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601  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Discussion (Altcoins) / Re: PI Network! A huge trap[Warning!] on: May 03, 2020, 08:45:16 PM
Ok, what does it mean "they get stuck", what happens to PI then? "Stuck" how?

This so called "Phase 2" means testnet!

Phase 2 - Testnet
Before we launch the main net, the Node software will be deployed on a test net. The test net will use the same exact trust graph as the main net but on a testing Pi coin

Unfortunately I also have a brainwashed crypto-noob of an acquaintance that told me about this. Was pretty happy that I could change his mind in under 30 min Smiley)
So this is just play money testing phase. A bunch of play-cryptomoney hodlers. And after "Phase 2" devs will delete the testnet coins and swith to mainnet

Phase 3 - Mainnet
When the community feels the software is ready for production, and it has been thoroughly tested on the testnet, the official mainnet of the Pi network will be launched. An important detail is that, in the transition into the mainnet, only accounts validated to belong to distinct real individuals will be honored.

So yes, you are right here. After they hodl the playmoney devs will say "hand over id to receive real coins on the real chain" (not that sure it is a blochchain but did not feel the need to investigate further after reading those 2 paragraphs.

The "geniuses from Stanford" will launch a marketplace (from what I understood) where people can use this to trade but most likely not list it anywhere so imo would not have any value outside their website.
Let's just say it's a Cambridge Analitica on a blockchain  Wink

Click below to join the revolution[removed]
(you will see its checked by App Store and Play store)

and use my invitation code

Please remove the ref link or the post will be removed Smiley
602  Other / Meta / Re: how to save bitcointalk account without band ? on: May 02, 2020, 10:36:21 PM
All I can see is that he is posting only registrations in bounty sections...

It was deleted (as should be this one if you ask me)

Still the same "band" english:
How to save my bitcointalk
account  without band, and
bounty camping regular joining .

I doubt if he even took any time to read the replies here.

Hard core bounty hunter! Would you look at past bounty posts ? No, just keep on posting Tongue
603  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: O perspectiva a viitorului monedei Bitcoin .. on: May 02, 2020, 10:18:33 PM
Da, o sa fie ceva probleme cu tranzactiile peer-to-peer, dar intr-o anumita masura sper sa fie rezolvata cat de cat problema printr-o adoptie mai serioasa la nivel institutional/ guvernamental care sa echilibreze balanta si sa elimine argumentul ca crypto e folosit 90% pentru chestii shady asa ca trebuie sa "protect the children/ fight the bad crypto man". Cu cat este mai folosita tehnologia, cu atat ma gandesc ca vom avea un spate si o sustinere publica cu care sa echilibram deciziile guvernului.

Iti impartasesc viziunea si asa cred/vreau/sper sa se intample. Ar trebui sa ne unim mai multi si sa punem umarul spre acest tel comun.
Punem bazele unui CATF (crypto assets task force) ... decat ei, mai bine noi Smiley

...ce ar fi daca in momentul asta guvernul american ar avea pregatita o multitudine de componente hardware pentru mining prin care sa poata obtine controlul asupra network-ului si ar anunta ca, pentru "binele nostru", au decis sa preia ei puterea?

Multi spun ca e un efort financiar prea mare pentru ei, dar sa fim seriosi.. SUA are printer-ul de USD la mana si cred ca in ultimele luni au reusit sa dovedeasca efectiv faptul ca banul nu are, de fapt, nici o valoare si e mai mult decat simplu sa ii produci din aer. La propriu.

Din punctul meu de vedere nu e nici o panica.
In secunda doi mare fork si se muta toata lumea pe "Bitcoin-non-USA" sau cum s-o numi. Si ce ar rezolva o incercare de 51% ? Nu multe...

Eu cred ca le este frica sa atace zona crypto. De ce? Pentru ca ar evolua mai repede!
De ce evolueaza creaturile in general ? Sa se obisnuiesca cu mediul inconjurator neprietenos!
Cum a zis si Mr. R2712 mai sus le e frica sa nu taie un cap si sa apara 10 !

Singura mea dorinta e ca vocea celor care cer anonimitate si intimitate sa devina, incet-incet, majoritara. Momentan suntem atat de mici incat e inevitabila ignoranta din partea celorlalti.

Am si fost obisnuiti sa dam datele mult prea usor. Inca de pe vremea "ASL PLS" ziceai repede B 15 BUC Smiley) dupa continuand cu retele de socializare si etc.
Unii isi vand buletinul pe cateva sute de lei (daca nu si mai putin). Din pacate va mai dura ceva pana va fi o parere majoritara Sad
604  Other / Meta / Re: A bug? on: May 02, 2020, 10:02:04 PM
This account has 7 posts according to the post count, but 0 Activity...

Could not say when they were deleted. Weird tho...

This account has 1 posts according to the post count, but 0 Activity...

Should be just a nuke bug as he was spreading malware links

There are a few glitches here and there regarding post count/activity. I remember even reading a thread about some issues with WO posts but they would get solved with a periodic global recount, so ...
605  Other / Meta / Re: A bug? on: May 02, 2020, 07:31:18 PM
I believe it's a bug.

It kind of is a bug, but harmless one as everything will get solved with a bit of patience... and a global server post recount Tongue
606  Other / Meta / Re: Trust on: May 02, 2020, 06:58:55 PM
Is it OK to leave trust on someone's account as a "note to myself"

It's the same as taping a paper to a guy's back saying "note to myself: this guy is a total douche bag".
Might be your opinion but that probably should not reflect in his rating for all to see, neutral or not.
Would be cool to have a place to leave notes for other users, but in the absence of such feature I personally would not use trust rating to create journal entries.
607  Other / Meta / Re: A bug? on: May 02, 2020, 06:49:39 PM
I would assume that he made 3 posts and 1 was deleted before activity was updated and somehow got to 1 activity-1 post again.
Something similar happened to me a while ago.
And yes... he'll have to wait for a general recount (not sure how often it runs, took me about 3 weeks) and then things will be normal.
Hopefully he would be using his initial account is all goes well Smiley
608  Other / New forum software / Re: Ia it possible to stop the Project? on: May 01, 2020, 11:26:58 AM
Have you at least tried it out on any of the available installations to see where it is at ?
Coinbistro - Crypto-currencies - Mocacinno's Forum

There are some users that contributed however they could with installations, testing, suggestion, bugs, feature parity etc . This is just the tip of the iceberg and dev team is working on them as we speak.
"Be a BUD... don't FUD"  Grin
609  Other / Meta / Re: Bug in the Investigations board? + one suggestion for this board on: April 29, 2020, 01:00:25 PM
That being said, maybe this board can has also a description stating this rule? Or maybe a sticky topic posted somewhere thus everyone can see this rule?

Since the board is not displayed / visible to Newbies or Jr. Members I personally don't see a reason to mention that in the description. That message would be added for them (newbie-jr.member), but since they cannot see it... what's the use ?
In Serious discussion & Ivory Tower the description makes sense because they are view-able by everyone.

Besides, I also observed a question addressed by LoyceV in theymos' OP, which was never answered:

One can only assume it's this:

Copper Members currently have these bonuses:

- Some of the same permissions as Member-rank members

TBH did not know Investigations was one of the perks... If you think about it makes a bit of sense as some investigations might have something to do with projects announced by newbies with copper, but that's just me assuming Tongue

P.S can newbies with copper post in Serious discussion ? Smiley)
610  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Cumpără Bitcoin fără KYC: ATM-ul Bitcoin din Milano care respectă anonimitatea on: April 29, 2020, 12:25:57 PM
Vesti proaste dinspre nemti:

Cica au inceput baietii de la BaFin sa inchida ATM-uri "neautorizate". Si cum nemtii sunt principalele modele de urmat pentru ceilalti din UE... cine stie ce se va mai intampla si pe meleaguri mioritice
611  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Cumpără Bitcoin fără KYC: ATM-ul Bitcoin din Milano care respectă anonimitatea on: April 27, 2020, 05:48:11 PM
Ehee, s-au schimbat vremurile. Nu mai e nevoie. Iti pui o acoperitoare generoasa peste fata, ca deh, COVID, si esti binisor asigurat  Wink

Acum esti dubios daca nu ai masca Smiley)

Cred ca fac si eu o vizita sa cumpar... dar cred ca dupa halving (sper sa fie buna inspiratia).
Si daca te gandesti un comision de ~7% e decent pentru ca vorba aia: chirie, curent,internet, revizii etc
Uneori si p2p e cu KYC, cere baietasul copie de buletin (am auzit la altii)
612  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: BITCURATE IS A PREDICTIVE DATA ANALYSIS PLATFORM on: April 24, 2020, 11:04:56 PM
FFS stop it with the caps lock.
This is not readable !
Rewrite with lowercase and use paragraphs, that text wall is so wrong !
This is the only thing I see

613  Other / Meta / Re: Why not spoiler tag? on: April 24, 2020, 02:55:44 PM
i.e chose to allow images show on their account or not. This would not come with any risk of clicking malicious links.

True, but would you disable all images from posts on your account if you could?
614  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Cumpără Bitcoin fără KYC: ATM-ul Bitcoin din Milano care respectă anonimitatea on: April 24, 2020, 02:45:49 PM
Frumos era daca aveam si noi niste legi mai frumoase, macar una de genul celei din Germania: hodl-erii care si-au tinut banii mai bine de un an sa nu mai plateasca impozit pe crypto.

Zic doar Roll Eyes Cheesy

Nu stiu ce sa zic despre asta...
In primul rand nu promoveaza consumul. Banii trebuie sa se miste si la fel vad si crypto in ideea unei utilizari la scara larga. Sa poti merge la MegaImage si sa iei tigari, bere, paine etc si scanezi cu Mycelium sau ce portofel folosesti pe telefon. Nu totul sa se rezume la investitii (hodl-uit) pe termen lung + 1 an pentru impozit (parerea mea)

Plus ca nici la nemti nu e treaba asa roz. E un inceput de legistatie acolo dar cel putin momentan e haos (oarecum normal la inceput, dar chiar si asa...).
Ca nu tii crypto in portofelul tau pe perioada aia de un an.
Crypto did get some clarification at the beginning of March, with BaFin (The Federal Financial Supervisory Authority) guidance saying crypto firms will be considered custodians if they have access to customer’s private keys. This might rule out tech providers who only see encrypted versions of private keys, but how it affects multi-party computation companies is less certain, Winter said. (Matthias Winter, fintech lead at Eversheds Sutherland Germany, a firm working directly with German regulators on how the law should be enforce)

Deci trebuie sa le dai lor crypto. Un fel de depozit la termen si in cel mai bun caz ai si tu acces la cheile tale private. Parca nu mai suna la fel de bine Smiley)

Nu mai tin minte despre ce tara era vorba (parca din europa totusi)... auzisem ca politica lor era altfel. Legile nu erau stricte si ei incercau sa creeze doar un cadru legal acceptabil. Si dupa sa faca adaugiri cand vor considera necesar. Ceve de genul "fa afaceri, poti folosi si crypto, atata timp cat platesti impozitul suntem prieteni. Daca devi nesimtit schimbam legea". Ceea ce nici asta nu suna prea rau.
615  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Some question about trust summary in different sections. on: April 23, 2020, 08:10:32 PM
Let's take the example of someone who came to this forum with the intention of scam as many people as possible, other members recognized this and left negative feedback which is then clearly visible in some parts of the forum. But what if that same member uses his signature to scam by posting on boards where trust is not shown?

Maybe I didn't use the best choice of words. Maybe "less necessary" would be more appropriate, or something like this:

It is visible where it's needed the most —  in the Marketplace board and its child boards and in the Trading discussion board and its child boards.

And in regards to your example YES, you are right... but had to think of a corner case in order to make your point. This is not the usual modus operandi.
First of all newbies cannot add link in the signature. So would have to rank up or buy copper.
Then by the time our newbie investors from the bitcoin discussion board get a chance to see his signature enough times the user would already have red trust, flag, messages with BEWARE ! SCAM ! after most of his posts and eventually even get banned/nuked (even if scams are not moderated he would most likely manage to break some rules around here)

I am not saying it would be wrong to display trust ratings in other boards too, it's just that I don't see it as that big of a necessity tbh
616  Other / Meta / Re: Why not spoiler tag? on: April 23, 2020, 07:50:44 PM
It may have it's value, not gonna lie. And also looks cool. But... please no ! Smiley)

Spoiler tags do one thing: conceal content until you click. I would say we don't need another place to check every time for bad links, shady websites, malware wallets etc.
I know it might have some utility in large text quotes etc, but don't really see a way to ensure they would not be used (also) for "evil".
Would tend to say that is the main reason it is not implemented here and I would personalty be against if you ask me... even tho they may be fun at times Tongue
617  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: What is the most trusted bitcoin company? on: April 23, 2020, 11:07:15 AM
And how do I know that doesn't store its private and public keys in database? What's the point of that site anyway?

You just download a file that generates pub&priv keys
And that is why you do the process offline, so you avoid any issues.
It is open source and as long as you verify the signature everything should be OK Smiley
618  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: What is the most trusted bitcoin company? on: April 23, 2020, 10:57:43 AM
Paper Wallet: You can basically create a wallet and send your assets in it. (for example, you can visit

Paper wallets are not that straight forward for newbies. It is common practice to make them while not connected to the internet and delete any associated files from your PC before reconnecting (just mentioning in case he wants to explore that option)
OP, here you can read  some more on the subject:
[Guide] Create an Offline Wallet For Bitcoin and Altcoin Only Use 1 Paper

619  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Cumpără Bitcoin fără KYC: ATM-ul Bitcoin din Milano care respectă anonimitatea on: April 23, 2020, 10:11:49 AM
E foarte tare sa vad numele unui ATM din Romania intr-un articol scris de fillippone...

Din cate stiu sunt polonezi astia de la Shitcoin dar functioneaza in multe tari din Europa

cred ca ar fii o idee mai buna sa nu facem prea mare reclama retelei Shitcoins de ATM-uri deoarece ma tem ca exista niste persoane de mai "de sus" care s-ar ocupa de ele.. Stim ca sunt in stare de orice, deci nu m-ar mira Smiley

Macar de si-ar lua "cei de mai sus" doza de informatii de pe bitcointalk... poate s-ar mai lipi cea de ei. Comunitatea merita sa stie care e procesul. Poate unii credeau ca scaneaza buletinul Smiley) zic si eu
620  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Some question about trust summary in different sections. on: April 22, 2020, 09:30:38 PM
I'm not sure which sections it turns up in but it should also be in all of the alt sections. That's an area rife with questionable projects and even more questionable download links. Similar to here it's also likely to attract the crypto naifs.

Trust ratings appear in alt board Smiley

I think it might as well be everywhere. I'd rather know I was dealing with a piece of shit even if it's erotic banter only.

I guess it wouldn't hurt but don't see any necessity in knowing that user X from [insert random thread from off-topic] has defaulted on a loan for example
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