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1  Local / Tokens (Español) / Re: El primer ordenador cuántico español se financia mediante una ICO on: May 07, 2018, 06:41:05 PM
En España también se intenta entrar en el terreno de la computación cuántica y, por lo menos, estar en la onda de lo que veremos a medio plazo. El proyecto Quilimanjaro ( se ha puesto como meta crear el primer (modesto) ordenador cuántico en España.
Más allá de su complejidad, se estima que son necesarios 6,5 millones de euros para su confección como prototipo comercial. La financiación pública por ahora ha cubierto la fase de estudio, pero el prototipado es otro cantar y requiere de inversiones millonarias que precisan financiación privada.

La idea es que la ICO de Quilimanjaro cree un token ERC-20 llamado QBIT, el cual ha de servir para que el poseedor pueda hacer uso del tiempo del ordenador cuántico en el futuro, junto con servicios de asistencia en su uso y desarrollo de algoritmos.

El proyecto prevé poder llegar a los 50 qubits para el año 2022 y 100 qubits un año más tarde.
Por hacernos una idea, IBM tiene por objetivo los 50 qubits para este año (2018) y Google va por el mismo camino, luego estas empresas ya están donde el proyecto español quiere estar de aquí a cuatro años …

La ICO está en marcha, con la fase de preventa privada, y está planificado que se abra al público en general en breve. Según su whitepaper, el softcap de la ICO es de 8 millones de euros, siendo el hardcap de 20,3 millones de euros.
Claro que el ámbito de la competencia es enorme. La Unión Europea ha establecido un presupuesto de 1.000 millones de euros para el proyecto FET Flagship on Quantum Technologies con el fin de, durante los próximos 10 años, realizar I+D en el ámbito cuántico. La universidad de Shanghái por su lado ha invertido unos 8.000 millones de euros en su centro de supercomputación cuántica, y así suma y sigue la lista entre iniciativas gubernamentales y privadas.

La carrera está en marcha y como siempre muchos se quedarán por el camino. El proyecto Quilimanjaro si bien es interesante, tiene difícil camino ante la competencia que empieza a haber entre países y empresas privadas que invierten ahora dinero en cifras mucho más elevadas que el proyecto español. Dinero equivale a recursos humanos y técnicos, por lo que me temo que el proyecto español, cuando vea la luz, se verá adelantado por todos lados bajo un prisma global. No obstante, está bien atreverse y, por lo menos el equipo tendrá un activo singular y codiciado en su curriculum.

Luego vendrá la carrera por cambiar los algoritmos de cifrado de banca, de las criptomonedas, etc., algoritmos que será vulnerables ante la potencia cuántica que nos viene. Esperemos que avance cuántico y seguridad se coordinen adecuadamente para ir de la mano sin sobresaltos…

Podéis ver el artículo base aquí:

Gracias por escribir tu opinión. Coincido con lo que dices. Luego afirman que a finales de este mismo año ya podrían dar servicio de consultoría a empresas...consultoría cuántica, con su plataforma y todo... ¿Sin un ordenador cuántico cómo se puede dar asesoría cuántica? Supuestamente, además, hay ya una empresa llamada Entanglement partnerts también española en la que figura, entre otros, el catedrático CEO de esta ICO, que se supone que ya está haciendo eso mismo que dice Qilimanjaro que hará a finales de año... ¿¿Van a hacer los mismos lo mismo que ya se supone que hacen en otro sitio?? ¿Lo harán en dos lugares diferentes?
 ¿De dónde saca el tiempo esta gente para estar en mil sitios a la vez, publicar artículos científicos, dar clases, charlas, escribir libros de divulgación... y encima montar una ICO-start up- con base en Estonia para, compitiendo con IBM y GOOGLE, en 4 años crear un ordenador cuántico operativo? No sé realmente el grado de compromiso que pueden llegar a tener con todo esto. Tampoco entiendo la necesidad que pueda tener un prestigioso catedrático para estar en esto a no ser que tenga un enfoque realmente novedoso o un as guardado en la manga...Si no es así bien podrían hacer lo que un administrador de Telegram afirma que podrían haber hecho y no han querido, aceptar el dinero para financiarse de una VC Capital. Yo dormiría mucho mejor defraudando expectativas a los ricos que a los miles de pequeños inversores que pueden entrar en una ICO. Y también dormiría mucho mejor cumpliendo metas y haciendo ganar dinero a esos miles de pequeños inversores que a ricos...En fin, que me quedo por aquí a ver si hay más gente que aporta opiniones.
2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: WAVES | Ultimate crypto-tokens blockchain platform | unofficial supporters topic on: November 01, 2017, 09:25:55 AM
tell me are we fucked or should I be happy that comparing to USD things are not too bad?

This won't change until Bitcoin stabilizes.
Most alts are "suffering".

 The thing is I could understand people selling at 0.00090 or even at 0.00080 in order to get bitcoingold or segwit or whatever and coming back again later on with profits, but...selling already at 0.00048 like we are in hell and loosing a lot of money? Maybe people selling think this is the end of waves...
 Weak hands are really stupid right now. We could go to 0.00030??? 0.00020 (Ico's price!!!)Huh This is a crazy situation I think. Obviously this project is so damn good we will recover eventually the price but maybe have to wait months because of this situation.
3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: WAVES | Ultimate crypto-tokens blockchain platform | unofficial supporters topic on: October 31, 2017, 03:18:11 PM
The current price is not what waves deserve. Alone the new DEX looks better than a lot of other exchanges and this will bring so much volume to the coin. I think the price will soon go up.

so nithingso n the roadmap .. when will we see the release of the new dex? after fork(s) maybe when money is going back into alts?

 Am I the only one thinking that we need to have the new DEX released as soon as possible?

4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: WAVES | Ultimate crypto-tokens blockchain platform | unofficial supporters topic on: October 24, 2017, 08:27:53 AM
Waves just hired a CMO and she has stated that there will be marketing efforts directed to the cryptosphere

Good news ! That was really missing.

2018 will be wavy!

2017 was an great year for waves. 2018 will be amazing with all the upcoming development. Bitcoin NG, smart contracts, am amazing new dex and many more things coming to waves in 2018.

Also with the integration of getaways for fiat and crypto is waves going be an amazing platform for many users, projects etcetera.

 From 19 till 23 october the volume went crazy at Yobit exchang (1000 btc a day) right before the bitcoin gold fork. Did anybody notice as I did a whale or whales buying insane amounts of waves (I mean thousands and thousands) during these days? There were even sell orders of 230000 waves just to get prices as low as possible.  Don't you think this is really a good indication of what gonna be wave's price in the future?? Whales were tanking massively. Did it happen in others coins as well? What do you think?
5  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: WAVES | Ultimate crypto-tokens blockchain platform | unofficial supporters topic on: October 18, 2017, 09:20:25 AM


Russia’s Crypto-Ruble Just Changed the Game

The crypto-ruble is confusing a lot of people. It shouldn’t.  Putin just took the lead in Crypto-technology.

For weeks now we’ve been getting very mixed signals out of the Russian Government about cryptocurrencies.  On the one hand we see it embracing the new technology while at the same time going on the warpath against them.

Because of that there is a lot of confusion in people’s minds as to what the endgame for cryptos in Russia looks like.  I’ll try to clear this confusion up given what we know.

But, suffice it to say, this is very good news for both Bitcoin and the Russian economy.  Give me a few minutes and I’ll explain why.

Putin’s Law

Vladimir Putin is very much a law and order kinda guy. If you watch Putin operate in the public arena he always does so with an eye towards the law.  He believes strongly in the law.  And cryptocurrencies, despite their obvious benefits to a Russian economy that needs the type of disintermediation cryptos offer, operate in a legal gray area that makes Putin uncomfortable.

So, the goal with Russian official crypto-policy is to stamp out the illegal activities – the money laundering, terrorism-financing, human-trafficking, etc. – while simultaneously using the technology to modernize Russia’s internal capital handling capabilities.

This is what the crypto-ruble is all about.  It is a way for Russia and Russians to provide a gateway between the crypto-world and the so-called real one.  It ensures that this new form of ruble properly tracks capital flow through the Russian economy.

By taxing crypto-rubles at the capital gains rate for those that cannot provide a paper-trail of ownership, Russia and Putin are incentivizing the development of low-cost crypto-payment systems to exchange rubles for goods only in cryptocurrencies that also track ownership, like Ethereum and others that have transparent blockchain histories.

The Russian Capital Invitation

Putin is openly inviting investment capital into Russia that is legal and above board.  Russia wants legitimate businesses to operate in Russia in whatever currency they like as long as that business is transparent.

The crypto-ruble provides the means by which to convert, transaction-cost-free, back into the national ‘fiat’ currency to pay bills, taxes and the like.  This is in direct opposition to how the U.S., for example, treats cryptocurrencies.

The 2014 I.R.S. rule that classified Bitcoin as ‘property’ means that every Bitcoin transaction, no matter how minor, creates a potential capital gains event.  It means that buying a cup of coffee at Starbucks in Bitcoin is taxable for both the person buying the coffee (capital gains on the sale) and Starbucks when they go to sell those Bitcoins, buy dollars and pay salaries, order supplies, etc.

It’s why the capital that has moved into cryptocurrencies isn’t moving back out.  It’s why the ICO market has exploded.  Billions in profits actively looking for new investment opportunities without paying taxes.

It’s also the main reason why Amazon, for example, doesn’t take Bitcoin.  Who wants that hassle?

Can you imagine Amazon’s Schedule D if it accepted Bitcoin?

The crypto-ruble’s structure dispenses with that for those that can prove ownership via the blockchain.  Bitcoin allows for transaction transparency, so does Ethereum, Litecoin and many others.

Now, cryptos can exist side-by-side with rubles without worrying about the threat of double taxation, unless you earned your money in the murk, at which point Russia wants 13% capital gains.  This new system won’t bring that capital back into the Russian economy, but it wasn’t coming back anyway.

Russia Embraces its Own Cryptos

By calling Bitcoin as a Ponzi scheme and an avenue for money laundering Putin and the Bank of Russia are simply attacking technologies that are not home-grown.  They are, like every other person in the markets, ‘talking their book.’

Putin would prefer people use platforms that are Russian.  Remember, he’s also a nationalist trying to bring Russia prestige in this important market going forward.

Ethereum and WAVES are both platforms designed by and built for Russia. So, you’ll notice that Putin has never spoken out against Ethereum.  WAVES continues to fly under a lot of people’s radar, but it is just as disruptive as Ethereum.

They both provide a platform to act as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) for the next generation of internet-based applications.  Ethereum is a kind of operating system for Internet 3.0 while WAVES is next generation forex exchange as well as providing an easy platform for issuing new public/private equity.

WAVES is what will back the Moscow Exchange’s move to trade cryptocurrencies and their derivatives.  It will act at the gateway for all of the currency exchanges.  So, if you have dollars, Bitcoins, rubles or Ethereum you can buy and sell stocks on the Moscow Exchange eventually.

All nice and legal.  All above-board.

Evil Putin is looking for pension-fund investors seeing Russian bonds trading above 7% and he just gave fund managers a way to come in through the crypto-back door.

Don’t think for a second that Putin doesn’t like Bitcoin as a means to attract investor capital.  This is what Russian Miner Coin is all about.  He just wants it to be regulated so it can ensure the public sphere is maximized.

The Fight for Capital in Flight

Capital will always flow to where it is treated best.

Given the tenuous situation in the global financial and p0litical systems, Russia’s stable government is an asset. What investors need is the confidence of being able to get their money out after putting it back in.

The scheme for the crypto-ruble is part of that confidence-building process.

I know now, as an American investor, I can, for example, invest in a Russian company’s stock or bond offering directly.  I can get paid my dividends or coupons in crypto-rubles, immediately exchange them for bitcoins or whatever currency I want to use as I see fit.

Oh, and if I never convert them back to dollars, I can put off paying taxes until I do.

That’s not really possible now, especially with sanctions.  If it is possible, it’s expensive and a major hassle.  Putin is a smart man with an excellent team around him.  Moves like this are made in response to aggressive moves made by the U.S. to starve his country of capital, i.e. John McCain’s sanctions.

He and his team understand that providing a platform by which capital can enter Russia that is barred through normal means now is key to surviving the next couple of years.  It’s not his responsibility to monitor what U.S. investors do, only that they comply with Russian law.

First-mover advantage is important here.  If Russia continues to develop blockchain technology and embrace it in a relatively tax-free way, it won’t matter that it is ‘regulating’ the beautiful decentralized market of cryptos.

What will matter is that Russia treats its crypto-investors better than everyone else.  In the fight for global capital flows, you don’t have to be perfect, you just have to be slightly better than everyone else.  Arbitrage will take care of the rest.

And tax-free ruble/crypto exchange is the killer app that the crypto-market has been looking for to take it to the next level.

Russia got there first.

"WAVES is what will back the Moscow Exchange’s move to trade cryptocurrencies and their derivatives". This is the key.
 When are we going to have more info about this is the question.
 Thanks for the article.
6  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: WAVES | Ultimate crypto-tokens blockchain platform | unofficial supporters topic on: October 15, 2017, 03:12:21 PM

Translated from Russian source:

Russia will issue its own crypto currency - the minister of communications

Cryptor will have its own features

Moscow, October 14 - AIF-Moscow.
Russia will issue its own crypto currency, the cryptoruble. This decision was made by the Russian president, Nikolai Nikiforov, Minister of Communications and Mass Communications, said at a closed meeting with members of the Moscow Capital Club.

Nikiforov referred to the text of the government's decree with all the regulations. "I so confidently declare that we will launch a cryptor for one simple reason: if we do not, then in 2 months our neighbors in the Eurasian Economic Community will do it," the minister said.

In his opinion, the cryptoruble will be made quickly. For the efficiency of the cryptor, it is planned to streamline the payment of personal income tax. So, if the owner can not explain the reason for the appearance of his cryptorubles, when translating them into Russian rubles, the tax for him will be 13% of the total. When buying and selling a cryptoruble, the amount will be 13% from the earned difference. All these issues have yet to be discussed, said Nikiforov.

The minister explained that the creation of a cryptoruble would not equal the legalization of bitcoin and other crypto-currencies. Russia's crypto currency should use Russian cryptography, the minister said. In addition, the cryptor will not be able to "mine". Nikiforov explained that most likely, it will be a closed model with a certain volume of regulated emissions.

Interesting. Thanks a lot for all your informations. And...Waves has something to say here??? Do you know something more? This could be really HUGE. Cheers.
7  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: WAVES | Ultimate crypto-tokens blockchain platform | unofficial supporters topic on: September 26, 2017, 07:57:20 PM

Russia to end cryptocurrency limbo by proposing regulation

Russia's lower house of the Federal Assembly, the State Duma, is expected to put forward a bill in October regulating the trade of cryptocurrencies. At the moment, bitcoin and other digital money are neither permitted nor prohibited.

“When will the bill be ready? I think it will have been prepared in October, and then we will discuss it before adopting (into law)," a Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Financial Markets Anatoly Aksakov told TASS news agency.

Aksakov has proposed to start a pilot program of bitcoin trading on Russian exchanges. He suggests such settlements make it possible to bypass sanctions for those who want to invest in Russian projects, including in the Crimea.

Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov earlier said that a bill regulating cryptocurrencies in Russia would be ready by the end of the year.

In August, Deputy Finance Minister Aleksey Moiseev pointed out that the government wants to protect the public from bitcoin trading, as it is extremely volatile and resembles a pyramid.

The Governor of the Central Bank of Russia Elvira Nabiullina agrees with the finance ministry in comparing digital currencies to a pyramid. In her opinion, major settlements in bitcoin create the risk of undermining monetary circulation. Nabiullina added, however, that the central bank welcomes the development of new financial technologies and will continue to assess the phenomenon of cryptocurrencies.

As things stand now, the right to trade bitcoins in Russia will only be granted to “qualified investors.” To get the status, you need to have at least six million rubles on your account ($100,000), make at least 40 transactions a year with a turnover of six million rubles or have worked for at least two years in a financial institution that traded securities.

 Could you explain to me why you think this is good news?? I think this could be as bad as China. What's gonna do Waves in case russian politicians start doing this thing in October? Are we suppose to have 100.000 dollars in order to continue trading in waves platform?? I am deeply interested about this. What are Waves plans for this??

Waves is all about (self)regulation of ICO's and is building an "ecosystem" around it.
News doesn't always have to be good or bad, it can be just "news" if it's relevant to Waves or crypto.

In the end I believe there's only 2 options for crypto: a full ban or regulation
And different countries will decide different.

 Thanks for your answer. I think this news could be as bad as hell for Waves in a short time. But I hope I am completely wrong.
8  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: WAVES | Ultimate crypto-tokens blockchain platform | unofficial supporters topic on: September 26, 2017, 07:38:42 PM

Russia to end cryptocurrency limbo by proposing regulation

Russia's lower house of the Federal Assembly, the State Duma, is expected to put forward a bill in October regulating the trade of cryptocurrencies. At the moment, bitcoin and other digital money are neither permitted nor prohibited.

“When will the bill be ready? I think it will have been prepared in October, and then we will discuss it before adopting (into law)," a Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Financial Markets Anatoly Aksakov told TASS news agency.

Aksakov has proposed to start a pilot program of bitcoin trading on Russian exchanges. He suggests such settlements make it possible to bypass sanctions for those who want to invest in Russian projects, including in the Crimea.

Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov earlier said that a bill regulating cryptocurrencies in Russia would be ready by the end of the year.

In August, Deputy Finance Minister Aleksey Moiseev pointed out that the government wants to protect the public from bitcoin trading, as it is extremely volatile and resembles a pyramid.

The Governor of the Central Bank of Russia Elvira Nabiullina agrees with the finance ministry in comparing digital currencies to a pyramid. In her opinion, major settlements in bitcoin create the risk of undermining monetary circulation. Nabiullina added, however, that the central bank welcomes the development of new financial technologies and will continue to assess the phenomenon of cryptocurrencies.

As things stand now, the right to trade bitcoins in Russia will only be granted to “qualified investors.” To get the status, you need to have at least six million rubles on your account ($100,000), make at least 40 transactions a year with a turnover of six million rubles or have worked for at least two years in a financial institution that traded securities.

 Could you explain to me why you think this is good news?? I think this could be as bad as China. What's gonna do Waves in case russian politicians start doing this thing in October? Are we suppose to have 100.000 dollars in order to continue trading in waves platform?? I am deeply interested about this. What are Waves plans for this??
9  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: WAVES | Ultimate crypto-tokens blockchain platform | unofficial supporters topic on: September 17, 2017, 05:33:13 PM
One week ago Sasha Ivanov wrote that it is time to regulate the market, otherwise "this thing is gonna crash hard". I also think some kind of healthy regulation could be the real revolution and the game changer for Waves right now. Tokenomica could be the first step for it and a big step for a big increase in price. And maybe for the survival of Waves in a really long term of time (how many of the current cryptos will survive in two-three years?).
10  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: WAVES. Ultimate crypto-tokens blockchain platform. on: August 31, 2017, 08:30:37 PM
11  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: ★EquiTrader★EQT★🔹POW🔹Monetizing Market Analysis On The Blockchain 📈 on: August 27, 2017, 07:59:02 AM
12  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: ★EquiTrader★EQT★🔹POW🔹Monetizing Market Analysis On The Blockchain 📈 on: August 13, 2017, 03:44:04 PM
Where to get a wallet for Mac?Huh
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