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9021  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What do you think about Germany and Europe? on: August 29, 2016, 12:41:43 PM
It's obvious that in eU there is no unity, one direction, vision or common goal.
Because of this, UK left EU and east European countries can't agree with EU immigration policy.
Also, EU don't have common security policy and it's big problem now, in the terrorist age.
Germany trying to bring all this 28 states together, and make agreement about common goals and directions, but it's very difficult.
If EU don't solve financial, immigration and security issues in a next a few years, EU will collapse.
Merkel trying very hard to prevent it but it seems she is alone and without big support from other countries.

9022  Other / Politics & Society / Re: It is time to Ban Religion on: August 29, 2016, 12:34:59 PM
I think it is time to ban religion on Earth.

Religion brings war, division, ignorance, hate and it holding the progress of our civilization.

I think that you don't understand this issues at all.
Country politic leaders started many wars and conflicts.
So, following your logic, we should ban all countries on the planet earth.
Also, many families started wars and conflicts, so we may ban families as well.
In reality, religion is institution created by man.
Country is also created by man.
Wars and conflicts starts individuals, not countries or religions.
Do you think that anybody ever asked ordinary people, members or citizens of any country or religion, if they agree with the war?
9023  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: How to explain bitcoin to teenagers or children on: August 29, 2016, 12:26:21 PM
Bitcoin is difficult to explain. I also felt difficulties in understanding bitcoin for the firs time. Let's share how to explain bitcoin to children of teenagers. In My country I can say 98% children don't know bitcoin. In fact, bitcoin can be future money. If the children not familiar with cryptocurrency or bitcoin, how can they face the digital era in the future.

I don't think so.
In fact, I really think that teenagers or children can understand Bitcoin much better than older generation.
They are born in digital age, with Internet and they are very open for the new technologies, ideas and projects.
Also, they learn much faster than elderly people and I really don't think they will need much explanation about Bitcoin.
As soon as they see benefits of Bitcoin, they will adapt it.
I don't worry about this point at all. 
9024  Other / Off-topic / Re: du you spend coins on real life. on: August 29, 2016, 12:21:25 PM
No, unfortunately Smiley
In fact, there is no so much BTC users in my country and also, in whole country, we may have only a few offline merchants which accept Bitcoin.
So, with my own BTC funds I have only choice to keep it in my wallet or spend online or withdraw.
Hopefully, this situation will change in the near future, when bitcoin becomes mainstream worldwide.
9025  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Bitkonan on: August 28, 2016, 01:11:45 PM
[...] A i za porez, da bi ga morao platiti, to prvo treba biti negdje definirano. Prvo Bitcoin kao takav, a onda i promet njime.

Evo opet... Molim vas prestanite vec jednom davati ljudima pogresne informacije (sa potencionalno teskim posledicama).

Tko zeli vise procitati o ovu (bitcoin i porez) diskusiju molim procitat ovaj topic. (Pogotovo Daniel91 je jako jasno i prakticno objasnio kako dijelovati u Hrvatskoj.)
Thread je gubitak vremena i ne definira nista specificno. Izgubio pol sata za nista. Ako sam propustio nest , quotajte pls.

Pola sata?!? Za sedam stranica!?! OK... Onda nista.

A slikovito, jelte.. A i preglupo je sto hvalis potez od daniela91 - prijaviti porez na bitcoin zaradu kao ''drugi dohodak'' iz inozemstva a povlacis pare preko bitkonana ( hrvatske firme ).
Sto se drzave tice tvoji bitcoini su nista sto se njih tice, vec ih zanima kad to pretvoris u novac, a to se dogodi na bitkonanu.

Po mom misljenju to sto je on prijavio taj porez neznaci nista. Jednako je vjerovatno da potencijalno dobije kaznu kao i netko tko nije uopce prijavio nist, jer je sama prijava netocna (a time i lazna)

Da se razumijemo, ja nisam prijavio porez na Bitcoin ili Bitcoin zaradu, jer to po hrvatskom poreznom zakonu nije ni moguće, niti je Bitcoin od strane Hrvatske narodne banke prepoznat kao službena valuta.
Ja sam prijavio porez na zaradu u eurima, koja mi je sjela na devizni bankovni račun, od prodaje Bitcoina.
Kao izvor prihoda naveo sam Internetsku zaradu i s obzirom da kategorija kao takva, u poreznim pravilnicima ne postoji niti imaju šifru za to, moj porezni službenik, koji mi je dodijeljen u lokalnoj ispostavio porezne uprave, rekao mi je da upišem šifru za drugi dohodak iz inozemstva po osnovi rada kao slobodnog umjetnika.
Dakle, ništa ja nisam radio na svoju ruku ni napamet već po naputku porezne uprave, onako kako je jedino zakonski to bilo moguće prijaviti.
Već nekoliko godina tako radim i nemam nikakvog problema (ni kazni) a već sam dobio i par značajnih povrata poreza nazad na svoj račun, za pretplaćeni iznos poreza.
Dakle, moja prijava nije netočna, a nije ni lažna.
Prijavio sam porez na način kako je to jedino bilo zakonski moguće, po uputama porezne uprave.
Molim te dane širiš dezinformacije i ne zbunjuješ ostale korisnike.
Prije nego što nešto komentiraš, trebao bi se prvo dobro upoznati s materijom a ne pričati napamet i bez konkretnih činenica i argumenata.
Ja sam oko poreza i bitcoina istraživao pola godine, bezbroj puta bio u poreznoj upravi na sastancima, kontaktirao i pročelike porezne uprave, ravnatelja te jako dobro znam što govoim i sve sam u praksi provjerio i isprobao.

9026  Other / Politics & Society / Re: why socialism? on: August 28, 2016, 12:20:26 PM
Socialism is more better specially if your leader is charactirize by this kind of person because if your leader is socialist he is an open minded person and a very approachable person, he knows what is the problem of the poor person and also the rich person. He has two society the rich society and the poor society. He is a successful person but he brought his heart in his successful life. Socialism is not communism why? The difference of this is Communism hates rich people and love power while Socialism hates oligarch persons and dont have interest in power I mean he believes in destiny and socialist person is believe in god while communist person do not believe in god.

soacialism always ends up as communism... "socialist person is believe in god while communist person do not believe in god." well from all the intervies and protests I;ve seen, I can surely say that todays "socialists" share the same opinion on that question..

Socialism has no link with communism...
It's like saying capitalism always ends up becoming fascism. .. it has no link whatsoever ><

Socialism is nice in theory but practically doesn't work.
It can work until all money is spend.
After that country collapse and long time of recovery is needed.
Perfect example right now is Venezuela.
Country so rich with oil but economy collapsed and people don't have even enough food to eat.
If you read books from some communists (Engels, Lenin), you will know that they said that first step before ideal, communist world, will be socialism.
9027  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Duterte's War on Drugs - 1800 Killed & 600,000 Surrendered & counting on: August 28, 2016, 12:15:06 PM
It's been 53 days since Rodrigo Duterte took oath as Philippine President. So far there were 1800 killed and 600,000 surrendered on drug related cases. He promise to kill at least 100,000 during his term. What do you think about it?

I think that he is crazy.
OK, criminals should be behind bars and should defend themselves in the court but shouldn't be killed like animals.
We don't live in jungle and everybody is innocent until proved otherwise.
In Philippines it seems that any citizen with gun can be policeman, judge and killer in the same person.
9028  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: If one day BTC cannot be traded for cash, what will you do? on: August 28, 2016, 12:07:10 PM
Well, many investment opportunities out there, like Forex and HYIP accepts Bitcoins.
Also, many online merchants accepts bitcoins as well.
There are many other opportunities to spend BTC online as casinos, games etc.
So, I really don't worry about it.
9029  Other / Off-topic / Re: What % of your Assets is Bitcoin? on: August 28, 2016, 11:56:08 AM
It's hard to say because it's changing all the time.
Sometimes I exchange my BTC funds for other, ''hard'' currencies in order to invest and allocate my funds in more online projects and businesses.
I believe it's good strategy for me.
Right now I also working on my own business and most costs I will also cover with my bTC funds.
So, right now, let's say that 1/3 of my assets are in bTC.
9030  Other / Politics & Society / Re: why socialism? on: August 13, 2016, 11:21:57 AM
I think that people always tend to believe in some kind of utopia world, where everybody live in joy, no worries, enough work, no stress or problems etc.
Such dream world doesn't exist.
Socialism and communism experiment failed miserably in every country and society, like Soviet Union, Cuba, N. Korea, Poland etc.
If everybody are equal and doesn't matter how much you work, your salary will be the same, eventually you will loose desire to work and make any effort.
If only state ownership exist, and product of your work don't belong to you, you will eventually loose interest in your work.
Only real competition bring progress, not utopia where everybody receive the same, and not according to results and effort involved.
Because of this capitalism is dominant ideology today in the world.
We need today social capitalism where state help people in need and support them, through state programs etc. but not again new socialist utopia.

9031  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Rio Olympics: Brazilian Soldier Killed After GPS Leads Him to Favela on: August 13, 2016, 11:09:46 AM
I heard that Brazil is very dangerous place to live, specially favelas.
I never understood really why they got chance to organize Olympic games.
It's obvious that they are not ready, to much political corruption, preparation work for Olympic games half done, crime problem, securtity issue etc.
Hopefully, no more problems during Olympic games.
9032  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: How Africans Can Utilize Bitcoin... on: August 13, 2016, 11:03:16 AM
What would be your advise to most Africans to Utilize Bitcoin.

Yes, it will be great idea for them, both for faster and more secured payments and also as investment.
Unfortunately, in many African countries there is no basic conditions to start using bitcoin.
Many of them have no access to Internet, no electricity, language barriers, no education etc.
It's great idea but I don't think that Africa have foundation for it right now.

9033  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Aliens found on the moon on: August 12, 2016, 06:41:11 PM
LOL it was fun to read it, really.
I don't think that we will ever find any real aliens around us, maybe in some very distante future, in next 5000 to 10 000 years.
Distances in the universe are to big and it's not realistic that some aliens (if the exist) will ever visit us Smiley
I think that the best chance to find aliens we have in planets near us, like Pluto or Venus, if we find microbes or bacteria there.
9034  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Olympic games should be abolished on: August 12, 2016, 06:33:28 PM
They're like war, really. Only without guns. Sport isn't nation against nation, it's athletes against other athletes. Let the best guys win, and let's forget the stupid, stinking, blood-tainted flags behind them.

I don't think so.
You probably don't know story behind start of ancient Olympic games in Greece.
In Greece, long time ago, around 3 000 years, Olympic games was like real peace festival and celebration.
All wars and conflicts was forbidden during Olympic games.
In modern history, Olympic games came as idea to recover this ''spirit'' from ancient Greece and bring people together, make modern festival and celebration of peace.
Olympic idea had good and bad moments until now but still this idea brings many people together and sharing ideas about cooperation, peace and tolerance.
Such values we still need in our societies.

9035  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Who really uses bitcoin? on: August 12, 2016, 06:26:55 PM
I think mostly young users and users who are not afraid to try new, revolutionary things.
I think that for some users like idea to become financially free with Bitcoin, get rid from banks etc.
Others may see Bitcoin as investment, as great possibility to make good profit here.
Unfortunately, still many people can't use Bitcoin because either they don't know about it, don't have access to Internet, language problem etc.

9036  Economy / Games and rounds / Re: Olympic Football Tournament Rio 2016 on: August 11, 2016, 03:10:28 PM
Brazil showed very impressive result it will boost their confidence level in next round matches, now I also think Brazil will play with more confidence in quarter final match against Colombia, this match is a little bit tough for both teams but I am pretty sure Brazil will qualify to semi final match.

I'm not sure about it.
Brazil didn't play well until now, only one victory until now.
It seems for them is always difficult to play at home.
Remember World cup 2 years ago?
It's seems that to high expectations kill their confidence and block them every time they play at hoome.
Colombia will be real test for them.
Colombia can even be good bet here Smiley

9037  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Rio 2016 overall prediction and discussion on: August 11, 2016, 03:03:52 PM
Brazil vs. Croatia, bet for Croatia
Nigeria vs. Spain, bet for Spain
Lithuania vs. Argentina, bet for Argentina
China vs. Australia, bet for Australia
USA vs. Serbia, bet for USA
France vs. Venezuela, bet for France
9038  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Welsh mother jailed for filming porn with her 14-yo son & sending it to cousin on: August 11, 2016, 02:53:18 PM
Welsh mother jailed for filming porn with her 14-yo son & sending it to cousin

A Welsh mother has been jailed for five years after filming videos of her having sex with her 14-year-old son. She then sent the videos to a cousin of hers in Pakistan, alongside indecent images of her three-year-old daughter too.
Merthyr Tydfil Crown Court heard how the 36-year-old, who has not been identified, recorded the “truly shocking” pornographic clips on her mobile phone, including oral sex and other sex acts.

"The videos showed the boy rubbing her breasts and rubbing her vagina,” prosecutor Ian Kolvin told the court Monday. "Under instructions she gave him they are seen having sexual intercourse."

I can't believe it.
It's really not ordinary crime but much more worse, it's really sick...
Don't know what to say here.
This woman should be send to prison for life.
I'm truly sorry for this kid, I'm afraid that his life is ruined, forever.
I hope someone will be able to help this kid to recover emotionally and not to hate all woman in the world.

9039  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What is your opinion on Buddhism???? on: August 11, 2016, 02:48:14 PM
I am a buddhist. I would like to know others opinion on my religion.. Cheesy Cheesy 

I respect founder of your religion and your respect and love towards peace, other people, serving others etc.
I respect monks in your temples, their prayer lives, high spiritual standards etc.
I can't agree with some of your ideas as that ''Nirvana'' is our ultimate goal, our idea about God is not clear enough etc.
But, despite it, I really have high respect toward you and your faith.
After all, we are all brothers and sisters, children of one, common God.
9040  Other / Off-topic / Re: du you spend coins on real life. on: August 11, 2016, 02:40:27 PM
Not really.
In fact, I can't spend coins in my real life.
There is no merchants who accept BTC in my local area, no BTC ATM's etc.
Until this situation change, I will mostly just collect BTC in my wallet and sometimes buy something online.

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