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61  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Duterte is most genius leader in the world agree? on: February 11, 2017, 07:19:51 PM
Genius? I don't think Duterte is that. Genuine perhaps, he is true to his cause to eradicate the drug problems in his country. And as a result, the Philippines will be a drug society when this term ends. But I hope the government can sustain it even he's no longer the President because all of his efforts will be put on garbage if the drugs in his country will flourish again after his Presidency.
What you want to say that now when Duterte drugs disappeared from the streets of the Philippines? They have been and there are simply dealers are better to hide and drugs have become more expensive.
62  Other / Politics & Society / Re: War between US and China on: February 11, 2017, 07:16:25 PM
Re chinese ICBM's:

Please look up the chinese DF-41 which they just stationated at the russian border.
It is a mirv capable of carring up to 10 nuclear warheads with a top speed of Mach 25 and a working range of up to 12.000 km. The fastest known ICBM out of testing which the chinese just targeted at the US (it can't hit russia from that position and europe is no enemy).

It can easily comepete with the russian SS-18.

It is Russian, so trying to persuade myself? The aggressive policy of Russia are all neighbors. Show at least one neighboring state with Russia that says Russia is peaceful? China is no exception. These missiles are against Russia!
I agree with you. Russian pretty strange people. Now Trump is not understandable political game with Putin. I don't understand why he does it, but I think that soon he will play to the impeachment.
63  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What do you think to the president of the Philippines? on: February 11, 2017, 07:12:38 PM
And I don't think about Duterte. For me he is a dictator, but the people chose him. He will provoke a civil war which will destroy or his opponents and Filipinos will live as they want or those who chose it and this is their payback for what they brought to power the dictator.

The current president of the Philippines in the person of president Rodrigo DUterte is not a dictator. If he is a dictator then the majority of the population are already will no longer defend the president but will go against him. But if you notice only a few individuals disagree and dislike the governments way of solving criminality in the country. The reason why the president could not eradicate criminality, corruption and drugs in the country is because there are syndicates and even drug lords and criminals within the government itself.
Tell me where you saw dictatorial regimes in which the majority of the population does not support it? To protest is possible only when the government supports democracy. In a dictatorship the people in fear is silent.
64  Other / Politics & Society / Re: The universal revenue on: February 10, 2017, 06:19:28 PM
I don't agree to the universal revenue because I think that encourage the peoples  stop to work  Kiss !!!!
The Communists had when you tried to create a state with such egalitarianism. What impact it had we all know. It seems to me that all earnings should be different, but it should be possible for all to have a large or small income.
65  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Do you hate muslems? on: February 10, 2017, 06:14:58 PM
no, i don't hate the muslems and I don't understand the people who hate the muslems, for me they are racists !!!
You are not right. Racism is irrelevant to the hatred of Muslims. The Muslims come with different skin colors. Here it comes it Islam. This religion provokes killing of infidels and does not condemn terrorism.
66  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Efficient way to eradicate corruption on: February 10, 2017, 06:10:29 PM
you cant cure corruption entirely caz they goverment it self made the laws that made sure corruption is okay and not 100% detected
We always discuss corruption forgetting that the coin has two sides. There are also people who allow the corrupt officials to make money. They are no less guilty. The fight against corruption also applies to them.
67  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Duterte is most genius leader in the world agree? on: February 10, 2017, 06:06:34 PM
But I heard that a South Korean business man got killed in the war against drugs that he and his police brigade has started.
So you approve of these people whom are labelled as collateral damage?
I agree with you. After Duterte killed many people now he stopped killing and became a hero? No for me he was a killer and left. There is no excuse. He admitted that he participated in the killings.
68  Local / Политика / Re: Как задушить гадину on: February 09, 2017, 12:19:30 PM
Итак начинается, Путин обещает стране прекрасное будущее, как при коммунистах, мол "светлое будущее не за горами"

То есть население должно готовится к талонам на продукты и прочим сопутствующим прелестям.
А что русских это пугает? Они всегда так живут. Талонов конечно не было давно, но если у вас не хватает денег чтобы приобрести что-нибудь то зачем талоны? Оставьте их в покое если их это устраивает, то пусть так живут.
69  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Efficient way to eradicate corruption on: February 09, 2017, 12:13:09 PM
If a government employee being caught taking bribe or embezzling funds from the budget, even single time, remove presumption of innocence from all his assets (house, land, car, jewelry, bank account etc) and require him to prove source of the income from which he had acquired these assets. If he cannot prove legality of his incomes, confiscate ALL properties belonging to him or transferred to his relatives after investigation started.

For many corruptioners prison time is nothing! After serving few years he can start living like a millionaire having money he stole.

Yeah i agree. It's already proven that a lot of corrupt people who actually were sent to jail can live luxurious lives even inside correctional institutions. These people already have a lot of money that can influence those who uphold the law so there's ni sense in sending them to prison where they'd just live like kings. I admire the people from japan who up to know still value moral and honor. I think corrupt people should be given the most severe punishment because they affect more people's lives than regular criminals
And who can watch over this? Corruption to persist unites the corrupt officials in the club. They are everywhere and we care about each other in order for this phenomenon is preserved.
70  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Cops Mistake 81yo Grandma in Her Backyard for a ‘Suspect’ Have K9 Maul Her on: February 09, 2017, 12:09:18 PM
This is an obvious accident and the police officers are not to be blamed by law. But the fact that they are the reason why the old woman was hospitalized they still have a moral obligation and responsibility towards that woman. They can take care of her inside the hospital provide her needs or pay the bills for the old woman. We cannot blame the police but as humans it is their responsibility to give assistance.
I agree with you. Of course the police are obliged to compensate moral and material damage to this woman. The situation is such that you should think maybe you need to mark the house where you live are deaf. For cars, there are some signs.
71  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What would happen if ALL countries's borders were taken away tomorrow? on: February 09, 2017, 12:04:06 PM
I think it would be chaos. It would need years for people to learn how to adapt and respect other people's culture so most likely territorial wars would rage everywhere. It would be nice to think about how we can actually live without borders and live as one country but with how things are today, even if a lot of people are actually good enough to respect others, i think it would not be as beneficial as we would want it to be
Without boundaries life is not possible. Too many things that divides people. This and territorial claims of the mentality and the economic model and religious barriers. And much more. To live without borders is a utopia.
72  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Brexit may soon become a reality? on: February 09, 2017, 12:00:22 PM
CNN put out an article today noting that the British House of Commons approved the Brexit Bill in order to go further with the UK's departure from the European Union. I fully beleive that the decision to leave was the right decision and even though the cost to leave is going to be high, I still think it was best for the country of Britain itself.

What do you think about the almost finalized departure of Britain from the EU? Anyone here from Britain experiencing anything first hand?

Here is the link to the article by the way! -

 From the day the election took place, its already a reality its just a matter of time every other thing is just foot dragging. A Prime Minister resigned as a result of this and you are saying its not a reality? They have made their choice and ready to live by it and I am sure if things are not set in motion soon, it might start to create unnecessary tension around UK.
For me, the situation in the UK is just an excuse to make sure that democracy is not the best device companies. To become a good politician you need to learn over the years, and what the longshoreman could ruin everything.
73  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Are terrorists only muslim in religion? on: February 09, 2017, 09:43:06 AM
What's the difference between "all muslims are terrorists" and "only muslims are terrorists" ?

Also there are no votes on "no muslims are terrorists"

Pretty impressive poll.

And who sells weapons to those terrorists? You can't say that "i do only business, i don't care if they are terrorists." If you are selling weapons to the terrorists, that makes you a terrorist too.

Admit it.

The Western people are actually like terrorists. They became rich because of the terrorists. They love em.

If you were a peace lover, you wouldn't vote for the governments which destabilized the Middle East and supported the terrorist groups there.

Hypocrisy at the highest level!
On the one hand you are right, but on the other hand the weapons sold to them so that they could resist tyranny in the Muslim countries and to fight against invaders from outside.
74  Local / Политика / Re: Крым (Россия) on: February 07, 2017, 05:07:58 PM
а крынахи мечтали что долги можно не отдавать в родной говени  Grin

В Крыму судебные приставы арестовали имущество заемщиков украинских банков

Федеральная служба судебных приставов (ФССП) арестовала в интересах Фонда защиты вкладчиков (ФЗВ) имущество заемщиков украинских банков. Арест, как пишет «Коммерсант», был наложен и на имущество жителей Крыма, которые успели погасить кредиты.

По словам источников издания, фонд, заявляя требования об аресте, использовал данные нотариусов, так как иную информацию о своих клиентах украинские банки в большинстве случаев уничтожили при уходе из Крыма. Сотрудничать с российским Фондом защиты вкладчиков украинские банки отказываются.

В ФЗВ подтвердили, что по инициативе фонда проводятся аресты имущества заемщиков, но не стали уточнять их число.

Представители фонда также сообщили, что в некоторых случаях арест был отменен после того, как погашение задолженности подтвердилось.

«С 2015 года рассмотрено более 800 обращений граждан и организаций, на основании которых направлены ходатайства в ФССП, вынесено более 700 постановлений об отмене обеспечительных мер», — сообщили в ФЗВ. Сколько заявлений поступило, но пока не рассмотрено, в Фонде не уточнили.
А Путин обещал. Лохи повелись. Наверное еще и в последние дни кредитов по-больше нагреблись. Теперь все имущество отберут и отправятся жить на север или Дальний Восток. Что Путину и нужно было.
75  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Are terrorists only muslim in religion? on: February 07, 2017, 05:03:28 PM
Right now it seems so but such conclusion is wrong.
First, even if they claim so, terrorist are not Muslim, they are only terrorists.
Second, we had many terrorists in the past. Do you remember IRA, for example?
Or leftists terrorist groups in Germany and Italy around 1968?
There are many such examples in the history of humankind, in all parts of the world.
So, simple speaking, terrorists are not only Muslims.
You are not right. All terrorist organizations you listed had their own ideas. They don't commit terrorist acts just for no reason. Muslims commit terrorist acts simply out of hatred for the Gentiles.

We are talking about different things here.
Topic is about religion and you are talking about ideas.
Yes, I agree that all this terrorists groups had their own (wrong) ideas but we can't call it religion.
Religion, by definition, seek how to unite man and God.
Terrorist groups have very different goals.
They only agenda is killing, destruction and chaos.

The fact of the matter is that Islam does not accept the existence of other religions. For them, the infidels are not people and therefore there is a call to struggle and subjugation of dissenters.

The fact of the matter is that Quran, their holy book, talks about Jesus, Moses, Mary, Abram and highly respect them.
For them, Jesus is also God's prophet.
In fact, based on it, we can have that Jews, Christians and Muslims have the same origin (from Abram, father of faith).
So, true Muslim believers respect Christians because their prophet Mohamed respected Jesus as well. 

As far as I know, Judas was a prophet betrayed God and therefore, Christians don't particularly respect Judaism. Muslims do not respect anybody. Islam is the most aggressive religion.

Judas was disciple of Jesus, not prophet.
Christian didn't like Jews because, in their opinion, Jews killed their savior, Messiah, Jesus Christ.
Many Muslims respect Christians and vice versa and even Quran respect Holy Mary and Jesus a lot.

I don't know much about the intricacies of religion, but I do know that the Muslims when the Christians come to them in the country are quite aggressive. Why it should be a different attitude?
76  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What is real freedom in your view? Are you getting it? on: February 07, 2017, 04:59:39 PM
What really freedom is ? Every morning when your get up think once do you really have freedom? You may be tied up with your job,family,college,university,school,problems in life. Undecided Then think once what really freedom will be? No tension, no fear in mind. That's the life we life we want to live ,don't we ? And we can make it possible. Live every day like its your last day on earth.
What is real freedom in your view? Huh Undecided
Freedom i don't think about freedom anymore since we can't please everyone to make peace there always a bad people who think doing a bad thing will make them happy, Let's be safe everyday and just pray to live long we can't really obtain freedom in every countries we do not know that we will gonna died tomorrow.
I also agree with the fact which absolutely free you can only be on a desert island. There you can do whatever you want. No make up, you can walk around naked. No night of rape. No need to Wake up for work. Complete freedom!
It is a pity of course that in our world can not be free. I wouldn't mind the girls were naked. Can really move on a desert island. To take back the flock of Amazons and live like a lion in the pride?
77  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Trump: safe zones for syria; imminent us-russian war? on: February 07, 2017, 04:53:23 PM
Trump spoke about safe zones obviously because he does not want Syrian immigrants to travel  in America. As has been shown so far, Trump is one unpredictable man, where nobody knows what he intends to do. But he has already talked with Russians as Moscow has acknowledged, therefore he knows their views. He doesn't even care what wants the American system, nor what Erdogan wants, but only what he wants. About the issue of Syria is clear, he wants to destroy the jihadist terrorists in cooperation with Russia (and obviously Assad). Also he has said he does not want changes in leadership in other countries. Eventually he has said at times a lot of conflicting statements, so let's wait for his actions.
I'm afraid that actions Trump will be the same stupid and predictable as his word. Who wants to do an experiment like this stupid politician like Trump. It seems to me that in addition to the troubles it would bring nothing.
78  Other / Politics & Society / Re: After death on: February 07, 2017, 04:47:29 PM
I believe in life after death. I also think that we may be reincarnated after such time. I don't think that we just stop at one point and just stay there. This is why I believe in God. I believe that after we die, we get to see him and then we're given a chance to be much better in our next life.
How can you believe in life after death? With the death of the human brain, life stops. Even if she were the life of the soul after death, to live and not be able to communicate with their loved ones is this life

Ya i believe there is life after death too but not for reincarnation because if there is then isnt our life will endless, life > death > reincarnated > life > death.
I wonder if you now erase the memory, you will find that you continue to live? I think not. You will live a new life. This means that only one life. There's a sequel or not is a different life. So why spoil yourself this?
You think its only one life huh, i completely disagree because you ripe what you sow, in this life is trial, and depend on what you doing, you will get punishment or pleasure in the world of after life Smiley
I don't believe in the existence of life after death. I'm sure that after his death the end and nothing. Psychics who communicate with spirits are scammers. They deceive people in order to enrich.
79  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Are terrorists only muslim in religion? on: February 07, 2017, 04:43:59 PM
Right now it seems so but such conclusion is wrong.
First, even if they claim so, terrorist are not Muslim, they are only terrorists.
Second, we had many terrorists in the past. Do you remember IRA, for example?
Or leftists terrorist groups in Germany and Italy around 1968?
There are many such examples in the history of humankind, in all parts of the world.
So, simple speaking, terrorists are not only Muslims.
You are not right. All terrorist organizations you listed had their own ideas. They don't commit terrorist acts just for no reason. Muslims commit terrorist acts simply out of hatred for the Gentiles.

We are talking about different things here.
Topic is about religion and you are talking about ideas.
Yes, I agree that all this terrorists groups had their own (wrong) ideas but we can't call it religion.
Religion, by definition, seek how to unite man and God.
Terrorist groups have very different goals.
They only agenda is killing, destruction and chaos.

The fact of the matter is that Islam does not accept the existence of other religions. For them, the infidels are not people and therefore there is a call to struggle and subjugation of dissenters.

The fact of the matter is that Quran, their holy book, talks about Jesus, Moses, Mary, Abram and highly respect them.
For them, Jesus is also God's prophet.
In fact, based on it, we can have that Jews, Christians and Muslims have the same origin (from Abram, father of faith).
So, true Muslim believers respect Christians because their prophet Mohamed respected Jesus as well. 

As far as I know, Judas was a prophet betrayed God and therefore, Christians don't particularly respect Judaism. Muslims do not respect anybody. Islam is the most aggressive religion.
80  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What do you think to the president of the Philippines? on: February 06, 2017, 03:52:05 PM
And I don't think about Duterte. For me he is a dictator, but the people chose him. He will provoke a civil war which will destroy or his opponents and Filipinos will live as they want or those who chose it and this is their payback for what they brought to power the dictator.
Duterte for me is one of the greatest president in the world. He might be a dictator, but all what he did is for the sake of many people not for his fame and power. He is only governing for more than 7 months but what he did is amazing, especially war on drugs and protecting poor people by giving them the opportunity to study at zero cost and many more.
Duterte a dictator and to me this is not acceptable. As for free education, the quality its very poor. For everything in life you have to pay. Would be better if Duterte made so much money and paid education.
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