الغريب في الامر ان سعر العملة ارتفع على منصة هيت بي تي سي لاكثر من 200% رغم التحذير الرسمي على شبكات التواصل لا بد ان من يقوم بالشراء يعلم ان السعر سيرتفع بعد التحديث و توزيع العملة الجديدة التداول في لاعملات الرقمية اصبح محفوف بالمخاطر و لا بد من متابعة كل الاخبار
للاسف اغلب العملات الرقمية تعمل في مجال تجارة القمار و و المواقع الاباحية و ذلك لاقبال الكثير على التجارة و ما تحققه من دخل هائل لاصحاب المشروع. لا يجب الاستثمار فيها لان الرابح الوحيد هو صاحب المشروع و المستثمر لن يربح شيئا لا في الدنيا و لا في الاخرة
You have to forget about scams and don't try to copy them. Don't think that those scamers can take our money without being punished. Think about a project that may improve the crypto network better than thinking about how to scam us.
Any member can send you merit points if he believes that your post was helpful and has a value. Each range has a determined number of merit points they can spend, some members are merit sources, they can send more than regular membres. You will find more topics talking about this subject with more details.
All you have to do is "show them the money", tell them about your experience and how much you earned. Humans are greedy by nature, they will ask you how did you earn so much. If they are to stupid to believe then there is no need to convince them, it will be a waste of time and they will not help the cryptocurrency communtity.
If you want to earn more than any other investir, then you have to take some risks. If making profit is so easy and obvious there would be no poverty. You have to be brave when every one step back but you have to be cautious when all are byuing. Use your mind and follow your intention better than following the croud.
30M$ is not a big deal, obviously it didn't affect Bitcoin price, on the contrary, prices are rising. Bithump team and devs didn't provide detailed information about the hacking process and how the hacker succeeded to access their databases. Maybe it was an inside job.
It is a revolution, there will be many losers and many gainers. Governments will do their best to stop it. But when this will happen, all the financial system will change and citizens will be in control not their governments. There still be many improvement to be added to Bitcoin before such thing can happen.
Criminals use different ways to fund their illegal activities, not only Bitcoin. Besides, Bitcoin transactions are not 100% untraceable, governments, if they want, can track any transaction. Anonymity, is an advantage more than a disadvantage, this is just another excuse to ban Bitcoin. If Bitcoin disappear, will criminals stop their activities!!
Maybe, they just don't know about it, or how to earn from it. I know many people that are afraid from investing in Bitcoin because its price is too volatile. You got lucky and earned from it as you said, but there are others that lost huge amounts of money when the market started falling.
Hackers will always find a way to steal our money. Exchanges are not 100% safe. The wisest thing to do, is to keep your money in your wallet not in the exchange wallet. This is not the first time a huge exchange get hacked but the good thing is that it didn't affect the market.
And when do you expect it to become cheaper!! It is not evident, Bitcoin price may start rising at any moment and then you will regret not buying before that time. It is a long term investment, thus, baying at any rate is a good opportunity.
When a holder dies and no one have the keys to access his wallet, then what he owned will be lost forever. Better tell one of your relatives about what you are doing and figure out a way to pass your fortune tosomeone else after your death. I believe that one day, people will be trying to crack private keys with high performance calculators. It will be like digging tombs to find hidden treasures.
It happened before and it will happen again. The market is too volatile and there will be always ups and downs till it reachs a point of stability which will not happen any soon. Whales are manipulating the market and weak hands are following and being submissive.
انصحك ان تبقى بعيدا عن هذه المواقع فاغلبها مواقع تحيل و لن تكسب منها شيئا سوى اضاعة وقتك كلامي هذا من تجربة طويلة يتم استعمال اجهزة متطورة و باهضة الثمن لتعدين البيتكوين و يكون الربح قليل فما بالك بالتعدين باستعمال الجهاز الشخصي حاول ان تجد طرق اخرى للربح
تتضارب التحاليل و التوقعات بين من يعتقد ان السعر سيرتفع و بين من يتوقع انهيار السوق بعض التحاليل منطقية و تعتمد على تحليل علمي و دقيق لكل المتغيرات لكن الكثير منها مجرد اشاعات يطلقها كبار المحتكرين للتحكم في السوق و تحديد الاسعار حسب ما يتماشى مع مصالحهم. الاكيد ان السعر الحالي للبيتكوين لا يمثل قيمته الحقيقة فقيمته تساوي اضعاف ذلك لذلك سترتفع الاسعار في حالة لم يقع اي خلل
من رايي ان تحصل على عمل حقيقي تحقق منه دخل ثابت يمكنك استعمال البعض من هذا الدخل في الاستثمار في البيتكوين كما تعلم الاستثمار في البيتكوين يتطلب خبرة كبيرة و رغم ما تراه من قصص النجاح التي تحفزك لتخصيص كل وقتك الا انه يوجد الكثير من الامثلة اين خسر المستثمرون اموالهم و وجدوا انفسهم دون عمل القاعدة الاساسية هي ان لا تضع كل البيض في سلة واحدة
Whales have been manipultaing the market for a long time, and even if they own 1/3 of the total supply they will not be able to destroy Bitcoin. Moreover, Even if they sell all their coins at a low price, it will be in the good of cryptocurrency, since there will be no more manipulation and Bitcoin will be able to rise again as it is supposed to do.
I think I read this news months ago and didn't affect the market, why are you sharing it again!! Even if he has a Nobel price, he has no weight in the cryptocurrencies market and his analysis has no value. The bad news today, is the ack of the South Korea’s biggest cryptocurrency exchange which is Bithumb where the hackers succeded to steel about 30M $.
تراجع الاسعار هو امر وقتي و لن يستمر لفترة طويلة اغلب الخبراء و المحللين الماليين يتوقعون ارتفاع الاسعار قبل نهاية السنة الحالية و هو ما يفسر وجود العديد من المستثمرين الكبار الذين يقومون بشراء كميات كبيرة من البيتكوين باسعار منخفضة و ذلك لتيقنهم من ان استثمارهم سيجلب لهم ربحا كبيرا