While taking a brake from other tasks here comes few others ^^
Glasscoin: Hidden within transmission of regular more popular coins to broadcast hidden agendas. Favorite coin of Intelligence services used to fund out of state revolutions, terrorism, war and turmoils of different kinds. Possible to see only with special glasses client
Grammatoncoin: Most advanced implementation of coin with ides taken from all other coins. Has many followers and religious like believers which would make statements all around that it is best coin of them all equal or better to some rare mineral
Shellbeachcoin: Most common coin around with billions coin mined. Allows all to get to their favorite destination from the childhood, but not enough proper nodes out there for it to sync the blockchain and therefore never allows you to reach your destination
Tytancoin: Founding of early space exploration projects. Seems as best and most stable coin of them all, but 25% coins premined gave one single corporation most influence as of who goes to the orbit
Nexuscoin: Practically not possible to distinguish from regular coins such as Enterprisecoin as the coin uses same hashes cause it is merged mined. Actual coin users are not happy the direction the coin is going at that it can serve only for specific purposes and that there is number of runners in the network that try pump & dump
skynetcoin: Industrial & military complex coin of choice. Wallets are to advanced to the general public as they seem to run only on Linux and no one prepared Windows client for civilian purposes
Planecorpcoin: Corporation developer coin. Funds many construction activities mainly in third world countries. No one really knows how their algorithm works as no source code was ever released
JCCoin: aka James Cole coin. Used to fund archaeological work around the world, but as the treasure seems close big miners come it to steal it and raise difficulty once again. Regardless how hard you try it seems that there is no end to this cycle
fawkscoin: quite well designed coin for general public, fast, stable and with enough confirmations to still be secure but attacked with outrageous accusations gave way to government control Klatucoin which was sold as much better and future prove idea. Government now in control of the fawkscoin which was produced illegal are still vary that in the future one man masked behind the TOR network will compare time frame of people behind insider trading in the exchanges to that of political figures rising and reveal that to the public which could potentially lead to government collapse
PS as I keep typing I come to the conclusion that idea of cryptocurrency by itself would not free anyone from goverment and central bank control.