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7641  Economy / Economics / Re: Economic Devastation on: May 06, 2015, 09:40:30 AM
CoinCube this will end up as a drawn out philosophical debate which I don't think the readers are much interested in.

That is why I suggested this really needs to wait for when I might have the time to write an essay or series of essays or more formally develop some mathematical arguments.

Life prioritizes entropy because entropy is the antithesis of a uniform (i.e. static) distribution and non-existence. This can not be refuted. But it is sufficiently abstract that you and most others can't see that concretely unless it is spelled out very carefully. I don't have spare time to do it justice right now.

Energy is conserved. It is dead. It only is useful because entropy is created along the way. Period. With only energy and no friction, everything would collapse into a completely static environment. Friction and entropy are intimately related and I need to develop that argument more formally.
7642  Economy / Economics / Re: Economic Totalitarianism on: May 06, 2015, 05:35:24 AM
I highly doubt I will accomplish that. I am having enough difficulty just trying to get a "yet another" social networking site launched.  Embarrassed
7643  Economy / Economics / Re: Economic Totalitarianism on: May 06, 2015, 03:00:43 AM
Erdogan, I like that idea of paying with case as much as possible.  I used to think of just paying cash for "bad habits" like booze, so "Hillary and Obama" could not keep tabs on me.   Your point takes this to a new level.

Pointless. They will cancel the cash and reissue.

The venture I am launching now (just starting to see some usership uptake traction and user satisfaction) is all about integrating the Asians with their smartphones and cell phones. Bitcoin startup Circle (seed capital from the bankster Goldman) is all about enabling consumers to convert BTC transfers to fiat and integration with the smartphone.

Sorry cash is going to disappear incredibly fast when they governments start canceling and reissuing. People are going to say "hell with going to the bank to and filling up forms to exchange my old cash for the new cash, I will use the electronic version in my Android or Apple smartphone which auto-updates".

About that time, the demand for privacy oriented crypto-currency will explode too. ETA 2017 or so.

The powers-that-be have planned this out well. But they lose-win with the masses joining the one-world reserve currency NWO morass. The mavericks will break off into a win-win golden Knowledge Age of freedom. We will absolutely need anonymous internet and money.
7644  Economy / Economics / Re: Economic Totalitarianism on: May 06, 2015, 02:20:43 AM
The safe haven is crypto-currency, and yes we need to improve the consistency of the anonymity.

And we probably need to improve the robustness of the network against regulation and network fragmentation.

Cash they can cancel and render it illegal to hold and use (which they've always done in the past) and they are doing again. Ditto gold and anything physical. The future is the digital bits they can't see nor touch.

For all you dinosaurs out there that are still stuck on ideas about real estate, gold, cash, etc... it is time to have this epiphany.

Authoritarianism is fundamentally lethal to financial haven status.


The authorities can't win with cards, so their only choices are: 1. fold and cut their losses; 2. make a huge bet to scare other players into folding.

7645  Economy / Economics / Re: Economic Devastation on: May 06, 2015, 01:53:36 AM
That argument, however, does not change the fact that at the simple physical level entropy is mixedupness.

The fact that you as an observer have not measured all the information in a system does not mean the system is uncertain, rather it means you are uncertain. Please understand the distinction is with the information the observer has, not the information the system has.

Btw, this lack of total information (uncertainty) is precisely why a top-down observer can't ever optimize the system and only autonomous agents can.

This definition is useful as it highlights how in its pure form entropy is of limited use to life.

That does not logically follow.

Information is not created it is discovered, or carved out of the entropy of the universe.

Shannon entropy which is a measure of the maximum information content of the system is a measure of the granularity of distribution of the POSSIBILITIES. Increasing the granularity of the possibilities by increasing the number of realizable interactions in a network (where Reed's law came into the discussion) thus increases the entropy. The entropy wasn't increased before it was increased, so that is nonsense to say information was harvested from entropy, because they are one in the same per the mathematical definition of Shannon entropy.

The amount of information needed to describe the interaction of 7*1027 free floating atoms with their environment dramatically exceed that required to describe a single highly organized and predictable living organism.

Atoms don't exist in such imaginary free floating state in the universe, unless exorbitant amounts of energy are used to free and sustain them from their top-down structures.

Thus you are comparing an information content that does not exist to one that exists. If you compare materials that actually exist, the entropy of some dead material compared to that of living organisms, the latter is orders-of-magnitude higher.

P.S. it is claimed there are 7017 islands in the Philippines. My mind sees the 7*1027 above with the 0 transposed with the 1 and the 2 removed.

...but always some energy will be lost. With this loss the entropy of the universe has increased.

If the entropy (information content) of the system increased, then it means it some Butterfly Effect (dominoes) impact on the information content of the system and thus life.

However, as you stated you have not achieved anything useful and actually have less usable energy. Life is concerned not with entropy but with energy. Entropy is simply a tool life uses to climb to higher levels of order and potential energy.

You got that transposed. Life is concerned with information content (otherwise nothing exists! figure that one out) and energy is simply a constraint (friction) that life uses to create entropy. Without friction, all information would collapse into an infinitesimal point in spacetime and poof everything would cease to exist.

As in the case of the battery example above what is valuable to network participants is not entropy but potential energy.

No it is the existence and information content that matter to network participants, but in the small they need to deal with constraints along the way of maximizing their contribution to the information content (evolution) of life.

The time dimension is included in the definition of entropy for without allowing time to progress entropy is fixed and does not change.

The possibilities when computing the Shannon entropy also include all the variants of possibilities over different time intervals. Thus entropy is not something that happens separate from time. You have entirely the wrong simpleton conceptualization. You are thinking that entropy is a separate axis from time, i.e. that entropy is measurable at instances of time; whereas, the reality is that entropy encapsulates spacetime (they are holistically inextricable). Think about it, how would you measure time without any reference point, yet the information content determines your relativity reference point. As Einstein said, "Future and past are but a convincing illusion".

I have never argued for a pure top down monopoly.

Max Weber's canonical definition of government which has never been improved upon, is the "government is a monopoly on force".

I will stop there for now.
7646  Economy / Economics / Re: Economic Devastation on: May 06, 2015, 01:23:34 AM
And no, not everyone is going to be able to magically become programmers. Me for example, im unable to program, my brain is just not wired that way.

Marketing is much more lucrative than programming.

If you can't do any genre of creative work, then yes you are redundant and will be phased out. Manual labor is going away. Future work will all require creative thought (because it can't be automated).
7647  Economy / Economics / Re: Economic Devastation on: May 04, 2015, 01:48:05 AM
In no world of magical math does that work out which is why student loan defaults are at an all time high of around 27% and why it a certainty that the government will eventually get around to bailing out these borrowers.

Yet the debt still won't be discharged, thus the youth will be indentured servants to the US federal govt. Think Hillary Clinton's "Little Village" of make-work fascist, communism coming...

Fourth Reich is rising.
7648  Economy / Economics / Re: Economic Devastation on: May 04, 2015, 01:40:57 AM
I knew things were bad in terms of student loans in the US, but I had no idea the kind of debt medical practitioners had.

It's an investment. Going into medicine or the medical field can be hugely expensive, but that occupation is also paid ridiculously well. Honestly, in my opinion, they are overpaid. You could further argue that most occupations to pursue and get degrees in are expensive, but as I said, they compensate you well in the long run. That's the problem in the US, high costs for college and upper tier education gives no motivation for people to take that huge investment risk.

This was probably the most thread-relevant post today. Apologies for commenting to it last. I first was dumping my thoughts from yesterday's boxing megamatch to clear my mind of what I had retained.

My stance is that all licensed professions are a scam on society. They are the means by which a smaller group parasites on the society.

I believe these professions will die with the one-world reserve currency in the Knowledge Age. They will be replaced by free market solutions which perform much better.

Already IBM's Watson is outperforming human doctors at lung cancer diagnosis.

There is so much specialized knowledge that human doctors miss, such as the high dose vitamin D3 cure for my Multiple Sclerosis.

I think it is inevitable that the Western medical systems will turn into a eugenics systems after 2020 or so (Weimar Germany proved this what happens with socialized medicine). The Asian medical systems will be much more frugal and self-responsibility oriented.

The smartest will go into the Knowledge Age and find more efficient means of education than the university.
7649  Economy / Economics / Re: Economic Devastation on: May 04, 2015, 01:01:20 AM
They do it for money thats all.

The circus and games of the Americans are peaking now with the peaking of the society. Just like Rome, it will collapse.

This $400 million for a boring defensive boxing match is probably the peak of boxing as a spectator, money sport. Many people who paid are unsatisfied. They wanted to see Manny (David) slay Goliath with sufficient violence to hurt Mayweather for all his transgressions against political correctness and socialism. Floyd was booed so loudly after the scorecard was announced, his post-fight ring interview couldn't be heard clearly.

Floyd is milking the system very opportunistically.

Manny is a conflicted person with his religious bullshit and socialistic lies to himself and then wanting to extract maximum violence, yet justifying that is the sport of boxing yet then complaining about the sport of boxing being points based.
They both knew what the fight was really about. MONEY. They both had moeny on their mind the whole time and i wouldn't doubt it

Manny said he was willing to give it all to charity if Floyd would too. I heard some say they expected Manny to give up to half of his $100 million stake to charity. Manny spends most of his money on his large entourage of followers, not only himself.

Manny loves people. Well I do too, but difference I hate socialism and Manny (and many filipinos these days) seems caught up in idolizing it. I see that as his downfall. Individual initiative is what makes greatness, not groupthink. Manny believes he can make a better country and wants to run for Senator (or maybe this is just about money but it appears to be ideological and it could be he lying to himself but he puts on a very convincing show of sincere ideology).

I been noticing a trend away from filipino tribalism towards nationalism. I was very happy with this loss of Manny to douse some of that nationalistic mayonnaise that is festering in the Philippines. Originally I was sort of pulling for Manny to win because I admire his power and ferociousness, but then as the socialistic mayonnaise has been going ad nauseum every day for the past months, I came to accept that Manny had destroyed himself.

I detest groupthink and political correctness. Makes me want to puke.

We need lots of autonomous nodes (individuals or small groups) competing to find the best fits to nature's dynamic constraints. The only known mathematical system that can solve (converge and optimize) a dynamic system of constraints (equations) is the dynamic free market. Dynamic means a priori information is unavailable. The universe is relavistic, there is no absolute point to measure from. This is root of CoinCube's myopia.

CoinCube has an impossible job of rebutting me. I await his failed attempt in 2 days.
7650  Economy / Economics / Re: Economic Devastation on: May 04, 2015, 12:50:23 AM
But for the last 8 months, I've had pain in the knee joint.  I think i have eversion of the foot (aka ankle pronation). I've tried nearly everything. Including orthoptics and barefoot running. I dont really know what do to now. Whenever I walk, my arch collapses. If you run fast, you must have very high arches. Were you born like that or did you train in a particular way ?

PS: thank you for replying on my bitcoin question.

Yes I do have high arches. I don't know if it is innate or from training.

If your problem is mechanical, then vitamin D3 may do nothing. But if it is a change as you've aged, maybe it is hormonal and in that case perhaps vitamin D3 might have an effect and would be a long shot experiment. VitD3 is related to bone health, and there are many small bones in our feet.

I do tend to train more for power than for endurance. I do some endurance yet I always mix in some power activities such as sprinting, weight lifting, power-drives in basketball, boxing, etc.. Power breeds power and testosterone. Our hormone levels are vital to feelings of well being and health.

I did try DHEA in the past (sparingly) and although is gives a boost, I find it very deleterious overall and very detrimental. I never took anabolic steroids.

I tend to guess your problem is hormonal, not innate mechanical.
7651  Economy / Economics / Re: Economic Devastation on: May 03, 2015, 11:51:27 PM
I am now giving people vitamin D3 for everything that ails them, and it seems to work.

Seems most of our illness and injuries are immune system related. Also vitamin D3 affects 2500 signals in the body. It is metabolized in the liver to a hormone.

Info to be aware of if you are taking high levels of vitamin D supplements for a prolonged period.

Symptoms of vitamin D toxicity may include the following:

    Decreased appetite
    Muscle weakness

So far only after 1 month, I have all the opposite symptoms and I am taking up to 70,000 IU daily. I have increased appetite, more serene demeanor, looser bowel movements, incredible energy, and renewed intense muscle strength.

You know I was nearly completely debilitated by Multiple Sclerosis in that I couldn't concentrate, I was in the bed every other hour with chronic fatigue, my muscle weakness was getting progressively worse, etc. And now after 1 month I am back to being aggressively athletic! Amazing.

P.S. my experience thus far is the vitamin D3 seems to be a libido booster (and for women too!). In my numerous tests, it also seems to reduce or eliminate menstruation pain.
7652  Economy / Economics / Re: Economic Devastation on: May 03, 2015, 11:41:37 PM
I am now giving people vitamin D3 for everything that ails them, and it seems to work. (but not high doses, only 5,000 - 10,000 IU daily for general illness)

Seems most of our illness and injuries are immune system related. Also vitamin D3 affects 2500 signals in the body. It is metabolized in the liver to a hormone.

Drinking 2.5L of water a day is apparently very important when treating with high dose vitD3 to avoid hypocalcaema. And frequent kidney panels would be advised. Some people might have a problem with serum calcium already (perhaps caused a rice grain sized malfunctioning parathyroid gland in the neck that needs to be surgically removed), so they would need to be more cautious.
7653  Economy / Economics / Re: Economic Devastation on: May 03, 2015, 11:35:22 PM
They do it for money thats all.

The circus and games of the Americans are peaking now with the peaking of the society. Just like Rome, it will collapse.

This $400 million for a boring defensive boxing match is probably the peak of boxing as a spectator, money sport. Many people who paid are unsatisfied. They wanted to see Manny (David) slay Goliath with sufficient violence to hurt Mayweather for all his transgressions against political correctness and socialism. Floyd was booed so loudly after the scorecard was announced, his post-fight ring interview couldn't be heard clearly.

Floyd is milking the system very opportunistically.

Manny is a conflicted person with his religious bullshit[1] and socialistic lies to himself and then wanting to extract maximum violence, yet justifying that is the sport of boxing yet then complaining about the sport of boxing being points based.

[1] Even if you believe the Bible, it doesn't promise the sort of things Pacman believes such as that God wants him to punish Mayweather for having domestic violence case. The Bible specifically says to let God do the judging and to be forgiving. It was clear that Pacman had lost his direction and was looking for motivation but he obviously didn't find it in that lie to himself.
7654  Economy / Economics / Re: Economic Devastation on: May 03, 2015, 11:30:18 PM
Fighting is barbaric. Professional fighting is a ruse. If I am entering a fight it is to the death and I will shoot first and the end.

If you want your fighting to be less controlled there is always MMA.

One of the best technical fights I have seen.

The consistent champions of MMA are grapplers. Boxing has almost no application in real world fighting and rather is a sport that happens to be apparently well tailored to my natural strengths.

I have no skills for wrestling and I am claustrophobic. My only hope in MMA would be to use my very strong legs to kick to prevent it from going to the ground, but unlikely I would succeed. In the real world, I would run away if feasible, because I am fast (4.5seconds on 40 yard dash but not that fast now, but still probably below 5seconds). If not feasible, there are more effective ways to kill someone with your hands, such as a blow to the sternum to incapacite them, then ramming their nose up into their brain.

There is a rumor or tale that some native Americans could purportedly reach under your rib cage and extract your heart with their hands and show it to you before you died.
7655  Economy / Economics / Re: Economic Devastation on: May 03, 2015, 11:08:17 PM
Fighting is barbaric. Professional fighting is a ruse. If I am entering a fight it is to the death and I will shoot first and the end.

Strategy, competition, and physical fitness is not barbaric. (and for me I used to want camaraderie, but I since learned that is not a good attribute)

Boxing is a competitive sport and not a ruse akin to Hulk Hogan WWF wrestling. There are rules for each sport. One must know the rules in order to win the competition. Manny seemed to forget that boxing is a points based sport. If expected Mayweather to fight him toe-to-toe to see who could throw harder punches, that is not the sport of boxing. Maybe Manny wants to invent a new sport or change the rules of boxing. Many fans seem to want a change to the rules. Humans want to see blood and violence. Nevertheless I describe how I think I would have be able to introduce sufficient violence on Mayweather. Manny needed to be ahead on points in order to force Mayweather to engage. Manny's shock at the scorecard showed he doesn't seem to know that boxing is a points based sport. He said he thought he was winning the fight. Cripes the man has been boxing for two decades and still hasn't read the rulebook. Lack of mental focus and preparation. His coach Freddie Roach is to blame (perhaps someone could suggest to Freddie to try high dose vitamin D3 for his Parkinson's disease). Manny has been suffering lately under the coaching of Roach. I think he reached the zenith of what he could learn from Roach. He needed to change to a better coach such as Angelo Dundee or Emanuel Steward.

If you are entering a real-world survival situation, then shooting may not always be the way to survive. You are really oversimplifying your analysis.

7656  Economy / Economics / Re: Economic Devastation on: May 03, 2015, 11:02:21 PM
Peruvians party harder than any other group I know...

Latin Americans are much more physically aggressive than filipinos. Their bodies are much more stocky and powerful. This is the difference between a rice diet and the corn, wheat diet.

Their economy is (still) growing, but there is more uncertainty with China slowing and less (not much less), foreign investment.  Still OTS of tourists, Peru is a beautiful country.

Also what do you think about bitcoin going up ? It seems it broke a downtrend. Do you think its the end of the bear market? Or its gonna fail at going above 300 as usual ? IIRC Armstrong prediction is that gold and bitcoin are gonna go down until 2015.75

Neither BTC nor gold have bottomed yet. Armstrong's model predicted a sideways period until June. I am not sure if the bottom will come before or after 2015.75, but I remain a seller of both. BTC I will buy at or below $150. Gold at or below $950. I am thinking possibly a final capitulation dip to slightly less than $100 and $850.

China, Asia, and developing markets will decline until a bottom in 2020. This decline will accelerate. It will be a bloodbath in 2017 for emerging markets, because the dollar will come very strong and they are $trillions short the dollar with dollar loans (mostly for corporate bond debt, not sovereign).

But then Asia and developing markets will bottom first, as the West will continue to decline after 2020 and fall over into the abyss. By 2032, Asia will take over the global economy. The West will fall away. The USA will end up breaking apart and is at the start of a multi-decade decline. There will be a period where USA will bounce up for a decade, but then the decline will resume. This will be a long process and tied in with the move to a one-world reserve currency morass for the old-world economy.

So Asia and emerging markets go first into the decline but by 2018, the USA will join them. Then Asia bottoms by 2020, but the West falls into the abyss.
7657  Economy / Economics / Re: Economic Devastation on: May 03, 2015, 10:40:48 PM
@darlidada my impression of what makes most people happy is that it is a combination of the following
1) Self sufficiency
2) Large and strong family and social networks
3) Physical fitness
4) Relative social status
5) Physical comforts

I would add to the a vocation that gives a sense of accomplishment and self-worth (self-esteem and purpose). That vocation can also be the role as parent (especially often true for the female).

All individual or Dunbar limit congruent tribal. So where does your leaning towards top-down control and planning by the State originate from?

The natural constraints in the economic system make top-control an illusion at best and a disaster usually.
7658  Economy / Economics / Re: Economic Devastation on: May 03, 2015, 10:24:36 PM
Migration is still predominately out of the Philippines indicating that the Filipino's think they are better off in the west...

Filipinos are very opportunistic and free market oriented (as many native tribes are fiercely independent).

Filipinos are milking the socialism and debt economy of the West to extract money to remit home. It is not an overwhelming preference for Western lifestyle and culture. Do you know how difficult it is here to get a female to take a morning-after birth control pill or get an abortion? Next to impossible except the Manila city girls. The culture is vastly different.

For many or most, filipinos make this sacrifice because they are supporting the finances of their family back in the Philippines. These OFW remmitances is I think the reason that the Philippines has 14 of the largest 38 malls in the world. The Philippines is a 70% consumer economy similar to the USA, and unbalanced in the opposite way of China's 70% fixed capital investment (i.e. industrial) economy.

Filipinos would much rather be in the Philippines with their families (chickens, pigs, etc), sipping coconut wine, eating sour foods such as vinegar fish, and enjoying their culture.

The youth do dream of traveling abroad to romantic places they see in love stories on TV such as Italy and Korea. But the reality is once they get there, they get homesick and they learn the grass isn't greener on the other side. They do adopt some of the things they learn abroad, but not entirely. They may justify to themselves that they are in a better way abroad, deep inside they are denying they are miserably lonely in the Western culture. They cope fine if they can congregate with their countrymen abroad.

Filipinos hate to be alone or in quiet.
7659  Economy / Economics / Re: Economic Devastation on: May 03, 2015, 08:46:39 PM
Someone beat you to the knowledge age finish line and is raking in the BTC with their new coin.

That is a great idea. Thanks for sharing the link. They are not competing with any plans that I have.

One problem they may not have solved is anonymity (as well a lot of other slogging along programming details where my strengths come to bear), so I again I may be able to co-opt their idea (if that later proves necessary and desirable). They can't censor the ad network as they claim they will and also be decentralized (so right there their Marxist bullshit has provided an opportunity for me to co-opt them). They prove the concept (like Bitcoin and Monero), I make it viable. This seems to be my pattern in my career. Before I made CoolPage in 1998, I saw Microsoft FrontPage, Adobe PageMill, and NetObject's Fusion. Before I made WordUp in 1986, I saw Apple's MacWrite.

Coinits you are so funny. You are so offended by my ego (which is really your ego not mine). Did you watch the Mayweather fight? Everyone booed him because they don't like his fighting style nor his confidence (i.e. offended by his ego and the way Marxists demand politically correct groupthink). Fact is he nullified Pacquiao's strengths with his elusive techniques. Pacman made a few critical errors:

1. He distracted himself with too much nonsense (too many people disturbing him) past weeks. He should have been focusing his energy and mind. His claimed shoulder injury could be attributed to the fact that he has not dedicated himself to boxing. He tried to be a jack of all trades (Congressman, basketball player-coach, etc). I can also make the same accusation of myself wasting time trying to convince people in this forum that doesn't matter one iota to my work and success.

2. He didn't attack Mayweather's abdomen. Mayweather looks for the counter punch, so one must move forward while punching to move inside of the range of his long armed right hand. Every time Pacman did this, Mayweather headlocked him. Well Pacman is just too small. I am same exact size as Mayweather in all body measurements (neck, thigh, calves, body weight, height), except I have 10.5" hands (larger than all those fighters including Pacman and Canelo with size 10") compared to Mayweather's tiny 8" and my reach is 69" compared to Floyd's 72" and Manny's 67" (both of which means I have a power punch similar to Manny but sufficient reach to give Floyd more trouble). Also my chest and biceps are larger more like Bradley's (I am more slimmed and cut than Canelo and in between his chest and Bradley's). So with my size and tackle football background (hell I played an entire afternoon with a severely broken nose without helmet against freshman college players) what I would have done is bull into Maymeather with my elbows and shoulders when ever he tried to headlock me. I would have punched him in the gut with my free hand while bulldriving him into the ropes. Also while coming in, I would have sometimes moved sideways and uppercut him when ever he leaned forward with that counter right. In short, I would manhandle that bitch Mayweather. Grrrr. Even at 50 and blind in one eye and no experience, if he offered me the chance I would grab it because Mayweather has no power in his punch. He couldn't hurt a flea. Manny simply didn't have the killer instinct. He got too distracted on all this Marxist bullshit like God and love of country, etc.. God doesn't promise to help you win boxing matches rather only to save your soul. I know where his house is a couple of hours from where I am. I might try to meet him once the hoopla has faded.

3. Pacman forgot that boxing is points for punches that connect, regardless how effective those punches are. Mayweather was out pointing him with his jab. Pacman stayed out there and let Floyd jab him with his long (powerless) arms. You have to move inside of Floyd's jab. Tyson couldn't do that to Lennox Lewis because Lewis had knockout power in his uppercuts. But Mayweather isn't to be feared. Just bull right into that bitch and work the body because his head defence is too elusive.

Manny failed to do the job of shutting up the mouth of Mayweather. He failed. I am so tired of hearing the pinoys praising him for his effort and complaining about Mayweather. Manny was his own worst enemy. He got beat mentally, not physically.

During the viewing of the fight I was exploding with energy. I was doing 25 - 26" standing vertical leaps, i.e. no running start. I was only able to do 26" with running start up until yesterday. My vertical leap has risen from 17-19" during the worst of the Multiple Sclerosis. Typically the running leap is a few inches more than a standing jump. So my running vertical leap appears to be in the range of 27". I am not doing any real training yet on my vertical leap. This is just coming from the occasional running (most of the time I am sitting at the computer) and that my legs are morphing back to the youthful look before the M.S.. I can see my legs getting much more stocky and muscular.

I am so very grateful for this cure to my M.S.. I have my life back!
7660  Economy / Economics / Re: Economic Devastation on: May 03, 2015, 12:04:17 AM
To you; sane rational thought

And precisely what rational logic is that?

I have addressed illogic.

You are free to state the logic. Everytime you've tried, it has been shown that you have no logic.

Another instance of your insane illogic, is that in your stated opinion, anyone who is smarter, more knowledgeable (, and more experienced) than you and doesn't agree to your nonsense illogic is thus insane and a bully. Why should I acquiesce to your illogical posts just so you will think I am a nice guy?

The State should protect those who compromise themselves in nude photos even unwittingly? And then what does the State do when we have the anonymous internet (coming soon)? Shut off the internet?

Another recent example is Indonesia's death by execution of drug mules. All this does is drive the cost of drugs up, giving more incentive to the criminals. The State can only make the outcome worse in every case, because the State can't change the natural constraints that exist. Surely this point about natural constraints being in control (not man) will fly right over the head of you and most readers (and maybe CoinCube will still fail to address this point in his promised rebuttal...3 more days ETA to his stated 7 days hiatus).
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