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81  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Proof that God exists on: February 06, 2016, 09:19:52 PM
Given the title of the thread and the content of the OP, people should look into Gödel's proof that God exists. Here's a link that has a high level description:

Of course, it's possible to understand the proof and still reject the conclusion. (I'm an atheist.) The easiest way to reject the conclusion is to reject at least one axiom. For example, Axiom 3 states:

The property of being God-like is positive.

I find this axiom highly questionable.

One can also reject the general logical setup in which the proof is done.

Theological questions played an important historical role in the early development of what we'd now call "logic" and "proof."
82  Other / Politics & Society / Re: London stabbing: "This is for Syria", "You're not muslim!" on: February 06, 2016, 09:05:36 PM
The amount of blood on the floor makes my stomach churn.  Angry
Probably, this is why they choose to slit necks - to make it as gory as possible.

Actually, they probably do it because the Quran 8:12 says:

Quote from: lunatic
[Remember] when your Lord inspired to the angels, "I am with you, so strengthen those who have believed. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieved, so strike [them] upon the necks and strike from them every fingertip."

Muslims have literally been commanded by their god to do this. Others can yell "you no muslim, brotha" all they want. Quran 8:12 is a clear command from their god.

If there is a future, it will look back at this period with stunned disbelief at the madness required for the level of denial non-Muslims have achieved.

You are Quoting a Quranic verse in its wrong place because this verse was revealed for a specific historical event which was the Battle of Badr. So you can not cite it in this context.

Your assertion is ridiculous. As someone pointed out above, not only is it in the Quran, Muslims are following the commands today, on a regular basis.

But OK, fine, if we can pick parts of Mohammed's actions and teachings that were specific to the time and don't apply today, here's a suggestion: How about we decide all of Mohammed's actions and teachings belong in the 7th century? That would imply that none of the "message" applies today. Problem solved.
83  Other / Politics & Society / Re: The rapists were "refugees." If Merkel had any honour, she'd commit suicide. on: January 31, 2016, 08:29:43 PM
Merkel can't be responsible for everything.
She gave them chance for new, better life and many of them took it but some of them showed their true color and character.
German police must investigate all this crimes, find responsible people and put them in jail.

yes, you are absolutely right .. it is really easy to blame merkel and other politicians but why arent cops and armed forces working hard to find real responsibles of these evil crimes..

The purpose of the cops is to stop the old native population and protect the new Muslim population. If people wanted something different, they would've already been voting for it. Germany's getting what it wants and deserves.
84  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do people hate islam? on: January 31, 2016, 08:27:03 PM
We all know now that the 7/11 attacks were conjured up by Israel and the US and they needed a reason to get into Afghanistan and other Muslim countries. Because this news was spread throughout the world in seconds ppl believed it and it became stuck in their hearts.

My friend, the 7/11 conspiracy goes much deeper than you could imagine. If you read further and continue thinking for yourself, you will learn that Afhanistan and other Muslim countries were actually not invaded by Israel and the US as blowback for 7/11. All the news coverage about such invasions over the past 15 years have been transparent lies. In fact, Afghanistan and other Muslim countries conjured up such false flag invasions as a reason to send millions of "refugees" to Western lands. Why? Like all Muslims, the motives are of absolute purity: to finally bring peace to the Western lands -- the kind of peace that can only come from the acceptance of Islam. As has been known from the time of prophet Mohammed, true peace can only come when everyone proclaims the truth of Islam, and that those who deny this truth are silenced through the sword.

Thanks for speaking out and helping dispell the myths about 7/11. Major Bloomberg tried to keep this information quiet by restricted the size of Slurpees, but thanks to people like you, truth will escape.
85  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Europe, you reap what you sow... on: January 24, 2016, 11:16:22 AM

‘Asian’ Woman Stabs 15 Yr Old Boy On Bus In England

Officers from the Metropolitan Police have released CCTV footage in an attempt to identify a woman who attempted to stab a teenage boy on a bus in Lambeth.

On December 26, 2015, at about 12:30, the 15-year-old boy boarded a Route 133 bus on Brixton Road with his 51-year-old grandmother.

The suspect, who was already on the bus, approached the victim and produced a large kitchen knife, which she attempted to stab the victim with.

 The victim's grandmother intervened and managed to disarm the suspect, who then got off the bus and fled towards Oval.

The victim suffered a minor cut to the stomach.

The suspect is described as an Asian woman, aged about 20 to 30-years-old. She wore a distinctive headscarf with a kangaroo print.

What part of 'Asia' women wear a headscarf with a kangaroo print?

Kangaroo Ackbar!
86  Other / Politics & Society / Re: German police cover up illegal muslim immigrant sex assaults on: January 12, 2016, 11:38:16 AM


Thats a vid from Egypt Tahirplace 2013, its a reporter from the Netherlands who got raped there.

You're probably right. I found this report, but it didn't name the woman or show the same video clips:

But it's clear this kind of Rape Jihad attack has been common in the Islamic world, and now it's to be common in Western Europe as well.

Spendulus is right that support for rape goes back to Mohammed. I fucking hate people who make excuses for Islam. Fucking hate them.
87  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Dead on Arrival: Jeb! is no more. There is only Jeb. on: January 11, 2016, 11:26:46 PM
Muslim Woman & Jewish Man Booted from Trump Rally for Silent Protest Against Islamophobia

It's a good thing Trump and his supporters aren't Muslims or they would've raped and beheaded them.

Fuck "Islamophobia." It's time to protest Islamoignorance.

Anyway, I think discussion of Trump, Islam, or Islam's idiot apologists are off topic on a thread about Jeb.

Shit, anything the least bit interesting is off topic in a thread about Jeb.

Jeb's number 1! Well, -1.
88  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russia should support a free Kurdistan on: January 11, 2016, 11:21:18 PM
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Among the people fighting IS, the most ardent fighters are probably the Kurds. They were fighting Irakis before IS, and they're also at war with Turkey. As Turkey has shown many times, it's more concerned about crushing Kurds than IS. Now that Turkey has also decided to fight Russians, Russia should support the creation of a free Kurdistan, just like I do.

The international community allowed the creation of Israel in 1947, it is now time to allow the creation of Kurdistan.
people who supports world peace, democracy and human rights should be side of Turkey. Nato exsists  for western civicilization . Turkey is a part of it .

Turkey has no redeeming qualities and the quicker it's in the dustbin of history the better. They're only in NATO because of the Cold War. The Cold War's been over for decades now. Even back then it was just a convenient place to put missles aimed at the Soviets. It's not like the turkish "culture" had anything to do with it.

It would be better after the turks are all dead. Part of former turkey could be returned to the West/Christendom, converting the Mosques back into Churches. Part of former turkey could be given to Armenia, since the turks committed genocide against them (still denying that?). And part of former turkey could be given to the Kurds. That's my plan. I expect to get the Nobel Peace Prize for coming up with it.

Hi! I'm Mustafa Kemel, but my people are legally obligated to call me "Ataturk." This is my mother. She was a whore, so there's no telling who my dad was. When I became a teenager, I started fucking my mom myself. That's when she had my sister, on the left. Well, sister/daughter technically. My sister ended up getting fat, as you can see, but it was still fun fucking her after she got old enough (9). And that's the story of why I'm called "Father of the Turks."
89  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Germany joins anti-Isis military campaign on: January 11, 2016, 11:03:57 PM
first, germany must start fight agaist pkk terrorist organisation  who kills turkish soldiers becuse germany cant be indiffernt to turkey which desires to be a part of eu . according to intelligence reports, there are 2000 armed pkk terrorists who are sought by Turkey,in Germany.

I'm no fan of the PKK, but I'm a big fan of killing the genocidal turkish occupiers of Constantinople. So I guess I like some of the PKK's work. I'm not sure what Germany owes turkey. The EU would be stupid to let turkey join. But the EU is fucking stupid, so it probably will. Especially now that Germany is an islamic state.

Quite perplexing.... isn't? How the Germans are going to fight the ISIS? Using broomsticks?

The Americans made sure in 1945 that neither Germany nor Japan will have a full-fledged army for the next 200 years or so. Japan somehow managed to rebuild its army. But the German armed forces? It is a joke.

The Germans have to sweep the path clean for their islamic state rulers to come in and feel welcome.
90  Other / Politics & Society / Re: German police cover up illegal muslim immigrant sex assaults on: January 11, 2016, 08:20:11 PM
Here's a short video someone posted that's apparently from the Rape Jihad attacks of NYE:

12 screen shots from it:

91  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Europe, you reap what you sow... on: January 11, 2016, 06:56:51 PM
Well, rereading what I wrote, I should probably amend it. I wrote Step 1 as:

Step 1. Beat the fuck out of Muslim and then brand a QR code of your bitcoin address onto him.

This was sexist, and I apologize. It should have read:

Step 1. Beat the fuck out of Muslim and then brand a QR code of your bitcoin address onto him or her.

As for closing the borders, it's really too late for Germany. The neighbors to Germany's east need to close their borders with their new Islamonazi neighbor: Deutschistan.
92  Other / Politics & Society / Re: German police cover up illegal muslim immigrant sex assaults on: January 11, 2016, 06:50:30 PM
It's obvious that this is now very sensitive political issue in Germany.
They allowed a lot Muslim refugees to enter Germany but forgot that this people coming from completely different culture where women have no values.
In some countries like Norway, government started education for such Muslim mans, about local culture, rules etc.
It's not political correct now in western society to say that people from some religion or nationality are more connected with some crime than other but this should change.
Germany did a lot mistakes and now have to start over, with different policy.

It's too late. Germany's going to have to learn the hard way what it's like to be an Islamic country. Germans are going to have to conform to Islamic values, not the other way around.

If you want to get an idea of what Germany will do, look back to an Islamist demonstration in Duisburg in 2009:

A pro-Israel student hung an Israeli flag in his window. The Islamist demonstrators found this unacceptable, of course. (You may not have heard, but Muslims have kind of a problem with the Jews.) So the German police, naturally, broke into the student's apartment and removed the Israeli flag.

Islamists effectively have a veto over whether the Jewish symbols can be displayed.

Can you even imagine German police removing any kind of Islamic symbol?

Part of me wonders of the Germans aren't attracted to Islam for some very obvious reasons: it's a strong, militant ideology with a heavy dose of Jew-hatred. Germans seem to find that attractive, historically speaking.

In fact, I'm half expecting Germans to respond to the problem with Muslim immigrants by attacking Jews.

It's good to read Eastern countries like Poland are resisting. I hope they successfully continue resisting, even if it requires leaving the EU.
93  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Europe, you reap what you sow... on: January 11, 2016, 06:36:44 PM

Vigilantes hunting for 'justice' for New Year sex attacks carry out beatings on random foreigners in Cologne – as officials admit the assaults WERE carried out by migrants

Vigilante mobs have been attacking Pakistani and Syrians in Cologne, leaving at least two in hospital, following calls on social media for 'revenge' in the wake of the New Years Eve assaults.

The attacks were carried out by groups of young men, allegedly specifically targeting foreigners, after reports Cologne police are focusing their investigation on asylum seekers and migrants.

More than 500 criminal complains have now been filed over the events outside Cologne's famous cathedral on New Years Eve, where young women were sexually assaulted, raped and robbed.

Attacks: Right-wing supporters attend a to protest against the New Year's Eve sex attacks in Cologne, as police reports that a number of Pakistani and Syrian men have been attacked by vigilante groups

Two Pakistani nationals were admitted to hospital after six men were attacked by a mob of 20 people near the city's main train station - the scene of the New Years Eve attacks - on Sunday.

It is unclear what their condition is although the police are looking to press charges of 'serious bodily harm' against their attackers who kicked, beat and abused them verbally.

According to the Cologne Express newspaper, a group of 'hooligans, rockers and bouncers' linked up on Facebook for payback for the mass sexual frenzy on the last day of the year that was allegedly carried out largely by foreigners and refugees.

The Express said the Facebook vigilante groups had promised an 'orderly clean up' of the old town centre in their 'manhunt.'

Police confirmed one Syrian man was also hurt in an attack on Sunday, which took place just 20 minutes after the first, but is believed to have been carried out by a separate group of five men.

Two Pakistani nationals were admitted to hospital after six men were attacked by a mob of 20 people near Cologne's main train station(pictured)

Racial tension: Supporters of Pegida, Hogesa (Hooligans against Salafists) and other right-wing populist groups protest against the New Year's Eve sex attacks in Cologne, Germany, this weekend

Too little too late? Police presence has now been heightened in Cologne, but many criticise the force's actions on New Years Eve, saying not enough was done to stop the mob assaults on women

The 39-year-old man was injured but did not require medical treatment.

Police say they are still investigating whether the attacks were racially motivated and whether there was any link to the New Year assaults.

Today, the minister for North Rhine-Westphalia, the German state where Cologne is located, admitted that people of foreign descent were responsible for virtually all of the violence on New Year's Eve in the city.

'Based on testimony from witnesses, the report from the Cologne police and descriptions by the federal police, it looks as if people with a migration background were almost exclusively responsible for the criminal acts,' Ralf Jaeger, interior minister from the state of North Rhine-Westphalia told a special commission on the Cologne violence.

'All signs point to these being north Africans and people from the Arab world,' he added. 'Based on what we know now from the investigation, asylum seekers who arrived in the past year are among the suspects.'

Cologne has a significant first and second generation immigrant population and racial tension has heightened in the wake of New Years Eve.

Mob violence: More than 500 criminal complains have now been filed over the events outside Cologne's famous cathedral on New Years Eve, where young women were sexually assaulted, raped and robbed

The city, which has a population of just over one million, has more than 120,000 practicing Muslim residents and the largest Jewish communities in Germany. Just over 5.5 per cent are born in Turkey.

Over the past week, the police presence in the city has been heightened, but many has called the efforts 'too little too late', questioning why officers had not been able to stop the mass attacks.

The assaults on women in Cologne and other German cities have prompted more than 600 criminal complaints, with the police investigation focusing on asylum seekers and migrants.

In Cologne alone, 516 criminal complaints had been filed by individuals or groups in relation to assaults on New Year's Eve, while police in Hamburg said 133 similar charges had been lodged with the north German city.

On Monday, a regional parliamentary commission in the state of North-Rhine Westphalia, whose largest city is Cologne, will question police and others about the events on New Year's Eve.

The anti-Islam political movement, PEGIDA, whose supporters threw bottles and fire crackers at a march in Cologne on Saturday before being dispersed by riot police, will hold a rally in the eastern German city of Leipzig on Monday evening.

The attacks on women in Cologne have also sparked a debate about tougher rules for migrants who break the law, faster deportation procedures and increased security measures such as more video surveillance in public areas and more police.

It's too bad it has to come to this, but it's better than what Europe has been doing so far: nothing. Well, worse than nothing: deny the problem and bring in more Islamists.

Someone should set up a bitcoin address to reward the people who put Muslim invaders in the fucking hospital.

Here's an idea:

Step 1. Beat the fuck out of Muslim and then brand a QR code of your bitcoin address onto him.
Step 2. The media runs a sad, sad story with a picture of the victim, not realizing what the QR code is.
Step 3. Profit.

I keep seeing people worrying about Bitcoin being used to fund terrorism. It seems to me to be a perfect way to fund ANTI-terrorism.

But the guys who did this one will surely get caught. They fucking organized it FACEBOOK. These amateurs need some training. Tor, bitmessage, bitcoin, and beating the fuck out of Islamic Invaders. These four things go together.

Actually, it's probably more important to beat the fuck out of the Muslim apologists (press, politicians, anti-PEGIDAs) first. They're the root problem.

Look on youtube for how Mussolini met his end. Europeans used to have some good ideas for what to do with idiot politicians.
94  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do people hate islam? on: January 11, 2016, 06:26:55 PM
(Sorry, brief diversion back to Islam.)

It's just a shame that a non-islamic group like IS call themselves muslim and tar all those who actually follow the religion.

Yes, people shouldn't judge Islam based on the actions of ISIS. They should judge Islam based on the actions of Mohammed and his followers.

The problem is: there's no difference.

heres a little joke for you to illustrate my point:

So an ISIS fighter is manning a checkpoint and stops the car of a Christian couple.
ISIS guy: "Are you Muslim?"
Christian man: "Yes."
ISIS guy: "If you are a Muslim, then recite a verse of Quran."
Christian man recited a verse from the Bible.
ISIS member: "Ok yallah go."
Later his wife tells him: "I cannot believe the risk you just took.
Why did you tell him that we are Muslims?
If he knew you were lying he would have killed both of us."
" but don't worry! If they knew the Quran they would not kill people" answered the Husband.

I guess Mohammed and his followers must not have been familiar with the Quran. Otherwise, why did he and they do so much killing, beheading and raping?

Seriously, are you stupid or a liar? Or maybe both? Sounds like you might need to get some knowledge of Islam raped into you.
95  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Is Hillary Clinton Trustworthy? on: January 09, 2016, 03:45:10 PM
She will be end of american dream. she has two personality . one side represents evil the other one represents goodness.

More like: one side represents evil and the other one represents more evil.
96  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why do people hate islam? on: January 09, 2016, 03:32:21 PM
I respect all the religions because no one preach the bad things. I just want that if you talk about any group (indivisual) like ISIS or Taliban, never think that is the Islam. please

Do you respect the religions Mohammed destroyed when he and his followers captured Mecca?

Hey, Mo Qaeda, did you miss my question? About whether or not you respect the religions Mohammed destroyed when he and his followers captured Mecca?

In case you did miss it:

Do you respect the religions Mohammed destroyed when he and his followers captured Mecca?

Feel free to say yes. You're on a roll with your fucking lies. Might as well keep it up.

Allāt is way more powerful than your moon god Allah. And she's way hotter too. Mohammed may have destroyed all the images of Allāt, but he still imagined her hot body while fucking his goats.

Indeed, I do respect the religions worshipping the three goddesses, including Allāt. As the Holy Prophet Muhammed (saw) said:

Have ye thought upon Al-Lat and Al-‘Uzzá
and Manāt, the third, the other?
These are the exalted gharāniq, whose intercession is hoped for.

This has the meaning that the three goddesses are indeed also to be revered, not only Al-lah.

Well, that's surprising Mohsin. I know these verses are famously controversial in the Muslim world, so it's admirable that you're willing to not only repeat them but support their meaning. Maybe I shouldn't have been so hard on you.
97  Other / Politics & Society / Re: German police cover up illegal muslim immigrant sex assaults on: January 07, 2016, 06:27:22 PM
It's in.every media these days, I don't think that this can be covered up. One of sexualy asaulted women has also reported rape. Somerhing has to be done.

It's only in the media now (days later) because the powers that be failed to keep it quiet.

And, don't worry, something will be done. Today's the 1st anniversary of the Charlie Hebdo massacre. Look back at that to get an idea what will be done.

We're in step one now: Pretend to be shocked and say something must be done. Maybe there will be a big march generically opposing "violence against women."

Step two will be a few protests by some explicitly anti-Islam groups, like PEGIDA.

Step three will be Europeans saying Islam has nothing to do with what happened and that the attackers could've been anyone from any background. European politicians and media will then spend most of their time talking about the danger of right-wing extremist "Islamaphobes."

Step four will be to go back to life as normal until the next thing happens. During this final step German women will be encouraged to wear more modest clothing and to have male escorts in order to prevent "cultural misunderstandings."

98  Other / Politics & Society / Re: German police cover up illegal muslim immigrant sex assaults on: January 07, 2016, 06:14:12 PM
It's really very bad what happened in Germany.
I think that authorities in Germany didn't think to much what will happen if they allow so much illegal Muslim immigrants, without control, to enter Germany and go freely around the country.
They have different mentality and culture and first have to be educated about rules and laws in their new country.
Germans did big mistake.

The bolded sentence is ambiguous, as "they" can be read to mean the Muslims or the Germans:

1. The Muslims have [a] different mentality and culture and first have to be educated about rules and laws in their new country.

2. The Germans have [a] different mentality and culture and first have to be educated about rules and laws in their new country.

I suspect you intended the first. But it's the second that's true.

Of course I think Muslims, sorry for misunderstanding.

No problem. By the way, if you're German, I'm sorry for your loss.
99  Other / Politics & Society / Re: The rapists were "refugees." If Merkel had any honour, she'd commit suicide. on: January 07, 2016, 06:11:47 PM
Merkel can't be responsible for everything.
She gave them chance for new, better life and many of them took it but some of them showed their true color and character.
German police must investigate all this crimes, find responsible people and put them in jail.

To be unable to foresee this requires a willful ignorance of both centuries of history and the facts of today.

Merkel is responsible for what she decided, and she will have a terrible legacy as a result. And a handful of sexual assaults and rapes is hardly worth getting worked up about. This is just the beginning. Obviously. And it's completely predictable for anyone who's been even minimally informed.

Germany's fucked. The only correct policy for the few not-yet-fucked countries out there is containment. Germany, France, UK, Sweden need to be contained.

The German police had the "criminals" when it happened and let them go.
100  Other / Politics & Society / Re: German police cover up illegal muslim immigrant sex assaults on: January 07, 2016, 06:06:05 PM
It's really very bad what happened in Germany.
I think that authorities in Germany didn't think to much what will happen if they allow so much illegal Muslim immigrants, without control, to enter Germany and go freely around the country.
They have different mentality and culture and first have to be educated about rules and laws in their new country.
Germans did big mistake.

The bolded sentence is ambiguous, as "they" can be read to mean the Muslims or the Germans:

1. The Muslims have [a] different mentality and culture and first have to be educated about rules and laws in their new country.

2. The Germans have [a] different mentality and culture and first have to be educated about rules and laws in their new country.

I suspect you intended the first. But it's the second that's true.
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