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861  Other / Politics & Society / Re: To the results of the Russian-Ukrainian war on: October 12, 2022, 11:26:06 PM
^^^ When the US banking system fails, and the US money is replaced by some other, only then will the world see how the US and her big corporations were stealing Ukraine through the coups they did there.


  And how many coups did the US make in Ukraine? I'll tell you in secret, soon the US will stage a coup in the Kremlin and make it the hands of the Russians.

At least 3 coups in Ukraine, starting with the one in 2014, and ending with Zelensky.

 Every election in a democratic country can be considered a change of power. There are no real elections in Russia, and as a result, a change of power is impossible there. Which is well demonstrated by the unreplaceable Putin.
862  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Fuhrer Putin asked for peace on: October 12, 2022, 11:17:32 PM
Now that Putin has smashed Kiev with a few missiles, he'll sleep much more peacefully tonight.


 Here I agree with you! A bloodsucker and a terrorist, the more blood he drinks and the more he destroys, the more peacefully he sleeps.

And this attitude is exactly the attitude that many in Eurasia have. Zelensky is one of them. He and the US simply aren't mentally and spiritually strong enough to do the same to Russia in a big way.
ockets.html?ico=embedded]US embassy warns Americans in Ukraine to shelter in place and then leave...[/url][/b][/i]

 There is nothing to do with Russia. She has already done everything herself to disappear, like the USSR.
863  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Despair is a sign of defeat on: October 12, 2022, 11:11:49 PM
The Russians were on the run. They are fleeing from Ukraine, fleeing from Russia. I think Putin will also run, he has two options, to Korea or to Iran.
864  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Evil Empire - Lie Empire on: October 12, 2022, 11:01:12 PM
Today, Putin is desperately trying to start a dialogue with anyone, however, all his attempts are in vain, because he is known as a liar, with whom any agreement is impossible.
865  Other / Politics & Society / Evil Empire - Lie Empire on: October 12, 2022, 06:23:01 PM
Alik Bakhshi

Evil Empire - Lie Empire

               Lies are the embodiment of Evil.
                                 Victor Marie Hugo

       For Russia, Ronald Reagan gave in 1983 the expression "Evil Empire" firmly entrenched. Reagan also called Russia "the center of Evil in the modern world." I must say that today, despite the change in the political system, Russia continues to meet this definition. However, there is a very significant difference in the general appearance of Russia. During the Soviet period, Russia's actions were based on communist ideology, antagonistic to the principles of democracy and capitalism. The confrontation was open and the spirit of competition was present in literally all areas of social activity. In the end, democracy, the spirit of free creativity and entrepreneurship by the end of the 20th century proved the viciousness of the communist ideology. The systemic economic crisis led to the collapse of the Soviet empire. Life forced to rebuild the Russian economy in accordance with the requirements of modern times, which immediately affected the growth of the people's well-being. However, the idea associated with the willful introduction of democracy in Russia failed miserably due to weighty objective reasons, however, like all previous undertakings. Although the reasons are objective, they are essentially subjective, because they relate to such a subject as a people. Each nation has its own genetic background, which, in general, distinguishes one nation from another. Thus, the causes considered directly by us lie in the genetic area, which explains their stable constancy over time. As a result, two fatal factors returned Russia to its former place in the international community.
  The first is the people's mentality. In my articles (1,2) I pointed out the pathological inability of the Russian people to self-organization and creative rational activity, lack of initiative in political and economic life, which is incompatible with democracy and leads to the emergence of oligarchs, more often than not of Russian nationality. Taken together, all of the above creates the conditions for the country to return to the authoritarian power familiar to the people, when everything is decided by one person, who is subsequently blamed for all the flaws and failures. That is why there was not a single leader in Russia who was not accused after he left office and, as usual, after his death.
     Naturally, such attributes of democracy as a constitution, freedom and human rights, parliament, elections in Russia are superfluous and even harmful, they exist as a fig leaf covering autocracy and despotism, and not so much for the Russian people, accustomed to lies since the days of Communism and perceiving lies as a necessary daily routine, as much as for the international community.
    Putin, realizing that the democracy of the Russian Empire is contraindicated (3), came up with a new definition of the social system in the country, calling it sovereign democracy, that is, democracy for the sovereign (4). If in democratic countries there is no special national idea - for all of them the common national idea is the desire for a prosperous life, then Russia needs a national idea to justify its aggressive nature (5). After all, Russia is an empire, and the Russian people, or, as they say today in Russia, the state that forms the people, is characterized by an imperial worldview with all the ensuing consequences. Having suffered a fiasco with the idea of ​​Communism, consciously, but rather unconsciously, Russia began to frantically search for a national idea, not realizing that the lie, which is abundant in the country (6), being its hallmark, is the national idea of ​​Russia. Fuhrer Putin loves to turn to the bonds of Russia, and so the Lie is now also the main bond of the Russian people. (7) He rallies around this bond, protecting it from the Truth, which the majority understands perfectly, but the imperial worldview and Great Russian chauvinism (Cool do not allow this Accept the truth.

     The second is the great-power worldview and Great Russian chauvinism (Cool, which I pointed out above, being the core of the empire, are firmly seated in the minds of the Russian people, who are ready for hardships and hardships for the sake of the empire. They are the reason for the aggressiveness of the "Russian world" (9) and it is in them that the power of Putin, who decided to restore the empire within the borders of the USSR, is supported.

1. People's fate or each cricket has its own hearth.
   2. When the donkey dies.
   3. Empire democracy is contraindicated.
   4. Sovereign for sovereign democracy.
5. Russia is the most aggressive country.
6. The Empire of Lies, and its main liar.
7. Lies are the main bond of Russia.
8. Great Russian chauvinism, and Putin is his Fuhrer.
866  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Despair is a sign of defeat on: October 12, 2022, 06:20:51 PM
Biden decided to close at the request of Zelensky to close the sky of Ukraine
867  Local / Политика / Империя Зла - Империя Лжи on: October 12, 2022, 06:14:46 PM
Алик Бахши

Империя Зла -  Империя Лжи

              Ложь — это воплощение Зла.
                                 Виктор Мари Гюго

       За Россией прочно закрепилось данное Рональдом Рейганом в 1983 году выражение Империя Зла. Рейган также называл Россию «центром Зла в современном мире». Надо сказать, и сегодня несмотря на изменение политического строя, Россия продолжает соответствовать этому определению. Однако есть весьма существенное отличие в общем облике России. В бытность СССР в основе действий России лежала коммунистическая идеология, антагонистичная принципам демократии и капитализму. Противостояние было открытым и дух соперничества присутствовал буквально во всех областях общественной деятельности. В конце концов, демократия, дух свободного творчества и предпринимательства к концу 20 века доказали порочность коммунистической идеологии. Системный кризис экономики привёл к коллапсу советскую империю. Жизнь заставила перестраивать экономику России соответственно требованиям современности, что незамедлительно отразилось на росте благосостояния народа. Однако, затея, связанная с волевым внедрением демократии в России с треском провалилась вследствие веских объективных причин, впрочем, как и все предыдущие начинания. Хотя причины и объективные, но по сути своей они субъективны, ибо относятся к такому субъекту, как народ. Каждый народ имеет свой генетический фон, что, в общем-то, и отличает один народ от другого. Таким образом, рассматриваемые непосредственно нами причины лежат в генетической области, что и объясняет их устойчивое постоянство во времени. Как результат, два фатальных фактора вернули Россию на её прежнее место в международном сообществе.
   Первый – народный менталитет. В своих статьях (1,2) я указывал на паталогическую неспособность русского народ к самоорганизации и созидательной рациональной деятельности, на безынициативность в политической и экономической жизни, что не совместимо с демократией и ведёт к появлению олигархов, чаще не русской национальности. В совокупности всё перечисленное создаёт условия для возвращения страны к привычной для народа авторитарной власти, когда всё решает один человек, на которого впоследствии вешают все огрехи и неудачи. Именно поэтому в России не было ни одного руководителя, которого не обвиняли после того, как он уходил с поста и, как обычно, после его смерти.
     Естественно, такие атрибуты демократии как конституция, свобода и права человека, парламент, выборы в России являются излишними и даже вредными, они существуют в качестве фигового листка, прикрывающего единовластие и деспотизм, причем не столько для русского народа, привычного ко лжи ещё со времён Коммунизма и воспринимающего ложь как необходимую повседневность, сколько для международной общественности.
    Путин, понимая, что демократия Российской империи противопоказана (3), придумал новое определение общественному строю в  стране, назвав его суверенной демократией, то бишь демократией для суверена (4). Если в демократических странах нет какой-то особой национальной идеи, - для всех них общей национальной идеей является стремление к благополучной жизни, то России национальная идея необходима для оправдания её  агрессивной сущности (5). В конце концов, Россия – империя, и русскому народу, или, как сегодня принято говорить в России, государство образующему народу, свойственно имперское мировоззрение со всеми вытекающими последствиями. Потерпев фиаско с идеей Коммунизма, осознанно, а скорее неосознанно в России принялись судорожно искать национальную идею, не понимая, что ложь, которая в изобилии присутствует в стране (6), являясь её визитной карточкой, и есть национальная идея России. Фюрер Путин любит обращаться к скрепам России, так вот Ложь отныне также и главная скрепа русского народа.(7) Вокруг этой скрепы он сплачивается, оберегая её от Правды, которую большинство отлично понимает, но имперское мировоззрение и великорусский шовинизм(Cool не позволяют эту Правду принять.

     Второй – великодержавное мировоззрение и великорусский шовинизм (Cool, на которые я указывал выше, будучи стержнем империи, прочно сидят в сознании русского народа, готового ради империи на лишения и тяготы. В них причина агрессивности «русского мира» (9) и именно в них опора власти Путина, решившего восстановить империю в границах СССР.

1.  Народная судьба или каждому сверчку свой шесток.
   2.  Когда сдохнет осёл. 
   3.  Империи демократия противопоказана.
   4.  Суверен для суверенной демократии.
5.   Россия самая захватническая страна.
6.   Империя Лжи, и её главный лжец.
7.   Ложь – главная скрепа России.
8.   Великорусский шовинизм, и Путин его фюрер.
9.   Причина агрессивности «русского мира».


868  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: October 12, 2022, 04:55:22 AM
If you like Zelensky, you'll love his request for NATO to start a nuclear war. Why does he want the nukes to fly? Because he is failing against Russia in Ukraine.

Who is this Ukraine joker, anyway... who wants world nuclear war? Doesn't he realize that any scenario he dreams up, has already been thought of in Russia and all around the world?

How about the scenario where Russia fails to kill him, fails to take Kiev, gets their main battleship Sunk, Crimean bridge blown up, and after a bunch of other embarrassments finds itself on defense losing territory they thought they had secured last for good last spring, and now forced to mobilize 9 months after starting the thing they thought wouldn't even be a war by invading Ukraine .  You think Putin thought of that scenario?  Doesn't seem like it.

Putin was obviously wrong when he calculated that Biden won't risk nuclear war similar to Khruschev over Cuba missiles.
He also calculated that EU is not such vassal state to USA.

He seems intent to recalculate and fix his errors

Or maybe US intelligence has figured out that Russias Nuclear Arsenal Maintenance fund has been diverted to the Oligarch Mega Yacht and Ski Chalet fund for the past 20 years.  

Kleptocracy has it's downsides - which is the main reason Ukraine booted Putins buddy Yanukovych.

Or maybe you know the reason for the defeat of Russia in other wars?
869  Other / Politics & Society / Despair is a sign of defeat on: October 11, 2022, 09:33:49 PM
Alik Bakhshi

Despair is a sign of defeat

The Russian army is losing in a conventional war with Ukraine, which received Western weapons, which, as it turned out, are superior to Russian ones. The Ukrainian army from defense, having crushed a significant amount of Russian military equipment and manpower, went over to the offensive. Putin, who did not expect such a turn of events, was forced to announce mobilization in the hope of saving the difficult situation at the front. The bragging of the Russian Fuhrer that Russia has weapons that have no analogues in the West turned out to be quite true, because in terms of accuracy and efficiency they cannot be compared with the weapons transferred to Ukraine, and, I must say, not the latest modification. The situation was exacerbated by the collapse of the Kerch bridge, which infuriated Putin. Out of desperation, the mad dictator, unable to defeat the Ukrainian army in battle, began to throw missiles at the civilian population of cities. Biden, who has so far refused Zelensky's pleas to close Ukraine's skies, has finally made up his mind to provide anti-missile weapons. Now the question arises, will a desperate Putin resort to unconventional weapons?

By the way, does Russia even have the opportunity to win the war with Ukraine? The fact is that, if we look at history, Russia has lost every war since the time of Napoleon, except for World War II, in which it defeated Germany with the help of the United States and Great Britain. In three battles, Russia lost to Napoleon: the battle of Austerlitz, in the battle of Smolensk and near Borodino, and in all of them, having a significant numerical superiority. Further, Russia was defeated in the Crimean War (defense of Sevastopol) 1853-1856. Russia lost the war with Japan in 1905. Russia was defeated by Germany in World War I. In 1920, Russia was severely punished for invading Poland, in which Lenin intended to establish Soviet power. Then Tukhachevsky's army was defeated near Warsaw and Moscow had to sign an unfavorable peace treaty, according to which Russia pledged to pay 30 million gold rubles and return all cultural property exported from 1772, when Poland was a colony of Russia. Russia suffered a setback in the shameful Afghan war of 1979-1989. Finally, Russia lost to the democratic West in the Cold War, eventually disintegrating into 15 states.

The St. Petersburg bandit and liar, who imagines himself a connoisseur of history, did not bother to find reasons in a series of military defeats and did not step on the same rake. In the article “Great Russian chauvinism, and Putin is his Fuhrer” (, I wrote, “... every empire is disintegrating and Putin’s Russia is like drowning in a swamp bog, when every gesture only brings inevitable death closer , and this time there is hardly a wise guy holding out a saving hand. I hope now the West has understood what Russia is and will bring the matter to the end, leaving no chance for the monster from the era of lizards to be reborn again.

The defeat of Putin's Russia in the war with Ukraine will certainly lead to the fall of Putin's bloody regime and save the world from the threat of nuclear war.

Tags: war in U
870  Local / Политика / Отчаяние - признак поражения on: October 11, 2022, 08:45:57 PM
Алик Бахши

Отчаяние - признак поражения

    Российская армия проигрывает в конвенциональной войне с Украиной, получившей западное вооружение, которое показало своё преимущество перед русским. Украинская армия от обороны, перемолов значительное количество русской военной техники и живой силы, перешла к наступлению. Путин, не ожидавший такого оборота событий, вынужден был объявить мобилизацию в надежде спасти тяжелое положение на фронте. Бахвальство русского фюрера в том, что Россия обладает вооружением, которому нет аналогов на Западе, оказалось вполне соответствующим действительности, ибо оно по точности и эффективности не идёт ни в какое сравнение с вооружением, переданное Украине, причем, надо сказать, не новейшей модификации. Положение усугубило обрушение Керченского моста, что привело Путина в бешенство. От отчаяния, потерявший рассудок диктатор, не имеющий возможности победить украинскую армию в бою, принялся забрасывать ракетами гражданское население городов. Байден, до сих пор отказывающий просьбам Зеленского закрыть небо Украины, наконец решился предоставить противоракетное вооружение. Теперь возникает вопрос, не прибегнет ли отчаявшийся Путин к не конвенциональному оружию?
   Кстати, а есть ли у России вообще возможность выиграть войну с Украиной? Дело в том, что, если обратиться к истории, Россия со времён Наполеона проиграла все войны, кроме Второй мировой войны, в которой одержала победу над Германией с помощью США и Великобритании. В трёх битвах Россия уступила Наполеону: Аустерлицкое сражение, в битве под Смоленском и под Бородино, причем во всех, имея значительное численное превосходство. Далее, Россия потерпела поражение в Крымской войне (оборона Севастополя) 1853-1856 гг. Россия проиграла войне с Японией в 1905 году. Россия потерпела поражение от Германии в Первой мировой войне. В 1920 году Россия была жестоко наказана за вторжение в Польшу, в которой Ленин намеривался установить советскую власть. Тогда армия Тухачевского была разгромлена под Варшавой и Москве пришлось подписать невыгодный мирный договор, по которому Россия обязалась выплатить 30 млн. золотых рублей и вернуть все культурные ценности, вывезенные с 1772 года, когда Польша была колонией России. Россию постигла неудача в позорной Афганской войне 1979-1989 гг. Наконец, Россия проиграла демократическому Западу в Холодной войне, распавшись в итоге на 15 государств.

   Питерский бандит и лжец, возомнивший себя знатоком истории, не удосужился найти причины в череде военных поражений и не наступать на те же грабли. В статье «Великорусский шовинизм, и Путин его фюрер» ( я писал, «… всякая империя распадается и путинская Россия подобна утопающему в болотной трясине, когда каждое телодвижение только приближает неминуемую гибель, и на этот раз навряд ли найдётся умник, протягивающий спасительную руку». Надеюсь теперь Запад, понял, что такое Россия, и доведёт дело до конца, не оставив шанса вновь возродиться монстру из эпохи ящеров.

    Поражение путинской России  в войне с Украиной непременно приведёт к падению кровавого режима Путина и избавит Мир от угрозы ядерной войны.       


871  Local / Политика / Re: Международный терроризм и его интересан&# on: October 11, 2022, 11:35:35 AM
Пока Кремль как гнездо международного терроризма не будет уничтожен, мир будет под угрозой.
872  Other / Politics & Society / Re: International terrorism and interested parties on: October 11, 2022, 11:26:17 AM
Until the Kremlin as a nest of international terrorism is destroyed, the world will be under threat.
873  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russia on the way to zero on: October 11, 2022, 05:39:27 AM
Russia already knows what will be and they were fully prepared before attacking Ukraine. They have foreseen it all, knowing fully well that they can withstand any pressure the United States throws at them with their resources. Saying that Russia is on their way to zero is unimaginable to think or believe. I can't comprehend it
all we need to know at this point of time is - that Russia survived the war and they survived it all alone.
Now people demand to. expel Russia from UN that too is a wrong demand. Let the world take a break from all the mess we have created for it

The world will rest only when the nest of international terrorism, which is the Kremlin, disappears.
874  Other / Politics & Society / Re: To the results of the Russian-Ukrainian war on: October 11, 2022, 05:34:59 AM
^^^ When the US banking system fails, and the US money is replaced by some other, only then will the world see how the US and her big corporations were stealing Ukraine through the coups they did there.


  And how many coups did the US make in Ukraine? I'll tell you in secret, soon the US will stage a coup in the Kremlin and make it the hands of the Russians.
875  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Fuhrer Putin asked for peace on: October 11, 2022, 04:37:58 AM
Now that Putin has smashed Kiev with a few missiles, he'll sleep much more peacefully tonight.


 Here I agree with you! A bloodsucker and a terrorist, the more blood he drinks and the more he destroys, the more peacefully he sleeps.
876  Other / Politics & Society / Re: It's time to expel Russia from the UN on: October 10, 2022, 02:50:59 PM

But look at the nations of Europe around Russia. How many of them are NATO nations? Loads.

Does Russia have an organization like Nato that it has spread around the US? No.

So, who is the aggressor? The one who can advertise the most. US media says Russia bad, bad, bad; US/Nato good, good, good. People don't even look or think. They simply believe the media.


 If the NATO organization had not been created, then Europe would fall under the influence of Moscow. NATO is a roof for democratic Europe from Russia as an invading empire, which Reagan called the Evil Empire for a reason. If, after the fall of the communist regime, the West still hoped that the Russian people would choose a democratic path of development, then this was a big mistake, and I hope that now there is a chance to correct this mistake by ridding the World of the monster from the era of lizards. The Russian people with their relic worldview will certainly pay for all the Evil that comes from them and will pay with their beloved empire..

Here is where you are missing it. There are two kinds of invasion:
1. Forceful, with military and armaments;
2. Free trade, that is so good that nobody can resist.

Russia was doing #2, until the US did #1 against Russia - the US using Ukraine - starting in 2014.

Russia simply followed the US #1 activity with activity similar to #1, to protect itself and its people.

The reason why the US did the #1 is, Russia wound up being better at #2, and the US was losing money and trade.

Russia is simply defending itself and its people against the military advances made by the US as the US supplies Ukraine with troops and armament.


Russia attacked Ukraine, ruined itself. She can't escape retribution. For the Evil created by Russia, the payment will be high. She will pay with the empire.

The Soviet Union broke down in 1991. It was probably Russia's fault for being so heavy handed against people for many decades before. After all, it was mostly Russia that was the backbone of the Soviet Union.

So, all these nations got their freedom. Russia let them have their freedom. The fact that the US didn't take Russia over right at the fall of the USSR, shows that Russia had strength... strength that could have been used against many of these nations to take them back into a new USSR.

What did Ukraine do with her freedom? She turned it over to other countries. By 2014 Ukraine had turned so much of her freedom over to the US that the US was able to pull off a coup in the Ukraine government. The US took Ukraine over with that coup.

The people of Ukraine didn't want the coup. And it wasn't Russia that took them over. The US simply used a different kind of warfare - indirect, inside-government, warfare - than military warfare to take them over.

But it was Russia's fault, of course. Russia could have gone in their and stopped the US takeover of Ukraine back in 2014. But Russia didn't... because Ukraine wanted her freedom, and Russia was simply showing Ukraine that she, Ukraine, wasn't ready for freedom, because now she is a slave to the US.

When it started becoming too dangerous for Russia to have a US slave right next door, and when the Ukraine/slave started harming Russian people, Russia simply brought out into the open what the US was doing all along. That's what the Russian invasion was doing.

The US was using the Ukraine for a gun. The US was using its Ukrainian gun to shoot at Russia. Russia simply went in there to take the gun away from the US... so that the Ukrainian people could continue in their freedom. So far, Russia has released about 20% of the Ukrainian lands from US control. And, most of the people of those released area's are on Russia's side.

As long as the US maintains a Soviet-like fist-hold on the world's financial system, this war will last. So far, the US is only making Russia stronger by the silly things she (the US) is trying to do.


Lies and nonsense, as the St. Petersburg gangster Putin likes to say. If the US wanted to take over Russia, they would have done it in 1990. But they are not an aggressive country, unlike Russia. Nothing will save Russia now. The world will finally get rid of the relic empire forever.
877  Other / Politics & Society / Re: It's time to expel Russia from the UN on: October 10, 2022, 05:49:15 AM

But look at the nations of Europe around Russia. How many of them are NATO nations? Loads.

Does Russia have an organization like Nato that it has spread around the US? No.

So, who is the aggressor? The one who can advertise the most. US media says Russia bad, bad, bad; US/Nato good, good, good. People don't even look or think. They simply believe the media.


 If the NATO organization had not been created, then Europe would fall under the influence of Moscow. NATO is a roof for democratic Europe from Russia as an invading empire, which Reagan called the Evil Empire for a reason. If, after the fall of the communist regime, the West still hoped that the Russian people would choose a democratic path of development, then this was a big mistake, and I hope that now there is a chance to correct this mistake by ridding the World of the monster from the era of lizards. The Russian people with their relic worldview will certainly pay for all the Evil that comes from them and will pay with their beloved empire..

Here is where you are missing it. There are two kinds of invasion:
1. Forceful, with military and armaments;
2. Free trade, that is so good that nobody can resist.

Russia was doing #2, until the US did #1 against Russia - the US using Ukraine - starting in 2014.

Russia simply followed the US #1 activity with activity similar to #1, to protect itself and its people.

The reason why the US did the #1 is, Russia wound up being better at #2, and the US was losing money and trade.

Russia is simply defending itself and its people against the military advances made by the US as the US supplies Ukraine with troops and armament.


Russia attacked Ukraine, ruined itself. She can't escape retribution. For the Evil created by Russia, the payment will be high. She will pay with the empire.
878  Local / Политика / Re: Фюрер Путин запросил мира on: October 07, 2022, 05:02:44 AM
Где мой постоянный оппонент Снорк с комментарием?
879  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russia on the way to zero on: October 07, 2022, 04:56:20 AM
The Russian recruits have a complete lack of motivation for the war with Ukraine, so there is only Putin left who needs this shameful war for Russia.
880  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russia on the way to zero on: October 06, 2022, 08:57:38 PM
Failures at the front are rapidly bringing the Russian empire to an end, and Putin is powerless to change anything.
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