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7381  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Giving bitcoins as a gift? on: April 07, 2021, 02:27:37 PM
And she is married with kids, so while I will always like her, there is no hidden agenda on my part here.   

I think that you will have to basically ask her opinion on this.
Because it's not only about how she will react on this, it's also about how her husband will react on this.
Money and jealousy can change families completely, and not necessarily in a good way. Discuss with her.
7382  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Microstrategy added another $15 million bitcoin to assets on: April 06, 2021, 01:54:40 PM
Should we pay attention to such news?

It's another ~257 Bitcoin that went from circulation to institutional cold storage.
It's not a big amount, so I guess that many won't pay much of attention to it, but it can be noted that the trend is still there. For some it can be a signal that they can keep buying, in case they were no longer certain.
7383  Economy / Economics / Re: Why you can't be rich by owning crypto on: April 06, 2021, 10:35:07 AM

You wanted to say something, but mixed up apples with oranges and the result is just a... fruit salad. Sorry, but imho you've got it all wrong.

Because of its scarcity, Bitcoin price goes up. It's not only making up for the US dollar's inflation, as you wanted to imply. Bitcoin goes up also against gold. Bitcoin goes up also against the price of a pizza.
So a pizza after a year will be much less than 0.001 and much closer to 0.000135 (0.001 / 7, minus the US dollar inflation, give or take).
7384  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Re: 0 incoming connections on: April 06, 2021, 09:31:03 AM
Imho the VPS has to allow incoming/inbound connections on the correct port (8333?) from your (home) IP.
Why shouldn't already allow it? How do I check this?

I don't know if the specific port is allowed. And I am not an expert, so if you're not in a hurry, just wait for a second opinion.

From what I know, if you try to do Telnet which may need to be installed separately as windows optional feature on a specific IP and port you can find out if it's anything listening there or not.
For example
telnet localhost 8333
tells me "Could not open connection to the host, on port 8333: Connect failed", since my bitcoin daemon is not running, but
telnet localhost 18080
gets me in (no error), since I am syncing my XMR daemon now.

I expect that telnet from VPS "localhost" will work and from your home IP to the VPS won't.
7385  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Re: 0 incoming connections on: April 06, 2021, 08:53:07 AM
Or I can solve this by changing a firewall rule?

Imho the VPS has to allow incoming/inbound connections on the correct port (8333?) from your (home) IP.
You should make sure that happens, else you're wasting your time.
7386  Economy / Goods / Re: ~ Buying a TESLA CYBERTRUCK with BITCOIN ~ on: April 06, 2021, 07:13:34 AM
IMO, the cybertruck is ugly

I certainly agree to this and imho it's one of the "points" that makes people not choose it.

If anyone was interested in a vehicle to purchase as a show of wealth, I think the Seabreacher would make a far better choice than either a Tesla or a Lambo. 
"Roads?! Where we're going We don't need Roads!!!"

I would rather go for a Tesla model X or a Maserati Levante.
7387  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: P.U.L.A. Filosofie on: April 06, 2021, 07:05:23 AM
Mă simt onorat să fiu cu voi pe aici Smiley

Eh, chiar daca lui Gazeta poate ca ii plac cuvintele mai pompoase, sa stii ca suntem tot oameni normali...

ăăă  ...Dacă mi-e permisă indiscreţia, cine e puiul de vulpe?

Mica vulpita este un personaj tare interesant si cu simtul umorului, care le da catorva super norocosi un fel de bursa/sponsorizare (vezi avatarul lui Gazeta si topicul asta).

13. Puiul de vulpe ne vegheaza.

Nu sunt convins ca ne vegheaza chiar cu atata atentie, ca fara un google translate nu intelege ce discutam, iar tradus probabil ca va pierde o buna parte din esenta si poante.
7388  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: P.U.L.A. Filosofie on: April 05, 2021, 06:42:40 PM
A trebuit sa imi fac timp sa citesc ditai textul, dar a meritat.
Sunt un pic surprins, ma asteptam sa fii mai din apropierea Humulestiului Cheesy, mare parte din informatii le stiam, dar legatura si structurarea au facut sa fie o lactura placuta, interesanta (plus ca am notat: Piata si Turnul)

O sa imi dau si eu cu parerea pe ici-colo:

Iar acum că suntem pe cale să rezolvăm problema banilor, probabil e prudent să ne așteptăm la niște probleme și mai mari.
Foarte interesanta idee. Nota 10.

Zicea acolo că suntem indignați de faptul că ne pierdem intimitatea, dar īn același timp, băgăm pe internet tot mai multe informații personale.
Cumva am impresia ca nu cei intr-adevar indignati de pierderea intimitatii pun pe FB poze cu adresa si cheia de la intrare. Dar poate ca ma insel. Nu urmaresc FB atat de mult.

3. Ierarhia
Cumva creierul uman iubeste ierarhizarea si comparatia cu ceilalti. Intotdeauna unul va fi mai prost, sau mai destept, sau mai alb, sau mai negru, sau mai gras, sau mai slab, mai bogat, mai sarac, mai bun, mai rau.
Deci cumva ne-o facem singuri.
Iar micile bisericute de "speciali", fie mai bogati, fie mai geek, sau mai sportivi, sau mai gameri, sau mai .. cine-stie-cum, iar vor exista. Si toate astea cam au cate un "alfa".

Ce nu-mi convine mie de exemplu, e că tehnologiile astea care evoluează exponențial ne cam lasă pe toți in urmă. Pentru că nu prea ne duce capul.
Capul "duce" doar daca e antrenat. De exemplu tu te adaptezi (well done!), pe cand altii prefera sa-si planga de mila. Dar cine asteapta de la viata posmagi moi tot timpul... si-o merita.

Daca in Romania in varful ierarhiei se perinda mai mult lichele nu inseamna neaparat ca asa e si in tarile cu mai multa traditie in democratie.
(acuma parca s-a mai cizelat si la noi un pic clasa politica)
Inca e o diferenta de clasa si de bun simt intre media de pe la noi si media de pe la altii, parerea mea.
Dar eu cred ca democratia in forma actuala nu este suficient de buna. Sper ca in urmatoarele putine sute de ani (nu imi fac iluzii de genul zeci) sa se ajunga la ceva mult mai bun si mai bazat pe meritocratie.

Bill Gates
Omul a facut primii bani cam pe pile. Si desi a avut multe idei bune, cred ca se simte un pic vinovat pentru carca de bani care ii vin asa usor, cand, stie si el, prea multi altii traiesc de azi pe maine.
Deci incearca sa faca bine, ca isi permite. Povestile din jurul lui (de la chip-are la pastrat lumina soarelui doar pentru el) sunt.. penibile. Ca si alea cu Soros care finanteaza peste tot in lume manifestatiile de tot felul.  Cheesy

suna mai degraba a haos decat a conspiratie
Politicieni care asculta de incompetenti, plus ziaristi avizi de scandal. Suna a conspiratie, nu?  Cheesy
Problema e ca e la fel si la case mai mari. Medicii nu inteleg 100% corpul uman (si ce-i poate face Covidul), UE cam ia teapa de la producatorii de vaccinuri (nu se livreaza ce/cand s-a promis), ... si peste toata nebuloasa asta vin putinii, trumpii si sosoncii sa culeaga in armata lor pe toti cei care sunt complet pierduti in degringolada asta.

M-as mira sa incerce cineva sa duca la capat vreo conspiratie in ceea ce ne priveste, suntem mult prea imprevizibili
Poate deja il stiai, dar aici se preteaza bancul cu teroristul:
7389  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: Rugaminte [bitcoin whitepaper] on: April 05, 2021, 05:35:56 PM
Eu am incercat de ieri sa iau traducerea si sa arunc o privire peste ea, insa nu am momentan acces la un device safe cu JavaScript deci PDF-urile nu le pot vedea. Daca ar putea cineva sa urce textul pe un link raw Pastebin, ar fi perfect.

Daca fac doar copie a textului din PDF mi-e frica ca va iesi o prostie. Am mai copiat si am avut surprize.
In schimb am luat fragment cu fragment, am facut print screen si am salvat partea utila.
Nu e la fel de bine ca in PDF, dar e pe aproape si sper ca se poate citi.
Cu referinte cu tot au iesit 13 poze:
7390  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: Rugaminte [bitcoin whitepaper] on: April 05, 2021, 01:51:42 PM
Ty. Ti-as mai fi dat merite si pentru acest topic, dar nu-mi mai permite sistemul. Abia peste 30 zile iti mai pot trimite Smiley Dar sa stii macar ca am intentionat...

Relax. Stie si sistemul ca ai exagerat in ultima vreme  Cheesy

Multumim frumos! Sa fie intr-un ceas bun!

Acum sa vedem, o ajunge o singura confirmare, sau ne mai ajuta si altii? Cel putin @20kevin20 si @Rizzrack obisnuiau sa fie activi...
7391  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin is still hot but Bitcoin Dominance is dropping. What does it tell? on: April 05, 2021, 12:27:35 PM
I think that Bitcoin dominance and the so much awaited altcoin season are overrated. I think that too few altcoins worth to be mentioned. I think that's only overly high expectation from newbies.
Or, as somebody said not long ago:

7392  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Re: 2 Stuck btc transactions.. anyone can help? on: April 05, 2021, 12:16:51 PM
you're wrong.  this is definitely worth it.   i just don't have the funds.   I have about a lot of money locked up in roobet casino.  they won't let me withdraw until these two transactions confirm..  :-)    I'd pay $500 to anyone that can get these transactions confirmed for me.

Then you should certainly try CPFP. It means child pays for parent. This means to create a tx from this 17RZPPmSWgjiAisqk1gwSK8sHRMPSTvbAE (both unconfirmed funds!) and another funded address of yours to a third address of yours, with a much higher fee, so it'll cover the other 2 transactions' fees too.
7393  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Re: 2 Stuck btc transactions.. anyone can help? on: April 05, 2021, 12:07:40 PM

2 sat/vByte, no unconfirmed parents, no RBF, transacted amount 2$
It looks like a consolidation of inputs, too low amount to do anything else than wait and re-broadcast every 10-14 days.
The only thing you could do would be to do CPFP, but for such a low amount it's not worth it.

2 sat/vByte, no unconfirmed parent, I don't know if it has RBF since Blockchair cannot see it, 1.1$ transferred.
Again, too low amount to do much. Sorry. Wait and re-broadcast every 10-14 days.

..Or don't re-broadcast and wait to get them "forgotten" so they get back to sender (you?)

Normally i would recommend RBF and CPFP, but since the transaction doesn't have RBF flag and total Bitcoin sent is very small (less than 10K satoshi), the only realstic choice is only to wait until it's confirmed.

Too low amounts for that and probably no RBF flag either (at least for one it's certainly missing).
7394  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: Rugaminte [bitcoin whitepaper] on: April 05, 2021, 09:55:59 AM
Bravo băieţi, chiar aţi făcut ce trebuie.
Am confirmat şi eu atāt pe BitcoinTalk cāt şi pe Github.

Si ca sa fiu si un pic carcotas, vezi ca "hole" inseamna gaura, iar cuvantul pe care il cautai (in ambele postari) era "whole"  Wink

Situaţia asta tre să recunosc că m-a fost un pic sursă de inspiratie. Aşa că m-am apucat şi eu să fac o traducere ca să ne mai descreţim frunţile.

Frumoasa traducere ... alternativa  Grin. Acum ca ma gandesc, poate de aia vin o gramada de nestiutori in ale Bitcoinului pe forum, poate cred ca se da ceva hash-hash pe gratis  Cheesy
7395  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: Rugaminte [bitcoin whitepaper] on: April 05, 2021, 07:51:45 AM
^Pune si hyperlink pe "aici" Smiley Plspls.

Done. Am pus link catre topicul in engleza.
Ieri ma gandisem la aici ca fiind exact acest topic, dar ai dreptate, nu-i frumos sa-i fac pe developeri sa alerge dupa mai multe topicuri si sa mai trebuiasca si sa foloseasca Google Translate.
7396  Economy / Speculation / Re: How fast do you think will Bitcoin reach $100k? on: April 05, 2021, 07:43:21 AM
4-5 months for only 60% rise is way too slow for bitcoin not to mention for a bull market. That's a tiny 15%-12% rise per month. Historically bitcoin has had much bigger rises than this during its bull runs. Heck we had 100% rises in a couple of weeks back in 2017 and there weren't nearly as much hype as we have today.
Reaching it this month or the next (April or May) is more realistic in my opinion.

I tried to not be overly optimistic and also get into account the corrections to come.
However, I would be just happier if I'll be wrong and you'll be right  Smiley
Just keep in mind:

We are all definitely biased here.
7397  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Re: [Apr 2021] Fees are low, use this opportunity to Consolidate your small inputs! on: April 04, 2021, 06:43:11 PM
Right now, you need 70-80 sats to get in the next 3-5 blocks the way it stands now.   

There was no block found in the last 55 minutes, hence I expect that there could be soon another opportunity to send transactions at under 10 sat/vByte.
7398  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: What is the absolute lowest fee per byte you can send on: April 04, 2021, 06:37:13 PM
I've made a transaction today at 6 sat/vByte and went through in less than 2h.
But the week-end is ending and the fees may have a jump again.

However, the coins should not be "stuck in limbo indefinitely". At some point, if not confirmed, all mempools will forget it (unless some software keeps broadcasting it) and they'll return to you.
Also, as a good precaution, I suggest you set the RBF flag so you can replace the transaction in case of "surprises".
About the fee, you can set some 5-8 sat/vByte and hope that tonight or next week-end your tx gets confirmed, or set it to a little over 10 sat/vByte to also have a chance to use ViaBTC free accelerator.

PS. I am watching the fees/movement at ; you will see that about 1h ago a 6 sat/vByte block was mined, you'll see that there were too few blocks in the last hour, hence there's a chance that next hour there will be more than 6 block/hour and the fee could fall again.
7399  Economy / Speculation / Re: How fast do you think will Bitcoin reach $100k? on: April 04, 2021, 06:21:19 PM
I can't specifically estimate of how many months are we going to wait before bitcoin attain a $100k market value. But as what i have observed on the market movement of bitcoin today, it was not impossible that we will going to witness bitcoin having $100k value. The crypto market was still in bullish and if there is a price correction happening only in minimal correction. But i do hope and positively that this will be attain within the year.

I think that OP is expecting a speculation, not really a proper estimation  Wink

I'd speculate that we could get to 100k in July-August. Of course, it may be simply wishful thinking  Cheesy
7400  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Is the any direct faucet pay to my wallet Instantly on: April 04, 2021, 06:02:49 PM
but directly pay the crypto to my wallet?

Keep in mind that since faucets pay very small amounts for one dip, you may need to spend months there until you get to receive anything.
Also keep in mind that faucets may go out of business during that time (and some may simply be scams that won't pay).
The faucet with best reputation remains
If you don't mind micro-tasks and you also don't mind to visit plenty of shady and NSFW sites, afaik is also paying (at least it did some months ago), including your own wallet.

PS. As others also said, the earned money don't actually worth the time you spend with faucets.
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