released v1.1 with big button for reply/create new topic and hide other actions I really hope it helps more, as needs arise i have no problems fixing the script since i also use it during breaks It's very likely that i won't write anything, that's for sure, but i could start if i wanted Wish there was something more like what we got for mobile apps nowadays. Not sure if the script can be installed on my iOS (think I tried installing scripts the last time and couldn't make them work).
since it's just css, you just need to find a way to inject the css that is inside the script --- i release v1.2 IMPROVED MORE
thank you for fantastic week everyone followed the rules and it was perfect, thanks to all of you I made my calculations thanks to the tool I created and I'm happy to say that I start sending payments to everyone today so the first week is gone I also wanted to tell you that Elysium Wallet is very happy with how it went and that the forum users responded in the announcement thread, they took all the feedback to heart
Sure I work on it
Tomorrow I release 1.1 with some improvements
... - install greasemonkey or tamper monkey..
Firefox is okay since you can install extensions on mobile browser but its not available on chrome. Although there are browsers that have this feature like kiwi, opera and etc. And there's no chromium based mobile browser that has extension yet, Edge is limited and still beta. Still good job thank you man after a few days and a few people who test it i will make the altcoinstalks version, it won't take long anyway this is because at certain times i read (and not write) from a mobile device It comes in handy when i am on break and don't carry my laptop with me I always prefer the computer, but it is not always available
steps: - install greasemonkey or tamper monkey - open it, and press create newscript - paste the contents of script.js of github repository - save it - top up bitcointalk and reload the page
if your resolution is > 400 pixels you have to modify the code in the specific line of script.js
I have to say that it's really helpful, especially for me as I use it a lot on mobile. To use it, do I just need to install the addon on the mobile browser?
yes install greasemonkey if you use firefox install tampermonkey if you use chrome just create new userscript and paste the code of script.js when i have some time i create a step by step howto for luser and everyone can have a better mobile experience
man i do a userscript for have a better mobile experience, check this thread pls | Date | written by | Section | Merit | | ________________________________________________________ | ________ | ___________ | ___________________________ | ______ | ehance mobile mode userscript | 15/10/2024 | babo | userscript | . | ________________________________________________________ | ________ | ___________ | ___________________________ | ______ |
I hope it is useful to everyone, since using the forum from mobile is really complicated and difficult I've hidden a lot of things that make the experience horrible and made everything as streamlined as possible if you have any feedback comment in my thread, thanks
[ ALTCOINSTALKS] ........................................MOBILE MODE BITCOINTALK......................................... tired of seeing an unreadable and unusable forum on the mobile side (because it was not designed for mobile versions) I decided to make a userscript starting from the css of a plugin already present in the forum (updated 6 years ago)new versus old HOW INSTALL- install relative add-on - firefox windows,macos,linux greasemonkey - chrome windows,macos,linux tampermonkey - safari iOS userscript (tested by @fillippone) - open it, and press create newscript- paste the contents of script of github repository- save it - reload bitcointalk NOTEif your resolution is > 400 pixels you have to modify the code in the specific line of script.js CHANGELOG- v1.3
- no check width of device for enable it - adding button near profile for open/close the information
- v1.2 actual stable version
- ..
le tua parole mi commuovono per tanti anni ho militato nei LUG con la sperenza di ispirare le future generazioni di informatici va benissimo quello che fai.. la cosa bella e' LIBERO ARBITRIO puoi decidere e tarare la tua percentuale di privacy in base a come ti conviene
io sono come te.. computer di lavoro e' di lavoro, mio personale e' mio tutto separato per ovvi motivi
Voi che wallet usate ?
io uso phoenix di acinq e mi trovo molto bene avrei voluto fare il mio nodo LN personale ci ho provato ma ho praticamente fuso una schedina sd per queste cose ci vuole un hdd serio da metterci dietro per poter avere un nodo full di bitcoin e un nodo ln quello lo faro a regime, quando avro i soldi per comprare il materiale che mi serve
I can now confirm at least one of our American stakeholders should be joining us for the first two days of the Gallery.
If you're on the fence about going, I strongly recommend it. Sicily is a gem.
I'm really happy to hear these words, yes Sicily is a beautiful place with nice and welcoming people. We are happy to host new friends like you. Thank you again for taking part in an Italian event and enriching it with your experience. I hope you had beautiful days in Sicily.
la classifica dei primi tre pare congelata io stesso sono stupito di scrivere piu di fillippone, chiaro le mie sono solo cazzate rispetto alla qualita del maestro
in ogni caso, dai la sezione italiana sta (lentamente) migliorando e facendo numeri migliori
LN e' tanta roba ragazzi proprio ieri ho fatto una tx ho pagato 2$ l'abbonamento shared a copilot non so come potrei farne a meno e' troppo comodo, veloce, con fee bassissime e non costringi nessuno ad avere lo stesso sw
es. revolut, ok paghi veloce e 0 fee ma gli altri devono avere revolut non nel caso di LN usano quello che vogliono
Bravo babbo! Il mio prossimo obiettivo è fare tutto quello che faccio ora a "mano" con un bel codice Pyton!
sono un esperto di lavori di mano... tu dire noi fare
Ergo, oggi se ho 500? o 5000? di btc non interessa a nessuno, ma un domani da milioni di persone che hanno poco lo stato può tirar fuori un bel gruzzolo applicando sanzioni e tassazioni; mentre a te resta un bel pezzo di ferro.
Io la penso in questo modo, vediamo se riesco a farvi capire un pezzo di me oggi come oggi nell'epoca in cui viviamo le informazioni vivono per sempre se vuoi distruggere un informazione e' praticamente impossiible.. quindi perche dare informazioni se non sono richieste? non e' security by obscurity ma un, se non devi sapere qualcosa perche te la devo dire? tu sto dato te lo salvi e unb domani mi puoi rompere le scatole no.. meglio star profilo basso e non dire niente
intanto ho iniziato anche io a spippolare dmdrdmdr dashboardsi possono imparare tante cose
I still have full control of this address, and I create sign message using the address Address: 15obAnwwEKxVSFJkqqn5NXHpZhAznZXUeY Message: hello everybody. this is the real owner Falconer account Signature: IOLh0KLv0cy9ZG8qzHq0JoA/2VxN/gOuRUaiIg7j9iwBSeHKns8SzmOXPzoX/zUcjNvgvQ9gk8nCU5PWj/oLXko=
To be thorough: can you add the date to the signed message, and say "falconerhacked is my alt account"? The current signed message could have been created by the real account owner years ago. exact I thought the same thing, if you don't add the date this message doesnt make any sense it could be a signed message that you stole some time ago If you have the address, signing another message shouldn't be too complicated
Come dice babo se vengono rotte le firme digitali il bitcoin è l'ultimo dei problemi. ~~~
brav, quindi capisci tu e capite anche voi che bitcoin al massimo e' uno den tantissimi problemi pensate che uno stato potrebbe spiare le trasmissioni private e criptate di un altro stato follia allo stato puro signori quindi state tranquilli e sereni
la privacy e' un diritto inalienabile non a caso i potenti, e loro dovrebbero essere trasparenti, hanno tanto da nascondere e quindi capite che questo implica che loro non assaggiano la loro stessa medicina nessuno vuole lavarsi davanti a tutti o trombare davanti a tutti, non ci sta nulla di male sappiamo come sei fatto cosa hai al max? la vagina o il pene? roba gia vista eppure vogliamo GIUSTAMENTE la privacy