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1  Local / Other languages/locations / Re: Esperanto on: March 20, 2022, 08:50:59 PM
Ial mi tradukos mian "bitcoin-bash-tools" programaron.  Ĉefe la dosieron "LEGUMIN".

Estos ne facila por me, sed mi volas provi.

Ĉu iu volas helpi min?
2  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: A full shell script implementation of bitcoin ? on: February 18, 2022, 09:49:42 PM
Sorry for necro-posting, but a github user pointed me to that thread so I felt like updating subscribers.

This project is still alive, though updates are rare.

Feel free to check it out :
3  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Alternative to bip39 : memorizing your seed with the PEG system on: October 31, 2021, 04:27:36 PM
So for instance if the second number you had to memorize was say 53, then you can picture Elizabeth II riding a lama (because "lama" is 53 in the major system), or you can think of the sentence "the queen is lame".  I personally like using images of animals, but to each his own.
Elizabeth could just as well be a mummy (33) or boss (90).

"Elizabeth" has four consonants : LZBT, which is 5091.  There's no way I would confuse her with a number between 0 and 99.

Elizabeth II represents 2 for me because the number 2 is literally in her title.

I'm not sure you understood my method, so again : the concepts in the recall table do not use the major system.  Only the numbers they are pegged to, do.  If the n-th number in my list is x, I turn x into a word with the major system and I create a mental association of that word with the n-th entry in my recall table.

Let's say I want to memorize the first few decimals of pi : 31 41 59 26.  I must associate :

* 31 to Attila.   I can imagine him trying to speak and failing, because he is mute.  Or I can think of him being a insane killer, so he is mad.
* 41 to Elizabeth II.  I can imagine her screaming because she just saw a huge rat.  I need to stress that it is huge because I need to remember that it is not a mouse, as that would be 30.
* 59 to the Troyan war.  I can imagine Helen of Troy biting her lip when seeing Paris.
* 26 to Catherine Deneuve.  I can imagine her reading Nietsche's "Thus spoke Zarathustra".


Try my method to memorize 40 decimals of pi, or more.  I bet it will work.

It gets even more confusing when you have more than one seed to remember.

You probably don't have many seeds to remember but you're right, it's probably a bad idea to use this method to memorize several seeds.
4  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Alternative to bip39 : memorizing your seed with the PEG system on: October 29, 2021, 01:03:30 PM
Also, if someone can figure out a few common guesses on what word you'd assign a number (the Michael Jordan bulls jersey really stands out in this regard) then you lose one of the main advantages of this PEG system - that people don't know your words, as BIP39 wordlists are public for everyone to see.

I don't pick the numbers arbitrarily.   The numbers are coming from the seed.  Say the number I must associate with Jordan is 28 (it's not the actual number I'm using, 28 is just a random number I've just generated for illustration purpose), then I must chose a word that codes 28 in the major system.

28 is n + (v or f).   So I can picture Michael Jordan handling a knife.  You can't guess that from Michael Jordan alone because me picking the knife for 28 had nothing to do with me picking Michael Jordan for 23.
5  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Alternative to bip39 : memorizing your seed with the PEG system on: October 29, 2021, 12:58:01 PM
I certainly wouldn't rely on it as a single point of failure.

Nobody should, but we may have to in case the government seizes all our belongings.
6  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Alternative to bip39 : memorizing your seed with the PEG system on: October 29, 2021, 12:33:53 PM
Heck, here is my full recall table.  As I said, it does not have to be secret.

1 is Attila, leader of the Huns.  Because "Hun" sounds like one in French.

2 is Elizabeth II.

3 is anything related to the Troyan war.  Because "Troy" sounds like three in French.

4 is Chaterine Deneuve.  Because that first name sounds like four in French and as a kid I saw a movie with Catherine Deneuve wearing a donkey skin and I found the image very striking.

5 is a hand because it has five fingers.

6 is any insect.  Because insects have six legs.

7 are Disney's seven dwarves.

8 is Spiderman.  Because spiders have eight legs and I didn't want to pick an animal to avoid confusion with 6.

9 is anything evoking an egg.  Because "an egg" in French sounds like 9.   For instance I can use Lewis Caroll's Humpty Dumpty.

10 is Charlton Eston in "the ten commandements"

11 is anything related to soccer.  Because a soccer team has 11 players.

12 is Jesus Christ and his twelve apostles.

13 is mother Theresa.  Because her first name vaguely sounds like 13 in French.

As mentioned previously, 14 is Louis XIV

15 is anything related to rugby, as there are typically 15 players in a rugby team.  I picked a famous French rugbyman :

16 is Louis XVI and the way he died.

17 is Louis XVII.  This child died in jail so I imagine him there.  It's striking enough of a mental picture for me but there is none on the web.

I struggle with 18.  So far I'm using a symbol for something NSFW as it's often marked as "18+", but I'm not too happy with this entry.

I struggle with 19 too.  I pick a place where I used to live as the door number was 19.  No pictures for this on the web of course.

20 is anything related to wine, because "wine" in French sounds like 20.

21 is Tarot.  Because in tarot there are 21 trump cards.  I can also use a card trick discussed in this numberphile episode.

22 is police.  Because in French there is a famous saying "22, v'la les flics"

23 is Michael Jordan, as mentioned previously.

24 is anything related to the French car race "les 24 heures du Mans" :

25 is Santa Claus.

I couldn't pick anything better than iron for 26.  Iron's atomic number is 26.  I picture an iron sword for instance.

27 is the day number of my birthday so I picture a birthday gift.

I haven't found anything truly satisfying for 28, so for now I think about four number sevens or something.

29 is the atomic number of copper.  So I think of copper wires.

30 is Judas Iscariot.  Because he is said to have betrayed Jesus Christ for thirty silver coins.

31 is anything related to this animated series I mentioned previously.

32 are a full set of teeth.

33 again as mentioned above is a misbaha.

34 is the atomic number of Selenium, which means moon in Greek.  So, the moon.

I'm not entirely satisfied with what I found for 35.  On wikipedia I learned that it is a tetraedral number so I went with the corresponding picture.

For 36 I went with the Jewish belief that the first light created by God shone for 36 hours.  So I imagine an empty space irradiated by light.  No web picture for this.  Obviously this is not a very satisfying entry but it works.

37 is the human body temperature in Celsius.  So I pick a thermometer.

38 is the American roulette, as it has 38 slots.

7  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Alternative to bip39 : memorizing your seed with the PEG system on: October 29, 2021, 11:10:03 AM
So you end up with 38 things to memorize, but you have no way of memorizing the order?

The point of the recall table is precisely to encode the order.
8  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Alternative to bip39 : memorizing your seed with the PEG system on: October 28, 2021, 11:29:07 PM
But, is there any wallet the pictures or words can be imported and it will generate the right keys and the addresses?

You´d do it with bitcoin core.  It can create a wallet from a seed, can´t it?

Apart from bitcoin core the only thing you need is some code to turn the seed from hex to decimal and back, but that can be done with most programming languages in one line or so.

What I am suggesting is actually conform to a bip : bip32.  It's a way to memorize a bip32 seed.
9  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Alternative to bip39 : memorizing your seed with the PEG system on: October 28, 2021, 08:31:43 PM
Some more examples of my recall table :

23 is Michael Jordan

31 is a French animated series I used to watch as a kid :

14 is the most famous French king :

Building a recall table is actually kind of fun.
10  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Alternative to bip39 : memorizing your seed with the PEG system on: October 28, 2021, 08:17:03 PM
Would it be possible to make an example of this being used to show how big the mnemonic for a seed would be (eg the standard 12 word (128bit) seed).

A bip32-compatible seed is 32 bytes long (or rather, it should contain 32 bytes of entropy).   As I wrote, that is 38 numbers for 0 to 99.  Here is a random exemple to get an idea of what that looks like :

38 56 21 6 4 95 81 77 72 67 36 60 91 59 2 65 44 31 34 76 61 10 99 49 12 74 32 89 66 10 89 90 49 7 84 88 95 98
11  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Alternative to bip39 : memorizing your seed with the PEG system on: October 28, 2021, 07:56:10 PM
As far as I know, bip39 is the most standard way to memorize your HD wallet but I don't like it for at least two reasons :

  • it's not compatible with the bitcoin core client
  • I don't find the generated words easy to memorize

So lately I've been learning about mnemonics in order to memorize the bitcoin core seed.  After experimenting quite a bit, I concluded that at least for me, the the PEG system works better than the method of loci.

What is the PEG system?  Well it seems that there are several definitions of it on the web, but the one I like is an analogy with what is done when you leave your shirt to a dry cleaner.   They will stick a number to it and give you a receipt with that number.   That's how the PEG system differs from the method of loci : you don't really memorize a sequence of things, instead you memorize associations between numbers and things.   That's why people who use this method can recall the things they memorized in any order.  I'm not sure that is possible with the method of loci.

So what worked for me is the combination of the PEG system and the so-called major system.

So to memorize a seed, I first converted it to decimal, from which I made 38 integers from 0 to 99.

Each of this numbers is turned into a word with the major system.  Then each of these words is "pegged" to something that represents the position index in the list.   These things representing the indices form what is called the recall table.  This recall table doesn't have to be secret.

For instance, the second entry in my recall table is Elizabeth II :

So for instance if the second number you had to memorize was say 53, then you can picture Elizabeth II riding a lama (because "lama" is 53 in the major system), or you can think of the sentence "the queen is lame".  I personally like using images of animals, but to each his own.

Whatever method you choose to build your recall table with, I think it is important that you do not use the major system, since you will associate two numbers, you want a way to know which is the index and which is the seed chunk value.  Only the latter will be built with the major system.  For the former, you can use anything.   Since the recall table does not have to be secret, you can take inspiration from public knowledge data.

For the 33rd entry of my recall table for instance, I looked up the wikipedia page for 33 :

and then I picked the islamic prayer beads as a PEG for that position (as it has 33 beads) :

Memorizing a bitcoin seed with this method implies building a recall table of size 38.  It's perfectly doable.  The main hassle I think is to type all these numbers : it is tedious and stressful because you're typing sensitive information you can't save anywhere and if you make a typing mistake you have to start over again.
12  Bitcoin / Wallet software / Re: bitcoin-bash-tools now partially supports BIP-0032 on: August 25, 2021, 06:22:37 AM
You seem to be missing BIP350[1] which is the new encoding mode for Bech32 encoding that must be used for any SegWit address with witness version >=1.


Indeed.   I added it to the TODO list.  Thanks.
13  Bitcoin / Wallet software / bitcoin-bash-tools now partially supports BIP-0032 on: August 24, 2021, 06:06:04 PM
One of the oldest bitcoin libraries just had a make-over!

I've tried to make the code cleaner (fewer abuses of sed for instance) but I also added support for bech32 and a preliminary support for bip-0032.  So far only master key generation is implemented but arguably that is the most difficult part.   Child key derivation should be coming soon.

I also separated the code in several files, each file being useful on his own I think.  Base58 and bech32 for instance are encoding schemes that could conceivably be used for bitcoin non-related tasks.   I may switch back to a single file if some feedback suggests it'd be better.

There is also an additional requirement with jq ( to process JSON.  I know I wanted as few dependencies on external programs as possible but this one is very nice and useful.  Again if some feedback suggests I should remove it, I will.
14  Local / Hors-sujet / Re: Coronavirus on: December 26, 2020, 09:06:10 PM
François Asselineau au sujet de l'obligation vaccinale :
15  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Who is Satoshi Nakamoto? on: December 24, 2020, 10:17:16 PM
Here is the most recent picture we've got:

Zorro: individual talent raising against collective force.

dunno for me Zorro is more familiar than any other heroes

Kind of fun to see such an old post of mine popping up.
16  Local / Other languages/locations / Re: Esperanto on: December 13, 2020, 10:53:08 AM
Very easy, just search in google something called Duolingo.

You know what, I feel like learning esperanto again.  Using Duolingo for that seems like a good idea.
17  Local / Hors-sujet / Re: Coronavirus on: December 13, 2020, 10:29:18 AM
il est du devoir de chaque parent responsable d'exfiltrer ses enfants pour un avenir meilleur.
Tu as malheureusement raison. J'ai un ami qui a réussi à placer l'un de ses fils dans une bonne école d'économie en Suisse et je l'approuve. La France est en pleine déliquescence. Dettes, chomage, insécurité, communautarisme, guerre civile, etc...

Le globalisme progresse à grands pas, donc il viendra tôt ou tard un moment où la fuite ne sera plus une solution parce qu'il n'y aura plus nul part où aller.

La Suisse, qui ne parvient pas à maîtriser l'épidémie de Covid-19 avec des taux de contamination parmi les plus élevés en Europe, a adopté vendredi un train de mesures incluant la fermeture des restaurants, bars et magasins à 19 h.
Source :

La Suisse, comme la Suède, finira par rentrer dans les rangs.

EDIT.  Ah, au temps pour moi, on dirait que la Suisse est dans les petits papiers de la Chine.

Elle aura donc peut-être le droit de garder un statut particulier.
18  Local / Actualité et News / Re: Revue de presse bitcoin en français on: December 01, 2020, 08:48:53 PM
Olivier Delamarche interrogé par TVlibertés.  Il mentionne bitcoin et lui trouve comme principal défaut le fait que selon lui les cours sont manipulés par "deux ou trois gros détenteurs".  Je ne partage pas ce point de vue (je pense que c'est beaucoup plus difficile qu'on le croit de manipuler un cours) mais pour le reste de son analyse sur la situation économique et géopolitique mondiale, je suis très d'accord.

Je pense comme lui que le grand reset est une manœuvre des pays occidentaux pour se dépêtrer de la cavalerie monumentale dans laquelle ils sont embourbés depuis des décennies.
19  Local / Actualité et News / Re: Revue de presse bitcoin en français on: November 28, 2020, 07:17:52 PM
100 % d'accord avec toi pour l'itw de Béchade. Je me suis fait exactement la même réflexion à propos de sa sortie à propos des « millionièmes » : est-il stupide à ce point ou le fait-il exprès ?!
La route est encore longue pour l'évangélisation des masses...

"Bonjour, je voudrais un kilo de farine, mais après réflexion je vais plutôt prendre mille grammes, ça revient moins cher, non ?"
20  Local / Actualité et News / Re: Revue de presse bitcoin en français on: November 28, 2020, 02:09:23 PM
et oui, on commence à parler du BTC sur boursorama également... Le retour en grâce du BTC...

"A part le bitcoin, des cryptos on peut en extraire des quantités infinies.  D'ailleurs le bitcoin, même si on ne peut pas aller au delà des 21 millions d'unités, on peut subdiviser le bitcoin en autant de millièmes, millionièmes, milliardièmes que l'on veut, donc chacune de ses unités peut voir sa valeur augmenter ou baisser fortement."

Non mais il est crétin ou il le fait exprès ?  Un millième de bitcoin peut voir sa valeur augmenter ou baisser, mais ça sera toujours un millième de la valeur d'un bitcoin.

Je sais bien que pour lui l'école primaire ça remonte à longtemps, mais tout de même.
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