اخي الكريم.. حافظ على هدوءك ولا تنفعل.
اولا انا لا ارى اي شي مخالف فيما تفعلونه..طبعا بناء ع المحتوى الموجود في الموضوع الدي وضعت رابطه انت.
اما ماقام به العضو من شكوى ضدكم فانا متاكد انها ليست السبب في حظر اي حساب.
الحظر ياتي من خرق قوانين المنتدى.. وفي الايام القليلة الماضية تم انشاء بوت يبحت على مخالفي القوانين من النسخ واللصق.
الاف الاعضاء تم حظرهم..لا يوجد شي شبيه بنظرية المؤامرة..كل ماهنالك هو انكم كما تستفيدون من المنتدى يجب عليكم احترام القوانين..ووقتها حتى صاحب الموقع لن يجد مبرر لحظركم.
ارجو ان توضح لاصدقائك القوانين..والتزمو بها.. وانتم مرحب بكم فوق روسنا.
لا فائدة من وجود رسالة ترحبية..معظم الناس لن يقرؤوها وسيدهبو لي accept / next مباشرة. بالنسبة لعودته بحساب اخر في حال تم حظره للابد سيكون صعب..عليه استعمال vpn واخفاء هويته. انا شخصيا لو تم حظري يعني انني غير مرغوب فيا ولن اعود للمنتدى ابدا، رغم اني اشك اني قد قمت بنسخ ولصق اي شي ولكن يوجد احتمال لكي شي.
In the screenshot you posted OP asked other people to comment/participate in his topics, i do not seem to find a forum rule that prohibits this. All of this is irrelevant to his ban , unless ofcourse you have a proof of him buying/selling merit which his merit transactions does prove the opposite. Now as for as the other guy who said "we should not merit others", how is OP responsible for that?
Mr. I just had my 1 year anniversary here?
This Mr. Has more merit than couple hundreds of legendary members combined, a DT member and most importantly has no enemies on forum and has been always helpful and constructive aside from sometime enjoying the drama on Meta as everyone here does But all of the above is irrevlent to the subject in hand, one does not need a master degree in Bitcointalk to know bullshit when they see it. Simple logic states that at least one of the statements you stated are wrong, you reffered to staff action as a "very solid substantiation" , but in your signature you reffer to their action as the total opposite, now there are only three possibilities. 1- your claim about the staff action removing Vod as " substantiation" is wrong 2-your claim about the staff in your signature is wrong 3-both claims are wrong. You can't be "selective" in describing someone's action, they are either accurate or not. So pick one of the above / answer the question, or go for a more convenient option which is "attacking" me.
Well staff agreed you were abusing the trust system and excluded you as a result. I would say that is pretty solid substantiation.
I don't know about that particular staff and vod's story and i don't care, but the quoted statement of yours is wrong, just because a staff thinks something it does not mean it is the ultimate unquestionable proof of anything, some staff here are excluded terribly from DT and their judgment sucks. Also reading your signature and how you describe staff and then using the same group of people as a reference of honesty and accuracy is funny, which one is correct ? Your signature or the quoted part? I know it is hard for you to do so, but i hope you would remain calm and don't bring up that attitude on me , just answer the question
I read the telegram conversation by @AbuYa3rob whom you claim to be the same banned user, which i can't deny nor confirm.
However, i see nothing wrong with it , to sum up his long message he gave a detailed explanation on the merit system, asked other members to participate with quality posts about something they are good at and encouraged them to distribute merit among each other in a fair manner , he also mentioned that if they chose to copy and paste they must reference the sources.
I honestly see nothing wrong with his statements, he was not buying or selling Merit, at least the messages you posted don't state so.
Also by looking at his Merit transactions, most were sent/received from and to known members including Sygambler, Khalid0111 ,hugeblack and myself.
Honestly i don't even know why did you bring this up anyway.
Yes, now it is 65 profiles. In a month there will be 70, in 2 months 100, etc.
This statement is inaccurate from a statistical stand point, there is absoulitly no guarantee that the number of users who have enough merit but suffer lack of activity is going to increase. There is a good possiblity it is going to decrease, remain somehow the same, or simply follow your prediction. By all means i don't think any changes are required for now, despite the fact that i always have more merits than activity, i personally think it's fun, i will most likely be a legendary merit wise before becoming hero activity wise which is fine by me as long as i get all the privileges a legendary gets
He did not ask "why was he banned?" He knows exactly why, there is another thread regarding this.
I agree with the other members, and as i mentioned on the other thread, OP made a mistake, he must be punished, but i feel that i am obligated to acknowledge his contribution in the Arabic board, and for a mistake he made a year ago and given his recent efforts I hope that he get's a temp-ban instead of perma-ban.
Guys , this is likely a scam attempt, I would be super careful trading with this guy, only use forum escrow and make sure the escrow rules are clear, don't agree on releasing the coins right after "something" gets shipped out to your address, use common sense and trade safe.
Well , you can buy RTX 2080ti from the same guy for 300$ , but then funds will have to be released right after he sends you a tracking code of an empty box RTX2080ti
the lack of decentralization of the current system.
I always smile when i read the word "decentralization" , it is something that everyone in crypto repeats without knowing what it actually means , and that's funny because plain decentralization does not exist, and we are trying to force it into existence, sadly this will never happen. Anyhow, how do you ( or anybody who dislikes the current system) imagine a decentralized system to look like ? a voting/election system is the closest thing to the imaginary decentralization , same like government election, just because the people you support fail to make it - it does not mean the system is bad, it simply means there are MORE people who disagree than agree with your point of view. I am not saying this is a perfect system, but i see nothing else "better" replacing it except for a total "centralized" list picked by Theymos.
I have read almost every thing on this thread, despite the evidence (which don't confirm OP's claim 100%), I still tend to believe that wwzsocki is telling the truth, I would certainly not bet my house on that, but as long as there is a good possibility of his innocence, and given that wwzsocki is a decent fourm member and I would say that decent members here are probably only tens or couple hundreds at most , it doesn't make sense to tag him for this , especially that this doesn't involve scam or even an attempt of scam.
I hope @marlboroza will give wwzsocki the benefit of the doubt and not judge a decent a member the way he would judge a regular spammer or scammer.
للاسف صاحب الموضوع ايضا سيتعرض للحظر لنفس السبب وهوا النسخ واللصق.
حاولت ان اطلب من المشرف ان يكون حظره مؤقت نظرا لانه عضو جيد هنا في القسم العربي..لكن هدا لا يعني انه سيسمع كلامي اصلا..
يجب الحذر من النسخ واللصق..حتى وان كنت قمت بذلك من سنوات مضت..سوف يتم حظرك عند اكتشافك.
almohet88 will be banned for sure , but i just want to say that he is an overall good member in terms of posts, not the greatest member i have seen on the Arabic board but he is indeed not the average joe who spams the forum ( at least not the local board).
Therefore, if possible - can you issue a signature and temp ban instead of permaban?
اعتقد انك تخلط بين اللامركزية و مايعرف بي open source. في حالة وجود لغورتم و كود الخلط بصورة مجانية ومفتوحة يمكن لاي شخص ان يستضيفه في سيرفر خاص به حيت يصبح يعمل على اكتر من سيرفر في اكتر من مكان في العالم مما يعني استحالة استيلاء الحكومة عليه.
ان متاكد بنسبة كبيرة جدا انه في القريب العاجل سيكون هناك شي من هدا القبيل.. يمكن ايضا تطبيق هدا الشي على ما يعرف ب side chain اي شي موازي للبلوك تشين الخاص بالتحويلات والتعدين.
استعمال المنصات لاخفاء اثر البكوين غير منطقي ابدا.. الا لو كانت المنصة لامركزية ولا تخضع لقوانين اي دولة لانه بكل بساطة كل المعاملات التي تتم في المنصة مسجلة ويمكن للجهات المعنية الحصول عليها.
This is a general thread about the trust system. Deal with it.
So you are free to discuss whatever you want , and I am obligated to join every discussion you want to start ? how convenient Do you really think I am going to let you dictate the topics I choose to discuss because you don't like it
Without a doubt, your post was directed to me, and I am in charge of whether or not have it discussed, i chose not to, and there it is , FINISHED. (Deal with it) Good luck finding someone else who is willing to discuss the conspiracy theory with you specially with this attitude you got on you.
I am sorry I didn't realize you were in charge of what I am allowed to discuss in a general thread about marketplace trust.
I did not say you are not allowed to discuss whatever you want, you are simply twisting my words here, you directed something to me, I could have simply ignored you but I was nice enough to tell you that I don't like this general rambling you are trying to bring into the middle of a very specific discussion.
Fan [4] is a faulty fan and it is connected to the FAN4 connector in the control board.
Fan [5] is in okay condition and it is connected to the FAN5 connector in the control board.
I think you mean the exact opposite ? anyhow, even 4560 rpm is a bit low , i am not sure what version is this, but most of my S9's fans do over 5000 rpm intake , 6000 rpm exhaust ( or maybe the opposite,can't recall / doesn't matter ) 4560 rpms might be good enough for the miner to start hashing, but in extreme conditions it may not be enough, my recommendation would be getting 2 fans, the once HagssFIN recommended are excellent. also make sure you place the fan to blow in the right direction or else they won't be able to spin at high rpms.
اضافة: يرجى حذف Bitblender كذلك يبدو أنهم قرروا غلق المكسر.قمت بتحديت الموضوع , لم اكن اتوقع حدوث هدا الشي بكل سرعة , في فترة قصيرة خسرنا 2 من اكبر مواقع المكسر , للناس العادية مثلنا لا يعني الكتير ولكن يوجد كتير من الناس من يعتبرون الخصوصية شي اساسيا في كل شي وانهم لا يريدون ان يعرف احد مادا يملكون ولا كيف يتحصلون عليه ولا كيف صرفوه, اعتقد انه مع الوقت سيصبح هنالك مكسر ابون سورس شي مثل الترونت حيت لا يمكن لاي حكومة الوصول اليه واغلاقه كليا.
هل يمكن ان تُنال الثقة لعضو غير جدير بها؟
اخي كل هده التقيمات هي عبارة عن قرارات فردية مبنية على وجهة نظر اشخاص مجهولين موجودين في عالم افتراضي مما يعني انه لا مجال للشك في نيل اعضاء ثقة غير جديرين بها , والعكس صحيح تماما , ولكن بالمجمل يمكن ان نقول ان نظام الثقة في المنتدى جيد الى حد كبير.