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7441  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Bitcoin adress - wallet on: March 15, 2021, 02:40:24 PM
Am înțeles, dar cheia asta privată de care spui,unde trebuie să apară?.sau cum e formată? Unde aș putea să o găsesc. Mă gândesc că fiecare are cheia lui privată, undeva trebuie să fie și a mea,dar nici măcar nu știu în ce formă ar trebui să arate

Pai depinde de softul de portmoneu folosit. In 2014 cel mai probabil nu aveai seed, asa ca partea aia o scoatem din discutie.
In general nu este afisata, ci trebuie ceruta (ca masura de securitate).

Apoi, daca foloseai Bitcoin Core trebuia sa faci niste operatii in consola ca sa o vezi.
Daca foloseai MultiBit trebuia sa o exporti.
Daca foloseai o casa de schimb (Bitstamp, Poloniex) nici macar nu ai acces la cheia privata si ai doar un cont (se ocupa ei pt tine)
Daca foloseai un wallet gen Xapo iar nu ai acces la cheia privata, ci doar la cont.
Daca foloseai un wallet gen cred ca se putea afla/exporta.

Adresa este ceea ce vezi la la profile/change withdrawal address si a ta probabil incepe cu 1. (unele mai noi incep cu 3 sau bc1)
Cheia privata e mai lunga si de obicei incepe cu K sau L. (eventual vezi pasul 7 de aici)
7442  Economy / Speculation / Re: Bitcoin, I salute your final ATH. on: March 15, 2021, 02:08:27 PM
As I predicted, the droppening is confirmed

~$58k $60.4k $61.8k

I just love your predictions. Be careful that neither of us may live long enough to see your prediction correct for good. And you may have to cross out quite a lot of numbers meanwhile..
7443  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Bitcoin adress - wallet on: March 15, 2021, 02:03:11 PM
Contul l-am creat undeva prin 2014 numai știu cum exact,cu adresa de e-mail în principiu și atât. La fel cum mi-ai dat exemplu cu șirul acela lung,la fel am și eu unul adică adresa unde am și virat banii.
Eu acum am apăsat în aplicația pe withraw și în loc să bag adresa de la portofelul electronic blockchain am băgat adresa de pe adică șirul ăla lung pe care il am în

Este o diferenta mare intre sirul lung private key si sirul mai putin lung adresa. Diferenta este ca doar cu adresa nu ai nicio sansa sa cheltuiesti (transferi) acei bani. Si daca nimeni nu mai are cheia privata, vor ramane blocati acolo pentru totdeauna.
Asa ca ... poate te gandesti mai bine unde ar putea fi cheia privata a acelei adrese... eu mai mult de atat nu prea am cu ce sa te ajut  Sad
7444  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Bitcoin adress - wallet on: March 15, 2021, 01:38:03 PM
Nu știu exact ce înseamnă Seed sau Private Key pe adresa mea,unde le găsesc și ce sunt mai exact.

Cand iti creezi un portmoneu cu un program be bune, primesti fie o lista de 12 sau 24 cuvinte (probabil in engleza) numit seed, fie un sir de genul L1v6yNDHtafJJG8aJVhW8vkHWuoVUQ7FF86iQbY8SU5V7ACgtBh1
(Doar) cu ajutorul acestora se pot cheltui banii din portmoneu.

La tranzacții îmi apare de la cine am primit,cât am în cont și final balance totul pe aplicație doar că atunci când dau acolo mă transferă oarecum pe
La Fee apare 15.30$ urmat de un cod lung diverse. Și mai îmi arată și QR Code la tranzacție și încă ceva unde scrie FORMAT urmat de un cod simplu și altul în paranteze îngroșat cu albastru. este si wallet, este si block explorer. Un block explorer iti arata orice tranzactie cat timp ii stii identificatorul (tx id) sau vreuna din adresele implicate. E informatie publica.
Cand ai facut contul pe ai introdus o adresa de Bitcoin. Acolo ai facut retragerea? Cum ai obtinut acea adresa? Cu ce fel de portofel?
7445  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Longtime bitcoin holder starting to question the future on: March 15, 2021, 01:24:56 PM
When I want my money back, I would need only your posting and some code from the internet to recreate my private key.

OK, I misunderstood what you meant at first. I thought that you make a burn address simply adding the checksum to something.

And the rest is (more or less) covered by "unlike banks that have to pay for heavily guarded storage, you can hide billions on a piece of paper". Yes, it's much easier to build a Bitcoin wallet than a vault for gold  Grin
7446  Economy / Speculation / Re: We are going to lose 20% today on: March 15, 2021, 12:29:09 PM
but by the end of the day we will see a 20% drop

Unless you have a crystal ball or can do time travel, you can be right and can be wrong.
However, this topic should be moved to Speculation board.

However, what you expect to happen with Bitcoin price when the Americans with money put aside see that the Stimulus money make their deposits worth less? Fall? Really?
7447  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Bitcoin adress - wallet on: March 15, 2021, 12:09:34 PM
Salut,mersi pentru răspuns. Aici este și greșeala mea că am uitat să menționez că sunt începător, adică termenii de private key,seed sau sunt ceva nou pentru mine și habar nu am ce spui. Tot ceea ce fac este de pe un Samsung Galaxy Note 10+
Cât de cât am înțeles ce ar trebui să fac,dar dacă îmi mai dai încă un reply cu mai mult info ți-aș fi foarte recunoscător

Din pacate pe Android nu am folosit Electrum, ca nu stie hardware wallet. Asa ca nu stiu clar pasii.
Dar in primul rand trebuie sa imi spui daca ai seed pentru "adresa ta", sau ai private key pentru "adresa ta". Ca fara macar una din ele pierdem timpul. Nu trebuie sa le postezi (ca o sa poata altii sa-ti fure banii), ci sa zici daca/ce ai [1].

Apoi intra pe , sub Android vei gasi un link Google Play; instaleaza-l pe acela.
Apoi porneste Electrum si ... iti refaci wallet din ce ai seed/priv-key. Daca te blochezi aici si imi raspunzi la intrebarea [1] o sa incerc sa instalez si eu si sa iti scriu pasii.

(Si daca reusesti, sa fii atent cu ce fee/taxa de mineri trimiti banii catre adresa de BTM.)
7448  Other / Archival / Re: [BIG LIST] Crypto Debit Cards on: March 15, 2021, 11:50:20 AM
It may worth mentioning that Wirex is ending the current VISA cards and started sending out their new MasterCard. In theory the fees will be different too.

And it may worth adding to the list OWNR prepaid VISA card, and maybe their "coming soon" virtual card too.
7449  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Bitcoin adress - wallet on: March 15, 2021, 11:14:56 AM
Salut,am o problemă și nu știu exact cum o pot rezolva. Am dat cash out din pe adresa mea de bitcoin în loc sa o dau pe adresa de blockchain wallet. Tranzacția a fost ok,doar ca bineînțeles, nu pot scoate banii de la ATM în realitate pentru ca nu apar în portofelul electronic. Am vorbit cu ăștia de la blockchain și m-au îndrumat sa vorbesc cu cei de la  Cică nu s-ar putea modifica tranzacția dar se poate face un transfer pe portofelul electronic. Și întrebarea este,cum pot vorbi cu cineva de la support  ?

Salut. O tranzactie, dupa ce a fost confirmata de mineri, este ireversibila si nu mai poate fi modificata.
Este un pic ambiguu ce scrii tu aici. Adresa ta de bitcoin este a ta ar trebui sa ai private key sau seed pentru ea, nu? Adica instaleaza-ti local un wallet ca lumea pe baza private key / seed si esti in regula (doar sa fii atent sa nu instalezi malware; eu recomand si daca esti pe comp sa verifici semnatura)
7450  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Longtime bitcoin holder starting to question the future on: March 15, 2021, 08:43:20 AM
I'd like to add that I can imagine almost any combination of characters and calculate a bitcoin address from it, which I can use to send my money to (NOT RECOMMENDED TO DO THIS, but still ...) Try this with gold!

Well, if one is rich enough and mad enough, he can ask for having built something like Voyager probes and launch it to the void  Wink
Or one can mix the gold with aqua regia and probably throw away the result (but I have enough knowledge on the matter).
The result would be pretty much the same  Grin
7451  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: March 15, 2021, 08:34:30 AM
but my above post didn't age well.

Don't worry, the pump will come. The brrrr of the money machine is pretty loud and I don't think that the bears want to lose money, so they'll have to take a break pretty soon.

PS. I also thought that this Monday will start with a pump, but let's not forget that in America is not morning yet  Wink
7452  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Longtime bitcoin holder starting to question the future on: March 15, 2021, 08:25:30 AM
I just can't wrap my head around "the utility IS as a store of value", it does not make sense to me.

For the sake of analogy, just think on what banks do with gold.
Do they use it to manufacture good electric conductors? Do they manufacture jewelry? No, clearly no.
They simply store it as a "store of value" because it's known that gold doesn't change its properties and it's believed that gold is scarce.
If the banks would sell all the gold staying for no actual use, it may not be any longer such highly valuable.

Now Bitcoin. It clearly doesn't change its properties and it's known for sure it's scarce. So it already becomes something better than gold, exactly for store of value.
The fact it can be also used like a coin makes it even more suitable for the job.
What else it gives value? Its security. Unlike banks that have to pay for heavily guarded storage, you can hide billions on a piece of paper, knowing that the underlying math and the huge mining difficulty makes it a safe asset (as long as you know how to keep safe the information from "that piece of paper").

And same goes with Bitcoin as with gold. The price is high because of the demand. If there will no longer be demand, if whales sell, the price can also fall.
The "digital gold" choice of words is pretty well chosen and tells a lot.
7453  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin/Crypto Carbon Tax? on: March 15, 2021, 08:14:35 AM
Sooner or later all countries will tax crypto. Because they want piece of the crypto pie too

This is correct. But the correct way to do it is to tax crypto gains, like they tax any other gains, not just simply cypto (which could mean possession).
And I think that most countries already do that, in a better or worse manner.
7454  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: How beginners prepare surprises. on: March 15, 2021, 07:46:30 AM
Forum users can not remove or delete their topics. Only admins or moderators can do it.

You're right. I was already corrected once in the past about this matter and I forgot. Sorry. I've corrected my post.
And thanks for telling.

Usually the mods are faster to act than the newbie seeing your post Grin

True. Still... usually, but not always  Cheesy (which sometimes is good and other times not so good)
7455  Bitcoin / Press / Re: 2021-03-14 Insider - A new wave of institutional interest has boosted bitcoin on: March 14, 2021, 09:04:17 PM
I didn't read it fully, but I didn't see written a word about the Stimulus bills both Trump and Biden came with, which weaken the actual value of US dollar and which may have been one of the causes more institutions and individuals turned towards Bitcoin.
I think that it's something that could fit well into the article. But overall, it's a good read (and I've bookmarked it for a closer look).
7456  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: F1 Formula Sports Racing - promotions & discussion thread on: March 14, 2021, 08:52:34 PM
And with HONDA pulling out of Formula 1 after this year.. the back wing of RED BULL is up for grabs..

From what I've read, RedBull Racing will keep using Honda until 2025. And afterwards they'll need some advertising space for whoever will provide the new engines.
All in all, although I like your idea, there's a chance you won't be able to get the full back wing for yourself.
7457  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: How beginners prepare surprises. on: March 14, 2021, 08:44:13 PM
What would I like to say? Respond more carefully to topics created by newbies. Sometimes they no longer appear on the forum after creating topics. And if plagiarism is detected, the risk of deleting the entire topic is possible.

I do answer to newbies when I can and I don't check for plagiarism unless it looks so. And I noticed that many times the newbies remove themselves the topic topics get deleted, for various reasons I don't know and I don't care.
Actually I've even answered to a topic I also reported, so the newbie has a chance to know why his topic got removed.

My point is that this forum is for discussing and helping around. If for whatever reason the topic is removed, so be it. The number of posts should not be the ultimate goal.
7458  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: BTC lottery on: March 14, 2021, 08:17:24 PM

Let me know if it might be interesting and I'll be happy to find any touch points.

Some ideas:
1. It will need a little polishing since Multibit and Mt.Gox are ... part of the history.
2. It could be an idea for advertising to make it work with testnet coins.
3. It could be an idea to make it work on LN with much smaller amounts. Some may play it simply because it's on LN.

Of curse, for #2 and #3 you should lower the required funds (and the prize) and maybe show a progress (how many tickets are needed) until the next draw.
7459  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: US House Member pushes for Lightning Network. on: March 14, 2021, 06:48:33 PM
The BTC  #LightningNetwork reduces consumption.


It is interesting to see elected politicians to actually get involved in crypto.

It's indeed interesting to see politicians having this kind of tweets.
Although he's wrong and LN won't stop the miners mine, hence will not reduce any consumption, his semi-conclusion is right: we need more LN nodes, we need  better adoption of LN (especially by the centralized exchanges!)
And the fact he already knows that LN exists is "a big deal"  Cheesy
Ah, and innovation to make more efficient miners will only increase the hash rate, since mining will be even more profitable. It won't make mining greener.
7460  Bitcoin / Electrum / Re: Electrum Android app - bitcoins received but not visible on: March 14, 2021, 06:34:04 PM
It is suspicous that the moment btc is received on this wallet it was instantly sent to bc1.... wallet
What is going on here?!?!!?

My guess is that your money got stolen.
I don't know what wallet did you use, I don't know how you created the seed and where did you store it, but it looks like somebody else had access to it, hence managed to send your money to his own wallet.
I guess that you should:
1. Think harder on what went wrong.
2. Consider buying/using a hardware wallet for securing your funds.
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