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1  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Bitcoin: "Lakše je prevariti ljude nego ih uvjeriti da su prevareni"(Mark Twain) on: April 22, 2020, 11:45:52 AM
Imam jedan mali savjet za tebe: ako ti pisanai sadržaji stvaraju previše frustracija i ne možeš ih podnijeti nemoj ih čitati.
Imam ja jedan mali savjet za tebe: ako ti se ne sviđa bitcoin, odjebeš s ovog foruma i nikad se više ne vratiš? Ljudi ti već par godina pokušavaju objasniti sve o bitcoinu a ti u svakom postu tupiš da je ovo piramida i ne možeš promjeniti mišljenje, OK, razumijem, smatraš da je bitcoin piramida al ajde odi negdje drugdje pa kenjaj o tome. Ovaj forum je ipak za bitcoinere, ne za neke fudstere koji nemaju ništa pametno za radit u životu pa spamaju doslovno cijeli internet sa nebulozama.

Pazi, to je jedan jako dobar savjet sa kojim će se vjerovatno složiti 2 milijuna korisnika ovdje.
A ako se hoćeš zabavljati otvori si svoj thread pa to radi tamo. Ovaj je za konkretnu temu, a ne za zabavu.
Nema tu ništa konkretno, ti si jedini pametan a svi ostali su glupi i ne kuže. To nešto kaže o TEBI, ne o NAMA. Evo ti za kraj jedna slikica koju ćeš još jako jako dugo gledat:

Ali zašto je vama tako teško shvatiti da mene uopće ne interesira Bitcoin? To je broj na internetu koji dobiješ nakon što si starom investitoru prebacio neki ulog - novac, rad, robu, i sl. Ja vam samo tvrdim da ulog možete povratiti jedino ako u shemu dobrovoljno uđe novi investitor sa svojim ulogom. A tako funkcioniraju sve piramide, svi ponziji, svi lanci sreće... To je sve.

Ja ne znam s kim vi to godinama diskutirate i o čemu, ali ja sam se za Bitcoin zainteresirao prije koji mjesec, proučio ga i shvatio ovo što sam gore napisao. Kroz par tema na hrvatskom i ovom forumu sam to pokušao objasniti ljudima ali sam shvatio da ih ne interesiraju nikakvi argumenti što me i potaknulo na otvaranje ove teme. Fasciniralo me kako ljudi traže izgovore samo da ne priznaju ono što je očito. I koliko kod god jednostavno sam neke stvari pokušao objasniti pojedinci su se rađe bavili sa mnom osobno nego prihvatili moja objašnjenja.

No, ja shvaćam da postoje ljudi koji će uvijek odbijati prihvatiti stvarnost. Takvima nema smisla ništa objašnjavati. Zato je to moj zadnji post na ovoj temi, a vi se i dalje uzdajte u svoj Bitcoin, tj. u nove investitore koji vam jedini mogu povratiti uloge. Over and out.

2  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Bitcoin: "Lakše je prevariti ljude nego ih uvjeriti da su prevareni"(Mark Twain) on: April 15, 2020, 05:03:23 AM 

“I am appalled and shocked,” says Erik Voorhees, founder of ShapeShift, a self-custody crypto platform. “All the mainstream economists, everyone on Wall Street, and much of the public, is enamored and fully supportive of this idea that you can create wealth and prosperity by printing money.”

Twenty years ago, such a proposition was laughable. “If you brought it up, people would recall stories of the Weimar Republic,” he said, mentioning Zimbabwe’s 2007 hyperinflation crisis, too. “People started trying it out more in the 2008 financial crisis, and called it Quantitative Easing, which is an amazing twisting of words. It is just creating money out of thin air and buying bonds from the federal government.”


Instead of complaining, Voorhees wants the crypto industry to continue building the alternative financial system that is cryptocurrency, blockchains, and an open decentralized financial system, which he defines as a system to which anyone can connect, so long as they have a computer or phone.

 “It doesn't matter where they were born, it doesn't matter what passport they hold, it doesn't matter what country they're in, it doesn't matter what race or gender they are,” he said. “It is a totally blind and agnostic system, and anyone can interact with it.” Similar to how the internet itself works, he says.

Pametnom dosta. Smiley
I kako ovo što je "pametnom dosta" mijenja činjenicu da od bitcoina možeš profitirati jedino ulaskom novog investitora? I naravno, nove jedinice fiat valuta se printaju iz ničega. Isto kao i računi, otpremnice, obveznice, dionice ili bilo koji drugi papirnati ili digitalni dokumenti koji evidentiraju određene poslovne aranžmane. Nema ništa sporno u tome. Sporno je jedino onima koji ne znaju što stoji iza tih dokumenata.

Pa dobro jesi ti normalan?
Sta je s tobom?
Koliko problema ti imas u glavi?
Di su ti tablete?

Ti spamas nas i sad se bunis kad ja spamam tebe?
A nisam ni zapoceo.

Sta ti mislis da ti je email skriven?
Da ga nitko ne vidi?
Nemas pojma kako je lako extraktirati email sa Googla.

Samo nastavi pa cu onda ja zapocet na drugim kanalim da te jeb...

I to kvalitetno.

Pa je si ti normalan?
Dodjes srat na BTC forum protiv BTC i ocekujes razumne odgovore.

Mene boli k da li cu dobit ban ili ne.
Iovako sve svoje postove brisem.

Ja volim BTC i ovaj forum mi netreba.
Tu sam samo radi zabave.

No ti me uistinu zabavljas.

Hoces da se druzimo u privatno vrijeme?
Mogu ja i navratiti do tebe
Imam jedan mali savjet za tebe: ako ti pisanai sadržaji stvaraju previše frustracija i ne možeš ih podnijeti nemoj ih čitati. Nije svako štivo za svakoga. A ako se hoćeš zabavljati otvori si svoj thread pa to radi tamo. Ovaj je za konkretnu temu, a ne za zabavu.
3  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Bitcoin: "Lakše je prevariti ljude nego ih uvjeriti da su prevareni"(Mark Twain) on: April 14, 2020, 01:59:44 PM
Čovječe... Ja mislio da je antikvark dobio ban, a on je očito bio u karanteni svo ovo vrijeme... Roll Eyes

Pa mislim... jel bilo u pitanju samoizolacija ili samo izolacija...?
Što je, ponestalo argumenta? To vam je maksimalni domet? Ako je netko izoliran onda ste to vi - u kultu ljudske gluposti. Kultu u kojem štujete božanstvo brojeva pokraj svojih virtualnih adresa.

Idi u USA malo po inflaciju, dečki printaju kao da ne će biti sutrašnjeg dana.  Cool

Ušli ste u modernu piramidu iz koje vas može izbaviti samo novi investitor svojim dobrovoljnim ulaskom. Kakve to veze ima s kreditima i fiat valutama? Opetovano svjedočim da se zajednica zatočena u bitcoin piramidi bavi proročanstvom u vezi fiat valuta i odluka centralnih banaka. Ja nemam ništa protiv proroka, ali koja vam je poanta tog prorokovanja, nakon što vam se objasni sa ste sudionici sheme koja se održava jedino kroz nove investitore i da empirijski sve takve sheme propadnu?
4  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Bitcoin: "Lakše je prevariti ljude nego ih uvjeriti da su prevareni"(Mark Twain) on: April 14, 2020, 09:04:58 AM
Čovječe... Ja mislio da je antikvark dobio ban, a on je očito bio u karanteni svo ovo vrijeme... Roll Eyes

Pa mislim... jel bilo u pitanju samoizolacija ili samo izolacija...?
Što je, ponestalo argumenta? To vam je maksimalni domet? Ako je netko izoliran onda ste to vi - u kultu ljudske gluposti. Kultu u kojem štujete božanstvo brojeva pokraj svojih virtualnih adresa.
5  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Bitcoin: "Lakše je prevariti ljude nego ih uvjeriti da su prevareni"(Mark Twain) on: April 13, 2020, 12:42:44 PM
Na ovom topicu ću provesti jedan društveni eksperiment u kojem ću testirati izreku iz naslova i psihološki fenomen da će se ljudi radije odreći razuma nego priznati da su prevareni.

Naime, prvo ću vam dokazati da ste kao kupci bitcoina prevareni od strane njegovih tvoraca - inicijalnih rudara, a nakon toga ću pratiti prihvaćate li taj dokaz ili ga odbacujete kroz razne neutemeljene racionalizacije i tako potvrđujete Twainovu izreku i spomenuti psihološki fenomen.


A sto volim citati ovako dugacke postove.
nema mi nista bolje nego vidjeti idiota kako prodaje pamet

E da me je ovako bilo prevariti vise puta u zivotu.

25 bitcoina imati u decembru 2017, pa sve u eure, pa nazad.

E da mi je barem netko tako prevario i mamu i tatu pa i svu obitelj.

Sada bi se vrti u bezvrijednim parama i takve poput tebe kaznjavo radi sirenja panike i neznanja.

Jebo te novac da te jebo.

Idi sada pa si obrisi guzicu sa njime jer nema WC-Papira nigdje.

Sa Bitcoinom neces moci.  Cool

p.s. I do not care!
Vidiš kako novac kvari ljude. Imao si sreće u modernoj piramidi, prvi put si vidio malo veće novce i odmah si se razbahatio te počeo druge nazivati idiotima. Tragikomično je da tako najbolje opisuješ sebe, a ne drugoga.

Ovdje imaš video koji će te malo spusti na zemlju:
6  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin&Altcoins - Fake Investment Products That Pollute the Environment on: April 09, 2020, 08:14:29 AM
the pros and cons about bitcoin are always there. If you say Bitcoin and altcoin are fake investment products that pollute the environment, it's your right to say.

But before you say bitcoin is a fake form of investment you must know the technology it has, you have to read a lot about the positive side of blockchain, bitcoin and cryptocurrency. so you can compare it.

The risk of very volatile prices is indeed a feature of bitcoin and altcoin. But Bitcoin is now a valuable digital currency.

If you don't like bitcoin and Altcoin then what is your purpose to create an account in this forum?
My purpose is to educate you that you're part of an investment scheme that thrives on new investors only. And that empirically all such schemes end up collapsing.
7  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin&Altcoins - Fake Investment Products That Pollute the Environment on: April 09, 2020, 04:21:45 AM
Maybe you came to the wrong forum, I mean when you didn't like to the something then why you are trying to fight it.

In this case you didn't like bitcoin, as your post history tell that you are really didn't like bitcoin. But I just wanna know, what your intention here?

Honestly, I still believe into bitcoin although you proof many things about the negative side about bitcoin. Also, the most user here will also take a decision to give positif view into bitcoin.
You can't like bitcoin or believe in it. Bitcoin is just a number next to your virtual address. You people must stop treating bitcoin like it is a person or deity.
8  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin&Altcoins - Fake Investment Products That Pollute the Environment on: April 08, 2020, 10:06:56 AM
But investing into bitcoin IS investing into something real. People invest in gold but have they ever seen the gold itself? Just certificates and online accounts. BTC is a network,,, and is highly secure and is as real as can be. I can use it every day, people use it to pay bills, to get things, to ensure no one else controls their money.
No it is not. "Investing" into Bitcoin is transferring your investment to old investors and getting numerical "signature"/mark next to your virtual address for that. Gold is a commodity, a tangible good and has nothing to do with Bitcoin. Regarding payment. You can pay with Ponzi membership stakes if someone accepts them. But you still need new investors to profit from them. So the fact that you use something for payment is besides the point of this topic.
9  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin&Altcoins - Fake Investment Products That Pollute the Environment on: April 08, 2020, 10:03:28 AM
And in your opinion, the print of dollars does not pollute the environment?
No, it does not. Something like 98% of dollars are "printed" with the press of a button. Only 2% are printed on paper.
10  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin&Altcoins - Fake Investment Products That Pollute the Environment on: April 08, 2020, 06:21:08 AM
I bet if you have had a bad experience with Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. I understand this because not everyone can handle this problem well.

Well, apart from that, do you think investing is something that "there shouldn't be new investors"? Because you say that without new investors, Bitcoin is nothing. Then, what about other investments? They also certainly get new investors every day, both in the field of property or other stocks.

So from here, why should be debated whether Bitcoin is the real or fake investment? It's clear from the meaning of "investment" itself.
Except that you are investing in the shit product or coins that make no profits and then make you lost your money forever, that is the fake investment I think.
But here, for me personally, Bitcoin is a worthy investment. That is my opinion.
By this general definition, Ponzi and pyramid schemes are also real investment products. Check my definitions above to find out how to differentiate between real and fake ones.
11  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin&Altcoins - Fake Investment Products That Pollute the Environment on: April 08, 2020, 06:15:29 AM
a fake investment is when you are investing in something useless. it is like if you were investing in bags of dog shit and kept buying more of it. since it is useless, it is a fake investment. similarly investing in altcoins that are useless fall under the same definition.

but when what you buy has utilities such as bitcoin (a decentralized payment system) then the investment is meaningful.

you argument can NOT be about whether bitcoin is fake investment or polluting environment. your arguments MUST be about why you think bitcoin is useless when it is clearly providing hundreds of thousands of people all around the world a great and unique utility?
No, a fake investment product is when profits for investors can come only and only from new investors. A real investment product is when profits for investors can come from both, new investors and business arrangement behind the investment product. Moreover, the latter is what constitutes the real value of a product. Meaning, the real value of a product where profits can come only from new investors is zero.
12  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin&Altcoins - Fake Investment Products That Pollute the Environment on: April 08, 2020, 06:06:22 AM
It's always good to have some people with different opinions here,even though some of them might be trolls.
I would rather discuss with some anti-bitcoiner,rather than seeing no difference in opinions and no contradictions.
This forum shouldn't become a Bitcoin sect,where all the people see BTC as a religion and scream "Hail Bitcoin!" everyday. Grin

The user in question does not deserve any attention, much less anyone taking it seriously. Does it make sense to have a discussion with someone who is clearly suffering from some kind of psychological disorder, who expresses it in a way that opens a thread after a thread and constantly puts forward the same ideas?

Most users will disagree with you, but If you like to spending your time in pointless discussions with trolls, it may only tells something about you. For most, however, quality is not important - only the quantity of posts...
I am just stating the same fact from different angles. This is not sign of psychological disorder, but patience in explaining facts to those who repeatedly deny them. You should thank me and not insult me for that.
13  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin&Altcoins - Fake Investment Products That Pollute the Environment on: April 07, 2020, 11:38:30 AM
In the below linked presentation, Bitcoin is exposed as a fake investment product, which as such, is a total waste of energy. This also applies to all cryptocurrencies.

Why is bitcoin a fake investment product? Or, to put it another way, how do we even differentiate between real and fake ones. Well, it's easy. In a real investment product, your investment of property or work is invested into something actual, which in the future, can provide you similar benefit. In a fake investment product, your investment is not actually invested into something, but is rather, just transferred from you as a new investor to old investor. Historically, there is no exception to the rule that all such products end up collapsing.

The rest here:
First and foremost, Bitcoin is money, not an investment product. Some people make their savings in USD, also hoping a bit that the relation between the USD and local fiat might change, and thus this would become profitable. This is how I view Bitcoin. Not as something into which I invest and expect it to grow, but something in which my savings are, and something I'd hopefully be able to use more in the future. On the other hand, the line between 'something actual' and 'fake' is very blurred. There are some things people truly need, so investing in it could be called investing in something real. An example is buying a flat which you can rent to others or live in. However, many investments aren't that easy. For instance, when personal computers weren't really a thing, many people did not believe it would make sense to invest in Apple, 'cause who'd need a machine like that at home? Or, even more surreal, let's take something like the first social networks where people could just talk and not 'really talk'. So Bitcoin might get really useful and something people can't imagine their life without in the future, and in this sense, it's not a fake investment if you look at it from this perspective.
You don't get it, do you? The fact is that Bitcoin is a number attached to your virtual address. Without new investors it is as useless as a dirt particle. You can call it money, savings, asset, coin, token, digital gold or whatever. You can compare it to USD, EUR, GBP... but you still require new investors to get benefit from it. Real investment products, real money, real assets... can provide benefit without new investors. That's the whole point.
14  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Bitcoin&Altcoins - Fake Investment Products That Pollute the Environment on: April 06, 2020, 05:39:11 PM
In the below linked presentation, Bitcoin is exposed as a fake investment product, which as such, is a total waste of energy. This also applies to all cryptocurrencies.

Why is bitcoin a fake investment product? Or, to put it another way, how do we even differentiate between real and fake ones. Well, it's easy. In a real investment product, your investment of property or work is invested into something actual, which in the future, can provide you similar benefit. In a fake investment product, your investment is not actually invested into something, but is rather, just transferred from you as a new investor to old investor. Historically, there is no exception to the rule that all such products end up collapsing.

The rest here:
15  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin is a 'two-phased' product, which makes it ponzi/pyramid-like on: March 20, 2020, 04:06:36 AM
How can you tell if you are the holder of a legitimate market product or a ponzi/pyramid-like product? It's simple. The life cycle of a legitimate market product has three phases. The creation phase, the circulation phase, and the utilization or liquidation phase. The life cycle of a ponzi/pyramid-like product has only two phases. The creation phase and the circulation phase. Let's start with the legitimate products.

Suppose that you bought an iPhone because you think it is cheap and you can sell it for a higher price in the future. That's the circulation phase of the iPhone. Once you sell it to someone, and that person starts to actually use it for its purpose(calls, texting...), iPhone is in utilization phase. Here we need to mention, that it is this phase where the value of the iPhone actually comes from. Meaning, the utilization of a product is the value of the product. When Apple was producing this product that was its creation phase. So the concept of phases in the life cycle of a product is pretty straightforward.

Market products such as dollars or bonds also have three phases. It is just that instead of utilization phase, they have the liquidation phase. Given that both dollar and bonds are debt based products, they operate similarly in the phases, the only difference being that dollar issuers(banks and borrowers) borrow and return goods and services from the public, while bond issuers borrow and return money. When corporations issue bonds and banks new units of dollars via loans, this is the creation phase of these products. Once they are created, the products enter the circulation phase. At the beginning of this phase, the corporations borrow money, while borrowers borrow goods and services from the public. Finally, the liquidation phase occurs when the corporations return money to the bondholders by paying principle, and when the borrowers return goods and services to dollar holders by making the loan payments. Namely, prior to loan payments, borrowers obviously had to give (trade) goods and services to dollar holders in order to get funds for these repayments. This is how the last dollar holders receive goods and services from the borrowers prior to liquidation. After the dollars are liquidated, that is, withdrawn from circulation they are again put into circulation with new loans. With loan repayments they are again liquidated and so on. So, dollars are in constant cycles of creation(loans), circulation(means of exchange) and liquidation (loan repayments). Hence, the three phases. And the same as with iPhone or bonds it is the third phase where the value of this product actually comes from, since liquidation is where the last dollar holders receive goods and services.

Now that we know the phases in the life cycle of legitimate market products, we can examine the illegitimate products. Let's say that you bought membership in a ponzi scheme. This is the circulation phase of that product. The creation phase was obviously when the scheme organizers issued this product. But, unlike in the above cases, these issuers never liquidate this product to pay value to its holders, nor it is utilizable like iPhone. Meaning, this product lacks the third phase, and as such, it is in an infinite circulation phase. In this phase, more recent investors bring in the three-phased market products and trade them for your two-phased product(membership). Once the scheme collapses, you, as the last membership holder, are left with nothing since no third phase exists in which the value is paid or received.

Bitcoin has exactly the same features. It is a two-phased product. Its issuing is phase one. Its circulation in the market is phase two. But given that its issuers never liquidate it to pay value to its holders, nor it is utilizable like iPhone, bitcoin lacks the third phase. As such, it has ponzi/pyramid-like features. Meaning, once you as an investor, brought in the three-phased market products, you are left only with hope that new investors will trade their three-phased products for your two-phased bitcoin. Once new investors stop investing, the scheme falls apart and you are left with nothing expect the digital record of membership.

This is false it is utilizable I mine and get heat. So it replaces the natural gas I would spend to heat my home.  I read your entire argument this is the sentence that fails your argue.

Please post back and admit you are wrong.
Also every electric space heater could be replaced by a mining ⛏ machine.

So if you use a delongei space heater  a miner like a modified s9 would give you heat a power bill and bitcoins.

while a space heater gives you heat and a power bill.

Too bad I did like your reasoning.

Know if you want to say it is not valued correctly you could be right.
But it does offer a viable byproduct during its creation.
You get heat from electric energy not from bitcoin. Bitcoin is a number in a database.
16  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin is a 'two-phased' product, which makes it ponzi/pyramid-like on: March 19, 2020, 08:26:24 AM
They are debt based, that is, they have the "borrow-return" instance in their life cycle and that makes them equal. Regarding the rest. It is the taxpayers who provide goods and services in exchange for average Joe's USD when the borrower is the government. In that sense nothing changes since the average Joe receives goods and services when dollars are withdrawn from circulation via government's loan payments.

As I said, destroy of the central bank money is a very special case since the debt based money appears in 1971, other historical currency like gold and silver coins do not have this property, they never get "liquidated" by your definition. And other financial products like stocks also never get liquidated, or to say, their life cycle can be decades or centuries
Gold and silver are goods. They are never liquidated by definition. They are utilizable. Stocks are liquidable, they represent the ownership of physical assets. Also, stocks pay dividend and this is how stockholders recieve value. In bitcoin you can get value only via three-phased products that new investors brought into the scheme - which is how every Ponzi or pyramid scheme operates.
17  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin is a 'two-phased' product, which makes it ponzi/pyramid-like on: March 18, 2020, 04:56:57 PM
In your definition Bitcoin lacks the third phase which is liquidation but i can cash out my Bitcoin any moment i wish for.
Regardless on how much you own, there are no restrictions to withdrawal. Which is in your point of view it is like a pyramid scheme and only early investors could cash out.
That's not liquidation but circulation. Liquidation is done by the issuer who in this phase must provide some value to the holder. Bitcoin lacks liquidation phase and that is why you can get value only from products brought by new investors, which is ponzi-like.
18  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin is a 'two-phased' product, which makes it ponzi/pyramid-like on: March 18, 2020, 04:51:26 PM
Dollar is debt based product, just like bonds.

They are very different

Every company or even private person can issue bonds, since that is just an IOU note for borrow USD. But not a single person can issue USD, only central bank can do (commercial banks do not issue USD, they only take USD deposit from other people or borrow USD from central bank, then lend out those USD)

And for the central bank part, they create USD to buy government bonds, thus give USD to governments. When the bond matures, the government return those USD to central bank and take back those bond papper. Government can return USD to central bank, not because they have provided goods and services for public in exchange for average Joe's USD, but because they collected taxes and sold new bonds to central bank for new USD

So I think the theory of 3 phase have its origin in consumable goods, where phase 3 is consumption. But trying to apply the 3 phases theory to financial products becomes difficult, thus your explanation of USD is complicated and not really reflect the reality. It just happened that USD get destroyed when government payback their loans from central bank, and you use that special case to match your 3 phase theory. In fact , USD never get destroyed when a commercial bank loan is repaid

Another example is gold, most of the gold never get consumed, neither liquidated, it stays in circulation forever, once produced, and no one call gold a ponzi/pyramid scheme. Cryptocurrency is very like gold, once made, forever in circulation
They are debt based, that is, they have the "borrow-return" instance in their life cycle and that makes them equal. Regarding the rest. It is the taxpayers who provide goods and services in exchange for average Joe's USD when the borrower is the government. In that sense nothing changes since the average Joe receives goods and services when dollars are withdrawn from circulation via government's loan payments.
19  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin is a 'two-phased' product, which makes it ponzi/pyramid-like on: March 18, 2020, 10:54:34 AM
Nothing good will come out of your argument especially the type that is obviously meant to create fud, how did you see btc as a pyramid/ponzi scheme? if that is the case, why would some countries government willing to give it a try, big merchants and some organizations accepting it! although, everyone is entitled to his/her opinion but i do not share your opinion on this at all, maybe you should go re-evaluate your perception about btc, personally, i don't see the resemblance of ponzi/pyramid scheme here.
Today's governments are corrupt or ignorant and cannot differentiate legitimate from illegitimate market products.
20  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin is a 'two-phased' product, which makes it ponzi/pyramid-like on: March 18, 2020, 08:09:50 AM
OP has made 172 post (so far) with 0 merit to his name.

Reading this feels like FUD. Get people so scared they sell, so you can buy cheap.

It's gonna be the same with bullrun... Get people hyped to buy, so you can sell high.
what can we expect from this kind of account?they are popping everywhere to spread words against Bitcoin.

this is what happen always when Bitcoin and the crypto market starts to Dump really hard,it always follows by this kind of posts that is obviously created to add some fall from the prices.

anyway no one cares as the drama in this topic is like what others made when 2018 market dive sharp so expect some more before the halving comes.
It is arguments what is important and not the motivations of the author.
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