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9801  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Kako povlacite lovu na ruku? on: May 08, 2020, 06:18:20 AM
Vidiš, to stvarno nisam znao i zapravo mi nije jasno zbog čega bi se odlučili na nešto takvo. Nedavno smo pričali kako je prije nekih dvije godine bila fora da se lova mogla s Coinbasea poslati na Revolut za neki sićušni fer (mislim par euro centi) i to je bio glavni razlog zašto sam ga uzeo. Stvarno ne znam zašto ograničavati korisnike na ovaj način.

Mislim da je kod njih to više zato što su 100% sigurni da je coinbase reguliran i kontroliran dok kod ovih drugih burzi to nije slučaj. I po meni su apsolutno u pravu, ja im to ne zamjeram ni najmanje.
9802  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: 🍀🍀 Bounty kampanje Altcoin – Signature, Telegram 🍀🍀 on: May 08, 2020, 06:15:45 AM
Ja sam nekako očekivao da oni dobiju unaprijed sredstva za isplatu - nekako mi je tih par CM-ova djelovalo ozbiljno. Ne kažem da zbog ovog ne mislim da su ozbiljni ali čudi me da ne inzistiraju na tome da dobiju novac unaprijed za idući tjedan.

I dobiju uglavnom. Rijetko se dogodi da moraš čekati isplatu. Pogotovo kod top managera. Nisam siguran ko je to bio napravio, ali jedan od mnagera onih kampanja što traju jako dugo je jedan tjedan pokrio iz svog džepa kada nije dobio lovu na vrijeme.
9803  Economy / Gambling / Re: #2 Bitcointalk Poker Series (0.05 BTC & BIG BTC Ticket sponsored by SwC Poker) on: May 07, 2020, 10:55:11 PM

I don't like your idea very much because it basically forces people to pay up for the charity if they want to be part of the tournament. Charity is something you should choose to do and not be forced to do.

Personally, I would rather send money directly to the charity and will do that if I get full paycheck this month (company in some problems because of corona bullshit) regardless of what ends up decided here. On the other hand I will not give a cent from my poker winnings to anybody. That money is for my enjoyment, beers bought with money taken on the poker table taste better, just try it some time Smiley
9804  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: 🍀🍀 Bounty kampanje Altcoin – Signature, Telegram 🍀🍀 on: May 07, 2020, 10:40:26 PM
Ne mora značiti da je gotovo. Ako se ne varam, tako je već bilo s jednom kampanjom gdje menadžer nije mogao napraviti isplatu pa je pauzirao kampanju. Ali nakon riješenog nesporazuma kampanja se nastavila. Jedino se sad ne mogu sjetiti o kojoj kampanji se radilo Smiley

Možda čak ova ista. Znam da sam bio u toj kampanji u vrijeme prekida a Roobet mi zvuči jako poznato. Uglavnom, isto manager nije mogao doći do lika zaduženog za fondove.  Bilo je rečeno da možemo maknuti potpise i u slučaju nastavka da ćemo imati prednost kod prijava. Onda se nakon koji tjedan kampanja nastavila ali je umjesto 20-30 ljudi primala samo 10 pa su ipak bile nove prijave a ja sam izvisio.
9805  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re:'s English Premier League Football Pool Discussion Thread on: May 07, 2020, 07:20:49 PM
I can't wait for the proper football to start. It seems we are finally getting there. German League should start first in about one week time and then hopefully Premier League will follow few weeks after that.

I heard a lot of different proposals about how it should look once the football starts, but following is something that I would choose if it were up to me:
-neutral grounds
-no supporters
-games every 3 days
-normal half lengths but 5 subs instead of 3
-maybe some social distancing rules like no hugging during celebrations. I don't this will help but it will be done probably just so it looks like everything possible has been taken into account

Those sort of concessions seem like they could work. Somebody will always complain but is seems like the best and most fair option.
9806  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Kako povlacite lovu na ruku? on: May 07, 2020, 05:55:10 PM
Jel znas mozda koliko traje Coinbase KYC?

To ti ovisi kolika je gužva. Moj je bio gotov u par sati ali to je bilo prije godinu dana a možda i više. Nema pravila za takve stvari, jednostavno kreni u postupak ili pak pitaj direktno coinbase.
9807  Economy / Gambling / Re: 🚀 - Main Club Partner of Watford FC ⚽ Fun. 🏀 Fast. 🎾 Fair. �� on: May 06, 2020, 09:30:52 PM
And I am out. I never had this much bad luck after opening cards. I lost almost every single hand played when I had something. Only won chips when had nothing and bluffed as hell. I managed to lose hands 5 times in a row against opponents who weren't there and I couldn't raise them since they were all in automatically.

I started the tournament with 8 inactive players and now my clicking finger hurts like hell. I had first 40 minutes of free farm and then alt accounts started activating just when blinds started to carry serious chips Smiley

Not something you see at poker tables often.
9808  Economy / Gambling / Re: #2 Bitcointalk Poker Series (0.05 BTC & BIG BTC Ticket sponsored by SwC Poker) on: May 06, 2020, 09:21:40 PM
the pool + swc bonus aren't reaching 1000$ and that's for a whole month of playing , so a dedicated event with larger buy ins is the best IMO


The problem will be to hit that sweet spot regarding buy in size that enough people will still want to participate and that we collect enough money for rewards and charity. For me that sweet spot would 5-20 mBTC with half of money going to charity and other half to top three players.
9809  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: Halvening nagradnjača on: May 06, 2020, 06:03:54 PM
Zanimljiva nagradna igra. Nemam facebook ali imam linkedln pa ću pogledati malo post i vjerojatno sudjelovati. Ako više ljudi bude sudjelovalo s "pravim" računima možda navučemo nešto nove krvi u kripto svijet Smiley Većina mog networka na linkedlnu nema veze s kripto svijetom dok ih je nekolicina totalno unutra. Baš me zanimaju reakcije.

S druge strane ako se počnu samo štampati računi za sudjelovanje... Možda bi trebali imati pravilo da smiju sudjelovati samo računi napravljeni prije početka nagradne igre.
9810  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re:'s English Premier League Football Pool Discussion Thread on: May 06, 2020, 08:53:53 AM
The home advantage isn't just the fans but probably mostly the pitch which the players are obviously familiar of playing on. If you're used to the surface and dimensions then it probably can give quite an advantage.

I don't think this has as much impact now as it had in the past. Regulations for pitch sizes have been quite narrowed down during the years and differences are now much smaller then it used to be. Surface can still be a bit different especially in leagues where clubs use artificial grass but I believe that is not the case in England.
9811  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: La Liga (Spanish League) Prediction Thread 2019/20 on: May 06, 2020, 07:44:20 AM
Imagine if half a dozen first team players catch the virus. Does the team list them as unfit to play like they have usually been doing with injured players and then continue the matches with other reserve players or do all the players in the team get quarantined and the league gets paused once again?  Grin

We all know players catching this virus is inevitable

That is the real problem here. FA can set up the league perfectly, they can even put whole teams into quarantine but there will always be some players who will not follow the rules and some of them will bring the virus back.

There are also probably some teams which would like to see league scraped in order to avoid relegation. What if somebody intentionally tries to stop the league and force some decision?
9812  Economy / Gambling / Re: Bitcointalk Poker Nights Discussion Thread (private games for btctalk members) on: May 06, 2020, 06:58:17 AM
i'm happy with the current points system myself. the championship is like the final table of final tables. getting there should require a few strong finishes.

Agree 100%. Current system is good and probably the best one we could implement. This way strong finishes are valued as it should be and if there is few players on the same amount of points all finishes are taken into consideration.

But imagine this, if the points started at the bottom player 1 point. Upwards from there. There would be more incentive to play in every game. The bigger the game the more the winner would get.

This would complicate things and I don't see any benefits. Everybody already has the incentive to do the best they can and you could have gotten into final table with winning just last 2 tournaments. And don't forget that every tournament has prizes as well.
9813  Economy / Gambling / Re: 🚀 - Main Club Partner of Watford FC ⚽ Fun. 🏀 Fast. 🎾 Fair. �� on: May 06, 2020, 06:51:09 AM
Good luck to you guys raring to beat Steve, but I wonder if he'll actually surprise everyone this time. 3 hours means I likely can't make it (family man haha).

tbh i usually just donk shove in a freeroll like this. do it in the first couple blind levels and you'll usually get a couple callers. an early double/triple/quadruple up makes the tourney worth my time, good expected value. otherwise, i can close it out quickly and go hang out with the gf. Smiley

anyway, i'm registered for tomorrow and will hopefully see a few of you at the tables. good luck!

Same here, I just play first 15-30 min with max risk calling almost everything and going all in with any decent opening hands. If I manage to survive then I'll get serious in later staged of the game. That being said I exited last 2 tournaments very quickly Smiley

Would be great to be seated with Steve from the beginning once. That way early hands would be much more interesting.
9814  Economy / Gambling / Re: #2 Bitcointalk Poker Series (0.05 BTC & BIG BTC Ticket sponsored by SwC Poker) on: May 05, 2020, 07:51:07 PM
But please for final game to have higher stack! It will be more skill than luck with higher stack! Smiley Last final was turbulent because we had just 3k starting chips, and after first hour madness started, with all ins, and high rises that you can't pay because of the low stack!

It was even worse for Trofo who committed half of his chips very early in the championship game. There was basically no return from that point on for him. So i support the idea of having a higher stack for the finals at least!

By the way, what caused that we started the finals on two tables instead of one, was it the late registration thing? I hope this is something that can be fixed.

Definitely the final game should have bigger stacks if not every tournament. 2 tables was also a bit strange. I was mentally prepared for 9 people table and than I got seated with 3 other people and then closely lost the literal first hand in the tournament.

Anyway, I am learning most on my mistakes so I am coming for you all in the next series. Already registered for first two Smiley
9815  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: FOOTBATTLE - Besplatna AI nogometna igra (menađer) na Ethereum mreži! on: May 05, 2020, 04:10:16 PM
Trofo, imaš novi transfer offer na Telegramu. Kupio sam svoju prvu legendu za ETH uvjeren da ćeš ju objeručke prihvatiti i dati čak i patriota.

CAM za beka, budi sretan da te ne tražim još bar 2 ETH-a i uzmi to dok je vruće. Inače ću ja tražiti formacije s 2 CAM-a, što je lakše nego ti s 2 beka Grin

Secem Kostrenom pa cu baciti pogled kada dodjem doma. Ajde bas me zanima sta si mi to pripremio nekako sam uvijek skeptican za ponude koje mene nadju  Wink
9816  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Betting discussion thread rev on: May 04, 2020, 03:39:26 PM
@Trofo, cryptofrka, so are you guys feeling any better at predicting these games doing all these eSports selections? I've done a few, but generally don't learn anything new from anyone, the names are still unfamiliar to me too.

4/1 upsets happen about once every four times from what I could watch anyway. So the odds do seem to be "martingale-able". Agree?

I learned a lot about CS and DOTA2. Now i already know the teams and have quite successful bets on handicaps against the favourites or over lines. There has been quite a lot of upsets and that works well for me.

When I say upsets I mean odds between 2-3, bigger upsets are rare and maybe not worth chasing.

Also keep in mind that Esports are much more fluid and prone to change. For example DOTA has implemented a patch in the middle of the game I was betting on. Basically, deciding game was played in whole different meta. This new patch gives much higher chance of reversing the games.

Also when things get back to normal and we have teams competing on site via LAN instead over the internet there should be less suprises.
9817  Economy / Gambling / Re: 🚀 - Main Club Partner of Watford FC ⚽ Fun. 🏀 Fast. 🎾 Fair. �� on: May 04, 2020, 08:37:03 AM
I can't withdraw some of my balance lately. It says "You are unable to withdraw for 48 hours after making a deposit due to security reasons." but my last deposit was on April 28.

Are all you BTC deposits confirmed? In the last few days there was a bit more traffic on the network and if you used min fee maybe your transaction is still in a limbo? Sportsbet will let you bet with your money even without confirmations but you can't withdraw before you have at least 3 confirmations if I am not mistaken. Long shot but still possible and I am not sure what kind of error message would site put out for that case.

This is actually one of my favorite features on Sportsbet. Very helpful when catching live bets or last minute bets. Before sportsbet that was imposible to do in BTC betting world.
9818  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Bitcoin wallet - pitanja, preporuke, ostalo on: May 04, 2020, 07:33:34 AM
Za very long term hold je jednako siguran kao i Ledger.

Ja ga smatram dosta sigurnijim od ledgera. Ledger ipak ima puno više mogućih vektora napada i dijelove koda koji nije open source. Paper Wallet ako je napravljen s maksimalnom paranojom je najveći mogući stupanj sigurnosti. Ali definitvno je praktičan samo za long HODL.
9819  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Betting discussion thread rev on: May 04, 2020, 07:30:22 AM
Can't wait for sports games to return to Multimaster predictions, it's really hard to get these right. There aren't any draws so the chances are higher but it's tough to predict something you know nothing about.

That changes quickly, I am now watching esports for about 4-6 weeks. This week was second time I picked all the games without doing any research at all. I was in a hurry and just picked teams that looked better to me lately. Last week was a total disappointment but this week looks good. I guess I am much better at CS:GO then LOL and DOTA2.
9820  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Bitcoin wallet - pitanja, preporuke, ostalo on: May 04, 2020, 06:20:13 AM
Meni se sve ovo gore ne da pa koristim Ledger. Da imam 100 BTC-a, vjerojatno bi 99 čuvao na nekom paper walletu, a 1 BTC na Ledgeru.

Meni je zapravo taj extra posao sa micanjem love s paper walleta plus a ne minus. I koristim ga zbog sljedećeg a ne zbog toga jer imam hrpu BTCa. Često se kladim s velikom lovom i generalno sam u plusu kada se sve zbroji na kraju godine ali  imam razdoblja kada sve krene nizbrdo i potrošim svu lako dostupnu lovu. Paper wallet je jedini dio mog kripto portfolia koji je do sada preživio te situacije. Uostalom od tebe sam posudio BTC prije godinu dana ili kada već rađe nego da diram paper wallet. To je dio moje strategije ograničavanja poroka.

Za vas "normalne", paper wallet vjerojatno nema nikakvu svrhu ako imate ledger a istovremeno nemate poprilično preko 1 BTCa u portfoliu.
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