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1  Local / Topik Lainnya / Re: Pospay Gold, akses perdagangan fisik emas secara digital on: September 19, 2023, 07:37:12 PM

Serahkan Fisik Emas Pospay Gold, Pos Indonesia Dukung Pengembangan UMKM Ponpes Buntet

PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) berkomitmen untuk memberikan dukungan penuh terhadap pelaku Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM). Tak terkecuali kepada UMKM-UMKM di Pondok Pesantren Buntet, Cirebon.
Langkah nyata tersebut dilakukan Pos Indonesia ketika menghadiri acara pelatihan dan pameran digitalisasi UMKM Alumni Pondok Pesantren Buntet yang bertajuk 'Santripreneur Go Digital & Expo UMKM Santri'. Dalam acara tersebut, Pos Indonesia hadir untuk memberikan ilmu dan pelatihan kepada pelaku UMKM mengenai layanan transaksi keuangan digital.

Tidak hanya itu, dukungan Pos Indonesia juga dilakukan melalui penyerahan Fisik Emas Pospay Gold seberat 31 gram kepada Ponpes Buntet - Cirebon.

2  Local / Topik Lainnya / Re: Pospay Gold, akses perdagangan fisik emas secara digital on: September 02, 2023, 12:17:24 PM

Kota Medan Menutup Rangkaian Jambore LPU 2023

3  Local / Topik Lainnya / Re: Pospay Gold, akses perdagangan fisik emas secara digital on: September 01, 2023, 07:31:11 AM
Kalau kamu disuruh milih antara punya duit, dan punya kuasa? atau punya duit, plus punya saldo fisik emas? kira-kira kamu pilih yang mana?

Lu Punya Duit, Gue Punya Saldo Fisik Emas!

4  Local / Topik Lainnya / Re: Pospay Gold, akses perdagangan fisik emas secara digital on: August 30, 2023, 09:57:17 AM
Beli Emas Mulai Rp10.000

Tidak perlu menunggu uang banyak, Anda hanya perlu Rp10.000 saja untuk bisa mulai beli fisik emas di Pospay Gold

Emas Berstandar International

Fisik emas kami bersertifikat standar internasional, sehingga Anda dapat melakukan transaksi dalam pasar dunia

Akses Langsung Pasar Internasional

Anda dapat langsung melakukan transaksi di pasar internasional tanpa melalui perantara maupun perwakilan

Sistem Keamanan Gudang Tinggi

Gudang penyimpanan fisik emas / vaulting kami memiliki sistem keamanan tinggi dan diawasi bea cukai

5  Local / Topik Lainnya / Re: Pospay Gold, akses perdagangan fisik emas secara digital on: August 28, 2023, 09:06:28 AM
PT Pos Indonesia menyelenggarakan Jambore Layanan Pos Universal yang dilaksanakan di Bumbangku Beach - Lombok.

Kegiatan Jambore LPU ini menggunakan teknologi Face Recognition pada proses registrasi, dan dimeriahkan dengan beragam hadiah yang dibagikan, salah satunya adalah saldo fisik emas Pospay Gold yang diberikan pada akhir acara.

Sentuhan Teknologi FR Jambore LPU Mandalika Bertabur Saldo Fisik Emas

6  Local / Topik Lainnya / Re: Pospay Gold, akses perdagangan fisik emas secara digital on: August 27, 2023, 04:06:28 PM
MetroTV, PT Pos Indonesia Persero mengadakan seminar ekonomi dengan tema penguatan pengembangan ekosistem digital ekonomi syariah.

Bersama degan acara tersebut, PT Pos melaunching PosPay Gold, jual beli fisik emas secara digital dalam bursa pertama di Indonesia.

PT Pos Indonesia Launching Pospay Gold


7  Local / Topik Lainnya / Re: Pospay Gold, akses perdagangan fisik emas secara digital on: August 26, 2023, 09:25:03 AM

Fisik emas yang dimiliki teralokasi di gudang penyimpanan dan diawasi Lembaga Kliring dan Bea Cukai dalam kawasan khusus


Gudang penyimpanan fisik emas menggunakan sistem keamanan tingkat tinggi dan berasuransi


Aset tunai & fisik emas disimpan dan dicatat secara terpisah sesuai dengan kepemilikan pengguna


Fisik emas & aset tunai Anda terjamin dari risiko kehilangan, kerugian, penyalahgunaan dan pencurian


8  Local / Topik Lainnya / Re: Pospay Gold, akses perdagangan fisik emas secara digital on: August 25, 2023, 07:24:28 PM

Seminar Ekonomi Syariah dengan topik, Penguatan Pengembangan Ekosistem Digital Ekonomi Syariah Indonesia

Kinesis berbicara pada 1:17:00

Seminar Ekonomi Syariah

9  Local / Topik Lainnya / Re: Pospay Gold, akses perdagangan fisik emas secara digital on: August 24, 2023, 12:14:39 PM

Solusi semua kebutuhan bayar-bayar kamu. Mau bayar apa aja? Semua bisa dalam satu genggaman karena Pospay

Pospay Gold

Inovasi Terbaru Berupa Layanan Akses Perdagangan Fisik Emas Secara Digital Dalam Bursa Pertama Di Indonesia Yang Akan Membuat Hidup Anda Jadi Lebih Mudah

Pospay Gold adalah salah satu dari beberapa aplikasi superapp Pospay


10  Local / Topik Lainnya / Pospay Gold, akses perdagangan fisik emas secara digital on: August 23, 2023, 04:10:40 PM
Menutup sambutannya, Wapres secara resmi meluncurkan SuperApp Pospay Gold, dan Ia berharap dengan hadirnya aplikasi ini, masyarakat dipermudah akses perdagangan fisik emas secara digital.

“Dengan mengucap Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, Layanan Terintegrasi Pospay Gold sebagai fitur baru Pospay Super App, secara resmi saya nyatakan diluncurkan,” ucapnya.

Sebelumnya, Direktur Utama PT Pos Indonesia Faizal Rochmad Djoemadi mengungkapkan Pos Indonesia sebagai badan usaha yang dapat bertahan selama 276 tahun karena selalu melakukan perubahan-perubahan, seperti halnya pada saat ini yang telah melakukan transformasi digital khususnya pada layanan yang tersedia pada website dan mobile apps Pospay Superapp.

“Hari ini kita menambah fitur pada Superapp yaitu Pospay gold yang merupakan trading emas yang berbasis syariah, karena sudah memenuhi unsur syariah, bukan perjudian, bukan riba, komoditi halal, bukan dengan cara yang bathil membohongi atau menipu, bukan dengan adanya bunga tetapi menggunakan sharing risk yang adil, tidak menggunakan spekulasi yang berlebihan, fisik emasnya ada dan itu diaudit,” urainya.

11  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: The Kinesis Monetary System on: February 14, 2022, 03:27:17 PM
Kinesis Partners with Panama-based Provider Atlas Vaults

Kinesis in Latin America

With a history of episodic hyperinflation and current, prolonged inflation in the LatAm region, the Kinesis ecosystem will reduce barriers of entry for those wishing to experience the stability and safety of precious metals investment.

Through the partnership, citizens can easily utilise precious metals as a hedge against the steep inflation rates seen in many countries across Latin America, which reached 10.25%* in Brazil - a recent report has shown.

In times of high inflation, capital investments that gain proven returns are desirable across the board. Intrinsic to this partnership, Atlas Vaults and Atlas Brokers will introduce their significant client base to the Kinesis Money platform, enabling them to generate a passive yield on their precious metals holdings.

By storing precious metals with Kinesis, holders will have instantaneous access to the usage-based yield model that offers a return for simply holding precious metals, with all storage and insurance costs covered. With the October Holder’s Yield payout reaching a total of $2.84 million, investors can generate a proven debt-free, passive return on their bullion investments.

With local currencies continuing to experience the corrosive effects of inflation, Latin American investors are now provided with an alternative investment solution to enhance their portfolios. The Kinesis Monetary system enables LatAm citizens to benefit from easy access to yield-bearing gold and silver, which sits protected in our vaulted, non-banking facility. 

As part of Kinesis’ provision for Latin American users, the soon-to-launch Spanish version of the Kinesis Money site will introduce the entire Kinesis product suite in their native language.

The expected influx of Latin American clients is set to trigger an increase in global transactional activity within the Kinesis Monetary System, contributing to the yields of all Kinesis users globally.

Visit Kinesis Money

12  Local / Alt-Currencies (Italiano) / Re: Kinesis, un sistema monetario basato su oro e argento on: February 11, 2022, 01:51:18 PM
Alcuni estratti dall'ultimo update trimestrale

Partnership con Atlas Vaults & Brokers

Nell'ultimo trimestre del 2021, Kinesis ha collaborato con Atlas Vaults & Brokers, il principale fornitore di caveau, broker e hub commerciale con sede a Panama, introducendo il 13° impianto di stoccaggio di Kinesis nella rete globale di caveau dell'azienda, che ora copre 9 paesi.
In collaborazione con Atlas Vaults, Kinesis ha portato online un'offerta competitiva di metalli preziosi, senza costi assicurativi e di stoccaggio, dedicata alla regione dell'America Latina.

Carta di debito e partnership bancarie

Il lavoro con il nostro nuovo partner bancario in joint venture è iniziato e lanceremo il nostro nuovo programma globale di carte di debito virtuali per conti individuali e aziendali entro la prima metà di quest'anno. Questa soluzione amplierà notevolmente l'utilità quotidiana di Kinesis come sistema monetario.
La Kinesis Global Virtual Debit Card multivaluta consentirà agli utenti di spendere facilmente le loro proprietá in oro, argento, fiat e criptovalute, in oltre 200 paesi e territori diversi.
Permettendo la conversione istantanea dell'intera gamma di risorse digitali nel punto vendita, questa offerta di carte di debito Kinesis sarà unica.
Fondamentalmente, la carta Kinesis monetizzerà i metalli preziosi offrendo allo stesso tempo un vantaggio competitivo rispetto alle soluzioni bancarie tradizionali.

I successivi servizi che verranno rilasciati nel corso dell'anno includeranno:
* Banca tradizionale individuale e aziendale (conti bancari);
* Strutture di prestito/scoperto di asset digitali;
* Integrazione e collegamento a soluzioni di hard wallet.

Aggiornamento dall'Indonesia

Siamo lieti di annunciare che il team tecnologico di Kinesis Indonesia e il team di sviluppo aziendale hanno integrato l'offerta di prodotti Kinesis con la borsa nazionale Jakarta Futures Exchange (JFX), insieme alla Clearinghouse di proprietà del governo Kliring Berjangka Indonesia (PTKBI) e alle banche locali.
Ciò avviene tramite un'applicazione desktop integrata con il KMS per il trading senza interruzioni di KAU da parte dei membri del broker istituzionale JFX per il trading di oro fisico digitale spot per proprio conto e/o per conto dei propri clienti.

Per la prima volta, le aziende associate a JFX e i loro milioni di clienti potranno negoziare oro fisico spot in pool internazionali di prezzi e liquidità tramite il KMS/KAU.
Il prodotto è stato lanciato gradualmente a partire da gennaio 2022, con un'implementazione completa di JFX e una campagna di marketing nel primo trimestre del 2022 e oltre.

Il Consiglio di amministrazione di PT Pos (il servizio postale indonesiano) ha deciso di aggiungere l'app PosGOLD (cambio nome aggiornato da PosGO) e tutte le funzionalità come sottoinsieme dell'app PosPay esistente. L'app PosPay ha oltre 1 milione di account, con PosGOLD automaticamente disponibile per quella vasta base di utenti. Inoltre, come in precedenza, PT POS incaricherà tutti i 45.000 dipendenti (del servizio postale indonesiano) di registrare un account PosGOLD.
Ci sono indicazioni dal consiglio di amministrazione di PT Pos che l'aggiunta di PosGOLD a PosPay è prevista per il primo trimestre del 2022.

Il progetto NUGold App, in collaborazione con l'organizzazione sociale islamica Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) di 100 milioni di membri insieme ai team di Kinesis Indonesia, ha completato l'integrazione bancaria necessaria per la conversione valutaria durante il quarto trimestre ed è posizionato per iniziare la pianificazione per il lancio nel prossimi mesi.

Ricordiamo che ciascuna delle integrazioni di prodotti di cui sopra - PosGold Syariah, JFX e NUGold - sono completamente integrati con il KMS e, in quanto tale, tutto il trading di KAU tramite queste applicazioni contribuisce al Kinesis Master Fee Pool.

Programma pagamenti e premi KAU/KAG con i commercianti

Oltre al programma Kinesis Debit Card per poter spendere e pagare con KAU/KAG in tempo reale per gli acquisti quotidiani, Kinesis ha intrapreso una strategia e una partnership che si collega direttamente con centinaia di migliaia di importanti commercianti (sia online che locali), che non solo facilita l'uso di KAU/KAG per acquisti in tempo reale, ma include anche un programma di premi.
L'elemento del programma di premi è una % del prezzo di acquisto rimborsato direttamente sul conto Kinesis del cliente in KAU/KAG (l'equivalente di una carta di credito "cash-back", con i rendimenti Kinesis aggiunti).

Se vuoi comprare, vendere, spedire o ricevere valute kinesis, Apri un conto presso Kinesis

13  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: The Kinesis Monetary System on: February 11, 2022, 01:22:18 PM
Breaking XDC News! Gold And Silver Backed Tokens On XDC Network - Partnership With Kinesis Money!

8 min.

If you want to buy, sell, send or receive kinesis currencies, Open a Kinesis Account
14  Local / Alt-Currencies (Italiano) / Re: Kinesis, un sistema monetario basato su oro e argento on: February 10, 2022, 10:19:20 PM
Tempo per un aggiornamento

In sintesi, Kinesis esiste da 4 anni, all'epoca ha raccolto più di $ 200 milioni come capitale iniziale, diventando il decimo ITO più grande del 2020,
hanno una base utenti di ca. 80.000 persone, ma fino ad ora non hanno ottenuto risultati strabilianti.
Ora sembra che le cose stiano iniziando a muoversi
(Trad. tramite google...  Smiley dal momento che non ho dimestichezza con i termini...)

Kinesis Money collabora con XinFin e prepara un ponte a reti incrociate per sviluppare un ecosistema di asset digitali

Kinesis annuncia piani per aggiungere token XDC a Kinesis Exchange e come partner leader per lo sviluppo dell'interoperabilità cross-chain.

"10 febbraio, Londra – XinFin, creatore di XDC Network, una piattaforma blockchain ibrida altamente interoperabile posizionata per supportare il commercio e la finanza globali, annuncia oggi una partnership con Kinesis Money, una piattaforma globale di trading e utility che si rivolge sia ai metalli preziosi che alle risorse digitali.

Come parte della partnership proposta, Kinesis adotterà un approccio multiforme per estendere la sua rete blockchain per includere protocolli blockchain aggiuntivi per far funzionare i suoi token KAU e KAG nativi.

In linea con questa strategia, Kinesis elencherà prima i token XDC e XRC20 su Kinesis Exchange, fornendo ai possessori di XDC la possibilità di fare trading con i token di metalli preziosi KAU e KAG, che sono token fisici interamente allocati con oro e argento, che detengono un'utilità nel mondo reale per risparmiare o spendere come valuta globale.

Ci sono due fasi separate che svilupperanno la partnership. Il primo mira all'abilitazione del conio delle valute digitali garantite da oro e argento di Kinesis (rispettivamente KAU e KAG) sulla rete XDC come token XRC20 e dall'integrazione di token XRC20 KAU e XRC20 KAG sulla piattaforma Kinesis Exchange per l'uso diretto e l'utilità su il protocollo XRC20.

Inoltre, XinFin e Kinesis esploreranno lo sviluppo di un ponte tra la blockchain di XDC Network e la blockchain di Kinesis su Stellar per consentire lo scambio senza interruzioni di queste risorse.

Thomas Coughlin, CEO di Kinesis, ha dichiarato:

“La partnership con XinFin rappresenta un'opportunità per espandere l'utilità di KAU e KAG in un altro ecosistema di risorse digitali affidabile, sostenibile e fiorente. Vediamo molte sinergie e non vediamo l'ora di vedere dove ci porterà questa partnership".

L'imminente integrazione vedrà la creazione di un ponte cross-chain che consentirà l'interoperabilità tra la piattaforma monetaria di Kinesis e la rete XDC, portando funzionalità e liquidità aggiuntive a entrambi gli ecosistemi.

Billy Sebell, Head of Ecosystem Development presso XinFin, ha dichiarato:

"Siamo entusiasti che Kinesis abbia visto la rete XDC come una preziosa integrazione e accogliamo con favore l'opportunità di collegare i due ecosistemi. È un primo passo fondamentale verso un'integrazione più solida tra le due reti e dimostra ulteriormente la forza dei nostri ecosistemi".

Oltre al bridge, Kinesis aggiungerà l'omonimo token nativo di XDC Network al suo elenco di risorse, con il token XDC che rappresenterà il prossimo in un elenco accuratamente ideato di criptovalute selezionate da aggiungere alla piattaforma Kinesis Money. Con l'imminente lancio della carta di debito di Kinesis, il token XDC, come tutte le criptovalute sulla piattaforma, otterrà una maggiore liquidità e compatibilità con le funzionalità di scoperto di criptovaluta e prestito di Kinesis.

La combinazione di Kinesis sfruttando i metalli preziosi con il protocollo finanziario di XDC e l'innovazione blockchain significa creare veicoli di investimento altamente attraenti nel prossimo futuro."

Ulteriori informazioni,

15  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: The Kinesis Monetary System on: February 10, 2022, 09:41:00 PM

Kinesis Money Partners with XinFin and Readies Cross-Chain Bridge To Develop Thriving Digital Asset Ecosystem


"Kinesis Announces Plans to add XDC tokens to the Kinesis Exchange and as a leading partner for development for cross chain interoperability.

10th February, London – XinFin, creators of the XDC Network — a highly interoperable hybrid blockchain platform positioned to support global trade and finance — today announces a partnership with Kinesis Money, a global trading and utility platform catering to both precious metals and digital assets.

As part of the proposed partnership, Kinesis will take a multifaceted approach towards extending its blockchain network to include additional blockchain protocols to operate its native KAU and KAG tokens.

In line with this strategy, Kinesis will first list the XDC and XRC20 tokens on the Kinesis Exchange providing XDC holders the ability to trade against precious metals tokens KAU and KAG, which are fully allocated physical gold and silver backed tokens, which hold real world utility for saving, or spending as global currency.

There are two separate phases which will develop the partnership. The first aims towards the enablement of minting Kinesis’ gold and silver-backed digital currencies (KAU and KAG respectively) on the XDC Network as XRC20 tokens, and integrating XRC20 KAU and XRC20 KAG tokens on the Kinesis Exchange platform for direct use and utility on the XRC20 protocol.

Additionally, XinFin and Kinesis will explore the development of a bridge between the XDC Network blockchain and the Kinesis contract on the Stellar blockchain to allow seamless interchange of these assets.

The integration comes at a time when many other Layer 2 projects are deploying on the XDC chain for its scalable, cost-efficient infrastructure and growing community. The XDC Network is recognized as a highly-accommodating Layer 1 Network, with inherent technological advantages and user-friendly mechanics, that complement the vision of the Kinesis ecosystem and partnership model.

Thomas Coughlin, CEO at Kinesis, said:

“The partnership with XinFin represents an opportunity to expand the utility of KAU and KAG into another trusted, sustainable and thriving digital asset ecosystem. We see many synergies and are eager to see where this partnership takes us.”

The upcoming integration will see the creation of a cross-chain bridge allowing interoperability between Kinesis' monetary platform and the XDC Network — bringing added functionality and liquidity to both ecosystems.

Billy Sebell, Head of Ecosystem Development at XinFin, said:

“We’re thrilled Kinesis has seen the XDC Network as a valuable integration and welcome the opportunity to bridge the two ecosystems. It is a key first step towards a more robust integration between both networks, and it further demonstrates the strength of our ecosystems.”

In addition to the bridge, Kinesis will add the XDC Network’s eponymous native token to its roster of assets, with the XDC token representing the next in a carefully devised list of select cryptocurrencies to be added to the Kinesis Money platform. With Kinesis’ oncoming debit card launch, the XDC token, like all cryptocurrencies on the platform, will gain a heightened liquidity as well as compatibility with Kinesis’ crypto overdraft and lending card features.

Combining Kinesis’ leveraging of precious metals with XDC’s financial protocol and blockchain innovation stands to make for highly attractive investment vehicles in the very near future.

XDC is a delegated proof-of-stake consensus network enabling hybrid relay bridges, instant block finality, and full compliance and interoperability with ISO 20022 financial messaging standards. The native token serves as a settlement mechanism for decentralized applications built on the network.

Kinesis Money is a bespoke stellar consensus protocol based global trading and digital asset utility platform, which facilitates the trade, management, and everyday spending of native physical gold and silver-based digital assets and cryptocurrency. The integration comes as part of Kinesis' mission to provide global access to modern digital currencies.

XDC Network (XDC)

XDC Network is a hybrid blockchain with a public and private state. The network is designed to meet the needs of enterprises seeking to enhance their business infrastructure, reduce costs and improve visibility through blockchain technology. As an EVM-compatible and delegated proof-of-stake powered network, it is both developer-friendly and scalable. XDC Network offers compatibility with ISO 20022 financial messaging standards, interoperable smart contracts, near zero fee transactions, double validation and high security, which all power a wide range of novel blockchain use cases."

Visit Kinesis Money
16  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: The Kinesis Monetary System on: July 12, 2020, 03:53:43 PM
Kinesis Releases Mobile App

Through the now available mobile app Kinesis users can buy, sell, send or just store their gold- and silver-backed stablecoins: money can be sent internationally as well as domestically instantly, at a cost of 0.45% of the transaction amount.
17  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Swiss Crypto Banks Receive Licenses From Financial Regulator on: August 30, 2019, 08:03:19 AM
Cryptocurrencies don't need banks. Because we don't need bank accounts. Also, we don't need banks to send our money to others account. We have a decentralized wallet and some private keys. We don't need any thing more.
In order to exist, cryptocurrencies don't need banks.
Actually, for me, the fact that they allow to circumvent banks is the most appealing feature of cryptocurrencies.

Currently cryptos are not mainstream, their acceptance is extremely limited in the business world.
Until today, cryptos are a world mostly limited to traders.
Being used by recognised banks insert them into the banking system, giving them a substantial boost to become mainstream currencies.
That's the way this world is.

For now, I guess you have to choose, either mainstream or ideological purity.
I consider it as a necessary step to get rid of the evil  Smiley

Btw, article found also here

Taken from here

18  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: US Congress Requests Moratorium on Facebook’s Libra Stablecoin on: August 24, 2019, 05:28:12 PM
Libra Members Consider Quitting Project Due To Gov't Pressure: Report

At least three of Facebook’s early backers for its planned Libra stablecoin launch are considering withdrawing their support in light of the fierce regulatory pushback.

A report from the Financial Times on Aug. 23 alleges that two founding partners of Facebook’s Libra Association have held discussions about what their “right next steps” should be.
One further — again unnamed — backer is purportedly concerned that their public support for Libra will draw unwanted regulatory scrutiny of their own, independent businesses.

Blame games

In an interview with the Financial Times, one partner noted that:
“I think it's going to be difficult for partners who want to be seen as in compliance [with their own regulators] to be out there supporting [Libra].”

Another backer criticized the social media giant for its ill-conceived strategy, saying that:
“Some of those conversations [about regulation] should have taken place before the launch, to understand how regulators would think about this, so there wasn’t so much pushback.”

The tension reportedly goes both ways. One partner admitted that Facebook is itself becoming “tired of being the only people putting their neck out.”

Regulators swoop in

As reported this week, the European Commission’s antitrust regulators —  have become the latest to join the rounds of regulatory probes into Libra since the project’s unveiling this June.
The regulatory backlash governments, regulators and central bankers worldwide reached such a fever pitch that by late July, Facebook was prompted to warn its investors that the stablecoin may never be released.

Honestly, I didn't think that the regulators could withstand the power of the Libra Association.
I thought, the corporations backing Libra were too powerful.
I underestimated the regulators.
My bad
19  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: the difference between Libra and Bitcoin on: August 24, 2019, 05:23:52 PM
after I saw the video about a little difference from these two types of crypto. 
Libra :
1. dollar digital
2. using Whatsapp
3. transactions of goods and services are more priority on facebook
4. verification by consortium members. 

1. digital gold
2. without special short message applications
3. without a third party verification process.
and if you all have other analysis, please share your knowledge here about Libra and Bitcoin.
I will prepare capital to buy Libra in 2020.
The main difference is this:

Libra is designed to have a stable value. That's why we call it Stablecoin.
Bitcoin is not.

Libra suits the need of people, companies and institutions who need a cryptocurrency with stable value.
Bitcoin suits those who don't need value stability.

20  Local / Altcoins (Deutsch) / Re: Kinesis, gold- und silbergedeckte Stablecoins on: August 21, 2019, 08:09:16 PM
lieber direkt in physische edelmetalle investieren... krypto macht nur spaß, wenn es richtig volatil ist und große spannung bietet:)
@Lydian, du erwähnst den Lydian-Coin.
Es gibt mittlerweile viele Projekte von goldgedeckten Stablecoins, aber nicht alle sind ernstzunehmen.

wo erwähne ich was vom Lydian-Coin Huh

Wichtige Info: ich habe nichts und auch rein gar nichts mit dem Lydian-Coin zu tun. Kenne weder jemandem aus dem Team, noch habe ich etwas mit dem Projekt zu tun. Die wollten mir letztes Jahr mein Twitter-Accountnamen verbieten und an sich reißen, haben es aber nicht geschafft:) Deswegen mag ich die auch nicht:)
... dann bitte ich um Verzeihung Lydian. Du hast geschrieben "ich trage z. b. die sig eines solchen projektes" und ich dachte, sig steht für signature und gemeint ist dein Nickname, und ich hatte weiter gedacht, du würdest dich auf diesen Lydian-Coin beziehen.
My bad

Ich bin da auch eher skeptisch.
Bisher sind schon viele Projekte gescheitert die einen stabilen Preis realisieren wollten.
Wenn ich daran denke wie viele stable Coins letztes Jahr überhaupt nicht stabil waren, dann wär ich hier auch lieber vorsichtig.
Vorsicht ist immer gut.
Schaue dir die Liste an goldgedeckten Kryptoprojekten, die ich oben verlinkt habe.
Wie viele davon haben bis heute überlebt?
Und wie viele werden die nächsten paar Jahren überleben?

@ btc_ail,
wenn du dich umschaust, wirst du merken, dass ca. 1/3 der Threads innerhalb BTCtalk jeweils einem einzigen Projekt gewidmet sind.
Du kannst nun in jedes dieser Threads hingehen und deine Meinung bekunden, dass das Thread Werbung darstellt, aber ich denke nicht, dass dies vernünftig wäre.
Dass ich dieses Projekt sehr mag, das ist klar, aber dass ich hier bin, um irgendwelche Vorteile daraus zu holen, nicht.
Wenn du Forumsmitgliedern unschöne Absichten unterstellst, sollst du bereit sein, dies zu begründen.
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