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81  Local / Ekonomi, Politik, dan Budaya / Re: Politik Saling Serang/Politik Indentitas on: January 15, 2024, 09:41:28 PM
kalo menurut saya agama yang dibawa ke ranah pokitik itu kurang sopan ya..
ini bukan menghujat sih tapi mungkin kita semua juga sadar apa yang di katakan itu gak bener dilapangan gak kayak gitu.
sebagai pemimpin apalagi yang sudah pernah menjabat bisa dong kasih ini ini dan prestasi yang sudah saya lakukan,,selebihnya biarkan rakyat yang menilai.
dan kita juga gak bodoh bodoh amat kan hahahahaha.
salam politik damai para sahabat
Sebenarnya dalam hal ini saya sedikit bertentangan dengan apa yang anda katakan karena pada akhirnya ini bukan tentang norma yang memang harus melihat sopan atau tidak tetapi agama memang harus ada di ranah politik. tetapi tentunya kita tahu tujuannya bukan untuk menjadikan agama sebagai senjata tetapi agama dijadikan sebagai pedoman agar politik lebih baik.
Yang salah dalam hal ini adalah mereka yang menjadikan agama sebagai sarana untuk menyerang lawan politiknya sehingga penempatan agama yang harusnya menjadi pedoman itu sedikit dirubah demi kepentingan mereka yang menjabat untuk saling menjatuhkan antara satu sama lain. Inilah yang harus diperbaiki karena menghilangkan agama sebagai pondasi awal dalam perpolitikan itu bisa saja membuat politik menjadi lebih kacau karena di negara kita agama masih dianggap sebagai sesuatu yang sakral dan berbeda dengan politik di negara barat karena pada akhirnya ketika agama ada dan dijadikan sebagai pondasi awal saja seperti ketika awal menjabat dijadikan sebagai sumpah itu masih banyak orang yang melanggar hal itu apalagi jika memang tidak ada agama yang membentengi politik di negara kita. cara pandang dari mereka yang memiliki kepentingan yang salah tentang agama membuat ini seolah-olah kita tidak membutuhkan agama dalam politik padahal itu adalah hal yang wajib ada menurut saya.
82  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Premier League Prediction Thread 2023/2024 on: January 15, 2024, 08:02:02 PM
Kelvin De Bruyne was ruled out for lengthy games due to the critical injuries he obtained in the early starts of the season and that have left the Belgium international behind though he has finally returned and have become one of the key project for Pep Guardiola in Manchester City.
I believe he will start in the next game because of how well he played when he came on against Newcastle.
He was made a reserve before not that he played badly but this is a form of caution from Pep because he does not want to overwork him from the start especially since he has just recovered from injury so he will definitely be very guarded because De Bruyne is one of Manchester City very good assets in their midfield so it is quite natural that in the end before in the last 2 match he always played from the bench.

IMO Its only a matter of time because we will be able to see him play in full from the starting lineup bcause indeed his position at Manchester City will never be replaced at this time and that can happen if Pep is really sure that De Bruyne is ready to be played in full and can be strong from the onslaught so as not to get injured for a long time again.
83  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: La Liga (Spanish League) Prediction Thread 2023/24 on: January 14, 2024, 10:15:16 PM
Sevilla's performance has always been good, especially in terms of possession and creating momentum to get chances they always do good things but in the end things like that are not very useful because we know that for football goals are the most important factor and Sevilla can only control the field without being able to score goals so that opportunities are wasted.
In this match it was the same, Sevilla played very well and without any deficiencies in possession and attack but in the end it had no effect because their defense, which had many gaps, was unable to withstand the fast counterattacks made by Alaves.
Wow, in the end, even though Sevilla gave resistance and attack to Alaves, especially in the second half, they finally had to admit Alaves' superiority. Because in the first half, Sevilla's game was really worrying and boring, they even trailed 0 - 2 without replying. But in the end, They were able to catch up with 2 goals and was able to use the final goal to enter. This provides an advantage for Sevilla. However, it turned out that it didn't end well because in the end Alaves was able to add 1 goal to their victory in the 90th minute. This was certainly quite painful for Sevilla. But what can we say, Sevilla is still not too focused here. So, the final result of the match 2 - 3, it is satisfying enough.
Their strategy needs to be changed in this case because after all, if it continues like this Sevilla could fall deeper and not rule out relegation.
Their pattern of play has been very good with Navas, Rakitic and Suso in midfield but in the end it won't be enough if their defense is fragile.
Sergio's presence has also not had a big impact on them until now because looking at the game it seems like the players are relying on each other.

I am expected with el clasico will be interested match but too easy for Real Madrid defeat Barcelona and waiting tomorrow day what the funny meme will share by Real Madrid fans  Grin.
The match is actually very interesting if you look at the opportunities that each club has, it's just that the difference in this case is Barcelona's attacking line which still struggles with goal productivity and its fragile defense which makes this seem easy because Madrid can always score better than Barcelona.
This victory also makes me quite sure that Madrid is the main candidate to win this season in La Liga even though until now Girona is still very sticky and troublesome but Madrid is the biggest opportunity to win this season.
84  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: La Liga (Spanish League) Prediction Thread 2023/24 on: January 12, 2024, 11:36:36 PM

This match is very very impressive, because of people who viewed the match is that Sevilla have lost the match, but it's better as they scored two goals instead of Deportivo Alaves wining them like people that doesn't know what their doing, but the match ended 2:3 despite that Deportivo Alaves deem it fit to ensure they have defeated Sevilla,  but the thing is that a football is a luck because Sevilla has already equalise the match by scoring 2:2 and finally the match end 2:3  as I said before now.
Sevilla's performance has always been good, especially in terms of possession and creating momentum to get chances they always do good things but in the end things like that are not very useful because we know that for football goals are the most important factor and Sevilla can only control the field without being able to score goals so that opportunities are wasted.
In this match it was the same, Sevilla played very well and without any deficiencies in possession and attack but in the end it had no effect because their defense, which had many gaps, was unable to withstand the fast counterattacks made by Alaves.
85  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Premier League Prediction Thread 2023/2024 on: January 12, 2024, 09:46:27 PM
Even after all the players Chelsea bought during the summer and rebuilding whole the team, they are now about to hire another player to improve their team and the next player for Chelsea is Evan Ferguson the player of Brighton.
However, hearing this Irish player will cost around 120 million euros for Chelsea.
Evan Ferguson scored 6 goals in all the 18 matches we saw and he scored three goals against Newcastle during this season.
It seems that Chelsea still don't know clearly where they went wrong so they always do it the same way by hoping that expensive new players can boost their performance in a better direction than before.
Whereas expensive players like Mudryk, Enzo and even Caicedo should be an example that bringing expensive players sometimes does not work well for them.

At the moment what Chelsea need is not those who have high prices but players who have a match with the club and support the performance well because expensive players will also be less useful if Poche and Chelsea cannot utilize them well.
86  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: [HELP]Bantuan untuk menaikkan Rank (Newbie s.d Hero) V.2 [UPDATE] on: January 10, 2024, 05:47:36 PM
Assalamu'alaikum, selamat malam rekan-rekan SFI yang semoga dalam keadaan sehat wal afiat dan tidak kekuarangan sesautu apapun.
Mohon Izin kembali untuk mengajukan 10 postingan untuk rekan-rekan semua review. Semoga agan-agan bisa berkenan dan mereview serta semoga tuliasn saya bisa berguna untuk agan-agan sekalian.

87  Local / Topik Lainnya / Re: Hukum di Negeri Ini on: January 10, 2024, 04:15:15 PM
Karna hukum Indonesia masih menerima suapan uang(oleh oknum-oknum tertentu),sehingga hukum di Indonesia dipandang sangat buruk,yang salah dibenarkan sedangkan yang benar disalahkan,apa lagi yang salah nya banyak uang udah jangan berharap yang benar mendapat keadilan,jika dapat keadilan pun kurang memuaskan.
Poin pentingnya dalam hal ini kita terlalu terpaku kepada kata hukum padahal untuk berada di Indonesia, selama kita memiliki uang maka kuasa adalah milik kita terlepas dari apapun itu entah dari hukum atau privilage lain asalkan ada uang selamanya akan menjadi mudah untuk dilakukan dan itu adalah fakta yang terjadi saat ini.
Tetapi ini juga bukan salah hukum pada akhirnya karena hukum diciptakan dan dibuat itu sudah benar hanya saja masih banyak orang yang kita sebut oknum yang menghancurkan ekspektasi kita terhadap hukum yang membuat pada akhirnya kita seperti jengah dan tidak terlalu percaya dengan hukum di Indonesia padahal jika di Negara kita hukum dapat ditegakan dengan baik maka pasti kita sudah akan sangat nyaman berada disini dan tentu saja kita juga pasti akan taat dengan aturan dan hukum yang berlaku tetapi ketika hukumnya saja sudah bisa dipermainkan dengan yang namanya oknum maka itu akan sangat sulit karena satu-satunya harapan kita untuk mendapatkan kesetaraan untuk hidup dalam bersosial sesuai dengan undang-undang yang berlaku dan tentunya berasaskan kepada Pancasila itu sudah hilang karena hukum di negara kita sudah di ciderai oleh orang-orang yang hanya menginginkan keuntungan untuk diri mereka pribadi.
88  Local / Ekonomi, Politik, dan Budaya / Re: Politik Dinasti dan Nepotisme on: January 10, 2024, 12:36:27 PM
Pemimpin yang adil seperti apa? Terkadang dalam hal ini saya sebenarnya cukup sulit mendefinisikan tentang masalah keadilan karena pada akhirnya terlepas dari siapapun pemimpinnya maka semuanya akan berakhir sama untuk Indonesia.
Alasannya sederhana, kita masih terikat dengan praktek politik transaksional yang membuat situasi didalam setiap lembaga di negeri kita entah itu di eksekutif, Legislatif dan yudikatif atau bahkan lembaga-lembaga pemerintahan lain yang berhubungan dengan kenegaraan semuanya masih melakukan skema transaksional dan pemanfaatan privilage yang menjadikan sistem di negeri kita itu tidak bebas dari KKN.
Semua kebijakan telah diatur supaya menguntungkan untuk beberapa orang atau elit yang ada di Indonesia sehingga tidak akan ada keadilan sampai kapanpun karena pada akhirnya hal ini skemanya akan tetap sama seperti sebelum sebelumnya.
Kesejahteraan masyarakat pada akhirnya hanya akan menjadi kedok untuk mereka terutama ketika sekarang sedang dalam pesta pemilu dan itu tidak bisa disangkal di kondisi saat ini karena kita juga sebenarnya tahu bahwa yang terjadi saat ini adalah janji yang terus bertebaran tetapi pada akhirnya hasilnya tetap sama sehingga kesejahteraan yang mereka para elit politik usung hanyalah sebuah topeng untuk diri mereka sendiri.
Memang sangat sulit untuk bisa pemimpin yang benar-benar adil saat ini, karena kebanyakan mereka yang meninginkan jabatan mereka hanya untuk kepentingan pribadi mereka dan sebagian kelompok mereka saja dan tidak akan pernah memikirkan akan nasib masyarakan yang telah memberi kepercayaan pada mereka.
Saya setuju dengan apa yang anda katakan, para oknum pemimpim saat ini masih sangat terikat dengan budaya KKN dan mereka dalam membuat kebijakan tentu akan meminta persetujuan dari para kelompok mereka sendiri dan akan mengeluarkan kebijakan yang hanya akan menguntungkan diri mereka sendiri dan juga kelompok mereka tersebut.
Mereka akan tetap terus mengumbar janji demi mensejahterahkan masyarakat dan ketika mereka telah mendapatkan apa yang mereka inginkan tentu tidak akan pernah memikirkan bagaimana nasib masyarakat.
Masalahnya untuk sekarang ketika berada disuatu jabatan di negara kita ini tidak peduli sebaik apa atau se adil apa dia dalam melakukan jabatan tetap saja pada akhirnya mereka akan tergerus dengan beberapa orang yang ada di belakang mereka karena memang masih ada kendali dari beberapa orang yang terkadang justru tidak bisa membuat pemimpin melakukan tugasnya dengan baik.
Sebagai contoh kita ambil kepemerintahan Presiden kita kali ini yaitu pak Jokowi. Dia dikatakan sebagai pribadi yang baik bahkan memang terkenal dan di gembor-gemborkan sebagai presiden yang merakyat ketika pemilu 2019 karena memang dia kerap aktif dalam blusukan dan katanya pakaian nya juga sangat sederhana, tetapi ketika menjabat dia masih dipegang kendali oleh pimipinan partainya dan bahkan disebut sebagai PETUGAS PARTAI bukan presiden untuk beberapa kalangan tertentu sehingga dalam hal ini terlepas dari seberapa adil atau bijaksananya seseorang yang memimipin tetap hal itu tidak akan berpengaruh banyak karena pada akhirnya mereka masih ada yang mengatur dan kekuasaan yang dia miliki akan dikendalikan orang lain sebagai bentuk dari kuasa partai yang absolut menurut pandangan mereka.
89  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Premier League Prediction Thread 2023/2024 on: January 07, 2024, 09:29:01 PM
Manchester City defeated Huddersfield Town 5-0 at home.It wasn't a very difficult game for City because their opponent was too easy for them.They didn't need to push too hard considering it was a cup tie.
Leeds United, on the other hand, beat Peterborough 3-0 away from home.Although the opponent was in good form, Leeds were expected to win because of the quality difference.
One of the more surprising results was West Ham's draw at home to Bristol, which I think most expected West Ham to win.

West Ham played a truly surprising match. I'm sure no one thought Bristol would score or draw in this match.
While West Ham are performing quite well in the Premier League, I would expect them to play much better against a team in the lower league. But the skills or strength of the teams are not always sufficient, sometimes we can see such surprising results Smiley
Furthermore in this match it was also seen that Bristol could keep up with the game that West Ham did in this match Cheesy
This is quite surprising but on the other hand we also know that sometimes things like this can happen even though this kind of result is quite unfortunate.

In another match Liverpool bounced back at a crucial time in their big match against Arsenal. Actually in terms of the game scheme I quite like what Arsenal did but at the end of the match they had problems that were detrimental to themselves which resulted in Liverpool being able to take advantage of it very well.
90  Local / Ekonomi, Politik, dan Budaya / Re: Amplop Pemilu on: December 31, 2023, 10:17:54 PM
Lagi dan lagi Money Politik Cheesy
Tapi memang tidaklah terlalu aneh karena bagaimanpun hal seperti itu sudah menjadi hal yang sangat lumrah terjadi  dan saya rasa hal ini bahkan selalu terjadi di setiap pemilihan atau pesta pemilu sehingga ini seperti sebuah situasi musiman.
Sulit memang untuk menghindari dan meminimalisir hal ini karena bahkan bukan hanya dari DPRD Kabupaten atau Kota saja tetapi hampir semua pemilihan DPR dan bahkan merujuk kepada pemilihan presiden pun hampir sama.
Hal seperti ini juga terjadi di daerah saya karena bahkan ada beberapa orang yang memang ditugaskan untuk hal ini walaupun memang dilakukan secara senyap tetapi pada akhirnya itu juga sudah terbaca dengan janji pembayaran di H-3 pemilu untuk 1 KTP Cheesy
Modus lain yang terjadi adalah ketika pembagian beberapa barang seperti baju atau barang lain yang diberikan seperti kebutuhan untuk bertani dan bahkan sampai KWH (untuk pemilihan lebih besar dan modal lebih banyak) hal ini juga terjadi di daerah saya.

Ini cukup memuakan tetapi memang selalu terjadi dan kita tidak bisa untuk melakukan apapun karena ketika kita mencoba melawan arus justru kita sendiri lah yang akan terkena imbasnya mengingat skema seperti ini seperti usaha tersendiri dan bahkan sudah ada beberapa oknum dari pemerintahan juga yang mengkoordinir hal ini yang membuat ini menjadi sebuah kelicikan dengan skema terbesar dalam politik.
91  Economy / Services / Re: [OPEN] |Duel Arena Signature Campaign| Full Members+ Earn up to $80 on: December 31, 2023, 08:57:34 PM
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92  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: ⚽ Football Transfers Speculation, Odds and Predictions on: December 31, 2023, 08:54:48 PM

But in this case I am still quite sure that Mbappe will definitely leave sooner or later because even though being at PSG can indeed make him gain popularity in France but his individual awards will definitely be very lacking for Mbappe and this is not very good because it is like wasting the potential he has.
Well, this can be a certainty because after all, being at PSG actually seems like Mbappe wasted the opportunity he had to fly further.

We can take the example of Haaland in this case because when he tried to get out of his comfort zone for Dortmund and moved to Manchester City, his career for a young player increased rapidly even with a very crazy first season at Manchester City making his value and level of popularity and individual achievements increase rapidly.
Now we are just waiting for a decision from Mbappe whether he really wants to get out of his comfort zone at PSG or look for a new adventure in a better competition than Ligue 1 because even though Ligue 1 is one of the most popular European competitions but he will not get anything at PSG.
93  Local / Ekonomi, Politik, dan Budaya / Re: Politik Dinasti dan Nepotisme on: December 31, 2023, 06:06:25 PM
Indonesia kan negeri konoha gan,

Dan Indonesia perlu Pemimpin yang adil kali ini. Jika terus-terusan dapat Pemimpin....maka, Negara Tercinta kita ini akan selalu jadi Negara Konoha. Maksud saya Lahir kesejahteraan bagi warga negara, Makmur dan Utang RI tidak dan bertambah lagi.

Pemimpin yang adil seperti apa? Terkadang dalam hal ini saya sebenarnya cukup sulit mendefinisikan tentang masalah keadilan karena pada akhirnya terlepas dari siapapun pemimpinnya maka semuanya akan berakhir sama untuk Indonesia.
Alasannya sederhana, kita masih terikat dengan praktek politik transaksional yang membuat situasi didalam setiap lembaga di negeri kita entah itu di eksekutif, Legislatif dan yudikatif atau bahkan lembaga-lembaga pemerintahan lain yang berhubungan dengan kenegaraan semuanya masih melakukan skema transaksional dan pemanfaatan privilage yang menjadikan sistem di negeri kita itu tidak bebas dari KKN.
Semua kebijakan telah diatur supaya menguntungkan untuk beberapa orang atau elit yang ada di Indonesia sehingga tidak akan ada keadilan sampai kapanpun karena pada akhirnya hal ini skemanya akan tetap sama seperti sebelum sebelumnya.
Kesejahteraan masyarakat pada akhirnya hanya akan menjadi kedok untuk mereka terutama ketika sekarang sedang dalam pesta pemilu dan itu tidak bisa disangkal di kondisi saat ini karena kita juga sebenarnya tahu bahwa yang terjadi saat ini adalah janji yang terus bertebaran tetapi pada akhirnya hasilnya tetap sama sehingga kesejahteraan yang mereka para elit politik usung hanyalah sebuah topeng untuk diri mereka sendiri.
94  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Premier League Prediction Thread 2023/2024 on: December 30, 2023, 09:38:29 PM
Manchester united inconsistency is obvious because it's hardly for them to win matches consecutively just look at their awesome performance against a consistent side like Aston Villa during the mid-week and for them to lose to Nottingham Forest is really very degrading. Maybe their match should be predicted like if they win a match then their next match will be against them or they draw because that's exactly what is happening to them. It's really a bad one for them to end the year with a loss but hopefully they may do more better next Year.
Expecting a lot from Manchester United while their playing strategy is still not consistent is wrong. What I mean is this, Erik ten Hag in Manchester United's 19 matches in the Premier League this season really understands the weak points that exist when Manchester United plays, but in reality he completely ignores and allows it to continue to happen.
If in the last match Manchester United beat Aston Villa with an emotional comeback, against Nottingham it should be easier for them to win.

The selfishness of Manchester United players is almost the same as Erik ten Hag's character. I say they all want to present themselves as the best when played by ten Hag.
Even though Manchester United can close the final match of this year with a win and have the opportunity to improve their position in the standings.
However, for now it is very difficult to expect more from Manchester United because seeing from what is happening right now their situation is really unpredictable.
Sometimes their game is very good but in one condition their game is sometimes very bad to see.
Hojlund's absence in attack made Ten Hag have to react by playing Antony as a winger again and Rashford was promoted to the striker position but honestly this still did not work well because Antony's performance until now still did not show good things on the other hand even though Rashford scored a goal but he was still a little hassle in this case.

After gaining momentum when winning against Aston Villa now Manchester United seems to lose back the momentum they formed.
95  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: ⚽ Football Transfers Speculation, Odds and Predictions on: December 25, 2023, 08:58:16 PM
Kubo is one of the young players who has quite good potential, it's just that from the beginning his steps were a little wrong by choosing Madrid which made him lose momentum but now at Sociedad he is still one of the backbones for Sociedad to achieve his best performance.
Exchanging Antony with Kubo I think it will be a pretty good situation.

Antony did have a pretty good performance but indeed his performance faded especially with some scandals he had some time ago making his performance even lower and it would be great to have a change in the same position especially since they also have the same typical attack by relying on speed and dribbling.

It's been a while since Manchester United have had Asian players like Park Ji Sung and of course Kubo's senior in the Japanese national team, Kagawa and I would be very happy if this could finally be realized for Manchester United.

It will be another stupid swap if brighton will agree to swap him for antony. We do know that how antony has been known as a garbage winger. he has very bad statistic in the manchester united and he has no chance anymore to play there.
De zerbi shall not be doing stupid thing by exchangeing him for a garbage winger. Kubo is far better than antony and he was also very helpful to the club. I think that it's not a worthy swap consider that if kubo is far experienced in EPL compared to the antony.
It will be another biggest mistake from zerbi if the club was trying to replace him with garbage player like antony.

Zerbi can think to swap him if manchester united will give additional money like 50 millons. The price of antony has been declining so hard and there's no choice for mu other than try to sell or swap him.
Antony is so garbage.
There's a little mistake my friend, Kubo is currently at Sociedad and you may have confused Kubo who is at Sociedad with Mitoma who is at Brighton at the moment Smiley
But indeed giving Antony in exchange for Kubo is still a risky situation for Sociedad because after all, looking at the statistics that Antony has done during the current match with 19 total matches made in all competitions (Champions League, Europa League and EFL) he still cannot record himself as a goal scorer or assist for Manchester United and this is proof that he is now not playing well.
But maybe if there is an exchange accompanied by money then maybe this can still be done only is Manchester United willing to do that? I think it's a bit complicated.
96  Economy / Economics / Re: Learn to use DEBT in a proper way to create asset on: December 25, 2023, 12:15:21 AM
There are many misconceptions about debt, but that's because our thinking and mindset isn't quite right.
And with what we believe seems to be right because that's how we deal with things and think of it. But that belief is wrong because it never had happened to us but the time that we do the same as the other people who committed mistakes in using debt, we'll be able to prove that and our perspective will change.
I think in this case we also have to think about what our purpose of borrowing is for and what guarantees  we will get or produce from the loans made because in the end it all come back to the mindset that we have discussed considering that borrowing also requires careful calculation and plan  that we must build so as not to make the same mistakes as others do. 

Indeed, in this case I quite agree when saying debt can eventually turn into profits as Saylor did with the principle of bitcoin maximalism which is done by borrowing money from the bank and converting it to bitcoin but on the other hand things like that are not a guarantee for us who do not have a large guarantee.
It is not guaranteed if you don't have any other source of income at all. How can you take a loan and will use it for something like buying bitcoin but then the interest keeps on running and you have to pay for it. You can't just simple file for bankruptcy with that and that's why the lenders who have been doing this have their back ups and actual money prepared to pay for the amount that they've taken as a loan. They wouldn't borrow money just because they don't have money but they can pay it so that they will not use their own money for such investments and businesses.
Hence the need for us to think further when getting into debt.
When we are in a strata that can be said to be below then do not try something with a big bet. Referring to the example I gave for Saylor, he knew that when he borrowed, he would be able to pay it because his assets were abundant and he was not too worried about not being able to pay the debt because he was still able to do so, but for those of us who are in the lower economy and do not have a mature plan for borrowing, it will be very difficult to realize because in the end debt is not as simple as imagined.

In the end, we must know that the majority of people in low economic strata only use debt to support themselves so that they can continue to live, which of course makes it difficult for them, therefore sometimes for those in poverty strata it is not advisable to borrow because it will greatly endanger themselves.
This is true, people who don't have that much borrow to sustain something they need or an important matter to get addressed. But using it for business, you are not going to see a lot of it.
I don't really understand what you mean by this can you clarify?
Because what I meant to say is that for those who have a difficult economic condition, the loan is not for doing business but to support their daily life.
There is nothing wrong with the concept because they want to survive for the sake of living but it is not in accordance with the concept of good debt because precisely by doing this method in my opinion this is the last way that must be chosen if indeed we do not really have another way and if there are still other options then it is better to avoid debt because after all even if their economy is bad at least their burden is not too heavy because they do not have debt.
97  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: ⚽ Football Transfers Speculation, Odds and Predictions on: December 24, 2023, 11:57:59 PM
Manchester United are looking at the possibility of signing  a winger,and letting go of either Sancho or Antony.These two players were bought for a very hefty amount of money,and it is dissappointing to see them flop in the premier league,when their mates are making their team proud.Antony have really struggled at Old Trafford,and may need to be sent out on loan for him to gain confidence.While United will look for a premier league proven winger,who knows how to score goals and give assists just as other wingers are doing.And as such,they've looked at the possibility of taking Mitoma of Brighton to old Trafford,even though the transfer fee for him will be huge,they might be tempted to pay in other to have a balanced team after the January transfer window.
According to the information I have, it seems like Manchester United is considering swapping Antony for Takefusa Kubo, who's been performing exceptionally well for Real Sociedad. Ten Hag appears to want to turn Antony into a "good guy" to calm the frustration of MU fans, who have recently shown clear dissatisfaction with Antony. MU is determined to sign winger Takefusa Kubo from Sociedad in January. At least seven times this season, Coach Ten Hag has personally traveled to Spain to observe the Japanese star.
Despite his small stature, Kubo, with Japanese roots, possesses a solid foundation of personal technical skills. Kubo can play as a right winger or an attacking midfielder. MU aims to strengthen their attacking power on the right wing with Kubo's services and might succeed if they make an offer close to £43 million.
Kubo is one of the young players who has quite good potential, it's just that from the beginning his steps were a little wrong by choosing Madrid which made him lose momentum but now at Sociedad he is still one of the backbones for Sociedad to achieve his best performance.
Exchanging Antony with Kubo I think it will be a pretty good situation.

Antony did have a pretty good performance but indeed his performance faded especially with some scandals he had some time ago making his performance even lower and it would be great to have a change in the same position especially since they also have the same typical attack by relying on speed and dribbling.

It's been a while since Manchester United have had Asian players like Park Ji Sung and of course Kubo's senior in the Japanese national team, Kagawa and I would be very happy if this could finally be realized for Manchester United.
98  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Premier League Prediction Thread 2023/2024 on: December 24, 2023, 11:46:22 PM
Arsenal are most likely to end this year at the first position.

Serious it’s just kind of difficult to predict who is going to end the season at first position, we can’t just conclude yet, or make assumptions just because Arsenal is currently at the first position

If Arsenal is going to be champions at the end of the season, there's no harm in giving up the lead now. It's nice to end the year in the lead but they don't give you a reward for that. There is no reward for leading the league until the last week. If you are not at the top when the league ends, you look like a rabbit athlete.
If Arsenal don't make the same mistakes this season as they did last season, they will be the number one favorites for the title. Their game against West Ham this week will be very difficult. West Ham have been playing good football recently. If Arsenal win this game, they will finish the year on top regardless of the other teams' games. But if they lose points, it won't be the end of the world. At the end of the 38th week I want to see them at the top. Arteta can bring us the title we have been waiting for for years, I believe it.
The problem is about how they perform because we know from the previous few seasons and of course if we look at Arsenal in the last season then the situation remains the same where Arsenal have real problems for the performance they do.
Arsenal always have a condition that is difficult to predict in terms of performance. Sometimes they can do very well but immediately they lose and cannot maintain consistency quickly so they always get defeated which makes them a little troubled to minimize it.
Last season they were even 10 points ahead but in the end they were out of the championship race quickly just because of a few mistakes in the match that were made.

Currently the conditions could be the same but indeed this opportunity does not come every season so if indeed they still intend to be able to become champions then inevitably they must be able to fix their annual problems in the performance of the matches carried out.

Many people were predicting chelsea to be a big team caused by the money that spent by the club was very big people are never expecting that if this club will become another flop. It's unbelievable to see that chelsea's level is only a relegation standard.
In the end, the disbursement is not always a guarantee.
Indeed, in this case Chlesea seems intent on doing a big overhaul with instant results so they are always looking for players who have a good track record at the previous club even though it requires a lot of money and Todd intends to build a Chelsea dynasty quickly but the expectations to be achieved do not match the reality they have which makes this complicated.

They have spent more than 500 million in the Todd era for the players they brought in but the results were very bad even until now with the reshuffle of coaches and players carried out in the last 2 seasons it has not been able to get them out of the slump.
99  Economy / Services / Re: [OPEN] Signature Campaign l Sr Members Only! on: December 24, 2023, 05:22:56 PM
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100  Economy / Economics / Re: Learn to use DEBT in a proper way to create asset on: December 23, 2023, 09:28:29 PM
There are many misconceptions about debt, but that's because our thinking and mindset isn't quite right.
Indeed, in this case I quite agree when saying debt can eventually turn into profits as Saylor did with the principle of bitcoin maximalism which is done by borrowing money from the bank and converting it to bitcoin but on the other hand things like that are not a guarantee for us who do not have a large guarantee.
In the end, we must know that the majority of people in low economic strata only use debt to support themselves so that they can continue to live, which of course makes it difficult for them, therefore sometimes for those in poverty strata it is not advisable to borrow because it will greatly endanger themselves.
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