I struggled to post my last experience with Zoomhash because I've had good experiences with them in the past but think this is important for the community to know.
I recently purchased an Xtreme (VMOD 2) overclocked G-Blade that was advertised to run at 1050 hertz (7.5 mH/s). Very soon after purchase I received an email telling me that the blade was shipped but without a tracking number. After five days of not getting a tracking number or any other update, I contacted support and they said they'd look into it and that I would be reimbursed for my "mining profits" after five business days of waiting. After a few more days of not hearing anything, I again contacted support and received essentially the same response. Finally the blade arrived a week late in a broken down home depot box. I was very excited to receive the shipment but found a letter in the box from "Seven Gnomes" (evidently the contractor who does the over clocking) which rated the VMOD 2 at 938 hertz - this produces about 6 mH/s, a full 1.5 mH/s less than what was advertised. I hoped the letter was a typo and when I started clocking the blade over 950 hertz the blade started to overheat and cause massive hardware errors.
When I contacted Zoomhash about the issues and the "mining profits" they decided not to return my e-mails. So when you see Zoomhash making promises, buyer beware. At least for me, they sold me on promises they later refused to honor and they may do it to you too.