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1  Economy / Economics / Regular Socrates Warning Broadcast on: December 03, 2023, 01:26:58 PM

Regular Socrates Warning Broadcast
It's a Scam

This is a new type of generic regular broadcast message. It is timely in a way because traffic of this blog is high, and it will hopefully reach a larger audience than before.

Who is Martin Armstrong?

The real story about Martin Armstrong is HERE.

Martin Armstrong is a world renowned criminal. A thief. An unrepentant convicted felon. Worst of the worst. Decades ago, he hired some programmers to write that program for him that he calls Socrates. Used it to trade the markets with money stolen from investors. Lost USD 700 million. Created a USD 3 billion Ponzi scheme to cover up the losses. Was caught and spent 11 years in jail for the crimes, including for failing to return USD 15 million that he stashed away, on top of the losses.

Most likely, after getting out of jail, Martin Armstrong laundered the stashed away money and paid Marcus Vetter to make that whitewash movie "The Forecaster" for him. A web of lies that blames the government for his crimes. The wet dream of a criminal. Now he sells that Socrates software that he used to lose millions, as a subscription service for USD 1,800 per year to the little guy. For the results, see:
Socrates Subscriber Testimonials

This is the true story of a criminal kept safe from his victims, earning USD 15 million of stolen money while behind bars, being fed on US taxpayer expense, and allowed to re-build the longest running scam business in history, using some of that stolen money. See:
ArmstrongEconomics - The Scam Business Model Exposé

So WHAT does he do as Armstrong Economics then?

He is an Internet content aggregator driving traffic into his online store for his three revenue streams: 1)
Socrates Subscriptions, 2) overpriced books and reports, and 3) overpriced conferences, physical and virtual.

To achieve his objective, he creates campaigns with changing subjects. depending on what sells. He is a populist hot button pusher. For example, he is a Disinformation agent / broker / publisher / propagandist. He fraudulently creates the illusion that he has exclusive access to information, and based on that he sells himself as a conveyor belt for some third party disinformation, using his public blog site which is ideal for that purpose because it wraps complex matters in a manipulative cartoon style, using conspiracy theories.

That blog site conveniently functions as the location of his online shop where he sells his own snake oil costing hundreds. Example:

He most likely sold his global warming denial campaign to mineral oil companies when this was what these companies needed at the time. Now that the oil companies are switching their strategies (see Big oil’s ‘wokewashing’ is the new climate science denialism), guess what, Martin Armstrong's global cooling campaign is over! His new main campaign was Covid-19 anti-vaccination when the pandemic hit, and he became a Russia expert overnight after Covid-19 was over and the Ukraine war started.

Check out this anecdote: Interestingly, a prominent manipulation tool that he showed frequently just DISAPPEARED:

Original page URL (did not load 2021-09-18):

Climate Alarmists’ Fraud Exposed

BUT it is still available on the web archive as:

Climate Alarmists’ Fraud Exposed

and the YouTube video is still on YouTube:

My Gift To Climate Alarmists - Tony Heller

So apparently our self-declared gift to humanity Martin Armstrong has been a useful propaganda tool for the oil industry for years - until no longer needed.

Hmm. Perhaps I am reading a bit too much into this climate change subject. Because he is also accidentally deleting pages from his blog and then blames Google for it. See: Censorship. Becomes a conspiracy theory based on which he then sells his oversize influence and Socrates. Buy, Buy, Buy! Even mistakes are immediately converted into sales opportunities. That is what this guy has been doing all his life. In jail for 11 years? No problem. Make a movie about it and become a popular hero. Sell the movie. The movie sells his Socrates. You can't make this up.

As we have exposed many times, Martin Armstrong makes forecasts like a shotgun, let's say for the sake of argument twenty in a row.

The majority will fail and the minority, typically only one will succeed. He then praises the success of the minority successful forecasts, but conveniently forgets about the failures or manipulates them after the fact to appear successful.

Guess why we do not find any track record on any of his sites, only at and Precious Metals Analyst Accountability.

That is why Martin Armstrong is talking to himself in his "public" blog echo chamber and posting in public forums as his own shill. He censors user comments to put it mildly.

So far so good.

The Socrates system with its Artificial Intelligence magic, that according to his claims is free of human bias and never wrong, is supposedly not subject to the above confidence tricks.


The Socrates system, by means of its ambiguity, is not different from the charlatan scheme described above - it just computerizes that scheme of deception as a smoke and mirrors machine.

That is why I have been writing for months about Computerized Fraud, using a perhaps somewhat odd term.

Take the time and read every page of and you will discover that Socrates with its built-in ambiguity will only line the pockets of Martin Armstrong but it will never even be verifiable with regards to its advertised performance.

The simple reason for the above is that it is based on human interpretation in hindsight.

But one thing is guaranteed: It will effectively impoverish its users short term and long term. Any doubts? Check out the Socrates Subscriber Testimonials.

What else is there to say? Every man and his dog knows it's a scam.

We just need to look at the posting history of that pioneer sloanf exposing Martin Armstrong since 2016 which proves the point: Everything we know today about Martin Armstrong was already known five years ago:

sloanf exposes Scammer Martin Armstrong in 2016

Thanks for reading.

Martin Armstrong is a charlatan, and he spent 11 years in jail for that reason but he has not changed.

Read this blog starting here to find out more about computerized fraud.

See for a more compact view of major findings posted in this blog.

Every single defrauded person should report their case, see Where and how to complain

The problem with Armstrong is the fact that his basic thesis is right, the world clearly is moving toward authoritarianism, no question about that. There is a monumental geopolitical shift happening which Putin was able to catch and accelerate. Armstrong is talking about this for decades, yet he wasn't able to gain substantial sums of money which is odd. Maybe he realized that the magnitude of Scams also accelerate with this fundamental shift and concentrated on those dealings at some point. I would love to hear the truth about his dealings in the 80s and 90s - the question is why he never did this and instead turned his focus on scamming confused individuals out of his worn out basement? How many people showed up at his latest conference, do we have any credible information on this? How big is this fading scam still?

Armstrong needs a story for his fearmongering so he can sell his conferences as a solution to his victims / cult followers. He does not know anything more than most other people already know. Moreover, he does not know the underlying processes that lead to the situation that he is talking about.

Except that he is himself an extremely authoritarian person who tries to suppress any views that contradict his narratives. He strictly plays from the playbook of other authoritarian people - that is why he knows their tricks. A pot that calls the kettle black. He uses the services of reputation launderers and projects himself as the good guy. See: Martin Armstrong The Forecaster The Movie.

There is this myth that he actually had any actionable knowledge in advance earlier in the 80s. There is no evidence of it. Otherwise he would have profited from the situations. In fact he has built his wealth by theft ($15 million US$ that earned him the contempt of court charge) and more recently with his refined scams and most likely by trading against his clients.


Socrates The Market Manipulator.

Regarding the number of attendees of his last conference, that number will not be available and he would not tell the truth. There is certainty however that many of his shills would attend. He even offered me a free ticket. So that number would be meaningless.

Regarding the state of his business, I am certain that most of his business has collapsed due to my campaigns.

As a proof of that, see the end of The Defeat of Martin Armstrong.

From my perspective, Armstrong's game is over and he cannot get back on his feet.

Who are these Armstrong shills at the Free Republic Forum?

Let me start with this one:


delta7 is the alias for who seems to be a central figure in that Armstrong cult.

In that forum, at the time of Feb 02 2024, he has posted (republished) 134 blog pages out of his 493 articles there in total.

He likes to introduce himself as an Armstrong follower who greatly benefited from Armstrong. Example:

delta7 in "Has Europe Just Committed Suicide?"
Be sure to visit the website for imbedded graphics, charts, supporting documentation, key dates.

I have followed Martin for 25 years- he has been spot on, so spot on he is the only independent financial “ expert” to have been called upon by more than a dozen governments…from the US ( Volkner, Trump) to China to Australia to England ( he was personal friends with Thatcher and is credited with saving the Pound when Soros destroyed it).

When challenged, we see replies of a style that some people here are all too familiar with:

delta7 in "Has Europe Just Committed Suicide?"
I have read Armstrong’s forecasts for 25 years- even back when they were paper newsletters.- uncanny.

Those that criticize him are “ unaware” of history and cycles. I post his articles from his website.

His computer Socrates is legend in governments and financial institutions.

Interestingly, delta7 has been member since Sept 2002, but there is a 16 year gap of his publications (articles and comments) that includes Martin Armstrong's 11 years that he served in prison.

It should not be any surprise for anyone who studied this forum that ...

delta7 is in fact Martin Armstrong himself!

I have sufficient information that supports this statement.

I am appealing to the moderators of that forum to suspend his account.

To those who are surprised, I ask the question: WHERE is Martin Armstrong otherwise, that Martin Armstrong who is always active praising himself incognito using fake identities?

Answer: He is nowhere to be found (yet). Look out for him appearing under fake IDs somewhere else because he has been exposed in the Free Republic forum once again. Please let me know where else you found him. I promise you I will do the dirty job for you once more.


This guy has an important role: Ashley Warren in Martin Armstrong's Inner Circle.

He defends Martin Armstrong with the full array of the well known lies as here:

aMorePerfectUnion lying
You will not go to any other conference and sit next to central bank managers, family office leaders, etc. at the level of the armstrong economic conference.

The full answer is here:

Exposed: Armstrong Economics in The Free Republic Forum

Martin Armstrong on Zero Hedge

As you know by now, Martin Armstrong was here in this bitcointalk forum, using multiple accounts at once. He actually tried to control this forum and use it as one of his advertising platforms.

It hasn't actually been a secret that he has had an active presence on Zero Hedge since 2019 as dustinthewind

The full details can be found at The Martin Armstrong Scam on Zero Hedge.

Zero Hedge has an excellent un-moderated discussion platform that allowed him to exploit it for his purposes in cooperation with multiple shills.

Unfortunately for him, that platform is fairly transparent for investigators like me. So I traced him and his shills and exposed all of them. Now, in May 2024, after a campaign lasting perhaps two months or more, I have basically shown them the door to an extent that one of his sock puppets prayed to God to save his account.


The Armstrong story looks fairly complete and finished now (his Socrates is destroyed, now he begs the Russians for money for publishing their propaganda) and probably gets the prepper crowd to pay for his Greg Hunter interview in which he predicts World War III for them.

Most people who see this don't comment. Many of them are just pissed off because they are either shills or they hoped to make some quick money with Armstrong's gimmicks.

There are still some left because There's a sucker born every minute and you can see them (the British ones) here: Armstrong suckers who paid $875 for a London Socrates Sales Event.

If you still have any comments or questions, please send me a private message or post here.


2  Economy / Economics / UNAFFILIATED/UNOFFICIAL AmstrongEconomics Socrates Support Forum Exposed on: May 14, 2022, 04:58:46 AM

ArmstrongEconomics Fans and Followers"
Exposed as Commercial Socrates Propaganda Machine

The title says it all.

For the full details, see:

The reddit ArmstrongEconomics Fan Forum

That apparently fixed it. It's close to dead now. Because he has lost faith in Armstrong and Socrates and considers his posts a risk that exposes the Socrates scam for what it is. Not sure? See the proof at: The Reversal System - Engineering Perspective. That uses his charts as evidence.

That shill went to the Facebook group as "Lateralus Smith" (private group needs subscription) but has stopped posting there as well.

Here is the link to the Facebook group to subscribe to:

Martin Armstrong and Socrates Traders

I suggest you become a member, hopefully being able to educate those new scam victims (without being banned by the group admin Alex OriginAl, viewing needs subscription to the group). He is the guy who promotes the group in YouTube video comments and sells worthless Armstrong PDF books on ebay.

That echo chamber now has its dedicated info page, too:

The Facebook Martin Armstrong and Socrates Traders Group

WHO IS THIS GUY Lateralus?

It's time to figure this one out. I guess he operates under Erwin Pletsch. Erwin Pletsch runs Socrates via this UAE offshore business. There are rumors that Lateralus is Armstrong himself. Sounds reasonable because his tactics are remarkably similar. But I don't have any facts supporting this claim. Please remember that Armstrong needs SOME allies, SOME members in his inner circle to keep the show going. And they need to do something for their shill money. Don't forget Armstrong's business is partly located in the UAE. Look at his Inner Circle here. Please drop me a line if you have any ideas. After having seen him run this reddit forum since perhaps 2016, we really should know.  

What is the easiest way to end this scam completely?

What works best is the following:

1) Search Twitter for new Armstrong interview videos as follows:
Martin Armstrong Twitter search
2) Follow the link to the video
3) Get an account to be able to comment on that video
4) Make a short comment with a link as follows:
ArmstrongEconomics - The Scam Business Model Exposé

That links to my site. And that site has teeth.

Here is a good example where someone seems to have wiped out Armstrong from the Australian continent. How is that possible? It happened in a blog where his followers seem to be concentrated. See

Member "Dot" commenting in the New Catallaxy blog on January 20, 2023

Additional Resources
and Initiatives

I am apparently not the only one in this lonely space. Check out this site:

martin armstrong will ruin you

I discovered this guy just a few days ago.

And then this one:

The Lucky Armstrong Socrates Blog

which leads me to another subject: Socrates Pro subscription snapshots. Here is an example:

Socrates Pro Snapshot (with date)

Don't let them go to waste. I want them. Please send them to me. Publish them. Because I am learning from them. A lot of what I have written on my site comes from the study of these snapshots, of the study of how Socrates works. See some of the results here:

The Reversal System - Engineering Perspective

Don't be intimidated by Armstrong's legal mambo-jambo - he can't do a thing. Better read my own legal page to understand that it is Martin Armstrong who should be afraid - not you.

Besides, you are protected by me as an intermediary who keeps you anonymous, and Armstrong would need to deal with ME. And you know how he tried and failed. He just hates me.

It looks like a good idea to let different parties sift through this vast confusing mess of numbers, each one with their own focus, while they are collected centrally. Even if that resource is destroyed, it does not matter because people can copy it.

Help Needed?
The Squeeze is On

I would appreciate to get some people to help me. Because Martin Armstrong keeps going, and I cannot plug every hole that this bastard creeps through. Some help in the following areas would accelerate the ineviatble downfall:

Someone with an active presence on Facebook could educate people there. Or at least monitor in such a way that I can refer to new content. This group Martin Armstrong and Socrates Traders really needs to be shut down. It is illegal.

Some people who can respond to YouTube comments and add links to my site. Best YouTube video for now:

"Martin Armstrong: The Collapse of the Republic"

Best Rumble video for now:

There May Not Be a 2024 Election - Martin Armstrong

I just give you an example of what the actual problem is: Here is a guy who has been attending Armstrong's conferences for years. Still promotes him here as follows:

Bill W on YouTube "Martin Armstrong: The Collapse of the Republic"
Martin Armstrong is an economic historian.  I have followed his work for 15 or more years.  Have been to several of his conferences in Orlando.  Have thoroughly looked into the felony he was sent to prison for and believe he was likely set up by those who indeed wanted to shut him up.  It’s a fantastic read with international intrigue and involves several “names”.   His Socrates model has come up with some fantastic calls which Martin is famous for.  He has contacts all over the world.  HOWEVER, he is not an engaging speaker, and is prone to rambling quite a bit.  His recent books are primarily history lessons and so most folks will not fully understand what he is trying to say.   They are a bit repetitious at times.   If you are interested in economic history they are interesting.  He offers some very good insights into what is going on.  But he is not for most folks.

then the same person later:

Bill W on YouTube "Martin Armstrong: The Collapse of the Republic"


@Lui Bunting  Ok!  I just spent 2.5 hours reading through your site.  It has raised sufficient questions for me to think carefully about my experiences.   Keeping it very brief, I have always enjoyed Martin Armstrongs historical take on economics.  I attending his Orlando conferences in 2016 and 2017 and then once more in 2019.   I met a Canadian Day trader at the 2016 event who seemed intelligent and unpretentious. He said that he now foley used Socrates for his trading and it earned him a very good living.   I finally joined the Pro Socrates for about 3 months in 2018.  I was still working and a member of many other sites and advisors at the time but decided I would see what it had to offer.  I was a bit disappointed and downgraded a level shortly after.   I have received about 4 or Martins reports including the Trade of The Century.  History lesson was great BUT I noticed there seemed to be a fair a mount of repetition in the material and there was really NO "how to do it" at the end of the book.  I also purchased the Manipulation of the World Economy book and once again found it interesting but somewhat repetitive.   Your site reinforced some concerns I have had about Martin's blog for a couple of years now.  I agree with a lot (not all) of what Martin says about what is happening in todays world.  However, I had already begun to get frustrated about the way he would answer questions on his blog.   The questions always seem to be, well from perhaps less intelligent folks and rarely did they address any detailed deep issues but rather broad and often self congratulatory  towards MA.   I also noticed the typos and wondered why these were not addressed.   As regards Socrates, I often purchased the market reports, not expensive, but noticed occasional errors in the reports that got the price for say gold or oil completely wrong in the report.  I could not understand why that would happen.   Finally, much is made of the Socrates tool being right at certain turning points e.g 1987.  The Sovereign Bond Crisis for me started around 2012 as the ECB and the EU embarked on a course which will bankrupt that EU market BUT that 2015 date didn't not seem to produce a big event.  I would argue the big event is happen now!  Additionally the much flaunted March turning point for this year seemed like a fizzle as well.    I think his predictions about the dollar and the US market soaring have some credibility since I agree with the thesis that money will likely flood into the uS when the financial crisis in Europe and probably the far East get going.  
HOWEVER, what your site has done is raised these nagging concerns I have been having about Armstrong, his writings and his model over the past 2 - 3 years.  I am blessed with funds and have never committed any to Martins forecasts (so no losses).  But I am now sufficiently dismayed so as to pull my $50 monthly subscription (not that big compared to a couple of others I subscribe to but certainly 2-3 times that for some other advisor sites that actually make specific recommendations.  Consequently you site has had an immediate effect.  Not sure why you dont post a link to your site for all of MA's videos.    Took a while to trawl through your material but thanks.

What I am trying to say is this:

1) What I am doing works extremely well. The concept is effective. I turned this person around in less than a day. A single message delivery is all that is needed!

2) There are forces where the victims actually reinforce the bad trend and there is no way that I can fight this with brute force. It's a numbers game. And it needs time.

3) That these people who are happy to get my education, who are happy to pocket the money that I save them, these people are not willing to join the fight to end this shit. They are even promoting this asshole until the last minute and then they are gone.

I can make database queries and design campaigns addressing people in efficient ways. With a few helpers on board and new ideas, this scam would be finished in a few weeks. I have proven that it is doable. See:
The Defeat of Martin Armstrong

He is still using the old playbook. Old dogs don't learn new tricks. So there is a good chance. One can see the end of it.

Now it appears his game has reached a tipping point. He is now complaining from behind one of his many  Twitter sock puppet accounts like here:

Martin Armstrong Sock Puppet @NDhimmi
Replying to
So why do you spend your life attacking Marty?  You are a very sad person - are you on meds?  Perhaps up them!
6:46 AM · Jul 29, 2022·Twitter Web App

Martin Armstrong Sock Puppet @NDhimmi
Replying to
LOL  - you are deranged!  What a LOON!
7:03 AM · Jul 29, 2022·Twitter Web App

Martin Armstrong Sock Puppet @NDhimmi
Replying to
Can't understand why you are so hateful of a man who the Government took out for awhile! Why don't you focus on political criminals who are destroying this country? I hope you get the medical help you need soon!
9:16 AM · Jul 29, 2022·Twitter Web App

I am squeezing him now. Using only words of truth. The theme is now:

Someone at Armstrong Economics forgot to turn the lights off.
Nobody gets scammed there any more.

That will discourage those who are still trying to leverage the long-gone popularity of his name for their own gains.

It's all inevitable and final now. For proof, see his latest interview here for an assessment of his mental state:

LIVE @8PM: Uncensored: Martin Armstrong - Hell in 2023, Recession, Civil Unrest but Schwab Will Fail!

I have never really understood this American obsession of "following" people and listening to these radio shows. This is perhaps as low as it can get.

Martin Armstrong is a charlatan, and he spent 11 years in jail for that reason but he has not changed.

Read this blog starting here to find out more about computerized fraud.

See for a more compact view of major findings posted in this blog.

Every single defrauded person should report their case, see Where and how to complain

3  Economy / Economics / Regular Socrates Warning Broadcast Update on: May 06, 2022, 06:38:19 PM

Martin Armstrong
Regular Warning Broadcast Update
Socrates is a Scam

This is a regular broadcast message UPDATE. It is timely in a way because traffic of this blog is high, and it will hopefully reach a larger audience than before.

Before I start - How to remove this guy from the public eye? Easy. No. 1 action item:

Cut off his main illegal revenue stream! Subscribe to his Facebook trading group and educate his victims:

Martin Armstrong and Socrates Traders (more details about the group here on my site)

Be mindful of these paid shills:

Victoria Wagner
Alex OriginAl
David Isham
Per Mallin
Maik Kunde
Lateralus Smith Active for a 3 month stint, inactive since Jul 31 2022. He is gone because I outed him.
Dumitru Popovici

The way they operate is complex. They are paid by Martin Armstrong to keep the show running. And they are giving trading advice illegally, such as:

Victoria Wagner Thursday 22 December 2022
"If it holds until close ... "BUY" 🛎".

This is clearly the execution of a reversal trading signal which is a breakout signal designed for THEM to trade against. See:

Socrates The Market Manipulator

So they have an additional potential income stream that sweetens the deal for them.
This is a front running operation without a license!

and they sell the stuff here as well:
Krzysztof Dabrowski Friday 16 December 2022
hello can anyone tell , how much does cost one click per market in pro membership

Victoria Wagner
150 USD with one market + every extra +25 USD / month

and here (it's unbelievable):

Victoria Wagner 19 December 2022
Hi Guys & Girls, I want to give you a nice short term trading advise: It is the EURO... EUR/USD ... there should come a drop into next week to 1.046 Hope you can make some xmas dollars with this - or recover some bad trades of this year. All the best - Victoria Wagner

Bullshit. Price moved  sideways. Would have been a loss to trade it.

With 85 posts in a total of 2.5 months of participation, her activity is more than one post every 2 days day on average, many with charts. Clearly a professional activity. This person alone makes this group feel like a pump and dump channel on reddit or stocktwits. I suggest you analyze her suggested trades - they are knee jerk reaction trades across dozens of different markets, with no time frame given, most of them losers. Reckless nonsense. There is no way that this person actually trades this stuff as she claims. But:

Victoria Wagner 15 June 2021
Socrates intraday numbers especially for the DOW-daytraders are like a Trading ATM

Victoria Wagner 15 June 2021
who of you is really trading with socrates here?
let's make some money together ... its fun ... hands up
SOCRATES PRO can change definetly your (traders) life ...

After the above short recent exposé, it is hard to see how this scam business can continue to exist. I personally think it is completely trashed now.

I have reasons to believe this because after my exposé of the reddit traders group, that group effectively ceased to exist, and its outed moderator "Lateralus Yellow" virtually disappeared from the planet after a brief stunt in the Facebook group as "Lateralus Smith".

Who is Martin Armstrong?

The simple truth about Martin Armstrong is HERE IN THIS MESSAGE.

Martin Armstrong is a world renowned criminal. A thief. An unrepentant convicted felon. Worst of the worst. Decades ago (about 1985), he hired some programmers to write the program for him that he calls Socrates. Used it to trade the markets with money stolen from investors. Lost USD 700 million. Created a USD 3 billion Ponzi scheme to cover up the losses. Was caught and spent 11 years in jail for the crimes, including for failing to return USD 15 million that he had stashed away, on top of the losses.

Most likely, after getting out of jail, Martin Armstrong laundered the stolen money he had stashed away before going to prison and paid for that whitewash movie  "The Forecaster" that Marcus Vetter made for him. A web of lies that blames the government for his crimes. The wet dream of a criminal. Now he sells that Socrates software that he used to lose millions, as a subscription service for USD 1,800 per year to the little guy. For the results, see:
Socrates Subscriber Testimonials

This is the true story of a criminal kept safe from his victims, earning USD 15 million of stolen money while behind bars, being fed on US taxpayer expense, and allowed to re-build the longest-running scam business in history, using some of that stolen money. See:
ArmstrongEconomics - The Scam Business Model Exposé

So WHAT does he do as Armstrong Economics then?

He is an Internet content aggregator, mostly re-publishing the worst tinfoil type of conspiracy content. This works as clickbait for foolish visitors of his online store for his four revenue streams: 1) Socrates subscriptions, 2) overpriced books and reports, 3) overpriced conferences, physical and virtual, 4) overpriced video on demand (VOD) and 5) income from the distribution of disinformation.

To achieve his objective, he creates MATCHING campaigns with a variety of subjects, depending on what sells best. He is a populist hot button pusher. For example, he is a Disinformation agent / broker / publisher / propagandist. He fraudulently creates the illusion that he has exclusive access to information, and based on that he sells himself as a conveyor belt for some third party disinformation, using his public blog site which is ideal for that purpose because it wraps complex matters in a manipulative infantile cartoon style, using conspiracy theories. His content is attractive for other quacks aiming to profit from the content. This creates a snowball effect.


He leveraged his global warming denial campaign. Mineral oil companies profited from it whether they paid him or not. This was at its peak when his content was what these companies needed at the time. Now that the oil companies are switching their strategies (see Big oil’s ‘wokewashing’ is the new climate science denialism), guess what, Martin Armstrong's global cooling campaign is over!

Here is the proof: Interestingly, a prominent manipulation tool that he showed frequently just DISAPPEARED:

Original page URL (did not load 2021-09-18):

Climate Alarmists’ Fraud Exposed

BUT it is still available on the web archive as:

Climate Alarmists’ Fraud Exposed

and the YouTube video is still on YouTube:

My Gift To Climate Alarmists - Tony Heller

So apparently that humanist impostor, our self-declared gift to humanity Martin Armstrong has been a useful propaganda tool for the oil industry for years - until no longer needed.

His new main campaigns are now Covid-19 anti-vaccination and the New World Order conspiracy, then as Vladimir Putin Ukraine war apologist.

I may be reading a bit too much into this climate change subject but you get the idea. The lines are blurred. Because he is also accidentally deleting pages from his blog and then blames Google for it. See: Censorship. Becomes a conspiracy theory based on which he then sells his oversize influence and Socrates. Buy, Buy, Buy! Even mistakes are immediately converted into sales opportunities. That is what this guy has been doing all his life. In jail for 11 years? No problem. Make a movie about it and become a popular hero. Sell the movie. The movie sells his Socrates. You can't make this up.


As we have exposed many times, Martin Armstrong makes forecasts like a shotgun, let's say for the sake of argument twenty in a row.

The majority will fail and the minority, typically only one will succeed. He then praises the success of the minority successful forecasts, but conveniently forgets about the failures or manipulates them after the fact to appear successful.

Guess why we do not find any track record on any of his sites, only at and Precious Metals Analyst Accountability.

That is why Martin Armstrong is talking to himself in his "public" blog echo chamber and posting in public forums as his own shill. He censors user comments to put it mildly.

So far so good.

The Socrates system with its Artificial Intelligence magic, that according to his claims is free of human bias and never wrong, is supposedly not subject to the above confidence tricks.


The Socrates system, by means of its ambiguity, is not different from the charlatan scheme described above - it just computerizes that scheme of deception as a smoke and mirrors machine.

That is why I have been writing for months about Computerized Fraud, using a perhaps somewhat odd term.

Take the time and read every page of a total of over 75  pages at and you will discover that Socrates with its built-in ambiguity will only line the pockets of Martin Armstrong but it will never even be verifiable with regards to its advertised performance.

The simple reason for the above is that it is based on human interpretation in hindsight.

But one thing is guaranteed: It will effectively impoverish its users short term and long term. Any doubts? Check out the Socrates Subscriber Testimonials.

What else is there to say? Every man and his dog knows it's a scam.

We just need to look at the posting history of that pioneer sloanf exposing Martin Armstrong since 2016 which proves the point: Everything we know today about Martin Armstrong was already known five years ago:

sloanf exposes Scammer Martin Armstrong in 2016

Socrates Support Forums

There are three places where indirect, non-official support is provided. I say non-official because there is a trick. Officially, Socrates is is not sold as a trading platform for legal reasons. For one, see its fine print. The other reason is that Martin Armstrong is by court order barred from association with any financial advisor. So he uses anonymous shills to run these forums to provide himself with perfect deniability. As an example, I describe the Reddit "Unofficial Armstrong Economics Fan Forum". This forum is heavily censored, meaning that criticism is deleted instantly, except perhaps some controlled opposition which is deleted a few days later. So it is an Armstrong controlled echo chamber.

In that reddit group you can see regular posts of the shill moderator LateralysYellow and other interesting characters. These other characters are mostly shills as well who pose as newbies asking questions to create the illusion of organic discussion. In fact most discussions are synthetic, designed to lure fresh prey into this scam.

The other purpose of this forum is to invite users into other private social media platform based groups such as the Armstrong Socrates Discord channel. With the aim to further control or eliminate any criticism.

As a proof of all the above, try to post a message in the "Unofficial Armstrong Economics Fan Forum" with the content containing a link to my site You will not succeed because LateralysYellow has installed a filter that shadow bans that message. Your account will be banned from posting any further messages. That proves that Martin Armstrong is a scammer, a humanist impostor, a dirt bag.

Project Status Update

The project of fully exposing Martin Armstrong's business as a scam, a business with the clear and exposed objective to harm its victims, and neutralizing that business, is completed. The status is summarized in the new page:

The Defeat of Martin Armstrong

The drumbeat of the quacks and shills hoping to profit from his popularity is still ongoing on Twitter. The Socrates subscription service and the online shopping cart are still running. But the older core of his cult has basically died. Which is confirmed by the fact that there are no new messages here in this forum.

To get an idea of the lack of momentum, consider the latest YouTube video (after months of silence on YouTube) that tries to leverage some Armstrong momentum:

CRISE DE VALEUR : Le Modèle de Confiance Économique (M. Armstrong) with comments turned off. The French are obviously not very up-to-date so I had to give some help on Twitter like here:

Me as Truth Seeker on Twitter (account no longer active due to overuse):
Martin Armstrong claims he has an infallible Computer Socrates that predicts the future of everything. Sells it as subscription for $1,800 per year. Disaster.
After exposing his criminal inner circle, he makes a death threat:

I noticed a strong shift of his activities towards extreme right-wing political and conspiracy subjects which I think I have had an influence on as follows:

Martin Armstrong's business is to sell snake oil such as books in his shopping cart and Socrates subscriptions. Due to high attrition rate and no repeat business, he needs fresh victims daily. But he cannot get enough from internet search engine searches because of his declining popularity. And he lost support from those interview hosts who noticed my campaigns.

My campaigns have driven away those people who are looking for actionable information and analysis. As a result of that, he would have noticed relatively higher traffic from pages with his political ramblings and conspiracy theories and other disinformation. This traffic comes from social media sites such as follows:

Now his strategy seems to be to provide appealing pages (as seen in the above example) that political activists link to in their own campaigns. That is clickbait. Those activists either fail to understand or are are willing to risk the consequences which is that they are driving traffic into his online scam business, and that they might discredit themselves by linking to content provided by a criminal.

This strategy has the advantage that the activists do not risk their own social media channels (being banned) because they are referring to 3rd party content which is often violating the rules of the social media platform. While at the same time Martin Armstrong avoids risking his own social media channels with such violations because he hosts the content on his own web site.

And he still maintains that he does not host advertising. Even while his web site is pure advertising for his own services. This works well with Twitter and I expect this to continue for some time.

Thanks for reading.

Martin Armstrong is a charlatan, and he spent 11 years in jail for that reason but he has not changed.

Read this blog starting here to find out more about computerized fraud.

See for a more compact view of major findings posted in this blog.

Every single defrauded person should report their case, see Where and how to complain
4  Economy / Economics / Socrates Frontrunning Opportunity on: January 25, 2022, 01:31:04 PM

Martin Armstrong
Front running

This is somewhat speculative but not far-fetched at all. Every user of the Socrates system  who wants to trade based on it, must download the corresponding market data from Armstrong's server. Even more so, that user must subscribe to each market for which to receive advanced trading information. Therefore, statistics of this information is available to Martin Armstrong for use and re-sale.

The concept of selling such information is definitely not alien to Martin Armstrong because he has offered me trades in the past.

How can this information be exploited?

Since the Socrates Reversal system is the primary tool that users use (see this post for an anecdotal recent proof of that assumption), it is instructive to explore the EFFECT of this tool on the market when used.

The Reversal System is primarily a breakout trading strategy, meaning it instructs the user to buy / sell at very specific published price points when crossed. And Martin Armstrong claims high accuracy of these price points.

To see the effect of trading this breakout strategy, see my proof at:

Socrates Long Term Past Performance Review.

How does this scheme work?

If only a moderate number of traders start to act on these price points when crossed, the strategy becomes self-fulfilling because the price will jump (break out) at these price points, caused by these very users.

This has been confirmed in the past by amazed subscribers who observed the price jumping at these points, asking themselves why these price points could be so accurate?

It is not difficult to see how to profit from the subscriber statistics. Socrates has the obvious potential for illegal transactions, a fully automated pump and dump or poop and scoop scheme.

Without even raising the suspicion of the subscribers because they are taken care of by Armstrong's shills who are highly trained how to blame its users with the myriad of negating other trading signals such as Forecast Arrays to just name one.

Why can't you profit from this by subscribing to Socrates and trading the opposite?

Because you don't have the subscriber statistics.

Another reason to stay away from this guy.

People who are serious about Martin Armstrong's crimes should report his business. A person who is barred by court order from association with any financial adviser should not be allowed to run a business with the obvious potential for illegal transactions as described above. I am quoting:

Criminal Conviction (PDF)

Based on a consideration of the relevant factors, and all of the circumstances in this case, we find that barring Armstrong from association with any investment adviser serves the public interest and is remedial because, as discussed, it will protect the investing public from the likelihood that Armstrong will commit future violations of the federal securities laws.

With the full force of his illegal marketing machinery deployed, Martin Armstrong could easily afford for decades to make losing trades for his clients while pocketing the profits taking the other side, and while pocketing the gains from his Socrates subscriptions via reports and his online service. If you want to get an idea about how this works by examples of Poop and Scoop, see:

Quarterly Superposition Event in Gold 2015


Martin Armstrong Financial Advice: Do not buy the Low!

Therefore it is no surprise that so many of his ex-followers have suggested to trade the opposite or the inverse of what he says.

Martin Armstrong is a charlatan, and he spent 11 years in jail for that reason but he has not changed.

Read this blog starting here to find out more about computerized fraud.

See for a more compact view of major findings posted in this blog.

Every single defrauded person should report their case, see Where and how to complain

5  Economy / Economics / Re: Martin Armstrong Discussion on: December 15, 2021, 02:08:21 AM
The most interesting and valuable things to read from the discussion for me personally was that i learned where the "smart money" are being parked during these volatile times and second - to read  Mr.Armstrongs' predictions  about his infallible program in depth.
No way. Armstrong is a terribly looking stupid old dumbass who has nothing better to do besides scamming clueless individuals out of his dusty basement. Imagine having to do something like that in your late 70‘s - how stupid such a life must be and especially how incredibly low?

Yes. In contrast, I still find it satisfying (after years) to spend all day inventing new methods to defeat this bastard and to warn other people not to get trapped in any of his devious schemes.

It becomes fairly obvious now how sinister it all is what he does.

Out of necessity I have to invent new terms such as "mega criminal", "hyper shill", "hyper fool" and use existing ones I rarely used before in my life such as "hardcore humanist impostor" while trying to describe what he does.

What I find exceptionally disturbing is that people are getting sucked in, even feeling good about it, becoming an integral part of his Ponzi scheme.

Like now with this incredibly stupid conspiracy theory of hundreds of athletes collapsing (which they usually do quite frequently) but now due to Covid-19 vaccination Huh

Young Athletes Dying After COVID-19 Vaccine

Hundreds of uneducated narcissist self-declared experts are defending Martin Armstrong because he parrots what they like to hear. They do not realize that they become his tools, funneling more unsuspecting prey into his online store where he sells snake oil costing hundreds.

What actually happens is that these people are paying a price regardless - they are discrediting and isolating themselves simply by association with that criminal.

This is an effect that Martin Armstrong actively exploits, and these morons feel like heroic avant-garde freedom fighters while they are actually destroying themselves, a high price comped with what that super criminal gains from their activities. They lose the game already while they don't even know what the nature of that game is.

Question: What on earth can be done about this tricky problem? I find it almost impossible to change the minds of these victims because what they do feels so sweet to them, while Martin Armstrong tells them what they want to hear, amplifying disinformation.

So far, in discussions I strictly avoid getting involved in the conspiracy subjects themselves (while sometimes I cover them on some web pages). Instead I focus on discrediting Armstrong. Otherwise my energy would be spent on these useless theories, making only enemies in the process. And this strategy pays because I convert anti-vaxers with respect to Armstrong while they are still adhering to their anti-vax stance. I cannot fix fools. But I can shift their focus away from that criminal.

Here is one of them on Twitter:

Cyrus "Something is Wrong"

So this untrained self-declared fact checker promotes that criminal Martin Armstrong to his 183 followers while posing as an expert in the matter as a sports coach:

I coach between 50 to 60 athletes a year personally.
Have had 600 through the program over the last 10 years.
Many nationals titles etc etc.
Some of the athletes  are now at international level including elite Olympic standard.


This case feels like  the equivalent of a rooftop solar panel installer posing as an expert in the field of Solar & Heliospheric Physics.

Martin Armstrong is a charlatan, and he spent 11 years in jail for that reason but he has not changed.

Read this blog starting here to find out more about computerized fraud.

See for a more compact view of major findings posted in this blog.

Every single defrauded person should report their case, see Where and how to complain

Martin Armstrong's Truth Seekers

Nothing new in fact but a term I have to cultivate in light of Martin Armstrong's devious activities.

The Truth Seeker is an actively cultivated and maintained sock puppet role (see also Martin Armstrong The Hyper Shill) that the scammer / con artist Martin Armstrong has in his Ponzy scheme, in that death cult. And his cult is really a death cult which became glaringly apparent lately because of his extreme support of the Covid-19 anti-vax movement and Martin Armstrong’s Death Threat.

Some instances of the Truth Seeker are:

On Twitter, Truth Seeker

A typical shill message:

@TruthSe49517863 Truth Seeker on Twitter

Replying to
the guy has 3 followers.  He's a loser!

Martin has been spot on about everything.  I have followed him since 2000.
3:54 PM · Nov 25, 2021·Twitter for Android

The above message is extremely relevant because Armstrong uses this sock puppet in response to myself
@ArmstrongFolly Armstrong Follower on Twitter two days after I cornered him. This delay is again a significant fact because it would have taken the conman some time to mobilize and instruct this shill to react with this message.

He had no option left to defend himself other than letting one of his sock puppets speak for him:

Armstrong Economics @StrongEconomics on Twitter
Strange people on Twitter begging for attention. If someone is harassing you in reference to me, report them & block them. Thanks in advance.
5:32 PM · Nov 22, 2021·Twitter for iPhone

Andis @Shadurskis on Twitter
Would be nice to see some proves from your side that any of those claims by @ArmstrongFolly
 are false ?!
3:09 AM · Nov 23, 2021·Twitter Web App

Armstrong Follower
@ArmstrongFolly on Twitter

Replying to
Martin Armstrong will never be able to challenge me because all my claims are incontestable. The proof is here:

Therefore we get:
And again I say:
5:14 AM · Nov 23, 2021·Twitter Web App

Armstrong Economics @StrongEconomics on Twitter
Replying to
Please, do not mention that account on my  posts. Thanks.
6:23 AM · Nov 23, 2021·Twitter Web App

Why is the name "Truth Seeker" significant?

The Truth Seeker is an important character because that character ALIGNS itself with an actively searched type of fool to exploit!

Because the searched-and-targeted Truth Seeker victim (not the sock puppet) is the easily influenced and exploitable type of fool who is at odds with main stream science-supported views and who seeks shelter in conspiracy theories.

The importance of the Truth Seeker attitude and role is elevated by the presence of the shill, and  the sock puppet support makes the victim, who is essentially WEAK, feel stronger.

As expected, the sock puppet shill aims to strengthen the bond between the con artist and the fool with this confidence trick, and that is why the con artist spends time and money on the maintenance of that shill.

As you can see above, I clarified all the connections between the conman, the conspiracy theory, the Truth Seeker and the sock puppet shill.

That is only a small part of the bigger picture. For more, see:

Martin Armstrong's Populist Hot-Button Topic Campaign

Martin Armstrong is a charlatan, and he spent 11 years in jail for that reason but he has not changed.

Read this blog starting here to find out more about computerized fraud.

See for a more compact view of major findings posted in this blog.

Every single defrauded person should report their case, see Where and how to complain

[moderator's note: consecutive posts merged]
[That merge clearly defeated the purpose of technology. Broke all hyper links and mangled time stamps]
6  Economy / Economics / Why Martin Armstrong calls Everything a Scam on: November 18, 2021, 11:03:43 PM

Why Martin Armstrong
calls Everything a Scam

Because as usual he has a credibility problem and this is how he tries to fix it.

People are searching google because they want to find and they are using these words:

Martin Armstrong Scam

Previously, Martin Armstrong had the same problem with

Martin Armstrong Fraud

Now things have changed due to my massive campaigns. Therefore, he is forced to call Government policies scams, and he associates whatever populist hot button topic with some kind of scam so he can do his
Keyword stuffing as damage control measure.

Too late. I have won the battle long ago.

Here is a ridiculous example:

When the Facts Prove You Wrong Change the Definition
The CDC is also changing definitions. This is the new scam.

Ironically, the "Change the Definition" trick is one of the most potent tricks in his own toolbox that he liberally used to "fix" his own forecasts. Such as in his prediction of the Sovereign Debt Big Bang in 2015 which never happened. See:
2015.75 ECM date was a big bummer for Armstrong

He changed the definition. From price to the arcane measure of "participation"

So he, as a failed forecaster, has eaten his own dog food for years, and he knows most about the tricks that he accuses others of using which in this case is ridiculous.

Let me try this again:

Martin Armstrong Fraud
Martin Armstrong is a Fraud
Martin Armstrong is a Scammer
Armstrong Economics is a Scam Business

I just had to do this. Done.

Martin Armstrong is a charlatan, and he spent 11 years in jail for that reason but he has not changed.

Read this blog starting here to find out more about computerized fraud.

See for a more compact view of major findings posted in this blog.

Every single defrauded person should report their case, see Where and how to complain

Martin Armstrong You Creepy Bastard GO!

I exposed and defeated you HERE

I exposed and defeated you on Zero Hedge

I exposed and defeated you on YouTube

I exposed and defeated you on Reddit

I exposed and defeated you on Twitter


Because I KNOW that every scam must come to an end and I know that I run around you in circles every time.

Without hundreds of paid shills like you and without taking money from ANYONE like you the convicted felon, thief and scammer.

Martin Armstrong You Creepy Bastard GO!

Today, you tried to promote yourself on your own site and ran into my campaign with your propaganda video interview with your lapdog host Marcus Vetter:

Your shit web page is:
Grasping the Future Unfolding Before Our Eyes

Your suckers could read my 3 months old campaign there:

Me as @Terry Fresco
Who is Martin Armstrong?
Martin Armstrong is a world renowned criminal. A thief. An unrepentant convicted felon. Worst of the worst. Decades ago, he hired some programmers to write that program for him that he calls Socrates. Used it to trade the markets with money stolen from investors. Lost USD 700 million. Created a USD 3 billion Ponzi scheme to cover up the losses. Was caught and spent 11 years in jail for the crimes, including for failing to return USD 15 million that he stashed away, on top of the losses.

After getting out of jail, Martin Armstrong laundered the stashed away money and paid Marcus Vetter to make that whitewash movie "The Forecaster" for him. A web of lies that blames the government for his crimes. The wet dream of a criminal. Now he sells that Socrates software that he used to lose millions, as a subscription service for USD 1,800 per year to the little guy. For the results, see:
Socrates Subscriber Testimonials
Any search engine will find that document for you.
This is the true story of a criminal kept safe from his victims, earning USD 15 million of stolen money while behind bars, being fed on US taxpayer expense, and allowed to re-build the longest running scam business in history, using some of that stolen money.

The links are on the DISCUSSION tab of my profile page. SORT BY Newest first.

Now you use one of your hundreds of fake accounts to again spill your lies about the government wanting your shit Socrates code. Here he is:

Martin Armstrong as @Will Duggan

Because as usual you have a credibility problem and this is how you try to fix it.

Too late. I have won the battle long ago.

And MY web site is running hot from readers of YOUR hate site.

So what then are you doing there? Your Ponzi scheme has collapsed because your only followers are your shills. I know them all. Chapter closed. Close your shop and blame Covid. Whatever.

The vultures are already circling in the sky. Your domain has already become a horrible phishing site.

And the show seems to come to an end. I have exhausted the pool of Armstrong shills and supporters to spam. Unbelievable. Slovenians, Polish, Russians, Germans, Dutch, Danish, Swedish, French, Italian, Spanish. Yes, these bloody Germans. Something seems to be going on there. Much more German traffic on my site than the other countries combined except the US which has the most. Marcus Vetter needs to pay. He has made this messy drama possible.

Martin Armstrong cannot survive even on that Twitter social media platform. Here is an example how I do it:

Armstrong Follower on Twitter
You can use Martin Armstrong to further your agenda:
But don't forget to tell your audience not to buy from him because he is a $billion convicted repentant felon who conducts business with the aim to harm his victims:

Get lost Martin Armstrong. I don't want you on Twitter. And he obeys.
Fraud and scammer Martin Armstrong @StrongEconomics cannot post on ANY social media any more because he is busted. I did it for you. Again. Proof:
After exposing his criminal inner circle, he issues a death threat:

As he capitulates only three weeks after the start of my campaign:

Martin Armstrong as @StrongEconomics on Twitter
Strange people on Twitter begging for attention. If someone is harassing you in reference to me, report them & block them. Thanks in advance.

Martin Armstrong is a charlatan, and he spent 11 years in jail for that reason but he has not changed.

Read this blog starting here to find out more about computerized fraud.

See for a more compact view of major findings posted in this blog.

Every single defrauded person should report their case, see Where and how to complain

[moderator's note: consecutive posts merged]
[That merge clearly defeated the purpose of technology. Broke all hyper links and mangled time stamps]
7  Economy / Economics / Re: Martin Armstrong Discussion on: November 07, 2021, 11:47:28 AM
This is the source of that phony photo:
Most likely it's an Armstrong shill, that guy calls himself Mr. Cycle....but why he's posting such an obvious fake photo when there's actually a real event going on? Meanwhile he posted a photo on his official Twitter-feed that at least is looking quite credible:
This guy is of course a shill, but Armstrong might not even know him. Quite likely, he has not even bought the WEC online conference material as he claims. How does that work?

He is one of hundreds of copycat scammers who are building their own schemes based on Armstrong's popularity.

Time to debunk and expose all these cycle guys once and for all!

I am not a twitter expert. I still have to learn a lot there. As an example of this type of shill, look at this YouTube video:
Interview , Cap Trader + Martin Armstrong

I have posted a dozen comments on his video trying to convince him that Armstrong is a scammer and fraud. The trick is he knows it. But he cannot confirm it because that would be against his agenda. So he deleted all my responses. In fact this is how this entire YouTube interview business works. There are hundreds of these Armstrong interview videos on YouTube.

So by responding to that tweet, you should aim at the people reading his stuff not himself because he does not destroy his own business. Don't ask me. I am busy enough. I need people to help me.

Sometimes it really looks to me as if Armstrong is a paid foreign agent working hand in hand with russian disinfo-operations to destabilize the american/western liberal societies. He's full in line with these russian psyop-tactics.
This is a complex matter. Naturally, I would not rule out what you are saying because I really don't know. I would consider it likely that IF some foreign agency would approach him and pay him that he would accept because he is only after the money no matter what and he does not have a conscience. I am certain about that because I know him better than most people. And BTW in that case he would not know that the source of that money is actually from the East anyway because they would not expose themselves. That is the nature of the game.

Try to convince that guy on reddit to make photos as much as he can from the event. I'm especially interested if there were thugs positioned around the venue like in Rome

As I said, I need help. To get him to do this, please create a reddit throwaway account and ask him directly via chat:


But please be aware of this: This fight is a tedious one. While there are methods that work via replication such as a web site or persistent comments in YouTube videos, the devil is in the details, and one has to effectively respond to every one of these victims individually. Most of the time, there is no immediate success. It is a matter of turning around a large mass slowly. The work of a sales man. However, there are highlights like these:

Blog Testimonials

Here you can see the damage that Armstrong is creating every day. People think that he is legit because he has a big web presence.

@Cass W on "Who Killed the West and What Comes Next? | Martin Armstrong | 4 Corners Podcast"

I just discovered Martin Armstrong yesterday. My friend immediately discredited him after reading his Wikipedia. But being the inquisitive mind I went on to find out more about him. His websites and theories on cycles etc. I'm still new to him but he seems legit to me. What's with so many negative comments and website documenting his failed predictions? I don't understand. Did he really went to jail for breaking the law?

And Armstrong, using his sock puppet account @Mark Brbot is telling that old lie again:

@Mark Brbot on "Who Killed the West and What Comes Next? | Martin Armstrong | 4 Corners Podcast"

@Cass W they essentially put him in jail, because he wouldn't give the g0vt what they wanted..... after the gfc they begged him for solutions.

I have written responses to these victims thousands of times. Armstrong has these shill accounts himself and pays other shills (hundreds) to spread these lies. That is the game. Awful. He has the money to do that. Stolen from investors and from his conferences and services.

Martin Armstrong is a charlatan, and he spent 11 years in jail for that reason but he has not changed.

Read this blog starting here to find out more about computerized fraud.

See for a more compact view of major findings posted in this blog.

Every single defrauded person should report their case, see Where and how to complain

8  Economy / Economics / Re: Martin Armstrong Discussion on: November 06, 2021, 04:46:05 PM
Take a look at this, it’s incredible how he’s still able to gather so much morons all together at one place, but probably could also be just a typical armstrong-styled fake photo. I don’t know what to think of this guy anyway by now, just discovered this on Twitter. I really wonder how much morons are left at this stage in the game who keep attending this crazy conferences all along with that stupid cocktail party

This is 100% fake. Very old. Look at the ceiling lamp shades. This the design of the old conference venue not the new one. Plus it appears that the image has two different conferences. Look at the different walls. I guess there are only a handful of attendees this time. Who posted this and where? We need a record of this.

Typically, he gets a shill to spread disinformation for perfect deniability.

And the idiots believe it and buy the conference. You are just showing us how stupid they are.

To be honest it looks more like a prank. A fairly cheap one. Look, there is still room for more people at the left corner of the image LOL.

See that 2014 page:

Insider Trading & Manipulations

That has the top left image with the URL Tokyo-3-1999.jpg

And the people in the bottom right image are the same people in same room as the one on the top left.

The most credible photo of the current conference is shown in Armstrong's Nov 6 Twitter tweet:
We’re live!

Armstrong is again cheating when he posts a photo of an earlier conference:
WEC 2021 – Thank You
I wouldn't believe a word of this criminal. The file name of the image is WEC-Orlando-2021.png which indicates that it it is an intentional fake. He obviously has something to hide and the whole thing stinks as usual.

The updated summary page about Armstrong's WEC conferences with links to testimonials and public videos of earlier events is:
The World Economic Conference WEC

Interestingly, the scam site's most viewed page currently is a WEC testimonials page which indicates that some attendees must have had a sobering experience once again.

Martin Armstrong is a charlatan, and he spent 11 years in jail for that reason but he has not changed.

Read this blog starting here to find out more about computerized fraud.

See for a more compact view of major findings posted in this blog.

Every single defrauded person should report their case, see Where and how to complain
9  Economy / Economics / Martin Armstrong's Inner Circle on: November 03, 2021, 09:19:11 PM

Martin Armstrong's Inner Circle

Armstrong is an poor old man that definitely is getting blackmailed by someone to keep on doing what he does. I don’t believe he’s doing this voluntary. No, someone is forcing him to do this shit at this stage in the game because otherwise he gets exposed. Why would he left these hidden coins behind inside his mother’s house? That’s because he won’t be the real beneficiary anyway so he simply tried to let go so these people behind don’t get the money, but somehow they found out about the coins and forced Armstrong to file suit. it’s crazy.

What a poor old man, Somehow I suspect his son-in-law. We have to find out who he is. What name, adress and so one. To get Armstrong’s business down we have to identify who’s behind this poor old man, standing on stage talking constantly the same old shit. Soneone has to get behind in all of this. I do believe Armstrong is not in control of this for a very long time


Gold coins? Crazy? Armstrong IS crazy. Here is the proof: Armstrong is crazy enough to directly expose three of his own sock puppets / shills to me and then again crazy enough to expose his inner circle to me and put a death threat to me on the record at the same time. No apologist conspiracy theory required here. That guy is awful.

Someone else behind him forcing his hand?

Many people have gone down this rabbit hole, thinking that some larger force is behind this. Someone even said the Russians are behind this. But it's simpler. It's a clan as you wrote before. The clan that made "The Forecaster" movie for him. He might not be running that business himself entirely. You are right, his daughter and perhaps his son-in-law. Why? Because these people got sucked into his second Ponzi scheme being able to make a living without actually producing anything of practical value. What do we gain if we know the name of this guy? Let's put it this way:

Please tell me we what I need to do to get another death threat! Please let me know (Hint: we need to reach thousands of people).

Armstrong is not the poor old man being driven and taken advantage of by some other evil forces. The truth is the opposite actually as follows:

Martin Armstrong is a cancer of society. That hard core humanist impostor who hates everyone who is more intelligent than him and / or achieved anything in life by honest means. He would fake his death if that would make him any money.

Starting in the eighties he thought he had found the magical solution, the holy grail for securities trading based on his crackpot cycle ideas. The pure sales person and charlatan he is, he made outlandish claims and promises based on these ideas. He created his inner circle in the process while that fake miracle worked best with the intrigued idiots who bought his junk. These inner circle members got sucked in by his lies and delusions as much as the primary victims got sucked in by his promises to make money fast. Now these shills can't get out because most of them have forgotten how to make money with honest work. They are no more or less bad than the master himself.

Because of the reasons above, whoever else drives this to some extent because of their dependency on the scheme, they can't do a thing if their cash cow is broken - they are empty-handed. Here is the proof again: If you were right, if there were bigger forces behind this, I would be dead already.

Now I am going to break their golden goose so the entire Ponzi scheme falls apart with a big bang. I am almost there. Because they need a bit of money to keep this going. They need to pay the IT infrastructure, the support people like programmers. And even while they are starting to employ people in low wage countries, the diminishing revenue is not enough.

So who is working for that super criminal  Martin Armstrong - the guy who according to his own admission runs a Ponzi scheme and issues death threats

The inner circle is fairly small and aging. And as usual, by means of double listing and multiple social media shill accounts, their influence is inflated. Please contact me with additional details. For now, let me try to list them all - in no particular order:

Martin Armstrong, the master
email addresses:

Cassandra D'Amelio - Long time Armstrong collaborator.

2015 email address: Cassandra D'Amelio <>

Most recent known activity:

Join Us Virtually – The 2021 World Economic Conference

Posted Nov 4, 2021 by Cassandra

Who is Cassandra? Obviously has publishing privileges on Armstrong's blog site so must be important.

Sends out reports and provides customer support.

We have an address in Florida:

Cassandra D'amelio

9615 Gulf Blvd #304, Treasure Island, 33706 Florida

Vicky, Armstrong's daughter

Acts in Armstrong's movie "The Forecaster"

Most recent known activity:

Most likely she interviewed her father when he apparently lived in some medical facility (note the question 00:03, published Sep 9, 2020):

How Was Socrates Able to Predict the Civil Unrest?

Erwin Pletsch - that Forecast Array wizard with a German name and a German accent
Erwin Pletsch at Linkedin

So he works for Armstrong since 2016.

He is listed as a team member of that UAE company that is likely set up for tax avoidance purposes:
Erwin Pletsch at Princeton FZ LLC

His YouTube channel:
Erwin Pletsch at YouTube

And a WEC user testimonial about his work here:
sabb 10:48 2019-09-24 at PM ECM Traders Slack group
They provide through some of their employee (erwin) at the wec (i was present and also posed questions during one of the coffee breaks) very simplistic and superficial explications like (literally): it elected the second bearish reversal, then you go short and boom big trade and big money!

And here is a Armstrong Economics video of one of his performances:
2017 World Conference Erwin Pletsch

He acts in Armstrong's movie "The Forecaster". His name is listed in the closing credits.

... Work in progress, to be continued, updated

Martin Armstrong is a charlatan, and he spent 11 years in jail for that reason but he has not changed.

Read this blog starting here to find out more about computerized fraud.

See for a more compact view of major findings posted in this blog.

Every single defrauded person should report their case, see Where and how to complain
10  Economy / Economics / Regular Socrates Warning Broadcast on: November 03, 2021, 06:16:39 AM

Regular Socrates Warning Broadcast
It's a Scam

This is a new type of generic regular broadcast message. It is timely in a way because traffic of this blog is high, and it will hopefully reach a larger audience than before.

Who is Martin Armstrong?

The real story about Martin Armstrong is HERE.

Martin Armstrong is a world renowned criminal. A thief. An unrepentant convicted felon. Worst of the worst. Decades ago, he hired some programmers to write that program for him that he calls Socrates. Used it to trade the markets with money stolen from investors. Lost USD 700 million. Created a USD 3 billion Ponzi scheme to cover up the losses. Was caught and spent 11 years in jail for the crimes, including for failing to return USD 15 million that he stashed away, on top of the losses.

Most likely, after getting out of jail, Martin Armstrong laundered the stashed away money and paid Marcus Vetter to make that whitewash movie "The Forecaster" for him. A web of lies that blames the government for his crimes. The wet dream of a criminal. Now he sells that Socrates software that he used to lose millions, as a subscription service for USD 1,800 per year to the little guy. For the results, see:
Socrates Subscriber Testimonials

This is the true story of a criminal kept safe from his victims, earning USD 15 million of stolen money while behind bars, being fed on US taxpayer expense, and allowed to re-build the longest running scam business in history, using some of that stolen money. See:
ArmstrongEconomics - The Scam Business Model Exposé

So WHAT does he do as Armstrong Economics then?

He is an Internet content aggregator driving traffic into his online store for his three revenue streams: 1)
Socrates Subscriptions, 2) overpriced books and reports, and 3) overpriced conferences, physical and virtual.

To achieve his objective, he creates campaigns with changing subjects. depending on what sells. He is a populist hot button pusher. For example, he is a Disinformation agent / broker / publisher / propagandist. He fraudulently creates the illusion that he has exclusive access to information, and based on that he sells himself as a conveyor belt for some third party disinformation, using his public blog site which is ideal for that purpose because it wraps complex matters in a manipulative cartoon style, using conspiracy theories.

That blog site conveniently functions as the location of his online shop where he sells his own snake oil costing hundreds. Example:

He most likely sold his global warming denial campaign to mineral oil companies when this was what these companies needed at the time. Now that the oil companies are switching their strategies (see Big oil’s ‘wokewashing’ is the new climate science denialism), guess what, Martin Armstrong's global cooling campaign is over! His new main campaign is now Covid-19 anti-vaccination.

Here is the proof: Interestingly, a prominent manipulation tool that he showed frequently just DISAPPEARED:

Original page URL (did not load 2021-09-18):

Climate Alarmists’ Fraud Exposed

BUT it is still available on the web archive as:

Climate Alarmists’ Fraud Exposed

and the YouTube video is still on YouTube:

My Gift To Climate Alarmists - Tony Heller

So apparently our self-declared gift to humanity Martin Armstrong has been a useful propaganda tool for the oil industry for years - until no longer needed.

Hmm. Perhaps I am reading a bit too much into this climate change subject. Because he is also accidentally deleting pages from his blog and then blames Google for it. See: Censorship. Becomes a conspiracy theory based on which he then sells his oversize influence and Socrates. Buy, Buy, Buy! Even mistakes are immediately converted into sales opportunities. That is what this guy has been doing all his life. In jail for 11 years? No problem. Make a movie about it and become a popular hero. Sell the movie. The movie sells his Socrates. You can't make this up.

As we have exposed many times, Martin Armstrong makes forecasts like a shotgun, let's say for the sake of argument twenty in a row.

The majority will fail and the minority, typically only one will succeed. He then praises the success of the minority successful forecasts, but conveniently forgets about the failures or manipulates them after the fact to appear successful.

Guess why we do not find any track record on any of his sites, only at and Precious Metals Analyst Accountability.

That is why Martin Armstrong is talking to himself in his "public" blog echo chamber and posting in public forums as his own shill. He censors user comments to put it mildly.

So far so good.

The Socrates system with its Artificial Intelligence magic, that according to his claims is free of human bias and never wrong, is supposedly not subject to the above confidence tricks.


The Socrates system, by means of its ambiguity, is not different from the charlatan scheme described above - it just computerizes that scheme of deception as a smoke and mirrors machine.

That is why I have been writing for months about Computerized Fraud, using a perhaps somewhat odd term.

Take the time and read every page of and you will discover that Socrates with its built-in ambiguity will only line the pockets of Martin Armstrong but it will never even be verifiable with regards to its advertised performance.

The simple reason for the above is that it is based on human interpretation in hindsight.

But one thing is guaranteed: It will effectively impoverish its users short term and long term. Any doubts? Check out the Socrates Subscriber Testimonials.

What else is there to say? Every man and his dog knows it's a scam.

We just need to look at the posting history of that pioneer sloanf exposing Martin Armstrong since 2016 which proves the point: Everything we know today about Martin Armstrong was already known five years ago:

sloanf exposes Scammer Martin Armstrong in 2016

Thanks for reading.

Martin Armstrong is a charlatan, and he spent 11 years in jail for that reason but he has not changed.

Read this blog starting here to find out more about computerized fraud.

See for a more compact view of major findings posted in this blog.

Every single defrauded person should report their case, see Where and how to complain

Martin Armstrong
Sends himself a six Year old Birthday Card

I Want to Thank Everyone for All the Birthday Wishes – Everyone is Going Over-the-Top on This One

That embedded YouTube video is six years old:

Happy Birthday Martin

Everything must be sold multiple times. To the idiot patsies of his scam. He knows he can do it. He knows that his followers are idiots.

Martin Armstrong is a charlatan, and he spent 11 years in jail for that reason but he has not changed.

Read this blog starting here to find out more about computerized fraud.

See for a more compact view of major findings posted in this blog.

Every single defrauded person should report their case, see Where and how to complain

[moderator's note: consecutive posts merged]
[That merge clearly defeated the purpose of technology. Broke all hyper links and mangled time stamps]
11  Economy / Economics / The Underworld of Martin Armstrong's YouTube Mind Control on: September 08, 2021, 12:44:00 AM

The Underworld of
Martin Armstrong's YouTube
Mind Control

Here I reveal one of

Martin Armstrong's techniques that he uses to control that parallel universe that he has created for himself. As an example, I use that recent YouTube video Uranium Oil - Ross Clark. Freedom, Taxes - Maxime Bernier. The Great Reset - Martin Armstrong. AMY.V.

I have watched the YouTube publishing channel talkdigitalnetwork for a while.

I am going to infer that Martin Armstrong pays this channel to interview him, and that he pays them later to delete unfavorable comments on a video one by one.

I can also infer that it is the strategy of that channel to NOT ban commenting users as to maximize profit from the chargeable service of deleting comments of the same user repeatedly. It's some kind of protection money that they earn from Martin Armstrong and likely others. I guess that a ban would be substantially more expensive because banning a user channel wide would limit the reach of their channel and therefore reduce their income from that perspective.

I can do all this from an armchair analytical perspective because I have archived all comments so far posted on that video and many others, and I show you the deleted comments with their respective authors and time stamps, and the approximate times when these comments were deleted. I am not going to do this for all of them and not in exact time order because it would be too tedious and boring to read; a few examples should be sufficient.

At this point in time 2021-09-08, 67 total comments (plus 25 comments of a crypto scammer which I discarded) have been posted.

However, only 32 comments remain.

This means that the channel owner has effectively deleted 35 RELEVANT comments. This is not as difficult as it seems because in some cases, many comments are replies to a single original post, and deleting such an original post deletes the replies to it as well.

Let's look at a deleted comment by user Oscar Factcheck:

@Oscar Factcheck 2021-09-07
Martin Arthur Armstrong (born November 1, 1949) is an American self-taught[1] economic forecaster and convicted felon who spent 11 years in jail for cheating investors out of $700 million and hiding $15 million in assets from regulators.[1]

Reply by user theaviator06:

theaviator06 2021-09-07
Wikipedia is always 100% factual. No bias or agenda.

Unwanted comment with one reply, deleted by talkdigitalnetwork on the same day.

Another deleted post by user Bernard Bernard:

@Bernard Bernard 2021-09-07
Why are you interviewing that conman Martin Armstrong?

Unwanted post with 15 replies, deleted by talkdigitalnetwork on the same day.

What to do? Re-enter some time later. You can help, just copy and paste.  Cool  Wink

See also:

What to do? Your Campaign!

The Underworld of
Martin Armstrong's Reddit
Mind Control

A new post How do you make money with Socrates? made by a frustrated Socrates user received two genuine responses:

by not using it.

and 2)
By taking a screenshot of the Socrates logo and then selling it as an NFT.

The "moderator" LateralusYellow deleted both responses and added his own as follows:
Buy against reversals on a target in time, it is the best and lowest risk strategy in my experience. There is a lot of nuance, dm me if you want to know more.

The deleted responses can be seen here:


There is absolutely no doubt about the fact that this forum is controlled by Martin Armstrong and that he pays the "moderator" LateralusYellow for his devious services while conveniently skirting the law (being barred by court order from association with any financial adviser).

Martin A. Armstrong: convicted felon, shameless conman, schizophrenic crackpot & financial comedian

Martin Armstrong is a charlatan, and he spent 11 years in jail for that reason but he has not changed.

Read this blog starting here to find out more about computerized fraud.

See for a more compact view of major findings posted in this blog.

Every single defrauded person should report their case, see Where and how to complain

Disaster Recovery at the Reddit Armstrong Echo Chamber

The same pattern repeated itself once again. A frustrated user reported some Socrates inconsistencies:

Lame Website
The spelling bugs get to me because they mean someone is manually updating those values, and isn’t really the Socrates machine. There is a layer of human interpretation being applied, which takes it into Snake Oil territory.

BTW we got some credits there:
lol, whoever created The Testomonial Site needs a medal. Just read the Death Threat piece. What a horrible guy!

The dictator LateralusYellow deleted the post after it got out of hand.

Subsequently, a fake sock puppet shill user Inevitable_Border146 (account created for that purpose in a hurry) posts a model question, too sweet to be authentic, conveniently not forgetting to advertise the USD 149 Socrates training course:

US 10 yr yld (Beginner)

Hello - I am fairly new to Socrates and watched the traingin on Socrates.
I am sure i will have more questions but that is it for now. Thanks for making this thread!

 Tongue This sounds so sycophantic - like The Fake Fan Email Confidence Trick.

There is a general problem with this. Which is that the training course must be garbage otherwise why the question after the training course? Just rewind the video. Could it mean there is no way to understand Socrates?

This would look closer to the truth than anything else  Cool

Let's not forget that Martin A. Armstrong is barred by court order from association with any financial adviser, and the Socrates fine print points out that it is not to be used for trading, yet here his sock puppet is discussing the short selling of bonds guided by the Socrates software? Did I forget to say that Armstrong Economics is an extremely fine tuned criminal enterprise?

Martin A. Armstrong: convicted felon, shameless conman, schizophrenic crackpot & financial comedian

Martin Armstrong is a charlatan, and he spent 11 years in jail for that reason but he has not changed.

Read this blog starting here to find out more about computerized fraud.

See for a more compact view of major findings posted in this blog.

Every single defrauded person should report their case, see Where and how to complain

[moderator's note: consecutive posts merged]
[That merge clearly defeated the purpose of technology. Broke all hyper links and mangled time stamps]
12  Economy / Economics / Martin Armstrong returns to the Crime Scene and issues Death Threat on: August 02, 2021, 08:55:38 AM

Martin Armstrong returns
to the Crime Scene
and issues Death Threat

Martin Armstrong just wrote the following to me:

I have hundreds of people working for me creating YouTube accounts and other social media accounts posting positive reviews and feedback.

 I STILL GET fresh victims daily  Tongue

The guy must be sick writing this to me. But on the other hand, that's him. He always does that. It's his trademark style. Roll Eyes

I don't have any doubts about him getting new victims daily, but it's not efficient having to pay hundreds of people for that, and the attrition rate is higher. Caused by my campaign. But then, who knows? With all these millions of stolen money. Who cares? It might be affordable.

After my suggestion to him, next he wrote:

Maybe you should come work for me? We could really use you around here. We have many aspects to our Ponzi scheme and you will be first in line and be a part of our inner circle purely based on the influence you have online and the threat you present against my business. We always pay our people the best and keep paying them for life just so they don't talk too much and God forbid tell the authorities...


It is interesting that Martin Armstrong calls his business a Ponzi Scheme and more importantly confirms here that at the very minimum, he knows that his conduct is unlawful because he tries to hide his activities from the authorities. But wait. He is worse. Not only does he know his actions are unlawful, but he knows that his clients are victims, which really is the smoking gun:

He conducts business with the intention to cause harm.
Go and get him!

Martin Armstrong here exposed his own third party shills as such.

Regarding my own model of his business, I learned fairly soon that he acts as his own shill using a multitude of accounts because he exposed himself. I could however so far not prove that he pays others to act in that role. Now I have that part covered, and that model is now complete. The model being hybrid, where shills are either Martin Armstrong himself or one of his paid agents who parrot his actions. Using paid shills in this business sector is actually highly common - I just did not want to go there without having proof.

His response is not surprising. That's his strength, to turn any malaise into a sales opportunity, the perfect salesman. He has tried that before, offering me "trades". Fortunately, I am not corrupt. Not my style. I know his business model is flawed, thread bare, because it is predatory. Which is what I wrote from the outset here. But nice to see him talking, which validates my strategy which seems to be effective. Apart from that, I am a software developer, and he already has developers, so nothing makes sense here. Except perhaps his developers are dummies because they have failed to close the gaps that I used to bring him down. And yes, I know that every conman treats his employees nicely. He has to do that for the reasons he disclosed to me.

While I know very much about him, he seems to know nothing about me. Nobody except him would expect that a guy like me can be compromised like that.

Now everything under "Martin Armstrong" is dead

How do I know? Because I did it and I have my instruments set up to measure my own success.

QUESTION: How did I do it?


I cannot say that everything worked according to my plan, because that plan evolved with the behavior of the adversary. But I had a larger strategy, which relied on a structure that I had in place from the very beginning. This discussion forum backed up by the web site and the taking over of various social media channels via massive campaigns - campaigns that were just telling the truth.

QUESTION: Why did it work - a single person against a crime syndicate with hundreds of parties having vested interests?


First, there are some unexpected factors that worked in my favor, where Martin Armstrong shot himself in the foot. Such as he blew his top and he exposed himself as a shill. But I guess this happened also because I put pressure on him relentlessly by exposing him and telling the truth. I made it fairly clear to him that terminating that Armstrong Economics scam business was priority one in my life. He didn't get a break from that pressure two years 24/7.

Then there is the important factor of his stupidity, his myopic world view from the perspective of a failed coin dealer, a school dropout with next to zero real basic knowledge. Then there is his criminal nature and multiple behavioral defects such as being a pathological liar.

It would be pathetic if a dedicated methodical person with a university degree in science like me could not bring such an idiot down within two years. Even while it took thousands of social media messages to educate all the other idiots. Tens of thousands of them. So I guess it was worth it from that perspective alone. Because he can only thrive as long as all the other idiots pay him. They stopped doing that. Here is the proof:

Alexa Competitive Analysis, Marketing Mix and Traffic

Apparently Martin Armstrong can see the damage, and he responded to me in his trademark style today:

I want you DEAD! I will find out where you live trust me. I will put a contract out on your life, you don't know who you fucking with.

Just in case anybody has any doubts about what type of person we are dealing with.

He does not have a business. His contraptions are based on fraud. Purely based  on fraud. Potemkin villages. He calls it a Ponzi Scheme. Once everyone  knows that, nobody buys anything. Zero income. Now he is surprised or what?

Martin Armstrong is currently fuming on YouTube as @a _g at Martin on fire

Everything is collapsing SO FAST that I am lead to believe that he "paid" some of his shills with Socrates subscriptions and future payment promises which is what he tried with me obviously.

The End

Martin A. Armstrong: convicted felon, shameless conman, schizophrenic crackpot & financial comedian

Martin Armstrong is a charlatan, and he spent 11 years in jail for that reason but he has not changed.

Read this blog starting here to find out more about computerized fraud.

See for a more compact view of major findings posted in this blog.

Every single defrauded person should report their case, see Where and how to complain

[moderator's note: consecutive posts merged]
[Deleted other merged posts]
[That merge clearly defeated the purpose of technology. Broke all hyper links and mangled time stamps]
13  Economy / Economics / Martin Armstrong's Home Address on: July 29, 2021, 06:33:53 PM

Martin Armstrong's Home Address

Can somebody please tell me his home adress in St. Petersburg and how his daily routine looks like, where he shops his groceries, which supermarkets and restaurants he prefers. I also want to know out of what materials his house is built and if there are security features installed at his house like cameras and alarm systems. I fell in love with Martin Armstrong through watching interviews on YouTube and want to have children with him. I want sex and live at his side for the rest of my life, I’m pretty good looking so it won’t be a problem to convince him. This is very important to me so don’t hesitate in answering my questions.

No problem. I am quoting:

15600 FL-699
Redington Beach, Florida

That is a residential address, and it probably is MA's house. If you take a look at Google street view and look back at the house adjacent to the driveway, you can see a BMW i8, which MA even mentions he owns in some of his blog posts. Hence, his business premises consist of:

1. His home
2. At best, a virtual office.

Moreover, payments for Socrates are taken from an FZ LLZ entity. That is an Abu Dhabi based business and is done so for tax reasons. Again, you can be a one man band and easily set up such a thing.

His virtual office address is on his
letter to the president.

Regarding his daily routines, he spends all day trolling the internet, like
looking for articles to re-publish and to post favorable shill comments. There is a real time log here so I keep you up to date with his latest appearances.

Regarding security features, here is his little dog and another picture is here.

You might want to come with a similar looking creature of the opposite sex. Meet him at the beach when he walks his dog. That is the best kept secret method for a random encounter.

Martin A. Armstrong: convicted felon, shameless conman, schizophrenic crackpot & financial comedian

Martin Armstrong is a charlatan, and he spent 11 years in jail for that reason but he has not changed.

Read this blog starting here to find out more about computerized fraud.

See for a more compact view of major findings posted in this blog.

Every single defrauded person should report their case, see Where and how to complain
14  Economy / Economics / Martin Armstrong The Hyper Shill - Again on: July 16, 2021, 07:40:58 PM

Martin Armstrong The Hyper Shill - Again

He has hundreds of YouTube sock puppet accounts. In my mopping up campaign, I am chasing him behind ALL of them now. A new one every day. The latest ones are here (earliest first, latest last):

Martin Armstrong as @User Name in

Martin Armstrong as @User Name in "Martin Armstrong Predicts DOW 42k in Ludwig Von Mises' Style Crack Up Boom?"
This is pure libelling. Every Japanese investor was made whole because the money was there. This is documented. Furthermore the final document from the judge stated that Armstrong did not have anymore assets. What a smear campaign this video is.

What really happened here was that the deep state wanted Armstrong's analytical tools and models. They tried to steal them, they even attempted to kill Martin Armstrong. They didn't succeed, they were not even able to convict Armstrong of any wrongdoing. Armstrong was imprisoned illegally for years for contempt of court. How can you defend that? How can you defend the dark deep state and their crimes? Why don't you see, what's going on here?

Martin Armstrong as @Brad Studio

Martin Armstrong as @Brad Studio in "Felon Blogs on Economic Cycles After 11 Years in Jail"

Looks like you believe everything on the TV. Shame.

Martin Armstrong as @Wayne Carson

Martin Armstrong as @Wayne Carson in "Felon Blogs on Economic Cycles After 11 Years in Jail"

11 years for CONTEMPT for not handing over his code to SOCRATES
HE CHEATED NO ONE except the GOVERNMENT of robbing HIM!

Martin Armstrong as Pawel in "Martin Armstrong's gold crash didn't happen in September of 2015"

@Peter Bunting no one in their right mind will waste a second of their life looking through your nonsense "evidence". You want proof of your shill account delusion? Let's meet up. Face to face buddy. We'll settle this like men, not this pissy armchair warrior game you're playing

This is the biggest adviser in the world defending himself behind a fake YouTube ID in a five year old video where he worked as his own shill.

And here is another one being mopped up:

Martin Armstrong as James Hall with his "Vaccines don't work, they're a depopulation tool."

Wikipeadia are known lairs.
That is a fact. You have presented zero proof just opinion.

It is interesting that he poses as an extremist (Vaccines = depopulation tool) trying to capture that particular audience, and most likely even expressing his own views which he would not be able to do without that fake shill account. One needs to have special fighting skills like me to expose him like here. The fact ?is that there are not actually that many extremists. Most of them are fake.

It is not coincidence that Martin Armstrong manipulates his Wikipedia page multiple times (as many times before) at around the same time where he writes that he spent years in jail for nothing. Shortly thereafter he tries to discredit Wikipedia by re-publising an article on his blog page: Wikipedia Co-Founder Urges Public Not to Trust the Website

To make the point of Armstrong being an extremist, we do not need to look further than his home place St. Petersburg, Florida: John Doe in "Markets, Lumber - Ross Clark. Gold, Dow, Lockdowns - Martin Armstrong. Gold, Silver - Ed Steer. AMY"
I saw this guy chasing Klaus Schwab?s motorcade with an outdated 2015 BMW i8, it was a poor play to look at, they simply pushed him against the guardrails and moved on, I had to call police otherwise nobody would ever even took notice of this completely irrelevant event.

And here another Martin Armstrong shill account being mopped up:

Martin Armstrong as Norm Baker in "Martin Armstrong | APRIL 2021 Never Walk Between Money And The Government You Need To Get Prepared"

Quote come so many companies wanted to make a movie about him? And one did... Those companies have to be very careful to stick to the truth because of lawsuit. You are a dork and most likely a banker troll...

... So how does he know that many companies wanted to make a movie about him? ?Roll Eyes Had to go as far as Germany to find one for that dirty job. That would have been the most expensive option. No worries with 25 million of stolen money available. Martin Armstrong trapped once again. I trap him even more than once a day now.

And no later than the next morning, here another Martin Armstrong shill account being mopped up:

Martin Armstrong as Aaron Peters in "Markets, Silver ? Ross Clark. World Economy - Martin Armstrong. Authoritarians - Bob Hoye. AMY, ABN"

@Terry Fresco ?A documentary for which he was able to get errors and omissions insurance underwritten for.
Until you sue him and win in court. I feel inclined to call you a liar.
I don't think Socrates is all it's cracked up to be at the moment and needs work translating the information into more actionable information. His reversal system, ECM, are great.

Some of his other reports are worth the price well. Especially Gold. His call for a 1362 monthly closing. Signaling the low would hold & breakout was solid.

@Oscar Factcheck ?? ?I've made money following his advice. Would have made even more if I had listened more closely.
Sorry you don't understand how to apply his methodology to win. I do. ?May you have better luck elsewhere.

... So trapped again. Trying to defend the indefensible while at the same time advertising his snake oil in his trademark style.

@Terry Fresco  It pleases me that I give your life meaning and purpose. A reason to live.

No matter how much you lie and defame me. I forgive you.

You will see the light one day. In this life or the next.

I will free your soul. Or the angels and demons will do it for me.

Regardless, In the end, I win.

@Terry Fresco  No. You got it all wrong. I wish to free you of your poison.

You will see the light. I shall pray for you. That you will find God and self forgiveness.

Who do wish for me to ask to enter your reality and free your soul. St. Michael? Lilith?

Please, let me help you.

@Terry Fresco  Its okay. I accept your vitriol. Just let it out all the fifth within you.

You can never exhaust me for I am connected to the divine and all the energy that flows through the universe. And it wants me to help you.

I will never give up on you. I love you, and accept your pain. Please let me have more, I will cleanse you of it for you.

Because I love you.

The need to lie and defame others.

Connect to that spirit within you.

@Terry Fresco  It is okay, Terry. I forgive you no matter how much you lie and slander me.

I still love you. Please come back to the light, and let go of the caricature of me you have created..

Allow yourself to know my love, Terry.

To know the real me.

@Terry Fresco  It's okay, Terry.

I hear you.  

I understand you.

I forgive you.

And I will always love you.


Your imaginary nemesis. Living rent free inside your head,


This is a dialog with 44 replies. And it is only one of these epic exchanges I have had with him.

Just to make the point, here is another sample from his YouTube messages (count 26 at this time):

Martin Armstrong as Aaron Peters in "Martin Armstrong: Dow 35,000 By 2021?"

He's tried. His advice goes in one ear and out the other. They pretend to listen, then do what they wanted to do all along anyways.

Yes, he's very reliable. It's not so much that he's very accurate (intrayear at least) but he's quick to adjust and change his tune.

Minimize losses, maximize gains. How he's handled gold the past few years is testament to this. He seemed to think it would get below 1k, but was always willing to admit he was wrong with a monthly close above 1362.

Martin Armstrong as Ben Jones in "Martin Armstrong Urgent! What Cathie Wood JUST Said About A Stock Market Crash!Dow Jones 40000"

CIA propaganda

Another one just for the record.

See how our serial forecaster for the umpteenth time forecasts that "Big Bang" of the Sovereign Debt Crisis. That "Big Bang" that each time before happened only in his underpants:

Martin Armstrong as onemanfilmcrew in 4 identical posts in:

"Martin Armstrong Answers: What Happens If One Just Holds On To Cash?"

"Martin Armstrong Answers: What Happens If One Just Holds On To Cash?"

"Martin Armstrong Is The Government Using Bitcoin To Get You To Give Up Your Cash? 09 Jan 13"

"Cycles of War & Sovereign Debt Crisis with Martin Armstrong"

2021  Now hold on to your pants because Martin Armstrong is not the ONLY forecaster here.... Get ready for Friday August 6th 2021 when the financial (horror) will start to unfold...followed by a weekend of panic and 9th of August Monday like no other seen in history.

And here he is again:

Martin Armstrong as Ben Jones in:

"Martin Armstrong This Great Depression JUST Got Worse! Watch Gold! Buy Silver & Gold 2021"

I always love to hear Martin Armstrong, he has a sense of not just the monetary and markets, but history also!
@Oscar Factcheck  
Says who, the government and CIA.
The only scam is those bankers and government officials that threaten to put him in jail if he didn’t give them the software! That’s what this is all about, but you keep your fake narrative going!

Martin Armstrong as @teetering ontheedge in:

"Martin Armstrong: The Gold Standard is Garbage"

@Lui Bunting  u A.I. bot or just stupid? Quit reading wikipedia, search a little harder

@Lui Bunting  better ask doc to up your meds

Martin Armstrong as  @Kevin Prokopenko in

Kevin Prokopenko in "Martin Armstrong latest prediction on Real Estate - what does it mean?"

You are hilariously off target.  He has a very accurate track record to go by .. in fact the best there is.  And its all on the historical record on his blog . Put down the crack pipe.

@TheRoswellCrash  What are you talking about?  Armstrong does not believe in this global warming

.He illustrates how climate moves in cycles and nothing to do with CO2 but sun generated ..except for natural events like volcanoes

@Bernard Bernard  OK let's phluck this chicken.

Let's first check his accuracy record.
Did he not receive awards ..beginning back in the 80's for being most accurate forecaster.. in the Financial Industry? That's a simple yes or no.

Does he continue to be very accurate calling turning points in markets? Very recently he sent out a direct message to subscribers to get out of Bitcoin ..and explained why. Warned repeatedly about Gold pullbacks. Warned of countries coming to financial crisis. Warned about the design of the "Pandemic".

Further, It's quite easy to pull up allegations by people on the internet.
The crux that Armstrong is criminal takes more than a cursory glance. If you examine both sides of this , it becomes the BIG BIG banks and the infamous never-ruled-against-da-boyz-ever NY Court system.  In that argument I will side with the little guy all day long. You really believe GS is pure as the driven snow .. the banking system in fact?  You are in a tiny minority there my friend.

Armstrong has clearly laid out how it unfolded in court and the evidence he provided is damning . YOU go look then compare .

Is Armstrong always right ..No.. does he pump his system & toot his horn YES ..

I will choose to lean against the ESTABLISHMENT banking and court system ..I hope they get swept away soon .   You are welcome to join Vito , Mugsy and da gang of banksters.

Martin Armstrong as  @james j in

james j in "Martin Armstrong: The Gold Standard is Garbage"

if you do some research you will find that martin was never charged, tried, or convicted.  he was detained and tortured for years though.

you are going out on a limb there.    i do think if they had anything criminal on martin they would have put him through the process.

@Lui Bunting  triggered Lui.  lol

Martin Armstrong as  @eblman in

@eblman in "Martin Armstrong - his legacy, build back better, short selling, no taxation, Dow Jones 40000 & more"

I agree it would be fine if the editor wanted to include the visual but the audio was very distracting.

Martin Armstrong as  @eblman in

@eblman in "Who Killed the West and What Comes Next? | Martin Armstrong | 4 Corners Podcast"

Apparently Martin Armstrong ran an investment firm in the 1990’s and was accused of breaking the law. Everything I heard today was accurate and impressively insightful. Do spend the time to listen to this. If anything it has me wondering what country/company created the bots to negatively market his name on the below comments….?
And if you don’t feel comfortable buying a service from anyone , simply don’t do it lol.

And again Martin Armstrong as  @Ben Jones in

@Ben Jones in "Who Killed the West and What Comes Next? | Martin Armstrong | 4 Corners Podcast"

One of the sharpest minds in the world and other governments and organizations desperately trying to shut him down! Just like when they tried to steal his software.
Many posters on this platform and others will try to knock him and don’t give any evidence! Why would I trust any government organization nowadays that’s trying to shut him up and others like him?

And again Martin Armstrong as  @Maike Meier in

@Maike Meier in "Who Killed the West and What Comes Next? | Martin Armstrong | 4 Corners Podcast"

@Lui Bunting  wikipedia - rofl lol hahahaha

And again Martin Armstrong as Mark @Brbot talking to himself as @UncoverTruth in a 2019 video:

Mark @Brbot in "Martin Armstrong: Dow 35,000 By 2021?"

@UncoverTruth  I know right, same camper trolls attempting to throw martin under the bus. If you actually read his free reports and action them you would make fortunes.

And again Martin Armstrong as @MrSmart0ne in

@MrSmart0ne in "Vigilante of Democracy | Martin Armstrong | TEDxBattenkill"

@Lui Bunting  , how much  are you being paid for your fake    history?

And again Martin Armstrong as @MrSmart0ne in

@MrSmart0ne in "Martin Armstrong si datoria uriașă a României pe care Ceaușescu a plătit-o de $21 miliarde in 24 ani"

@Oscar Factcheck  , Oh    looks like your part of the  deep state.

And again Martin Armstrong as @Randy Jarvis in

@Randy Jarvis in "Gold and The Great Depression of 2022. Martin Armstrong - Nov. 20, 2020"

@Terry Fresco  And yet he proved all of his claims to the insurance bonding company that had to insure the "Forecaster" Documentary against libel claims. Strange, no libel claims have been filed by the people he exposes.  Even more strange his that his investment forecasts almost always come true. Why does he give them away for free to normies like me if he's such an evil guy?

Martin Armstrong makes me money, you don't. What have you done to benefit the world? It's easy to throw stones, it much harder to build with them.

Please send links with libel law suits against Martin or find a new hobby.

And again Martin Armstrong as @Michael Ivanson in

@Michael Ivanson in "Martin Armstrong Never Said This Before"

Martin Armstrong - the best of the best - thank you

And again Martin Armstrong as @User Name in

@User Name in "Martin Armstrong Never Said This Before"

I'm glad, Kerry asked Armstrong about Three Gorges Dam and the flooding. It worries me too.

And again Martin Armstrong as @vaneast411 in

@vaneast411 in "Martin Armstrong--Is The Government Using Bitcoin To Get You To Give Up Your Cash? 09.Jan.13"

@Oscar Factcheck  you really need to do a better job of fact checking ... who is paying you to present this disinformation?

And again Martin Armstrong as @John Gardener in

@John Gardener in "Boomberg Martin Armstrong Scam- Scammersglobal"

It's plainly obvious that the "multiple people" criticizing Mr. Armstrong here are the same person. Only people who know of Mr. Armstrong would click-to-watch this video. That means that a high percentage of the people here are well-educated people who had (at least) Psych 101 in their college years. Consequently, most folks here clearly recognize the "issues & motivations" of a mentally-challenged individual who seeks attention via outrageous claims... and the need to create multiple personalities to seem convincing. Take your meds. Get well.

And again Martin Armstrong as @Frank Dev in

@Frank Dev in "Boomberg Martin Armstrong Scam- Scammersglobal"

Bloomberg hates Armstrong. You are off base and biased.

And again Martin Armstrong as @Audrey M in

@Audrey M in "Boomberg Martin Armstrong Scam- Scammersglobal"

A laughing woman and a magnifying glass hovering over the word "scam," doesn't prove a damn thing. What a f'ing joke! You look like a fool trying to discredit him in this manner.

And again Martin Armstrong as @Mark Brbot in

@Mark Brbot in "Martin Armstrong: Dow 35,000 By 2021?"
@parkerbohnn  nah the Dow is 35000 not 3500. Martin got it right, no fluke,  he's the only guy calling for 40,000 and higher in coming years. 2021 market slingshot incoming

And again Martin Armstrong as @Pawel

@Pawel in "Martin Armstrong's predictions"
To anyone following this thread… keep an eye out on these operatives (“factchecker”). There appears to be an organized campaign for the obvious purpose. Don’t engage these objects, just point them out.

He just cycles from one YouTube account to the next. Here I just demonstrate the entire sock puppet show in a time line dimension. It is ridiculous.

Martin A. Armstrong: convicted felon, shameless conman, schizophrenic crackpot & financial comedian

Martin Armstrong is a charlatan, and he spent 11 years in jail for that reason but he has not changed.

Read this blog starting here to find out more about computerized fraud.

See for a more compact view of major findings posted in this blog.

Every single defrauded person should report their case, see Where and how to complain

Some Hyper Idiots cannot let go

Looks like some suckers cannot be saved.

I have processed about 18,000 messages in comments of about 150 YouTube videos that had comments at some stage. I can tell that the cult has ended because 1) most people have realized they have been duped and 2) Martin Armstrong has stopped sending shill messages as described in Martin Armstrong The Hyper Shill.

It is interesting how those die-hard hyper idiots think they are smart and all others are idiots. They do that by just mud slinging and parroting Armstrong slogans. The do not realize that they are the only ones left, and that there is nobody who agrees with them. Here is an example:

Bob Lablah in "Martin Armstrong Urgent! What Cathie Wood JUST Said About A Stock Market Crash!Dow Jones 40000"

I think you underestimate how brainwashed people are getting in schools by Marxist teachers.

Bob Lablah in "Martin Armstrong Urgent! What Cathie Wood JUST Said About A Stock Market Crash!Dow Jones 40000"

@Bernard Bernard   Whatever, that's the government and medias side of the story, and over the past 4 years they've shown how crooked they are.

@Bernard Bernard    I'm starting to think you are just crazy. Fact is, a few years back he said this would be the most hated bull market run. Well, that's exactly what it has been. Maybe you went against his prediction and shorted the market and lost.

I guess these suckers just hang on to their master because he speaks like them and tells them what they want to hear. For years, this one has avoided checking the facts, even while presented to him on a silver platter. Cannot see that nobody agrees with them.

Except Armstrong agrees with them which is perhaps worth to them the price they are paying?

And the following day another follower tries to update himself on crypto currencies:

Jay Moore in "Ripple XRP: According To Mark Armstrong, XRP Will Terminate All Private Cryptos"

@Peter Bunting  Wow . . . well his blogs and predictions have been on point for sometime.

Regardless, what are your thoughts on XRP?

This guy has been following him since 2017 when he commented on a Greg Hunter video that has since been deleted. He has been told that the cult is over but he can't seem to get it, writes in 2018:

Jay Moore in "Property to boom? Top forecaster Martin Armstrong finally reveals his model"

Hey There, Do either of you still follow Martin Armstrong? I would really like to chat with some people who follow his work. It is so hard to determine exactly what his models are saying and I actually pay for it.

Looks like Jay Moore is crying because his toy it taken away.

Benjamin Van Brocklin in "PCdn Dollar, Gold - Ross Clark. Gold Backed Currencies - Martin Armstrong. Cycles - Eric Hadik. AMY.V"

Please publish these as podcasts too, so great to listen to but easy to miss
Clearly you're the scam lol

Needs to be mopped up, too.

Martin A. Armstrong: convicted felon, shameless conman, schizophrenic crackpot & financial comedian

Martin Armstrong is a charlatan, and he spent 11 years in jail for that reason but he has not changed.

Read this blog starting here to find out more about computerized fraud.

See for a more compact view of major findings posted in this blog.

Every single defrauded person should report their case, see Where and how to complain

Martin Armstrong Gone Crazy

Suffers from paranoia and asks his non-existent followers to collect money for his "security detail".

Here is the proof:


Government-backed trolls go after Marty?

he writes:

I recently discovered that huge amounts of trolls are harassing Marty on various platforms. Is the government after him again? I fear of his life at this moment, I wouldn’t know what to do without his insights from behind the curtain. Somebody please help!


What are you talking about? He advised more governments than anyone else. This man is genius and has to be saved. We all should start collecting money to pay some personal security detail for him! WE HAVE TO ACT NOW

I think Martin Armstrong should generally be looking for a fool proof secure facility to live in.

But don't hold your breath. He will continue. He thinks those who disagree, those who expose him, those who disprove his ideas are idiots. He is irrational. Unrepentant.

Even while he exposes himself in one of his socket puppet accounts @Aaron Peters:

Martin Armstrong as @Aaron Peters in "Markets, Silver – Ross Clark. World Economy - Martin Armstrong. Authoritarians - Bob Hoye. AMY, ABN"

@Terry Fresco  It pleases me that I give your life meaning and purpose. A reason to live.

No matter how much you lie and defame me. I forgive you.

You will see the light one day. In this life or the next.

I will free your soul. Or the angels and demons will do it for me.

Regardless, In the end, I win.

@Terry Fresco  No. You got it all wrong. I wish to free you of your poison.

You will see the light. I shall pray for you. That you will find God and self forgiveness.

Who do wish for me to ask to enter your reality and free your soul. St. Michael? Lilith?

Please, let me help you.

@Terry Fresco  Its okay. I accept your vitriol. Just let it out all the fifth within you.

You can never exhaust me for I am connected to the divine and all the energy that flows through the universe. And it wants me to help you.

I will never give up on you. I love you, and accept your pain. Please let me have more, I will cleanse you of it for you.

Because I love you.

The need to lie and defame others.

Connect to that spirit within you.

@Terry Fresco  It is okay, Terry. I forgive you no matter how much you lie and slander me.

I still love you. Please come back to the light, and let go of the caricature of me you have created..

Allow yourself to know my love, Terry.

To know the real me.

@Terry Fresco  It's okay, Terry.

I hear you.  

I understand you.

I forgive you.

And I will always love you.


Your imaginary nemesis. Living rent free inside your head,


This is a dialog with 44 replies. And it is only one of these epic exchanges I have had with him.

Martin A. Armstrong: convicted felon, shameless conman, schizophrenic crackpot & financial comedian

Martin Armstrong is a charlatan, and he spent 11 years in jail for that reason but he has not changed.

Read this blog starting here to find out more about computerized fraud.

See for a more compact view of major findings posted in this blog.

Every single defrauded person should report their case, see Where and how to complain

Future Outlook

Since the start of my YouTube awareness campaign, I have sent over 3,000 Armstrong Scam warning messages using various social media channels, and flagged YouTube videos and channels. I have utilized so far only a fraction of the entire potential.

Since the start of my YouTube awareness campaign, 25 YouTube videos with Martin Armstrong marketing content have been removed from YouTube due to violations of YouTube terms. This entailed in most cases not only the removal of the Armstrong videos but the removal of the entire channel. This number 25 is a high percentage of the more recent Martin Armstrong videos.

The path on which this development will continue is not difficult to extrapolate.

Complete. Downfall.

Until the bitter end.

Which is near.

And there is still a lot of mopping up to do. It is worth it, it is appreciated, as can be seen at

Blog Testimonials.

Martin A. Armstrong: convicted felon, shameless conman, schizophrenic crackpot & financial comedian

Martin Armstrong is a charlatan, and he spent 11 years in jail for that reason but he has not changed.

Read this blog starting here to find out more about computerized fraud.

See for a more compact view of major findings posted in this blog.

Every single defrauded person should report their case, see Where and how to complain

[moderator's note: consecutive posts merged]
[That merge clearly defeated the purpose of technology. Broke all hyper links and mangled time stamps]
15  Economy / Economics / The Final state of Mind of a Martin Armstrong Follower on: July 13, 2021, 08:41:01 PM

The Final State of Mind of a
Martin Armstrong Follower

Am i the only one who thinks that anonymouscoder is Armstrong himself? I find it pretty obvious. Interesting how he tries again and again to pull his daughter into it. I think Armstrong himself doesn't want to do his business anymore, but his relatives (presumably especially his daughter/she must be like his mother Cheesy ) seem to convince him again and again to not back down, he doesn't want to look weak in front of her, so he can?t let go. At the end he?s probably the greatest victim of all these self-created myths and now is desperately looking for a way out in which he can save face, so again he decided to create an external evil force that?s out there to get him, who has no other purpose than to ruin his great great business and legacy, like the "government" back then? You certainly have to give him credit for that at the end of his life he seems to have decided to clean up the field of his target group after all at least. That?s a step in the right direction, Marty. I appreciate that.


Martin A. Armstrong: convicted felon, shameless conman, schizophrenic crackpot & financial comedian

Martin Armstrong is a charlatan, and he spent 11 years in jail for that reason but he has not changed.

Read this blog starting here to find out more about computerized fraud.

See for a more compact view of major findings posted in this blog.

Every single defrauded person should report their case, see Where and how to complain
16  Economy / Economics / Martin Armstrong The Biggest Liar on the Planet on: June 06, 2021, 05:56:01 PM

Martin Armstrong
The Biggest Liar on the Planet

Martin Armstrong frequently claims that he advised governments around the world.

How? When? Let's look at an example. At July 18, 1996 Testimony of Martin Armstrong before House Ways & Means Committee

So he claims that he was asked to testify before Congress. It's bullshit. Everyone can check the records. Testimonials are documented. With the names of the people who testified. But Martin Armstrong's name never appears anywhere. Here is the detailed record for the same day:

Thursday, ?July ?18, ?1996 Daily ?Digest

It's like everything else. He just makes things up and creates a record on his blog site so that he and his shills can quote it. Hundreds of times. In every YouTube interview.

Like here.

That's how it works.

Easy to debunk. Easy to prove. The completely fake criminal he is.

Martin Armstrong is a charlatan, and he spent 11 years in jail for that reason but he has not changed.

Read this blog starting here to find out more about computerized fraud.

See for a more compact view of major findings posted in this blog.

Every single defrauded person should report their case, see Where and how to complain

Martin Armstrong
The Hyper Criminal

Martin Armstrong spent 11 years in jail, for running a USD 3 billion Ponzi scheme and for failing to return USD 15 million stolen from investors. It is fair to conclude that he laundered this stolen money after he was released from prison.

However, the problem with getting out of jail and spending a lot of money without an income would have drawn the attention of the receiver - so it would have been counter-productive. What did he do?

He used some of that money to re-build his scam business as we know it, that business without office that he runs out of his Florida beach home.

He created the illusion that his fake institutional clients and his conferences generated that income. After all he told us that he does not need any money. Which is documented in Martin Armstrong The Humanist Impostor. While he used his stashes to spend the millions that EVERY business needs to get started.

And he paid Marcus Vetter with it to produce that whitewash movie "The Forecaster".

He used his scam business as a smokescreen to spend the stolen millions. That business does not even need to be successful.

It is as simple as that.

It is not that difficult to come to this conclusion after he claimed ownership of his booty in court last year. And had to pay hundreds of thousands compensation to his victim for that. See: Martin Armstrong The Hyper Fool

He caused about USD 1 billion of damage with his USD 3 billion ponzi scheme. Then the US Government assisted him with tax payer money to earn USD 15 million PROFIT with his 7 year jail sentence for contempt of court.

Got it?

Bernie Madoff spent the rest of his life in prison. Where is Armstrong now?

Martin Armstrong is a charlatan, and he spent 11 years in jail for that reason but he has not changed.

Read this blog starting here to find out more about computerized fraud.

See for a more compact view of major findings posted in this blog.

Every single defrauded person should report their case, see Where and how to complain

Martin Armstrong
on Rippoff Report

First time I noticed this site.

Complaint Review: / Martin Arthur Armstrong - Wilmington DE

Quote owned by AE Global Solutions, Inc. took my hard-earned money, the owner is Martin Arthur Armstrong. I only recently found out he is convicted felon who spent 11 years in jail for cheating investors out of $700 million and hiding $15 million in assets from regulators. Proof:

This company told me that they had already provided me with the ?service? on how to trade the U.S. stock market. But their service is NOT a personal service like a massage or a doctor consultation, they just offer subscribers access to their private blog written for all their subscribers. This is NOT a personal service. The bottom line is, the useless information they provided me with was completely way off. I feel cheated. Since I am not satisfied with their service, why should they be satisfied with taking my hard-earned money? On this basis, I hope to get back my entire $150.00. They charged a membership fee of $150/month. I stopped paying them after the first month. If they were any good, I'd be more than happy to continue paying them - forever.

It's about time. But that is not a problem for Martin Armstrong. I am quoting him:
Another victim. There is no such thing as bad publicity.

Why does he think so? Because his business is flourishing with just a handful of new clients every week. Even if they all end up dissatisfied which they do.

But I still disagree, and it appears that I am right. Proof:

Alexa Competitive Analysis, Marketing Mix and Traffic

Martin Armstrong is a charlatan, and he spent 11 years in jail for that reason but he has not changed.

Read this blog starting here to find out more about computerized fraud.

See for a more compact view of major findings posted in this blog.

Every single defrauded person should report their case, see Where and how to complain

Martin Armstrong
The Cancer of the Internet

What is going on here?

Martin Armstrong: Corruption Behind COVID

or more generally:

Martin Armstrong on

What's he doing on that site?

Nothing new I guess.

Martin Armstrong uses the money stolen from his clients to buy more internet real estate to harvest more victims of his predatory business.

So they can buy expensive snake oil in his online store with confidence.

It is called a Link Farm.

Martin Armstrong is a charlatan, and he spent 11 years in jail for that reason but he has not changed.

Read this blog starting here to find out more about computerized fraud.

See for a more compact view of major findings posted in this blog.

Every single defrauded person should report their case, see Where and how to complain

Martin Armstrong Scam Syndicate
Propaganda Push
Armstrong Economics falling apart?

I am reporting another two recent marketing propaganda initiatives (paid promotions) by the Martin Armstrong scam syndicate (YouTube videos):

1) By a new channel created for this purpose only just days ago Jun 26, 2021: 1inamillion.
The video is:
Ponzi Scheme or a Visionary Martin Armstrong was
The Genius or the Fraud?
The government tries to control everyone and everything.
if you want to invest in real estate click here to learn -- ...

What stands out here in this whitewash piece is the focus on the narrative peddled by the movie "The Forecaster" that aims to obscure and deny Armstrong's past criminal convictions. This short propaganda piece of course presents the alternative reality. It looks as if this could become the piece of some other work that links to it because this channel does not have a community and the content does not make too much sense stand-alone without a larger context.

2) By a crypto currency themed channel Crypto Mentor99

The video is:
XRP & Martin Armstrong

What stands out here is the direct referral to that Armstrong Economics page, and the highly censored shill comments in the comments section of the video. Apparently the deal is that Crypto Mentor99 monetizes his 11.2K subscribers audience, perhaps promising Armstrong a new market to tap into (crypto currency people) by leading them to the online store of Armstrong's predatory business. I was not able to place a comment, so it appears that some filtering was already in place. For background info about this behavior, see: Martin Armstrong The Hyper Shill. Apart from that, the 21 minute video looks pathetic, perhaps not even worth writing about. Crypto Mentor99 realized somewhat late that his subject was in jail for years and that he should have done his due diligence. Perhaps that other video was made for him? Really strange.

The authors make it easy for the observer (no guessing required). Obviously they are promotions paid by Martin Armstrong (and crew). I should add that as previously noted by others, Armstrong's daughter is believed to be part of that crew. That is speculation though.

I thought it might be useful to provide that update in light of the various activities that are ongoing on the other side which is obviously opposed to the above.

I can imagine that there could be a lot (better stuff) that could be done with USD 15 million stolen from investors - who knows what else is coming next. It really feels like Armstrong Economics is falling apart.

For an obvious indication of that, check his own echo chamber where Martin Armstrong tries that old Hyper Shill trick (clearly in damage control mode) to fool his last victims into thinking that someone actually listens to him longer than a few months:

In ??The prospect for gold and cryptocurrencies that Socrates has laid out.? he writes using an account Weak-Engineering-353 that he exclusively created for this purpose:

I have been following Martin Armstrong for over 20 years. He and computers predictions have been almost always correct. His computer produces over 1000 reports a day and those reports are used by a huge number of financial experts around the world. Nobody is 100% right all the time, but in my experience following Martin and many others, he has been the most accurate by far.

His flunkies there LateralusYellow and wobermey1987 have apparently deserted the sinking ship.

That forum was one of the very few forums that Martin Armstrong could in the past speak without getting massive criticism because the moderator would delete critical comments.

Martin A. Armstrong: convicted felon, shameless conman, schizophrenic crackpot & financial comedian

Martin Armstrong is a charlatan, and he spent 11 years in jail for that reason but he has not changed.

Read this blog starting here to find out more about computerized fraud.

See for a more compact view of major findings posted in this blog.

Every single defrauded person should report their case, see Where and how to complain

[moderator's note: consecutive posts merged]
17  Economy / Economics / Martin Armstrong The Hyper Idiot on: June 02, 2021, 11:45:45 AM

Martin Armstrong The Hyper Idiot

Now Martin Armstrong blames the World Economic Forum for a cyber attack on a meat plant.

In Who Are the Real Terrorists

This is not your typical cyber-criminal looking to make a quick buck. This is a political agenda which is the very agenda espoused by the World Economic Forum and it is NO coincidence. ?Cybercriminals would attack the most profitable targets. This is simply trying to end meat production and fossil fuels. This is what we should call ENVIRONMENTAL TERRORISM. Unfortunately, all the political powers reside under the wing of the World Economic Forum. That means there will be no tracing to find the origin of these attacks.

This is an organized effort that is targeting only industries they want to be shut down and the end game is to claim that eliminating digital and paper money converting to a national cryptocurrency will eliminate all such crime. Welcome to the IMF cryptocurrency that they want to replace the dollar. It will be fully trackable to eliminate cybercriminals, but a side benefit will be to ensure everyone pays taxes on everything they ever dreamed of. This is the REAL purpose of cyberattacks that are private decisions and outside the jurisdiction of government to trace and prosecute.

Of course he cannot prove it. But this proves that he is an idiot. The whole concept is irrational. An organization like the World Economic Forum cannot execute or plan anything like this without the extreme risk of being exposed by a leak. But it is absolutely certain that once again Martin Armstrong has given us proof that he is in fact an idiot. A really bad one. Thank you Martin Armstrong!

Martin Armstrong is a charlatan, and he spent 11 years in jail for that reason but he has not changed.

Read this blog starting here to find out more about computerized fraud.

See for a more compact view of major findings posted in this blog.

Every single defrauded person should report their case, see Where and how to complain
18  Economy / Economics / The European Martin Armstrong Scam Buster Initiative on: May 18, 2021, 09:35:33 PM

The European Martin Armstrong Scam Buster Initiative

hi to everyone!

I represent a group of people from different countries in Europe who have been ripped off in various ways by Martin Armstrong over the past few years. Together we plan to publish a professionally produced video on Youtube to communicate the extent and consequences that bad actors like Martin Armstrong are causing with their work in and to our society. ?

In this way we are looking for more Armstrong victims who would be willing to make their individual stories available to the public in order to warn other?s about such business practices in the future and to free themselves personally from the miserable feeling of being a victim of Armstrong's phony media campaign that occured after his release from prison.

Since we want to hire a professional production team to produce this video, you should be willing to contribute to the cost of production and be ready to meet all of us at some point in the near future somewhere in Europe where the production will take place.

Let's bring Armstrong's business model to an end once and for all!


Thanks for introducing yourself and your initiative.

Regarding private messages, this communication channel puts you at a disadvantage because you are a newbie, meaning you have not posted a large enough number of messages in this forum to be allowed to send more than one or two messages a day.

After years of studying Martin Armstrong, I have come to the conclusion, based on plain facts, that there are just no bigger players such as the elite, bigger players that are using him. No way. He is absolutely a nobody with a hyper-inflated ego. He runs his one man band out of his house. No elites, no government entities care about him, most would not even know him. He is a devious financial criminal much in line with the numerous court records. The only people who have conspired with him are those who have had a direct profit motive.

These profiting entities are in the alt-financial space who believed they benefited from the click bait that he promised to generate for them, while more importantly at the same time it increased the popularity of Armstrong's own site. It is a synergy that has kept his scam going for decades. I know this because many people, including myself, had only ever heard about him AFTER reading an interview with him years ago hosted by one of these buddies on another site such as FINANCIAL SENSE.

This is again one of his scams because he duped these conspiring sites with paid clicks and shill messages sent by himself, using his numerous sock puppet accounts requesting Armstrong content. See Martin Armstrong The Hyper Shill.

In the interest of getting something started, and not waste any resources, it helps to see what works and what does not. I will send you a private message about some strategies.

I am currently not affiliated with this initiative, and I do not even know anything about it - who the actors are and so on. In fact I would suggest that they seek government funding instead of asking Armstrong victims to pay for it. It is an irony that the German government actually made the Armstrong scam possible by funding Marcus Vetter's propaganda movie "The Forecaster".

Martin Armstrong is a charlatan, and he spent 11 years in jail for that reason but he has not changed.

Read this blog starting here to find out more about computerized fraud.

See for a more compact view of major findings posted in this blog.

Every single defrauded person should report their case, see Where and how to complain
19  Economy / Economics / Dimon2021 Piss off! on: April 13, 2021, 10:38:08 AM
Stupid trick.
what kind of trick ?

to boost my credibility
if you are credible, then where is your community? This thread is full mostly of your posts

Your logic is terrible, totally flawed. for a few reasons:

1) To be credible, I do NOT need a community. Absolutely not. Because in this shark-infested space (retail trading, speculation), most communities are in fact synthetically created by shills and their sock puppets. And I have a proof for that: Martin Armstrong The Hyper Shill

2) My credibility comes from something else, which is as follows: For everything I write here and on that site, nobody needs to believe me. I usually decorate everything I say with hyperlinks so you can go and check what I say against the facts.

3) People who like to talk a lot and do nothing, and people who talk a lot of BS and/or are not qualified, or people who have a different agenda, they just go away because they realize they cannot achieve anything here. We don't want them here.

4) A community needs some excitement, some new stuff that needs to be discovered, or something to learn about which can be used to member's advantage. Fortunately we have figured out Martin is a parasite so there is nothing to gain from any of his products / services, and no substance to build a community on. At this late point in time.

5) The time factor. Like 4) in a way. This group was very active two years ago when new things were discovered every day. There was SO much activity that I decided to offload that info to that scam site because this Simple Machines platform would just burst under the load of having to organize that much information - totally unsuitable.

6) This forum is collectively moderated by a group of anonymous moderators, so nobody has the power to dominate it like at that Reddit Armstrong controlled Echo Chamber where critical posts are deleted on a routine basis.

7) To use the frequency of my posts as a factor to discredit me is ridiculous, childish.

8 ) Perhaps the most compelling argument is that Martin Armstrong has in fact tried to shut down, and he failed. Remember we are basically saying here and there every day that he is a fraud. So the fact that we can do that, and at the same time still exists, while Google owns it and I do not pay a cent for it, gives me 100% credibility. Here is the proof: DMCA (Copyright) Complaint to Google

9) Well, I must have done a few things right when I exposed Martin Armstrong AS A SHILL twice under two different sock puppet accounts when he threatened to sue me for defamation and copyright infringement IN THIS FORUM here and here. And he can't sue me because I tell the truth.

10) I am the person who has done the heavy lifting here. Period. Mostly against Martin Armstrong himself who posted OVER 300 SHILL MESSAGES IN THIS FORUM. I am not failing to give credit to others of course like sloanf who exposed Scammer Martin Armstrong in 2016

And YOU moron want to question my credibility? Where is yours? You have not even introduced yourself. Piss off!

Martin Armstrong is a charlatan, and he spent 11 years in jail for that reason but he has not changed.

Read this blog starting here to find out more about computerized fraud.

See for a more compact view of major findings posted in this blog.

Every single defrauded person should report their case, see Where and how to complain

Socrates Level of Accuracy Bullshit

So if you claim that your signal is better than mine, then you shoot yourself in the foot by saying that there are different conflicting signals which proves my point.

Not necessarily. Where did I say that one signal is better then other one? Signals may differ in accuracy thus present different levels of risk and reward, meanwhile putting them together can increase accuracy of decisions, see below.

You are proving my point. You just add another level to ambiguity. Dozens of different trading signals contradicting each other.

Analogy: When you ride a car, to determine at what speed you are driving you rely on front window, rear mirror, side mirrors, your gauges, your ass feeling, noise and many more.
Depending where are you at the particular moment of your trip, these instruments may give contradicting singals, i.e. on the flat route with no objects outside windows, in the dark, on autopilot one can perceive he stays in a place but the gauge shows 30mph. Same may apply to signals - isn't that what traders in general have to do: know the effectiveness of each signal and rely on them when they are in conjunction rather when they contradict?
Considering more signals helps you to gain more kilometers in the same amount of time spent on the route, as it would be with more profits for a given market situation and time spent on trading.

Your car analogy is misleading, in fact fundamentally flawed. Complete garbage. You are fooling yourself and I will show you why:

In that car situation, each signal comes from a totally different direction, and each signal mostly does NOT include information that the other signals have. One signal may contain the image of another car driving in front of you, the other signal contains an image of the car behind you. Different objects. Only the combination may provide a 360 degree view. The information is not complete without the combination of all signals.

In case of Socrates, we definitely know that for each time frame, daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly, ALL signals, without exception, are derived from the SAME SOURCE, a short window of a single time series of a single symbol in a single time frame. The proof of that is that you get daily buy signals, daily reversals, daily forecast arrays, daily energy signals, daily short / long positions, and the same once again for weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly.

When we look at your car analogy, that would be the equivalent of analyzing the time series of a single one dimensional source of information, e.g. the car speed (without direction) in different time frames, then concluding by using a clever combination of processed signals derived from it to predict the next movement of the car. You conclude that there is more accuracy in the information derived from the single original source than actually exists in the single source.

You need to understand one of the most basic concepts of signal processing or information processing.

If you don't want to be fooled by Armstrong, or rather be fooled by yourself. Like Armstrong fooled himself with his myopic views and had some programmers turn them into his Socrates contraption.

Using this Socrates thing is like looking into a ceiling light through a Kaleidoscope. It's for dummies.

Which is what Martin Armstrong ?used to trade the markets. And lost hundreds of millions doing so. Now we know how stupid Armstrong is. He would even use his contraption to predict earthquakes.

Now you are falling into the same trap.

Wash, rinse, repeat.

So with this knowledge, we are completely safe to conclude that any buy or sell signals are in fact derived from the Reversal System which is a trend following system, and that they do not even take into consideration the forecast arrays. Which would add another level of failure / uncertainty because they don't work.

Which means that I can predict that the evaluation of the signal that you are quoting will be as catastrophic as anything else we have seen so far. Because these signals buy at resistance (typically temp highs) and sell at support (typically temp lows). Because there is nothing else to them. Like a glorified trailing stop loss order strategy. Just bells and whistles which help to sell Socrates.

That debunking session has saved us a lot of time.

Martin Armstrong is a charlatan, and he spent 11 years in jail for that reason but he has not changed.

Read this blog starting here to find out more about computerized fraud.

See for a more compact view of major findings posted in this blog.

Every single defrauded person should report their case, see Where and how to complain

Regular Socrates Warning Broadcast
It's a Scam

This is a new type of generic regular broadcast message. It is timely in a way because traffic of this blog is high, and it will hopefully reach a larger audience than before.

As we have exposed many times, Martin Armstrong makes forecasts like a shotgun, let's say for the sake of argument twenty in a row.

The majority will fail and the minority, typically only one will succeed. He then praises the success of the minority successful forecasts, but conveniently forgets about the failures or manipulates them after the fact to appear successful.

Guess why we do not find any track record on any of his sites, only at and Precious Metals Analyst Accountability.

That is why Martin Armstrong is talking to himself in his "public" blog echo chamber and posting in public forums as his own shill. He censors user comments to put it mildly.

So far so good.

The Socrates system with its Artificial Intelligence magic, that according to his claims is free of human bias and never wrong, is supposedly not subject to the above confidence tricks.


The Socrates system, by means of its ambiguity, is not different from the charlatan scheme described above - it just computerizes that scheme of deception as a smoke and mirrors machine.

That is why I have been writing for months about Computerized Fraud, using a perhaps somewhat odd term.

Take the time and read every page of and you will discover that Socrates with its built-in ambiguity will only line the pockets of Martin Armstrong but it will never even be verifiable with regards to its advertised performance.

The simple reason for the above is that it is based on human interpretation in hindsight.

But one thing is guaranteed: It will effectively impoverish its users short term and long term. Any doubts? Check out the Socrates Subscriber Testimonials.

What else is there to say? Every man and his dog knows it's a scam.

We just need to look at the posting history of that pioneer sloanf exposing ?Martin Armstrong since 2016 which proves the point: Everything we know today about Martin Armstrong was already known five years ago:

sloanf exposes Scammer Martin Armstrong in 2016

Thanks for reading.

Martin Armstrong is a charlatan, and he spent 11 years in jail for that reason but he has not changed.

Read this blog starting here to find out more about computerized fraud.

See for a more compact view of major findings posted in this blog.

Every single defrauded person should report their case, see Where and how to complain

The Fake Fan Email Confidence Trick:
Shill Campaign around a new Index

Martin Armstrong uses this trick so much, we take it for granted. We already have two separate pages dedicated to it:

The Fake Fan Email Confidence Trick
Readers' questions/comments are FAKE (most likely)

Here is a new case:

In Our War Index , Martin Armstrong writes to himself and answers his own question:


I noticed the inclusion in the Global Market report in the world indexes a new listing for The War Index. What does this include(presumably armament stocks?) or is this a construct that comprises something geopolitical?


ANSWER: This is an index we created with selected stocks that benefit during periods of war. This index is right now flirting with the Monthly Bullish Reversal, and we may get a monthly buy signal by the end of this month, warning that things are not looking very stable on the geopolitical front as we head into May.

Likewise, he also posts the same thing using one of his shill accounts here:

How do we find out what are in the War and Paradigm indexes listed on the Socrates private blog?

And answers his own question ...

Polzivateli (shill)

But the paradigm index is really interesting.


wobermey1987: (shill)

That's the one I'm interested in. Wondering what Socrates is favouring during the shift.

Very organic. ?Shill Campaign. Yawn. ?Cry

He could just as well advertise this new "feature" himself without the tricks. But here once again we have the proof that he is a pathological liar, and that his threshold for using a lie is so extremely low that he does not even try to speak the truth when he could easily do so without adversely affecting his objective.

Martin Armstrong is a charlatan, and he spent 11 years in jail for that reason but he has not changed.

Read this blog starting here to find out more about computerized fraud.

See for a more compact view of major findings posted in this blog.

Every single defrauded person should report their case, see Where and how to complain

Martin Armstrong The Plagiarizer

We have a new case. Again.

Here is the original:
Global Warming vs. Solar Cooling: The Showdown Begins in 2020
By Mindy Weisberger - Senior Writer about 3 years ago

A periodic solar event called a "grand minimum" could overtake the sun perhaps as soon as 2020 and lasting through 2070, resulting in diminished magnetism, infrequent sunspot production and less ultraviolet (UV) radiation reaching Earth ? all bringing a cooler period to the planet that may span 50 years.

Here is his hindsight model predicting this after the fact:
Are we Headed into Another Ice Age?
Our model has projected we are entering another ?grand-minimum,? which will overtake the sun beginning in 2020 and will last through the 2050s, resulting in diminished magnetism, infrequent sunspot production, and less ultraviolet (UV) radiation reaching Earth. This all means we are facing a global cooling period in the planet that may span 31 to 43 years.

The simple fact is that he does not have a climate model. He just copies content gleaned from the internet (with minor modifications, without giving credit to the original source) and claims ownership. Of course without revealing any details about his methodologies because they do not exist.

And he does not have his own ideas, and he does not have sources as he claims. See: Martin Armstrong's Informant Behind the Curtain

Martin Armstrong is a charlatan, and he spent 11 years in jail for that reason but he has not changed.

Read this blog starting here to find out more about computerized fraud.

See for a more compact view of major findings posted in this blog.

Every single defrauded person should report their case, see Where and how to complain

Hyper Intelligence ?-
Analyzing Randomness

Here we see the ultimate Martin Armstrong Cult Membership:

A man who thinks he can turn the inadequacies of the Socrates mess into his own advantage. Trying to find the silver bullet in a pile of garbage because he thinks he would be more intelligent about it than Martin Armstrong himself who lost hundreds of millions using it:

In the post Another DJIA Daily Bullish that Disappeared MrSweeves writes:

Another DJIA Daily Bullish that Disappeared

Thanks for the explanation. I couldn't find anything in the Socrates user guides about how the array indicators impact time & price. I've added these points as I start building my own manual and getting more used to seeing their effects as I monitor the price movements daily and during market. If you happen upon any other material explaining, anything at all would be appreciated.

That is the perspective that Martin Armstrong seeks to cultivate:

Let these dumb fools make human assumptions about what Socrates doesn't say - let them connect the dots between the myriad of inconsistent meaningless signals so I don't need to give the advice that I am not allowed to give anyway. I just say "Follow the numbers" and "The Numbers are the Numbers" and say that the computer is never wrong.

If Socrates responses were unambiguous and definite then its failure would be too obvious too soon. So they are intentionally kept vague and ambiguous. To invite users to start their own research projects while they are paying for it.

It's the ultimate scam. USD 1,800 yearly subscription money for random garbage,
a service that is in terminal decline.

Who said it before? Everything we know today about Martin Armstrong was already known five years ago:

sloanf exposes Scammer Martin Armstrong in 2016

And here is some additional information on the subject:

Comments on Socrates Forecast Arrays

Socrates Forecast Array Nonsense

Martin Armstrong is a charlatan, and he spent 11 years in jail for that reason but he has not changed.

Read this blog starting here to find out more about computerized fraud.

See for a more compact view of major findings posted in this blog.

Every single defrauded person should report their case, see Where and how to complain

Martin Armstrong The Magnetizer

For his Hyper Idiot Followers:

Magnets Cling to Where People are Vaccinated

From Martin Armstrong' s perspective, of course, anything is acceptable that attracts viewers an hopefully clients of is online store where he sells expensive snake oil.

However, from my perspective, anything that discredits this fraudster is highly welcome. So Martin Armstrong please keep the garbage coming, you moron. I can't get enough of it. It will all be added to the Disinformation Page.

Martin Armstrong is a charlatan, and he spent 11 years in jail for that reason but he has not changed.

Read this blog starting here to find out more about computerized fraud.

See for a more compact view of major findings posted in this blog.

Every single defrauded person should report their case, see Where and how to complain

[moderator's note: consecutive posts merged]
20  Economy / Economics / Re: Martin Armstrong Discussion on: April 13, 2021, 09:11:59 AM
Now I understand why it's only you working on debunking MA scan and why its not going further anywhere. You are so blinded by emotions that you dont see I've just offered some help in these posts. Meanwhile you focus on insulting me, rather than to discuss about increasing quality of arguments and your blog. If you dont care about your own credibility - sure, work yourself.

Stupid trick. I just don't fall for it.

You miss the most important points: I don't need someone who is defending the work of a criminal to boost my credibility, and I do not need anyone to increase the quality of my arguments because the case is closed. The work has been completed long ago, and we don't need morons like you who don't even understand the concept of ambiguity.

Then what on earth makes you think that it depends on me how many people are working on debunking Armstrong? In fact nobody should be working on it because it's done.

At best, you express your myopic view, the perspective of someone who has just discovered the inevitable without spending a few days at least to catch up with reality.

The biggest mistake you make is that you think one needs to debunk absolutely everything to make a case. If anyone wanted to debunk every one of Martin Armstrong's lies, then that web site would have to have a few thousand pages and would need to be updated every day with new cases. That would not be quality. It is a common trick of a trickster to demand exactly this and that would be in Martin Armstrong's interest to raise the bar to that level so that it would be impossible to discredit him on that platform because:


Martin Armstrong is a charlatan, and he spent 11 years in jail for that reason but he has not changed.

Read this blog starting here to find out more about computerized fraud.

See for a more compact view of major findings posted in this blog.

Every single defrauded person should report their case, see Where and how to complain
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