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1  Local / Discutii Servicii / Re: Platforma criptomonede, caut asociati / parteneri / colaboratori on: December 12, 2018, 06:10:58 PM
Din pacate am renuntat la proiect si la crypto Smiley
2  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: de unde cumpar cel mai ieftin bitcoin daca sunt din romania? on: September 16, 2018, 05:11:07 PM
Iti recomand si kraken, nu e site romanesc dar poti sa depozitezi euro si sa cumperi bitcoin, iar pretul cred ca este cel mai mic, deoarece comisionul lor de trading e 0.26% si sa retragi e 0.0005 BTC.
3  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: RubyKube - Create your own exchange with open-source (not an ICO) on: September 15, 2018, 03:41:06 PM
I think open source projects are great, however I don't understand why somebody would want to create an open source crypto exchange. I'm saying this because I'm also working on a cryptocurrency platform - - and I've thought of open sourcing the code.

But why would an open source crypto exchange attract users? What would be the advantages?
This is still a centralized exchange, so it doesn't matter that the source code is available, the owners could still steal everybody's coins and exit scam if they wanted to.
Users who have the programming skills to understand the source code would also be mindful enough not to trust a third party with their private keys, so they probably wouldn't use a centralized service.
4  Local / Discutii Servicii / Re: Proiect Start Up Nation - ferma minat on: September 14, 2018, 04:23:19 PM
User 'frozendark' has not chosen to allow messages from newbies. You should post in their relevant thread to remind them to enable this setting.
Vreau sa-ti trimit un mesaj privat, te rog daca se poate sa activezi optiunea "Allow newbies to send you PMs.", o gasesti in pagina ta de profil:;sa=pmprefs
5  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Bancile au restrictionat accesul legat de cumpararea sau vanzarea monedelor on: September 14, 2018, 04:03:12 PM
Salut, eu folosesc Mistertango si Coinflux fara probleme. Cei de la coinflux ai cont la mistertango si eu am card mistertango .

La mistertango am vazut ca au o taxa lunara de 5 EUR daca vrei sa folosesti crypto exchanges:
Monthly fee €4.99
Send/receive transfers to/from crypto-exchanges Yes
6  Local / Discutii Servicii / Re: Proiect Start Up Nation - ferma minat on: September 14, 2018, 03:19:34 PM
am incercat eu sa fac ceva cu start up nation. Din cate stiu, nu se mai dau fonduri pentru ferme, s-a intamplat asta in 2017. Daca dai o cautare pe olx dupa start up nation o sa vezi vreo 2 indivizi care vand ferme dastea.
Treaba cu start up nation e putin mai stufoasa si riscanta. In primul rand iti trebuie cam 3000 euro pt inceput. 2000 se vor duce la firma de consultanta ( care nu fac mare cacat, iti fac proiectul si il baga pe teava...dar e "multa" munca asa ca daia cer banii aia), si cam 4-5000 lei cand faci credit punte. Ca si conditie principala trebuie sa angajezi 3 oameni pe care trebuie sa ii tii in firma aprox e 3 ani.
Ideea e ca esti monitorizat 4 ani. Toata treaba e sa ti firma in picioare chiar daca iesi pe minus, insa daca ai ajuns in pragul asta ai slabe sanse sa te ridici.. trebuie sa aduci bani din casa si sa platesti salariile angajatilor si contributiile la stat. Daca nu mai poti face nici asta intri in faliment si trebuie sa dai toti banii inapoi, adica 44000 euro.

In legatura cu Start-Up acum in 2018 pentru cine intereseaza sa acceseze pentru minat regulile sunt urmatoarele:
- trebuie sa vorbesti cu un consultant sa te inscrie la PTIR  ( mare atentie pentru Bucuresti si Ilfov nu se mai dau fonduri) , pentru provicie iti trebuie flotant la cineva.
- urmezi cursurile de anteprenoriat , dai un mic examen sa poti depune proiectul de finantare.
- depui proiectul si iei banii ( nu sunt 43000 sunt undeva la 178000 de mii de lei din care 6900 dai la consultant - aici mare atentie nu este consultantul care te-a inscris pentru start-up ... se aloca unu din officiu)

Iti trebuie in plan de afaceri pe productie ( pe minat nu se mai dau fonduri)  si iei banii.
Iti trebuiesc 2 angajati ( tu+ 1) - se deconteaza 12 luni chirie,curent electric, angajati, contabil,RU,echipamente it si birotica, dupa cele 12 luni te descurci din ce minezi.

Eu iau banii in ianuarie .

Te referi la programul "Romania Startup Plus"? Cand ai depus proiectul si cand/cat au durat cursurile de antreprenoriat? Proiectul l-ai facut tu singur sau cu consultant?
7  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: COIN MARKET INFO SITE COINARTCAP on: September 13, 2018, 03:52:57 PM
Increase the font size, turn off the flashing when the price changes, don't open a new window when I click on a coin.
8  Local / Market / Re: Cumpar BTC contra cash, doar sume mari! on: September 13, 2018, 02:01:47 PM
E scam, as always. 20 BTC = 140.000 USD ceea ce face ilegala tranzactia. Daca zicea ca pleaca de la 1 BTC poate ca il mai credea cineva.
De ce e ilegala tranzactia?
9  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Bitcoini pe OLX on: September 12, 2018, 02:06:24 PM
Pretul mi se pare prea volatil ca sa cumperi sau sa vinzi ceva cu bitcoin, cel putin pentru produse fizice.
Pentru servicii sau produse virtuale parca mai merge, ca acolo de obicei adaosul / profitul e mai mare.
10  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: A+Δ cryptocurrency platform: wallet, trading, payment processing on: September 12, 2018, 09:00:56 AM
I agree that the current fees that the exchanges charge are quite high, a new exchange should (obviously?) have cheaper fees.

The website loads pretty fast for me (less than 0.5 seconds - I use gigabit fiber) and the order execution is even faster, right now I'm using a $5 VPS with 2 CPUs and 4 GB of RAM and the platform is processing ~20 orders/second with 50% CPU utilization. Maybe it's your internet connection?
11  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: A+Δ cryptocurrency platform: wallet, trading, payment processing on: September 12, 2018, 07:17:05 AM
The issues have been fixed, everything should work fine now, thanks for your input. I have pushed a lot of updates to the application in the past few days and it seems like I skipped some tests.

The transaction fees were copy/pasted from other exchanges, I don't see it as a problem, because these are TESTNET coins after all.

The overall speed is a factor I have been working on quite a lot, what action specifically do you think is slow and could be faster?
12  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: A+Δ cryptocurrency platform: wallet, trading, payment processing on: September 10, 2018, 03:07:57 PM
Just added the ability to instantly send cryptocurrencies to other users of the platform with zero fees (for free), because the transfer is executed off-chain, only in platform's database. You must know the user ID of the recipient of the coins (which can be found in My account -> Settings)

I'm now working on sending coins using email, which would work like this: you select the coin, you type the amount and the email address, and the platform sends an email to the user saying they have received some coins. The user can then create an account or login to their existing account and claim the coins. If the coins are unclaimed after a certain amount of time, they are returned to the user who send them.
This service will also be free.

If this sounds interesting, please take a look:
13  Local / Discutii Servicii / Re: Platforma criptomonede, caut asociati / parteneri / colaboratori on: September 10, 2018, 02:58:35 PM
User 'weaseldotro' has not chosen to allow messages from newbies. You should post in their relevant thread to remind them to enable this setting.
Fixed! Try again please Smiley

O sa mai postez despre ce lucrez pe topicul dedicat proiectului, daca sunteti interesati va recomand sa-l urmariti:
14  Local / Discutii Servicii / Re: Platforma criptomonede, caut asociati / parteneri / colaboratori on: September 05, 2018, 05:04:07 PM
Am gasit si o denumire pentru platforma:
Deocamdata nu e lansata oficial, sunt in perioada de research pentru monedele care sa le adaug. Intre timp, puteti sa va vedeti ce poate face folosind sandbox-ul:
15  Bitcoin / Project Development / A+Δ cryptocurrency platform: wallet, trading, payment processing on: August 30, 2018, 08:41:24 AM
For the past few months I've been working on a cryptocurrency platform with the following main features: wallet, trading (exchange) and payment processing.
I have tested the platform as much as I can test it by myself, it is currently pretty fast, stable, secure and easy to use.
So far I've concentrated on the programming, and I still have to figure out the business side of things, starting a cryptocurrency platform is not an easy task, especially if you want to do it right.

The website is - while officially not launched yet, you can play with a fully functioning version by using the sandbox:

See all the features I've implemented here:

So what do you think? I would appreciate some feedback and constructive criticism.

Thanks for reading.
16  Local / Discutii Servicii / Platforma criptomonede, caut asociati / parteneri / colaboratori on: August 02, 2018, 04:09:54 PM
De cateva luni lucrez la o platforma de criptomonede, la care am implementat momentan urmatoarele functii: wallet multi-moneda (gen, exchange/trading intre utilizatori (gen si procesator plati in criptomonede pentru furnizorii de bunuri si servicii (gen
In prezent platforma e functionala, stabila si rapida, am testat-o destul de bine si dpdv tehnic poate fi lansata public imediat. Va puteti inregistra si testa facilitatile aici:
Cateva mentiuni: partea de depuneri/retrageri este dezactivata, dar este implementata pentru: bitcoin, ether, litecoin, dogecoin si tokenuri erc20. Ecranul de trading se vede ciudat pe mobil, mai trebuie sa lucrez un pic la el. Activitatea curenta din exchange este "clonata" cu 2 boti (unul vinde, altul cumpara) folosind API-ul binance si API-ul platformei mele. Momentan se executa aprox. 1500-2000 ordere/minut in 7 markets pe un cloud server de 5 EUR / luna cu 2 CPU si 4 GB RAM Smiley
Vreau sa creez un business cu aceasta platforma si caut asociati / parteneri / colaboratori care sa participe la acest proiect alaturi de mine.
Ma intereseaza persoane serioase care sunt interesate de criptomonede si au cunostinte de baza despre cum functioneaza, au experienta anterioara de business pe Internet, trading, finance, marketing si sunt dispusi sa investeasca bani si/sau criptomonede (sau gasesc investitori) in proiect.
Banii si criptomonedele vor fi investiti in promovarea proiectului si lichiditate pentru exchange, eu personal nu doresc sa primesc bani sau crypto de la asociati / parteneri / colaboratori, si nici nu doresc sa investesc bani sau crypto.
Vom imparti profiturile, dar nu va asteptati la profituri rapide. Este un proiect pe termen lung, concurenta este maricica si sunt destul de multe exchange-uri, trebuie sa fiti cu adevarat pasionat de subiect. Daca ati aflat de criptomonede de cateva luni si vreti sa faceti niste bani rapid si cu putina munca, cautati in alta parte.
Persoanele interesate sunt invitate sa ma contacteze Smiley
17  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Comparatie de preturi on: January 04, 2018, 02:08:31 PM
Exista deja asa ceva:
Subiectul a fost discutat si aici:
Ideea de baza e ca s-ar putea ca preturile sa se alinieze in timpul in care faci transferurile intre wallets si exchangesuri.
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