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1  Other / Off-topic / Re: Scientific proof that God exists? on: August 06, 2017, 09:20:44 AM
I was asking you why God would show himself 2000 years ago when we were ignorant and willing to believe such b******* and if it was the truth why all the sudden he now needs Blind Faith when we could know the difference why does the peasant 2,000 years ago deserve guaranteed salvation I mean pretty hard to miss it touch the feet of the physical manifestation of God on Earth but I'm supposed to take it directly on faith I don't deserve the same chance at Salvation as I don't know people as ignorant as they were 2000 years ago or you

I'm starting to wonder if you actually read this book or are you taking that on faith as well I definitely not above admitting when I was wrong there when I said that it was a zero-sum game for you if I'm right then just nothing if you were right I have to suffer in hell and eternal damnation forever absent the glory of God it's not a zero-sum game for you if I'm right the nothing if you're right we can keep each other company in Hell together because it's been promised to you by your God now I know that you won't listen to me say that so I brought someone with me I've known him for quite a while you probably have never met

Pay special attention to verse 18 through 20 where it says you're going to hell mr. It's not relevant to me

And he said to me, These words be most faithful and true. And the Lord God of spirits of prophets sent his angel [And the Lord God of spirits prophets sent his angel], to show to his servants, what things it behooveth to be done soon. 7 And lo! I come swiftly. Blessed is he, that keepeth the words of prophecy of this book. 8 And I am John, that heard and saw these things. And after that I had heard and seen, I felled down [I fell down], to worship before the feet of the angel, that showed to me these things. 9 And he said to me, See thou, that thou do not; for I am a servant with thee [And he said to me, See that thou do not; for I am thine even-servant], and of thy brethren, prophets, and of them that keep the words of prophecy of this book; worship thou God. 10 And he said to me, Sign, or seal, thou not the words of prophecy of this book; for the time is nigh. 11 He that harmeth, harm he yet; and he that is in filths, wax he foul yet; and a just man, be justified yet [and he that is just, be he yet justified]; and the holy, be [he] hallowed yet. 12 Lo! I come soon, and my meed with me, to yield to each man after his works. 13 I am alpha and omega, the first and the last, beginning and end. 14 Blessed be they, that wash their stoles, that the power of them be in the tree of life, and enter by the gates into the city. 15 For withoutforth [shall be shut] hounds, and witches, and unchaste men, and man-quellers, and serving to idols, and each that loveth and maketh lying. 16 I Jesus sent mine angel, to witness to you these things in churches. I am the root and kin of David [I am the root and kind of David], and the shining morrow star. 17 And the Spirit and the spousess say [and the spouse, or wife, say], Come thou. And he that heareth, say, Come thou; and he that thirsteth, come; and he that will, take he freely the water of life [and he that will, take freely the water of life]. 18 And I witness to each man hearing the words of prophecy of this book, if any man shall put to these things, God shall put on him the vengeances written in this book [God shall put upon him the plagues written in this book]. 19 And if any man do away of the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away the part of him from the book of life, and from the holy city, and from these things that be written in this book. 20 He saith, that beareth witnessing of these things, Yea, Amen. [Lo!] I come soon. Amen. Come thou, Lord Jesus. 21 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.
2  Other / Off-topic / Re: Scientific proof that God exists? on: August 06, 2017, 08:59:47 AM
I'm sorry I don't think you can have a religious conversation with somebody who doesn't follow the rules they place for themselves I cannot get past you telling me that it is not relevant that any single word in that book is not relevant
3  Other / Off-topic / Re: Scientific proof that God exists? on: August 06, 2017, 08:49:18 AM
Science will never prove the existence of God, because it is not profitable for it. There will simply be a certain category of people who believe in him because he helps them.
With all due respect to your loss I believe that before your mother started to lose her mental faculties she could have and would have explained to you the scientific explanation for her hallucinations do not wish to be rude or offensive but if she spent her whole life secure in her beliefs you might want to consider which hers she wants you to remember and I could be totally off base and she could have been totally fine and listened until the day that something horrible happened but I got from you that it was a decline in health over a period of time
4  Other / Off-topic / Re: Scientific proof that God exists? on: August 06, 2017, 08:35:06 AM
Okay I have to stop p to discuss the first four words of your post above your last point did you just say it's not relevant to you in regards to the gospel the book that should literally be taken as gospel have you actually managed to dilute  yourself that the book that is your entire faith is not supposed to represent the unchanging word of God do you yourself get to pick and choose what you pull out are you allowed to add things in I think I'll just wait for you to respond to this I mean I don't have faith in Jesus Christ but I am particular fended that you would say that you do and then we can pull the parts that suit you
5  Other / Off-topic / Re: Scientific proof that God exists? on: August 06, 2017, 08:22:56 AM
Let's take your last Point first Without a doubt I want to test God and if you do not you are doing your God a great disservice she really said it all right there you want to test God this close to judgement day it's a risk and reward thing right if you're wrong no loss you are just wrong we painted nothing the unknown on the other hand if I am wrong I will spend eternal Agony in damnation experiencing no torture greater than the absence of my one true God do you really think if God exists is you know him he would not be insulted message a self-serving and cowardice reason to accept what you know is truth unlike you I have an open mind to new ideas and I have an open heart to God as you know him and the day that I can reconciled the Bible with reality without having to fill all the holes with faith I will gladly and readily give my heart back to Jesus faith is destructive because it does not need truth or fact it is destructive because you wish to have a conversation but you cannot bear to entertain the other side if you really believe then you should be secure enough in your faith to ask questions the problem for me came when all I had left for my answers was faith I would have to say it's either convenient or a bit of a dick move on God's happy  freely show himself  to walk amongst us to wash our feet for crying out loud we didn't have to go on any of that face stuff back then but because he's built up some sort of inadequacy problem we now have to find him in Blind Faith In the words of a book that has been in the fallible hands of man for 2000 years I'll tell you what I'll have no problem taking faith on everything else even absolute unbelievable stuff if God sends his son down here again to die before my eyes quit anthropomorphizing in your God you really think he is up there sweating what we think
6  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / I just know I'm going to get ripped off on: August 06, 2017, 07:52:39 AM
So what do I do and what do I not do to avoid making myself vulnerable to theft what are going to be the key behaviorist request or actions this near do well this scofflaw is going to do differently than a legitimate person I may need to Trust will engaging in business with
7  Other / Off-topic / Re: Would YOU choose to live forever? on: August 06, 2017, 06:04:44 AM
Absolutely when I think of the absolutely unbelievable changes in the last hundred twenty years I'm overwhelmed with appreciation of  the time that I live in and grief that I will not see the next hundred years I understand but give very little weight to the argument that you would grow bored or tired of living or that life without death would lose its luster cuz that thought is set in mortality stepping outside of that I believe it is more likely your perspective on time will change in in a relative sense I think of it like this when I look back on my life it seemed like my early years took forever and the older I get and  the more  time I build up the quicker the years seem to fly by when I was 10 that year was 1/10 of my life now it is around 1/40 in that change in relativity  comes with a great change in perspective for me if you carry out that to 10or20 Thousand Years you might be able to find great joy and Beauty in watching a Forest Grow from a grassland OR even regard the ceaseless Battle of. Erosion and upheaval played out by a mountain range with the same all and reverence someone May the waxing and waning of the Moon
8  Other / Off-topic / Open challenge 8 Ball Pool( 9-ball Miami table) on: August 05, 2017, 11:20:05 PM
Drop your ID here and I will beat you with a stick
9  Other / Off-topic / Re: Scientific proof that God exists? on: August 05, 2017, 10:09:01 PM
This is not scientific proof that God exists what you are witnessing in these almost 400 post is evidence of the decay of modern civilization JK what you're really seeing is the destructive Tendencies of faith when combined with ignorance and hypocrisy how can you talk about Shadow games win the backbone of the judeo-christian theology is blind unquestioned and unyielding faith it's all but said flat out blind faith is your ticket to heaven and your get out of hell free card and on that basis perfectly rational function people the in the boogeyman and have no problem grasping that Santa in no way resembles the historical figures he was modeled on belligerently and violently holding on to the idea of the god that we created in our image as some Creator when in fact what God is what religion is is a controller that is why you see it behind most great events religion doesn't breed War people breed War religion provides control it was the answer to the few controlling the mini before we had organized government it's all there you have the social programs all the way up to the taxes the war in general good ideas like don't commit adultery don't hate your neighbor don't be lazy don't kill don't steal stay clean kind of stuff I might have thought I needed to happen if I was wandering around in the desert with the same group of people for what must have seemed like 40 years take a bath stop banging my wife quit killing each other I do believe that there is some truth some route to the story but answer me this do you think it's more likely the all-powerful all-knowing god came down from the heavens to knock up Mary because most omnipotent beings have a very human idea of sacrifice or perhaps Mary was an unwed pregnant woman who was scared to death of being stoned to death and would have said anything in the hopes anyone would believe her and when the child was born it just might have saved that unwed mothers life to give birth to a miracle child or more likely two Miracle children the concept of twins probably not wide known could easily Mary's would be Executioner's into awestruck worshipers I could easily entertain me idea that Jesus and his twin had no problem realizing that there particular Oddity and the general ignorance of its existence let itself to the art of Illusion so I will concede that maybe Jesus did exist and if he was the David Blaine of his day and when the show's over what are you do what do you do with Jesus number 2 I would suggest keeping him hidden for a few days hiding the body and perhaps faking a resurrection cuz you're just not going to put the old act back together no I don't really have anything to back this up but before I take all-powerful all-knowing only way to Salvation God as faith I will take on faith that people are scared manipulative dishonest controlling and if you take 2000 years telling a story it's going to say what you wanted to say
10  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Ignorant Noob about to make a jackass of himself on: August 05, 2017, 09:41:36 PM
Well this is the same not only ignorant apparently 20 years late the party I'm not trying to tap into electrical grid nor my trying to break free of my day-to-day job in trade for a soldering gun and probably too much time alone aren't most of these faucets supposed to generate advertising do you think just maybe it's possible that everyone trying to bypass that with Bots and miners and operations to the scale where they need to worry about power cost be driving the shift that I'm only recently here in about cuz honestly I just spent a small amount of time perusing some of the post but in all fairness I did say I was going to make a jackass but does anyone know where I can get some good direction and possibly be useful to someone else giving that direction with me  my lowly phone for the end purpose of putting a meager amount of cryptocurrency into my possession just because I like the idea of it
11  Other / Beginners & Help / Ignorant Noob about to make a jackass of himself on: August 05, 2017, 09:19:38 PM
Just like somebody who doesn't know what he's talking about to think he's got all the answers I made an attempt to break into Bitcoin about a year ago got to wallet did some mining made several attempts to purchase coins needless to say it wasn't a big deal not opening the wallets with nothing but zeros roll the exciting new cryptocurrency should be so here I am again with a bit chain wallet and a couple of others and idea and motivation probably an idea you've heard before and motivation it will soon take a hard hit from reality but what the heck here goes I have bounced from this site to that site mining this and clicking that the way I look at this it's bad for both of us I have yet been able to make one successful withdrawal for my literally empty virtual wallets but all of my aimless wandering through the crypto world doesn't have to be aimless in fact with a motivated mentor it could be focused efficient effective and drawing upon buy a commission those little referral boxes I keep not having anybody put into so go ahead tell me why this doesn't work tell me why I'm ridiculous to think it's an original thought but also tell me why my aimless wandering has not been at some point interrupted by somebody who knows what the hell they're doing tell me why I'm here approaching you I feel like it should be the other way around but I think my noob is possibly showing again
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