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1  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: An estimate of fpga performance on: April 29, 2011, 01:28:37 PM

700K Luts @ 1.5GHz

Now we're getting somewhere?  Grin
At an unknown $ amount. Why can't these people just put a dollar amount next to their product?
2  Bitcoin / Mining / Re: Bitcoin mining pointless? on: April 24, 2011, 08:49:14 AM
I think the fundamental reason for the wasteful computations is the 10 minute bound. It has turned out that the difficulty of the sha256 problem can be varied easily. What other computations that do not involve a third party (like Folding@Home) exist in which the time to solve the problem is predictably related to some integer?

Even if you would use Folding@Home or world community grid. What would happen if Folding@Home stopped existing? If you want to change the problem, you would need to have a way to vote in a distributed way over another computation to be performed with some piece of code for the verification of the work performed. This is in principle possible, but how are you going to get an agreement on which particular piece of code? I think all of these have solutions, but they require work, where bitcoin as it is now is pretty solid (until someone breaks sha256 (which will surely happen before the last million coins is generated)).
3  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: Bitcoins in Space! on: December 15, 2010, 05:00:01 AM
Now everone wants to know is whether it comes with anti-anti-satellite weapons.  Roll Eyes

Other than the EFF this seems pretty mainstream.
4  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: How it Works (for non-geeks) on: December 13, 2010, 11:02:48 AM
I was sent this question in email:

Why can't somebody just create a version of the software that gives you extra bitcoins?

... and couldn't find a good, non-geeky answer in the FAQs.  So I wrote one:

When you spend some bitcoins, the software on your machine has to prove to the software running on everybody else's machine that those bitcoins are valid.

How does it do that? Well, it is a little bit complicated; you've got to understand how bitcoins are created, and how they are traded.

First, how they're created: 50 bitcoins are created approximately every 10 minutes. Everybody who is trying to create bitcoins is in a race to try to find those 50 bitcoins; they are really hard to find, but, once found, it is easy to verify that, yes, indeed, your bitcoin software found them, so you get to spend them.
Why would someone else recognize that I mined some bitcoins? There is zero incentive in itself to do that as you explain it. Why should I not go out and modify my client with the end result being that nobody recognizes any bitcoin anymore and you have a broken system?
5  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: minimalistic bitcoin client on D language? on: December 11, 2010, 10:59:49 PM
Very specifically line 24 in my SVN chechout contains the following number, but there is no explanation as to why this number is there; I can guess why it is there, but it shouldn't be my task to figure out why something is there. A comment above this constant should say why exactly it is that value and not some other value, why it is important for the system, etc.
uint256 hashGenesisBlock("0x000000000019d6689c085ae165831e934ff763ae46a2a6c172b3f1b60a8ce26f");


As the name of the variable indicates it, it's the genesis block.   I guess it's the public key of the first ever bitcoins.

This is certainly not the best critic of Satoshi's code you can make.
The genesis block part was clear, but note that you have to guess the exact same information. Your guess is also still completely vague. In a computer program there is only one answer and in a good program one should not need guessing.

I don't see why I should even point out any other issue if this is clearly a valid objection.
6  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: minimalistic bitcoin client on D language? on: December 11, 2010, 10:20:55 PM
Another client is useful, especially since the current Bitcoin client is a big mess. I was *shocked* that cryptography code looked like this.
Can you be more specific? What exactly makes it a 'mess'?
There is no object oriented design. Basically there is one big global state and that's it.

Very specifically line 24 in my SVN chechout contains the following number, but there is no explanation as to why this number is there; I can guess why it is there, but it shouldn't be my task to figure out why something is there. A comment above this constant should say why exactly it is that value and not some other value, why it is important for the system, etc.

Additionally a comment should state which hashing function is being used. E.g. it should say "The magic constant below is equal to the sha256sum (See, <reference to original definition of this algorithm>) of value <myvalue>. This is done, because <insert reasons>. "
uint256 hashGenesisBlock("0x000000000019d6689c085ae165831e934ff763ae46a2a6c172b3f1b60a8ce26f");

There is also no need to create a 3200 lines long source file. There is just no reason to do that other than to discourage people from making the effort to understand it.

I am sure it is possible to reverse-engineer it in a few months to get it into a state in which one can just read through the whole program in an hour or so, but that's not the same as it already being in such a state.

Anyway, I hope you see the difference in approach.
7  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: minimalistic bitcoin client on D language? on: December 10, 2010, 11:19:10 PM
Another client is useful, especially since the current Bitcoin client is a big mess. I was *shocked* that cryptography code looked like this.

I bet you're also shocked by what restaurant kitchens look like, and by what goes into sausages.
No, I happen to be aware of that, and that's why I usually try to eat at places with a semi-open kitchen.

The cryptography code that competent people use, doesn't look like a mess, btw. That 99% of the world uses this kind of obfuscated cryptography only shows that users don't know what they use. Have you ever looked at TrueCrypt for example? It's the exact same kind of mess.
8  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: minimalistic bitcoin client on D language? on: December 10, 2010, 10:43:43 PM
Another client is useful, especially since the current Bitcoin client is a big mess. I was *shocked* that cryptography code looked like this.
9  Economy / Marketplace / Re: Job Board on: December 10, 2010, 10:37:21 PM
Having people working for you, for instance.

Or building your own business.  It is work too, but by work I meant the kind of work you were talking about : the waged work.
Any interesting business these days requires 10+ man years to get of the ground and even then there is a very high chance that some large company will simply decide to destroy you.

If you have a good business idea that only requires expert computer science skills, talk.
10  Economy / Marketplace / Re: Job Board on: December 10, 2010, 09:03:52 AM
I'm gonna go a bit off-topic but honnestly I kind of doubt that working is the best way to earn money in life :/
Tell us about your great money making scheme.

- Building an Android application for bitcoins doesn't count.
- Breaking the law also doesn't count.

11  Other / Off-topic / Re: Money as Debt on: December 10, 2010, 08:57:49 AM
Paul and narrator Bob Bossin both live in Nanaimo. I have not met Paul but do know Bob personally and can go knock on his door any time.

I suspect these men are put off by promoters of Sodom. We don't ingest phytoestrogens or BPA here.

You know, most people don't care if you are gay, straight or even zoo as long as you close your bedroom door before you fuck.

Wearing your gonads out on your shirtsleeve is bound to put off normal people regardless of your "orientation".

Promotion of perversion is just that, and normal people are repulsed by those who do it.

As far as I can tell, the biggest obstacle to the acceptance of bitcoin is the dirty reputation of our self appointed cheerleader.
What is Sodom? I also had no idea what phytoestrogens or BPA were, but BPA surely seems like a very bad idea according to all kinds of referenced studies (or are they part of yet another conspiracy) Wink

I also think a promotor could better be a someone who is not from a minority group fom a marketing point of view and it should also be someone who picks the communication channels somewhat better. Really, all those advertisements on that show are certainly not mainstream. The only reason those advertisements are in that show is because the target audience is willing to buy that stuff. Since nobody did a scientific study showing that one actually needs those products to live longer (people do still get over 120 years old), there is no reason to buy them.   

I agree mostly with nanaimogold.
12  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Promotion: National Radio Show Interview about Bitcoin on: December 08, 2010, 06:47:33 AM
Yes.   We especially listen to the Saturday episodes with monetary expert, Andrew Gause.   You should listen to a few of the episodes with Andrew Gause.   I think you guys would love him!   Smiley

On Youtube there are some videos with Andrew. He seems to be a sane individual.
.. but there was a comment regarding a guy who said that it was the treasury who in the end controlled the process. In any case, his middleman argument makes sense.

It just depends a bit on what you think of as control. The government could freeze all assets of the federal reserve with their army (the only kind of real control), but even that control might disappear when the first corporation develops their first nuclear bomb (or similarly destructive device). 
13  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Promotion: National Radio Show Interview about Bitcoin on: December 08, 2010, 04:24:54 AM
Ok, his (the host) advice is definitely close to nut job advice (the bad memory advice for example) Wink

Otherwise, it was entertaining to listen to.
14  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: Wikileaks contact info? on: December 05, 2010, 09:16:16 PM
I am not the most stubborn person in the world. I side with Satoshi's wishes too.
15  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: Wikileaks contact info? on: December 05, 2010, 08:23:15 AM
Also, it would be nice if you explain what kind of "pressure" you're doing. You represent the rest of the bitcoiners here, so it's nice to know how bob182 is acting on our behalf.

bob182 is certainly not acting on my behalf, nor several others, as these threads seem to indicate.

And for Pete's sake, bob182, please don't misrepresent yourself as some sort of official Bitcoin representative.
bober182 doesn't need to have anybody's permission to do anything. Even if he were to present himself as being 'official', the Wikileaks people are probably smarter than the average visitor of this forum, so they would be able to figure that out in less than a minute.

Does anyone have an idea of how large the Wikileaks group is? I know one guy who is in it, but two guys don't make a group Wink I suppose the actual members are a secret, but is the number too?
16  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: Wikileaks contact info? on: December 05, 2010, 12:15:56 AM
If Bitcoin is that fragile and vulnerable to attack, what are we doing anyway and why is it so consistently being defended?

Exactly.  I feel the same way.  Survival of the fittest.  If bitcoin has some fundamental flaw, it will not be able to survive a government attack.  Then it is better to weed it out now, so we aren't wasting our time promoting something that will not work, and can instead devote our resources and time to other efforts that hopefully will work and to other currencies to build up the alternative economy.  

This is also about doing what is right, and this is the right thing to do.  I get the arguments advocating caution, but sometimes you also have to take a stand on an issue too.  There is a down side, and talking about concerns over that perhaps is useful.

Your stand could impact my money, and everyone else's.  Don't pretend your actions could impact only you.

I have spent many hours reading through the bitcoin forums about its robustness and resiliency to attacks...asking so many questions "What if the government does X?", and I have come to the conclusion that basically, bitcoin can't be shut down absent shutting down the internet.  But the government wouldn't likely not shut down the internet, since they depend on tax revenue for their operations.  If bitcoin has some flaw, then we need to resolve it now.
I approve of this message. If Bitcoin blows up, a new system can be build without this flaw. The probability of Bitcoin _not_ containing some fatal flaw is pretty small (as almost all software has flaws).

All Wikileaks needs to do is say "Following the PayPal incident we have decided to accept a new kind of payment, Bitcoins. You can find more information on donating via Bitcoins on URL <some suitable URL hosted by Wikileaks>.  "

They could post it in their news section or something like that. It is possible that main stream media would pick it up if they would contrast Bitcoin with PayPal like that.
17  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Promotion: National Radio Show Interview about Bitcoin on: December 04, 2010, 12:37:49 AM
I agree with the factual errors that some pointed out, btw. E.g. the suggestion that any well-respected cryptographer (i.e. one that has published articles in the past two years in well-known journals) has looked at Bitcoin seriously is a complete lie.

As for the scientific progress concerned, Bitcoin is still at the experimentation phase, I'd say. I don't really see why the main author doesn't submit a journal article somewhere, as writing such an article is pretty easy, if you know what you are talking about. Figuring out what to write usually takes a lot of time, but writing down your research should be easy. 
18  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Promotion: National Radio Show Interview about Bitcoin on: December 03, 2010, 04:04:58 AM
800 Bitcoin.
How many bitcoins do you have? Or are you just generous?

I think the website looks very unreliable, btw. Checking out the interview, now...

If I were a Wikipedian with something against Bitcoin, I would point that out in any discussion about notability. If you can get Assange to say in some interview that he is going to accept Bitcoin, I think you have hit the jackpot, though, with regard to notability.

Then again, Wikipedia might make it into "terrorist gets paid using terrorist virtual money". Oh, wait, that's Fox News.  

Edit: ok, I just heard it. I think you communicate well. I have no idea how a normal person would understand what you said (because I am not the audience), but I think your analogies were pretty good (the one with the markers comes to mind). I had the prejudice that the radioguy would be a total nut job, but he had non-commercial radio voice and did a good effort to follow you and you could sort of hear his experience with radio making.

The next time you do this, I would not mention the "sharing of ideas and God"-part. It's irrelevant and it makes you look like a hippie. If I may suggest an analogy: Stopping sharing of information is like making making water not wet.

My reflection: I didn't learn anything new about Bitcoin (nor did I expect to), but it was fascinating to hear someone talk on the radio about currency in this abstract way saying federal reserve notes instead of assuming there is only one currency in the world (the US dollar). I don't think I have ever heard someone in my country doing that. This notion of talking about the US dollar in this way already devalues it, I think.  

So, other than these minor points, I would say you did a very good job.  Smiley
19  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: Wikileaks contact info? on: December 01, 2010, 09:43:57 PM
I feel a disturbance in the force...

Is it a revolution coming ?
I think you need to check your Feel-Oh-Meter.  Wink
20  Other / Off-topic / Re: Money as Debt on: December 01, 2010, 09:30:43 PM
For example, NOW I understand what farmer_boy was saying earlier, when he said...
Good that you took the time to give it another chance.

I am just amazed that one guy build all these movies (and without asking money for it). Very inspiring. I wonder which tools he uses to get all of that done (which I am sure has taken him a decade to learn (as all experts need)). For me that's just magic.
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