so i am right ( at least not wrong ) in terms of the technical limitation, but looking at it from an economical point of view as you did, it does not make sense for bitmain to go for s23 while the S9 is still selling easily, but come to think of it.
1- The same thing for s15 , it was out of stock, bitmain could easily sell whatever they make, but they still went for the S17 2- The market competition in terms of making the most efficient gear at any give time.
based on the 2 points above , i see no reason why bitmain wouldn't push towards s19 / s21 and eventually s23 in a year or so , unless i am missing something in the equation.
Actually the guide i sent you seems pretty good, it has all the details from A to Z and there may be no need for you to write a new one, you could probably just include the guide in the OP.
People go to jail for crimes they did 30 years ago, just because it is old, it doesn't mean it doesn't count. You could have gotten temp-ban if you were a decent member, but looking at your post history i am willing to bet that you won't any exception.
it's possible that you got banned because you copied and pasted this ! 26, 2017, 06:55:00 AM
the sad part is you failed to copy a complete a sentence, not only you broke forum rules, you are lazy AF.
@philipma1957 thanks for the great analysis as always, but any particular reason why do you think a whole year is not enough to double up on the efficiency of current gear ( S17) ? Model - TH - Power - Date Efficiency
S11 - 20 - 1500w - Sep 2018 75 S15 - 28 - 1500w - Dec 2018 53 S17 - 56 - 2500w - Apr 2019 44 ( factor of 1.7)
S19 ------- - ------ - --------- ---------- S21 S23 -100 -2500W -Oct 2019 25 ( factor of 1.7)
The Oct 2019 is merely a guess based on the 7 months from S11 to S17 and 1.7 factor, but still , even if almost double the time , say 12 months or almost right after the halving we could very likely see an S23 with 100th and 2500w. no? maybe? yes? noway? **The above coded part is not from bitmain, just my own speculation.
He pays the bill, just not directly, I have exactly the same thing, it's like having free health care while paying 50% tax on your salary, whether or not you get sick does not matter, same thing goes for free electricity, it's there, it's free but whether you use it to mine or use a couple light bulbs does not matter to anyone.
as far as the hosting goes, you do make sense, but if he has the capital to get the gears why not fully utilize it to himself, free electricity is always LIMITED, he won't be able to host thousands of gears or anything like that, so i would personally go for buying my own gears.
OP , if you have limited budget, go for Steamtyme suggestion, pick something half-efficient, a good combination between efficiency and price per TH would be the S9 model, lower than that you will start to max out the limited power you got, higher than that you start losing the advantage of free power.
I went through the same exact thoughts , you need to run the numbers and try to maximize the power you got in the most economical ways.
as far as the supplier goes, i am sure you will be able to easily locate bunch of S9s , but T17 and so is going to be hard and you going to have to pay a fortune.
You need to post the complete Kernel log.
anyhow, the middle board/chain is missing 1 asic, shouldn't be a problem but I have personally seen a whole gear fail to start mining due a few asics missing from a single board. so here is a list of trouble shooting process you need to go through.
1- disconnect chain 7 , power the miner on and wait for 10-15 mins see if this solves the problem ( very likely )
2- flash a different firmware version, roll back to old firmware 2017 if possible fixed frequency.
3-perform a hardware reset using the IP report method, while miner is powered-off , hold the IP report button, power on , don't let go of the IP report button , release after 10 seconds.
This issue can also very possibly be related to PSU so if all the above fails i would test with a working PSU.
تحليلك منطقي و مقنع بكل صراحة.. ولكن يبقا الراي الاخير لاهل العلم من هم على دراية بهده المواضيع.و المسؤولية تقع على عاتق الشخص الدي يريد الكسب من هده الاشياء.. انا شخصيا وبعيدا عن الاسباب الدينية لا اهتم ابدا بمثل هده الاشياء نظرا لضيق الوقت عندي.
4) Hire more mods
I can only think that it will take a fortune to be actually able to fund such an operation, that board will need at least a few tens of mods , even small boards are hard to keep "clean" , the problem with that board is that people don't use the "report to moderator" quite often, simply because the majority are there to gain some worthless tokens here and there. it is safe to say that with the current "freedom" this forum offers to it's members, there is nothing much that can be done , if you really care about that board (most members don't ) then simply start reporting spam/off-topic posts.
افضل طريقة لاستمعال هده المواقع التي تمنع الوصول من دول معينة هي استعمال VPN في دولة يكون لديك فيها شخص تتق فيه (صديق او قريب ) ويكون مستعد لمساعدك في حالة وقوع مشكلة, في حالة قامو بتجميد اموالك وطلبو منك تطبيق شروط KYC عندها يتقدم الشخص الموجود في تلك الدولة بهده الاجراءات بدلا عنك ويقوم بالتصرف في الاموال.
في حالة ان المذكور اعلاه لا يتوفر عندك فالمخاطرة كبيرة لانه بكل بساطة معظم ال IPs الخاصة بال VPNs هي معروفة ومتاحة للجميع , في الواقع معظم المواقع تعرف انك تستعمل VPN ولكنهم يغظون النظر عن هدا لكونهم يبحتون على المكسب, ولكن مع ذلك فتوقع ان يجمدو حسابك سعيا منهم لابقاء رصيدك لديهم.
نعم صحيح هذا ما يتمناه الجميع تأسيس جهاز امن بلوكتشين للحفاظ ممتلكات الغير
لا اعتقد ان مصطلح "جهاز امن بلوكتشين" هوا الصحيح في مايلزم المستتمرين , في الواقع ادا مانظرنا لسوق البورصة على سبيل المثال , لا يوجد شي فعلا يحمي المستتمرين من هبوط الاسعار او افلاس الشركات التي يشترون اسهمهما ولكن الامر هوا عبارة عن وجود مواصافات وشروط كحد اذنى لاي شركة تقرر بيع اسهمها , اما مايحدث الان في العملات المشفرة فهوا عبارة عن مجموعة من الاشخاص او شخص واحد يقوم بانشاء عملة على بلوكتشين اتيريوم كما يعرف بعملات (Erc tokens) ويقومو بكتابة ورقة بيضاء فيها مخططاتهم المستقبلية الغير قابلة للتطبيق في معظم الاوقات ويبيعو الاسهم للناس تم يختفو. احد الظوابط التي يمكن ان تطبق على هاؤولاء هي اجبارهم على عدم بيع حصصهم لمدة من الزمن, الورقة البيضاء يجب ان تكون منطقية وقابلة للتطبيق , يجب ان يكون لديهم كيان قانوني متمثل في شركة او غيرها. وهدا ماينظره المستتمرين من ال ETF لكي يبدو في الاستتمار الفعلي في العملات المشفرة, اما من يستتمر الان فهم في نظري هواء وصغار التجار فقط.
بعيدا عن عالم الكربتو..اسمحو لي ان اتقدم لكم بالتهنئة..ونسئل الله ان يعيده عليكم بالبركة..
واود في هده المناسبة ان اقدم اعتداري لكل شخص قد اكون اسئت اليه بكلمة او موقف.
والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
ما دليلك على ذلك ؟ اعتقد ان حكم هده المسئلة سيكون مشابه لمسابقات السحب المجانية التي تقام في الاسواق وغيرها...مبداء القمار هو انك تخاطر بمال لكسب مال بدون تقديم اي نوع من المنتجات او الخدمات. طبعا هدا الكلام نانج عن تحليلي بعد فهم الموضوع من عدة جوانب ولكن اي شخص يريد ان يشارك يجب عليه تحري الامر بنفسه. المشكلة في مثل هده الفتاوي ان الشخص الدي سيقدم الفتوى يجب ان يكون على دراية تامة بما يحدث بالتفصيل..طريقة السؤال مهمة جدا.
This can be a pool related issue, try a different pool. Also it is always wise to provide as many details as possible if you want a quick response, just as Notfuzzywarm mentioned here is a perfect way of reporting your issue
قد ينتج في نهاية الامر حظر هذه التكنولوجيا على الصعيد الدولي
العملات المشفرة محظورة في كتير من الدول , وايضا معظم مواقع التواصل الاجتمالي قامت بحظر الاعلانات الممولة الخاص بالعملات المشفرة , السبب طبعا لا يعود لموضوع صائدي الباونتي وجهودهم الضائعة ولكن يرجع لخسارة المستتمرين اموال طائلة في عملات ال ICO الوهمية والتي معظمها وجد فقط للنصب على الناس, ولكن مع الوقت ومع وجود تشريعات وقوانين لظبط العملات الرقمية ربما تتغير نظرة العالم عن العملات المشفرة.
It seems like the scammer suddenly wanted to take the first email address out of the equation.
do you really think so ? well , I don't. I highly doubt that this is how scammers go about running their daily "business" , they must have planned all of this and there is not a single reason why the scammer would return 500$ and keep 1000$. I am not totally denying the possiblity of your "theory" but on a scale of 10, i don't think it qualifies to 1 in terms of probability. There's no harm in iChanger reporting fraudulent activity on all 3 of the email addresses he received to PayPal.
True, however the refund part is not clear at all, the refund was either charged back real quick which makes his claim about the transfer being "Friends and Family" most likely a lie, the other possibility is that the alleged "scammer" did send him the money just like that ! which then brings us back to the question of WHY ? I think only Ichanger can really clarify this matter.
So the scammer suddenly became all honest and sent back the 500$ ? Or it was not sent as friends and family as he claimed and he actually got all his money back? But then why bother post the second screenshot that shows the "refund"? I can't follow the logic !
The positives he got are justifiable for keeping his end of the deals he made, the negatives he got and going to get are also justifiable. However the funny part is that when someone buys an account they want to enjoy every single benefit of the previous owner's achievements ( possitive feedback, merit, activity , repuation) but nobody wants to take any responsiblity for the mistakes. Having said that and given his contribution - i think a temp-ban is a good enough punishment.
"a default setting that can't be changed and message saved in outbox can only be deleted after certain number of days like 90days period.
This seems like a better option ( 90 days is a lot , maybe 30 ?) since there is no guarantee the user will see the Email before their account is used to scam, or maybe the two together for better security? But most importantly people should start using more complex passwords and take care of their own accounts security, babysitting does not always solve the problem. Or requesting a confirmation via email before a PM can be sent?
No please , ain't nobody got time for that.