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7481  Bitcoin / Hardware wallets / Re: Ledger Nano S is not safe!! on: March 11, 2021, 04:14:27 PM
My Ledger was not connected to my PC. How is this possible?

The coins were never on Ledger. The coins are never "in the wallet". The coins are "on the network", the wallet is only a tool to spend the money.

Now, think what you could have done in a way that have allowed others get your seed:
* did you initialize/properly reset Ledger yourself?
* did you write the seed somewhere else (a website, or a notepad to print it out)?
* how did you transfer money "to Ledger", did you provide only an address or something more?

I have a Ledger for a year now and no funds were stolen from me.

You'll have to give us much more info, but until now I tend to believe that you either got a tampered device, either done something that allowed somebody else steal your money.
7482  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: "What happens if bitcoin succeeds?" on: March 11, 2021, 02:29:31 PM
Isn't that evident already? While big pocket players are setting up big mining rigs and small players are finding it extremely hard to earn bitcoin. So the inequality between the rich and poor will stay there even in crypto market just the way it happens in the real world economy. There's no way to remove it from our lives!

Well, small pocket players should buy or earn some Bitcoin (could have been much better if they would have done that some more years ago). Mining is not everything. Just imagine the "small players" that simply got a few Bitcoin from faucets.

The first bitcoin faucet was called "The Bitcoin Faucet" and was developed by Gavin Andresen in 2010.[196] It originally gave out five bitcoins per person.

It's easy to cry that's unfair that the train has left, while you watched and maybe made fun of all those who got in for all that time the train was waiting.

So I would agree with this statement. Bitcoin didn't help to remove the income inequality from our lives. It certainly made some people richer who had adopted it in its early days but holistically it remained as a big boys' game!

I has simply re-distributed some wealth. Some wealthy people afford to profit now and it makes everything more visible. But I am sure that some have become wealthy exactly because of Bitcoin and they seem to be conveniently forgotten in this discussion.
7483  Economy / Exchanges / Re: Binance Visa Cards Are Now Available in Europe on: March 11, 2021, 01:59:21 PM
One interesting thing, they shipped the card although I have zero funds on Binance and never had one penny with them.

If you've ordered when they had the starting advertising, you may have it for free. From my checks I think that I didn't have to pay for my card either.

Based on what I've read till now the safe procedure posted by Neuroticfish is a bit of a pain in the ass since I don't plan to use the virtual card nor to use the ATM for a withdrawal so I will just load my account, I will make the sacrilege of converting a few satoshis in BNB besides Euros and try to spend just from the Euro balance as I don't want any funny conversions as bakasabo stumbled upon, I wouldn't cry over 1-2 euros but I hate when I lose money over glitches.

In the second you click on Binance site that you've received the card, the virtual one will go pooof, and iirc you need that operation in order to get the PIN for the physical one.
For the record, a couple of days ago my first coin was BNB, I made a payment, BNB and then some EUR have been used there without any issues.

One thing I'm curious about, how was the cashback credited for you guys? Euros, BNB, BUSD?
Not that I will make a fortune out of it but I'm a bit curious on what to look for after my first purchases!

It will be in BNB. And it's a nice addition since it usually* covers the -0.9% 3rd party processing fee (that you'll have after the first week of use)

* I think you don't get cashback for ATM withdrawal.
7484  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: China Declares War on Bitcoin (?) on: March 11, 2021, 10:51:24 AM
Always question the declared reasons for any move the Chinese government does. Imho the "crackdown" is unrelated to pollution, consumption, planet and even Bitcoin mining. It may be related to the fact they have other plans with the population from there.

And on this "war on Bitcoin" (lol!) topic, I'll come with the fresh news: Chinese Public Firm to Buy $155M of Bitcoin Mining Hardware
7485  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Transactions validations times on: March 11, 2021, 10:37:00 AM
So this is quite a risky business for the Exchange.
If I bought USD 1000 worth of Bitcoin, at a current price will be around 0.018xxx BTC. But this is just a number on the database. If I withdraw a few months later, they will need more USD to fulfill the BTCs in my exchange wallet.

How they deal with this?

The usual exchanges don't sell you their coins, they sell you other users' coins. The exchange only matches the orders of various users.

When you deposit 1000$ to the exchange, that becomes a number in the database.
Then you buy 0.018xxx BTC and then the database area for your account will change to 0$ and 0.018xxx BTC

When you'll withdraw you'll get the 0.018xxx BTC minus the withdrawal fees (which pay the miners/transaction fee and some more).
The withdrawn coins will come from other users that have deposited BTC.
Others will withdraw fiat, hence "your" 1000$ too.
Of course, after your withdrawal, the database will show 0 for your account.

And the exchange will survive just fine, since it gets trade fees (possibly from buyer and from seller too), withdrawal fees and so on.
7486  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: "What happens if bitcoin succeeds?" on: March 11, 2021, 09:39:10 AM
And again, these conclusions are that bitcoin is a bubble, and because it is volatile, it will not be able to equalize with money.
So what are the risks of bitcoin going forward? Is it really capable of seriously dividing society and causing even greater inequality?

On every kind of "gold rush" some will get rich easy and the vast majority will miss the opportunity. This can be seen as bad, by both those that are already rich and those that have missed the chance. But is it fair the way people get rich? I don't think so. Some are rich from the moment they are born. Is that fair? Some earn millions of dollars for acting or playing whatever sports. Is that fair? Heck, even those that get rich from lottery win are not actually "fair". And the inequality in the society is already there, I don't think that Bitcoin will change much. It would just give the chance to some more smart or lucky people to get a better life.

Is Bitcoin a bubble? Possibly. But it's the one of the very few valuable "things" we can be sure it's indeed scarce. This makes it highly valuable.

Bitcoin's success is a somewhat different story.
I see multiple things necessary for the success and the price is just partly involved in this.
1. It has to have a very secure underlying network. Checked.
2. It has to be valuable, "digital gold". Checked.
3. It has to be 100% fit for worldwide use for payments. Without that it will never be a full success and we are not there yet. But it's work in progress.
4. The "system" should remain working, stable and secure also after the block rewards become insignificant. I fear that this may be tricky, especially after secondary layer(s) will take over most of the transactions.
7487  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: De ce a cazut crypto in freza pe 22 Februarie ? on: March 10, 2021, 04:16:47 PM
La 66.6K o sa o i-a pe aratura rau de tot iar dupa vreo saptamana in care o sa se infrupte balenele de plancton se duce la 100k dintr-o lumanre. Mai departe nu stiu...

Mai departe, daca o s-o tina in prea multe lumanari de alea lungi, subtiri si verzi, o sa ne trezim cu o corectie de o sa ne punem noi lumanari si-o sa vina si popa...
Nu vreau sa sara asa repede. Mai bine domol si sigur. Sa vedem...

Sacré bleu! Sa nu fie oare urmatoarea statie 1/10^20 din masa Pamantului? =))) N-are cum! Daca nu vrea sa te creada, greseala lui. Eu ma duc acum sa pun un bilet la pariuri ca la valoarea aia va ajunge Smiley

Na, aia cu masa Pamantului a fost un exemplu. Din cate vad DuracellDeMonaco se asteapta sa avem intercity si poate ca nu se opreste in toate statiile noastre ponosite.
7488  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: Online Wallet Recovery Services on: March 10, 2021, 03:33:14 PM
I see a few online services with impressive websites that offer to recover wallets and only charge a % if successful.

I would not trust just random websites over the internet. Keep in mind that you hand over sensitive data which they may use to steal the full content of the wallet.
But I've read nice words about Dave ( Bitcoin Wallet Recovery Services - for forgotten wallet password ) also from people I trust (example).
So I'd start from there.
7489  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: De ce a cazut crypto in freza pe 22 Februarie ? on: March 10, 2021, 10:25:46 AM
am nevoie de mai multe detalii =)))

Nu sunt sigur.. asta doresti?

Cel mai cunoscut exemplu ar fi cel de aici de pe forum - mai precis Liderul Suprem al carui avatar il port cu mandrie Smiley

In afara de puiul de vulpe nu cred ca altcineva are ce-i necesar pentru a face saltul inapoi in timp  Wink

Statia urmatoare 66.6 cu peronul pe partea dreapta  Cheesy

Lol, la ce te referi cu asta?

Cred ca omul zice - pe stil Nostradamus - ca predictia mea nu este buna si urmatoarea ar fi $66.6k
Ce sa zic? Globul meu de cristal trebuie dus la service, asa ca momentan nu stiu daca ar trebui sa-l contrazic  Grin
7490  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Ati jucat jocuri pe blockchain ? Gen cryptokitties , cryptodozer , etc etc on: March 10, 2021, 10:03:38 AM
au prezentat algoritmul (de parca ar ajuta asta cu ceva), apoi au spus ca la inceputul fiecarui joc de fapt se extrage un seed al seriei de zaruri si jocatorii joaca de fapt cu zarurile din respectivul seed. Apoi, dupa joc, ai putea verifica pe site ca ai avut acel seed pe care il afiseaza aplicatia la finalul jocului. Pai de ce ar prezenta seed-ul la final si nu la inceput?

Pai daca iti dau toate datele de la inceput, tu iti poti face strategia de joc pe baza zarurilor care stii ca urmeaza. Nu prea ar fi bine  Cheesy
Da, in teorie ei pot avea o lista de seed-uri ca sa triseze. In practica cei mai multi aleg seed-ul pe baza orei (milisecundei) curente si eventual fac vreo operatie asupra acelui numar ca sa nu iti fie evident de la inceput ce seed ai avut (si, repet, sa stii ce zaruri urmeaza sa dai).

Smiley Scuze, m-a luat un pic flama mai sus, intrucat sunt chiar foarte pasionat de acest joc si chiar nu reusesc sa gasesc unul in regula. Si, cu atat mai putin, unul care sa accepte crypto...

Te inteleg. Eu am jucat destul de mult table (de fapt joc aproape saptamanal cu fiu-meu), dar nu am jucat pe bani si nu intentionez.
Cumva cred ca nu sunt suficienti oameni care sa ia atat de mult in serios tablele cat sa faca unul profi. Insuficienta cerere => lipsa unei oferte de top. Sorry..
7491  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Bancomatele Shitcoins si o mica tzeapa on: March 10, 2021, 09:34:01 AM
este posibil sa nu fie 100% reala partea cu "mi-au perceput comision de 50 lei". Intr-adevar, tu te-ai trezit cu 50 lei in minus, dar poate nu din cauza ca aceasta suma ar fi fost in intregime un comision de tranzactie

Tranzactia este in prima postare. Au platit 77.6 sat/vByte, in total 0.00025764 BTC. Omul chiar a zis asta si in BTC, nu doar in lei. Si chiar este pe la 50 RON...
Ideea ca ar trebui sa fi stiut si ei ca e week-end si pot sa puna chiar si un sfert din fee-ul ala. Adica eu nu am afacere in bransa si tot stiu atata lucru. Sau sa intrebe clientul... (explicandu-i avantajele si dezavantajele)

Si banii nu i-au fost furati per se, ca nu au intrat in buzunarul operatorului sau a firmei, dar o mare parte puteau sa ajunga la client...

In rest sunt de acord, initial chiar crezusem ca nu este afisat niciunde tx fee-ul, ca sa aflu mai apoi ca in mod normal se poate alege.
Dar pana la urma Danny031 a facut cam ce trebuie: a explicat aici cum a vazut el situatia (perceptia este intotdeauna un factor de luat in seama) si ce s-a intamplat, cum a fost tratat si rezultatul.
Si acum clar va incerca si oferta concurentei. Cel putin eu asa as face.  Grin
7492  Economy / Web Wallets / Re: responsible for loss of clients funds on: March 10, 2021, 09:15:16 AM
What is terrible with this history is that someone stolen his funds. The author even suggests blockchain. Com employees.... I wouldn't say it is impossible...

It's a web page. Nobody stops certain employees change its internals conveniently for 10 minutes to something that will also save/steal all that's needed to access the money later.
You have to trust them that this will not happen (to you). Or you use a proper wallet, with much better change to find out in proper time if the version you've installer has problems.
With bitcoin getting more and more expensive, more and more people will try to steal it.

Is responsible? Hard to tell; one would have to undoubtedly prove it.
And without that, their ToS pretty much makes them untouchable; if the user doesn't read nor understand it, too bad.
7493  Bitcoin / Electrum / Re: bitcoins lost after recovery with seed on: March 09, 2021, 06:23:45 PM
In my opinion, everything was correct, so I uninstalled the wallet on the old laptop.

Correct means you also had the money in, right?

Some months later I wanted to check my wallet, and then there was zero credit (with an exit equal to the original amount).

If you mean a transaction, then I think that somebody has stolen your money. Sorry.

1. The old laptop, although uninstalled, may still have the original wallet, but if my assumption is correct, that will also be empty.
2. You didn't say anything about where you downloaded electrum from, whether you verified it and what version it was. You didn't say anything about the update you've made - was it a popup dialog offering a download link and you downloaded from there "Electrum 4.0" (a phishing clone of Electrum)?
3. If you always had verified Electrum and indeed you had the money there at least once on the new laptop, you'll have to think on what software (malware) you've installed, what shady links you've clicked, where you saved the backup of the seed (mail, dropbox and other places you should not trust?) or who else had access to the laptop.
7494  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: De ce a cazut crypto in freza pe 22 Februarie ? on: March 09, 2021, 06:11:45 PM
Credeti ca este o coincidenta?

Da. A fost clar o coincidenta.
Crezi ca aia s-au uitat pe grafice si au zis "gata"? De ce sa nu astepte pana Bitcoin ajunge la 10, 100, 1000kg de aur si sa vanda? Sau de ce nu la 1.1kg? Fiindca nu e numar rotund?

Incercarea pana in panzele albe de a corela miscarile pretului Bitcoin cand cu una, cand cu alta, nu au absolut niciun sens.
Daca ar fi o corelatie intre preturi, aceasta ar exista si in afara unor momente relativ scute.

Daca mergem pe directia asta, maine-poimaine o sa vina vreun Nostradamus wannabe si sa zica ca Bitcoin nu a ajuns la 59720$ si nici nu va ajunge mai sus de acea valoare fiindca nu poate sa ajunga mai sus de 1/10^20 din masa Pamantului* (vezi? si eu pot face corelari fara noima!)

* sper ca nu am gresit la calcule
7495  Economy / Reputation / Re: Chipmixer campaign by the constant pressure of the hypocrite? on: March 09, 2021, 04:01:28 PM
This is a neverending troll fest!

That's exactly why I didn't answer in that last topic. "Don't feed the troll", remember? On the other hand, what could we do, report it?!
And it has also occurred to me: all that drama, in all directions, (all those vendettas), is it that big or it's between a small number of "multi-account armies"?!

The pressure on DS shoulders is big, since CM is still paying very good and it may be the only campaign paying (hence encouraging!) local boards...
7496  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Bancomatele Shitcoins si o mica tzeapa on: March 09, 2021, 02:06:56 PM
Daca am inteles bine si asta este problema... atunci nici nu stiu cum s-ar putea rezolva... Pentru ca aparatul nu stie cu ce comision vrei tu sa efectuezi tranzactia

Ideea este - am inteles dupa ce Danny031 a explicat care-s pasii - ca in mod normal la aparat nu e problema.

Doar ca operatorul care s-a ocupat de problema aparuta nu a intrebat si a folosit direct varianta cea mai mare de comision, care a fost vreo 50 RON, adica semnificativa pentru suma tranzactionata. Pai daca tot au discutat, nu-l durea gura sau mana sa intrebe clientul cat are chef sa plateasca, sa evite neintelegerile...
7497  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Ati jucat jocuri pe blockchain ? Gen cryptokitties , cryptodozer , etc etc on: March 09, 2021, 01:57:22 PM
Randomizare 100% nu exista, evident. Cine vrea randomizare 100% inseamna sa arunce fizic o moneda in aer si sa vada pe ce parte pica. Sau sa arunce fizic cu un zar.

Generatoare de numere cu adevarat aleatoare (sau cu interval de repetitivitate prea mare pentru fiintele vii cunoscute) exista.
Putem vorbi de dezintegrarea radioactiva (, undele/zgomotele din atmosfera ( sau de dispozitive hardware pentru generat numere aleatoare.
Problema e ca nu cred ca vreo asemenea metoda este utilizata de "cazinouri", si aici iti dau dreptate. Si nimeni nu va plati pentru generarea de numere aleatoare doar pentru un joc de table  Cheesy

Dar ... cred ca OP nu se referea la jocuri de tipul celor de cazinou sau PrimeDice...
7498  Economy / Exchanges / Re: Advcash | a new "anonymous" bitcoin debit card [EUR & USD] on: March 09, 2021, 01:41:12 PM
Or perhaps I did not fully get the scenario you had in mind.

You've understood me right, you were on spot. Thank you for the answers.  Wink
7499  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: Is there an accurate way to calculate the number of Bitcoin users on: March 09, 2021, 10:38:34 AM
1. There's an overwhelming number of so-called Bitcoin users that have their coins only at exchanges, web wallets or micro-payment wallets (especially related to faucets)
2. There are most probably Bitcoin traders that don't care about Bitcoin and they only deposit/withdraw fiat (do they count as Bitcoin users? I'd say yes).
3. I think that the chosen number of 10 addresses/wallet is wrong. I think that people who actively uses the wallet will either have maybe 100 addresses, either only one (not using at all change addresses); on the other hand there are plenty of services having huge number of addresses in their wallets; however, especially because of points [1] and [2] it's hard to determine a good and fair number of users.

Still, I'd say that the number of Bitcoin users is rather "small". We "live" in this "closed box" called Bitcointalk and somehow expect the rest of the world be similar. Well, it's not. Impressive number of people of every kind, color, education, age and so on don't care or don't trust in Bitcoin enough to use it. I would be happy with a 35-50M number, really (that's still the equivalent of Spain's population), and I think that the 135M number is a bit too optimistic.

...But this is only my perception...
7500  Economy / Exchanges / Re: Advcash | a new "anonymous" bitcoin debit card [EUR & USD] on: March 09, 2021, 10:17:20 AM
I've received recently an e-mail about the new fees for the AdvCash card. And I have questions which may be of interest for others too (and that's why I ask here).
Unfortunately (for you) I don't really use that card. At least not for now. So my questions are about the inactivity fee.
It writes:
After you do not load or use your ADV Europe card for 3 months, we start charging a small monthly fee of 2 EUR/USD for the 4th, 5th and 6th months of inactivity. Card loads are blocked when 7th month of inactivity begins, reactivation fee charged to unblock.

1. If, for the sake of example, I don't use the card for 10 months and then I want to use it again, will I have to pay inactivity fee only for months #4, #5, #6, or for all the following months (#4..#10)?
2. If I don't get to use the card again until it expires and after a couple more years I decide I want to order a new AdvCash card, will I have to also pay for those (obsolete) inactivity fees or not?

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