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1  Local / Off-topic (Hrvatski) / Re: PSA: Važna obavijest on: April 17, 2020, 05:25:44 AM
Danas sam slucajno naletijo na zanimljiv video o svjetskoj zavjeri sa koronom i cjepivom. Gledao sam dalmatinca vedran badjun na youtube i tamo je bio komentar o youtube kanalu balkan info gdje je intervju sa gospodinom Nogo. Traje sat i pol i vrlo zanimljiv a i tuzan. Ima tu i drugih informacija ne samo o koroni ali te druge info nisam sve provjerio ali sam vec cuo za njih. A ovo oko lijekova necu da cijepidlacim. Vec sam rekao svoje misljenje vec godinama nikakve tablete i od tada sam zdrav a prije toga svake godine nesto. Postoje i prirodni antibiotici koji nemaju nikakve negativne utjecaje napisane sa malim slovima.
2  Local / Off-topic (Hrvatski) / Re: PSA: Važna obavijest on: April 17, 2020, 05:20:02 AM
Imao sam gripu kad sam bio mali ali odavno nisam jer ne uzimam vise tablete koje oni nazivaju ljek a ustvari je droga za olaksanje simptoma. Samo prirodni ljek.

Ja be znam koji doktor je tebi rekao da postoji lijek za gripu. Ako je to tvoj doktor, mijenjaj ga pod hitno! Ja nikad nisam upoznao takvog doktora. Svi govore da gripu treba "preležati", a eventualno se mogu koristiti "lijekovi" za ublažavanje simptoma. Riječ "lijekovi" sam namjerno stavio u navodnike jer nisu pravi lijekovi kad ne liječe ništa.

Prosjecna doba zivota u evropi malo iznad 80 godina. Prosjecna doba umrlih sa koronom 80 godina. Imao sam vec coronu. Vjerovatno netko izmedju vas je ima ali nezna jer vise od 50% zarazenih coronom nikad ne pokazuje simptome. Jednom sam obrisao nos, par puta kihnuo, odspavao 1 dan i to je to. Ali treba panika da bismo srusili stari sistem i uveli tehnokraciju.

Ovaj dio gdje tvrdiš da si imao koronu jer si jednom obrisao nos i dva puta kihnuo ne želim komentirati...  Roll Eyes
Krivo si me shvatijo. Lijek za mene znaci samo prirodna hrana koja sadrzi lijekovita svojstva. A tijelo se lijeci i regenerira kad spavas. A vec sam rekao da su ti medicinski lijekovi vecinom droge za olaksanje.
3  Local / Off-topic (Hrvatski) / Re: PSA: Važna obavijest on: April 17, 2020, 05:15:36 AM

Ovaj dio gdje tvrdiš da si imao koronu jer si jednom obrisao nos i dva puta kihnuo ne želim komentirati...  Roll Eyes

A nemos biti siguran da nije, bez obzira kolko to glupo zvucalo.
Ima asimptomaticnih prenositelja bolesti, koji ni ne kihnu, jer imaju antitijela (pradjeda prezivio sars, kugu, nadživio ženu, etc..)

Ne može tvrditi niti da je, niti da nije. Al' statistika ipak ide slackovicu u korist.
I meni je srce na trenutak zastalo kada sam se jedno jutro probudio i vidio cijenu btc-a al' ipak ne idem okolo i govorim da sam imao infarkt. Grin

Medicinska sestra me je upitala zasto se testirate, svi cemo to dobiti, a stariji bolesni ce umrijeti. Ne testiram se ja zbog straha nego da vam dokazem da je imaju i ljudi bez simptoma. Da vam je statistika izmanipulisana sto testirate samo stare i bolesne koji umiru.
4  Local / Off-topic (Hrvatski) / Re: PSA: Važna obavijest on: April 03, 2020, 06:17:52 AM
Prosjecna doba zivota u evropi malo iznad 80 godina. Prosjecna doba umrlih sa koronom 80 godina. Imao sam vec coronu. Vjerovatno netko izmedju vas je ima ali nezna jer vise od 50% zarazenih coronom nikad ne pokazuje simptome. Jednom sam obrisao nos, par puta kihnuo, odspavao 1 dan i to je to. Ali treba panika da bismo srusili stari sistem i uveli tehnokraciju.
5  Local / Off-topic (Hrvatski) / Re: PSA: Važna obavijest on: April 03, 2020, 06:12:41 AM

Svatko ima pravo na svoje mišljenje. I sve je to OK... sve dok se ne razboliš ili netko iz tvoje bliže obitelji. Tada trčiš i tražiš pomoć od istih tih doktora za koje sada tvrdiš da lažu i manipuliraju.

BTW, mislim da ti nešto ne valja sa tipkovnicom... Grin
Imao sam gripu kad sam bio mali ali odavno nisam jer ne uzimam vise tablete koje oni nazivaju ljek a ustvari je droga za olaksanje simptoma. Samo prirodni ljek. Vidim vecina vas je nasjela na medijsku propagandu. Google facebook twiter youtube ove godine rekordno cenzuriraju pogotovo coronu. Cenzuriraju politicare a doktore se kazni i zabrana za rad. Drzave slusaju svjetsku zdravstvenu organizaciju koja prima donacije od farmacevtske industrije i od vlada. 2009 dokazano kotuptivnost sa svinjskom gripom a ljudi i dalje jim vjeruju.
6  Local / Off-topic (Hrvatski) / Re: PSA: Važna obavijest on: March 31, 2020, 11:07:26 PM

Naime, Kina je totalitarno društvo. Njima kad je "el presidente" rekao, svi doma ili smrtna kazna, epidemija se suzbila u 2 tjedna. I gotovo, Kina je rjesila problem.
A recimo tu Talijani, i Španjolci. Uz sve crne brojke, kod njih ekipa jos kafeniše po kafićima, orgija, itd itd...

Jasno je da je moguće da je neko pustio virus, mada ja lično u to nimalo ne verujem, ali se ne bi složio sa dve stvari, jeste da Kinezi imaju el presidente-a, ali isto tako nemaju nezavisno novinarstvo, pa u brojke koje dolaze iz Kine ne verujem potpuno, a opet u Italiji, Španiji je preslobodno novinarstvo, pa onda su opet brojke možda i iznad realnih, odnosno moguće da se sada i određeni slučajevi koji su bili “jednom nogom tamo” sada srvstavaju u korona žrtve, a u Kini ti što su "jednom nogom tamo" nemaju ni mogućnosti da u bilo kom vremenu ozdrave, jer je zdravstvena zaštita lošija, pa je i životni vek uopšteno kraći

Nema slobodnog novinarstva. Sve je cenzurirano. Manje nego u kini ali je ipak cenzura i monopol nad mainstrean medijima. Pratim viruse jos od 2009 prevare sa svinjskim gripom. Pratim dosta ali stvarno dosta strucnjake i ne ove politicare. Ima dosta lazi, manipulacije sa statistikom i prave paniku. Zasto mislite, da je svjetska kriza i slom svjetske ekonomije nesto lose za najbogatije? Prvo, ovaj virus se prikazuje opasnijim nego sto jeste. Prava statistika je blizu obicnoj gripi. U sjevernoj italiji po zvanicnoj statistici 90% umrlih od korone imalo vise od 70 godina. 80% umrlih imalo je najmanje 2 kronicne bolesti. A zrak u sjevernoj italiji najvise toksican u cijeloj evropi i utjecaj na disanje. Imaju vrlo staru populaciju. Proslih godina 8.7 milijona jih je imalo simptome gripe. Oko 17.000 jih je umrlo u domovima, stanovima a u bolnicama samo oko 700. A sad zbog panike u medijima svi navalili u bolnice i zbog toga nema dovoljno mjesta za sve i umire se vise nego sto bi  bez panike. Spanija dobila fejk testere i 9000 pozitivnih test je laznih. Holandija -niederland ministarstvo objavilo, da su i njihovi testeri lazni. A i druge drzave , svi su dobili te testere osim nekoliko drzava. Respiratori nisu dobri za ovo ljecenje. Strucnjak iz bivse jugoslavije kaze, da ljudi umiru zbog tih respiratora. Da bi vise prezivjelo bez respiratora i da je to agresivna medicina. Virus struktura pokazuje, da je srednji dio sasvim drugaciji id svih virusa dosad sto nakazuje, da je vjerovatno stvoren umjetno. To kazu strucnjaci koje necete naci po vasim mainstream kontrolisanim medijima gdje su glavni sponzori farmacije. Malo sam razocaran nad drustvom ove godine u odnosu na 2009 gdje nas je bilo dosta vise koji smo znali za lazi i prevare. Sad na zalost izgleda, da je cenzura na unternetu jaca, dosta jaca zbog fejk news koje su sami stvorili i finansurali, kao i flat earth irganizaciju, da bi imali dobar povod za uvoditi cenzure u sve gdje nije official podatak. Ali official ne znaci, da nije fejk
7  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: March 06, 2020, 07:42:27 PM
ok i see you're interested in elites, christine lagard and making money. Watch this video. If you can break the code you'lll probably be rich. She is talking about numerology. She is giving something only a minority of elites can decode watch

OK, just to humor you, I watched it. Oddly, I don't recall the world's financial system undergoing a Global Currency Reset on 2014 Jul 20.
If you knew the numerology and the other secret symbols you would know.  

I would know ... what, exactly? That a Global Currency Reset is going to happen on 2014 Jul 20?

It's quite suprising to me that no one finds this unusual to talk publicly about the numerology and decoding at this meeting.

I find the talk of numerology unusual. I get it - Ms Legarde is one of our shapeshifting reptilian alien overlords. But the decoding? Yes, I guess I do find it surprising that a Global Currency Reset is going to happen on 2014 Jul 20.
Nope. The video is from 2014 but she is talking about 7 magical years. The reptilians fake story is similar to the fake flat earth movement. It's a good distraction for most of people to not believe or discover anything about this topic.

Gawd help me for replying....

So you sent me to a particular video in order to 'enlighten' me. The video you sent me to concluded with a decoding of Legarde's numerobasbblespeak saying that a Global Currency Reset is going to happen on 2014 Jul 20. Which obviously did not happen. Surprise. Not.

So now you are saying that the video you recommended contained a false conclusion? Then why use it to buttress your point to begin with?

Question 2: Just so we're clear - are you now claiming that a Global Currency Reset is going to happen on 2021 Jul 20?

And if seven is so special, the why is your nic not uranus7?

OK, that last question was tongue in cheek - no need to answer that one.
Sorry but like i said before if you can decode this you'll be richie rich. If this was decoded you wouldn't have to decode anything. I gave you this video not because this guy decoded it well  but because it contains the longer version of the video. The number 7 is not special to me but maybe it is for them.
8  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: March 06, 2020, 02:36:38 PM
ok i see you're interested in elites, christine lagard and making money. Watch this video. If you can break the code you'lll probably be rich. She is talking about numerology. She is giving something only a minority of elites can decode watch

OK, just to humor you, I watched it. Oddly, I don't recall the world's financial system undergoing a Global Currency Reset on 2014 Jul 20.
If you knew the numerology and the other secret symbols you would know.  

I would know ... what, exactly? That a Global Currency Reset is going to happen on 2014 Jul 20?

It's quite suprising to me that no one finds this unusual to talk publicly about the numerology and decoding at this meeting.

I find the talk of numerology unusual. I get it - Ms Legarde is one of our shapeshifting reptilian alien overlords. But the decoding? Yes, I guess I do find it surprising that a Global Currency Reset is going to happen on 2014 Jul 20.
Nope. The video is from 2014 but she is talking about 7 magical years. The reptilians fake story is similar to the fake flat earth movement. It's a good distraction for most of people to not believe or discover anything about this topic.
9  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: March 05, 2020, 11:13:49 PM
ok i see you're interested in elites, christine lagard and making money. Watch this video. If you can break the code you'lll probably be rich. She is talking about numerology. She is giving something only a minority of elites can decode watch

OK, just to humor you, I watched it. Oddly, I don't recall the world's financial system undergoing a Global Currency Reset on 2014 Jul 20.
If you knew the numerology and the other secret symbols you would know.  It's quite suprising to me that no one finds this unusual to talk publicly about the numerology and decoding at this meeting.
10  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: March 05, 2020, 01:19:39 PM
I think it's time we called in the real Guardians. These fakes are toast.

They really do think they are superheros. Always talking about ammunition, toolboxes, tool belts and tool kits.  Roll Eyes I suppose to elites looking for easy money they are heroes.
ok i see you're interested in elites, christine lagard and making money. Watch this video. If you can break the code you'lll probably be rich. She is talking about numerology. She is giving something only a minority of elites can decode watch
11  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: March 03, 2020, 11:45:51 AM
If the real shit happens you'll need a property of land to be able to produce food. Stocking food for 1 month lasts only for 1 month. What if things last longer? Well in that case you would depend on your governments. I hope everything will be fine and we won't need that.

It would be more practical and cost effective for most just to stock 1 year supply of tinned food. If real shit happens, and goes for that long, you plantation will probably be raided by hordes of hungry and violent people way sooner.

Many assumptions that people do make when they consider some sort of "real shit" scenario are wrong or not the really shitty scenario conditions. Ie: Will you have enough water supply to keep growing your veggies? Food to feed your livestock? Will you be able to protect your "land"?

So Keep it simple: Have resources ready to use that don't depend on external resources or conditions. Tin food is probably the best and you have ages to consume it even if you overstock. So no real extra cost here. Heck, maybe you will even manage to get a quantity discount!

Anyway, I still think this levels of paranoia are too much unjustified... but if you want to be "prepped", do it the right way. The simpler the better.
Yes! Isolated and self sufficient communties have advantage in that case.
12  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: March 03, 2020, 08:34:41 AM
If the real shit happens you'll need a property of land to be able to produce food. Stocking food for 1 month lasts only for 1 month. What if things get longer? Well in that case you would depend on your governments. I hope everything will be fine and we won't need that.
13  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: March 02, 2020, 09:52:56 PM
70 days and counting. +3.5% a day would end up exactly at $100k (warning, optimistic timeline here Smiley )

You should expect that after the halving not before.
14  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: March 02, 2020, 09:19:33 PM
Bitcoin price forecast. The next target should be on the 1st March! Maybe a day more or less. The pivot should be on the 1st of March! Good luck!
So far so good! The lowest point was on the 1 March at 8400. Now it's almost at Vegeta!
15  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: March 01, 2020, 01:55:31 PM
Today is the 1 March. You know what should happen today, right?
16  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: February 28, 2020, 11:45:39 AM

No because they can call hospitals if something happens to them.

Ok, I will accept your hypothesis. But without further evidence I will keep saying bullshit.
It's not my hypothesis. I was just curious about this hype with the corona. So i said let's read the news about this and i saw many weird claims there. I just have many questions about their news. They said people got infected even if they didn't have any contact with others and people got re-infected after they were cured from it.
17  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: February 28, 2020, 11:39:14 AM
Can anyone confirm in Italy there was a news people infected with a virus and they were not in any contact with other infected people?

Of course they were in contact in some way. They just didn't know it. Maybe they use the door knob on the same bathroom then touched their face. This thing is contagious, possible R0 of 6, most in a months time few people are going to know where they caught it.
How do you know that? What if they didn't have any contacts with nobody?

Dude, you are making a plethora of pretty weird statements. Everyone is in contact with other people and even if that were not true (really?) they could be in contact with things that have been in contact with other people. If someone really were as isolated as you are assuming we would probably never even know about them.
This is not true. Many people live alone. No one around them miles away from the others. I don't know if this is the case but the news says people didn't have any contact with others.

Not that many people. And the ones that do... probably also die alone so you will never know.

The news says a lot of shit. Try to focus on evidence.
No because they can call hospitals if something happens to them.
18  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: February 28, 2020, 11:36:05 AM
Can anyone confirm in Italy there was a news people infected with a virus and they were not in any contact with other infected people?

Of course they were in contact in some way. They just didn't know it. Maybe they use the door knob on the same bathroom then touched their face. This thing is contagious, possible R0 of 6, most in a months time few people are going to know where they caught it.
How do you know that? What if they didn't have any contacts with nobody?

Dude, you are making a plethora of pretty weird statements. Everyone is in contact with other people and even if that were not true (really?) they could be in contact with things that have been in contact with other people. If someone really were as isolated as you are assuming we would probably never even know about them.
This is not true. Many people live alone. No one around them miles away from the others. I don't know if this is the case but the news says people didn't have any contact with others. I don't know what they mean by that.
19  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: February 28, 2020, 11:28:50 AM
Can anyone confirm in Italy there was a news people infected with a virus and they were not in any contact with other infected people?

Of course they were in contact in some way. They just didn't know it. Maybe they use the door knob on the same bathroom then touched their face. This thing is contagious, possible R0 of 6, most in a months time few people are going to know where they caught it.
How do you know that? What if they didn't have any contacts with nobody?

What? a virus does not just spontaneously create itself or teleport from one location to another. I know that doesn't happen because science.
Yea it's strange to me that the cured people could get the infection again after a very short time. Is this even possible?  I mean once you get cured you're supposed to be healthy at least for some time.
20  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: February 28, 2020, 11:23:41 AM
Can anyone confirm in Italy there was a news people infected with a virus and they were not in any contact with other infected people?

Of course they were in contact in some way. They just didn't know it. Maybe they use the door knob on the same bathroom then touched their face. This thing is contagious, possible R0 of 6, most in a months time few people are going to know where they caught it.
How do you know that? What if they didn't have any contacts with nobody?
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