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81  Local / Annonces / (ICO)(STH) SUPER ETHEREUM Decentralized Cryptocurrencies Platform on: April 01, 2018, 02:24:57 AM
Super Ethereum Decentralized Cryptocurrencies Platform
Video :

La nouvelle génération de plateformes de trading numérique décentralisées
 Plate-forme décentralisée de crypto-monnaie numérique

La plate-forme Super Ethereum est la première de son genre où elle place les traders en première priorité. en outre, il partage le bénéfice avec les investisseurs sur sa propre monnaie numérique STH, où il transférera 75% du bénéfice de la plateforme directement aux investisseurs Ethereum Wallet.

Grâce à une équipe de compétences technologiques et financières avancées, Super Ethereum connecte les gens à des services financiers à faible coût où ils peuvent augmenter leurs revenus et développer leur potentiel individuel.

Le Super Ethereum Exchange propose des marchés à terme sur Bitcoin, Ethereum, BitcoinCash et Litecoin par rapport au dollar américain. Les traders soumettent des ordres d'achat et de vente instantanément en un seul clic sur une interface de trading en ligne intuitive qui affiche des offres en direct et des offres qui se déplacent de haut en bas sur une colonne de prix centrale. Les grandes tailles de tiques éliminent le bruit et rendent le scalping à court terme viable, créant des marchés très liquides avec de faibles frais de négociation.

Le SuperEthereum Exchange possède sa propre crypto-monnaie native, appelée jeton STH. La valeur du tick de chaque marché de SuperEthereum est de 1 jeton STH, ce qui signifie que tous les profits et pertes de trading sont libellés en jetons STH. Les exigences de marge sont payables en jetons STH et les soldes des comptes, dépôts et retraits des traders sont libellés en jetons STH. Par conséquent, les traders doivent posséder des jetons STH pour négocier sur les marchés à terme sans commission et sans commission de SuperEthereum, ce qui crée une demande pour le jeton STH.
STH Coin est une plate-forme pour l'avenir du financement qui est construit au-dessus de la blockchain Ethereum. Il accélère la croissance des entreprises en démarrage en offrant des outils et des services qui permettent d'économiser du temps et des ressources.
75% des jetons STH seront vendus dans le cadre de la vente de jetons STH. Les acheteurs échangeront des jetons ETH, BTC, LTC et BCH contre des jetons STH à un prix équivalent de 0,003 USD par jeton STH à 0,006 USD - un plafond maximum pouvant atteindre 20 millions de USD pouvant être levé.

Les propriétaires de jetons de STH recevront des profits hebdomadaires grâce aux bénéfices de la plateforme de trading


Blockchain Driven
Confidentialité complète
Interface de trading en un clic
Modèle de revenus d'émission de jetons
Profits hebdomadaires
Comptes décentralisés et gouvernance
À propos de STH
75% distribué à la communauté
13% de financement réservé
9% Fondateurs et Equipe
2% conseillers
1% de campagne "Bounty"
- Confidentialité complète
- Soldes de compte décentralisés
- Portefeuille à devises multiples
Traders sur peut commencer à trader immédiatement sans avoir à soumettre leur nom ou tout document d'identification de toute nature. En tant qu'échange offshore n'acceptant que les jetons STH, n'est pas lié par des intrusions

Profitez de la sécurité exceptionnelle de notre plateforme. Recevez des intérêts sur le solde de votre compte. Transférer des fonds d'une personne à une autre.

C'est facile avec SuperEthereum. Créez un portefeuille à devises multiples. Echange décentralisé. Commerce sans limites. Il n'y a aucune limite sur les retraits, et toute crypto-monnaie ...

Les commerçants conservent le solde de leur compte afin de négocier sur l'échange. Votre solde de compte est détenu par un contrat intelligent décentralisé et indépendant sur la chaîne de blocs Ethereum, et non par l'échange. Superethereum ne peut pas geler / mal gérer / perdre vos fonds parce que nous n'avons physiquement pas accès à votre argent. Et dans le cas improbable où SuperEthereum est piraté, il n'y a pas de fonds pour les hackers à voler.

Notre objectif
- Blockchain conduit
- Frais de transaction réduits
- Trading à terme à effet de levier élevé est piloté par la technologie blockchain.De l'utilisation de sa propre crypto-monnaie pour éliminer les frais de transaction, de stocker les soldes de compte sans confiance dans un contrat intelligent décentralisé, et permettant à ses commerçants de déterminer le taux d'émission de nouveaux jetons. est seulement rendu possible en embrassant le pouvoir perturbateur de la nouvelle technologie blockchain.

Super Ethereum couvre le coût de gestion de l'échange en créant un petit nombre de nouveaux jetons chaque année au lieu de facturer des frais de transaction sur les transactions. Les marchés à terme sans commission sur une plateforme de trading stable, rapide et sécurisée attireront un grand nombre de traders qui doivent acheter des jetons STH pour participer, créant une demande accrue de jetons STH compensant le faible coût inflationniste de création de nouveaux jetons.
82  Local / アルトコイン / (ICO) (STH) SUPER ETHEREUM Decentralized Cryptocurrencies Platform on: April 01, 2018, 02:21:16 AM
Super Ethereum Decentralized Cryptocurrencies Platform
Video :


Super Ethereum Platformはトレーダーを最優先に選ぶ初の製品です。さらに、それはそれ自身のデジタル通貨STHで投資家と利益を共有し、プラットフォームの利益から投資家のEthereum Walletに75%を直接移転する。

高度な技術と財務のスキルのチームを通じ、Super Ethereumは人々を低コストの金融サービスに結びつけ、そこで彼らは所得を上げて個々の可能性を開拓することができます。


SuperEthereum Exchangeには、STHトークンと呼ばれる固有の暗号化方式があります。各スーパーエグゼクティブ市場のティックバリューは1 STHトークンです。つまり、すべてのトレーディング収益と損失はSTHトークンで表されます。証拠金要件はSTHトークンで支払われ、トレーダーの勘定残高、預金および引き出しはSTHトークンで表されます。したがって、トレーダーは、SuperEthereumの手数料無料の信頼できない先物市場で取引するためにSTHトークンを所有しなければなりません。
STH Coinは、Ethereumブロックチェーンの上に構築された資金調達のためのプラットフォームです。時間とリソースの両方を節約するツールとサービスを提供することで、新興企業の成長を加速します。



- 完全なプライバシー
- 分散アカウント残高
- 複数通貨ウォレット
Superethereum.ioのトレーダーは、名前や書類を提出する必要なく、すぐに取引を開始することができます。 STHトークンだけを受け入れるオフショアの交換所として、Superethereum.ioは侵入者の拘束を受けない



取引所で取引するために勘定残高を保持しているトレーダー。あなたの口座残高は、取引所ではなく、Ethereumブロックチェーン上の分散された独立したスマート契約によって保持されます。 Superethereumは物理的にあなたのお金にアクセスできないのであなたの資金を凍結/誤って/失うことはできません。万が一、SuperEthereumがハッキングされた場合、ハッカーが盗むための資金はありません。

- ブロックチェーン駆動
- 低トレーディング料
- ハイレバレッジ先物取引


Super Ethereumは、取引で取引手数料を請求するのではなく、毎年少数の新しいトークンを作成することによって、取引を実行するコストをカバーします。 STMトークンを購入しなければならない多数のトレーダーが集まり、新しいトークンを作成するための小さなインフレ費用を相殺するSTHトークンの需要が増えます。


Ethereum、Bitcoin Cash&Litecoin Futures

SuperEthereum先物市場の大きな特徴は、ティックサイズが大きいことです。先物取引では、ダニとは先物契約が上下に動くことができる最低価格の増分です。たとえば、BTC / USD先物契約のティック・サイズは$ 5です。これにより、雑音が排除され、揮発性の先物契約が、ページの上部およびページの下部から絶えず消え去ることなく、スケーラビリティに優れたワンクリックラダー取引インタフェースに表示されます。


83  Local / 山寨币 / Re: 📌 [ANN] 🔥 [ICO] 🔴 STH TOKEN 🔴 SUPER ETHEREUM on: March 31, 2018, 10:18:27 PM
84  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ICO] Decentralized Cryptocurrencies Platform on: March 31, 2018, 10:17:14 PM
85  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ICO] Decentralized Cryptocurrencies Platform on: March 31, 2018, 04:20:57 AM
86  Local / 山寨币 / Re: 📌 [ANN] 🔥 [ICO] 🔴 STH TOKEN 🔴 SUPER ETHEREUM on: March 31, 2018, 04:19:35 AM

超级以太坊平台是首个将交易者置于首要位置的平台。 除此之外,它还与投资者分享自己的数字货币STH的利润,在那里它将平台利润的75%直接转移给投资者以太坊钱包。

SuperEthereum Exchange拥有自己的原生cryptocurrency,称为STH令牌。每个SuperEthereum市场的时间价值是1个STH令牌,这意味着所有的交易利润和亏损都以STH令牌计价。保证金要求在STH代币和交易者账户余额中支付,存款和提款在STH代币中计价。因此,交易员必须拥有STH代币才能在SuperEthereum的免佣金,不可靠的期货市场进行交易,从而产生对STH代币的需求。
STH Coin是一个建立在以太坊区块链之上的未来资金平台。它通过提供节省时间和资源的工具和服务来加速创业公司的发展。

STH代币的75%将在STH代币销售中销售。买方将以每STH令牌0.003美元的等价价格交换ETH,BTC,LTC和BCH作为STH令牌,至0.006美元 - 可提高的最高金额为200万美元的硬限额。




- 分散账户余额
- 多货币钱包




交易者持有其账户余额,以便在交易所进行交易。您的账户余额由以太坊区块链上的分散式独立智能合约持有,而不是由交易所持有。 Superethereum无法冻结/管理不善/失去您的资金,因为我们身体上无法获得您的资金。而且,万一SuperEthereum被黑客攻击,黑客也没有资金可以窃取。

- 低交易费用
- 高杠杆期货交易







SuperEthereum期货市场的一个显着特征是它们的大剔尺寸。在期货交易中,剔是期货合约可以上涨或下跌的最小价格增量。例如,BTC / USD期货合约的点差大小为5美元。这消除了噪音,并允许不稳定的期货合约显示在易于操作的一键式交易界面上,而价格不断地从页面顶部和页面底部消失。






- 令牌发行收入模型

超级以太坊交易所通过消除交易中的交易费用来彻底改变期货交易,并通过令牌发行其本币即STH令牌来产生收入。由于STH代币受到交易者的需求,交易所每年都可以创建和销售少量新STH代币以支付成本。 STH供应量小幅增长的通胀成本被必须拥有它参与SuperEthereum无佣金,不受信任期货市场的交易商的需求所抵消。
87  Local / 山寨币 / Re: 📌 [ANN] 🔥 [ICO] 🔴 STH TOKEN 🔴 SUPER ETHEREUM on: March 30, 2018, 11:49:07 PM
Dont miss STH Token before reaching the HARDCAP
The New Generation of Decentralized Digital Trading Platforms

 Decentralized Digital Cryptocurrencies Platform

Super Ethereum Platform is the first of its kind where it puts the traders as top priority. in addition it shares the profit with the investors on it’s own digital currency STH, where it will transfer 75% from the platform’s profit directly to the investors Ethereum Wallet.
88  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ICO] Decentralized Cryptocurrencies Platform on: March 30, 2018, 11:47:41 PM
I translated your site to chines language
I sent every thing to

We reply your email , good job btw
89  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ICO] Decentralized Cryptocurrencies Platform on: March 30, 2018, 05:20:15 PM
Fourth Round its for main ICO or presale  ?
because i see presale round 2 is live now and already rised $13.000.000
Same question here, I didn't get it too, bad i truly know, that this project well be the best trading platform ever. Good team, good idea, things are going great at the moment

We are now in the public and its open for everyone
presale end in 22.3.2018

ICO presale (before making it open for public) is where you’d want to get private investors (from your personal contacts and circles) to get the ball rolling, to get the first breath of oxygen for the token startup. It also shows to the public, ‘we’re in business’. Almost all ICOs offer bonuses and discounts to attract early birds. Public ICO comes later and is open for everyone.

90  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ICO] Decentralized Cryptocurrencies Platform on: March 30, 2018, 12:48:29 PM

Wow, what an amazing project! The development team looks professional.

Thank you Smiley
91  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ICO] Decentralized Cryptocurrencies Platform on: March 30, 2018, 02:38:00 AM
The New Generation of Decentralized Digital Trading Platforms
 Decentralized Digital Cryptocurrencies Platform

Super Ethereum Platform is the first of its kind where it puts the traders as top priority. in addition it shares the profit with the investors on it’s own digital currency STH, where it will transfer 75% from the platform’s profit directly to the investors Ethereum Wallet.

Through a team of advanced technological and financial skills, Super Ethereum connects people to low-cost financial services where they can raise their income and develop individual potentials.

Will you send the weekly profits through the ethereum wallet only, or we can choose from other cryptocurrencies ??

We will only send Ethereum but maybe in the future there will be other currencies
Thank you
92  Local / 山寨币 / 📌 [ANN] 🔥 [ICO] 🔴 STH TOKEN 🔴 SUPER ETHEREUM on: March 30, 2018, 02:14:23 AM
Super Ethereum - STH TOKEN-

The New Generation of Decentralized Digital Trading Platforms

超级以太坊平台是首个将交易者置于首要位置的平台。 除此之外,它还与投资者分享自己的数字货币STH的利润,在那里它将平台利润的75%直接转移给投资者以太坊钱包。
Super Ethereum Exchange Platform is the first of its kind where it puts the traders as top priority. in addition it shares the profit with the investors on it’s own digital currency STH, where it will transfer 75% from the platform’s profit directly to the investors Ethereum Wallet.

Whitepaper :
Video :
Short Video :
Telegram :
Twitter :

Through a team of advanced technological and financial skills, Super Ethereum connects people to low-cost financial services where they can raise their income and develop individual potentials.
- Blockchain Driven
- Complete Privacy
- One Click Trading Interface
- Token Issuance Revenue Model
- Weekly Profits
- Decenntralized Accounts and Governance
- Low Trading Fees
- High Leverage Futures Trading
- Complete Privacy
- Multiple-currency Wallet
- Decentralized Account Balances

“SuperEthereum” App
Take your trading to the next level with the “Superethereum” trading app .

    Trade Cryptocurrency, multi-leg options, futures, options on futures.
    Use real market data to test your theories and strategies at no cost with paperMoney®
    View customizable, multi-touch charts with hundreds of technical indicators
    Live text and share your screen with a trading specialist to get help on the spot
    Watch streaming CNBC and International CNBC
    Dynamically sync market scans in real-time from your desktop to your tablet
    Optimized for iPad®, iPhone®, Apple WatchTM, and Android smartphones and tablets
    Full control trading, buying and selling digital currencies.

93  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ICO] Decentralized Cryptocurrencies Platform on: March 29, 2018, 11:42:44 PM
The New Generation of Decentralized Digital Trading Platforms
 Decentralized Digital Cryptocurrencies Platform

Super Ethereum Platform is the first of its kind where it puts the traders as top priority. in addition it shares the profit with the investors on it’s own digital currency STH, where it will transfer 75% from the platform’s profit directly to the investors Ethereum Wallet.

Through a team of advanced technological and financial skills, Super Ethereum connects people to low-cost financial services where they can raise their income and develop individual potentials.
94  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ICO] Decentralized Cryptocurrencies Platform on: March 29, 2018, 08:33:55 PM
What makes your project different between other similar projects?

great question

First of all we are building a decentralized platform owned by the holders of its digital currency . yes it is because we share 75% of the platform's profits with the investors on the STH TOKEN .for that the STH owners will be always getting weekly profits.
Also we made many features to make the platform completely secure . safe and easy to traders . i will tell some of it
All accounts balances are held by a decentralized independent smart contract on the ethereum blockchain not by the superethereum exchange platform.
Traders on superethereum use decentralized governance by blockchain to determine how many new STH tokens to issue and when.
Token issuance revenue model.
One click trading interface
Multiple currency wallet
Superethereum is the first of its kind where it puts the traders as top priority

I read carefully all the features of the platform and actually your platform will be the best in the world for traders

Thanks sir
95  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ICO] Decentralized Cryptocurrencies Platform on: March 29, 2018, 06:31:27 PM
What makes your project different between other similar projects?

great question

First of all we are building a decentralized platform owned by the holders of its digital currency . yes it is because we share 75% of the platform's profits with the investors on the STH TOKEN .for that the STH owners will be always getting weekly profits.
Also we made many features to make the platform completely secure . safe and easy to traders . i will tell some of it
All accounts balances are held by a decentralized independent smart contract on the ethereum blockchain not by the superethereum exchange platform.
Traders on superethereum use decentralized governance by blockchain to determine how many new STH tokens to issue and when.
Token issuance revenue model.
One click trading interface
Multiple currency wallet
Superethereum is the first of its kind where it puts the traders as top priority
96  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ICO] Decentralized Cryptocurrencies Platform on: March 29, 2018, 03:38:06 AM
We all know the volume of profits that trading platforms of all kinds earn
In a SuperEthereum platform, will of course have similar profits to other platforms
Regardless of all the features that will be available in the SuperEthereum platform make it easier for traders and make it safer
There are profits distributed weekly only to those who own the main currency of STH
With this step we only ensure that SuperEthereum trading platform is always in place and traders in their currency are always beneficiaries
And this is also a strong reason to make the STH TOKEN grow rapidly because its property receives profits only because they have it.
Thank you
97  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ICO] Decentralized Cryptocurrencies Platform on: March 29, 2018, 12:54:28 AM
Great ico

Thank you sir .We appreciate your words
98  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ICO] Decentralized Cryptocurrencies Platform on: March 28, 2018, 11:28:50 PM
We all know the volume of profits that trading platforms of all kinds earn
In a SuperEthereum platform, will of course have similar profits to other platforms
Regardless of all the features that will be available in the SuperEthereum platform make it easier for traders and make it safer
There are profits distributed weekly only to those who own the main currency of STH
With this step we only ensure that SuperEthereum trading platform is always in place and traders in their currency are always beneficiaries
And this is also a strong reason to make the STH TOKEN grow rapidly because its property receives profits only because they have it.
Thank you
99  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ICO] Decentralized Cryptocurrencies Platform on: March 28, 2018, 11:16:22 PM
It is great ICO, but everyone has to make own research...

Thank you sir , you are right ,but i know that experts always looking deeper and its very nice
100  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ICO] Decentralized Cryptocurrencies Platform on: March 28, 2018, 11:12:42 PM
We are proud of what we have achieved through your support and believe in the SuperEthereum Platform
14,283,310 $ Raised hardcap 20M
Our motto is Traders and investors in our top priority

Super Ethereum Platform is the first of its kind where it puts the traders as top priority. in addition it shares the profit with the investors on it’s own digital currency STH, where it will transfer 75% from the platform’s profit directly to the investors Ethereum Wallet.

Our Brilliant Minds Meeting

The already raised figure is impressive! But I'm just wondering how you Guy's made this possible.
Beacuse no marketing
activities I have seen anywhere  about a project about SuperEthereum!
Anyway that doesn't
mean it's not worthy to get investment. In fact, can you please show us some proof of TX history of investment made by backers!


I'm glad you ask for everything to make everything is clear
We've done a lot of advertising campaigns through search sites, social media sites, and some sites interested in digital currencies
We've also sent emails to thousands of people interested in digital currency trading and investment
Before we started the first sale phase, there were investors who had already invested and supported the project completion team
You will be accompanied by photos of the latest payments to investors
We are sorry if there is still something unclear or unintelligible, but we aspire to win the trust of all and stay in constant contact with them
We also want to build a platform for trading that is decentralized to meet the needs and aspirations of global traders
Thank you for your interest and sorry for the delay

It's OK. I had never felt
hurry when it's about to learn new things. So no need to be feel sad for any dealy!
According to your above
answer, I'm going into give a deep look at SuperEthereum whitepaper. And will be back
here later!


Happy because you will see our ideas that we want to put in the trading platform
Since most of the features that will be available in our platform are not available in any trading platform yet
Btw we made short Whitepaper to make it easy for everyone to understand it ,
Thank you Sir
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