Who did you buy it from?
I bought it from one of the users from Indonesia, he did not say that this matveevka account is the result of his stolen. Because I need an account, I immediately bought it with escrow one of the forum moderators Indonesia. You used dbshck as an escrow for the account? He's the only other Indonesian Staff member. I did the escrow. And I might be able to find the seller/hacker. He's still on the forum.
Who did you buy it from?
I bought it from one of the users from Indonesia, he did not say that this matveevka account is the result of his stolen. Because I need an account, I immediately bought it with escrow one of the forum moderators Indonesia. Wait, what? Where did you find this guy? Hi bitrentx, I bought an account from someone from Indonesia. On February 20th. He uses escrow services with you and me too. I did not know that he was a thief. I bought it wrong. What should I do. Please help me Are you also Indonesian? Did you use BTC/ETH?
Who did you buy it from?
I bought it from one of the users from Indonesia, he did not say that this matveevka account is the result of his stolen. Because I need an account, I immediately bought it with escrow one of the forum moderators Indonesia. Wait, what? Where did you find this guy?
Antara OP cuma baca judul doang terus dishare kesini atau OP gak bisa baca sama sekali. /s
permasalahannya memang di picu dari yang merasa tidak membuat kesalahan tapi kena red trust dan banned dari moderator, padahal masalah ini tetap bisa di bicarakan langsung kepada moderator bukan berdebat di dalam forum.
Bisa disebutkan siapa dan tunjukin yang mana orangnya? Agan bicara, harus bisa bertanggung jawab ya. Saya tunggu jawabannya.
Join the 1,000,000 OBT token airdrop! About Orbis Orbis is a blockchain project that looks to provide secure, decentralized, and open networks for Bluetooth communities. The aim is to bring the range of applications of Bluetooth Mesh networks (smart manufacturing, smart homes, automation, and peer networking) to individual consumers who are currently locked out of the market. And to facilitate development using their platform. Orbis also wants to establish a decentralized messaging network which is not susceptible to infrastructure damage. And which does not require costly connectivity implementations. For more info about the project, make sure you check out the white paper. Or ask me anything about Orbis in this thread. Any kind of spam will be deleted. I'm posting this on behalf of the Orbis team.
You may want to recount the post as theymos calibrated post count few days ago. My number decreased so with everyone's.
silahkan investigasi sendiri jangan ngambil kesimpulan punya Craige288 Emang ini yang saya lakukan kok. Thread si Craig itu udah lama dan udah lama juga saya tau, tapi gak saya tanggepin, kan? Cara analisa blockchain saya beda sama dia. silahkan agan" yang lain tanggapi laporan saya , sebelumnya saya tidak tau kalau meminjam eth bisa menyebabkan tuduhan altaccount dan saya ga bakal minjem"kan eth ke orang lagi kapok seandainya akun saya kena Red Trust oleh DT member mungkin kesalahan saya sendiri tidak menjaga akun untuk mod BitrentX tolong laporan saya di respon Responnya yang diatas ya.
Thread kebijakan saya bukan saya bikin secara iseng dan keputusan saya gak akan bersifat iseng/dendam pribadi, murni menurut bukti yang saya sendiri kumpulin dari hasil analisa berjam-jam melototin layar. Semua cuma untuk board kita. Dan taulah, I didn't get paid for this kind of things.
Scammer, Farmer, and Cheater.So I stumbled upon this account > arifwinda - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=933283 (perma-banned) < and found something interesting. Long story short, I found his exchange deposit address: 0xBfA4cECd4519A2262554f86B7D22FE789EAaBeE3, let's break it down, Baby. That address is –again- an deposit address on vip.bitcoin.co.id exchange. It had been received ETH from various addresses which is interestingly belong to some bitcointalk accounts. Here are the addresses (unrelated address such as another exchange address is excluded): - 0x3e81b4ad0beee4466b4aeb152e4576ecff1195a2 (3 txs to deposit address) This address made 3 deposit and actually made the first two deposit to the exchange address. No forum member used this address and the only mention of this address in this forum is here: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2074824.msg22642408#msg22642408 ( Archive) as you can see, user bayong said that this address stole his 14.80 TNG. (This will get more interesting, bring a popcorn or something) This address then sent all the TNG token to… next address below. - 0x36fef8678944d9fea67ea28f23fef98098de0995 (30+ txs to deposit address) This is likely the main address of the farmer. As of this writing, it has around $7.8K worth of token according to etherscan. This address belongs to: arifwinda - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=933283 as seen here > https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1965684.msg20611901#msg20611901 ( Archive) Susu_Gedde - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1191160 as seen here > https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2156610.msg29232601#msg29232601 ( Archive) I found something interesting about arifwinda, look at this post here: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2067654.msg21117458#msg21117458 / http://archive.is/qKU6U#selection-4835.0-4879.55 user xp.rie was complained and posted his twitter & ETH address. A little below that post, you can see arifwinda quoted xp.rie’s post but changed all the details to confuse the bounty manager: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2067654.msg21117897#msg21117897 / http://archive.is/6WlTJ#selection-5305.0-5361.9 That’s just awful, Man. Smh my head. Let’s move on to the next address. - 0x4408530f567419feceeb8472db72596354c3bdfd (10+ txs to the deposit address) Fuck intros, let’s break this address down you scum: arifwinda - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1968228.msg19719011#msg19719011 ( Archive) Kartuim3 - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=935737 as seen here > https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1924985.msg19718348#msg19718348 ( Archive) Cannabis - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=979225 as seen here > https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2280814.msg31815517#msg31815517 ( Archive) - 0x860ead34c3a0d880954af66fea87a60390cd0d83 (6 txs to the deposit address) Used by Kartuim3 and Cannabis here: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1849160.msg19278096#msg19278096 / http://archive.is/8PFbi#selection-9597.0-9607.9https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1968228.msg19746205#msg19746205 / http://archive.is/4mh4a#selection-4043.0-4059.57NEXT! - 0x974180e3ad9cb4b8817c7396cf555388ae44c948 (5 txs to the deposit address) K amu_Patek - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1034907 as seen here > https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2080647.msg21219799#msg21219799 ( Archive) - 0x822e3e59a1ebc2f0120f4f3c3c55423f3178b2eb (2 txs to the deposit address) Begeddel_Gaulcoy - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1036145 as seen here > https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2012989.msg20482139#msg20482139 ( Archive) - 0xa720fef1352c4555b07683fba53f94e9b7e3b806 (2 txs to the deposit address) Tokek_Belang - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1054891 as seen here> https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3021206.msg31135827#msg31135827 ( Archive) - 0x0a13a094477a7c83c6339c2f5fda4daa8f2cf956 (4 txs to the deposit address) Used by Susu_Gedde on several posts, this is where I’m getting bored writing all this shit. But let’s finish it. - 0x71d349a175c0abcac4cda8e1fa22ab69cf333a5d (2 txs to the deposit address) Sandra_Dewi - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1093328 as seen here > https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2280814.msg28902976#msg28902976 ( Archive) From this data, I can conclude that these accounts below are connected and is being controlled by one person who has the deposit address: - arifwinda - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=933283- Susu_Gedde - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1191160- Kartuim3 - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=935737- Cannabis - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=979225- Kamu_Patek - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1034907- Begeddel_Gaulcoy - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1036145- Tokek_Belang - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1054891- Sandra_Dewi - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1093328Some of the accounts got into the same bounty here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DH-MS3WI62DOEoQ7nQorillZGc6dp7qZ1E-peCdA-yk/edit#gid=1622874515As you can see, arifwinda has been tried to cheat and already perma-banned, Kartuim3 has a red tag, and Tokek_Belang is perma-banned. Thus, I’m painting the rest of the accounts red.
How can you say that I still have a jr member, if I am wrong, is there any proof here. There should be a warning for me
There's a blockchain proof that you're a Bonek. Bajul Ijo? However, post deletion IS a warning for people like you and you should've known that. Move on, my friend.
Spamming. Lots of your posts went to Trashcan and you even tried to translate some ANN into French. Remember? Don't be sad, I know you still have a Jr. Member account to play with.
gk masuk akal liat akun tuyul dari walletnya coba kalau temen ente mau jual koin hasil bountynya ke ente apa dia akun tuyul? kaya si JAMAL bounty manager dia nampungin coin hasil bounty dan dia beli stake bounty apa yang jual ke dia itu tuyulnya dia? kalau ada temen jual ETH ke kita apa dia akun tuyul kita?
semua harus ada bukti dong jangan cuma berdasarkan wallet saja
kecuali ada bukti IP sama atau MAC address sama ya itu bisa dimaklumin
Postingnya pake akun asli dong, jangan pake akun yang dibeli dari orang yang ngehack.
ane ingin di jelasin lebih gamblang soal ini mod soalnya pemahaman tiap orang itu beda versi. kalau pemahaman ane seh kagak boleh join dalam SATU kategori, contoh.. akun A kita join di signature XX ("xx" katakanlah proyek ico) maka kita kagak boleh join di bounty signature yang sama misal kita punya akun B. pertanyaan ane adalah ?? bagaimana jika akun B kita itu join di bounty XX dalam kategori lain ?? misal kategori bounty blog, twitter atau pokoknya selain signature. apakah itu di larang/curang ?? karena ane yakin di sini juga banyak akun yang khusus buat bounty doang (khususnya bounty twitter dan fb), sedang akun utama di jaga biar terhindar dari postingan sampah macam report fb atau twitter atau karena malu jika ketahuan juga ikutan bounty twitter, fb tersebut (jaga gengsi gitu mod) Untuk masalah curang, menurut saya apa yang Agan tanyain itu saya gak peduli. Monggo monggo aja mau jaga gengsi. Tapi kalok aja diantara akun tersebut ada catatan kirim/terima merit, ya Merit Abuse juga namanya.
Ayok mana yang bilang saya ngasih red trust berdasarkan transaksi gas ETH? Vcam76? andigentho? lenovop-70?
TIGA orang diatas saya cuma ngomong setuju. Boleh saya bilang BEGO? Gak ngerti gimana cara kerja saya? BACA! https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3051726Masih gak ngerti juga? Mari saya jelaskan secara simpel untuk adek-adek yang penghasilannya puluhan juta/bulan tapi Bahasa Indonesia aja masih belepotan: 1. Saya menemukan akun yang dicurigai saling berhubungan 2. Oh si tuyul-tuyul ini saling berbagi merit, padahal postnya gak pantes untuk dikasih merit (baca: Merit Abuse) 3. Saya telusuri jejak transaksi ETH nya dan ternyata betul, akun-akun ini saling berhubungan atau saling kenal 4. Red Trust saya distribusikan kepada tuyul-tuyul ini Gimana, sampe disini ngerti, adek-adek yang penghasilannya puluhan juta/bulan tapi Bahasa Indonesia aja masih belepotan?
Aduh maaf kalok pada sakit hati dibilang BEGO. Kalian juga sih, kan bisa aja BACA postingan saya sebelumnya, tepat diatas postingan kalian: Gak ada orang yang seenak udel merhatiin transaksi BTC/ETH/SHT Agan tanpa alasan tertentu. Kecurangan yang saya maksud adalah apabila dua (atau lebih) akun milik SATU orang itu (1)saling berbagi merit untuk postingan yang sebenarnya gak pantes untuk mendapatkan merit dan/atau (2)mengikuti SATU campaign/bounty yang SAMA ketika salah satu syarat mengikuti campaign/bounty tersebut dengan jelas menyebutkan: DILARANG MENGGUNAKAN LEBIH DARI DUA AKUN. Banyak orang yang punya multiakun, malah ada yang punya ratusan. Hal itu gak dilarang selama tuyul-tuyul tersebut tidak memproduksi spam.
Saya gak akan seenak udel telusurin transaksi. Please, saya gak mempan diprotesin sama tuyul yang pura-pura protes kepada hal yang tuyulnya aja gak ngerti.
saya pemula di sini dan sedikit bertanya pada master master. jika saya mempunyai dua buah akun BTT dan hanya mempunyai satu buah akun VIP bitcoin dan saya mengirimkan eth(sekedar gas) ke 2 akun btt saya.saya mengirimkan gas tersebut dari akun vip saya...apakah ini bermasalah dan bisa di sebut sebuah kecurangan serta penipuan.mohon jawabannya gan.
Gak ada orang yang seenak udel merhatiin transaksi BTC/ETH/SHT Agan tanpa alasan tertentu. Kecurangan yang saya maksud adalah apabila dua (atau lebih) akun milik SATU orang itu (1)saling berbagi merit untuk postingan yang sebenarnya gak pantes untuk mendapatkan merit dan/atau (2)mengikuti SATU campaign/bounty yang SAMA ketika salah satu syarat mengikuti campaign/bounty tersebut dengan jelas menyebutkan: DILARANG MENGGUNAKAN LEBIH DARI DUA AKUN. Banyak orang yang punya multiakun, malah ada yang punya ratusan. Hal itu gak dilarang selama tuyul-tuyul tersebut tidak memproduksi spam.
This topic has been moved to Trashcan. Copy-pasta.
Wallet blockchain & electrum lebih bagus mana ya.?
Electrum kemana-mana, Om. ane sebelumnya pakai wallet electrum android (niatnya ingin jadikan wallet utama) setelah mencoba beberapa wallet android lainnya macam blockchain, mycellium, coinomi tapi setelah kemarin-kemarin ada bugs yang sampai ada yang di curi bitcoinnya, langsung ane transfer bitcoin ane ke blockchain dan ane hapus aplikasi wallet electrum ane. kalau misalkan ane pakai electrum android lagi, kira-kira buat yang baru atau pakai yang lama ye om mod dengan import private key akun lama ?? Electrum versi Android emang kurang enak, tapi setau saya bug kemaren itu ada di versi desktop.