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721  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Gokuball on the NFT market on: April 30, 2021, 07:55:46 AM
Wow, newbie shillers at it again

C'mon guys, shit project is a shit project, no matter how hard you try and pump it
722  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Brownie Coin (BRC) on: April 30, 2021, 07:54:04 AM

  "Brownie Coins are backed by real brownies"

Mind showing us proof of 42m brownies which are actually backing these coins?
This reminds me of 2017 shitcoin craze, when every idiocy had a coin
723  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: How do we create our own Alt coin and what's stopping others from creating it? on: April 30, 2021, 07:51:22 AM
I'm curious how all these works. If I were to create my own altcoin similar to how Dogecoin was created, how do I go about doing so and what's stopping others from creating their own altcoin? Is Legal a factor or are there any other issues that might be stopping others from creating it?

To create your own coin (not a token), it requires some programming knowledge as you'd most likely fork btc or ltc, and change few config paramas, and voila. It's cheap, easy to do, but a pain because you need nodes, etc..

To create your own token, you need to pay money, as deployment on mainnet is costly (around 1 ETH). But no need for infrastructure as ETH provides that.
724  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Looking for good projects on: April 30, 2021, 07:49:31 AM
Im still kind of new to the crypto market and am looking for some good crypto projects. Im looking for cheap coins with great fundamentals that can grow big.
I've heard stuff about coins like:

But im not sure which one to get
Looking for your opinions

Start looking at good low cap gems. They're the ones that will have multiple X's

Sure, ada is fundamentally strong, but i don't see it going past $3 in this bull run
725  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: All Eyes on BTC Dominance! on: April 30, 2021, 07:48:13 AM
As of the moment the bitcoin dominance is already below 50% and I guess that it can go down until 45%. With the bitcoin dominance dropping is a good sign for us to shift to altcoins because I can feel that we are now near to the alt season.

Some say this bull run will be a bit different than the one in 2017 tho.
They call it a slow burner, meaning it will last longer, probably for another 9 months, but the price oscillation will not be as big as the previous one
726  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: DeFi Projects on: April 30, 2021, 07:47:01 AM
Experts warn about the upcoming difficulties in the DeFi segment. So for example Chris Burniske believes that the imminent decline in prices for crypto assets will be a real disaster for the segment of decentralized financial protocols (DeFis) According to DeFi's leading analytics panel, Defipulse, more than $65 billion is currently locked into multiple DeFi apps. This means that the segment's net TVL has more than quadrupled in the last four months.

Yes, totally agree with that and i've been thinking the same.
Currently DeFi is interesting because of the passive gains they give, but with bear in place, these gains will also be cut in half if not more
727  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: Solana ekosistem - novi ETH killer on: April 30, 2021, 07:42:50 AM
to je trenutno opsti naziv za sve platforme ovog tipa, pa sam zato stavio
meni odgovara da ETH ostane DeFi tata, ali pitanje je sta ce biti, to niko ne moze znati

Realno po mom iskustvu, ekipa koja je fulala ETH po niskim cijenama sad sve nazivaju eth killerom jer se nadaju da ce ovog puta stici na vlak.
Realno, dok sve te ostale mreže budu na razini ETH-a, ETH ce biti 10 koraka ispred.

Slažem se. Nekad sam i ja govorio da bi Ethereum mogao završiti kao MySpace ali stvarno sumnjam u to. Evo, baš danas sam gledao jedan video gdje je spomenuto kako bi se ETH1 i ETH2 merge trebao dogoditi već u listopadu ove godine kad je planiran Shanghai upgrade. Ako se ne varam, to bi trebalo značiti kraj PoW mininga za Ethereum.

Mislim da ce biti neki grace period, gdje ce se postepeno smanjivati rewardi.
Nije ni Vitalik lud da samo odsjece sve na nulu
728  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Nano Ledger S iskustva on: April 30, 2021, 07:41:16 AM
Moze, hvala na infu..u meduvremenu iz Ledger supporta su me trazili invoice gdje sam kupio Ledger..
Links je Ledgerov sluzbeni zastupnik tako da ne bi tu trebalo biti problema.
Da se bar iskupe s jednim Ledgerom X, bilo bi lijepo, haha Wink

Ledger X ima bluetooth, pa mozes i bezicno.
Samo moras pazit da ne narucujes zrak iz kine, jer su kroz zrak svasta cuje. Jos gore nego kroz zicu jer se broadcasta  Grin
729  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: Solana ekosistem - novi ETH killer on: April 29, 2021, 01:00:02 PM
to je trenutno opsti naziv za sve platforme ovog tipa, pa sam zato stavio
meni odgovara da ETH ostane DeFi tata, ali pitanje je sta ce biti, to niko ne moze znati

Realno po mom iskustvu, ekipa koja je fulala ETH po niskim cijenama sad sve nazivaju eth killerom jer se nadaju da ce ovog puta stici na vlak.
Realno, dok sve te ostale mreže budu na razini ETH-a, ETH ce biti 10 koraka ispred.
730  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: binance pao? on: April 29, 2021, 08:36:10 AM
Ma CZ je pička.
Kaže ETH withdrawls delayed zbog tog i tog razloga, a BNB withdrawls idu odma.
Doslovno forsira ekiput da kupuju BNB
731  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Novosti on: April 28, 2021, 12:07:26 PM
Edit: Baš sam maloprije na jednom Telegram kanalu kojeg pratim, jednog poznatog ''trajdera'' naišao na vijest da će Facebook za koji dan, prilikom objave svojih kvartalnih poslovnih rezultata, objaviti da drži i dio bitcoina u svom investicijskom porfelju.
Ako se ta vijest potvrdi, to bi opet moglo izazvati ''musk efekt'' i kratkoročno jako dignuti cijenu bitcoina.

Vidiš, ja baš mislim da će pisanje o glasini uzrokovati manji pump nego da je objavljeno "Facebook je kupio BTC za milijardu dolara". Ovako netko napiše glasinu koja očito nije uzrokovala pumpu, pa se ta vijest nekako slegne i onda kod prave objave (ako je bude) pumpa bude ipak nešto manja...

Pa i dva pumpa su bolja od nijednog.
Iako si u pravu, prvi pump bude kada izadje rumor, meni to odgovara, kad su oboje BTC i ETH u pitanju
732  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: Solana ekosistem - novi ETH killer on: April 28, 2021, 12:06:08 PM
Solana ce imati jedan veliki dump.
Naime ako se pogleda kada je unlock tokena investorima, vidi se da kad se to dogodi, biti ce cirkus.

A bombasticni titlovi poput ETH killer su glupi, jer nema eth killera. Solana ce dobiti dio globalnog kolaca, ali ETH ce i dalje ostat tata defi-a
733  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Will alts like vechain still gain? on: April 27, 2021, 09:04:27 AM
What do people think ? Will Alts like xrp and vechain , coins with a real use case still make gains when the alt season ends ? Or could all alts turn bearish?

Once the bull goes to sleep, and bear wakes up from it's den, it's gonna be a bloodbath to be honest.
But good projects will survive, and be stronger in the next bull
734  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Would you invest if it would also help those in need? on: April 27, 2021, 09:03:30 AM
Hi guys,

It would be great to have a feedback on a project we’re working on and it’s pretty much ready to be announced.

Would you invest in a token knowing that not only can make you make money but it has a feature that allows you and the community to help those in need.


10% fee on each transaction.

- 5% redistributed to the holders
- 5% goes to a CHARITY wallet

The charity wallet will be used EXCLUSIVELY for donations to Onlus, foundations and people in need.

We want to really help India that is having a hard time with Covid, provide funds to support cancer research, and many other projects. The community will also be able to vote on which projects we will send the funds.
We can make the difference!

Please let us know your honest feedback,

Thank you

And how would this token make me money in the future? Besides this 5% charity donation, what would it be the usecase for this coin?
735  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Prices are low, time to buy some good coin!! on: April 27, 2021, 09:02:09 AM
Prices have fallen A LOT recently and now, we have a great opportunity to buy some new alt coins cheap!!
But which projects are profitable and cheap?
It is difficult to say, but for tech and for price, it can be considered to be good coins:

Sushiswap is a famous decentralized exchange where people can very simple do a swap. It is like Uniswap but different.
For fundamentals, Sushiswap has more swaps per day but in price, it is way below Uniswap. Uniswap and Sushiswap are competitors and Sushiswap is currently very undervalued against Uniswap. Recently, SushiSwap announced to change to Avalanche but no date was set, Avalanche has a very good tech for Defi:
Sushiswap can be a real profitable coin.
For Sushi, it is also important to know because many people will like to eat sushi and will decide for it. It is like many people like Doge.

Avalanche is a platform project and when it was reviewed by severaly experts, it has always become a very good rating. Avalanche has found out how to make consensus more decentralized by using random subsampling where it's possible to scale unlimited because validation nodes participate in Avalanche consensus. For Blockchain, it's after Bitcoin a huge achievement, Avalanche did it and it works. DeFi projects are starting to use Avalanche because of low fees and fast confirmation. It is big alternative for Ethereum and Binance DeFi products now. Sushiswap has decided to chance to Avalanche because Avalanche has more future:
Avalanche is definitely a promising coin.
And because it is developed by Cornell University professors, it has a very scientific approvement and reputation.

IOTA project has very big plans. It needs to be mentioned here for development about IOTA: Devs are planning IOTA 2.0, it will be like Ethereum 2.0 but for IOTA. Not many people know it but when Ethereum 2.0 will be huge, people will also know about IOTA 2.0 and buy huge IOTA. Price can go up a lot.
It has several phases for IOTA 2.0 like for Ethereum 2.0.
Phases of IOTA 2.0 are Pollen, Nectar and Honey:

And very important:
SUSHI, AVALANCHE and IOTA are all active coins and bringing innovation. Always chose innovative coins and avoid old coins. Old coins like Tron, Ripple, Cardano and EOS have a very limited potential for grow, because new, technically advanced coin will outperform it!

Which coin would you buy right now?

I would say AVAX. Out of all 3 you mentioned, imho AVAX has the biggest potential. IOTA has the least potential.
TBH i've been holding iota for years, and it has done nothing
736  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Taking Profits on Altcoins Strategy on: April 27, 2021, 09:01:10 AM
I am looking to take some profits on my altcoins after the next big pump. Need some advice if my strategy is good or not. I'm based in the US.

1. When I start to take profits from my altcoins do I just sell them on the exchange for dollars and then buy stablecoins with that? Or do I somehow trade the alts for stables? Does is matter since selling or trading them are taxed for capital gains regardless?

2. Once I take the profits in stablecoins, is putting them on something like Blockfi to gain interest the best thing to do while I wait for another dip to possibly reinvest them?

3. Once the bull run is over I'm most likely going to keep all my bitcoin and probably most of my Ethereum. I'll sell most of my alts for stablecoins but keep small bags of the ones I want to keep through the bear market. Is this a sound strategy?

4. During the bear market is taking a cash loan using my crypto as collateral (BTC and ETH) a good way to defer capital gains taxes? Won't I have to pay these taxes eventually? I know there are drawbacks to this strategy but it seems like a lot of experienced people do this.

5. After the bull run should I just put my stablecoins in something like Blockfi during the bear market? Or is cashing out to dollars and investing in something like real estate a good way to defer capital gains taxes?

I know these are a lot of questions but any advice is greatly appreciated, this forum has been extremely helpful for a noob that has been in the space for about 4 months now. Thanks!

I would suggest this; that once the bear market starts, invest part or most of your portfolio into DeFi.
But not rugpulls, something stable and secure like aave or compound
737  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: eGOLD - cryptocurrency and gold of the future on: April 27, 2021, 09:00:06 AM
If it quacks like a duck, if it walks like a duck, and if it looks like a duck, then it's probably a scam or a rugpull. Shitcoin at best.
If the project is so good, why does it need 3 tier referal system
738  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Nano Ledger S iskustva on: April 27, 2021, 08:55:37 AM
Ili posalji email, moje iskustvo je da odgovore unutar 24 sata, pogotovo nakon ovih leakova koje su imali.

Ali da, dobro pitanje, gdje si kupio ledger?
739  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: You can't always hit the right target on: April 24, 2021, 10:02:58 PM
The word "bounty" means getting paid for capturing or retrieving something right? There is no much difference with bounty hunting on this forum too, the meaning of bounty shows that you can't always catch things right, there will be times when failure will occur but some people wants reward for every single projects they promote, even if you are a pro bounty hunter who's very smart at choosing projects you won't always make the right choice.

start acting like a real bounty hunter, if projects don't work out then move on because it's bounty hunting

Bounty today is waaay different to what it was imagined to be.
Bounty was supposed to be project supporters who would invest in it and help spread the news. But now, less than 0.1% of hunters invest.
740  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: starting my own altcoin ??? on: April 24, 2021, 06:34:30 PM
hi i wanted to create my own altcoin . i had some questions  help to where do i start from ??
what do i do where i can gain knowalge about how create own coin ?? what do i need learn >>??
i know python only i dont have any idea about solidity language  but i wanted to learn this language //
is it good idea to have own coin  >>>Huh
( no rugpull and rekt )

Depends why you want it.
If it's just a vanity coin, do it on testnet, otherwise be prepared to shill out $10k+ for a coin and a smart contract
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