Hi mocacinno, I know you are very busy now, but I would appreciate if you can help me.
the transaction id: 57d4ce0991492435fff57b8963fb91b0b242289b7448f314e0967c7ef1abc801
wether or not you're the sender or the receiver (or both); both
which of the addresses used in the stsuck belong to your wallet (also list the change addresses). I can also work the other way around: in this case, tell me which address you were trying to fund: I was sending my funds to 15PSwTez6eoPzQquBuTzxtvSsVxUmwWBhA
which wallet software you're using; I used CEX.io to Binance
acknowledge that your transaction is in my mempool (check requirement 2 ^^)
acknowledge there's nothing "strange" going on with your transaction
acknowledge you will rectify your situation, so that in the future you'll add sufficient fees... I will not help accelerate transactions for freeloaders that just keep cheaping out on the fees!!!
if you tipped me, you can list the transaction id of the tip (not required)