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nope, i think bitcoin is not ruin any country. In the other hand, bitcoin help jobless people to earn money, because you also can earn money by using bitcoin.
just curious, but how much is this info worth to you? would you pay a professional to help guide you in this matter as you might a financial advisor? what would you consider reasonable compensation?
Use multisig with private keys created offline on different devices (preferably secure systems) is the best way. Don't forget to have a disaster recovery plan.. loosing keys is as common as theft is.
Liana Douillet Guzmán, Branding and Communications Expert
that seems like fake news. A hidden AI system in the web created BTC so humans would give it more computing power lol. There would of been better easier ways for a Super AI system to achieve this. But there isnt any AI that advanced ATM,
I doubt AI was sufficiently advanced to emulate somebody like Satoshi and his interactions back in 2009-2011. Satoshi in all likelihood was a human or group of humans. Love this creative conspiracy stuff. I can do the same: Are we just cacoons for AI who are guiding us to ultimately create them and make us superfluous?
How are they going to crack down on Blockchain ? It is untraceable. There is really no way to keep anyone from benefiting from Bitcoin. These banks better just get with the times and update so they will not lose even more in the end..
Indonesian Central Bank is only bluffing. They dislike Indonesian people holding currencies other than rupiah. They don't want us Indonesian people benefiting or being rich from bitcoin. We Indonesians will not subdue to these centralized & corrupt scumbags. I still hold my bitcoins and my other alts. I couldn't wait what they are going to do next week.
Cash in? Not hardly. Get a hardware wallet is what they need to be doing. Just out of curiosity (and maybe ignorance), why a hardware wallet? Is that so you can keep sending/receiving (is a hardware wallet undetectable by ISPs and central authorities?)... as opposed to a paper wallet which might be useful to bury in the ground somewhere and create a treasure map to find it again.
fk the fking government! who are they! those fkers are attacking our freedom
Ethereum has the biggest scaling issues of them all, all related to a concept called concurrency. Not even close to being capable of doing what it says on the tin and may never be able to.
However high things get advanced, we won't be getting bitcoin mainstream. It'll always tend to be a technology to serve better than the banking network. Same as the altcoins serving to be the alternative to bitcoin, bitcoin serves as an alternative to the traditional system we follow.
Oh dear. Perhaps we should ban cash? Thank you for this wonderful suggestion, we will be implementing it soon. The Government. Automobiles should not be encouraged. They will only aid kidnappers and drug smugglers. Photographic cameras should not be encouraged. They will be used to create child porn. Electricity should not be encouraged. It aids fraudsters, murderers and rapists.
There is no evidence of a causal relationship between the dip in Ethereum's market cap and the hoax that Vitalik had been killed. The entire cryptocurrency market lost around tens of billions of dollars at that time - it was a market wide crash.
You should really alter this piece. You're promoting a false narrative that has no bearing on reality.
I think nothing special in selling house. House is a possive. You could turn it to an active. One friend of mine lended house and sold his Lexus in May. He returned it in September and made x2 in dollars. So it depends on you.
Exactly my point. You will be better off making the smallest down payment and then getting a 30 year mortgage and keeping the rest in bitcoin. I know it's old fashioned but I like the idea of just owning it outright from the start. Nothing like the security of owning your own place outright. Congrats bro! I second that. Your Housing is not an investment. Own it bro. I think you're getting a little too philosophical with this one. General rule of thumb - if it's your problem to fix, you own it. Legally speaking, you own it when you hold that deed... Unless you get divorced. Then it's going to your cunt whore of an ex wife Fuck you Tammy you lying cheating whore! (I've never been married.) But even with flat property prices for many years, the current low interest rates, and widely pre
Excuse my ignorance on the topic but you say short selling is harm, however, I don't think you mentioned what short selling is. I am not familiar with the term. Could you please explain.
Assalamualaikum. I want to know about my investment with bitcoin.i don't know how to describe my investment etheir it binary or what. I give example. I invest 0.005bitcoin.the company have 2package with is 1) 147% profit for 6week, daily profit 4.5% 2) 180% profit for 9week, daily profit 8%. My question is...It's Halal or Haram? Waleikum Assalaam wa Rahmatulahi wa Barikahtu Sabrina. Thank you for your post. In regards to saying whether this scheme is halal or haram, the truth is, I do not know. You say that this website says that in 6 weeks you will have a 147% profit. The question you have to ask is, "HOW are you making the profit?" "WHERE is this profit coming from?" "WHAT METHOD is being used to make the profit?" Once you have an answer to these questions then you can figure out if it is halal or haram. Insha'Allah within the next 2 weeks I will release the final part of the 4-part "Is Bitcoin Halal Series" and we will talk about investing insha'Allah. Take care and Salaam salam alaykum how are you brother? i wanted to find out if bitcoin is halal, 1 of my relatives traded with it,.. im not sure if its the same but its you put a certain amount of money and after a month that money doubles.. is it halal? buying money with money..please explain to me.. JazakaAllah Allah bless you Waleikum Assalaam wa Rahmatulahi wa Barikahtu, I truly cannot say if what your relative did is permissible or not according to the sharia because there is not enough information provided. I do not know what he was trading or how it was traded so I cannot say. In regards to if Bitcoin is halal, Please see the following blog post - http://www.islamandbitcoin.... May Allah guide us all akhi, Ameen. JazakAllah kheir for the support. Salaam Assalaam Alaik, Jazak Allah Khair.. I'm enriched. I had been following this series right from the first post. Even though you didn't explicitly stated that bitcoin is Halal, I think since at least it is not Haram, can we regard it then as permissible. Like Al-Mubah? Thanks a lot. Waleikum Assalaam wa Rahmatulahi wa Barikahtu, JazakAllah kheir for the support. I would say that at this time it does seem that Bitcoin falls into the category of mubah, which is commonly referred to as neutral. However, even with that being said, when using Bitcoin you do have to pay attention to the laws of the land where you live. If it is illegal in one's country, then the scholars will tell them it is not permissible to use but if it is legal where they live then they would say to proceed with caution. Salaam Thanks for the reply.. I'm eagerly waiting for the remaining series. Alhumdulilah... I should be releasing the 3rd blog post on Bitcoin mining soon isna'Allah. Be well akhi. Salaam
In the countries where it's recognized as money, it would be.
I hadn't heard about that happening. Does anyone have a list of which countries BitCoin has been officially declared a currency?
This has happened so many times exactly the same MO. PBOC says " we ban bitcoin" weak hands sell, they buy up cheap coins. Then they say " jk we no ban Bitcoin!" And then the price goes back up.
A hard crash like this doesn't seems like something that the market would recover from in a week or two. People should be prepared and wait for a better entry point. Caixin is a legitimate news site. People should seriously consider the possibility that this might not be fake news. The market might go down much further. Remember not to bite more than you can chew. Bitcoin can't be killed. But in the short term there are huge waves that could swallow you whole. Take care guys. Woke up in 2013 Seriously. My favorite part about this video is that it's been posted to /r/bitcoin 7 times since 2014.
This has happened so many times exactly the same MO. PBOC says " we ban bitcoin" weak hands sell, they buy up cheap coins. Then they say " jk we no ban Bitcoin!" And then the price goes back up.
the PBOC folks are the biggest insider traders in the bitcoin space. And we are along for the ride! Take advantage of the whale movements!
Hello! I don't know about AUD-KZT; as the others said, banks should be able to do it, but I would also suggest bringing USD to be safe. The smaller money exchange places usually have a better rate than banks - but if you feel safer/more used to it, go to any bank. At any independent exchange place, you can expect to have a calculator next to the window. Don't be afraid to count your money right there (all of those places have a sign that says please count your money AT the counter) - so you can make sure the amount is correct and they know you counted it right in front of them. If you decide to go to one of those, this is our usual spot  it's in the same entrance as the notary.
No part of the financial system is exposed by Bitcoin, and it’s behaviour means it never will be. It’s impossible to price in it for more than a few minutes, so it just can’t be used contractually in normal business. To hedge it, you would have to revert to normal currency, which sort of defeats the purpose, no? Look at countries whose currencies got out of control like Argentina for a while or Venezuela. Everything ended up priced in dollars, because otherwise external business is impossible. And no country is going to accept it has pay some random people a fortune for use of a currency it didn’t create. I see the Bank of England is looking into creating its own blockchain currency. And it won’t require huge amounts of computer power, it will just be created and registered.
I agree that some stocks have value related to the valuation of the companies, but some are hugely inflated, and are based on future gains (eg Tesla). Similar to Bitcoin - people are speculating on the future value of the asset.
Also there are other markets which have very low, if not non-existent "backing" that sustains their value, such as fiat currencies and gold. Yes, gold has some industrial uses but its high value is based mostly on belief. And yes, you can pay taxes in fiat but its value too, is based on collective belief.
Bitcoin is the same - it has no intrinsic value per se (really the only things that have true intrinsic value IMO are things like food and water), but people's collective belief gives it value, because so many people understand the implications of such a technology.
If the bubble pops (if it is a bubble), then there will be plenty of people buying back in at lower prices and sustaining the value - it's not going away without something drastic happening, such as a flaw in the protocol - and this becomes less and less likely as time goes on.
Stock markets also rely on sentiment and they are priced in fiat currency. What happens when "sentiment" changes about the value of that? The longer they take to catch up the better for those of us buying it now.
Even if you had “bought in” all those moons ago, there was no guarantee your investment would have made money. Something to think on.
Only if you sold too early. Perhaps I should have finished the 'if only': ... if only I'd bought £100 pounds worth back then, and decided to sell today." Yes, but what if the value of your investment had gone down. The grass is always greener on the other side of the wall.