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1  Local / Discutii Servicii / Re: BTCXChange.RO - Un Exchange Romanesc / Thread Official! on: January 07, 2015, 11:01:12 AM
Skaarj, iti sugerez sa dechizi un thread nou legat de asta, neavand legatura directa cu BTCXchange.

Imi cer iertare, eu m-am referit doar la "coincidenta".
btcxchange s-a retras, imediat dupa aia a urmat panarama din link. Si s-au retras onorabil fara sa produca scandal printre ai nostri romani.

Magazinul online "Oringo" care lucreaza (sau a lucrat) cu platforma btcxchange... mi-a dat un e-mail surpriza. Am vrut sa cumpar o panarama de telefon de la ei. M-au anuntat ca platforma le-ar fi comunicat cum ca si-au incheiat activitatea in Romania.... si ca de-abia pe la sfarsitul lui ianuarie acest magazin mai poate accepta plati in btc.

nenea BombKilăr: multam fain de suport.
2  Local / Discutii Servicii / Re: BTCXChange.RO - Un Exchange Romanesc / Thread Official! on: January 06, 2015, 08:54:20 PM

pute ceva la orizont?
3  Local / Discutii Servicii / Re: NOTIFICARE IMPORTANTĂ: vă rugăm să va retrageți toate fondurile din BTCXchange on: January 06, 2015, 08:47:56 PM
E cam suspectă strategia asta.

Anu trecut btcxchange o avertizat pe toti romanii sa retraga tot ce au din motive de securitate.... inseamna ca vreun pasaroi le-o soptit ceva.

Acum vreo... cateva ore?  bitstamp a fost atacat si s-au sustras vreo 5 milioane de parai.

Ia uite ce zice aici:

Mie imi suna a haiducie romaneasca..... ce s-a mirosit oare printre ei de s-au retras banii?  Pe pagina anterioara zice ceva de unu din patroni cum ca cica-i numa cu gandu la bani iar la onoare e praf. Daca-i si el implicat, si-a demonstrat onoarea calumea protejand pe romani de asemenea zapaceli financiare.
4  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: Official BITMINE CoinCraft series 28nm ASIC miners thread on: January 05, 2015, 08:09:18 PM
All this time it worked at normal (nominal) speed with no overclock because the web interface says the warranty will be broken if I enter advanced mode, so I did not play any stupid games. My money are earned with hard work. And now I am really pissed.

Underclock works on my machine. I played with their settings (650mV/800MHz/4000kbps) and it works perfectly. Check my previous posts to see how to modify the internal python program.

Since I designed one miner with those chips I can confirm that documentation is terrible. Errors and unknowns...
Regarding SPI, well, SPI in string works that way. Any string design work that way, one chip dies, whole chain i unusable. Without manual rerouting chain will remain dead. Of course is possible to design PCB such way that manual rerouting can be done via simple jumper desolder/solder but with this type of equipment (obsolete in half a year) is simple uneconomical...

Well.... SPI can be addressed using another SPI bus and a 16-bit SPI port-expander like MCP23S17. This means that 16 individual A1 chips can be addressed individually and the data can be passed on the common bus.
4 wires (SCK, SI, SO, RST) for a MCP23S17 addressing 16 A1-chips and another 4 wires (SCK1, SI-1, SO-1, RST-1) to collect the data from those 16 A1-chips.

One chip fails? we get a timeout reading its results and move on to the next one. And the internet is full of procedures from assembly to visual-C, from a simple PIC to x86 and ARM32 architectures, to get such a MCP23S17 up and running. Or the datasheet can be read and the brainzzzz can be squeezed and scorched to write a fully-pure-ASM (assembly language) high-speed software function.

I don't know what speed has this MCP23S17 (around 10MHz?) but a specialised port-expander could be built for this purpose, like they did their custom-made A1.

I design industrial-grade hardware devices for monitoring machines in extremely inflammable areas at petroleum drilling and extraction sites, with tons of arse- and brain-f* papers and documentation approved by high authorities in companies and governments after months of headaches, checks, re-checks, f* tests and arse-f* conclusions on hundreds of megabytes of PDFs and tons of f* papers with my f* signature wrote with my own hand on each of the f* sheets. These equipments must be perfect because people life depends of them, families earn money, they enjoy life, holidays, wife, children, job, careers. Failures and mistakes gets people in hospitals, morgues, tears, families destroyed, me in the f* prison and mein arse-f*ed for decades due to a wrong calculated f* resistor/capacitor/inductance value. I don't play childish electronic games, every night I'm cursing the f* day I decided to get this f* job so believe me I know what I am saying. Their "official" miners were manufactured to fail in the near future. Nobody can believe that smart-arse who invented the A1 chip can be responsable for such a failure in the coincraft miner PCB design and specifications. This failure was intended from the start as their long-term strategy. It may look like bitmine partially kept their promises and terms, but they still sold bitsh*tminers. This skunk-arse-stinks like FRAUD. They are really LUCKY these miners are not life-depending equipments, really-really-lucky they are. Very lucky.

By the way - right after the previous post I overclocked my coincraft desk to these custom parameters: clock-speed 1500MHz, core voltage 930mV, SPI speed 8000 kbps. With 4 working modules left I got 1.4TH/s - around 350....360GH/s per module (I am unable to repair the 5th one). I disassembled each PCB from the sink and I applied that old legendary soviet heat-transfer white paste.  4 pieces -  12 volts, 8 amps ventilators (coolers) from some old-school mainframe server (from the era of open reel-to-reel tape storage), two pushing air inside, two pulling the air out to circulate the atmosfere inside the unit. The noise is un-f*-believable low, wind-only, no buzzing or humming. One such ventilator flies off the f* table if it pushes the air downwards and it lifts itself off the ground if guided through its holes by vertical thick wires. I am lucky that in my country at this time of the year the temperature is around -32 degree celsius (-26F) in my area and the coincraft works inside the hogsty, or henhouse, hen-roost, use google-translate to understand this word. It stays where the chickens used to sleep at night, doors and windows are removed. The temperatures recorded by both sensors are around +44 degree celsius (+111F) with -32C (-26F) ambient temperature. No more power connectors to the modules, the wires are soldered directly on the board. The PSU does not show any problems yet. This is COOL and from me the single A++++ and respect for bitmine. I'm melting ice on 40 x A1 chips. For the rest? arse-f* them. I want to see if the unit survives this night.

The A-1 is f* strong and well designed. But the miner design they chose to get fast money..... that is the job for a trial with judges, lawyers and jury. And bitmine's arse in jail for sh*ing on this wonderful chip design and of course on people's heart and trust.
5  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: Official BITMINE CoinCraft series 28nm ASIC miners thread on: January 05, 2015, 12:48:53 PM

One module crashed, I followed the procedure and I politely wrote an e-mail.

In the mean time I decided to take the matters on my own hands and start to debug the board.

First impressions:

- the hashing modules are designed in such a way that IF ONE CHIP FAILS, then THE ENTIRE MODULE FAILS. Whoever knows about electronics, this is their doing:  the chips are chained in a SPI bus in such a way that each hashing result is passed backwards through each chip until it reaches the cgminer program. If one chip fails, then the other chips in the chains, after the failed chip, are unable to pass their results. And of course no commands can be sent to them because the command blocks at the input of the failed chip;

- the heat-transfer silicon paste is of poor quality and it is applied in a hurry. The same chinese-made paste turns into STONE so the heat is no longer transfered properly. This means most of the hashing modules will FAIL. Of course, the hashing modules in their mining-datacenters are properly assembled so they never fail. This means we were all fooled - all of our units will soon fail. You know why? BECAUSE BITMINE WANTS ALL THE HASHING POWER TO BELONG TO THEM AND ONLY THEM, NO OUTSIDERS ALLOWED;

- On each hashing module there is a big aluminium radiator on the backside of the circuit board, which takes whatever heat is transfered via the shit-style silicon heat transfer paste. On the circuit side there are some smaller radiators which are fixed by another shit-style paste. In time this paste turns into stone and no longer holds the radiators. On the datasheet it is specified that 70% of heat is transfered through the big radiator and 30% through the small radiator. Well.... check for yourselves:  the smaller radiators are moving and vibrating, they are not attached to the chips;

- the A1 chip datasheet on github is NOT PROFESSIONALLY COMPILED - there are no graphics that shows the curves corresponding to hashing power vs heat, hashing power vs input voltage, heat vs frequency - there is no scientific evidence of a serious design;

- trying to bypass any failed chip results, again, in a non-working module. You cannot repair it, you cannot bypass the bus to pass the i/o data to the other working chips because the chip addressing is no longer valid.

This will f*ck whatever defence they will try to build with their expansive lawyers.

I offered my help to them as a designer, as I have around 20 years of experience in the field. Do you know what they answered me? SILENCE ONLY. NOTHING.

So this was planned from the beginning:  sell crap, get a lot of money, in the future when the difficulty raises there will no longer be any "outsiders" to contribute to bitcoin calculations and they will get all the profits.

Anyway if you guys manage to get them in front of justice and you decide you need any professional expertise, please let me know. I will bring my (whatever working left) unit in front of the judges, disassemble it and explain to the court with simple words that this was a planned scam from the beginning.

I waited politely for their answer and I even presented them some of these evidence, as a good-willing customer that is worried about the company that sold me one of their products. No answer received allthough my e-mail was read. It is business day but they are not interested in business.

So I am sorry bitmine, I was polite for more than a year with you, I offered my help for free, I told you about the design flaws in your products but you treated me with your arse and not with your heart. Instead, on this topic the guys discovered that by magic a Ferrari or whatever car the bitmine boss bought with our money.

6  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: Official BITMINE CoinCraft series 28nm ASIC miners thread on: July 24, 2014, 11:47:34 AM
I made four screenshots but it seems the picture upload option is disabled and I don't want to angry the admins by tampering with their server settings.

In the mean time I found a way to safely(?) post pictures but I can't preview the pictures in the message, my browser traces some unauthorised https to http redirect stuff to some web site that is NOT Weard. Anyway, both pictures and their links are posted, maybe other people can see them and I'm too security maniac.
dash board with modules, speed, temperature and all other stuff
new settings magically appeared
here is where all the magic happens.
and this is how the should look like.

To answer your question:  I tried turbo moderate and turbo ultra, and in around 5 minutes the system automatically shut down. The temperature raised higher than 60 degree, also I do not have any possibility for controlled room temperature. I personally go with turbo light.
It may work inside a room with controlled temperature. Maybe all those famous bitcoin datacenters are working in controlled temperature and the units are overclocked. I don't know.

I can only warn you all - do not blaim me if you burn your units - be very careful what you are doing.

7  Bitcoin / Hardware / Coincraft desk OVERCLOCKING on: July 22, 2014, 11:22:02 PM

Since many people asked about overclocking the coincraft desk, here is the magic.

Warning:  try this at your own risk. Do not blaim me or bitmine for these settings

If Bitmine chose to hide these settings, it is for your own good - better to work slow than to selfdestruct.
You will need to place the coincraft inside a refrigerator if you chose high overclocking settings, due to high temperature rates!!!!!!  beware!!!!!  do not play with this stuff because you may damage your unit!

ssh to your desk and input these commands:

root@raspberrypi:/mineros/web#   cd /mineros/web

root@raspberrypi:/mineros/web# vi

you entered the "vi" editor which is a pain in the ass because it has some strange commands:   "/" = search;  ":"=editor command prompt. 

you need to search for the word "locked", so the "/" is used:

press " /  "  and type "locked". just like this:


and you will be placed at a line like this:


press "i"  (from insert) and type "#"  to comment the line.
under that line, write the new setting:


under that, you will see this piece of code:
 if locked:
                           sel='$("#cont_basic_mode").hide(); $("#cont_advanced_mode").hide();$("#overclock_text").html("Device speed is factory calibrated to the best possible setting.");...................................(line is longer)

insert a "#" before "if locked" and before the next line

this is how it should look like:
                       #locked = True
                        locked = False
....................[four more lines with some python language programming stuff related to the "locked" variable].............................
       #if locked:
                        #sel='$("#cont_basic_mode").hide(); $("#cont_advanced_mode").hide();$("#overclock_text").html("Device speed is factory calibrated to the best possible setting.");$("#advanced_m....................[long line, cannot paste]

press "escape" twice, then type  " :wq" and enter
like this:

:wq     (and press enter)

this command saves the changes and quits the editor.

you will be returned to the "root@raspberrypi:/mineros/web#" prompt.

if you are new with "vi" and did something wrong, do not save with "wq".
instead, press "escape" twice, then type 


and press enter.  this one quits without saving.

refresh the web page. you will be asked again to authenticate.

go to settings -> mining

and some new settings will appear.

Now - I am not too good with this hardware and it costed me a lot of money to buy it, so I chose "basic mode" for overclocking mode, and I selected "turbo light". I watched the temperature on dashboard and LCD for around 12 hours, every 10...15 minutes and I also setup some industrial automatic temperature sensors to alert me whenever the temperature exceeds 55 degree celsius.

Now - it is your responsability if you try what I showed you here. Please do not blaim me if you are not careful and break your machine.

If Bitmine chose to hide these settings, it is for your own good - better to work slow than to selfdestruct.

so the legend is blown away.  coincraft desks can be overclocked. But like every lady, if you do not show respect - then sooner or later either she (or the coincraft) will leave you for good.
8  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: Official BITMINE CoinCraft series 28nm ASIC miners thread on: May 10, 2014, 07:02:55 PM
I have some questions:

How do you use your bit mining hardware - are you mining as standalone or did you join a mining pool? I just found out about people mining together but I do not know entirely what it means (hard time at work place). Are there any pre-defined pools in the software?

And... is the coincraft rig so loud as it is said?

9  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: Official BITMINE CoinCraft series 28nm ASIC miners thread on: May 08, 2014, 06:52:43 AM
News on the new web site - they say the coincraft rig production started and they believe the deliveries will be completed within the end of June.
As I work in hardware design and production, I know what that means, unstable mainboard, software bugs, chinese components. So I hope what they say is true.

Anyway, whoever invests in bitcoin hardware should know this is 50% chance of money loss. If so many people cancel their orders, it may be good for me because I may get my order faster. Or not (50% chance).  I am still waiting. It is sad that I have to find out from web site, and not from an e-mail answer (which I am still waiting) that the will not happen at the last promised date (first week of may).

Alright - any news about orders starting with #44xx for coincraft rigs? When should we expect them, because many of us have work to do and cannot sit and wait.

10  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: Official BITMINE CoinCraft series 28nm ASIC miners thread on: April 30, 2014, 11:05:44 PM

Perfect. You are online. Would you please tell us what is new with the coincraft rigs? Official words comming from the company are better.

- Is the design ready?

- Any professional PhD expertise required?  (two weeks ago the bitcoin difficulty was around 6,000,000,000, now it jumped at 8,000,872,136.... did anybody say anything about hardware becoming "obsolete"?)

- Did the production start?

- What is the estimated time of delivery (+/- 30 days) for the rig orders starting with #44xx?  (my mother-in-law screams at me every day about "throwing away a lot of money", wife no longer likes me, they both appear to know more and more about bitcoin every day, please be merciful and save me from their screams)

- Are the desk ASIC hash cards compatible for RIG?

Thanks a lot.

later edit:  no longer online  Sad  Sad  Sad  Sad
11  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: Official BITMINE CoinCraft series 28nm ASIC miners thread on: April 30, 2014, 09:09:06 PM
So this is the reason for not implementing the coincraft rig. While we in the eastern Europe were under USSR occupation, we were taught the same - to serve the big important persons first, and leave the small people for later. This is not nice, unless... am wondering - is this the same habit? Preparing for a... "long term visit" with testing of new behaviors?
12  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: Official BITMINE CoinCraft series 28nm ASIC miners thread on: April 30, 2014, 12:43:28 PM
Allright, I have been reading this topic for a few months and I saw a lot of good talk, but twice as many of bad talk.

I saw people that reported they received their order, I saw pictures of a coincraft miner but I cannot identify if it is a "desk" or a "rig".

I also saw that orders starting with #46xx are already in the process of shipping to their buyers.

Now, I wonder what is happening with the orders #44xx, and I am talking about coincraft rigs. My order starts with #44xx.

Now, Mr. Giorgio, if you are reading this, I will give you a hint to recognize me from the messages I mailed to you. I am working in hardware development and I know what that means: project works perfect in simulation programming, but unforeseen stuff is happening in physical hardware implementation. I have experience with industrial computer design and implementations, unstable main boards, software debugging, heat dissipation or bad Chinese components. Been there, seen it, fixed it, no bad comments to you and your company (yet) because in my point of view, this is to be expected. And you depend on a few people that (I suppose) they know what they are doing in hardware and software point of view.

I sent a message describing the same story to your company.

I can see that your employees are concentrating on coincraft desks. I would like some news about coincraft rig project, and if possible (and if it is within my PhD hardware engineer qualification) I would like to offer my help in order to get it running. I am writing this because the money I payed for the 500GH unit is a big investment for me, and many people here consider the same.

So I wish to know the following news:

1. Did you manage to ship any coincraft rig?
2. Is there any estimated time of coincraft rig delivery for orders starting with #44xx?
3. Is there any compatibility between desk and rig upgrade cards?
4. Do you engineers require any qualified assistance?

Thank you very much for your patience.
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