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1  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: Better way to reduce transaction fee on: March 04, 2014, 04:14:51 PM
How will the network operate after all Bitcoins are mined?  I have no idea!

we have 20 more years to figure it out - and perhaps only transaction fees will make this possible..

I do start to worry about the time when mining reward become to zero.
I remembered that each block size has limitation of 1 MB .
So the average transaction number per second is about 7.
Total max transaction number of a block is about 7(transaction)x60(sec)x10(min)=4200
We used to decided transaction fee in terms of fiat so no matter what price of a btc is, the fee is always low.
So if the price of each transaction is 0.1 usd, the average total transaction fee of a block is just 4200x0.1=420 usd which is far from current earning.
Where am I wrong?

2  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Easiest Way to Convert BTC to RMB in China? on: February 22, 2014, 04:58:51 AM
China is one of the most convenient country to buy/sell btc imo.
3  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: POLL How do you store your coins? on: February 22, 2014, 04:49:06 AM

Duhhhh... of course I have ALL MY BITCOINS on MtGox... it is the MOST TRUSTED exchange in the World!!! Did you read all their references?

Forget all the imitations, go for the real Gox, MtGox!!!

Otherwise, I put all my faith in HEAVEN! Wink

People in every corner of our beautiful (flat) Earth will soon start accepting Bitcoin... This is a God given FACT!

If you don't believe this, what do you believe?

That's true. The most secure wallet in the world is MtGox.

No one can transfer your btc even you, the owner of the coin.
4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: NEM - copycat scam? on: February 21, 2014, 03:30:07 PM
I don't care if NEM was copied from NXT or not.

If it was, please at least fix the stupid and less security 20-digits wallet address.

Then I will consider to invest some.
5  Local / 中文 (Chinese) / Re: 我们为什么应该重视NXT? on: January 18, 2014, 03:16:16 PM

1. 不公平
    所有幣己全挖完, 一開始由加起來總共71人持有, 其實這71人中是否有重覆的人還不得知, 這個太多人批了, 所以省略。
2. 我質疑開發團隊的能力, 包括coding和安全方面的能力都有問題
    其實我之前有買一點點NXT, 在使用他們的client時就覺得非常卡, client放著讓它跑跑不到24小時blockchain就一定會卡住了,一定要關掉client再把整個blockchain檔案全砍了再重新下載才能繼續, 當時還沒有release source, 但光使用那種品質的程式, 我就能感受到寫code的人的能力(我本身也是軟體工程師)。現在source code部分開放了, 我是沒看過, 但有人評論是中學生水準....
    最後我把NXT全賣了, 讓我決定賣的最重要原因是因為我看到它錢包位址的設計, 它是20個數字組成的字串, 這跟一般錢包以數字和字母組成的位址很不一樣, 雖然一開始這樣看起來好像沒有什麼差別, 但就我的分析, 這20個數字的設計就己經註定了NXT永遠無法成為所謂新一代的電子貨幣。
    NXT的錢包地址其實也是由256-bits的private key算出來的, 但它"看得到"的部分只有64-bits, 這也意謂著, 當你產生一個NXT錢包位址的時候, 比起Bitcoin, 將會多出2^192倍的機會會產生衝突的地址。但其實雖然錢包"看得到"的地址只有64-bits, 但它背後是有綁定一個256-bits的public key, 因此當衝突的時候, 是可以被偵測到的, 照Come-from-Beyond(他是71人其中之一)的說法是, 當系統發現衝突時, 會拒絕產生錢包位址, 確保該衝突的地址只會對映到一個private key。但錢包地址會產生的問題還是一堆, 以下開始說明我想得到的問題:
    一、256 bits都有人嫌不夠了, 64-bits的位址怎麼可能夠用, 電子貨幣跟銀行帳號可不一樣, 如果要當流通貨幣使用的話, 它可能是一筆交易就產生一個位址以追綜交易的對象, 而非一個人或一家公司只有一個錢包地址。
    二、你無法使用離線錢包, 因為當你離線產生錢包位址時, 因為沒有系統檢查, 搞不好錢包地址衝突了你都不知道, 然後你把錢送到你離線產生的地址, 到時候你要把錢轉出去的時候才發現跟別人衝突了, 系統拒絕產生錢包, 等於你送到那個錢包地址的錢永遠拿不回來了。
    三、好, 就算你不離線產生錢包地址, 你用一般方式產生一個地址並送錢過去之後, 你也必須先做至少一次的轉賬動作才能真正地把錢包地址跟你的private key綁在一起。如果你沒有把錢轉出去過的話, 別人一旦產生跟你一樣地址的錢包時(private key不同, 但錢包地址相同, 這機率比Bitcoin錢包發生衝突大2^192=6.27x10^57倍)他只要轉一個NXT走, 該錢包地址綁定的就是別人產生的private key, 你就永遠都沒有控制權了。
    其實大多數人對於電子錢包都懵懵懂懂, 這個幣你只要一不小心就有可能丟掉了你所有的幣, 上面二和三丟幣的例子是因為錢包地址設計所引起, 以下這個更SB
    因為它產生錢包地址的方式是採用passphrase, 也就是Brain Wallet, 你只要輸入空白的passphrase, 它也會接受(我最後使用是0.4.9e, 之後有沒有防呆我不曉得), 然後你會發現裡面竟然有錢被存進去過, 而且還不少, 當然也全都被轉走了, 可以想像那就是不太懂的人不小心把錢轉到空白的passphrase產生的錢包地址所造成的。不想解釋太多, 如果你看不懂這段話的話, 代表你也有機會成為那個受害者。
    拜託...一個寫安全系統的人怎麼會發生這種離譜的錯誤, 它是設計給一般人使用, 如果要使用它還要把白皮書全讀過一遍, 否則你有可能會丟幣的話, 你認為它的接受度會有多高?
    以Bitcoin錢包Electrum來說, 它支援brain wallet, 作者早己預料到會有一般使用者分不清所謂passphrase和password的差別, 所以讓你無法使用任意的passphrase產生錢包地址, 這就是防呆的作用。而且Electrum只是架構在Bitcoin上的一個軟體, 就像幫建築物做裝潢一樣, 你寫一個NXT等於是在建造一個建築物, 連做裝潢的人都能意識到一般人不太懂的人使用passphrase將會產生的安全問題了, 你搞建築物的人竟然沒這個概念, 這建築物你敢住嗎。如果你不懂passphrase和password差別的話, 不好意思, 你在NXT上又有另一個機會丟幣。而上面提到四個丟幣的問題在Bitcoin上全都不會發生, 除非你自己去找3rd party的brain wallet, 然後自己手殘產生一個短密碼的錢包位址, 那就是你自己SB怪不得別人。
    回到地址的問題, 衝突時拒絕產生地址是目前的作法, 但依照開發者BCNext的說法是說, 它之後會再延伸下一個64-bits以供使用 (最下面那篇)
    就算它延伸了, 但backward compatible的問題絕對很多, 我光想就一堆事情要解決, 一堆事情要注意, 又要使用者注意這個注意那個, 否則又會丟幣,為何不一開始就256-bits全使用?怎麼會有人發明一個不知道為什麼這麼設計的設計, 要說它比較短比較好記, 但也還沒短到可以很容易記得住的程度吧, 基本上他只要乖乖地跟別人一樣256-bits全用, 錢包地址是數字+字母然後長一點, 所有地址問題就都解決了, 現在搞成這樣, 從外人看起來就是搬石頭砸自己的腳。但其實還有一個可能就是, 它只想標新立異, 為創新而創新, 然後不小心砸到自己的腳, 但如果是這樣, 就足以看出他心態不對, 他的心態只是為了創新那就是以"炒幣"為目的, 而非他所宣稱他是為了設計下一代的電子貨幣。在地址的設計上你要相信它是技術不足還是標新立異, 自己選一個吧!
    所以從錢包地址設計, 我就看出了技術問題和心態問題, 毅然決然出清所有NXT。地址設計是沒有Source Code就能看出來的安全問題, 那真的把Source Code拿來看, 還會有多少安全問題我真的不敢想像。
    炒炒還可以, 因為其實我有賺30%, 但炒的時機我看也過了, source code部分公佈後, 現在像死魚一樣, 它不是騙局, 但它也不會是它自己所宣稱所謂下一代電子貨幣
6  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: NXT coin - A total scam? on: December 25, 2013, 04:42:49 PM
I thought NXT will not success.

1. It's unfair since all coins were pre-mined. Not just a well-designed architecture and infrastructure that make a successful currency but human belief are a more important element.

Anything with human mind involved become complex and unpredictable. So you should take human nature into consideration.

2. Many awesome features of NXT makes it looks like a super set of altcoins. But only POS were implemented.

I can also state that I will invent a currency that can cure all diseases(but i didn't implemented it yet either Tongue)

3. The system were full of bugs. The client I installed never ran properly more than 24 hours.

I had to delete the .nxt or re-download all client and block chain files to fetch the latest block info every time I restart computer.

And the block chain update progress always got stuck.

Not to saying the super user with huge amount of coins or negative number of coins.

4. The account id issue. We had talked about it for a long time but no any reasonable answer.

It is a simple sense that the fewer digits of receiving id will harm the system security since the probability of conflict become higher.

The most reasonable discuss I saw was that the short account id is just for showing, it will eventually bind with a full public key.

But it still makes no sense since we can send coins to a whole new short id, and what's the new short id will be bound to?

The most weird thing of all is that I still don't know what's the purpose of this short account id design.

This design reveals the lake security sense of the designer/developer. And this is the clue we can see, how are the security details we cannot see?
7  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: NXT Coin Security on: December 25, 2013, 02:03:36 AM
OH, I thought I was wrong.

The first-bit mechanism still have to use full key to send coin in the first time.

But for NXT, you can send coin to the short id even if the id was not used.

So it cannot be a mechanism like first-bit.

So...WTF is the purpose of 20 digits visibleID?
8  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: NXT Coin Security on: December 25, 2013, 01:37:22 AM
What's the point for author to use visible ID?

Do u like riddles?

Alias System allows to create memorable addresses for payments, like "johnsmith". In Nxt everything is made on purpose...

I'm not saying the Alias System, but the 20 digits visible ID truncated from the full public key.

I think it shouldn't act like what you say as prevent user from generating conflicted id when the first 20 digital happened to be the same.

But give the user the longer id to distinguish between existing and and new created one.

For example, if there was an existing id 11111111111111111111 with full key 11111111111111111111xxxxxxxx

then you generated a new id with full key 11111111111111111111yyyyyy which conflict in the first 20 digits

the system should give you the id 11111111111111111111y instead of rejecting you from creating new id.

In short, this mechanism should be like an embedded first-bit service that supported in

9  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: NXT Coin Security on: December 24, 2013, 05:36:38 PM
I think it would be better to use full 256-bits as public key.

What's the point for author to use visible ID?

One reason I can guess is that it would be easier to remember.

Since it is still too long to remember, copy-pasting address will still be the most used way to pass public key.

If we still pass key via copy-past, the shorter id don't save any time. So the shorter(still long) id has no any meaning.

The disadvantages:

Offline wallet become dangerous because there may be chance that you created an id that already existed.

Because you're off-line you didn't know that the id was conflicted. Then you ask someone to send NXT to the id you just generated.

Then you no loner be able to access to the NXT because when you enter the passphrase you were told that the id cannot be used because of the conflict.
10  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Any coin that replaces Bitcoin will use the Bitcoin blockchain. on: December 14, 2013, 05:06:52 AM
Mastercoin, but it will enhance not replace Bitcoin.
I don't think the private key of the "Exodus Address" of mastercoin was not owned by anyone.
So this is the difference between mastercoin and Bitcoin3 I mentioned.
11  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Any coin that replaces Bitcoin will use the Bitcoin blockchain. on: December 14, 2013, 04:29:30 AM
That assumption isn't necessarily possible. The advances might not be able to be incorporated into the Bitcoin block chain for technical and/or vested interests reasons.

Even if the technology is completely different, a technical hack could be done with lots of if/else statements in the code:

if( the input transaction is of the old format )
       use this code taken mostly from the old Bitcoin code
       then convert it into an input of the new format..
       just use the new, incompatible code'd be very hard to come up with a technological change that made that sort of hack impossible.


Well this might be me personally, but I see the entire layer build on top of Bitcoin, separate from Bitcoin itself. Because all that those layers do, is build on the Bitcoin API. Where the Bitcoin client is forcibly delayed by hardforks, I don't see any reason for the infrastructure on top of it, to be so depended on specifically Bitcoin. (Hardfork means at least 6 months, before it can be enforced) While everything build on top of it, just needs to recheck all the API hooks, and can technically be ready to go again in a matter of hours/days.

I think you're vastly underestimating the complexity of switching to a new coin. Look at how long it has taken Mt. Gox to add Litecoin support. Litecoin is almost identical to Bitcoin. One might think that it should take them a day or two. But there's a lot of hidden complexity if things weren't engineered from the ground up to support multiple coins. I also think 6 months is a very long estimate for a Bitcoin hard fork time, given that the Bitcoin devs would have the source code of the new coin.
I think we can use another way to include Bitcoin block chain in Bitcoin3 with lower complexity.
The new Bitcoin3 can have a protocol compatible with Bitcoin network and accept to exchange your Bitcoin into Bitcoin3 with 1:1 exchange rate.
The protocol defined a plain text and valid Bitcoin address like 1YouCanGetBitcoin3BySendBitcoinHere to ensure that no one owns its private key.
And if bitcoin owner send bitcoin to this black hole address, Bitcoin3 protocol will create new Bitcoin3 coin and bind to the owner's Bitcoin3 address.
Then the new Bitcoin3 coin can run a completely new block chain or blockcahin-like structure and any other crypt algorithms.

12  Economy / Exchanges / Re: Bitcoin exchange site for USD/BTC on: November 18, 2013, 03:39:34 PM
For anyone with problems with API access which appeared in the last 2 days, please make sure that you set CONTENT_TYPE header to 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'.

This is very helpful, Thanks
13  Local / 跳蚤市场 / Re: Chinese/English translator needed - Part Time Job offer on: October 29, 2013, 10:33:34 AM
14  Local / 中文 (Chinese) / Re: 发现一个有趣的地址 on: October 29, 2013, 10:25:29 AM
15  Economy / Exchanges / Re: Bitcoin exchange site for USD/BTC on: October 28, 2013, 01:57:32 PM
If this is your first time to withdraw from bitstamp, it's a reasonable time to wait.
16  Local / 中文 (Chinese) / Re: 今天1100元是不是一个坎?能轻松越过吗? on: October 22, 2013, 03:12:26 AM
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