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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: T-Rex 0.19.1 NVIDIA GPU miner (Ethash, Octopus, Kawpow, MTP) on: December 11, 2020, 03:14:16 PM
Heads up, new version breaks (on older AMD cpus?) now with 0.19.3
20201211 08:44:35 TREX: eyJhIjoiZEhab0NhQk91TDNjZ1FpRlptaG1XQjdid25DMEwwOEdDaXBXZC9SYnlYK1B4OXFFUnlURll jOHVXWENZTWdrUEZHM1ZLYVdNTlNyeGZ3WGxFZ1JuRm4xY3ZYc0VPNzloamhnUnpKaU9PTHdZTVR0Rj lILy9lWlYwNDRYUHA0QUE3WjhaUXU3QWdBd21LZzN3OXY5RTh3PT0iLCJiIjoiNndrb0h6cllXN015Q WdkTmRIaU5hdz09In0K
20201211 08:44:35 WARN: Miner is going to shutdown...
20201211 08:44:40 TREX: eyJhIjoieXZOMHNnVEhlM0VTTHVrMkFQMVpHTUZmbEEyMGF5WHpnM0lGeGlzT3YreVg4SHBoWitxY01 DWW1HWHVYQVk5b1FhWVdSaXBkaHE3VHExRDd6Tk9PcEs1Q1lMNnk3dFMrd3lGWjB4TlB3aWtZekZnU2 9tNFp4VklPSTJuakNsWDlXMnZjY0dkV3RmcnVyRDQ2R2EvVlV3PT0iLCJiIjoiTlF1aUt4WmxvaTV3Q VRuOGg3ajBFZz09In0K
20201211 08:44:40 WARN: Miner is going to shutdown...
20201211 08:44:46 TREX: eyJhIjoidjIwQUdHUzJVN2RMUnplRmcyNG5ja1pkVEY1VFpwYU1oeVVTTmx3RnRWdnd6eVdLMGk2amp odnZkRjRnczNzTWEyTFF3LzFoNGhSOU5ZbFJPWXBWcFR2N1ozVm41WHp3RlJBYmRQU3krMTVVVXZFb0 N4U2wwOVQ2OHVNY05sUjdxc283YU9TQUU5YmRIRGZGbytDWTNRPT0iLCJiIjoiVXNBbUhYcWljYkVme VRrcjVOT1N4dz09In0K
20201211 08:44:46 WARN: Miner is going to shutdown...
20201211 08:44:52 TREX: eyJhIjoiK1orbGx0WXhQMmE2b1hNTkxSRXRTQkpYUlo2MHBFa1U1MlEwVGovZERFUzFnWHE1eDlCbHN DWHdCdS9QZ0ZJWEYrdFhnUmJ3S0hJZDJpQkFrZldIdDBHL1l1b3dHdjE3Uk1TTG4xbERwYVRjZFlUYk x3K0xvN1hCU0Q4RURHY2xpdkQybmoyam8wa3A4T1hOUmFFU2hBPT0iLCJiIjoiMDErcmE4bWE4TVN6W XRUaHQvdEVDdz09In0K
20201211 08:44:52 WARN: Miner is going to shutdown...
20201211 08:49:39 TREX: eyJhIjoiUzljTkJ5dFhEanBwYUQyL2lzMzF3UFZjV01oVFhtYW9HSktIQVBXN3FGVlZnTjE5ZDhqNnl 2UTQzR0FGWGRjcjMwRWFJaG1BbjNJeG1EUDVHWmFxODFlWFZCSmVJd2s2cmg5bU00TzA5dm5MM0liSH VwWU9YZFRMRk94WlViZUU2RUFpb3ZleWk1c09qREk1QUUyc29nPT0iLCJiIjoiUENUMTdUczhBVzg3Q i9FbFV6NmlBQT09In0K
20201211 08:49:39 WARN: Miner is going to shutdown...
20201211 08:49:45 TREX: eyJhIjoib3dMdDdLL0xFNDdmVVFGcEU0dGYvbEVNNGwxb0Z0eC9nbzR3S0pDM0dINzlQcjhyUTVMdHp mY1dkYXR4Q0RsR0pUbm41YllUaytyTGt3cFozRmo0OXVyWC8ySGRzaGF5VWczWEpqNzc3QU5IaUVJNX hrMlp5enB4SWc3RUZIWTFBcVE2dU9XeCtBU010WVA0dlZJd3F3PT0iLCJiIjoieWZwbTZzWlFtc1BLc DNVNU1aMjlpUT09In0K
20201211 08:49:45 WARN: Miner is going to shutdown...

Host system is an old FX processor.  0.19.1 works fine still.
2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: suggest me mining linux for vega56x7 rig on: July 18, 2019, 02:43:38 PM
Interesting - so what exactly overdriventool was changing on mem voltage field?

pic from net

From what I remember its SoC voltage floor, but the only thing you need to know is, if m-P3 voltage is higher than c-P7 voltage, your core voltage won't go under that; and vice-versa.
3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: lolMiner Equihash Miner, Update: Apr 18th: lolMiner 0.8.1, Cuckatoo-31 on 4/8G on: June 26, 2019, 01:02:15 PM
Any chance of implementing the other cuckoo algo's?
4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: GMiner v1.36 Equihash(BEAM, BTG)/CuckooCycle(AE, SWAP, GRIN29, GRIN31) on: March 31, 2019, 03:01:42 PM
TBH Beam (and equihash in general) is a waste of time and money on AMD anyways. Lolminer should focus on delivering a non-shite cuckoo miner since he clearly has a better understanding of opencl than most, and (I propose) a 5% dev fee for it; that's a miner I would use.
5  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN]Bminer: a fast Equihash/Ethash/CuckooCycle miner for AMD/NVIDIA GPUs 15.3.1 on: March 29, 2019, 06:09:29 PM
working on it...

Small request from someone maintain an ethOS integration;

Will you please add a version call to your miner.  E.G. "./bminer --version"
Thank you for your work on this miner, its great.

6  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: KBMiner: AMD and Nvidia GPU miner for Grin, AE(aeternity) mining on: March 28, 2019, 03:46:27 PM
Please add C29s algo for Swap coin.  I would love to use this on my gpus.
7  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN]Bminer: a fast Equihash/Ethash/CuckooCycle miner for AMD/NVIDIA GPUs 15.3.1 on: March 25, 2019, 04:09:00 PM
working on it...

Small request from someone maintain an ethOS integration;

Will you please add a version call to your miner.  E.G. "./bminer --version"
Thank you for your work on this miner, its great.
8  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: WildRig Multi: new miner for AMD with multialgo support on: January 13, 2019, 10:45:30 PM
Just fyi, easier ethos installation is here. Full integration.
9  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Efudd's Z9/Mini Fuddware v2.1d / Jan Contest: Win a Nintendo Switch! on: January 09, 2019, 03:24:14 PM
Just wanted to pop on here to say OP is a legit dev, and I'm really happy with his FW on my z9 mini.  So if you are on the fence, just make the plunge and don't look back.
10  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] TeamRedMiner 0.3.8 - Optimized Win/Linux AMD GPU Miner for lyra2z and phi2 on: December 31, 2018, 05:43:03 PM
*Patiently waiting for more cryptonight algorithms to be added so I can drop god-awful xmr-stak ux*
11  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: SRBMiner Cryptonight AMD GPU Miner V1.6.7 - with algo switching support on: September 18, 2018, 03:16:58 PM
Anyone get Stellite to mine? I can't get the miner to start.  Would like to see someone else's start bat.  I'm sure I'm doing something stupid. 
12  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: [Cast XMR] high speed XMR/CryptoNight miner for RX Vega GPUs (2 KHash/s) on: September 08, 2018, 03:12:59 PM
Don't know if its an issues on my end, but I noticed GPU numbers are being incorrectly assigned.  I currently have 5 vega 56s, HWInfo shows them 0,1,2,3,4 --> 0,1,4,3,2 in Cast, I was hoping I could reorder the gpu numbers by reordering the -G numbers, but this is not the case.

Also I noticed RX580s are having issues being erroneously detected as not in compute mode and also having a low hashrate because of it, RX570s appear to be fine.

Adrenaline 18.5.1 driver.
13  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: tdxminer lyra2z/XZC Miner for AMD GPUs on Linux on: August 18, 2018, 08:53:25 PM
It does not.  Requires the ROCM drivers, which ethos does not use.
14  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Claymore's CryptoNote AMD GPU Miner v11.3 on: June 24, 2018, 04:50:08 PM
Hello im using hiveos and its using only 6300/8200 mb of each card if i add :


It gives me error that is uknow option hmm can anyone know how to solve issue?

Those are windows options, no need to set on linux.
15  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Hashrate RX 570 on: January 20, 2018, 12:21:01 AM
^--------here you go.
16  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Hashrate RX 570 on: January 08, 2018, 03:42:35 PM
Ha. My roommate just picked up a rx580 to play with, and wouldn't ya know it, elpida memory.  Doesn't appear to like one-click memshift either. Still warrants further research though, the hashrate on it is no better than my 570s.
17  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Hashrate RX 570 on: January 08, 2018, 04:32:05 AM
I do have custom timings (one-click in PBE which is a 1:1500-2000), which I think is the only reason I'm getting the hash I am. I'm just surprised to see that huge of difference in ram quality between manufacturers.  I had another incorrect share pop up so I've since lowered again to 1910.

My Hynix cards shine for sure, two of them at 1200/2190mhz (~930H/s) and are picking up the slack of my rig.  690w @ the wall btw.  I like it.
18  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Hashrate RX 570 on: January 07, 2018, 06:58:59 PM
Just wanted to chime in here, I've had pretty good luck with my cards overall, but am questioning one card in particular.  All of my cards are MSI Armor 4G oc's, most are SK-Hynix, but I have 2 that are Elpida, one of which is particularly weak.  I originally pressed forward with my normal vbios mod (one-click mem, undervolt everywhere), but was shocked to find I couldn't hit even 2000mhz without instant failure.  So I reinstalled the stock vbios, loaded up a miner, and began to tweak my overclock.  Seemed to be holding 1950mhz mem; at 1970mhz it would die within about 30 seconds (again, this is STOCK everything). Anyways after fiddling with it for a few hours, I gave up, and put my modded bios back on there.

Long story short, I have 1200/1920mhz/900mv stable on this card (easily my weakeast) at 830H/s cryptonote, anything higher would result in incorrect shares.

Could I really have been this unlucky in the silicon lottery?  I was reading multiple places, people were hitting 2000mhz on Elpida memory.   
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