-snip- Then I started thinking about what I'm doing in the first place. I'm a 17 year old guy in high school, and I'm probably the only one in the world who wants to have an all-caps bitcoin address to see if I could make one. What the fuck am I doing? Holy shit this is probably the most useless thing I have ever done! Really this tops my list of useless projects: - 1 - Attempts to create a bitcoin address with no lowercase letters
- 2 - Successfully creating a useless coin that is mined with MD5
- 3 - Taking over a minecraft economy by creating ingame fiat (this went well)
- 4 - Margin trading diamonds and livestock on large minecraft servers
- 5 - Creating a functional wallet that does not include addresses
So, fuck. Why am I doing this. -snip- Because you can. Enjoy it while it lasts. I am almost twice your age with kids, work and university. I have an ever growing list of things I want to do, but then life happens. Do all the crazy and fucked up things you can imagine while you have the time. This time will be gone faster than you think and I imagine you know way more about plenty of things than you did before you tried all those "useless projects". Everything you do in life makes you better at something, if thats MD5, margin trading on minecraft or sleeping/watching TV is your choise and frankly your choices in the past have been supreme. At least thats my opinion.
He already said he would give it: Could a moderator please review my account and hopefully unban me? If a mod replies, I will send them my account profile. Thanks!
Well, you did reply, didnt you?
-snip- That was over two weeks ago and I still haven't heard anything back. How I can get a response from Blockchain?
Its blockchain.info and if their support sucks, contact their support. I know this sounds harsh, but you decided to open a wallet with a company. You basically have a bankaccount. What can we do about it? Or have I lost my money?
I doubt it. Their service is not the best from to time, but AFAIK they have not lost anyones money. Any assistance you can provide would be much appreciated. Thanks.
Contact [1] them again. Complain about it on twitter [2], if you have a reasonable amount of followers this will build up pressure. [1] https://blockchain.info/support-desk[2] https://twitter.com/blockchain
What makes you think it's him? He hasn't logged in since the 5th.
Id let it go, OP does not want to share which is his/her account, so there is nothing we can do. Yes you could (maybe) crossreference IP addresses, but if OP was actually looking for an answer and/or help he/she would post a link. Countless others have in the past and got answers. I cant judge if those have been helpfull though.
So signature campaigns wont help me earn btc unless i'm a higher member so what about mining? Are there any miners that can be downloaded?
Yes, in order to mine you would download software that "does" the mining for you. This software however is limited by the hardware it runs on. Sadly the times of CPU or GPU mining are over unless you have a lucky hand and mine the next dogecoin early on. Its not that CPUs or GPUs are slow, its just that ASICs or on another level. They are more energy efficient and blazingly fast. You can get a Gh/s on a cloudmining service for about 50 cents. According to this [1] (old!) list there is not a single GPU out there that is even capable of 1000Mh/s or a single Gh/s. A modern R9 series or top notch NVidia GPU might make a little more, but nowhere near what an ASIC for the same money could. If you are in it for the money, dont mine unless you are willing to invest big time into ASICs and can hold the BTC. If you invest your last 10k into ASICs and have to sell right after the BTC come in to pay the electricity bill you will make no profit either. [1] https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Non-specialized_hardware_comparison
ports forwarded/open? rpc enabled in config? are you aware that this might be unsafe?
Hello thank you for your response yes i know it might be unsafe i dont have scope to use big amount but i want test project.. Use testnet The problem is my ip who i have it config with no ip redirect to my rooter seting i want to redirect it to localhost
I am not sure I understand you here. If you want your router to redirect the packets to the computer, use port forwarding. You cant use localhost -as in for this, as this would be the router.
ports forwarded/open? rpc enabled in config? are you aware that this might be unsafe?
I believe I understand what you mean by entity. I am fine with a private key representing multiple people. I was hoping someone had written software to readily do this on github etc.
A private key may not only be used by several people but a TX may also include several signatures by different private keys. This is might be the case when there are more than a single input, depending on their origin. This however does not let you conclude that these private keys are controlled by the same person/wallet or even by a number of people that know eachother. Not sure what you want to research here. A simple list of all known addresses -or rather those that have been used at least once- however would be possible.
#0 make sure you actually want bitcoin core [1] #1 use the torrent [2] #2 sync with good nodes for the rest, add them with addnode IP add from your bitcoin.conf file [3] or select a single node a use connect=IP my personal list of nodes: last updated 2014.10.10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IP - location - owner[1]- speed - info/stats page[2] - testnet ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Freinsheim, DE, EU - Newar - 1000 mbit/s - yes - no - Amsterdam, NL, EU - anon - 1000 mbit/s - /node.php[3] - yes - Germany, EU - shorena - 100 mbit/s - yes - no - New York, USA - Newar - 100 mbit/s - yes - no - Germany, EU - zvs - unknown - no - no - United Kingdom, EU - zvs - unknown - no - no - Dalls, USA - zvs - unknown - no - no - Japan, Asia - zvs - unknown - no - no - Russia, Asia - zvs - unknown - no - no ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [1] refers to a bitcointalk.org username or anon if requested [2] same IP, port 80 or path/port given [3] work in progress [1] https://bitcoin.org/en/choose-your-wallet[2] https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=145386.0[3] https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Running_Bitcoin#Sample_Bitcoin.conf you will have to create the file.
Wäre allgemein interessant, als was Bitcoins in Deutschland gesehen werden. Und ob es unter das Glücksspielgesetz fallen würde.
GlüStV [!] §3 (1) Ein Glücksspiel liegt vor, wenn im Rahmen eines Spiels für den Erwerb einer Gewinnchance ein Entgelt verlangt wird und die Entscheidung über den Gewinn ganz oder überwiegend vom Zufall abhängt.Entgeld lt. Wiki [1] Der Begriff Entgelt (n.; Plural „Entgelte“) bezeichnet die in einem Vertrag vereinbarte Gegenleistung.Ob Bitcoin Geld sind oder nicht ist also völlig egal, kann auch Butter sein. Kommt nur drauf an ob es eine Gegenleistung für die Teilnahme am Spiel gibt. Wenn wir also nicht "unentgeltlich" also ohne Gegenleistung -zu Deutsch: für lau- spielen dürfen, trifft das hier zu, egal ob Bitcoin, Butter oder Zuckerwatte. §3 (2) Ein öffentliches Glücksspiel liegt vor, wenn für einen größeren, nicht geschlossenen Personenkreis eine Teilnahmemöglichkeit besteht oder es sich um gewohnheitsmäßig veranstaltete Glücksspiele in Vereinen oder sonstigen geschlossenen Gesellschaften handelt.Öffentliches Glücksspiel also. Wir sind noch nichtmal dabei das auch noch Gewinnabsicht dabei ist. Den ganzen nervigen Kram den man nachweisen muss könnt ihr ja selber mal nachlesen. Insbesondere ist aber interessant: §13 (2) Eine Erlaubnis darf insbesondere nicht erteilt werden, wenn a) die Bekanntgabe der Ziehungsergebnisse öfter als zweimal wöchentlich erfolgt,hatte ich schon gewähnt wie albern das ist? [!] aktuelle Fassung [1] https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entgelt
viel Spaß ne Lizenz zu bekommen und falls ihr euch keine besorgt: wieso sollte ich meine BTC zu kriminellen tragen?
Deutschland ist was das angeht einfach am Arsch. Nichmal n Lotto Thread im Forum kannste legal betreiben.
Hey shorena, Bitcoins sind in Deutschland nicht als offizielle Währung anerkannt und somit benötigt man keine Glücksspiellizenz um eine solche Seite zu eröffnen. Das hab ich in den Gesetzestexten (Glücksspielstaatsvertrag) anders gelesen. Ob es um Geld geht oder Butter ist nicht relevant. Woher kommt den deine Info?
Ich bin mal so dreist und hänge mich hier dran. Bin seit 3 Jahren stiller Hodler und sage jetzt mal offiziell "Hallo!" 3 Jahre und nie was gesagt? tztz! Huhu! ...antwort kommt dann 2017 Willkommen
viel Spaß ne Lizenz zu bekommen und falls ihr euch keine besorgt: wieso sollte ich meine BTC zu kriminellen tragen?
Deutschland ist was das angeht einfach am Arsch. Nichmal n Lotto Thread im Forum kannste legal betreiben.
-snip- Die Information sollte neben der Datums- oder KW-Angabe folgendes enthalten:
1.) den Ertrag pro GHs am Tag/24 Stunden 2.) den aktuellen Kaufpreis für ein GHs in Bitcoin ($ ggf. bitte umrechnen) 3.) Laufzeit des Vertrages
Wenn möglich bitte auch:
4.) Rückzahlung in Prozent nach wieviel Kalendertagen OHNE Ref-Erträge -snip-
Na dann: Link: https://hashie.coErtrag GH/24h: ~768 Satoshi bzw. 0,000 007 68 BTC Kaufpreis: 0,001 178 79 BTC/GH - 4,90$ per 10 GH, Kurs lt. Seite 1 BTC = $415,68 Laufzeit: unbeschränkt, allerdings 0,002 $ Gebühr pro GH und Tag, die automatisch abgezogen wird. Rückzahlung: ist nicht realistisch da 10 GH umsonst und 20 GH gekauft. Einzahlung 0,03 BTC am 20.10.2014, aktueller Stand: 0,010 693 33 BTC das entspricht 35%, ROI in 77 Tagen bei aktuellen Auszahlungen (linear ohne Berücksichtigung der difficulty) Stand: 13.11.2014
To answer the "why", OB uses gpg4win to generate public and private keys. With linux you usually have those tools allready and it makes no sense to include this into OB. Its the same tool one would use to encrypt mails.
Nope, but I also dont have the error myself.
Reminds me off the guy that had his car security linked to some bodypart. I think it was a handprint needed to start the car. In the end he was found dead at the side of a road without his hand. Apparently the robbers figured out they only need the hand and the rest was of no use to them.
Id rather give my wallet and walk away than have my hands chopped off.
Most of the forums and blogs allow to implement reference back-links. And the moderators and admins of that business website forums allow those signatures to be approved.
OP was talking about THIS forum, what are you talking about?