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1  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Another Bitcoin Video on: September 09, 2014, 05:32:47 PM
Yeah it wouldn't give me enough confidence to buy bitcoins either , the only thing which can do this is understanding the hardcore cryptographic principles behind bitcoin.But this wasn't my intent
2  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Another Bitcoin Video on: September 09, 2014, 04:14:33 PM
I created a video which explains bitcoin in a non technical way (grandma style) so that normal people can understand it.
I tried to avoid misleading things such as "miners calculate bitcoin" or "bitcoins are in the wallet"  .

Check it out :

Let me know what you think

3  Local / Deutsch (German) / Bitcoin in der Bewerbung on: September 03, 2014, 05:14:30 PM
Ich dachte mir ich lasse euch kurz an meinem Leben teilhaben.Habe mich vor ein paar Wochen bei einer Firma beworben die im
Bereich Network Security tätig ist und ich habe in meiner Bewerbung Bitcoin in Zusammenhang mit Kryptographie erwähnt.

Nun habe ich den Job , weiß nicht ob ich der erste bin der sowas gemacht hat , aber wollt es euch trotzdem mal wissen lassen Smiley .
4  Local / Trading und Spekulation / Re: Der Aktuelle Kursverlauf on: August 13, 2014, 11:37:12 PM
Ich weiß gar nicht was Ihr habt...
Da hat jemand den Fahrstuhl aus dem 6. in den 5. Stock angefordert und er kommt. Das liegt in seinem Wesen. Im 12. will bestimmt auch mal wieder jemand zusteigen.
Leider weiß hier nur keiner um was für ein Haus es sich handelt. Ein Herr Hoek doziert, dass es bis zum Mond reichen müsste, das Gegenlager verklärt das Haus zur Flugscheibe welche von bösen Mächten gesteuert bald alles...
Ach nee, ich lass`es...  Wink

5  Other / Beginners & Help / Do you speak english ? TRANSLATION Bitcoin Video on: August 13, 2014, 07:42:49 PM
Hey guys , i'm currently working on a bitcoin video , i wrote my script and now i want it  to get  checked  for mistakes.
English is not my native language so i guess i made some mistakes.

The video is more like "how do i explain bitcoin to my grandma"-style.

 I made the exact same video already in german .
Check it out :

Now i'm going to  make it in english.

If you find grammatical mistakes , or if i should rephrase some sentences please let me know.

Ok it's really uncomfortable to read the text here on the forum , you can download the .pdf here .

Here comes the text :


Bitcoin what is Bitcoin ?

In this Video i will explain what bitcoin basically is and how to use it without going through the technical details behind it.For those of you who are interested in the technical stuff i recommend this video.

So , why do i make a video about bitcoin which doesn't explain the technical details ?
Because you dont really need to understand how things work in order to use them.

Here are a few examples of things which are used by nearly everybody but are only understood by a few. :

Laser Pointer
Mobil Phone
Combustion engine

Headache pills and so on .

A lot of people don't even want to waste their time on trying to understand these things.
If you're sick you don't care why the medication works you just want to be healthy agian.

Before we get to the actual topic i wanna discuss the question if a Bitcoin can be valueable even though it's only digital information and isn't backed by anything either.

In fact bitcoins are only valueable because we assign value to them.

But that's exactly the same way we do it with paper money , for example the Dollar.Actually a 100 Dollar Bill is only a piece of paper with green ink on it. But because we believe that it has value and other people too , we can buy goods with it.


Now i here some folks say , yeah but back in the good old days the dollar was backed by gold.Although that is true ,  even gold is only valueable because we believe in it.

Even if we could find something which would be valueable to everybody at any given time and at any place on earth we would stil have one major issue.We would need a 100% trusted authority which provides a place to keep the coveted good secure which is used to back the money up.

As a sideonote the market price of one millibitocoin is currently 63 cents.

Bitcoin is basically just a system which allows a decentralised network to maintain a digital ledger which can't be compromised.This digital ledger contains every single transaction that was ever made and is stored on every computer which participates in the Bitcoin Network.

Lets take a closer look.


Decentralised means that there is no central authority like a bank which takes care of the transactions . The public ledger isn't stored on a central Place but does exist on every comptuer which has a Bitcoin Client on it.


Lets assume that in the beginning Peter has 5  bitcoins . Where Bitcoins come from in the first place will be covered later. You're now looking at a list of all transactions . Peter sent -> 3 BTC to -> Tyler -> 2BTC -> Maria. Peter transfers 1 Bitcoin to Martin and Maria transfers 1 Bitcoin to Martin.By going through that list your computer can get everyones account balance.


But because this ledger is public it wouldn't be very smart to use real names because everyone could see how much money you own. This is why Bitcoin doesnt use names or Acoounts but instead Bitcoin Adresses. So it would actually look like this.


On the left side are the  Bitocin Adresses and on the right side the amount of Bitcoin which belongs to the owner of the corresponding address .It is very important to understand that there is no such things as a Bitcoin which is represented by a special  order of  zeros and ones , there is only the information in the public ledger that this address or person owns a certain amount of bitcoin. If you understand this you are save from a lot of misunderstandings.
Lets take a closer look on the bitcoin addresses.

To every Bitcoin-address there is a corresponding private key . These are the two components of the address-key pair.


(Synchronise Audio with Animation )

In order to understand the thing about bitcoin adresses and private keyse i will use an analogy .Everyone owns a mailbox.That someone can send you a letter he needs your address , what in this case would be your bitcoin address. To open the mailbox you need your key which in this case would be your priavte key.You can share your bitcoin address with anyone who needs to send you something , but your priavte key must be kept secret. As soon as someone knows your private key he has access to all your bitcoins .You can have as many mailboxes as you want to and give everyone a different adress so it's easier to keep track of who send you something.


Right now you are looking at such a adress key pair.On the left side there is the bitcoin address and  on the right side the corresponding private key. You can create as much adress key pairs as you want , they are created randomly , and since only a random nuber generator is needed , you don't have to give away any personal data like your email adress or your name. If you want to get an Bitcoin Adress go to and click on generate new address.

A little side note for security reasons don't use the displayed address because everybody who sees this video knows the private Key for this address and therefore everyone would have the key for this mailbox.


Some of you might now think , but hey what happens if two people get the same adress by coincidence ? Then we're screwed , but hey no need to worry this case is extremely unlikely.
Imagine two people on earth must pick one grain of sand how likely is it that they both would pick the same grain , pretty unlikely right , now imagine that every grain of sand represented an entire other earth of additional grains how likely is it now that  two people would pick the same grain of sand if they are randomly distributed , nearly 0% right , but that two people get the same address is more than a billion times more unlikely.


Actually the only thing you need for Bitcoin is such a adress-key pair consisting of your Bitcoin
address and your private Key . Actually you just need your private key because you can get your address out of your Private Key

The bitcoin address is needed for receiving Bitcoin and can it be told anyone.
The private key is needed for sending Bitcoins and must be kept in secret.


So where do Bitcoins come in the first place , how many are there and how much will there ever  be ?

The amount and the growth of the Bitcoin supply is predetermined .
The bitcoin project started on the 3. of January.  At the beginning the creation rate was roughly 50 bitcoin every 10 Minutes. This is how the creation rate works , the first 4 years every 10 minutes 50 bitcoin , the next 4 years every 10 minutes 25 bitcoin , the next 4 years every 10 minutes 12.5 bitcoin , the next 4 years every 10 minutes 6.25 bitcoin and so on. Because of this , the number of existing bitcoins  approaches asymptotically 21 Million but will never truly reach it. Due to this you are save from inflation. We get to feel the inflation every day , things get more expensive and you can buy less with same amount of money.Not with bitcoin.


As of August 2014 there are over thirteen million bitcoins in circulation.


So now we know how many bitcoins are being created and how the supply is limited , but now the big question is who get's this new created bitcoin , do the creator of bitcoin get them and are they scamming us all ? No those newly created coin are distributed to the miners.

Miners are Persons who try to solve ongoing mathematical problems which are building on the top of each other , this problems can only be solved with enourmous computing power , this computing  power helps to maintain the ledger securely , because in some way alt the past computing power ist in the ledger. The miner who solves the mathematical problem is allowed to send himself 25 Bitcoin out of thin air , as a reward the entire bitcoin network accepts that.These mathematical puzzles are so designed that it takes the entire network on average 10 minutes to solve them. Now you can see the connection between mining and the creation of bitcoin.
Therfore the way money is created is clear and fair.You can also be a miner if you want to , but it's a  
a hardcore business today.

Oh , and just to point out the most common misconception about mining  , you DO NOT CALCULATE bitcoins , i've read it so many times on the newspaper it's driving me crazy.


So after explaing the theoritical part we are now getting to the question - Do we even need bitcoin ?
You definitly  don't need bitcoin. But actually you need only very few , therfore - Do we even need bitcoin  is the wrong question. Do you need a car , no you can walk , do you need a TV or Online Banking ? Actually the only things you need are a place to sleep , water and food.
Therefore the actual question is : What advantages and disadvantages does bitcoin have ?
Let's take a look on it.

Advantages :

      Bitcoin is'nt created out of debt like any other fiat currency.The money supply is          ruled by the people and can't be manipulated by banks.There is no possible way that       banks or the government can controll or manipulate the bitcoin system.Due to the       limitation of the money supply on 21 Million Bitcoin  , you are save from inflation.

      The Bitcoin Code is open source.So the source code can be peer reviewed , mistakes       can be found easily ,  and you can be sure that the system works really like it is          advertised , and that you aren't being scammed. It also allowed a lot of experts in the       field  of  cryptography to prove that bitcoin better said  , the blockchain technology is       secure.

      If you do it cleverly , you can be anonymous with bitcoin.


      Donations can be sent directly to people in need without going through corrupt          organisations.

      Accounts can not be frozen.
      The case of wikileaks showed us how important that is.In December 2010 , Paypal ,       Mastercard , the Bank of America , Visa and a lot more , froze donations to          wikileaks.

      As a response wikileaks now aksed for donations in bitcoin.


         Everybody can use Bitcoin without revealing any personal data.
         A lot of people don't have access to a bank or can't get a bank account             especially in africa , so now they can use bitcoin.

         The use of the system is free , Merchants don't have to pay big margins to          credit card companys.

         The are no Chargebacks with Bitcoin , once you receive money it's yours             the sender can't get it back , unless you send it back to him.


         A bitcoin transaction takes on average 10 minutes not 2 days like a bank             transaction . A lot of Restaurant and Bar owner even accept zero
         confirmations transactions therefore a bitcoin transaction takes only a few         seconds.

         You can access your bitcoins from anywhere in the world.You can store             you're  Private Keys on an USB Stick , remember them , or print them on          paper.You can travel with as much bitcoins as you want you can't get
         problems on the airport  with the custom.

   Now i wanna discuss some arguments which are often used against bitcoin.

   Bitcoin is used to buy drugs. That's true but you can buy drugs with every currency. The    number 1 currency for buying drugs is  the Dollar. Next time when you're at you local dealer    try to pay him with Bitcoin Smiley .


   If my computer crashes my bitcoins will be gone. That's not really true you only have to    backup your wallet , which holds your private keys . You can copy it on an USB Stick , an
   external hard drive or just print them out.

   The volatility diqualifes Bitcoin as a currency . The volatility is not beneficial for it's use as    a currency , but there a lot of services like for example bitpay which eliminates the exchange    rate risk.Another thing you have to keep in mind is that bitcoin  is still very young and as    time goes by and the marketcap grows the volatility will go down.



   If bitcoin is going to establish as a commonly used currency the economy is going to break    down beacuse of it's deflationary character.Nobody would buy anything with bitcoin ,    because later they would get more goods for the same amount of btc , so everybody keeps
            holding their bitcoin.

   But look what happens if i apply the same logic on inflation. Nobody want's to sell anything    because if they sell it later they would get more money.

   That this argument isn't really true can be observated on technical deflation. Even though    nearly all electronics are getting cheaper and better you don't wait forever to buy them.
   Let's say you wan't a new big Flat  TV , if you wait you will get them cheaper , but you    can't and won't wait forever.Maybe you will wait one year but in the end you are still buying     one.
   Furthermore isn't it better when people buy things because they wan't them instead of having
   to buy them because there money won't be as valueable in the future as it is right now ?  


   If i buy bitcoins now and i want to sell them later but nobody wants to buy my bitcoins I'm    screwed.
   That's one thing you really don't have to worry about because every exchange has a lot of    buy orders which you just have to click on and then you can sell your bitcoins.


   In order to use bitcoin you have to have an internet connection.

   That's not even true either , the internet plays a very important part for bitcoin , but you can    use bitcoin even without an internet connection. For example you can use caucasius coins.    This are physical coins which carry a private key inside which is related to a certain bitcoin    address which has a definined amount on bitcoins on it.On the outside of the coin is the    bitcoin address. When you pay with physical bitcoins you actually change a private key with    a product.

   The best thing about Bitcoin is if you don't like it you don't have to use it it's a free system    whrere nobody is forced to use it.

   I hope now you got an idea what Bitcoin actually is and if you decide to use it , i wish you a    lot of fun using the best currency in the world.
6  Economy / Lending / Re: sucks ;) - need Help on: August 08, 2014, 08:36:30 PM
I sent you the money , check it out.
Thx for loaning. Wink
7  Economy / Lending / Re: sucks ;) - need Help on: August 08, 2014, 05:23:37 PM
Thx , i will.
8  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: sucks ;) - need Help on: August 08, 2014, 05:12:15 PM
And this is the trade :
9  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: sucks ;) - need Help on: August 08, 2014, 05:08:41 PM
Traded ~30000 DOGECOINS on BTER.COM for Bitcoins . Now my balance is 9.10997mBTC i wanted to withdraw them but the minimum amout is 10.6mBTC.

So if anyone could send me 5mBTC i'd be happy , in return i would send you 6mBTC (+1mBTC).

So now you're asking why i need 5mBTC and not 1.5mBTC.

Because they are fuckers :

Quote :
"Notice: If you deposit less than 0.005 BTC, it will be accumulated and credited to your account until no less than 0.005 BTC received."

MY Deposit Address :


I'm not trying to scam just wan't my money out of that shitty exchange.

Thank you.

I'm only willing  to send the first person 6mBTC , so please check if someone else already did.

I was in similar situation some time ago, and I know its annoying.
1 mBTC is not much, but still would be much better if you provide some screenshot or something.
Prove me your story is not a lie, and I will lend you.

Please  note that i need 5mBTC (2. Picture) if you still would be willing to lend me , it would be awesome.
10  Economy / Lending / sucks ;) - need Help on: August 08, 2014, 04:56:15 PM
Traded ~30000 DOGECOINS on BTER.COM for Bitcoins . Now my balance is 9.10997mBTC i wanted to withdraw them but the minimum amout is 10.6mBTC.

So if anyone could send me 5mBTC i'd be happy , in return i would send you 6mBTC (+1mBTC).

So now you're asking why i need 5mBTC and not 1.5mBTC.

Because they are fuckers :

Quote :
"Notice: If you deposit less than 0.005 BTC, it will be accumulated and credited to your account until no less than 0.005 BTC received."

MY Deposit Address :


I'm not trying to scam just wan't my money out of that shitty exchange.

Thank you.

I'm only willing  to send the first person 6mBTC , so please check if someone else already did.
11  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: sucks ;) - need Help on: August 08, 2014, 04:52:56 PM
Ok i'll move Smiley
12  Economy / Service Discussion / sucks ;) - need Help on: August 08, 2014, 04:31:50 PM
Traded ~30000 DOGECOINS on BTER.COM for Bitcoins . Now my balance is 9.10997mBTC i wanted to withdraw them but the minimum amout is 10.6mBTC.

So if anyone could send me 5mBTC i'd be happy , in return i would send you 6mBTC (+1mBTC).

So now you're asking why i need 5mBTC and not 1.5mBTC.

Because they are fuckers :

Quote :
"Notice: If you deposit less than 0.005 BTC, it will be accumulated and credited to your account until no less than 0.005 BTC received."

MY Deposit Address :


I'm not trying to scam just wan't my money out of that shitty exchange.

Thank you.

I'm only willing  to send the first person 6mBTC , so please check if someone else already did.

13  Local / Trading und Spekulation / Re: Der Aktuelle Kursverlauf on: July 18, 2014, 04:58:33 PM
Dell is now the world's largest ecommerce business to accept #bitcoin
So ist es , herrlich . Wurde vor 27 Minuten von Michael Dell auf Twitter gepostet .
14  Local / Trading und Spekulation / Re: Der Aktuelle Kursverlauf on: July 16, 2014, 09:40:02 PM
Sieht so aus, als hat das rumgezicke und getrolle sich gelohnt.

RIP Kursverlauf thread  Cry

Das ist normal , bei so einem langweiligen Kurs gibt es auch nicht viel zu sagen . Warte nur bis es wieder aufwärts geht , dann trudeln hier wieder 100 Posts pro Tag ein.
15  Local / Trading und Spekulation / Re: Der Aktuelle Kursverlauf on: July 14, 2014, 03:11:07 PM
ob das wohl Einfluss auf den Kurs haben wird, wenn Nordkorea im Finale gegen Portugal gewinnt

Da erkennt man mal wieder wie sehr wir von unseren Medien hinters Licht geführt werden gestern wurde überall gezeigt dass Deutschland Weltmeister wurde obwohl sie gar nicht im Finale waren , wie dein Video beweist.

Nein , jetzt ernsthaft ist dies wirklich von der Regierung ausgestrahlt worden oder ist das User generated ?
Verstehe leider kein koreanisch.
16  Local / Anfänger und Hilfe / Re: Verständnisfrage zur technischen Abfolge - Blockgenerierung on: July 04, 2014, 08:10:24 PM
Korrekt, der Miner oder Pool welcher einen Block gefunden hat der aktuellen Schwierigkeit (difficultiy) entspricht verteilt diesen genauso im Netzwerk wie alle anderen die Transaktionen. Die anderen Nodes im Netzwerk prüfen dann ob der Block korrekt ist. Unter anderem wird geprüft ob die benutzten Eingänge auch hätten benutzt werden dürfen ob die difficulty stimmt etc.

Vielen Dank fürs Antworten, - bin mir nur nicht sicher, ob Du mich richtig verstanden hast... - oder ob ich die Antwort verstehe - es geht nicht um den schon gelösten Block (der von den anderen via Hash-Check überprüft wird), sondern um den danach...

1 Unbestätigte Transaktionen werden via Nodes im Netzwerk verteilt
2 Ein Rechner im Mining Netzwerk löst die Aufgabe und sendet Lösung an andere Rechner
3 Andere Rechner bestätigen Lösung (Frage was passiert wenn ein oder mehrere PC´s widersprechen ?)
4 Der Rechner der die Aufgabe gelöst hat, generiert den neuen Block, und schreibt als erstes die Lösung des Letzten Blocks hinein (Mining-Belohnung)
5 Die anderen Pc´s im Netzwerk empfangen den Vorschlag ( ? verstehe nicht warum es ein Vorschlag ist, da das impliziert das die Zusammensetzung des Blocks  auch anders sein könnte) und Prüfen ob der Block korrekt ist - falls ja, beginnen Sie mit der Berechnung der Aufgabe - falls nicht dann ?

Frage: Ist es so, das eine einfache 51% "Mehrheit" zum "Überzeugen" reicht und zwar im Bezug auf die Rechenpower ?

5 PC´s in einem CoinNetzwerk Minen - 4 Pc´s sind alte 4x86er mit 40 Mhz und einer ist ein 4Ghz 8 Kerner...
Wenn jetzt der 8 Kerner sagt die Lösung lautet XX und die anderen 4 sagen, ne Stimmt nicht, es ist XY - dann haben diese 4 Nichts zu sagen, weil der 8 Kerner mehr als 50% der Rechenpower hat... ?

Bsp2: Wenn 1 mal das CERN (ich gehe in diesem Beispiel davon aus, das es 51% der Rechenpower im Netzwerk hätte - was nicht sein muß) beschliesst, bei Bitcoin mitzurechnen, um danach via gefälschter Blockchain alle Transaktionen des Blocks an sich selbst zu überweisen - dann haben die anderen Nichts zu melden ?

Nochmal zu Punkt 4
Ist das so gewollt ? - Wo liegt der Vorteil ? - Wenn ich die Liste unbestätigter Transaktionen im Netzwerk schon habe, könnten doch auch alle Rechner sich den Block selber generieren, und dann nur überprüfen, ob Sie dieselbe Aufgabe Rechnen (diese Prüfung wäre nur um Übertragungsfehler auszuschliessen)
Warum - soll denn ein einziger Rechner Vorschreiben wie der neue Block aussieht - wenn die Daten dafür "Offen" im Netzwerk sind ?


P.S. Mir fällt es einfach schwer in der Welt des Nicht-Quanten Computers - indem alles entweder Null oder Eins ist - in Begriffen wie "Vorschlägen" und "Konsens" zu denken - ein: [IF (Sonne Scheint) & (Wetter warm) = Warm und Sonnig] THEN GO TO (Badesee) IF NOT GO TO (Monitor) ist da viel klarer....

Hola ,

Zu Punkt 5 :
Wenn jemand einen Block löst ist die Blockchain nun um 1nen Block länger.Da immer die "längste"(bzw. rechenintensivste) Blockchain die gültige ist , werden nun alle anderen Miner auf ihr aufbauen. Dies machen sie deshalb da es zu ihrem eigenen Vorteil ist , denn würden sie dies nicht machen müssten sie zwei Blöcke hintereinander lösen um die längste Kette zu haben.

Es findet keine Wahl statt ob der Block gültig ist oder nicht und es muss auch kein Konsens gefunden werden. Es ist eine fixe Regel im Bitcoin Protokoll , dass die "längste" Blockchain immer die gültige ist.

Zur Frage : Ja.

Zu Bsp 1 : Wie gesagt es gibt keine Abstimmung , der 8 Kerner hat jedoch aufgrund seiner Rechenpower die Möglichkeit die anderen Ketten zu ignorieren da er früher oder später immer die längste Kette erzeugen wird. Somit kann er sich alle Belohnungen einheimsen.

Zu Bsp 2 : Nein dies ist nicht möglich . Wo die Bitcoins hingehen entscheidet einzig und allein der Sender der Coins mit Hilfe einer digitalen Signatur die er mit Hilfe seines private Key generiert .

Es gibt bestimmte Dinge die möglich sind bei einer 51 % Attacke und Dinge die nicht möglich sind wie obiges.

Möglich : Auswahl welche Transaktionen in einen Block aufgenommen werden.
             Komplettes lahmlegen des Netzwerkes in dem dass der Angreifer zwar Blöcke erzeugt 
             aber keine Transaktionen "hineinfügt" .

Nicht Möglich :
- Bitcoins von anderen Leuten versenden .

Zu diesem Thema (>50 %) gibt es ein paar gute Artikel.

Falls Englisch kein Problem für dich  ist würde ich dir dieses Video empfehlen :

Meiner Meinung nach das beste Bitcoin Video das es gibt.
17  Local / Deutsch (German) / Re: Bitcoin Video Erklärung on: April 27, 2014, 02:40:12 PM
P.s Ich habe im Video 1mBTC "versteckt" .
18  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Awesome Bitcoin Song on: April 27, 2014, 02:27:33 PM
There a lot of Bitcoin Songs out there , here are some of them which i like.

10 000 Bitcoins Laura Saggers

Blame it on MT.GOX

Love you like a Bitcoin

Or for those of you who are into Country Music Cheesy

Have fun with them Wink , and if you know a good  bitcoin song send it to me Smiley .
19  Local / Deutsch (German) / Re: Bitcoin Video Erklärung on: April 18, 2014, 09:42:30 PM

Ist noch beim hochladen , daher wird es seitens youtube als privat angezeigt.
20  Local / Deutsch (German) / Bitcoin Video Erklärung on: April 18, 2014, 09:36:49 PM
Auch ich hab mich mal daran versucht Bitcoin zu erklären , jedoch ohne technischen Background , dass es auch technisch nicht versierte Menschen verstehen können.

Lange Version :

Gekürzte Version :

Feedback erwünscht .
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