the phenomenon from the left-wing magazine The Atlantic (though the website seems to be down at the moment):

Europeans know this, and know the cause of it. European leaders are inviting in more Muslims -- people with the same attitude towards Jews -- with eyes open. They know the policy will lead to more dead Jews, and more Jews escaping Europe to friendlier lands.

The fact that you know this, and yet you defend the policy, implies you accept its consequences: dead Jews.

I know you're German (in addition to other hints, you wrote "covering" for "cowering"). It must be tough to hear. Germans wonder how their grandparents and great-grandparents could've possibly supported the Nazis -- with their obviously insane and dangerous beliefs. Today's Germans only need look in the mirror. They are doing the same thing, with the minor change that they are outsourcing the Jew-killing.

I know you think you're anti-Nazi. But look in the mirror quietly for a few moments and look at the consequences of the policies you support. You are a Nazi.
76  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Anti-Islamofascism Demonstrations in Europe? on: February 07, 2016, 11:41:33 AM
Just move to israel [sic] if you are covering in such fear  Roll Eyes

One of the amusing things about this situation is that germany [sic] has decided to live like the Israelis for a while.

Regarding "such fear" -- I often hear this theme. It's the "Islamophobia" nonsense. I don't think speaking out against a backwards savage totalitarian belief system like Islam is a sign of "fear" -- quite the opposite.

Does the fact that you speak out against the "far right"/PEGIDA indicate that you have "fear" of them?

yes i fear all kinds of extremisn - left right religous etc pp. but that doesnt mean that i dont fight against it.

If there were a way to test it, I would bet a lot of money that the only kind of "extremism" you have spoken out against for the last two years is what you would call "far right" (e.g., PEGIDA). I would bet you ignore "left" extremism, and make excuses for Islamic extremism.
77  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Proof that God exists on: February 07, 2016, 05:00:33 AM
Given the title of the thread and the content of the OP, people should look into Gödel's proof that God exists. Here's a link that has a high level description:

Of course, it's possible to understand the proof and still reject the conclusion. (I'm an atheist.) The easiest way to reject the conclusion is to reject at least one axiom. For example, Axiom 3 states:

The property of being God-like is positive.

I find this axiom highly questionable.

One can also reject the general logical setup in which the proof is done.

Theological questions played an important historical role in the early development of what we'd now call "logic" and "proof."

The very first definition in these arguments disqualifies most Gods described in 'holy' books:

"Definition 1: x is God-like if and only if x has as essential properties those and only those properties which are positive "

For example: God of the Bible is a vengeful, masochistic, genocidal maniac.  Hardly any positive properties.

I agree that the God of the Bible is described as having many properties I would consider negative. But the proof was not intended to demonstrate that the "God of the Bible" is "God." The proof was only intended to demonstrate that "God" exists. It's independent of particular religions of the moment.
78  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Anti-Islamofascism Demonstrations in Europe? on: February 07, 2016, 04:56:21 AM
Just move to israel [sic] if you are covering in such fear  Roll Eyes

One of the amusing things about this situation is that germany [sic] has decided to live like the Israelis for a while.

Regarding "such fear" -- I often hear this theme. It's the "Islamophobia" nonsense. I don't think speaking out against a backwards savage totalitarian belief system like Islam is a sign of "fear" -- quite the opposite.

Does the fact that you speak out against the "far right"/PEGIDA indicate that you have "fear" of them?
79  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Facebook, Twitter, Google To Censor Immigration Discussion in Germany on: February 07, 2016, 04:51:12 AM
but to be precise i was obviously talking about ww2

So, just to be clear: the lesson Germany learned from WW2 was to import a million people from a militant Jew-hating religion/culture, and to silence those who criticize it. Perfect.
80  Other / Politics & Society / Anti-Islamofascism Demonstrations in Europe? on: February 06, 2016, 09:31:03 PM
I saw a report on Zero Hedge about big protests across Europe today against the ongoing conquest of Europe by Islam.

The post seems to take a pro-Islam point of view, but it was interesting nevertheless.

Did anyone on here in Europe see/attend any of these big demonstrations? Any first-hand reports of things the media would like to ignore?

It's good to see some people are standing up. It seems a bit too-little-too-late to me, but who knows.
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